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  1. EclipseWing

    Next Level Love

    So, stop me if you've heard this one before: long time lurker, first time poster. With all the free time from the quarantine, I've been trying out some new things. Since I've enjoyed the stories here so much, I thought I'd try writing one of my own. I hope you enjoy it! ============================================ Next Level Love Dylan sighed as he walked back to the dorms. It was the beginning of the new academic year at his university, and everyone seemed to be already paired off. For years he didn’t mind being single, but it was starting to wear on him. It didn’t help that he was relatively average all around. Not big, not small, not thin, not fat. Nothing really to catch the eye. “Oof!” He stumbled for a moment and looked up into the warm chocolate eyes of Kyle. “Oh, hey, sorry about that.” “My fault,” the jock smiled back. “Wasn’t watching where I was going.” Kyle was a jock with the body to show for it who, according to the rumor mill, modeled on the side. Just standing next to him made Dylan nervous, not only from the sheer embarrassment of being a nerdy twig but also from fear of popping wood next to the big man on campus. After the two were paired up for chem lab last year, hardly a night went by where Dylan wasn’t imagining a long steamy worship session. Dylan didn’t just admire him for his body though. Kyle was a great study partner back in class. He always brought snacks when they had to cram for tests in the library. Best of all, Kyle was always the first to say “Hi” to him, and he always asked how his day was. “So,” Dylan ventured, brushing some hair back over his ear. “Heading out to class?” “Football actually. Coach wants one more practice before tomorrow’s game. Our offense could use a little work.” Dylan tried to keep his eyes off Kyle’s solid chest that seemed to bounce on its own. “Oh cool.” He swallowed hard, slowly moving his backpack to cover his crotch. Inwardly he sighed, knowing there was no way to seduce his crush. The guy was way out of his league. “I-I-I need to get going, test tomorrow. So, uh, good luck!” “Thanks, you too!” “Yeah,” Dylan murmured, watching his crush walk away. ============================================ Kyle kicked the ground, grumbling. “‘You too’? Could’ve said anything and just ‘you too’?” He hissed. “C’mon and grow a pair, Parker!” He had his eye on Dylan all last semester, trying to find some way to get close to the little guy. The nerdy twink could calculate molecular weights in his head and made O-Chem is bitch. The way his eyes sparkled when he got excited always made Kyle smile. He was smart, dedicated, nice… really nice. He’d give you the shirt off his back. What did Kyle have? Sure, he had some muscle, but it wasn’t like he was big enough to really turn heads. Nothing like the bodybuilders he idolized. He was a quarterback, sure, but he was only on the JV team. Even the “game” he mentioned was just a team scrimmage. Was that even worth bragging about to a guy like Dylan? It’s not like Kyle ever had problems with getting girls and guys in the past, but the little guy completely disarmed him. When it came to guys, he tended to go for muscle daddies and gym bunnies for hookups, but Dylan was boyfriend material. He never had a boyfriend before, and he couldn’t fuck this up. This was no wham, bam, thank you Sam, he wanted Dylan to be his. Kyle groaned. “Who am I kidding? If I was bigger, I bet he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off me.” He tried to clear his mind before getting to practice but he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out, but it slipped and cracked on the ground. “Shit!” he muttered to himself. The screen was filled with static. It tried to load something but instead buzzed one last time and went dead. ============================================ Dylan sank into his desk chair, trying to will his boner to go away. Lucky for him, his roommate was out of town for the week. His phone buzzed with the arrival of an email. “Perfect, a distraction,” he muttered to himself. It was another request for closed beta test. It was a quick and easy way for him to pick up extra cash, even if the games were usually garbage. This time, the app was a bright pink icon with bubbly teal letters “NLL” pierced by a golden arrow. Upon opening, cartoonish hearts with candy-like shades of pink and purple filled the screen. A stylized cartoon twunk in a bright pink tank top and teal running shorts popped up. “Hello there! Congrats on being picked for the closed beta of Next Level Love. We’re sure you’re gonna love this app. Just give us a sec to finish loading.” A progress bar with a winged hourglass popped up, and Dylan felt his interest start to drain. “This is one of those micro-pay gacha games, isn’t it?” The mascot popped back up. “Hiya Dylan, I’m Eros, your guide here in Next Level Love. Hope you’re ready to have some fun with your new love life. We’ve located your potential soulmate, but it seems like his phone isn’t working at the moment. Not to worry though, you can still use the app.” Dylan groaned. “I swear, ever since Undertale everyone thinks they’re so cool for reading local data.” A greyed-out outline of a vague human shape appeared. “So, where’s my soulmate?” “I bet you’re wondering where your soulmate is. Don’t worry, we’re keepin’ an eye on him. We could tell you, but where’s the fun in that? That’s where the game comes into play. As you do stuff in your own life to take care of yourself, you gain points to find out more about him. When you level up, you can even buy special perks for him.” Dylan raised an eyebrow. “How’d it know I’m gay?” “Let’s try it out! Here’s a point to start. Now tap the store icon.” “Yeah, here we go, you’re gonna ask for my credit card.” Dylan tapped the shopping bag in the top right corner. Eros appeared again, but now in an apron with a heart on the chest. Across the top read “Perks!” with two sub-tabs reading “Soulmate” and “Dylan”. To his surprise, there were no prices. “Here you’ll be able to buy stuff for either you or your soulmate. Love is about giving, so why don’t we give something to your soulmate?” Dylan tapped the “Soulmate” tab and there was one option. Lover’s Embrace Your Soulmate will feel you in their arms each night, helping them get a peaceful night’s rest. “Sounds good to me,” Dylan said, who usually needed three cups of coffee by ten in the morning. He chose the option and suddenly a fanfare played, and confetti fell on the screen. The screen jumped back to the main menu. “Congrats on your first level up! You get experience by completing your to-do list in real life, like working out, getting a good grade, or finishing our tutorial.” Eros winked at him. “Each time you level up, you unlock more options in the store and get more points to buy enhancements and perks for you and your soulmate. You also get a hint to your soulmate’s identity.” “Huh, that’s kinda cool, I guess,” Dylan murmured. He looked at the clock. “Getting late, guess I should sleep for that test.” ============================================ The next morning, Kyle woke up more refreshed than ever. No soreness, no pre-game anxiety, just calm, clear focus. He reached up to his cheek. It was warmer, as if someone’s hand had been resting there. He looked down to see his morning wood harder than ever. “Hey! Did someone come over last night?” he called to his roommate. His roommate called back from the bathroom. “Nope, but you were muttering a bit in your sleep. Seemed really into someone.” “Huh…” Kyle rolled out of bed, unable to shake the uncanny feeling. ============================================ Dylan’s phone buzzed like a hornet’s nest the second he got out of class. The test was killer, but he figured he did a passable job. He fished his phone out of his backpack, seeing a ton of notifications from that game again. “Ah, what the hell, why not?” He opened it up to see a list of the day’s activities preloaded from his to-do list app scroll by. With another fanfare, he leveled up. A whirlwind of text flew by, describing the experience point breakdown for each task from getting up on time to finishing the test. “Congrats on the level up!” Eros popped up again in another shower of confetti. “Since you’re now Level 3, you get to pick two perks! There’s new stuff for sale, and we have some juicy insight into your soulmate!” On the screen, the grey outline was still there, but there was now a little notebook icon. Dylan tapped it and a little note was added: Likes to play sports. “Eros, you and I have different ideas of ‘juicy insight’,” Dylan laughed, but he still wanted to play along. He opened the shop and scrolled through the options, choosing one he thought his supposed soulmate would like. Jock Envy Your soulmate gains a significant boost in muscle. His reflexes are also a bit quicker. “That’ll help him out, right?” Dylan thought aloud. He scrolled through and saw another perk. Medical Miracle Your soulmate will never get sick. Dylan looked back to the experience checklist. Since everything came from his productivity apps… “I wonder,” he muttered. He hurried back to his dorm room to begin his experiment. ============================================ “I swear I caught that stomach flu from Chris. Been feeling like shit all day.” “Dude stay away from me. Kyle, you alright?” “Never better!” Kyle was filled with energy, ready to kill on the field. The only strange thing was that his clothes felt tighter than normal. He shucked his shirt and reached for his pads. “Dude! You look huge!” Kyle looked down. His normally loosely etched abs were now a model worthy six pack. His pecs and arms were swollen like he had just finished a workout, and his quads looked ready to crush with a single flex. Even his calves were starting to show a split. “What the hell?” he murmured to himself. “Hey meathead,” one of the wide receivers snarked, “how about spending more time on the field instead of the gym?” “At least I go to the gym. You call those toothpicks arms?” he called back, tossing up a double bi. A ripple of laughs passed through the locker room and the conversations moved on, but Kyle was still shaken by the sudden growth. ============================================ “Ah-ha!” Dylan shouted in triumph. His level was rocketing up on the screen. A little flaw in the code made it so that each time he checked off an item on his to-do list, he got experience points. If he unchecked and rechecked it after a minute, he still got the points. He filled his list with fake tasks and spent a few minutes grinding his way to infinite experience and infinite perk points. “Okay, let’s have a little fun.” The notebook of his soulmate had filled up with a few more hints. Plays football. Bisexual Has a sweet tooth “Oh, lots of date ideas there then,” he said as he scrolled through the shop. “Okay, what perks are best?” Obviously, the character was fake, right? He just wanted to win the game. “Wonder what the max level is- oh hey! This is perfect!” Move over Montana A new legend is born on the field! Your soulmate is especially gifted in football. He’ll never fumble, and every throw is a perfect spiral, right on target. “Hmm… what else…” He poured over the list. “I guess I could give you the Barry Allen perk for running, but that won’t help much if you’re a center. Maybe it’ll tell me what position you are later. At least you’re a shoo-in for the pros now.” He looked down and snorted with laughter, instantly choosing the perk. Packing Heat Your soulmate gains an extra inch in length and an extra half-inch in circumference on his “weapon” “I mean, what guy doesn’t want a little extra?” Dylan then saw some new notes got added. Average student, but wants to excel Enjoys being on both ends of muscle worship sessions “Okay, you really are Mr. Perfect. Then, hmm, what to choose? Oh, if only you were real…” ============================================ “Down! Set! HIKE!” The center snapped, and Kyle launched it downfield. “Smooth as butter,” he grinned to himself, watching it fly with the best spiral of his life straight to the wide receiver in the endzone. As they moved up for kick, he reached down to adjust his cup. The snug protector was usually a perfect fit, but today it was as if it had shrunk. Suddenly, a tingle passed through his body. The feeling of two worshiping hands passed over every muscular curve. He could feel his waistline tighten and his glutes fatten. His chest pushed out, his pads creaking in protest until finally the string snapped. His tights began to split along the seam near his quads. As his calves pushed his socks to their limits, another tear started along his sleeves. A soft moan escaped his lips. His feet forced the cleats to stretch just shy of the breaking point. Most uncomfortable of all, his jock was definitely now too small. It felt like he was trying to squeeze into his gear all the way back from junior high. “What… the fuck?” He panted. He was living the best pump ever, every bit of him swollen and heavy. He wanted nothing more than to sneak back to his dorm and explore his new body. “You okay, Kyle?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” It would have to wait for now. ============================================ Super Soldier Your soulmate is the envy of militaries across the globe. He’s blessed with perfect proportions and could easily win a Men’s Classic competition. Bonus points, he’s faster, heals quicker, and is hyper-virile with genitals that would make a horse jealous. Note: Proportions may be overridden by other perks. Dylan was proud of that one. “Now if you get hurt playing football, you’ll heal up in no time. Might help your workouts too.” He sighed, scanning the list of perks. “So, you want help with your classes… wish I could tutor you myself, but the Quick Learner should help you out until then. Don’t think you’d want the Himbo perk. I mean, it’d be hot, but that’s kinda the opposite of what you want. I just hope you’re okay, wherever you are.” Dylan stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What am I doing? The guy doesn’t exist. It’s a Friday night, I should be out doing something.” He looked back at the game. “But… I can always dream right?” His heart fluttered as he found a few more perks. Single Digit Club Your soulmate’s fat percentage will never go above 9% regardless of diet Gift of Gab Your soulmate knows just what to say, especially if it is going to turn you on. No rock kissing required. Friend of the World People have trouble finding faults in your soulmate and generally see him for the likeable guy he is. Accidents and weird changes are honest mistakes and won’t affect his relationships with others. T++ Your soulmate produces far more testosterone than most men. Expect a deeper voice, larger muscles, stronger musk, and more body hair. Most of all expect a higher libido. “There babe,” Dylan whispered with a content smile. “Now you can eat whatever you want, and you don’t have to stress about body comp. You can negotiate your way through anything so no one’s gonna question why you grew. Plus, you’re gonna be the manliest guy on your team, no one is gonna mess with you.” He paused and added one more. Contest Ready No body hair below the neck and an automatic tan. “Okay, a little selfish I admit, but I’ll change it if you want! Just come find me.” He looked to the door, hoping for a knock. All that he got was the sound of people heading out to the bars. “Of course, I can dream.” He said again, frowning at his phone. ============================================ The team was in an uproar once Kyle got close. “Dude, did your jersey shrink?” “I knew you were on something, but…” “Guys,” Kyle soothed, as he raced to come up with an excuse. “It’s nothing. I just… I just decided to take up bodybuilding! Guess the gains are starting to show, huh?” His teammates all stared back until the normally quiet tight end nodded. “Seems legit.” “Yeah bro, you’re lookin’ really swole!” “For sure! No homo though.” Kyle faltered, surprised it worked. “Um, yeah. Thanks guys. How about we take a water break?” “Great idea, dude!” Kyle let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. As his teammates dispersed, he wracked his brain. Nothing was making sense today! Not that he was complaining of course, but guys didn’t usually just start growing into their fantasy body. “I bet Dylan would know how to explain this,” he muttered, but he barely finished saying it before another ripple passed through him, twice as strong as before. His jersey tore clean down his chest to the top of his abs. His swelling traps and delts double-teamed his pads, cracking the plastic frame. His cleats tore open, letting his feet stretch and spread. He could feel the elastic in jock starting to give up. “God… more, don’t stop… feels so good,” he thought as he bit back a moan. Just as he felt the swelling sausage between his legs start to pre, the coach started to head his way. “Shit!” “Parker!” The coach shouted. “What are you doing playing in a small uniform?” Each step closer, Kyle could feel another stitch on his pants snap to make room for his quads and hamstrings. The coach’s stern look faded and he put a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, leaning in close. “Listen, I won’t get mad. You’re our star player, but you gotta help me help you. What are you on?” “Coach, I swear I have no idea what’s going on.” “It’s okay Kyle, you’re like family to me. I’ll take care of you.” The coach’s other hand made its way to Kyle’s chest. With a mind of its own it started to rub in tiny circles. “Yeah… let Daddy take care of you…” “Coach?!” The coach was not so much speaking as babbling to himself. His eyes were glassy, and a little drool was starting to form. Kyle broke away. “How about I just hit the showers?” That seemed to break the spell. “You’d better,” the coach muttered, red as a rose and keeping his clipboard in front of his shorts. ============================================ “Okay, I might have gone a little far in a few places, but I wanna make sure you’re the muscle god you want to be. Sure, the mind-warping pheromones might have been a bit much, but y’know.” Dylan reasoned out loud to no one, accidentally adding another perk. “Oh shi- oh… yeah that’s fine.” Seizing the Means of Production Your comr- err, soulmate produces and ejaculates five times the amount of a normal healthy adult male. He then hovered for a moment over the Confirmed Bachelor perk but held back. “No, he’s bi, that’s part of him, and it’d be wrong to change. Besides, if we’re soulmates, who cares?” He stopped for a moment. “Should add this just in case something happens before we’re together though…” Woohoo! Your soulmate can only impregnate when they consciously choose to do so. Dylan frowned. “I’m spending way too much time on this.” He was about to lock his phone when Eros popped up, looking more than slightly salty. “You’ve leveled up quite a bit lately. You also seem to not be getting much for yourself…” “I don’t want perks for myself,” Dylan said. “If this guy is mine, I want him to be happy.” “It sounds like you just want to change him to fit your fantasy.” “No, I want him to be happy, seriously!” Dylan shot back, not realizing he was now arguing with an app. “He wants to be good at football, so I gave him those perks. I also made sure he’d be popular, never get sick, eat what he wants…” “Look, I get it. It’s nice you’re thinking of him, but he’ll be happy if you take care of yourself too.” “I guess, but what do I get myself? I want to make sure I get something that he’d like on me. If I could just unlock more of his likes, then I’ll make myself like that!” “That’s not the point! He’s your soulmate, and he’ll like you for who you are, not someone who tries to be perfect for him. I swear, humans today…” “Fine,” Dylan murmured. “Wait, what was that last part?” “Nothing!” Dylan shrugged and scrolled through his side of the store for once. Suddenly, his cheeks burned. “Oh crap, should’ve gotten these a while ago.” Mr. Fantastic You can stretch to accommodate any size without pain, and you will always feel perfectly tight to your soulmate. Fanfiction Logic You never have to prepare to receive during anal intercourse. You are also instantly lubed. Don’t ask questions, we don’t know how it works either. Eros rolled his eyes. “You’re hopeless.” Dylan however didn’t even hear him as he was already trying to decide what to give his soulmate next. ============================================ Kyle stood in the stream, letting the showerhead blast him with ice cold water. It had no effect, he could have drilled a hole in the wall with how hard he was, and he swore the water began to steam as it hit him. “What the hell is going on?!” He slammed his fist on the wall, cracking the tile. “Damn it.” He already tore off a locker door and then ripped the towel rod from the wall, now he was about to punch it down. That said, it’d be a lie to say he didn’t enjoy it a little… He ran his hands down his new shredded eight pack and fondled his monster cock, now just shy of a foot long. His testicles were the size of eggs. He could practically feel them vibrate and churn. All the hair on his body had mysteriously disappeared when he stripped, leaving him smooth as silk. At first, he was mad, but when he caught a glimpse of his reflection, he couldn’t help but beat off to his new body. Twice. Now, here in the shower, his cock hadn’t softened at all. He took a quick peek to make sure no one was coming. Then, he started to stroke again with one hand, letting the other wander across his chest, playing with his downward pointing nipples. He moaned, his normal voice now a deep rumble that only turned him on more. “So big, so manly… so hot… yeah, won’t be able to keep your eyes off me now Dylan… fuck yeah, you can grab whatever you want. Bet you’d love to suck this monster. I’m gonna give it to you. Gonna make you mine and pound you so hard you won’t be able to think about anyone else… FUCK!” A pint of steaming cum splattered against the shower wall. Suddenly, Kyle realized what he had been saying and turned bright red. “Where did that come from? Ugh, and that isn’t gonna wash down, is it?” ============================================ “Why wasn’t this an option before?!” Dylan shouted. Not the Droids You’re Looking For Chances are your changes are going a bit overboard. Not to worry, use this perk to bend reality and no one will question any changes to you or your soulmate no matter how bizarre they are. Of course, both of you will still notice. “Sorry!” He shouted to his phone, again forgetting it was a game. “Hope no one has given you any problems. I’ll make it up to you, promise!” He turned to the notes section and poured over the information he had gathered so far. New bullet points had been added. Main fetish: Muscle Growth, no boundaries Preferred Dom Top “You’re my soulmate for a reason!” Dylan cheered. His cock was at full mast as he imagined the scene about to play out. He began stroking furiously as he scrolled through. “Here you go, my beastly love, I hope you enjoy it! Just please, find me soon.” USDA Grade A Beef Your soulmate has muscles that are the upper limit of what is humanly possible, including with steroids and hormones. His genitals grow to proportionally match. This enhancement is not recommended without perks such as Mr. Fantastic or Porn Physics 101. Rocket 69 Your soulmate’s ejaculation is inhuman and strong enough to shred condoms. Not recommended for casual hookups with women without the Woohoo perk. ============================================ Kyle roared as he pumped out another gallon of cum into the shower. The drain was completely clogged now, but he didn’t care. All he could do was enjoy the ride. “Oh shit… another growth wave?” This time, he could feel his body stretch out, a gentle blissful pull at both ends as the floor got farther and farther away. His head peeked out over the stalls, putting him at seven feet tall. His ass swelled outwards. His tight waist could no longer remain small and trim and inflated out as muscle piled onto his abs giving him a proper thickness, while his chest forced his shoulders out. He looked more like a T than a V, complete with mountainous shoulders and deep splits in his traps. His skin was stretched paper thin revealing all striations and veins. His balls were now baseballs, forced forward by his redwood thighs. Even his calves kept up with the growth, far thicker than his teammate’s arms. Hell, they were thicker than some of their waists! Kyle, now feeling more than a little claustrophobic, knocked out the stall divider into the next shower and stretched. “Fuck yeah! I’m a living hulk!” He flexed as hard as he could, his cock twitching with need, ready to explode. He couldn’t hold back and grabbed it with both hands and repainted the ceiling. He didn’t have a chance to enjoy the afterglow. “What the fuck? Something just dripped on me!” Kyle spun around to see the team in the locker room, half of them covered in his cum. Before he could say a thing, one of them spotted him. “Kyle, hey, did you get something on the ceiling?” The question was surprisingly innocent. “Um… I… don’t know?” Kyle choked out, suddenly noticing his voice had dropped again into a rumbling baritone. He then saw a bunch of hungry eyes looking at him. “Dude, when did you… when did you get so hot?” “Yeah, it’s like I never noticed before… don’t go hidin’ from us now.” One of them tore away the shower curtain. Kyle slowly backed up. “Guys, you’re kinda scaring me.” “Nah man, we’re just enjoying you. We wouldn’t do anything to hurt our boss, our… alpha.” Suddenly, a linebacker jumped on him with a tape measure and a very noticeable hardon. “C’mon let us measure you, please?” Cheers went up and half of the teammates, already naked, were fighting to get closer. Kyle fought to hold back another explosion, but with the team looking at him – no, worshipping him with their eyes, all standing around him – he coated them all in another giant load. A chorus of moans echoed through the room as the mass of zombified teammates moved on him, desperate to touch the massive muscle beast. ============================================ It’s Turning the Frogs Gay! Contact with your soulmate’s cum will convert any straight male to a gay male. “Huh,” Dylan said, looking back at his phone as he wiped the excess spunk off his hand. “Don’t remember clicking that one. Guess I better add this just in case. Don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Porn Physics 101 Class is in session and logic doesn’t matter. Your soulmate can fit in anyone, regardless of size. The receiver may feel some, but manageable, pain without the Mr. Fantastic perk. Your soulmate also cannot catch or transmit any disease, infection, or other health condition through intercourse or related acts. He then popped open the information tab again. This time, the app decided it was time to share some stats. “Oh man, I’m gonna cum again!” Height: 7 feet Weight: 635.2 pounds Chest: 95.9 inches Biceps: 38.6 inches Waist: 47.7 inches Quads: 48.2 inches Calves: 37.5 inches. “But,” he said mid-stroke, “you probably want to be a little bigger…” ============================================ “Fuuuuuck,” Kyle groaned, pulling his still diamond hard cock from the center’s ass. The rest of the team lay in a heap in the locker room, fucked silly and covered with his cum. Even the coach joined in at the center of the dogpile. “What am I doing here? I’m huge! I could totally ask Dylan out now…” he trailed off. “But… what if he thinks I’m a freak?” A shiver shot down his spine, and the air grew heavy. The team began to moan around him, those few who were conscious now worshipping his mighty legs. Suddenly he felt something wash over his mind like a warm bath. All his fears evaporated. A cocky smirk blossomed on his face. “No, Dylan’s gonna love this,” he growled. “He’s gonna be mine. Boys! Make a path!” Kyle stomped down the aisle as the team squirmed out of the way. Without the least bit of effort, he tore a bank of lockers from the wall. He folded the sheets of metal as if they were thin as origami paper into a makeshift belt. He tore the shower curtains and hitched them to the belt into a simple loincloth. “What do you think? Am I presentable for my future husband?” He was answered by a collective moan and a few stray cumshots. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He smashed down the wall and walked out into the night. He bounced his pecs, laughing. “I’m unstoppable! I should take Dylan down to the train station and throw trains for him. Bet that’ll make him cream himself.” ============================================ Alpha Dream Your soulmate has unstoppable confidence and mass-produces pheromones that influence others to follow his will. For you, it is an aphrodisiac instead. Priority over all other perks. Eros glared at Dylan as he scrolled back through the perks he applied. “Okay, okay, I’ll admit, I officially went too far.” “You think?!” “Hey, don’t point fingers, it’s your game!” “I’m not the one who decided to cheat the system.” “You asked me to beta test.” “That’s a good point.” Eros shifted his glare away. “All of this would’ve been fine if jock-boy didn’t drop his phone. You guys would’ve at least traded perks then.” Dylan sighed, looking back at the perks and full stats. Height: 8.2 feet Weight: 1019.2 pounds Chest: 110.1 inches Biceps: 44.2 inches Waist: 54.7 inches Quads: 55.1 inches Calves: 44.1 inches Penis Length: 20 inches The new description of his soulmate sounded more like an oversexed superhero he’d read about online. “Yeah, I guess I should’ve added more for me too. I mean, if a guy like this really existed, he wouldn’t look twice at me.” A thundering knock came at the door. Dylan jumped, nearly dropping his phone. He shoved his dick back into his boxers and yanked up his pants. “Who is it?” “Kyle,” the voice called back, though it really didn’t sound like him. “Hold on a sec,” Dylan shouted back. “You okay? You sound really-” He cut himself off as he threw open the door and looked up… and up... “Hey Dylan,” the beast purred. “Sorry, would’ve stopped by earlier but I got held up.” Dylan made a few noises that didn’t quite approach a coherent sentence. The man before him, if man was even the right word anymore, was far larger than anything he had ever seen, save for morphed pictures. It was as if someone had photoshopped the best assets of the bodybuilding greats together and multiplied it by ten. The quarterback couldn’t stand straight in the hallway. “So, you like what you see? Because I like what I see.” Dylan whimpered, feeling his already sensitive dick shoot again into his pants. The smell… the smell coming off Kyle was foreplay by breathing, each breath a sensual caress down his chest. “May I come in?” Dylan nodded furiously. Kyle somehow squeezed through the door and shut it behind him. His monster was barely concealed behind the shower curtain thong. Dylan sat in his desk chair with a squeak, feeling smaller than ever. Kyle paused for a moment to search for his words when he saw Dylan’s phone on the desk. “What’s this?” “I-I-I…” “Breathe buddy, not gonna hurt you – unless you ask.” He added with a small rumble of a laugh. He picked up the phone and carefully scrolled through the list. “You… you did this?” The dam broke. “I didn’t mean to! Well, I mean… I did but I thought it was a game! It said it was for my soulmate and – well – I guess I chose it because you liked stuff like that, so I wanted to make you happy, but I didn’t know it was you, you know and-” Kyle pressed a finger to Dylan’s lips to shush him. “But you did do it? Can you show me?” Dylan swallowed hard and carefully took his phone back. Kyle sat Dylan on his forearm so he could watch. “So, like… there’s these and…” Dylan quickly tapped three perks, not paying attention, but immediately paled when he saw what he chose. Quick Reload Your soulmate has no refractory period. Missile Silo Your soulmate has a monstrous weapon of “ass” destruction… Not all puns have to be 10/10, y’know. What is a King to a God? Your soulmate has transcended humanity and their physique is beyond mortal capability. His titanic body is completely flexible and does not tax his internal organs to maintain at all. Kyle let out a combination of a growl and a moan as his cock tore through the makeshift poser. It rose proudly like the cannons of a battleship, reaching just below his collarbone. Almost immediately a river of pre began to fall from the tip. Kyle’s growth wasn’t done though, as his body became packed tightly with as much muscle as it could possible hold. He panted, holding in another orgasm and looking at Dylan like a starving man. Dylan remained frozen, unsure of what the muscle god would do. Kyle shut his eyes and focused on breathing. Finally, he managed to ask, “What about you?” “What?” “Why didn’t you use it on yourself?” Dylan tried to manage his babbling, but words were pouring out faster than his brain could process them. “I… I didn’t really want to use it on me when there was stuff I could do to fulfill your fantasies, at least to start. I knew you wanted to be good at football, so I picked stuff for that and… it kinda got away from me. I thought it was a game – not to say I wouldn’t have done it if I knew it was you! You’re were already great to start with though, so it’s not like I had to change stuff. I mean, you’re perfect, or you were perfect, but I think you look really hot now! I should stop talking.” “For me?” Dylan was taken aback by the surprise in Kyle’s voice. “You… like me?” “Of course!” Dylan bubbled. “You’re so talented at sports and you’re really nice! You’re a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for. And… you were always friendly to me, always checking in on me and making sure I’m alright.” Dylan took a deep breath, now looking embarrassed. “It’s why I’ve been wanting to ask you out ever since the beginning of our classes together, but I got scared I’d lose what we already had.” Kyle frowned. In one swift motion, he flipped Dylan into his hands and pinned him – not roughly but firmly – to the bed. “You’re telling me,” he growled, “I could’ve been in here with you every night for the past semester?!” Dylan was petrified. “What?” Kyle suddenly realized what he said. “I… fuck it. I’ve been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for months! But now, this happens.” He laughed. He pushed his face into the crook of Dylan’s neck, rewarded with a symphony of sweet sounds. “But… I…” Kyle silenced him with a deep kiss. Dylan nearly melted in his arms, feeling like his soul was leaving his body. His hands wandered the mass before him, squeezing but not even denting Kyle’s 747 lats. “You’ve got too many clothes on.” Kyle rumbled and before Dylan could protest, they were in tatters on the floor. Dylan wrapped his way around Kyle’s battering ram, kissing the head softly. Now it was Kyle’s turn to be surprised. Dylan curled up and started sliding onto Kyle’s cock. Kyle could hardly resist, all he wanted was to fuck hard, to claim Dylan as his. “How are you taking all that?!” Dylan laughed nervously. “I might have had a few prep perks.” Kyle snorted a laugh as his control crumbled. He began pushing the massive log inside the twink’s perfect ass. Dylan’s tight muscles milked his dick, pulling it in farther. At halfway, he couldn’t hold back anymore. In one swift punch, he hilted Dylan. The twink’s eyes rolled back in his head as he shot across Kyle’s abs. The spasm shook him to his core, sending a little vibration down Kyle as he began to plow hard. With each smack of his hips against his soulmate, Kyle felt his cock swell, already pumping Dylan full of pints of pre-cum. He pressed Dylan into his chest and kept pounding away, shaking the bed. Suddenly, the mattress fell to the ground as the iron frame finally gave way, but neither man noticed. All they cared about was the other. “Gonna… cum…” Kyle finally said. Dylan could only nod, already feeling another load building up. In one final roar, Kyle slammed into Dylan, burying his cock as a tanker load of cum flooded his ass and shot out the sides. He shoved his tongue into Dylan’s mouth, and kept him tight together. Dylan could only moan in bliss, unloading again onto Kyle’s rocky abs. Five minutes later, Kyle finally finished cumming and withdrew. Dylan finally broke the kiss and gasped for air, looking lovingly at the god he created. “Oh my god, that was worth the wait.” “Hell yeah,” Kyle laughed. “Ready for round two?” “Round two?” Dylan groaned. “I need a break!” “Okay a little break, but you’re not leaving this room until you’re milked dry. Give me your phone.” “What?” Dylan squeaked as Kyle tossed him over one arm and lumbered to the desk. “Just a little thank you gift for my man,” Kyle purred in his ear. He held out the phone to show Dylan the new perk. Sharing is Caring All active perks will apply to both of you. Dylan felt his dick shoot back to life as tingles began to spread through his body. ============================================ Eros hammered away at the computer. “I should have expected someone would do that,” he grumbled tapping away. “Ah well, what is it humans say? Find a bug, fix a bug, find twenty more." “That’s why it’s still in beta,” the voice of Ganymede came form between his legs. “Told’ya we should’ve done more bug testing first.” Eros purred feeling the prince’s mouth envelop him. “Hey, at least it worked out in the end. Modern problems need modern matchmaking, right?” Ganymede laughed, teasing the god’s balls. “Yeah, which means you deserve a break.” “Gan, c’mon. If I finish the app, it does my job for me, and we can have all the fun we want. I just need to make a few more cha- oh!” “Later,” came the possessive growl. “My turn now.”
  2. "Hey sexy man, how are you this morning?” He coos to me with his sexy brogue as he leans up on his side of the king-sized bed. He’s facing me, leaning on his left elbow, with his palm on his jaw, propping up his head. His 20 inch unflexed biceps right in front of my face. “We certainly set off quite a few fireworks last night.” He says grinning at me. I smile back at him. “What do you want to do for the 5th of July?” He slyly asks as his right hand is casually tracing a line from my rock-hard abs down to my pajama covered upper thigh. As he comes north, his right hand brushes my semi-hard dick thru my PJ’s. His pinky nudges it as is passes. My unit spasms due to his familiar touch. His fingers then play with the drawstring untying the knot. As they move further north, his fingertips caress my goodie trail and then linger over my bellybutton, teasing the light hair there. I glance up and down his 250-pound taut muscular body. I see he is still completely naked. Cum drying on his hairy body from our session a few hours ago. No PJ’s for my sexy beast. His unit, at a wonderful 6-inches flaccid, lies limp on his vein covered, muscular, hairy left thigh. A gnarl of curly orange hair surrounding it. One of my rules for my sexy muscle man is that he is not allowed to shave his balls and crotch area. I have too much fun with his hairy area, which includes deeply inhaling his incredibly sexy musk as he sits on my face and I lap at his balls and hole. He shaved it once, during an especially hot and humid summer and I had to withhold sex from him and forbid him from jerking off until it grew back to a length, which I deemed acceptable. For 2 months, my man had the worst case of blue balls ever. At the end of the two months, I carefully inspected him and approved the denseness and coarseness of his area. My fingers rolled his hirsute balls and gently massaged his skin. My nose inhaled his sweat and musk. I licked my lips. His joy and excitement at my touch showed on his face like a 16-year gay boy’s, as they watched Ridder Rivera ravage a twink on X-tube. As he sat on my face, I latched my hands to his hips and pulled him down onto me, so he would not be able to lift himself off me, but given his excited state, I doubt he wanted to. My tongue savagely washed his hairy musky balls. He yanked his unit like there was no tomorrow and came within 2 minutes spraying his load on the headboard of our bed. Then I moved my tongue to his hole. I inserted it, he was hard instantly, and due to my ministrations, he blasted another load within 3 minutes of the first. I let him rest for 2 minutes while I toyed with his tangled mess of chest hair. I climbed up his body, latched my mouth and teeth onto his right nipple and sucked. He started to writhe with pleasure. I wrapped my left hand around his unit, and using a mere fraction of my strength, jerked him and then squeezed to prevent his impending load from erupting. As his agony grew, I stopped sucking him, looked into his pained green eyes and gently asked, “Will you be shaving your body again without my consent?” He quickly nodded no. I released my grip on his unit just enough that his load shot out like a geyser thru a pin hole. His groaning was a mixture of intense pain and even more intense pleasure. He came for 4 full minutes, his muscular body thrashing around the bed, and spraying both our bodies with a load he has never matched. We spent the next hour in the shower cleaning each other. I maneuver my right hand to his face and gently stroke his neatly trimmed, luscious orange beard. His dark green eyes look into my brown eyes with love and excitement. He continues to move his hand tenderly up and down my mid-section and thigh. He winks at me. I lean up and we kiss. Soft. Tender. My clean-shaven face against his beard. My unit spasms again. He senses it. I rest my head back onto my pillow and move my right hand to the back of his neck. I pull him closer to me and down on top of me. He slowly lowers himself. He outweighs me by 100lbs. He curls his left hand under my neck and I rest on his muscular forearm. He moves his other hand under my knees and effortlessly lifts me off the sheets of the bed. He winks at me and I smile back. He proceeds to curl me like a straight bar. He easily does this 50 times, no sign of strain or fatigue. I am aroused at seeing his arms bulge and chest heave, but concentrate on keeping my unit flaccid. His, on the other hand, I can feel poking my back every time he lowers me. After he does his reps, he brings me in for a kiss. I see a bead of sweat on his furry face. Before we kiss, I lick the salty sweat off him and savor his taste. I moan to myself. He lowers my body back to the bed and his hairy chest rests on my hairless chest. My super sensitive nipples are protruding and poking into the hair covering his muscular pecs. He flexes his pecs and they become hard as granite. He rubs them against my nipples, knowing the eroticism it causes me. The nerves in my nips send shock waves to my brain. I kiss him harder and pull him closer. He responds by slipping his right hand under my PJ’s and playing with my scant pubic hair. His fingers rake the hair. My unit jumps again and I feel him smile through our kiss. His fingers encircle my hardening steel unit and jerk it a few times. He flexes his bicep and tries to bring my cock perpendicular to my body, but I twitch it and slam it back into my abs, trapping his hand. He outsmarts me by using his thumb to massage the top of my unit. It runs across the pulsing veins and light hair causing me to moan. I release my hold on his hand and he continues to jerk me, bicep flexing the whole time. We come up for air. He leans back a bit and continues to smile at me. My right hand moves toward his abs. Boulder like and covered in the same orange tangle of hair as his groin, chest, and face. My Irish muscle God. I stroke his hairy abs. His unit bobs up and down with anticipation. He flexes his abs and I run my fingers thru the cervices between each one. Now it’s my turn to smile. He pulls his arm out from behind my head and moves to straddle me. He puts his paws on either side of my chest, lifts his right leg over my body, looks down at me and grins. It’s my turn to wink back to him. He’s as ready for part 5 as I am. He lowers his bulk onto me. His 250lbs presses down on my abs and body. I tense them and his movement stops. His full weight being supported by them. He sighs, leans his head back, and lets out a roar that will surely wake our neighbors, if they haven’t been up all-night listening to our shenanigans. His unit continues its ascent, protruding from his gnarly haired groin. He reaches his hands behind him and grasps my PJ’s to pull them off me. I buck my hips up, easily lifting his bulk into the air. He uses one hand to hold my rigid unit down and gently pulls the PJ’s down my legs, exposing my dick. I let him think he’s holding it down. I love my sexy muscle God, so I treat him well. Once my unit is free, he lets go and I jerk it to an upright position and starts to grow on its own accord. I gently thump it against his hairy lower back. My muscle man got all the hair I did not. He rests his body back down onto mine. I sigh. Next, he lowers his chest to mine. I let his weight sink us into the soft white sheets of the bed. He leans down and starts to kiss me again with sloppy, saliva filled kisses. His unit tries to expand, but is crushed between our bodies. I wrap my wiry thin arms around his bulky lats but cannot join my hands as his body is too huge and muscular. I decide to gently apply pressure to his lats, squeezing them together. My hands finally meet and I lock my hands with each other. I squeeze again and he lets out a moan. I cannot tell if he is in pain or experiencing an intense amount of pleasure due to the pressure. Until he tells me otherwise, I’ll assume he’s enjoying it. I tense my skinny arms again and my biceps start to expand, growing to their full 10 inches. I sigh and take a deep breath, sucking the air from my beast’s lungs. He struggles to suck some air back into his body. I feel him start to shake and gently exhale into his mouth. My warm breath fills his lungs and his chest expands. His huge pecs rub against my sensitive nipples again and another shock wave travels down my body to my ever-growing unit. It now stands at 11 inches. Pre-cum oozes out and snakes down my cylinder. I flex my unit toward my abs and it hits his lower back with an audible thud. I will my dick to move left and right and I slather his body with copious amounts of pre-cum. It’s warm, sticky, and flowing from my body at a constant rate. He feels my python and the new found treasure I am depositing on him. He pushes his face to mine and ravages my lips and mouth. I allow his tongue to enter my mouth. He lashes it around, left, right, up, down, leaving more saliva as he goes. I moan to myself and feel his unit try expand. I hug him a bit tighter, squeezing his body closer to him, halting its expansion. He groans in agony. I’m just saving my sexy beasts load for the appropriate time to be released. He loves when I control his releases. He may be 100lbs heavier, 6 inches taller, have more visible muscularity, and be the object of everyone’s ogling, but my sexy man knows who’s in charge at the end of the day. When we met for the first time at the bar, he walked in with all the swagger and bravado of a well-known porn star. Him, in a bright blue tank top two sizes too small, with his Joey Sullivan sized arms hanging off his lats, his meaty chest and protruding nipples oozing out of the strained material, bouncing as he walked, and his black nylon gym shorts leaving nothing to the imagination as to what he was packing below the beltline. He walked up to me, introduced himself as the man of my dreams and proceeded to sit next to me. He started off by flexing his left bicep. I ran my fingers over it, and played with the hair which covered it. I feigned amazement at its size and rubbed it lovingly. He winked at me and flexed it harder. To my amazement, the arm got bigger. He put his left hand on one of the legs of my bar stool, smiled at me, and lifted the chair up. His arm swelled. I touched it again and felt the heat radiating from it. I caressed it as he started to lift and lower it, like he was curling a 125-pound weight. I thought to myself, I’ve found my new muscle beast. After 40 reps, he set my stool down and I could see sweat dripping from his shoulder, down his arm. I had to refrain myself from tackling him off his stool and licking every part of his body. He saw me eying him up and he tried to shove his huge knee between my legs. I let him have some fun by letting his leg part my thighs. When he was about half way up, I tensed my muscles and his leg came to an immediate stop. His face contorted in pain as I applied a bit of pressure. He looked into my eyes and I winked at him. His left hand fell to my right thigh and he felt my muscle. He could feel the strength I possessed as he tried to dent my leg. His eyes grew wide as he began to understand who was really in charge. He was mine and he knew it. We left the bar, went back to my place, and I ravaged him like he had never known. He runs his hands thru my crew cut brown hair and massages the super sensitive area behind my ears. His fingers come forward and caress my jaw line and cheeks with such amazing softness, which, if I didn’t know he could crush steel bars with them, would think they were kitten’s paws. We kiss again. Long and heavily. Our bodies roll around on the bed. The springs creaking due to our movements. He’s on top of me with his arms wrapped around my back. He is nibbling my neck and I’m running my hands thru the knotty hair on his head and then down his muscular back. I lift my right leg and bend it at the knee. I brace it on the bed and push, rolling us over so I’m on top. He smiles, knowing what is next. He releases my body and I move down his, licking, sucking, pulling on every crevice and pore I come across. I can tell his body is overly excited and he is waiting for my approval to blow his load. I suckle a nipple, lap at it with my coarse tongue. He shivers. I move lower and coat his hairy mid-section with copious amount of spit. Once he is sufficiently wet, I move to his belly button. I love that he has an innie. The night after our first meeting, he showed up at my door with a 50lb weight and a smile. He already had a massive hard-on and his blue nylon shorts were tented to the point of tearing. I eyed him up and down as if I were bored it was him at the door and not the pizza guy, but was secretly excited he came back. I’ve scared too many muscle guys off when I show them a bit of my power. Not this stud. He’s back for more. I leave the door open and walk away. I sense he’d hesitated, waiting for my approval for him to enter. I turned and nodded. He entered. He followed me. I led him down to my basement workout and pleasure room. He did not get a chance to see it yesterday. I stop in the middle of the room and hold my hand out. He puts the weight in it. I drop the weight and grab his t-shirt which has a picture of the Hulk on it. I think to myself, cute. I tug on the shirt and pull him towards me. He’s looming over my body. I grab the shirt again and raise it up his body, revealing his hairy body. He takes ahold of the shirt and I spread my fingers out on his body, gently caressing the hair, luxuriating in its softness. He moans with pleasure. I move closer to him and breath in his sweaty smell. My man went to the gym today, I can smell it and approve. My unit twitches. I lap at the area under his shelf-like pecs, pulling hair into my mouth, pulling his sweat off, dampening it with my spit, and letting is slide out. I feel like I’m marking my territory. I move south and almost lose my load when I see his belly button. Hairy as the rest of him, but a deep cavernous hole. My tongue swirls around the outside edge, enjoying the rough manly skin and soft hair. I feel him remove his shirt. I let my hands wander up his body. They latch on to his nipples and gently twist. He groans. He puts his hands a top of mine and increases the pressure. Ah, he also has sensitive nipples, file that away for later. Back to his navel. After depositing a copious amount of spit in the area, I dip my tongue into it. It seems like a bottomless pit. I’m in heaven. I push further in, still no bottom. I press my face to his rock-hard abs, and then some, forcing him to relax them or get hurt. I finally bottom out. My unit swells. He lets out a loud groan of pleasure. I maneuver my tongue around the entire area, pushing more spit into it, and then scooping it out and swallowing the mixture of sweat and spit. My unit is quickly growing. I release his nipples; he groans at the loss. I lower my shorts and free my monster. I grab his shorts and, as gently as possible, lower them. No underwear, good man, make my job easier. I keep moving my tongue in and out of his navel. He’s put his hands on the back of my head and is forcing me to dig deeper. I tense my body and he can no longer move me. He releases my head. I go back to bobbing back and forth. I curl his balls in my left hand and judge their weight. Not too bad. I feel a heavy load in them waiting to be unleashed. I start to massage them, while finishing up with his belly button. I extract my tongue, look up to face him and see his eyes have glassed over. He sways a bit and starts to topple. I release his balls, and quickly catch him in my arms. He doesn’t notice. I kneel onto the floor and lay him on the ground. He’s still foggy. I spread his legs and move between them. I lift his balls and place my unit at his hole. I gently push. He immediately comes out of the fog, looks down his hairy muscular body at me. I wink and smile. He smiles back and flexes his biceps. I lick my lips. I push harder, but he’s still tight. I take his balls back into my hand and gently roll them around. I also lean down and swallow his 10-inch unit to the hilt. He moans loudly, melts due to my touch, and his hole opens. I push my 11-inch steel pipe into him in one fell swoop. He grunts when I bottom out. Now the fun begins. I tense my body and lean back. His back comes off the ground. His eyes go wide. I continue to fall backward onto my hunches and he’s now at a 30-degree angle. I’m smiling. He’s got a scared smile on his face. I wink at him and blow him a kiss. I put my hands under his lower back to make him feel secure, then I stand up. I’ve got my muscle man in a suspended congress position. I love it. He seems to be terrified. I can sense his questions, how, why, HOW? I gently grip his lower back and begin to thrust him back and forth, like he’s my own private flesh light. My body does not move. His is now wildly gyrating on my steel bar and his eyes are manic. His head is swiveling around looking for a place for him to put his arms for stability. My sexy boy doesn’t get it yet. I flex my dick and move him from a 30-degree angle to 45-degrees. I keep moving him off and on my bar. His unit swells and I can sense he’s close. He’s still staring at me. I decide this is as good a time as any for him to erupt. I want him to get a better sense of my power. I release my hands from his sides and move them into a double bicep pose. It’s nothing special compared to his boulders, but it does the trick. I thrust my hips once more, bottom out, and his cum explodes out of his body. His dick thrashes all over the place, like a wild fire hose. Cum lands everywhere, me, him, the floor, and a few splotches on the ceiling. I hold back my load. His eyes glaze over again after his 2 minute eruption. I lower him back to the floor and carefully extract myself. I walk over to a steel reinforced bucket I keep in the corner of the basement, pick it up, put my dick in it and yank it twice. Cum rockets out, denting the bottom. After a minute I finish. The bottom third of the bucket is filled. I set it down for later. I walk back to my stud. He’s up on his elbows and grinning at me. Guess he saw my release. I shake my head no. He frowns. I pick up the 50-pound weight, toss it in the air, catch it, and proceed to close my fist around it. I compact the weight to the size of a lacrosse ball. He cums again just watching me. I toss the weight back to him and smile. I move my face lower and bump into his unit. I nudge it aside. I inhale his groin musk. Sweat and cum, ah, the nectar of life. I go to work dampening the whole area. My tongue works overtime getting him sufficiently wet. I push my index finger into his waiting hole. He’s nice and loose from last night. I wiggle it around and he squirms a bit. I take his left ball into my mouth. It’s as big as a lemon. I slurp on it, pulling the hairs with my teeth, nibbling on his sensitive skin. He squirms again. I release the left and take the right one into my mouth and do the same. He’s beginning to writhe around. I put my left hand on his dick and gently tug the swelling unit. He calms down. My fingers play with his piss slit and I coax a dollop of pre-cum out of him. He sighs. I release his ball from my mouth and move the pre-cum coated hand to it. I slurp my fingers, pulling every drop of his fluid into my mouth, but do not swallow. I remove my finger from his hole and climb up his body. I straddle him. He smiles. I lean down and he willingly opens his mouth. I shove half the load of pre-cum into his mouth. His tongue laps at mine for more. I grin at his need. He swallows what I allow him to have. His eyes plead with me for more. I scoot my body down his, his sweaty hair getting my body wet. I reach his unit and grasp it. I look up to him and his eyes light up in anticipation. I slide further down and off his body. I’m between his legs again. I easily lift them up. He reaches his huge hands down and grabs his ankles and pulls back, lifting his backside up off the bed a bit. This gives me easy access. I’m at full mast, but keep it bent downward for now. He winks his hole at me. I look up over his balls and down his body, past his heaving chest. He’s smiling. I wink at him and bend back down. I carefully place my hands on his quads and lower my mouth to his waiting hole. I lap at it. He sighs. I coat his whole hairy hole with enough spit to fill a canteen. Some dribbles onto his back, some towards his balls. He’s moaning the whole time. The third night after we met, I surprised him by showing up at his condo. I knocked on the door, but he did not answer. I tested the knob and found it to be locked. I thought maybe he isn’t home. I pressed my ear to the door and could faintly hear him. I knew what he was up to. I grabbed the knob again, looked around, did not see anyone, and twisted. The knob and lock caved to my power. I gently pushed the door in and once inside closed it and twisted again, smashing the lock back into place. He’ll need to replace it before he moves out and in with me. I casually walk around and check out the recent bodybuilding magazines he has on his sofa. I see a few photos of Jeff Nippard too. God, that Canadian bodybuilder is a stud. Muscular, smart, and an absolutely gorgeous beard. The fun I could have with him. I start to tent, but remember, my muscle beast is here somewhere. I check the kitchen because you never know where some people prefer to rock their boat. Not there, nor any of the downstairs rooms. I head up the steps. I see his bedroom door at the far end of the hall and it’s closed. I pad down to it and put my ear to the door. I hear heavy breathing and the springs on the bed are creaking. Yup, my hairy stud is in there. I listen for another second and hear a second voice moaning. Hmmm, wonder what’s up. I quietly open the door and there is my Irish God, going to town on another stud. I watch from the door. I get hard. Two studs. The muscles, the strength, the hair. Number 2 is black god with huge biceps and dreadlocks cascading down around his face. I can see chest hair and a full black beard. My unit immediately tears thru my shorts and pre-cum is dripping out. I groan. They both turn to me. Irish is shocked, but a smile quickly comes over his face. Black stud just stares at me with a ‘who the fuck are you?’ look. I wink to them. I wander over and grab the black stud’s 9-inch cock. I grip it with the slightest pressure in my right hand. His eyes bulge out and his face shows immediate pain. Both his hands move to my one in an attempt to pry it off. No go. Irish just smiles and keeps pounding, sweat coating his hairy muscles and dripping onto the black muscle stud. The black beast attempts to lean up and move. I place my left hand on his chest and push him down onto the bed and hold him still. He’s groaning with fear. I release some of the pressure from his chest. He nods in appreciation and removes his hands from the one I have on his unit. I jerk him gently. His eyes glaze over. He involuntarily flexes his right bicep and my mouth waters. My left hand reaches out and caresses the muscle. He flexes harder. I continue to massage it and my fingers wander over the prominent veins. I softly squeeze and his muscle instantly caves to my power. Damn, I thought he would have move resilience. He stares at me with a ‘what did you just do look’. I shrug my shoulders. I release him. His body relaxes. I move to the end of the bed and gently pull my Irish stud out of him. He does not resist. I then reach a hand out to the black stud and as he grabs it, I pull him toward me. I gesture for him to stand up. He does. I maneuver both studs so one is on either side of me. They’re looking at each other and then down at me. I rub their impressive abs and smile. I move my right hand under Irish’s balls and caress them. I move my left under Black’s and do the same. They moan, lean to each other, and start to kiss. After a few minutes of warm up, I move both index fingers to their holes. Both are loose and wet which makes the next part easy. I insert and wiggle. They moan louder and kiss each other harder. I feel slobber dripping on my head. I like it. Their units start to bob wildly. The next part should send them over the edge fairly quickly. I bend down a bit, splay my hands so I create a nice base for their asses in the palm of my hands, push my fingers in to the hilt, then stand up. I hear them both let out an expletive. I sense they are looking down at me. I start to gyrate my fingers in and out of the holes, slowly at first, but quickly increasing the speed. I hear them kissing again. Their magnificently hard steel rods are bobbing around my face. I turn and catch Irish’s first. I bob on his hairy 10 inches a few times to lather it up. I release, catch the other guy’s 9 inches, and do the same. Both studs are moaning and I can tell they are close. I move my arms from my sides to the front of me. The boys are now in front of me and are still kissing, but are now hugging each other. Both rods are right in front of me. I raise my arms a bit and they are now at mouth level. I bring my arms toward my body and when the studs are close enough, I inhale both rods at the same time. I just stretch my jaw to accommodate both. A 9-incher and a 10-incher. Their girth is nothing to sneeze at either. They stop kissing and look down. I glance up and wink. I wash my tongue under both units at the same time and rub the prominent veins a few times. They go back to intensely kissing each other. I apply just a bit more pressure and boom, they both let out deep long groans and reward me with mouthful of thick salty cum. I open my throat and let it slide down. Now it’s my turn to moan. It’s a low guttural moan. My body shakes, causing theirs to shake too. I savagely pump fingers in and out of them and am rewarded with another, weaker, load from both. To say these muscle studs look tired, would be an understatement. I walk to the bed, bend down a bit and set them on it. I extract my fingers and hear them groan at the vacancy. I climb onto the bed with them and get between them. They turn so they are facing me. I glance down at my 11-inch rod and both guys get the hint. I close my eyes and next thing I know; I have four hands massaging and caressing my dick and balls. I can feel their units start to expand. I curl my arms under their shoulders and bring them closer to me. We are one big messy love sandwich with me in the middle. My studs keep yanking me like there is no tomorrow. I just let them have their fun. After 5 minutes, they begin to slow. I can sense their units are fading. It’s time to reward my beasts. I buck my hips twice and they jerk me harder at the prospect of me finishing. I turn to kiss them one at a time. I then hug them fiercely, roar, and let my load explode out. I take control of my dick, flex it upward a bit, and shoot the load over our heads. It splatters into the wall behind us almost at the ceiling. I continue to cum for over a minute. As my last shot is rolling up my tube, I exhale, flex my abs and push the load out just hard enough to impress my studs. It flies thru the air, hits the wall, and I can hear the drywall crack. I smile and release the hug. I feel wetness, glance down, and see my muscle studs have cum again. I gently kiss each one in appreciation. I carefully insert my tongue. Don’t want to bruise him there again. I push in and out a few times. He immediately loosens up. I dive deeper, he moans. I massage the inside edges of his hole. My nose is right there and I inhale his scent. My dick throbs. As I maneuver my body over his, he releases his ankles. I put my left hand on his lower back, keeping his body crunched up so we are in a modified 69. I force my dick to flex down toward his waiting mouth. My mouth now has easy access to his 10 inches, his balls, and his hole. I feel his tongue lap at my piss slit. I allow a drop of pre-cum to boil up my rod and seep out. I feel his body lean up and his mouth attaches to my unit and begins an intense sucking motion. He bobs his head as much as he can. I continue to have fun with his bottom area. I insert my right pinkie and thumb into his hole and very gently widen it. He tenses with pain and releases my unit. His body becomes rigid. I ease off and feel his body relax. His mouth comes back up to my unit. I lower my body to meet him. He inhales me and starts suck again. God he’s good. I put only my right thumb in his hole and move it in a circular motion, widening him. He moans, but this time in pleasure. I stop the circular motion and start to push in and out. He moans and it vibrates around my unit. I sigh. I’m doing something right. Stud is getting me close. I think I’ll let him enjoy my load today. I dip my tongue to his hole and insert some spit. I keep my thumb in him and continue to pound him. He groans and his body tenses. I lick his balls and feel his load travel out and down his tube. I quickly grab his iron rod and move my head to inhale him. I get it just in time. His load explodes into my mouth, with some dripping out onto his fur covered body. I pull my thumb out of him and his legs fall to the bed. I continue to suck him as he does me. I gently push my unit further into his throat and soften it just enough so it can fit the contours of his throat and slide down. He doesn’t choke or gag. My stud. I release his cock and move to his hairy abs and start to lick up any cum that dripped out of my mouth. I run my hands up and down his hairy abs and sides. I see a few drops in his bellybutton. I dive in. My brain goes into overload. I inhale his scent again, snort a few drops of cum by accident, let my body loosen, and release a load for him to enjoy. I make sure it does not rocket out of me and hurt him. It’s just forceful enough to push him down into the bedding. He moans again and slurps down every drop. When I finish, he sucks me feverishly for more. I allow a partial load out and hear him sigh with gratitude. He rubs my back with love. I feel his unit jerk and spasm. His body tightens. I hold him and his load sprays my hair and face. After we’ve both calmed down, I twist around and lay next to him. I lean over and we kiss. He puts his hand on my cheek and pulls us closer together.
  3. Bigmusclefan13

    Oh Henry = Part 2

    I wrote Part 1 of this story years ago and only recently remembered that I'd never posted Part 2. Hopefully it won't take me as long to write Part 3 . Hope you enjoy. Link to Part 1 Part 2 Henry woke up well-rested, his chest heaving and blocking the view of his lower body. For better or for worse, today was the day that he’d finally get to see the results of almost 15 months of work with Brandon, the trainer guiding him on his transformation from teenager to man. He eagerly swung his feet off of the bed and walked to his closet to get dressed. Hanging there were dozens of the same white t-shirts and grey shorts, ranging from size small to x-large. He shed his pyjamas and slipped on an x-large t-shirt, which he had just started wearing last month, a pair of medium shorts and a pair of white athletic socks. Moving to the washroom, he began brushing his teeth while glancing down at the tensed bicep of his left arm with which he grasped his toothbrush. The solid arm strained the sleeve of his x-large shirt; however, it was hard to comprehend just how large it was, with no mirrors to view it properly and put it in reference with the rest of his body. He thought he remembered this sleeve being loose just a few weeks ago, but his mind could just as well be playing tricks on him. Keeping track of gradual changes had proved almost impossible without photos, measurements or mirrors - all things he had abstained from as per his and his trainer Brandon’s mutual agreement. After rinsing his mouth free of toothpaste, Henry glanced at the digital clock resting by the sink. It was 8:03am. Brandon would be arriving in just under an hour. Excited for what was to come, and, in an effort to kill time, Henry decided he would fit in one last workout. In the basement, Henry sped his way through a full body workout and in no time, almost an hour had passed. As he progressed into his final set of Romanian deadlifts - his favourite exercise - he heard the bell ring and the front door unlock. Brandon had let himself in and descended the stairs with a duffel back over his shoulders and a massive fold-up mirror in his arms - the tri-fold kind that you see in clothing store dressing rooms. Brandon leaned it against the wall and came over to the weight rack as Henry pumped out his final reps. “Couldn’t resist getting one last pump in, eh?” Brandon teased. “You know it,” Brandon smiled, contracting his hamstrings for one last deadlift before dropping the weights to the floor. “Go jump in the shower and I’ll get things set up down here. I’ll fix you up something to feed those muscles as well.” “Sounds good, coach.” Henry responded as Brandon turned around to start unpacking. As Henry headed upstairs, he couldn’t help but catch a glimpse of Brandon’s bulbous glutes fighting for space in his tight jean shorts, feeling a stir in his crotch as he thought about it. — Zipping open his duffle bag, Brandon unpacked a collapsable black back drop that he set up in the basement, just behind the room’s main pot lights. In front of it, he set up the tri-fold mirror. He shut off the rest of the lights in the room aside from the pot lights and returned to the posing station he had set up. Brandon stripped off his white Gold’s Gym tank top and wriggled his tight jean shorts down over his thick quads, revealing an overflowing pair of red posing trunks. He decided to give his set-up a test and strike a few poses. He started with a most muscular pose, triggering the flow of blood to every one of his muscles before shifting into a rear lat spread and admiring the width of his frame in the mirror. Like a pro, he transitioned to a side chest pose, appreciating the extent to which his hefty bulge jutted out from his muscled silhouette. This was no doubt thanks to the complete lack of thigh gap to accommodate his generous genitalia. Feeling the blood rushing down to his groin, he grabbed his bulging package and let our a loud “grrrr” as his massive ebony frame flexed and glistened in the mirror, popping against the black canvas two feet behind him. Giving his make shift posing station a nod of approval, he slide his clothes back on, grabbed his duffel bag and headed to the kitchen. Pulling a fresh carton of eggs from the fridge, he cracked all twelve of them and whisked together a massive omelet for Henry. As it cooked in the frying pan, he filled the blender with Henry’s post-workout shake essentials - two scoops of protein, a litre of milk, boiled chicken breast, his usual cocktail of supplements and two drops from a unmarked vial he had pulled out of his duffel bag. After blending it altogether, he took the entire container and set it on the placemat next to where he’d soon place the He-Man sized omelette. — Upstairs, Henry peeled off his sweaty clothes and tossed them into his bedroom hamper. His legs, pumped from his final drop set of deadlifts, forced him to waddle a bit to the washroom where he then jumped in the shower. As he lathered himself in soap, he marvelled at his pumped up legs, caressing his quads and glutes with his hands. His cock swelled to attention and in response, he slid the shower handle to cold to rid himself of his semi hard-on before stepping out and drying himself off. After quickly blowdrying his hair, he slipped on a pair of fresher boxer briefs, his standard t-shirt and shorts uniform and hurried down the stairs to the kitchen. “Eat up, Henry,” Brandon motioned as he delivered the freshly cooked omelette to the table. “Thanks for whipping this up for me, Brandon,” Henry said, sitting down to the massive shake and omelette. He grabbed the blender handle and took a large swig of the post workout shake. “I don’t know what you’re putting in here, but your shakes always taste so much better than mine,” Brandon said as he wiped excess protein shake off from his top lip. “Can’t help you there, it’s always going to taste better when it’s made by a Mr. Olympia bodybuilder,” Brandon chuckled as he flashed a quick double biceps pose. “By the way, you’ve got mail.” He pointed to an envelope on the table, addressed to Henry and branded with the Harrison University logo. Henry opened it, quickly reading the one page letter. “It’s an official reminder that school starts in two weeks. They’ve also given me the name of my dorm roommate… guess I’ll have to reach out to him and start some planning.” “Exciting stuff, Henry. Once you finish up with breakfast, come downstairs but knock on the door before you enter the basement. I’ve got a little surprise for you,” Brandon instructed him as he slipped some of the dishes into the sink. “I’ll meet you down there.” Brandon headed downstairs as Henry continued making progress with his breakfast, switching between forkfuls of his twelve-egg omelette and gulps of his massive protein shake. Within five minutes, he had finished it all and started making his way down the stairs. “I’m ready,” he called to Brandon as he arrived to a closed door at the bottom of the stairs. “Hold up, I’m coming to get you. No peeking.” Brandon carefully opened the door and slid into the stairwell without letting Henry see into the basement. “Take this and put it on,” he said, handing over a black blindfold. “Alright, but this is weird.” “Trust me, Henry.” Brandon grabbed Henry’s hands and guided him through the door, towards the make-shift posing station that he had set up in the middle of the dark room. He placed his hands on Henry’s shoulders, rubbed them gently and then remove the blindfold. ‘Alright Henry, take a look at what 428 days of hard work looks like.’’ Henry slowly opened his eyes. Very quickly they were forced to adjust to the dark room around him, save for the pot lights above that illuminated the spot in which he was standing. This created a black canvas against which he could examine his body which he had not seen in a mirror in over a year. In the mirror stood a person Henry did not recognize. Henry was a boy, but this was no boy. This was a mass of a man whose reflection occupied the entirety of the trifold mirror that Brandon had set up. Henry stood frozen in disbelief. He looked at his hand and raised it to his face, observing the reflection do the same. Whether he believed it or not, the man that looked back at him in this mirror was, without a doubt, Henry. The once narrow, fragile face that Harry had known for so long was no more. A strong, wide forehead, mighty cheekbones and a new, muscular jawline framed his gentle brown eyes. His former sunken cheeks and thin lips were now full and luscious. His complexion, albeit pale from the lack of sunlight, beamed with a healthy, youthful glow and smoothness only seen on magazine covers. Lowering his hand from his cheek, Henry caressed his Adam’s Apple that now protruded from the thick podium of muscle holding his head up. His neck, now as wide as his skull, pulsed as veins carried blood up to his head to prevent Henry from fainting in shock. Jutting out not from his neck, just below his earss, lay two hulking traps that made it look like Henry’s head was perched on a triangular pyramid of muscle that strained the ribbed collar of his white t-shirt to the max. Henry’s gaze slid down from his bull traps to his shoulders that extended out of view from the middle mirror panel. He took a step back, bringing his whole, hulking frame into perspective. Connected to his traps were two massive cannonball shoulders, hidden beneath his white cotton t-shirt. These spherical deltoids stretched his shirt to an almost cartoonish level, giving Henry’s frame a width that would rival most doorways. Now he understood why he was having to angle himself through his bathroom and standing shower doors - a problem he never experienced just a year ago. Henry turned his head to face one of the side mirrors, admiring his massive left shoulder in detail. He looked like a knight wearing shoulder pads beneath his t-shirt, but it was pure, dense muscle rounding off his frame like a suit of armour. Below his shoulder cap, the sleeve of his t-shirt sat scrunched up, not even attempting to stretch over the obscenity of an arm that hung to his side. A massive, bulging bicep pushed against his left pec, its sheer size competing for space along the side of his body. The three heads of his tricep formed a horseshoe so big, it would fit on the hoof of a stallion. Combined, his bicep and tricep made for an arm that rivalled the size of his head. Henry raised his hairy forearm for a bicep flex and his arm ballooned with power, instantly gaining a couple inches in circumference. As he flexed his left arm in the mirror, Henry’s right hand caressed his bicep, tracing a thick vein that snaked around its peak. He felt the back of his tricep, tracing the shredded ridges of its horseshoe. He tried to wrap his fingers around the entirety of his arm, but it was so big it felt like he was holding on to a football, albeit a smooth, warm one that throbbed with strength. “Don’t worry, little man. Don’t be shy,” Brandon walked over to Henry and placed his meaty, calloused hands on his shoulders. “Get these pythons up and let’s see a double biceps pose,” he said as he tapped the back of Henry’s arms, as if signalling them to flex. Henry didn’t know what a double biceps pose was, but somehow, his instincts told him to raise his arms up above his shoulders, turning his palms inwards to flex his biceps. Looking in the mirror, Henry tried to bend his elbows further but couldn’t, because the sheer size and roundness of his bicep peaks pushed back against his forearms. His massive triceps rounded out what looked like volley-ball size mounds of muscle to his sides - visual confirmation that his arms were indeed as big as his head. “Let’s take a look and see how these pythons compare to mine,” Brandon announced as he took his position behind Henry, raising his arms into the same double bicep pose. While it was clear that Brandon had a few inches of height and width on Henry, both men were surprised to see that they were equals in the arm department. Henry’s arms completely eclipsed Brandon’s. “Woah, Henry. “I’ve gotta say, you’ve got mad arms for an 18-year old. Don’t think I’ve ever seen tris like yours before. Looks like your trainer’s done good,” Brandon professed with a wink. “Now I want you to try something different,” Brandon directed, as he motioned Henry to lower his arms to his sides. “You see these muscle titties,” he said, patting the two mounds of meat sitting below Henry’s collar bone. “We’re going to make ‘em jump. Now I want you to breathe in and focus on your upper pectorals and mentally pull them up, taking the rest of your chest for a ride. Just like this.” Brandon, standing close behind Henry, flexed his pecs in unison. They jumped out inches from his body, gently thumping Henry’s back as they popped. Henry closed his eyes, thinking about the mind-muscle connection he channeled for every rep of his weekly chest work out. Gently he clenched his pecs, feeling them frolic slightly within the confines of his tight white t-shirt. He repeated this over and over again, feeling the rise and fall of his chest become more significant with every flex. Henry opened his eyes to a sight he never thought he’d see. His chest, covered in his white t-shirt, looked like two giant white pillows, pumped and bouncing at his mind’s command. Each time his pecs jumped, they almost swiped his chin. Every time they fell, their size and heft kept them jiggling as they came to a full stop. “There you go, little man. You’ve got the hang of it,” Brandon smiled, bouncing his own barrel chest in unison with Henry’s. As a trainer, it made him so proud to see his client experiencing the fruits of his labour. “Now let’s ditch this shirt, Henry, and see all of your hard work.” Brandon grabbed the back of his white t-shirt and ripped it down the centre. Henry jolted at this, surprised and excited by Brandon’s forwardness. Brandon walked around to face Henry, who was frozen in place. He pulled the ripped ends of the shirt towards him to get it off Henry’s body, but he couldn’t get the sleeves over Henry’s massively muscled arms. “You’ll have to help me out here, Henry. You stay steady as I yank this shirt off of you.” Henry anchored his legs to the floor as Brandon grabbed the ends of his t-shirt and pulled with all his might to get it over Henry’s arms. It was like Brandon was playing tug of war with Henry’s bulging biceps and triceps. Brandon tightened his core and gave it one final pull with all his might. He flung backwards as the sleeves ripped around Henry’s arms, leaving the t-shirt shredded in pieces on the ground. “We’re going to have to get you some new t-shirts,” Brandon pronounced as he picked the shreds up off the floor. This whole situation had Henry’s heart beating a mile a minute. Had he just learned how to bounce his pecs? Had his trainer Brandon just rip his shirt off of him? The thought of having to size up to XXL was incredulous to him as just last year he was swimming in small t-shirts. As he refocused, his thought process was instantly interrupted by the herculean torso staring back at him in the mirror. He was impressed with his chest before when it was compressed within the confines of his t-shirt, but now that it was unleashed, its magnitude was overwhelming. Unlike Brandon’s pecs which were rounded and plump, Henry’s powerful, square pecs matched those of comic book super heroes. The tectonic plates of muscle jutted out from his collar bone by a couple inches and from the top of his midsection, casting a small shadow onto his abs. Henry stuck his fingers beneath the bottom shelf of his pecs, playing with his nipples that now faced downwards due to the extreme musculature of his chest. After toying with his hard nipples, Henry slid his hands along the grooves in his rock hard eight pack. Each abdominal muscle was as thick and defined as a brick. He traced the deep ridges between each square abdominal and caressed the cords of muscle which formed a thick and pronounced Adonis belt above his hips. “Turn around and check that back”, Brandon encouraged. Henry pivoted and turned his head over his shoulder, admiring his gigantic back extending from his tight waist like a bouquet of flowers extends from the opening of a narrow vase. North of his 30” waist, his massive lats sprouted from his lower back, pushing his powerful arms upward and outward. Just like his front delts, his rear delts protruded from his cannonball shoulders and his towering traps formed a mountain peak leading to his head. More impressive than his sprawling back, Henry’s eyes shifted down to an imposing bubble butt that stretched the limits of his grey sweat shorts. The heft of his ass weighed his shorts down, exposing the top of his bulbous glutes and an inch of his butt crack. Together, these two massive glutes formed a shelf of muscle that swelled almost a foot outwards from Henry’s lower back. “Now that’s an ass,” Brandon proclaimed, slapping Henry’s bottom and chuckling as Henry jumped in shock. Henry twisted his head around to admire his backside in the mirror, rubbing his hand over his bubble butt which would make even the most bootylicious of women jealous. “Drop trou’ and let’s see those legs,” Brandon commanded. Henry pulled his grey sweat shorts off, revealing a pair of bulging white boxer briefs and two enormous tree trunks legs, still pumped from his morning workout. Thick and sinewy, his huge quads swept out from his hips and the mass of muscle protruded several inches out from his knee. Turning sideways, Henry flexed his giant hamstrings that hung heavy from behind. His monstrous legs fought each other for room, leaving zero space between them. This forced Henry into a wide stance, creating a classic ‘X’ silhouette in the mirror. All that muscle between his legs also pushed the contents of his white boxer briefs outward. From the side, it looked like Henry had two pairs of sports socks stuffed in them. Henry dropped his right hand to his crotch and cupped the bulge that sat low and heavy against his legs. Henry had always dreamt of filling out his underwear as well as the models on packs of his Calvin Klein briefs. The bulge that he saw reflected in the mirror would be too obscene to ever feature in ad. Instinctively, he slid his hand under his waistband and pulled it down, freeing his constrained genitals. “Woah, Henry!” “Shit, sorry I totally forgot you were here, Brandon!” Henry apologized. “Nothing to apologize for, son. Looks like you’ve grown everywhere, Henry. I had no idea you were packing all that meat.” Thick as a kielbasa and covered in veins, Henry’s soft cock was a symbol of masculine virility. His two peach-sized balls pushed his cock outwards, its head hanging several inches past them. Over the last year, his family jewels had clearly gone through a growth spurt, but the small changes day to day were difficult to notice without a mirror and without locker room comparisons. While Henry’s hulking body would make even a generous endowment look average, it was clear in his reflection that this cock was outsized even for him. Truth be told, the genitalia in the mirror looked like they’d belong to a bodybuilder porn star. “I thought those triceps were unreal, but it’s clear to me which muscle’s grown the most,” Brandon said, chuckling aloud. Henry, realizing he had just spent a good minute checking out and fondling his genitals in front of his trainer, blushed in shame and jerked up his boxer briefs. His heavy, flaccid penis got caught on the waistband and he maneuvered it comfortably back into his underwear, tucking it along his right leg. His face was red with embarrassment as Brandon stood there, smirking to himself. “My bad, Brandon. It’s a bit overwhelming, this whole experience…” “Henry - you’ve nothing to be ashamed of,” Brandon said, shaking his head and putting his hand on Henry’s meaty shoulder. “Take a look at the man in the mirror. That’s all of your hard work staring back at you. Your grandmother would be proud.” Henry looked into the mirror, face to face with the new him that he was still struggling to process. He reminisced about his grandmother and her final message to him. While she was not by his side, he knew that she would be happy for him and he was glad he had not passed up her suggestion of a fresh start. “Thank you, Brandon, for all of your help. I could have never done this without you.” Henry threw his arms around Brandon in a hug, though they did not make it far with both of their muscular chests in the way. “My pleasure, Henry,” Brandon said, reciprocating the hug of his trainee. “Before I forget - we’ve one last order of business.” Brandon walked over to his black duffel bag and pulled out a scale and a tape measure. “Time for a few quick measurements! Stand up against this wall for me, will you Henry?” Henry walked over and turned to stand up straight against the wall, his muscled ass and back making light contact with it. Holding the tape measure by Henry’s head, Brandon extended it until it reached the ground. “Six feet even. That’s five inches you’ve grown, Henry.” Henry had suspected he’d grown quite a bit in height, but the prospect of being in the six footer club excited him. That was the height of a man, not a boy. “Now let’s get you on this scale.” Brandon motioned Henry over to where he’d set the scale by his bag. With nothing but his boxers on, he stepped on the scale and watched the numbers rise before settling at 221.2 pounds. “Holy shit. That’s double my starting weight,” Henry declared, rattled and excited by the numbers he saw on the scale. “Good math, my man. Looks like you're a numbers guy, eh?” Brandon smirked, staring down at the semi hard-on that was forming in Henry’s pants. Feeling even more embarrassed, Henry grabbed his shorts near the mirror and put them on, hoping they’d help contain his growing erection. “You’ll get used to that,” said Brandon, as if reading Henry’s mind. “It doesn’t take much to get bulls like us going, with all that testosterone flowing through these muscles.” “It looks like my work here is done for today, Henry,” Brandon stated as he began dissembling the backdrop and packing up the equipment he had brought. “You’ve got two weeks until school starts. I’ll see you for your daily workout until you head off, yes?” “You bet,” Henry confirmed as Brandon picked up his packed duffel bag and walked towards the tri-fold mirror. “Brandon, think I could hold onto the mirror? “Consider it yours.” Together, they marched up the stairs and exited the front door of the house. After a quick goodbye hug on his porch, Henry waved to Brandon as he got into his car in the front driveway. Two women walking on the sidewalk did a double-take as they passed by Henry’s house, no doubt sneaking a second glance at Henry’s shirtless, muscular torso. It was attention that Henry was not used to getting, but get used to it he would. Henry returned to the kitchen and retrieved a marker from his drawer. He drew a large ‘X’ on August 20th, the date circled in red on his calendar. This was the date he had told himself he would rejoin the world, after over 400 days of investing in a new beginning. He wasn’t exactly sure where to start, but he had a few ideas…
  4. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 2

    His father returned to the lab and saw the creature he unwillingly created. The creature then said, on a deep thick voice: "Hello father". "WHO ARE YOU?" "I am your son, Grant, or I used to be Grant, I'm not sure of my new name, now, I can't possibly go as Grant after this change, this metamorphosis. Thank you, Father, you did this to me, and I, in return, will transform you" "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" "I must spread my seed, and you are bond to become my father and brother. I will transform you and you will become like me, only then can we become a family again. Only then can we be as equals. This research project is over, is a success, we will have long years to catch up, and this will be a new beginning, prepare yourself." Anthony first instinct was to run, and run he did, but Grant was faster. Grabbing his father, he gave him a hug, as if prepping his father for the upcoming transformation. Grant roared and siringes came from his nipples and into the body of Anthony. Much to his horror, the cock of Grant also injected his seed on Anthony's scrotum. It was painful and Anthony felt many things at once, as betrayal, confusion, anger, disgust. He wanted this to be over. It was a long minute, after that, Grant released his father, and said "It is done, you shall transform" And he did, Anthony couldn't handle the pain and went on his knees, crying, begging for mercy, asking why this was happening to him, Grant observed proudly. "You will enjoy this. Embrace your new being, father, you and I will be one!" The muscles of the man came to life, his pecs inflated, becoming like balls of so big, so strong, so powerful, so did his abs, every single ab enhanced and sculpted in a raw masculine way. He was roaring now, feeling pain, and resisting the pleasure. "FEEL THIS, FATHER, BECOME A GOD, EMBRACE THE TRANSFORMATION" The muscles of the man were a wonder to behold, his clothes were ripping now, slowly revealing an extremely powerful body, even more powerful than of his son. He was roaring, resisting as he could, but he knew it was a lost battle. His dogtag was revealed in the change, was hidden beneath his disappearing clothes, ripping sheets covering his powerful muscles. "YOU SEE THIS TAG, ANTHONY YOU ALWAYS WANTED THIS, EMBRACE, BECOME ONE WITH YOUR SON, WE ARE BROTHERS" "AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! UHHHH UGAH!!!!!!!!!!! I AM BEING REFORMED, I CANT RESIST ANY LONGER" "YOU WILL BE TRANSFORMED" "I WILL BE TRANSFORMED, SON" "DONT CALL ME SON, WE ARE NOT FATHER AND SON ANY LONGER, WE ARE SUBLIME SOLDIERS! CALL ME SATURN" "I WILL BE ZEUS" "YOU WILL BE REMADE" "I WILL BE REMADE" By each passing sentence, the voice of Anthony became octaves low. "YOU WILL IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE" "I WILL IMPROVE MY PERFORMANCE" "YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WITHOUT WORRY" "TRANSFORMATION, I DEPOSIT MY LIFE IN YOU, CHANGE ME, I WANT MORE" "YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WILLINGLY" "I SHALL TRANSFORM" "YOU ARE EAGER TO BECOME AN ENHANCED SOLDIER" "I AM A SUBLIME SOLDIER, AND I AM ZEUS, UGAH!" "YOU ARE PROUD TO BE ENHANCED" "I KICK MY CHEST WITH PRIDE, AND I EMBRACE YOU, SATURN" "YOU WILL SPREAD THE SEED" "I WILL SPREAD THE SEED" "YOU EMBRACE THE CHANGE WITH PASSION" "I EMBRACE IT WITH PASSION" "YOU WILL ROAR" "GROOOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLL" "ROOOOOAAAARRR" He tried to resist but he could not, and Anthony turned into Zeus. The transformation was over, and former father and son first bumped their chests in salutation, then hugged each other. They were reunited. Saturn knew Zeus had to release himself, so he dedicated of turning this into a rite of passage for his former father. Grabbing his huge cock, he masturbated his father with vigor, as he roared almost breathless, when he came, he licked his father seed, feeling stronger with every gulp.
  5. Trio

    Anídeos: Chapter 1

    PREFACE: He was just getting out of his teenage years, but still was on his youth, Grant. Was young and had a delicate face. His life on the planet was an average one. Most people are homeschooled in this new world, so was he, and he grow to be quite the smart kid. Of course, with the father he had, the scientist, a brilliant one. But he didn't know much about his father's work. Anthony worked in the military facility of the Colony, there was much to be done. The human soldiers were powerless on this new environment, and the sooner the leaders of such colony realized that, they decided that only genetic engineering could save them from the hostile alien fauna, the miasma, and the other colonies. For many years, the project was based on creating enhanced humans from scratch. Since they were babies raised to be special soldiers, with special abilities. Anthony was from day 1 involved in the project, so he settled in the military district with his family. It was an irony that Grant and his brother grew on such environment, they could be further from soldiers, his father didn't want them to go on his direction, neither his mother, neither Both of them, dedicated to knowledge and culture from the Old Earth. Such was life for them. First the scientists tried to raised the would-be-enhanced-soldiers, but that turn to be extremely expensive for the colony, only 3 specimen survived the childhood, and neither of the 3, with their strong free will, wanted to go on the military path. This was not a dictadorship, so the enhanced humans grew to be scholars such as their "parents", the scientists. Then they decided to harvest them like crops, the enhanced humans, to skip childhood and teenage years, straight to mature soldiers ready to serve. This was more successful, though still incredibly expensive, and that didn't bare many fruits, something was missing, Anthony knew that. After many trials, for him, an idea started itching his mind, a dangerous one: to turn regular humans into super soldiers, sublime ones, even. He brought the idea to the council, and it was vividly debated. But even if it was being considered, something was missing: how to transform one into such creature, flawlessly? Genesis was the missing link. When Anthony heard of the story of the creature that came to visit its old base, that claimed to be the soldier once known as Topher, but that suffered such a transformation it became unrecognizably powerful, more than a man, a God, he had to go there and study the creature. Anthony quickly traveled to the location and talked to him, to Genesis. They had a revealing conversation, where Genesis told him that he was blessed by the planet on such way he was forever changed. The more they talked, the more Anthony gathered information, and a plasma sample from the God amongst them. It was revolutionary. The missing link provided the scientists with precious information for their studies, everything was held in secrecy, with key scientists being the head of teams of research. Anthony was one of them, his house became a secret lab, while Grant and his Brother lived there, the mother was gone at this point, she unfortunately was deceased at this moment in time. Anthony dealt with the grief by focusing even further on the studies. Thanks to his dedication, everything was advancing very fast, and by each passing week a milestone was reached. At one point, one prototype, a very delicate and secret machine, was brought into Anthony's lab, and entrusted to him. This is where this should end. But it's now that the story begins. CHAPTER 1 Life shifted for Grant when his mother died and his father became further and further invested into the secret project. Anthony became increasingly alienated from his family. Grant and his brother, a younger version of him, called Geoffrey, were friends, but they missed their father. Once upon a time they were allowed to visit the lab and even to study there, a couple of years have passed and that was not the case any longer. Grant and Geoffrey missed their father. They were living under the same roof, but they barely could see each other. The situation was weird, and became unsuferable for Grant, who decided to investigate why such secrecy, even if his brother Geoff told him not to put his finger on stuff that could be potentially dangerous, Grant didn't listen to him. One day, for whatever reason, his father had to leave the laboratory, and forgot to close the doors. He wasn't expecting what happened next. As soon as Grant discovered that, he knew this was his chance to start investigating, he went to the lab and saw how things changed there, it was a darker place, packed with papers and formulas that he didn't want to touch, of course. Too much information for him at the same time. Then he saw it, the machine. It was glowing a blue light, and it consisted of a very heavy cilinder of the size of a grown man, it was begging to be analised closer, Grant, still studying the papers, went for the machine, he put the papers on the bureau closer and entered in it, studying it. He didn't know, slowly, the doors of the machine were shut, and he was trapped. He was a calm guy and didn't panic, but he tried to break free, and he could not, he could do little, anyway, as soon as the doors were closed, a voice said "specimen detected, starting process". More curious than scared, his scientist side were at a hundred miles now, he observed as the chamber was filled with a very thick liquid. He was properly dressed, but when the substance reached his skin, it hurt like hell and he screamed. Now his scientist side was shut down, and he started to scream for help, beg for mercy, and to cry of panic, the liquid was rising slowly, and the process was agonizing for Grant, as he slowly observed the chamber being filled with the liquid and he skin burning with it. It was like the hair of his body was on fire with the contact with the liquid. When he was fully covered, Grant was convinced he was doomed, he was preparing to die. But he didn't die, even if it was still burning, he noticed, once the chamber was filled with the liquid, that he could breathe in the substance. Also, he couldn't see the exterior surroundings any longer, being like in front of a huge mirror. He could see himself and his clothes floating, and started to notice that his clothes were starting to dissolve, very slowly. It was like the machine was trying to convince him to be calm. Then it happened. A strong voice filled the chamber and a text was displayed on the "mirror", the voice said as it follows, over and over, louder and louder: YOU ARE AN OBEDIENT SOLDIER YOU WILL BE TRANSFORMED YOU EAGERLY ACCEPT THE CONDITIONING YOU WILL BE REMADE YOU WILL IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WITHOUT WORRY YOU WILL SUBMIT TO THE ENHANCEMENT WILLINGLY YOU ARE EAGER TO BECOME AN ENHANCED SOLDIER YOU ARE PROUD TO BE ENHANCED YOU WILL SPREAD THE SEED YOU EMBRACE THE CHANGE WITH PASSION YOU WILL ROAR ... Meanwhile, electric shocks stroke Grant over and over and he transformed, too much information at the same time, he screamed in pain, in anger, in reject to every sentence the voice said, and he was being transformed, he felt pain as his muscles came to life, his weak body was slowly but surely replaced with the body of a monster. His pecs inflated vigorously, becoming enhanced by every minute, they became strong, large, imposing, defined, sculpted, and so did his abs, all 6, no, 8, no, 10 abs came to life, begging to come out of his skin, his burning skin, he smelled flesh as he was reformed, all of his body was enhanced by the transformation, his arms became huge and powerful, like the arms of the strongest soldier, his shoulders came to life too, becoming rigid and gigantic, his neck had to fight to survive on this environment, being swallowed by its pecs and shoulders. His face became enhanced, his delicate completion was no more, being replaced by a strong chin, powerful nose, vibrating eyes, square jaws. His hair did burn, and was reduced to a buzzcut, a very rudimentary one. Even his penis grew, because his production of testosterone was dramatically increased in order to sustain such body. His clothes were gone, he was a powerful machine of war now, in everything but his mind, as he refused to let the program in. But to his surprise, it was not his instinct who capitulated to the transformation, but his intelect, he thought: I am transformed. I am remade, I am no longer Grant, whether I like it or not. Look at my body, this is not what I wanted, but it's a gift from my father nonetheless. Look at my body, wow, look at the abs, at the pecs, at the arms, at the biceps! I'm not even flexing! Fuck, yes, fuck, I am a soldier now, I can swear all that I want. I feel... free! Look at my fucking cock, look at my fucking manhood! My balls, they tremble with sperm, my seed, ready to be released. I will spread the seed, since there is no way I can resist this change, it is done, forever, engraved, I shall embrace it with passion! In order to maximize my performance I should be an obedient soldier, I should be proud to be enhanced! Yes, this is my destiny, this is who I am now! I accept you, transformation, turn me into the beast I'm destined to become! And I will transform others too, I have the power to do so. The transformation ended, the liquid was absorbed by his body and a new strong skin was formed, covering his body like a soft blanket. The chamber was opened, and he roared in satisfaction, and not being able to contain himself anymore, he grabbed his cock and slowly masturbated, masturbated like he never had done in his life, he was free to do whatever he desired. He was thinking only of his new body and his vigor, his horniness, he was transformed, he masturbated, and then he came, gush after gush of cum came out of his cock, covering his body and the lab, the gush was strong, and the cum was thick and silver, he roared and licked the cum, as if believing that would enhance his new powers. His father returned to the lab and saw the creature he unwillingly created. The creature then said, on a deep thick voice: "Hello father".
  6. Guest

    The Dominant Species (6)

    Keith laid passed out atop his bed. The action in the shower had proven too much for his still weakened body. Inside him, the organism let the Matt’s cum fuel itself for the final phase of the bonding process. It sensed that the organ inside its host’s head that seemed to control its host’s entire being was still weakened by the impact from the bigger male the day before. The organism sensed that the energy it would pull from the huge male’s spores combined with the vulnerable defenses of the soft organ would finally allow it to complete their fusion. It amassed every drop of energy it could pull from the hot liquid inside its host’s stomach, connected with the nerve system inside its host’s spine and let its tentacles shoot up toward its host’s head. Keith’s eyes shot open as he felt a heavy electric discharge shoot through his head. Instantly, his eyes closed again. The organism tapped onto the knowledge inside its host’s brain as it fused with the soft organ, gaining full and complete control of its host. It seized entire command over every cell inside its host’s body as it fused completely with him: their separate personalities merged into one as the organism implemented itself as the more dominant species of the two. It gained knowledge of how the body of this species, ‘humans’ as it called themselves, functioned. Combined with the personal memories of its host, ‘Keith’ apparently, it understood its place. It know also comprehended the running around with a ball on the grass: football was one of the popular sports and it excelled at it. It also recalled the clash with the bigger man, ‘Sean’, and that its own body was too weak to defend itself against the bigger guy. The safe feeling inside the arms of the large male popped up next and it knew what had to be done. He yanked down the boxers and willed the organ between his legs, ‘cock’, to harden. Within seconds the organ pointed straight up and he began stroking it. A first cloud of dust blew up into the air. An hour later, Matt stumbled back inside the dorm room. He inhaled sharply, still sweaty after his second workout of the morning, and walked over to his roommate’s bed. Keith was sleeping soundly. Matt stripped off and went into the bathroom quietly to take a shower. Keith heard the water running and slowly sat up atop his bed. After the fusion with the organism, his body felt completely better. He got up and began making a protein shake. “What are you doing out of bed?”. Keith turned around and saw his roommate coming from the bathroom. “A bit hungry. Made myself a shake. You want one too?”, he asked. “Nurse said ya should rest. Back in bed. I’ll make my own shake”, Matt replied and forced his smaller roommate to get back atop his bed. He prepared himself a triple dose shake and drank it down in four long gulps. “Glad ya’re feeling better, man. Well, I’m off for class. Ya keep in bed, mister”, he said as he grabbed his bag and left. Later that night, Keith laid atop his bed and stroked his cock violently, filling the air of their room with the clouds of dust he now produced. A week later, Matt sat at his desk doing an assignment that was overdue. His miraculous growth had hit another pace and the guy had somehow managed to add a whopping 39 pounds of pure muscle to his frame. He now stood a towering 6’8 and weighed an intimidating 322 pounds. Matt’s concentration kept turning away from the assignment to his own body as his left hand traced the lines of his abs through his skin-tight tank top. He couldn’t believe himself just how big, no massive he’d gotten: his muscles seemed ready to break free from his paper-thin skin. The tank top he was wearing clung to his chest, but couldn’t contain the entire mass of the massive pecs: almost half of his pecs spilled out from the sides along with his freakishly wide lats at the back to create a deep, dark armpit. The armor-like slabs of muscle atop his chest overstretched the tight fabric of the tank top that seemed ready to rip to shreds any second. His shoulders had morphed into freakishly thick, canon ball-sized orbs of muscle that were wider than most doorframes; coiling veins snaked along the front of the clearly separated heads of his humongous delts; beneath them, his arms were plain massive, decorated with a web of veins that crisscrossed along and across them onto his thick forearms filled with corded muscle. Matt tossed down his pen in frustration. Keith was lying atop his bed, reading a book. The symbiote was trying to acquire as much knowledge of this new planet as possible. He heard the frustrated grunt of his massive roommate. “What’s wrong, big guy?”, he asked as he put aside his book. Matt turned around in his chair to face his buddy. “Some stupid, useless assignment. Man, I could be in the gym lifting weights.” “Matt, you already went to the gym today. Twice”, Keith added. Matt ignored his roommate’ remark. “Should be forbidden to keep a body like this from the gym”, he said and brought up his arms in a double bicep pose. His biceps exploded into perfectly round, bowling ball-sized orbs of vein-choked rock-hard muscle as they swelled to the 26 inches they now measured. Keith looked in awe at the incredible sight. The organism that now fully controlled him was pleased with the changes it had invoked in the other male: he was now the biggest guy on campus and always protected him. “Biggest arms on the team. Impressive, man”, he said. Matt noted the look of admiration of his buddy and grinned at his remark. “ This is nothing. Ya should see me without my shirt”, he added and stood up. Keith inhaled sharply as his roommate grabbed his tank top at the bottom and pulled it off over his head. It was a spectacular sight to see the guy shirtless: his meaty traps mounded savagely atop the strong line of his shoulders; his shoulders looked even more intimidatingly round without a shirt; his huge pecs, bloated with swollen muscle formed a thick shelf that cast a shadow over the top half of his eight-pack and made his nipples point down to the floor, the separation between the two mounds of muscle was so deep Keith couldn’t see the bottom of it; his grooved eight-pack rippled with every breath he took, making the deep valleys between the brick-sized abs deepen rhythmically; his huge upped legs filled out his shorts completely, making them cling to the thick quads and hamstrings. “Can’t believe it myself, either”, Matt said at his roommate’s awe-filled look, “Feels like I have energy of five men. Like I’m exploding with muscle”. He hit a few poses to emphasize his point. Keith stared as his roommate’s massive muscles bulged and flexed from the movement. No one will touch me from now, he thought. “Check out my back, man”, Matt stated and turned around. He flared his lats, almost doubling in width and then pulled his arms back into his sides, making the surface of his broad back explode in a relief of hard, mounds of muscle that bulged into each other. Keith had gotten up and marched toward his roommate. His hands grabbed hold of the thick traps and clamped down hard onto them. The rock-hard muscle beneath them didn’t even budge an inch. “Its like your made of concrete, man”, he let out in pure amazement. Matt felt his roommate’s fingers test the hardness of his traps and grinned as his rock-hard muscle easily withstood the groping hands. He turned around to face his buddy. “Feel my pecs, Keith. There twice as massive than last time ya felt ‘em”, he let out. Keith stared at the thick, protruding orbs of hard meat atop his roommate’s chest.” Bigger than most girls boobs”, he said jokingly while he brought up his hands. He felt the heat radiating from the monster pecs as his slightly trembling hands almost touched them. A faint grunt escaped his lips when his palms made contact with the hot, hard surface. He weighed the slabs of beef, that made his hands look almost childishly small compared to their humongous size. He tested the muscles’ resistance and as with his roommate’s traps, the pecs didn’t budge under his grasp. Matt enjoyed his buddy’s reaction, feeling a jolt shoot through his cock inside his boxers. He bounced his pecs, making them dance under his roommate’s touch. Keith blinked as his fingers were pried open by the bulging pecs. His thumbs played with the hard nipples that pointed straight down. “Mmm”, Matt rumbled as electric shivers of pleasure shot through his nipples and a responding jolt through his hardening cock. “Feel my abs, man”, he added. Keith followed his 124 pound heavier buddy’s instruction. His fingers pinched the nipples a last time and slid down onto the corrugated landscape of the fantastic eight-pack. “So… perfect”, he mumbled as his fingers caressed the deep grooves separating the brick-sized abs. Matt grinned at his roommate’s remark and flexed his abs, sending his eight-pack into an even more intimidating display of ripped muscle. More blood flowed into his cock and the thick head pushed itself above the waistband of his boxers. Keith’s fingers continued their exploration of the now flexed eight-pack, sliding down onto the third row of abs. His right thumb bumped onto the fat head of his buddy’s still swelling cock. Keith stared up into his roommate’s eyes as he brought his right thumb up to his own mouth and licked off the salty precum. He eyes travelled down along the mighty torso and zoomed in on the hardening cock. He licked his lips in anticipation and made his move down. “No” The command made Keith freeze in his tracks and look up quizzically into the huge man’s eyes. “Ya always suck me off, man. My turn to give ya some pleasure”, Matt said and threw a most muscular. Keith and the organism that was now one with him marveled at the sight, but didn’t get what his roommate meant. Before he could ask anything, the huge man grabbed his armpit and put him up against the wall, making him face the bricks. “Hey”, he said as his roommate ripped away his shirt, pants and boxers to expose his own body. He heard another ripping sounds as his buddy ripped off his own boxers. “Place yar hands against the wall. Ya might need the support.” Keith obeyed the command. He shivered as he felt his roommate’s hot breath against the back of his own head. He also felt the heat emanating from the huge body as the massive man closed the distance between them. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt ya.” Keith felt his roommate’s mighty arms wrap themselves around him, embracing him. A feeling of complete safety filled him. He shook slightly as he felt the rock-hard cock rub against his ass. “Ssshhh”, Matt rumbled into his roommate’s ear as he felt the smaller guy shiver slightly inside his grasp, “We’ll go easy. I’ve saved myself for ya: ya’ll be the first to have my grown dick inside. Every 12.5 inches of it. I’ve never done it with a dude, but I’m so fucking horny I could fuck the wall right now.” Keith felt his ass draw together at his huge roommate’s remark. “Here we go”, Matt rumbled and positioned the head of his 12.5 incher against his buddy’s ass. Keith inhaled a bit shallowly as his roommate’s right arm unwrapped itself and his paw grabbed hold of his shoulder, capping his muscular delt completely. “AUWHGN”, he yelled out as the thick head of his buddy’s large cock entered his ass. His back arched, his toes curled into the floor and his hands clawed at the bricks of the wall in front of him as more of the 12.5 incher invaded him. “Easy, buddy. Calm down”, Matt whispered into his roommate’s ear as he momentarily stopped entering him. His left arm, still holding the smaller guy against his body, let go of the other guy and he moved his left paw up, gently stroking his buddy’s hair. Keith did feel his body relaxing from the soothing words and the gentle strokes atop his head. “There ya go”, Matt let out and eased deeper inside the smaller guy. “Mghpnfgh”, Keith groaned softly as the thick 12.5 incher invaded him teasingly slowly. He felt his roommate’s protruding pecs shove against his own neck and then, the tickling sensation of the huge man’s pubes brushing against his own ass. “So fucking tight”, Matt rumbled as he felt his buddy’s ass spams around his cock, “Feels so great”. His roommate’s lust-filled moans only excited him further. “Ya like this too, don’tcha?”, he whispered into the guy’s ear before he licked his earlobe. Keith felt electric shivers shoot through his body as his roommate teased his ear with his tongue. He felt his roommate’s right paw place itself atop his right hip and shuddered as the other paw gently pinched his nipple before it slid onto his shoulder. He felt the 12.5 incher retreat from his ass and a strange, almost bleating sound escaped his mouth as the cock was entirely pulled out of him. He inhaled deeply and before he could breath out, the hefty cock was repeating its invasion. It felt less painful than the first time. “Better this time?”, Matt asked while he eased deeper into his roommate. “Perfect”, he said at his buddy’s nodded reply and he pushed completely inside him a bit harder and faster. His powerful paws grabbed the smaller guy tightly and made him move on the rhythm of his motions: as he drove forward, he made his buddy move backward. His own breathing began going faster on the rhythm of his fucking. Keith’s vision began filling up with white explosions and dancing black dots as the 12.5 incher kept pumping back and forth inside him. Every time his roommate’s thick cock was completely inside him, it hit a point that sent waves of electric, pleasure-filled shocks through him. It was as if his roommate’s 12.5 incher had become the entire center of his existence. Somewhere in the midst of what seemed like an ocean of pleasure and lust, he felt the paw atop his hip move down. “What do we have here? Seems like ya’re enjoying this as much as me”, Matt growled into his buddy’s ear. Keith felt the huge paw wrap itself around his own, throbbing 8 incher. His roommate’s thick thumb, almost as thick as Keith’s cock, brushed the sensitive head of his cock as the other fingers pumped his achingly hard shaft. “MAAAATTUGHN”, he yelled out loud in a sound that seemed not from this earth as his balls clenched together and blasted out a thick cloud of spores. Matt felt his smaller roommate shudder against his body and heard him howl his name as the guy orgasmed. Keith blinked as his roommate pumped his 12.5 incher fully inside him again and he felt he cock jolt inside him, forcing him to stand on his toes. The paw pumping his shaft withdrew and he felt the left arm wrap itself tightly around his abs, pulling him into the hard torso. The paw grabbing his shoulder withdrew too and placed itself against the wall, making the horseshoe-shaped tricep jut out thickly from its back. “YEEAAUUGGHHNNN”, Matt roared in a deep, rumbling sound that thundered through the room. His arm tightened around his smaller buddy, digging into the guy’s muscular body without effort and his 12.5 incher began spewing out its loads deep inside the other guy. Keith peeped as he felt the anaconda-like arm dig into his own body. He felt the hot liquid filling him up and the heat spreading through his body. Instantly, the feeling of the hot semen filling his intestines, energized his body. His own 8 incher blasted out two more thick clouds of spores as his huge roommate kept squirting his loads into him. The mighty arm crushing him relaxed its grip as his roommate’s orgasm began wearing off. “Fucking great, man”, Matt growled into his smaller roommate’s ear. As he lowered his face to reach his buddy’s ear, the now large cloud of spores hit his nose and he inhaled it. He grabbed the other guy’s armpits and gently withdrew from him. As the spores were processed through his system, he felt a wave of energy flood his mighty body. “Feeling so much energy”, he said and flexed his pecs, “Gonna hit the gym”. Keith watched as his roommate put on his workout gear, blinked at him and left him in their room. “Go. And grow some more”, he said to the closed door.
  7. LoverBoy


    It's been a fairly long time since I have posted anything here. However, I've had this one rattling around my head for a while now and decided to post it. So without further ado, I offer for your consumption... _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Like" Part 1 By: LoverBoy "He's hot!" I looked up from my phone at Jerrod. "What?" He tilted his head toward the statue standing at the front of the display. "I said, 'he's hot'." I looked at the statue. It was carved from a stone I couldn't identify that looked almost black as obsidian until you looked a bit closer and realized that it had a subtle, reddish-broze hue when the light hit it from a certain angle. It was a crudely detailed, obviously male figure standing on a pedestal of some sort with his hands on his hips in a Superman pose. I say "obviously" male because, despite the crudeness of the detail, the figure had been sculpted with a sort of symmetrical lumpiness to the overall form that suggested a hypermuscularity. And if that left any doubt, there was also the unmistakable, approximately ten inch protrusion sticking straight out from the pelvic region. The lack of sophistication in tools and skill was also evident in the exaggerated proportions of the figure. An impossibly wide shoulders and upper torso tapered drastically to a tiny waist area, then swelled immensely outward again from the hips to what would be legs that were equally as gargantuan as the upper body. Without the added height of the pedestal, the whole statue would have stood easily at least eight feet in height. And on the pedestal was carved a symbol that resembled a stick figure man doing a double biceps pose. I looked back at Jerrod, "Ya think so?" Jared gave me a sultry leer. "Tell me you wouldn't let him pound you with that monster tool." I looked skeptically at the ridiculously long, thick shaft protruding from the statue's groin, and bobbed my head back and forth as if giving it some thought. "Maybe. I just hope he's not a grower!" We looked at each other for a moment before we both burst out laughing. My phone chimed, signaling that I just received a notification on Instagram. I straightened and composed myself as I checked. I had gotten twenty Likes on my latest pics. Before I could scroll any more, Jared grabbed my phone from my hands. "God! Would you stop staring at your phone all the time!" "Hey...!" I reached for the device only for him to extend his arm backward, moving the phone out my reach. "What's wrong, Aaron? Afraid I'll see your naughty nudes...?", he teased. I stepped forward to reach for my phone again, but this time he stepped in, blocking my path with his body. He lithely slipped his other arm around my waist and pulled me in, planting his lips firmly on mine effortlessly. As our mouths locked, I helplessly melted into him as we kissed. He was so good at this sort of thing. I forgot about the phone, and let my arms wrap around him. One hand glided over the expanse of his back, feeling the hard ripples of muscle through his shirt. The other hand went lower, coming to rest on the firmness of his ass. Jerrod was on our school's swim team. They all had great bodies, as swimmers usually do, but none of them had an ass quite as perfectly round and firm as Jerrod's! We broke the kiss, disentangling from each other. I was a bit breathless from the suddenness of the kiss, and wiped away a small bit of saliva I could feel on my lower lip. "What was that for?" I said breathlessly. "For?", he said quizzically, "I didn't know I needed a reason to kiss my boyfriend" he said with mock dismay and a mischievous smirk. I stood there for a moment, feeling my cheeks flush as I noticed a few glances from other people nearby looking at the exhibit. "Awww, you're so cute when you're embarrassed." "Can I have my phone back now?" He looked at my phone, "What're you looking at on here anyway...?" He swiped the screen a few times with his index finger and gave a low whistle. "Niiiiiiiiice...!" I blushed again. The pictures I had uploaded were douchey, post-workout mirror pics from the locker room last night while Jerrod had been in the shower. I had made progress, increasing my max lift by five pounds and several reps. I had seen myself in the mirror while undressing for the shower, and thought I looked exceptionally ripped, so I snapped a few pics of my reflection with my phone. I'm not really very vain, but I had felt uncharacteristically confident and pumped, so I decided to post them on Instagram. To my surprise, they had received a small slew of Likes and even a few positive comments. Jerrod tossed my phone to me. "See? I told ya you were making progress." I felt my cheeks flush again,"Yeah...I guess so. I'll never look like you, though." He smiled, taking a small step forward and placing a tender hand on my cheek. "Sure you will. With me guiding you, and encouraging you? You'll be a big'ol beefcake in no time." Jerrod and I were sophomores in high school, but we had been best friends since fifth grade when he and his dads had moved in next door to my dad and I. We were so close, and so similar in appearance that some people mistook us for fraternal twins. And last summer, during a weekend at his dads' lake house, what began innocently as two best friends going for a swim in the warm, waning light of a late 4th of July afternoon turned into an intense makeout session on the boat dock of the lake! The first for both of us. Neither of us had had any clue what we were supposed to be doing. Rather, we had just given into something we had known was there for a long time. When we came walking back to the house holding hands, the only responses we got were a knowing smile and a shake of the head from my dad, and a more boistrous "'Bout time!" from Rick, the older of Jerrod's dads. We had been inseparable for the rest of the summer, and every day since. "I dare you to touch it!" I came out of the reverie with a shake of my head at Jerrod's words, "What...?" "I said 'touch it'!" Jerrod was looking at me expectantly. He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and tilted his head sideways in the direction of the statue. "Go'head...I dare ya!" I looked at the statue, then back at Jerrod incredulously, "No!" "Awww, c'mon! No one will see you. Just hop under the rope, and give his tool a quick tap. Easy. Won't take five seconds." I looked around, trying to find some excuse not to, but the other museum goers that had been nearby were gone. "There's cameras, dumbass!" He sighed with mock disappointment. "Scaredy cat! Well, if you won't..." Before I could stop him, Jerrod had slipped nimbly under the velvet rope, and stepped toward the statue with his hand outstretched toward the statue's exaggerated phallus. With a quick glance around and a curse under my breath, I ducked under the rope after him. I stepped up behind him to grab his arm and haul him back, but a split second before I could get a hold of him, he sidestepped. With a lightning fast turn to the left, he moved from between me and the statue, and I felt my balance shift into a forward momentum. I stumbled forth toward the statue, and felt my hand come into contact with something rock hard and cylindrical. I looked down to see my hand resting solidly on the phallus of the stone figure. Before I could pull my hand away, my vision blanked! I was overcome with a feeling like standing in a massive chamber of pitch black darkness. An indescribably deep, resounding sound reached my ears. I realized it was the sound of someone chuckling and it made my skin crawl! As I looked around in the impenetrable darkness for the source of the noise, Two glowing points of light winked into view some distance away. They were low and smouldering like the embers of a fire that had all but burned out, but they cast an almost golden light, like someone holding a flashlight up behind a piece of amber. The voice came again from the direction of the twin lights in an almost yawning tone "At last...!" A cold sort of frisson of fear ran over my scalp and down my spine as I realized that the lights were two glowing eyes peering at me from the obsidian darkness! They moved as if their owner were standing up and walking toward me, and I tried to turn frantically and run away... ...Only to collide heavily with Jerrod who was standing directly behind me! We fell to the floor of the museum in a frantic tangle of limbs. I am not afraid to admit that a panicked yelp of unadulterated terror escaped me as I believed for a moment that the figure in the darkness had grabbed a hold of me! Jerrod sat up and grabbed my shoulders, steadying me as I looked about in fear. "What the hell, Aaron?! What's wrong...?" "He's going to get me!!!" Jerrod grabbed my face between his hands, and held me steady, gazing directly into my eyes. "Who's going to get you?!" I calmed some as I looked around, realizing I was sitting on the floor of the museum, "It..it was...I...I don't...I don't know...! What...what happened...?" Jerrod's expression was of complete concern, "I'm not sure. The second you touched the statue, you yanked your hand back like it was electrified", he spoke carefully. "Then you turned around with a look on your face like you had just seen the Devil in the flesh. Then you nearly ran me over!" "I..I didn't go anywhere?" "No. It was only a couple of seconds. You were here the whole time. Why? What do you think happened?" I cast about, still feeling the lingering touch of anxiety. "I don't know. I think...I think I had some sort of hallucination." Jerrod looked at me skeptically. "What did you see?" I tried to remember, but what I saw seemed to be slipping from my memory. All I could remember was... "Eyes!" "Eyes...?" "Yes! I remember eyes!" He looked at me again with uncertainty, "Eyes...well, that's...weird! Ow!" I punched him in the arm, "Don't make fun of me! It was a hallucination, it's supposed to be weird!" Jerrod stood up, and took my hand, lifting me to my feet easily. "I think we need to get something to eat. We haven't had anything since breakfast, and we totally missed lunch. It's almost four o'clock. I think your brain is starving. We need to get it some nutrients, pronto!" As we left the room the exhibit was in, two security guards walked up to us. "We saw you guys sitting on the floor on the security feed. What were you doing?" I went to reply, but Jerrod spoke up first, "Nothing, nothing. My boyfriend here had a panic attack, that's all. No harm done." The taller, of the two guards eyed me cautiously, "You know, you're not supposed to touch the exhibits, Sir." I shot Jerrod a piercing look, and he cleared his throat, speaking hurriedly. "Ahem, yeah, that was my fault. I dared him." He motioned back toward the exhibit and the statue "See? No harm done. Won't happen again. We're leaving, I promise!" I must have looked a little shaken still because the older security guard gave me a once over with his eyes, "You sure you're okay, son?" I nodded, wanting to leave quickly before they thought I might have done something to the exhibit, "Yeah, yeah...I...I'm fine." I tried giving him a reassuring smile that only marginally succeeded, "I j-just need some fresh air." "Okay", he said, unconvinced, "If you're sure." And with that, we left the exhibit hall on our way to leave the museum. As we did, I dared a fleeting glance back at the statue. The afternoon rays of the sun were beaming in brightly through the museum windows. It must have been a trick of the light, but I thought for a moment as we left that the statue seemed to be smiling at me and the symbol on the statue's base was glowing a fain yellow, almost amber color. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Part 2 to follow soon, I hope. LB
  8. GiganticBeast


    HEY FOLKS! I am DELIGHTED to share with you, not a work of my own creation, no, but instead one from an incredible friend who doesn't crave the limelight. Still..this is AMAZING. The only way I can describe it is, it FEELS like the stories I found when I was first sneaking on the muscle growth forums as a not quite old enough teen beast it makes my heart race the same way and I LOVE every SECOND OF IT! It's a nostalgic throwback full of incredible growth descriptions and AMAZING characters. ENJOY! Three years of trial and error, of hardship and ridicule from other co-workers. More than seven years dedicated to study and reinvention of biological chemistry. When bosses give him project after project, he works on a side one. Something just for him, something to keep him sane, despite the workplace and workload. He can’t really talk to his co-workers about it, so he tends to talk more by himself. They murmur behind his back, call him mad, “not right in the head”. The higher ups move him down, floors away from the others. Away from the light and the sun. Into a hole in the ground, deep in the basement; a sub basement. Thrown into a room with vats of storage tanks of chemicals. Huge tanks of liquid nitrogen to cool down samples, it keeps them safe for use and inspection. Old heat tanks moderate oil for the winter, many pipes run off to the different boilers in the room. The pipes knock, bang, clank as they violently change temperatures. They whistle different noises. Dim lit old fluorescent lights, that haven’t been changed out in years, still hang on for some unknown reason. They flicker and blink. That is, if he can see them though all the pipes that run around the ceiling twelve feet up. Don't forget the dull hum of traffic about 26 feet above him that travels down the pillars scattered throughout the room. The door opens, a wave of pungent chemicals assault his senses. If he weren't used to them, he might have turned around and headed right back out the door. The temperature is moderate, except for the cloud of haze, which hangs in the air. That dense, cold vapor makes it hard to see things clear. He makes his way further to the back of the room. He notices failed or broken experiments littered on the ground, and rusted old tables from years past deposited down here, forgotten about. Hazmat suits, gloves, and lab coats lay coated, crusted, and burned with chemicals haphazardly strewn on back of old chairs, or on the edges of their old tables. There, in the corner, is his work. His own special project. He’s halted any assigned tasks, not like his bosses ever check in on him anyways. This was all that mattered right now. A caffeine additive for a workout supplement. Distillation beakers slowly drip a heavy, viscous, yellow chemical liquid. Stupid company, they couldn’t see the value of the supplement, they couldn’t see it as the gold mine it was! Instead they put him on a dead-end task to combat some super-flu. Their pipe dream project was all they seemed to care about, all they’d approve funding for! He could be, should be, spending more time on his money-making caffeine additive. So he could quit this lackluster, crap factory job. So he can earn the respect he deserves. Months of test samples from patients around the world. Test this sample, test that sample. More, and more still, are carried in larger quantities during endless hours of the day. This is a more recent sample from a middle age Russian lifter, that undergoes hormone treatments for depression. He neglects to tell his doctors that he was also experiments with Human Growth Hormone, and testosterone boosters. The scientist’s company takes interest in the lifter, because as to record, he has become the largest specimen in the world due to the super-flu. The largest specimens are quarantined to a remote island in the southern pacific. They prevent boats and vessels from reaching inland due to the jagged, dangerous cliffs and rocks. “How is my little baby doing today?” The scientist murmurs to no one as he observes the distillation process. “At this rate it'll take another week of processing. Yes, yes!” As he rants on to himself. “But then we can leave this horrible forsaken job and move, move far, far away from these horrible little people.” *Knock-knock-knock,* echoes around the large room. “My door, someone is at my door,” he spits to himself in disgust. He slams the sample beaker down, it skitters and rolls across the table. It bumps the other caffeine beaker out of the way. A yellow drip falls into it. The knock returns, more rapid this time. “YES! FOOL, DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU'RE INTERRUPTING!” he bellows, then throws the door open. He stands on the other side, he leans on a mop. It’s the janitor, dressed in a brown twill coveralls. His frame is large and heavy from years of lifting. The coveralls zipped half way up, unable to close all the way due to a heavily sculpted and overhanging upper body. A dungy grey undershirt covers what it can, it stretches thin over his heaving pecs. Titanic hands are covered in veins and hair, dense callouses from lifting his entire life. He inhales, his pecs push up into a properly kept beard, thick. It’s salt and peppered to match his head hair. Gray hair sprinkles with white and black hairs. Hair thins going up, fades completely at the top. A matching gray till military flat top cap lays on top of his pumped head. Glasses sit on the bridge of his nose. He peers over the tops of the thin rectangular metal frames. He chews bubblegum, a thick chin and jaw undulates under strong face muscles somewhere beneath that big beard. “What?! What, what what what… wwwhhhhaaaaatt!” spittle foams in the corners of the scientist’s mouth. “I need to snag some tools that I left down here from servicing the boilers earlier,” states the muscular janitor. They stare at each other without an answer. The silence is uncomfortable. Janitor chews his gum loud, he pops some bubbles, twirls the mop handle, waits for an answer. He watches the scientist sour into irritation. “Who is this guy? Doesn't he know who I am! Doesn't he know what I’m trying to accomplish? The audacity of this, this, this…” he mumbles aloud. “Janitor Bruce,” the older gentleman blurts out. Not as an answer, more of an interruption of the rambling thought process, as Bruce barges through the door. He heads towards the back of the room where he’d left his tools.The crazed scientist runs after the janitor, to catch up with the janitor's long strides from his massive, long legs. Colossal feet shoved into some galoshes. They scuff against the floor, footfalls audible. The scientist still mumbles, and follows the janitor around like a security guard that tails a troubled patron in a sensitive high-end electronic store. His grumbles are low enough this time that the janitor can hear his chatter, but can’t tell what he is saying over the noise of the his massive self, and subsequent movement of himself. “Can't let him see, can't let him touch. Too early, too soon. But need subject to test, yes. Yes! A subject, can skip rat test. Nasty, bitey, small, troublesome things.” the scientist deduces. He fumbles his hands, runs over them in manic thought. Then the janitor stops and turns a bit, then lumbers to the nearest boiler next to the beaker table. The scientist shuffles past while the janitor squats next to the hot boiler. He collects his tools that have been strewn about by the scientist. Small scamper sounds probably indicates some big rats, or feral cats that run around down there. The scientist walks up to his liquid experiment. He grabs a canister of distilled water. He snags the beaker that collects another drop of caffeine derivative and pours in the water. He whirls it with a glass stirring rod. He scurries back over to the janitor, and holds out the beaker. “Water!” he squeaks flatly. “Hot, hot, hot down here. There, around here, heaters, boilers, bubble, bubble, toil and trouble. Have to drink. Drink! Hot! Must, muuuusssttt drink.” His nervous twitches are prominent now, as if to conceal something, as if he were inspected by someone. The janitor bends down, crouched. His bags are almost packed, the janitor grabs the beaker, “Oh, yeah. Thanks.” He ignores the scientist, and downs the liquid. “BLECK! What in the hell was that shit?! Bitter lemon something… Ugh that was awful!” The janitor grimaces in disgust. “Drink, drink, energy drink. Citrus derivative. Must need more glucose, fructose, sugar, sugar. Bad, bad bitter, too bitter. Bad for business.” The scientist grumbles. He smacks himself in the head and table. He bangs on the table, until he hears a crash on the ground. The scientist scuttles around to the other side of the table to view what fell. “No, no, bad, bad. Bad taste, bad business. Such a mess. Mess made on the floor, mess made. NO! WHAT?!” He suddenly realizes the mistake, eyes widen to shock. Suddenly the scientist screams in terror, “OUT! YOU! YOU MUST GET OUT! OUT NOW!!” The janitor stands up. He’s collected all his tools now in his large canvas bag. “Yeah, yeah just let me get my bag and I’ll be out of your hair. You should treat your elders a bit better…” The janitor states cooly. He bends back over to pickup the bag… There’s a loud RRIIIIPP. The janitor wasn't shocked or startled, unlike the scientist. He jumps at the noise, and scuttles behind one of the closest pillars. “Well there goes another set of coveralls, here I thought I was cutting down. Guess it’s bulking season, huh youngin’? Phew, it's getting a little warm in here. I think I should service a few of these boilers, check if they run properly. You know, with all those world issues, with that growth flu… I've been working on this old body for years! Lifting, working out, keeping in shape. It's getting harder as the years go by. Then these lucky so-and-sos just get this immense size! What this ol’ grandpa wouldn’t give for some of THAT!” Bruce turns, and looks for the scientist. He gives his arm a flex, observes the sleeve fill up bigger than even he was used to. “Maybe I did more work than I thought today. Gramps got a really nice pump going, come ‘ere and, and… Where you go, little guy?” He searches ‘till he spots the scientist. He hides behind some junk. “Come on out little guy, gramps won’t hurt you. Much.” He smirks with a double bicep flex. With a double rip noise, janitor gramps gawks with mouth agape, as he stares at his busted cloth. It hangs in shreds from his arms. “Something isn’t right here. You. What was in that drink you gave me.” He beelines right for the scientist cowering behind the pillar. Footfalls are much heavier than before. Outlines of his feet and toes showing in the rubber as they've grown inside. The tips look striated. His legs kick the junk loitered around, meaty hand grabs a table and pushes it across the room as he heads right to him. The scientist ducks behind the pillar, as grandpa reaches around it like a hug. His arms having lengthened, grabs the scientist. Bruce hoists him up by the coat. “Tell me what you’ve done to me! NOW!” Grandpa Bruce demands through gritted teeth. The meek scientist squeaks and stammers. He can’t form words. He struggles, and grips the hairy, thick, muscled wrist of the growing elder before him. The older gentleman smirks as he watches the lab rat struggle. Not because of the growth or power that's happening to him, but because of the tent popped in the scientist's trousers. He pulls him in closer, face to face. The scientist closes his eyes tight and flinches. He hides his head as best as possible, and grips the janitors wrist even tighter. He expects a beating, or worse. The scientist is shaken to his core. He doesn't realize the janitor has put him down until the elder speaks, “It’s alright son, this grandpa won't harm a hair on your head. Open your eyes, and gander at what you helped create! I know you like what you see.” Bruce smiles. Warmth radiates from his muscles. “I’m REALLY enjoying it too! I think whatever you've done has made me a bit bigger in that manly area too. This suit is getting really snug down south. I think I've grown some. Look at these legs. Look! They are getting big!” He flexes his legs. The scientist can see the fabric stretch thin. Each muscle group bunches up. Thick and fibrous like a sculpted bodybuilder. More solid than the proudest strongmen. The scientist finally opens his eyes. The first thing that smacks his sight is a thick, bulbous, bulging, growing groin of the elder gramps in front of him. His eyes widen, they full on stare right at the throbbing erection. It forces itself out of the zipper teeth. It snakes around his waist. Two lemon sized balls fall down each pant leg, fill up, and pound larger with each heartbeat. They all push forward by his muscled thighs. The growing elder rumbles, “Go ahead and get your little hands full of this elder muscle man.” As he pulls both breast coveralls apart the zipper breaks apart showing off his chest and muscled gut. His bloated jock spills out. Yes, the drapes match the carpet, which seems thicken with a bushy treasure trail. The thick unkempt hair runs up and gets hidden beneath the undershirt, which has now ridden up to show off his fuzzy, tight navel. The scientist reluctantly reaches out a trembling hand to the jock and touches the sausage. It throbs and grows. It pushes out slow, like a water balloon that fills up steady. From its central area it billows out like a rippled pleasure wave as it fills the janitor, he surges in size. “Oh yes, yes! That’s it. Use those little digits of yours to explore your growing gramps. Dig in deeper, reach under that package and grab those balls. Give them a tug. My god this feels incredible! I feel so strong, so energetic. I feel like my heart is racing, like it's going to thump out of my chest.” As he grabs the scientists smaller hands and brings them up to his chest, right above his heart. The scientist squeaks again as his torso presses against the hard and striated chest. For an older man's chest, it doesn't feel aged or flabby. There below his hands, thumps his powerhouse of a heart. It pushes growth hormone and testosterone laden virus into his veins.Tissues overflow with power and strength, he de-ages, becomes virile again. The chest heaves under his touch as the scientist feels the fabric stretch over the expanding muscles. The neck of the undershirt sags larger, the bottom hem rises. It flashes an inflating, cobbled muscled stomach. It’s now at the scientists eye level. The scientist’s arms stretch high, his hands slip down over the janitor’s chest as it rises taller. He pushes himself into the janitor’s own stomach, the pouch of the growing grandpa giant spills out with the jock holds. It provides no support. Creaks, stretching rubber noises rend the air with an explosion. The galoshes that were on gramps feet blow out like an exploding tire. It scares the scientist, who hightails behind a pillar with a stung leg from rubble cracking onto it. Big gramps also jumps from the noise. Startled, he bumps into the steam pipes above. He breaks and bends them some. He dips back down. This causes hot steam to billow into the room at uncontrolled rates. The elder crashes to the ground. Pipes, scraps of junk, and the metal tables go flying. He splays out like a marionette puppet with its strings cut. He bursts in snorting, booming, chuckle. Spooked from the surprise yes, but he wasn't hurt or cut at all. On the contrary, Bruce is perfectly unharmed. “Look at this. LOOK AT THIS! All this, hard, hairy, strong muscle!” He rubs his hands over his chest and abs. He grabs his thickening nipples and gives them both a twist. A deafening growl emanates deep within his large chest. Another snap. A long wet slap echoes, the few strings which hold the jock together breaks. His thick cock slaps up between his pecs. They lodge in its deep crevice. Wiring hairs curl over the depth of the cock pillar. A large stream of pre flies in an arc over his shoulder. His soccer ball sized testicles spill out onto the cold concrete floor. “Ugh fuck, fuck, I’m so god damn horny. Even my cock and balls are growing! Mmm, m-more bigger.” His hands move down to stroke his shaft and grab at his balls. His strokes cause more grunts and groans. They deepen as his whole body slowly expands. The temperature in the room grows hotter. Steam fills the room with thick heavy air. Droplets of water drip from the broken pipes above the giant man, drip on his hairy frame. Between the water and sweat drops, his body shines in the low light. The scientist finally peeks out from behind the pillar to see the grown janitor surge in small spurts. He watches gramps flex, as Bruce rubs his own hairy body. He writhes in pleasure, breathes deeply with growl, and talks about how it all feels. Thick gray woolen socks stretch, he watches the gramps frame enlarge. Toes flex on each stroke of his cock. His heel widens and frays the back, toes bunch up then stretch and rip though the top. He makes his way back over to the elder and even while he sits on the cold ground. Their eyes are level. “Why don't you help out your gramps and get to worship this body, boy. Start with those growing feet that scared you away! You always stare at the ground, so I know you like em!” The elder says with a lustful command. “RUB!” He growls. The scientist jumps right into it and bends down, hugs and rubs the big, swelling feet. They stretch to the length of the scientist’s thigh, toes that are as big around as his thumb curl and spread. The foot continues to grow, inch bigger and bigger! The last remnants of the sock jerk off, Bruce exposes his bare feet to the air. The scientist gets up and straddles the shin, sits on it. He watches the veins grow, travel over the foot. Patches of hair thicken on the tops of the feet and toes. The steam in the air becomes opaque, as it sizzles even hotter in the room. The boilers kick into high gear. They try to supply more heat to the build, with nothing in return. “Suck on those toes, I can feel your throbs on me. You just started. Maybe you can get that little toe in your mouth.” The pumped elder says with his eyes closed in self worship. Just as the scientist sucks on the toe a staggered groan comes from the elder. The leg the scientist sits on shakes as it swells in a small burst of growth. It bucks the scientist back, he lands against the groin. He watches as both legs stretch and swell. Feet expand, legs lengthen, muscles bunch and grow; you can hear the fibers and bones stretch and grow. The fabric on his legs blow apart like a balloon pop, shred like cheese. Thighs widen and trap the scientist between them. Junk gets kicked away from the feet that send them hurdle across the room in wrecked heaps. Spurts of pre land on the scientist in ropes, as the chest rumbles behind him. The scientist can't handle it, he covers his hands over his cock and cums in his pants. The expanding god surrounds him. Legs three times as long as his body have grown out from the giant. The grandpa’s thigh is now longer than the scientist. “Uh, h-Here we gggGGOOOO AGAIN!” The janitor growls. With a body flex the coveralls tear asunder. He reaches up to the last remaining piece cloth. The grey undershirt miraculously still holds together. Gramps grabs at the neck. He rips the shirt off his torso with a, “GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOWWWLLL!” His cock fires, stream after stream of pre volleys on to the hot floor. Each time it lands farther and farther away, thicker and more voluminous spurts each time. Tatters of cloth fall down on the scientist, as pre streams down to soak him. The janitors balls lurch and push the scientist away as they take up more space. Coco nuts, bowling balls, watermelons, beach balls shove into the scientist. He watches hair prickle and grow from them. After all, godly grandpas must exhume power and manliness. That doesn't happen with smooth balls! Too enraptured by the growth, the scientist doesn't notice himself pinned to gramp’s inner thigh, squashed under those wiry wrecking balls. He looks back to the scene before him, the biggest cock he's ever seen throbs inches away from his face. He looms in its shadow, as it stretches so high. Thicker than gramp’s waist, he watches as the head flexes and gobs spurt across the room into furniture. Musky smells of sex waft all around him now, they grow stronger, opaque. The janitors arms stretch up, too short to reach the tip. Hands even for him, too small to reach around… For now. Drool drips from the janitors mouth as he strokes his cock, it elicits a growl on each stroke. “Rub grandpas balls little man. He’s got a load brewed to show the world! While you can still reach ‘em.” The behemoth lustfully insists. Grandpa’s pace quickens with furiously long strokes. Each breath his chest rises and doesn’t fall back down. His torso thickens, widens, grows up. Muscle piles on top of muscle as the grandpa’s head pushes higher. Neck muscles thicken and you watch his Adam’s apple bounce with each gulp of air. The chin squares and deepens. It becomes more masculine, thick stubble spreads over, down his cheeks and neck. His cheek bones sharpen and become pronounced features. The nose bridge thickens. The tip becomes a bulbous sphere without loss to any angular sharpness. His engorged, creased head grows along with the deep and powerful voice of the elder. Shoulders push up against the ceiling as the overhead pipes rip out of their wields and anchors, from each of the boilers now. “I’m sitting and I’ve reached the ceiling, AGAIN! So big, but I want so much more! Bigger, yes… BIGGER,” Bruce’s lips drool with lust. Each one commercial boilers kick into higher gears to supply heat to the build. The air is thick and heavy on the lungs, from the amount of hot steam. Glowing flames pierce through the steam from the grates of the boilers. They cause yellow, orange, and auburn lights to dance on the giant’s frame. Titanic shadows adorn the walls of the room show the cacophonous lust of the giant, of the man, of the god. His arms grow to match his torso. Biceps that would dwarf a VW beetle. He throttles his biceps again. His arms grow so much taller, his head in pushes into the pecs. Meaty lips swim with beard and chest hair as he licks the droplets of sweat and steam from his hairs. Bruce leans back against the floor as his feet push into the wall at the end. The floor cracks into spidery webs as he splays out against it. Great big calloused paws, mitts, bearish hands still try to wrap around the tower of his cock. As big as he himself has become, his cock and balls have outclassed him. So much pleasure has built up, his whole cock flares. It pours out a stream as big as a 5 gallon bucket of pre. "Ohhh Fuck the growth is getting stronger! My body feels like it's going to explode with mass. Yesss! Keep growing, don't ever- FUCK, stop!!” The giant’s body quakes with power. He pushes his hands into the ceiling as a surge of growth overcomes his entire body. Bus sized feet and boulder soles crash, push into the far concrete wall. Hiis head and shoulders squash in between both boilers and one another. His fingers larger than oil drums flex like biceps, and dig into the ceiling. “Too much, TOO MUCH POWER! IM GUNNA… GUNNA. W-WATCH ME…” A roar that would shake the building plus few blocks around escapes the maw of the muscled janitor. He thrusts his cock between the ceiling and his pecs. He grinds his obelisk against the squarish slabs, against his corkscrew hair, against the concrete as it crumbles away. A flood of cum erupts from the beastly muscled gramps. You think this story would end here. But oh no… Just as there is more white than any color on the page you read now, there is a hundred times more white expelled from Bruce’s cock. It wasn't even done growing. It’s barely even started. As much cum is it expelled, it didn't end. It only refilled more. Those balls make cum faster than that bludgeon pillar of a cock could expel. So the janitor does the only thing he can, he grips that ceiling and pushes that cock though the ceiling to the floor above. Thrust after thrust, he unloads into another boiler room above. It’s just as empty and desolate as the one they were in. A whole room that would be destroyed by the jets of cum, rocket out of his cock. A room, whose pipes would break again, snap and fray. A room and hallway whose temperature skyrockets, with hot, musky steam. Heavy hot breaths fill the room below. Inaudible growls of lust wrend the air in quakes, as balls slap up and down splinters of concrete. The scientist escapes behind a far pillar in time, before he can be crushed. Drips of sweat, steam, and sex echo though-out the room between howls. Levels of cum rise. They fill the room as the glory hole in the ceiling cracks. Alternate surges of cracks pour down cum, then thicken as the growing cock plugs it back up again. The scientist feels doomed if he stays here much longer. Either the rise in heat would burn him, or building collapse above will bury him alive. It’s time to flee for his life. He trudges through the viscous cum and exits to the world above. One last glance back over his shoulder, he cums again in his pants. He leaves his precious research behind. He ascends the stairs to pull the fire alarm, to get everyone out. Fifteen minutes later, the building is surrounded by police and firemen. EMTs respond to to call. There are murmurs about the heat. How it’s either too hot or too cold. How they all felt a minor earthquake. A few of the patrons described how it smelled like a gym. Firemen gather at the utility stairs to the sub basements, but can’t budge the door. It seems to have been blocked off by a collapse of the foundation. A slurry pumps out from the cracks of the door. This causes some of the firemen to sport erections. Just as they turn around to head back to the truck, an aftershock hits, the stairwell collapses. The ground undulates and cracks. People flee from the underground park area. The firemen run and push people out of the building. Some stand around the exits of the lot. THOOOOOOOOOMMM Something enormous bursts through the ground in an explosion of grey dust and smoke. It crashes up though the car park into the build above. More bursts from the ground. It tears apart as people run away from the building. Windows bust out from the bottom floor up as smoke billows out. Every now and then rubble and office furniture tumbles out. A few minutes of this go by, when a rumble grunt overwhelms the emergency lights and sirens. “UUNNNGGHHHHHH!! OUUUUGHHHHHH!!!” It’s so loud. It pierces everything. The bass howls shockwaves. Birds flee and take flight from around the building. It is so guttural and low. Those close enough fall to their knees. Maybe in disbelief, maybe out of fear, but the way their eyes roll back in their heads tells other tales. The scientist steadies himself against a tree, across the street in a small parking lot. He huffs. He glances upwards, and stares towards what he hopes can’t happen. It can’t be what he thinks it is. “No no no no. This can't be happen… It can't be!” He yelps to himself in disbelief. It can’t be who he thinks it is. Another aftershock hits, the scientist falls to his knees. His eyes widen as an immense figure bursts out the top of the eighteen story building. The giant speaks in a lust addled deafening voice, “"Awwww Shit this feels so DAMN GOOD!!! Grow FUCKIN' HUUUUGGGEEE!!! C-c-can't s-stop. MMOORRREE!” He flexes his upper body like he reaches for something tangible above. With a surge, his body grows in an epic spurt. The building cracks apart, as chunks fall down. Bystanders run and scream as some of the firefighters and men stay, watch, transfixed. “OHHHHNNNGGHHH. FFFFUUUOUGHH FUCK. That's it body, I can feel UNGH, another HUGE GROWTH SPURT COMIN' ON, MAKE THIS MATURE MUSCLEFREAK INTO A GIGANTIC MUSCLEBEAST. C'MON BODY...GRRRRROOOOOOOWWWWW G-GRRRR-GRROOWWWWW!! AAAAGGGNNNNHHHHHHHH!!" Everyone gapes toward the growing giant. He expands up and out into a supreme god as the building crumbles around him. Eventually caught in self pleasure, a tremendous hairy thick base of a cock peeks up out of the rubble flanked by monstrously thick muscled thighs. It quickly chubs up, as it pushes out of the building by its own power and growth. The cock head lands in the street, almost on top of the park. The giant’s eyes flutter with pleasure. The building now in shambles crumbles all around. It sends a dust cloud everywhere. The giant stands there in the cloud. Bruce feels himself up, flexes, growes, growls rumbles. "HOLY FUCK MY COCK IS COLOSSAL!! And it's still G-GROWING BIGGER!! Never imagined my body would get so massive if I caught this growth flu, but UNNGGGHHH I don't want to stop growing! I need more size, more muscle, NNNGGHHFFFF, more cock!! RRUUOOAAUUNGHHHH! SO FUCKING HUUUUUGE!!!!” Huge balls swell with vast reservoirs of manly cum. An audible a water balloon noise being filled violently. Creaks that snap the air like distorted drums. The scientist spots the janitors balls swell. They expand so fast they hit the ground with a shuttering force. The earth below quivers. The giant, addled with lust falls forwards over his convulsing member. The janitor’s bloated hands fall on either side of the park, his face hovers over the scientist. Bruce lays on top of his shaft, his hairy muscled chest traps it below. The janitor sees his little scientist on his knees. The scientist looks up at him and grabs his groin. “Hey there Mr. Scientist. You know, this BIG grandpa should give you a big th-thanks.” As he starts to thrust his row-house sized cock. The janitor digs his hands into the streets, he balls up fistfuls of asphalt like sand. He slams his cock out, and drags it through the street. He howls and growls. Saliva foams, drips from his mouth. It splats next to the scientist. Knowing what’s to come, the scientist books out of the park as fast as he can. As he exits he hears a blast of clear pre take out the tree he used to lean on. It rips through buildings and roads in the path of the stream. While Bruce’s beast jets pre and floods the area, his body pulses larger, bigger, wider. Bruce towers over down-town buildings while he lays on his cock. The monster has decimated city blocks as his fists alone crush a block with their explosive growth. Booming mountain sized feet plow behind the giant. What’s not getting pushed away or destroyed by his feet and legs are getting crushed by the immense balls. They flatten the skyline. Streets flood as the grandpa’s growth accelerates. His accelerated growth fast eclipses buildings with just a finger. Unlimited muscle, power, and lust cascade through his python veins. Nay, his subway sized network of veins. Sweat drips down his hot body. It spreads like a cloud of sex over the city. “Awwww Shit this feels so DAMN GOOD!!! Growing FUCKIN' HUUUUGGGEEE!!! My balls are so fuckin' heavy and massive, I can feel all the cum brewin' in 'em, gonna...HNNG...GGNNNFFFF....HUGE LOOOOAAAADD!! UUNNNGGHHHHHH!! GOTTA PUMP-PU-PUUGHHHH HU-HUGERR!!! Muscles pump and swell. They surge so fast it pushes into his neck and head, his whole face swells. He has to stand up or be choked by his own muscles, the city cracks under his feet the size of a county. The ground buckles under his tremendous weight as his cock surges above his head again. It’s wider than his body as it erects skywards. The gramps stands miles high, the colossal god has to steady himself between his cock and balls. He grips his cock that flows with an immeasurable amount of pre, right before it stops. His balls pull up against his body. The god tries to put a choke hold on his own cock to no avail. "THIS GIGANTIC GRANDPA'S GONNA PUMP OUT THE BIGGEST LOAD THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN...GONNA COAT THIS STATE IN MY THICK MUSKY LOAD!! HERE IT...HHNNNURRRGGGGHH… CUMS. OH FUCK MY MASSIVE BALLS ARE CHURNING SO LOUD AND...GGNNHHHH… FFFFUUUCK FRRRUGHHHH, SHIT SHIT OH FUCKING SHIT HERE IT COMES, IT’S COMING, IT'S BLOATING UP MY GINORMOUS COCK SO FUCKING BIIIIGGGGGGG. NGGHHHHOOOOOAAAAHHHHFUUUUUCKKKKK! HOLY SHIT, AWWW FUCK YEAH CAN'T STOOOOPPPP CUUUUMMMMMIIIINGGGGG!! YES YES YEEEEEESSSSSSSS! OOOHHHHHHGGGGGGG SO MUCH FUCKING MUSCLE CUUUUMMMMM!!! M-MORE MORE CUMMMMM!!!" Clear across the country, out of a gym, walks Scott and Will. They just met in the gym. Will gave Scott a few lifting pointers. Will isn’t a trainer, just a guy. If someone needed help he’d offer them his know-how. They exchange numbers outside when a meteor shower starts above. That’s weird… It was so bright during the day, they just stood there in awe. Until ash started to fall, they decided they’d better get home. Neither of them drove. No taxis were available on the apps, so they decided to walk home fast. They share almost the exact same route most of the way. After a good two miles they rushed to Will’s place. Instead of parting, Will decides he would instead invite Scott inside. A rainstorm hits. Perhaps it had something to do with the meteors. Scott decides with the rain he better take the invite and heads inside. “Oh, you can call me Brawn by the way,” mentions Scott. His friends call him by that nickname. He shakes hands with Will. Just as they turn towards the house, they hear.. “BIGGEST FUCKING Grandpa on the planet!! C-C-CAN’T s-stop CUMMING!!!! GOD DAMN it’s SO GOOOOOOOOD!!” It rolls like thunder from a distance.
  9. LionBUff

    Hanging Herc (full trilogy)

    p1 Homul walked down a dark path behind the town's pub towards a cave deep in the mountains of Greece. The path leads to a farmer's house on the other side of the mountains, but there was a special spot along the trail Hormul was after. A dimly lit cage-like door with the words "Firen Flight" greeted him. The door was covering a cave entirely lit by touches that were at least half burned out. A tall man in a Greek shoulder uniform holding a clay tablet guarded the gate door. "May I come in," Homul asked. The intimidating man looked at his tablet to think about his answer. Homul was worried that the Firen Flight wasn't as secret as he hoped and that he would be told to leave thanks to the crowd. He desperately hoped this wasn't true, he desperately needed a break. A friend of his told him how to get to the secluded Firen Flight deep in the mountains and told Homul that it was his favorite way to relax his mind. The man looked down at his tablet and saw that the Firen Flight was well below capacity. "It's pretty slow tonight, go ahead," The guard told Homul. Homul was so excited that he almost tripped over himself walking in. He walked down the dim cave and turned a few sharp corners before walking into a small room. The room had a wooden stage held up by clay on the further end of the room. Between him and the stage was about 6 round tables with no more than 4 men at each. This room was even dimmer than the cave leading to it, the only bright light came from a single hanging lamp on stage. The rest of the light came from tiny torches on the tables. Homul sat down and ordered his food and drink while he waited. Soon, an announcer walked onto the stage and told the room of men that a special guest was going to appear shortly. Homul's order came, and he enjoyed it... at least half of it. Homul was just a little over halfway done with his meal when Hercules himself walked on stage, looking even more muscular than usual! Hercules was wearing a cloth outfit that looked like a traditional Greek warrior's outfit with everything but the helmet on. Hercules' orange hair swung around in front of his face as he walked to the center of the stage. Homul noticed how little the covering worked when he saw a dim outline of Hercule's abs and chest. When Hercules was comfortable with where he was standing, he rested his unnaturally large arms beside him. "I spend all day using this body to fight off enemies," Hercules said bouncing his chest. "All-day, all I do is fight fight fight." Hercules lifted his arms and flexed his biceps while his chest continued dancing. "Well, gentlemen, this body isn't just built to fight." Hercules lowered his arms and rubbed his abs. The creases in the fabric stretched over every curve on his stomach. "These abs aren't just pretty, they can thrust my waist forwards so fast that my pelvis can pound into solid rick and shatter columns holding up the greatest temples." Hercules spent the next minute or two exaggerating his strength. He said that his chest could squeeze a lemon dry in the deep muscular valley, his legs can squat buildings and that his arms could pull a boat on land. As Hercules described his power, Hormul's mind was filled his visions of Hercules thrusting into buildings. The thought of his pelvis crashing and banging into things made him zone out. Hormel's visions faded when Hormul heard a tearing sound. The tearing was so loud that Hormul almost thought the cave was falling. Something else was falling instead Hercules' hands were resting behind his head, his elbows sticking out in a position that displayed everything below them. Hercule's hands were nowhere near his waist, yet the cloths around his waist were tearing off like an invisible hand was yanking it towards them. The fabric stretched outwards and split open as it did its best to keep the growth contained. Hercules wasn't just getting hard, he was sprouting a golden tree coated with wide and long veins. Hercules closed his eyes and clenched his teeth to help him concentrate on flexing his godly cock. The covering became a useless pile of thread resting along the top of Hercule's dick. The fabrics that remained were shaken off thanks to the golden and veiny rod dancing and throbbing, shaking everything off. Anyone with blurry vision would have assumed a snake was slithering out of Hercules' body. "It's getting a bit warm in here," Hercules cried out. He grabbed the top of his top covering with his right hand and the bottom with his left. He stretched both arms out away from the shirt, the left arm stretched down and the right stretching up. His hands brought the shirt with them. The ripping noise was a battle cry challenging any man to a battle of manhood. Seam by seam gave way to Hercule's strength. The shirt was like a curtain drawing back to reveal a gorgeous new sculpture honoring the gods. Only, Hercules was more muscular than the statues. His abs popped more, along with every other fiber of testosterone Hercules possessed. Pre was already dripping onto the floor into a white puddle. "It's so hot in here, I'm even sweating through my cock," Hercules joked. The crowd chuckled, unable to take their eyes off of the swinging utter of sperm hanging from Hercules. "anyways," Hercules spoke in a low and steady soft voice, "I'd rather show you what this body can do. Talking means nothing with a body beating this much testosterone in its veins." That line was the cue for a boulder to be rolled out on stage by thee assistants. "Let's lighten the load for the fine boys," Hercules suggested walking over to the boulder. p2 Hercules set both feet on either side of the boulder and pressed the head of his cock against the rock. Now that the side of Hercules' body was facing the audience, Homul could see the full length of Hercules' dick. Homul guessed that his cock had to be at least three times longer than his own. He could strap a full-sized horse cock on his body, and the only difference would be the color and the fact that his cock had a human shape. The size and veiny texture were the same for both Hercules' cock and a horse's cock. That and Hercules' balls were noticeably bigger. Homul couldn't help but wonder that if Hercules' gentiles could rival that of a breeding horse, how did his hormones compare? Was Hercules' as horny as a breeding horse? Was he filled with the same animalistic desire to spread his seed? Just like the sound of the tearing of Hercules' clothes, Homul's visions and fantasies of Hercules' body were faded out by the sound of ripping. Only this time, Homul wasn't picturing Hercules thrusting into stone on a building, he was watching Hercules thrust into stone right in front of him on stage. Somehow, it was even hotter than he imagined. Hercules' cock was ripping a hole into the stone like his head was an ax. Hercules didn't even look like jamming his dick into a boulder was painful, he was smiling like he was casually thrusting into any another mate. Dust and sand flew everywhere as Hercules pounded his body into the stone. With each thrust, Hercules dug slightly deeper into the rock. His balls swung around vigorously. No one in the audience said anything. They were soaking up the site of Hercules proving how masculine he was. His ability to rip his clothes off with nothing but his cock seemed like a simple party trick compared to this. When half of the harder than rock cock was inside of the boulder, Hercules speed up his thrusting. Homul didn't realize how slow Hercules was truly hammering his body into the stone until now. Hercules was swinging his waste faster than a tree branch in a storm. With each stroke his cock's head made inside the tunnel, it was digging, an eruption of dust flew out of the hole like a small explosion. A faint humming of sloshing filled the room. Homul didn't know if the wet-sounding humming was coming from Hercules' sweaty cock rubbing against the stone, or the sperm in his utter-like sack slapping against the inner walls of his testicles, or both. "If I could," Hercules calmly told the audience, "I would use my body to fight off our enemies. If my body can drill a hole into a rock like this, imagine what it could do to an enemy's skull! I could grab their head and slam it against my throbbing flesh. Their head would shatter into a thousand pieces!" After Hercules said this, the final few inches of his cock entered the stone. When all of his cock was inside, Hercules calmly inserted his cock into the hole he drilled and rested against the rock. Hercules breathed in and out, and leaned his arms on top of the rock, and Homul assumed this was the end of the show. "That was fun," Hercules said, "But it's still a bit heavy, isn't it?" Hercules pulled out, then hammered one final powerful thrust into the rock. A thunderous cracking sound echoed around the room, and the stone split in half. The two halves of the rock fell, revealing Hercules' cock standing there throbbing like nothing unusual was happening. Hercules grabbed the bottom end of his cock with his left hand and the top end with his right. "Ow," Hercules smirked. The audience quietly laughed. The men from earlier came back on stage and picked up one half of the stone as if it were a simple piece of furniture and carried it off stage. They came back to move the other half of the rock, leaving Hercules alone on stage. Once Hercules had the stage to himself, he quickly stretched a few muscles and turned back around to face the audience. "We know how hard my cock is, but how strong is it," Hercules asked the crowd. That was the cue for 4 full-grown men to walk onto the stage. Each of them were wearing classic Greek Armour, including the helmet. The 4 men, one at a time quietly swung their legs over Hercules' cock as if they were about to ride a horse. Once their bodies were standing over Hercules' giant flesh, they all picked their feet off the ground at the same time. Hercules held the 4 men up with nothing but his cock. His throbbing pole of meat held their weight effortlessly. Hercules even placed both hands behind his back to show off the fact that he was holding them up by only his enormous dick. "How many reps can you do," one of the men asked. Hercules clenched his teeth and flexed his dick, the men rose and fell with his cock. "One," Hercules said through his clenched teeth. Hercules flexed his cock just over 60 times before he told the men that he was getting bored. Hercules was bouncing the men on his pole for nearly 10 minutes, so the men were getting bored too. Hercules showed no sign of tiring out, so they just decided that Hercules could keep bouncing them all night and left the stage. When Hercules had the stage to himself again, he lifted both arms and flew his biceps. His biceps were massive. His left bicep had one singular vein sticking out of the top. "I already know how strong my arms are... but how strong is my body below my arms? Not my abs, my balls. How strong is the pressure behind my ejaculation? How far can I shoot a load?" Hercules kept his left arm flexed and used his right arm to point to the back of the room. A man is the same Greek Armour as the other 4 men was holding a Greek vase above his head. "Maybe this far," the man suggested. Hercules lowered his arms, placing his left hand on his balls and his right on his still-hard cock. He jerked his foreskin and measured the distance between the end of his meat and the top of the vase. "Maybe," Hercules said, "but I'll need help if I'm gonna make it that far." Two men walked out onto either side of the stage, both of them brought a small wooden stool with them. Each stool was slightly shorter than Hercules' waist. Both men sat down cracked their knuckles while Hercules rested his arms on their shoulders. "Ready," the man on the left asked. "Fire away boys," Hercules cried out. The man on the left grabbed Hercules' dick with both hands and jerked it so hard that the rubbing of the foreskin against the rod underneath sounded just like a small waterfall. The other man grabbed each testicle in each hand and squeezed the like a cow's utter. Hercules moaned, nearly losing control of his voice. He knew the men were going to do this, but he was still taken away by how aggressive they were. It didn't take long for pre to drip out. "Here it comes!" Hercules positioned his waist upwards so that his imminent ejaculation would shot towards the ceiling. Hercules felt weaker and weaker while his body braced. White liquid dripped from his cock very slowly for a few brief moments. It dripped out slowly, one drop growing on the tip until it was heavy enough to fall. The next round of pre drizzled out in small bursts. One small load after another flowed out, each load heavier than the load most men carry in their entire sack. Next thing Homul knew, a white arch stretched across the room so far that it 2 feet went past the man holding the vase. White raindrops dripped from the white arch creating a white line on everything underneath. Hercules was ejaculating with so much strength that he wasn't just shooting further than even he expected, but the stream of his seed was one solid river soaring over everyone's head. For more time than anyone could count, Hercules spewed seed with more force than a backed-up volcano. A large portion of Hercules' male milk missed the vase, yet it was over half full when Hercules finally stopped ejaculating. The two men massaged Hercules, assuming that eruption was painful. "Round two," Hercules asked the crowd. p3 The next night, Homul walked back to the Firen Flight only to discover that the previous guard, along with Hercules, weren't there. "Sorry little dude," the new guard told Homul as he hung his head in disappointment. Homul was so disappointed that he could almost feel his meat crawl into his waist from being so turned off. "he'll probably be back tomorrow," the new guard told him with a reassuring grin. Homul grinned back to be polite. "Thanks," he said and walked away. Homul's feet felt heavier as he dragged them back into town. He walked through the dark countryside of Greece remembering everything Hercules did on stage with little to no effort. He could hear all of the men in the room cheering Hercules on. In fact, he really could hear someone scream Hercules. He thought it was all in his head until the screaming and cheering for Hercules became too loud for him to ignore. these screams weren't in his head... they were real... but where were they coming from? they weren't coming from his own horny mind, they were coming from someone's horny voice outside of his mind. Homul followed the soft and muffled screams to a river hidden deep in the Greek mountains. The sound seemed to be riding inside the mist rising from a waterfall upstream. The waterfall was loud, but the moans of Hercules' name were louder. Homul walked up to the waterfall certain that they were coming from under the waterfall. "Are you ok," a voice that sounded like Hercules asked from under the waterfall. "I've taken centaurs dozens of times," a voice that reminded him of the guard from last night responded. As Homul snuck up closer the voice continued with "but they feel like tiny fingers compared to you... ok... wow... that's way bigger than anything I've ever taken before!" Something interrupted the voice's train of thought. He could barely get one word out. Homul was now so close that he could see a torchlight from under the water. He discovered that the light was coming from a tunnel under the waterfall. The tunnel walls echoed the heavy breathing of who he assumed was the guard buried under Hercules. "The centaurs might be half horse but they aren't half god... are they?" This confirmed that he was truly hearing the voice of Hercules echo out of the tunnel. "No... they, they, they aren't," the other voice chocked up. "I can feel the difference... centaurs are softer than this!" "How hard can Hercules get," Homul asked himself. "I can see the difference too... your head is poking out and rolling up and down my stomach like a boulder is rolling around my insides!" This was too much for Homul to ignore. He quietly walked into the cave to see this rolling bulge for himself. when Homul cut the corner of the cave he realized the guard wasn't kidding. The two men were on a cheap and quickly-built looking bed, and you really could see Hercules poking through like a ball rolling up and down his skin. The shadows created by the dimly burning torch on the wall behind the bed defined the moving lump in the guard's body. Homul slowly hardened as he watched. Hercules was in the outfit he was most famous for, but the loose bottom half of the outfit did next to nothing to keep Hercules "contained." Hercules was wearing his usual covering, yet, somehow, Homul could still see his balls flapping around. His sack reminded him of clothes drying on a windy day... they were thrown around all over the place. Were his testicles bigger than before? They seemed to be covered in more veins too. Homul assumed his cock was even veinier too, but he couldn't be sure because it was deep inside the guard. "I'm really, close... I'm sorry," Hercules apologized in a sincere voice that was still erotic. "We've been here for a while," the guard said shocked. He took a few more breaths and said "How have you not cum already? I would have cum three times by now!" Hercules was clearly about to say something, but his ejaculation interrupted him. Homul could hear Hercules' cum slapping against the guard's stomach. The bulge in the guard's stomach grew so plump that it covered Hercules' cock completely. His stomach rose and rose as Hercules seemed to have no limit. How much sperm can one man hold? His balls were huge but they didn't look like they held THAT much. When Hercules finished, he rubbed the guard's swollen belly to calm him down. The guard's face was red, bright red, but he was still grinning. The guard loved every last sperm cell filling him up. He felt a million degrees warmer... like he swallowed the sun whole... and he loved it. "God's can't impregnate men right?" Hercules laughed without answering. "Maybe," he said. Hercules pulled his cock out and let his load flow out of the guard's hole. His stomach flattened as the cum poured out like white molasses. "What does that mean," he asked Hercules with a shaky voice. "It's happened before. A god's seed is so strong that it can fuse with the sperm of another man and breed just as much as it would breed a female. "Ok," he said, "I would love your offspring inside of me anyways. If I do get pregnant, I want to breed an army with you. We could impregnate the land with warriors like you impregnate me. "Don't have to tell me twice," Hercules said gripping his testicles... as if to say he wants to breed that army right now.
  10. LionBUff

    Hanging Herc 3

    Hanging Herc 3 The next night, Homul walked back to the Firen Flight only to discover that the previous guard, along with Hercules, weren't there. "Sorry little dude," the new guard told Homul as he hung his head in disappointment. Homul was so disappointed that he could almost feel his meat crawl into his waist from being so turned off. "he'll probably be back tomorrow," the new guard told him with a reassuring grin. Homul grinned back to be polite. "Thanks," he said and walked away. Homul's feet felt heavier as he dragged them back into town. He walked through the dark countryside of Greece remembering everything Hercules did on stage with little to no effort. He could hear all of the men in the room cheering Hercules on. In fact, he really could hear someone scream Hercules. He thought it was all in his head until the screaming and cheering for Hercules became too loud for him to ignore. these screams weren't in his head... they were real... but where were they coming from? they weren't coming from his own horny mind, they were coming from someone's horny voice outside of his mind. Homul followed the soft and muffled screams to a river hidden deep in the Greek mountains. The sound seemed to be riding inside the mist rising from a waterfall upstream. The waterfall was loud, but the moans of Hercules' name were louder. Homul walked up to the waterfall certain that they were coming from under the waterfall. "Are you ok," a voice that sounded like Hercules asked from under the waterfall. "I've taken centaurs dozens of times," a voice that reminded him of the guard from last night responded. As Homul snuck up closer the voice continued with "but they feel like tiny fingers compared to you... ok... wow... that's way bigger than anything I've ever taken before!" Something interrupted the voice's train of thought. He could barely get one word out. Homul was now so close that he could see a torchlight from under the water. He discovered that the light was coming from a tunnel under the waterfall. The tunnel walls echoed the heavy breathing of who he assumed was the guard buried under Hercules. "The centaurs might be half horse but they aren't half god... are they?" This confirmed that he was truly hearing the voice of Hercules echo out of the tunnel. "No... they, they, they aren't," the other voice chocked up. "I can feel the difference... centaurs are softer than this!" "How hard can Hercules get," Homul asked himself. "I can see the difference too... your head is poking out and rolling up and down my stomach like a boulder is rolling around my insides!" This was too much for Homul to ignore. He quietly walked into the cave to see this rolling bulge for himself. when Homul cut the corner of the cave he realized the guard wasn't kidding. The two men were on a cheap and quickly-built looking bed, and you really could see Hercules poking through like a ball rolling up and down his skin. The shadows created by the dimly burning torch on the wall behind the bed defined the moving lump in the guard's body. Homul slowly hardened as he watched. Hercules was in the outfit he was most famous for, but the loose bottom half of the outfit did next to nothing to keep Hercules "contained." Hercules was wearing his usual covering, yet, somehow, Homul could still see his balls flapping around. His sack reminded him of clothes drying on a windy day... they were thrown around all over the place. Were his testicles bigger than before? They seemed to be covered in more veins too. Homul assumed his cock was even veinier too, but he couldn't be sure because it was deep inside the guard. "I'm really, close... I'm sorry," Hercules apologized in a sincere voice that was still erotic. "We've been here for a while," the guard said shocked. He took a few more breaths and said "How have you not cum already? I would have cum three times by now!" Hercules was clearly about to say something, but his ejaculation interrupted him. Homul could hear Hercules' cum slapping against the guard's stomach. The bulge in the guard's stomach grew so plump that it covered Hercules' cock completely. His stomach rose and rose as Hercules seemed to have no limit. How much sperm can one man hold? His balls were huge but they didn't look like they held THAT much. When Hercules finished, he rubbed the guard's swollen belly to calm him down. The guard's face was red, bright red, but he was still grinning. The guard loved every last sperm cell filling him up. He felt a million degrees warmer... like he swallowed the sun whole... and he loved it. "God's can't impregnate men right?" Hercules laughed without answering. "Maybe," he said. Hercules pulled his cock out and let his load flow out of the guard's hole. His stomach flattened as the cum poured out like white molasses. "What does that mean," he asked Hercules with a shaky voice. "It's happened before. A god's seed is so strong that it can fuse with the sperm of another man and breed just as much as it would breed a female. "Ok," he said, "I would love your offspring inside of me anyways. If I do get pregnant, I want to breed an army with you. We could impregnate the land with warriors like you impregnate me. "Don't have to tell me twice," Hercules said gripping his testicles... as if to say he wants to breed that army right now..
  11. Hey y'all. Long time reader. First time Writer. Here's a little story I've been working on while I'm bored in quarantine. Part 2 will be coming very soon. Hope y'all enjoy. Chapter 1: Making Plans It had been a long quarantine for Collin and Sam. With all of their classes being moved online and them being locked in their tiny house together, they were getting a bit stir crazy. With Collin being at high risk with his asthma, and Sam wanting to protect his friend and roommate, the two of them hadn’t really left the house except for groceries and the occasional errand that Sam would run. Each of them had enrolled at the local college and met their freshmen year. They met at a party one night and started talking and became fast friends. Every year since then, they had been roommates together in a small house they rented. Now, juniors in college, they are stuck in the house with each other. Luckily, it was looking like their long quarantine would be coming to an end. The governor of their state had slowly been reopening stores and restaurants. With the country appearing to go back to normal, they thought it was appropriate to have some friends over at the very least. “Oh, come on Collin. I know you are worried about this pandemic, but we have been cooped up in this house for over three months. With everything reopening, I think that we can at least begin to see our friend group again,” said Sam trying to convince his roommate to let his friends back into their life. “It doesn’t even need to be the whole group. It can just be a few of them.” Sam walked into the kitchen of their small house to grab a snack. “I don’t know Sam. I’m just worried about the possibility of any of them bringing the virus to us,” said Collin as he sat down on their couch in the living room. “We are going to be exposing ourselves to whatever they have come in contact with.” “But you’ve already been exposed to the outside world,” said Sam as he sat down in the chair facing Collin. “I go to the grocery store once a week or so and then I come home. How is me going shopping less dangerous than our friends coming over to see us?” “You’ve been staying safe. You don’t leave the house besides going shopping. We don’t know where they’ve been. They could’ve gone to restaurants or bars for all we know. I trust that you’re being safe. I don’t trust them.” Sam leaned back in his chair crossing his arm. Clearly disappointed by his friend’s aversion to the slightest bit of human contact. Sam’s face lit back up with an idea. “What if we can make sure they social distance for at least two weeks? The 4th of July is coming up two weeks from this Saturday, if all of our friends could social distance for those two weeks, could we have a barbeque?” Sam gave Collin the biggest puppy dog face imaginable. Accentuating his big blue eyes to drive the point home. He knew Collin couldn’t resist the face. After a moment of thinking, Collin finally surrendered to his roommate’s begging. “Ugh, fine. If you can get all of them to social distance for two weeks, we can have them all over for the 4th.” Sam jumped up from his seat with glee. “Woohoo! You won’t regret this bud! We are gonna have so much fun!” Sam gave Collin an excited side hug and ran into his room to get his phone and texted everyone who was still in town. Collin watched as Sam ran off to his room with a slight smile on his face to see him so happy, but it faded into worry for what might happen if his friends fail. Sam presented the obstacle to the group and they were all on board. He took a head count and requests from everyone for what they would like served. Sam said that he would cook everything and they’d Venmo him their share. This way there would be less people preparing the food. A couple weeks went by and Sam went out the Friday before to get all of the food they were going to need. With twelve people to cook for, Sam would have his work cut out for him. On the menu were burgers, chips and dip, mac n cheese, jalapeño poppers, and Sam’s homemade chocolate pudding. He bought everyone a few different types of beer and some seltzers for the nonbeer drinkers. He wanted to go all out for this get together if it was going to be the first one after months of isolation. As he was shopping for ingredients for the dishes, he came across a fun spice kit. It was a six-piece spice set that read “Spice Up Your Life”. None of the spices seemed familiar to Sam but he thought ‘What the hell? With the way my life is going, I’m gonna need all the spice I can get.’ He grabbed the kit and continued shopping. He arrived home and started unloading the groceries. “Hey Collin!” Sam shouted from the kitchen. “You mind running out to my car and grabbing the rest of the groceries?” Collin groaned in protest but reluctantly got up from his bed and came out to help Sam. Coming into the kitchen, he saw all of the food that Sam had already brought in. “You have more food in the car? This is enough food to feed a village for a week and we’re having 10 people over for one afternoon,” Collin said with shock. “We can have leftovers if we have to,” said Sam, getting out various bowls, plates, and cutting boards for the preparation of the food. “Besides, you could easily eat all of this food by yourself in one sitting,” said Sam gesturing toward the slight gut that his friend had gained since the quarantine began. “I haven’t put on that much weight, have I?” Collin looked down at his slightly bulging belly and rubbed it. “Well there is a reason why I have to go to the store every week instead of waiting longer.” Sam walked over and smacked his friend’s stomach and watched it jiggle a bit after. “But there’s nothing wrong with that. You normally live in the gym and eat the same diet while we’re in our normal life. It’s just your calorie needs have gone down, but your intake hasn’t,” said Sam with more sincerity in his tone. “I guess you’re right,” Collin said with a bit of sadness for his lack of gym routine. He normally was a buff stud. But he had put on that COVID 19 and his muscles have deflated a bit from his normal jock physique. He sulked for a second and then proceeded to go get the rest of the groceries. “Hey, don’t get down about it bud. I’m gonna tell you the same thing you told me the night we met. “I always love a little more cushion for the pushin’”,” said Sam with a wink and slapped his roommate’s ass. “Now go get the food. I have a lot to do if we want everything ready for tomorrow.” Collin smiled and grabbed the rest of the groceries. Sam had wished he could repeat the night they met. But he knew not to get his hopes up too much. Sam carried on cooking and prepping for the barbeque. He was going through his groceries and saw the spice kit he had randomly thrown in his cart. He opened it up and saw the six spices. Each seemed to have their own specific color of the rainbow for each flavor. Sam divided each flavor up to a specific dish that he’d prepare. But that left him with one spice left over, purple. He didn’t know what to do with it. So he stowed it in the pantry for another day. After what felt like hours of preparing, everything was ready to be cooked tomorrow. Collin walked out of his room to see all of the food. “Ooooo is that your world famous homemade chocolate pudding?!?” said Collin, reaching out his finger toward the giant bowl only to have it batted away by Sam. “Yes, it is, and you can’t have any. It’s famous for a reason. Everyone loves it and I want to make sure everyone gets some tomorrow.” “Oh come on Sam. Just a little finger? Pretty please?” Collin said trying to use Sam’s own begging trick against him. Trying to slouch down to Sam’s shorter height to really sell it. “Hey no fair. That’s my trick,” said Sam with a bit of a chuckle. “Alright. If you really want some, the spoon is sitting over there on the counter. Just finish up before I put everything into the dishwasher.” Collin beamed with delight. “You’re the best.” He walked over to the counter with joy in his steps. He picked up the spoon and sat down at their dining room table. Licking the spoon and loving every second of it. “Mmmm. You really should make this more often. It’s become one of my favorite desserts ever since you’ve started making it.” “I know. Everyone loves it, but it just takes me forever to make it.” Sam began washing the dishes while talking with his roommate. “Yeah, but you won’t let anyone help you since it’s your family’s secret recipe.” Collin standing up quickly from the table feeling a bit of heft to his body that he was not used to. He walked over to put his now spotless spoon in the sink for his roommate to wash. “And it’s staying that way. If you wanna try and recreate it, be my guest.” After Collin put away his spoon, he began grazing the counter for any other treats he could snack on. He saw that Sam had already finished making the dip for tomorrow. He reached into the pantry and grabbed some chips. Shoveling out the dip and into his mouth. Letting out the occasional “Mmm”. “Hey. The dip might not be as well renowned as the pudding, but I’d still like to serve it tomorrow,” said Sam grabbing the dip and hoisting it in the fridge. “You’re no fun.” Collin put his chips back in the pantry with defeat. “Can you at least make me something that I can eat?” “Do I look like your mother? No. You’re a grown ass man. You can cook your own food,” said Sam as he went back to cleaning the dishes. “Pleeeeeease Sam? I’m letting you have this barbeque. Just make one sandwich for me.” Collin again went down to Sam’s level and gave him the puppy dog face. Quivering his lip every now and then for dramatic effect. “You’re getting way too good at that. Fine, I’ll make you a sandwich.” “Again, you’re the best.” “Yeah yeah yeah. Just get me out everything you want on it. I’m almost done with the dishes and then I’ll make it.” Collin grabbed bread, cheese, and butter. He was wanting a grilled cheese, but not your average one. He also pulled out some jalapeños, some bacon and even grabbed a spice that Sam was using before. “Got it. Now what?” “Why don’t you start cooking the bacon and slicing the jalapeños? I’m almost done with the dishes and I’ll cook it for you after that.” Collin did as he was told. Frying the bacon and dicing up the jalapeños while dashing bits of spice onto them. “Alright everything’s ready. Done with the dishes yet?” “Almost. Why don’t you grill it and I’ll eat it when I’m done?” “You’ve been done with dishes for a while now, haven’t you?” Collin said while throwing his sandwich on the skillet. “And you didn’t cook all day, did you?” “I retract my previous statement. You are no longer the best.” He picked up his sandwich and took it to the dining room “Nope. I’m better.” Sam walked in and joined his roommate with a banana to eat. “So how has everyone done in terms of keeping their distance?” asked Collin between bites. “From what I can tell, good. I don’t have ankle bracelets on them so there’s no real way to know, but from what they’ve said, they have been.” “They’d better.” Collin said getting up to put his plate away. As Collin got up, Sam noticed his shirt was riding up a little more on his belly. Nothing too severe, but it definitely bulged out from his body a little more. Sam followed him into the kitchen and threw his banana peeled into the trash. “Need anything else before I head to bed?” “Maybe just help me put everything away,” said Sam as he walked by his roommate to make room in the fridge for everything he’d prepared. He turned around to grab the food only to see his roommate’s pecs right in his face. ‘That’s odd. Normally I’m eye level with Collin’s chin.’ “Hey Collin, did you get taller?” Collin looked down at his roommate. He’d always been a few inches taller than him, but Sam was looking particularly small tonight. “I doubt it. I stopped having growth spurts a while ago. Maybe you just shrank?” laughed Collin, ruffling his roommate's hair. After the kitchen was completely clean, Collin started walking toward his room. “Night tiny.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Night big guy.” He watched Collin walk away. His eyes lingering on his fat ass. I looked like it was pushing those poor shorts to their limit. Watching it wobble from side to side. Each cheek looked like a soccer ball. Sam knew what he’d be jerking off to tonight. He headed to his room and shut the door. After a quick jack, he went to bed, excited for their get together tomorrow. For more updates, story ideas, or general MG stuff, Follow my twitter: https://twitter.com/Musclesaber
  12. tester26

    Sean & Ty (Part 2)

    Another tale of Sean & Ty together. Got a bit carried away with the improbably large loads here, but enjoy! Sean & Ty (Part 2 of ?) With thanks to HSMuscleBoy & Galthroc for the inspiration Ty slid off the couch and walked out to the balcony of Sean's twelfth-story apartment, taking his shirt off on the way. His muscled body bulged as he bent over to remove his pants and undergarments. Slowly, he pulled his jeans down. A fat shaft was revealed as the jeans were dragged down and down, more and more was revealed, as though it would never end. Finally, as the jeans reached his knees, he gave a swift final yank and his cock sprang free, the fat footlong shaft slapping his thighs. He gives his boyfriend a wink before climbing into the hot tub, sighing with relief and leaning his head back on the edge of the tub. Sean grinned and followed suit, having already been shirtless and going commando, he slipped out of his cargo pants and climbed into the tub, his low-hanging softballs rolling over the edge as he moved in, his 14 inch soft meat hanging low from its weight. Ty's eyes follow those dangling beauties throughout their descent, watching their every small movement. He licks his lips and scoots closer, extending a thick arm and scooping one of the large testicles in a hand, it barely fitting. He exhales loudly, starting to get aroused as he lifts and plays with the huge thing, feeling how heavy it was. His cock started to poke out of his sheath, as though wanting to see what was going on. "God, Sean... so huge." Sean moaned softly as his equipment was handled by Ty. "Mmmf, Ty..." he groaned. "That's feels great.” He reclined in the hot tub, his arms crossed behind his head, smiling to the concrete overhang above him that was the upper apartment's balcony. Ty caressed those huge balls, shuddering when he let go and they fell onto where Sean was sitting in a heavy heap. His other hand was traveling up and down Sean's body, squeezing his bulging muscles, occasionally squeezing his growing dick. His own cock was already laying flaccid in front of him like a snake, pulsing with life as blood started filling it as he grew more aroused. Sean smirked and wrapped his left hand around the middle of Ty’s growing shaft, rubbing the length with his thumb while squeezing it tight. Ty hunched over to take Sean's swelling cock in his mouth, struggling to fit the mushroom inside his mouth. He managed, letting his tongue swirl around the glands, his throat closing around the head, before popping that fat meat out with a slick sound accompanying. "You taste so nice," he remarked, winking at Sean, his own cock now semi hard, up past his navel and almost as thick as his forearm. His stomach and chest heaved up and down as his breathing grew deep because of his arousal. He put Sean's cock back in his mouth, working magic with his tongue and throat. Sean gasped as his shaft was taken into Ty's mouth, already starting to leak pre inside of him. "God," he said, "you're g-good at this..." He placed his hand on the back of Ty's head, coaxing him on. Ty raised himself and let his palms roam Sean’s body as he licked and slurped on that big cock. He moaned as he cupped the stud’s bulging pecs and washboard abs, loving how his gigantic dick throbbed against his tongue, the taste of the fluids coating the member making him hungrier and hungrier. Ty increased the pace and strength of his sucking, taking more and more cock in his mouth until he gagged, but regained his composure. He kept his lips and throat tight, spit leaking out from his lips and staining his cheeks, precum and saliva oozing down Sean's huge cock. Sucking and slurping noises galore came from Ty as he worked his stuff, making sure Sean got a blow job that'd make him shoot his load like never before. Sean reclined in total bliss. His cock-head was warm and wet and drooled pre by the cup. His urethra pulsed and swelled as copious amounts of precum surged through it. His nuts churned beneath the water. He continued to rub the back of Ty's head. He could feel it through every muscle, every tendon, every nerve ending in his cock; he was close to cumming. Ty pulled back, and lay back in the tub, his own cock landing hard between his pecs. He stroked it eagerly with one hand, the other jerking off Sean’s. "Fuck, Sean, is that monster getting bigger?” he asked, fascinated. Sean smiled and placed a hand affectionately on top of the middle of his dick, stroking it gently as if it was his satisfied stomach. “You like this dude?” he asked with a smile, looking down to his cock that reached almost to his chin. “Twenty-two inches when I last measured.” "FfffUCK!" Ty groaned, arching his back, chest heaving into the air. Hearing just how fucking huge that cock was sent a massive wave of pleasure through him, sending his hips skyward, cock so hard it didn't move despite his squirming. Precum spit out like a water gun, coating his body. "I can't wait to see it cum..." Ty said as he went back to blowing his partner. Ty took more meat in his throat than he thought possible, his throat bulging from the effort. His head bobbed up and down so quickly it was nearly a blur. His free hand jerked and squeezed what remained of Sean's cock outside his mouth so roughly and tightly, he could feel the veins pushing against his palm. At the apex of his advanced blow job, he popped his head off of Sean's cock, let go, and sat back, leaving Sean hanging. He grinned and casually stroked his erect meat, his fat head leaking between his huge pecs. Sean gasped as he stared at the tip of his massive cock. As if perfectly on cue, the slit opened up and a massive wad of precum shot upward, splashing perfectly on Sean's nose. Sean sneezed, wiped the goo away, and then glared evilly at Ty. "Thought we might try some edging. Better payoff in the end. Not to mention your dick gets HUGE right before you cream," he pointed at Sean's huge, throbbing and leaking cock. "And god damn is that hot!" Sean frowned at Ty across from him. "Alright," he said, "if that's how you want to play it." He reached forward and wrapped his hands around Ty's shaft, squeezing tight around the base and slowly, ever so slowly bringing it up to the very tip, then plummeting his hands to the base quickly before restarting the process. Ty's eyes flickered when Sean worked his way up his cock. His whole body would jolt and tense when Sean suddenly forced his hands back down his shaft, muscles popping all over his body. "Ohh FUUCK, Sean. Keep doing that. Don't stop. Oh YEAH!" He moaned, his head jerking back in forth in pleasure. He tried to thrust into Sean's palms, but their grip was too tight to allow that. Precum surged out of his opened slit, oozing in waves down his fat, throbbing shaft, which was growing a darker shade of red by the second, veins starting to pop out and throb. Sean smirked and gently kissed Ty. "Thought you'd enjoy that,” he said and continued his treatment. His fingers felt like magic on Ty's cock, squeezing incredibly tight as he pleasured his boyfriend. He now began to corkscrew his hands back and forth as they slowly rose up the massive length. Ty grit his teeth and squeezed his hands into tight fists, making his arms bulge. Precum was spewing out like his cock was a broken faucet, dousing his body in clear, sticky fluid, his muscles becoming sleek and shiny. His pecs squeezed together and his abs crunched tightly, the base of his cock bulging obscenely as a tidal wave of horse cum prepared to burst forth and shower then both in spunk. "Fuck..Sean...gonna cum soon. Oh God, keep going. It's going to be huge." Sean promptly pulled his entire body away and jumped backwards, his nuts sloshing through the water. He stood there, leaning against the back of the hot tub, his arms folded over his chest and his cock hanging in the air. He smirked over the tip of his own shaft at Ty as he had done the same thing Ty had done to him. "Oh, you were reeeeeeeeeeally hoping to cum, weren't you?" he asked. As if on cue a bubble seemed to form in his urethra and climbed upward until it reached the head. At this point a bead of precum the size of a large grape emerged from the tip and oozed down his shaft, landing with a loud plop in the water beneath them. Ty sat there trembling, trying to fight the urge to cum right there without even touching himself. His cock throbbed and bounced in front of him, piss slit wide open and winking at him, ready to splatter all over the place. With much effort he managed to quell it, his dick "deflating", losing a few inches in length and girth. "Jesus that was close," he said. "Your turn!" he immediately lunged forward and grabbed Sean's enormous cock, jerking the shaft furiously with one hand and swiveling the other around the head in glands. He worked with no mercy, keeping a super tight grip, his motions quick and relentless. "Like that? You're gonna wanna cum in seconds. Look at that big cock throbbing like that!" Sean's eyes went wide and then slammed shut. He braced himself against the hot tub as his cock shot a massive wad of precum onto Ty's face. "Oh, GOD!" he shouted. "FUCK YES!" he tried his best to thrust but couldn't move through Ty's grip. He knew how Ty had felt during his treatment. "Yeah, you really like that don't you?" Ty moved his swiveling hand down a few inches to make room for his mouth, which he planted on Sean's cockhead. He licked and sucked briefly before replacing his mouth with his hand again, licking his lips of Sean's precum. "Mmm so much precum, too. Can't wait to feel that massive load. Yeah, and to rub it all over my body. Wouldn't that be nice to see, Sean? To see all your cum over my big muscles?" he continued to tease Sean as he jerked him fervently. "You like me telling you how much I like your cock? How badly I want you to coat me in your seed?" Sean’s dick spurt a wad of pre onto his chest. "I can feel it already. All that hot spunk all over my body. It'd feel so good..." "And that body..." Ty said, teasing. "So ripped. So much muscle. It makes my cock ache just looking at you.” "Yeah?" Sean grunted, breathing heavily. His member was swollen beyond belief, a few inches of girth being added and lost as it throbbed mightily. His hands trembled, hovering over his shaft, wanting so badly to jerk it and let it be done. Sean whimpered, his shaft swelling to massive proportions from his blood being cut off by Ty's vicelike grip. He panted as his cock became so hard it started turning from red to almost purple, and Sean loved every minute of it. He panted and gasped as his cock drooled more precum in a few seconds than in a normal person's orgasm, his own massive wall of pleasure slowly closing in. Ty placed a palm on that heaving chest, moaning softly as he slowly closed his fingers, squeezing the muscle. His palm traveled over Sean’s shoulder and then down his arm, resting at his bicep, the muscle trembling and twitching. Sean took a deep breath to calm himself, and slowly brought up his arm. A titanic mountain of muscle rose, growing higher and higher as he brought his fist closer to his head. Ty's palm traveled up, up, up, rubbing all over that huge bowling ball-sized muscle. He dug his face onto it, licking it, kissing it, caressing it. Just as quickly as Ty had started, he stopped, removing his hands and putting them down to his side, watching Sean's cock throb hungrily, nearly drooling. "God Sean. You're so fucking big. This just doesn't get old!" Sean roared with anger and lunged forward, practically tackling Ty's cock. He brought his mouth to the piss slit and kissed it hard, opening his mouth and dipping his tongue into it and moving about. His lips travelled around the whole head, kissing and licking about the shaft. He was literally making out with Ty's massive dick. Ty's hips bucked into the air from the sudden burst of pleasure. "FUCK!" he roared, writhing on his seat, muscles tensing and relaxing seemingly at random. His butt clenched constantly as he involuntarily started to lightly thrust his hips. His cock exploded in torrents of precum, splashing all over Sean, who was handling his cock in such a hot way, he knew he wouldn't last long. Sean continued to french kiss Ty shaft in front of him. His hands roamed the surface as his lips roamed the head, loving the taste of the stud’s salty precum covering his face, his shoulders, his chest; pretty much his entire body. Ty arched his back, leaning over the edge of the tub, his legs lifting his bottom off the seat several inched as the pleasure increased to mind-shattering proportions. He could feel the orgasm coming, and he didn't know if Sean would be able to stop on time. Sean promptly let go of Ty's shaft and stood up. He held his arms out to his sides and fell back, plopping into his seat, his cock now at chin level. Ty stood in front of Sean and squatted so that both of their cocks were level, his legs bulging with muscle. He propped his shaft against Sean's and held them together with both hands. Then he started to thrust against Sean's cock, their two members slipping and sliding together, lubricated by the waterfalls of precum seeping out of each one. Sean gasped and braced himself against the wall of the hot tub, pleasure rolling through his massive nearly two-foot cock as the two shafts painted each other with their clear glaze. "Mff, s-so hot..." Ty's cock was throbbing and leaking obscenely, ready to burst. He sped up his thrusting, feeling Sean's shaft pulsating against his own, the feeling driving him crazy with lust as he humped against Sean. "Gonna cum soon..." he moaned. Sean gasped and groaned as his cock continued to spurt. He felt himself on the edge of orgasm. That wasn't good. He promptly pushed Ty back, letting his own cock bubble and spurt before him. "N-not yet," he gasped. "I'm n-not through with you yet..." Sean panted as the pleasure slowly left him. "I-It's your turn," he said with a smirk Ty laughed. "What? I'm the one who lunged at you and started frotting." Sean smirked over his drooling shaft at Ty. "Yes, but you have yet to pleasure me and only me and not yourself. I'm waiting, big boy." Ty huffed and looked down at Sean's huge member. He hunched down and stuck his tongue out, lapping at the base. His hands worked the enormous head while he slowly brought his tongue up the shaft, kissing and licking it. His palms dug into Sean's head, a finger even slipping in the slit. Sean gasps and lowers his head, watching the finger vanish down his cock. "F-fuck," he said, "s-stole my idea..." "Whoops," Ty says, smiling. His trick ends when his mouth finally reaches the top of Sean's cock (which took long enough). He replaced his finger with his tongue, shoving down the slit and darting it in and out while his hands swiveled up and down that huge shaft quickly, squeezing tightly. "M-Mmmmf..." Sean curls his fingers along the edge of the hot tub. His shaft pulses out streams of precum onto Ty's face, glazing him over in warm goo, his own orgasm drawing nearer as Ty's tongue does its job. Ty shoves as much of his tongue as he can down Sean's gaping slit, the taste of precum driving him into a frenzy of lust. He nearly forgot all about Sean's impending orgasm until the tell-tale signs started to emerge. When that big cock he was loving started to get even bigger, he immediately snapped out of his trance and let go, sitting back and smiling. "I think we'll go crazy if we keep this up much longer." Sean was unable to reply, eyes wide and lustful as he clung to the edge of the hot tub, his cock two inches longer than normal and spurting precum by the bucket. "I th-think you're right..." he said. "F-finish? Or more?" Ty's shaft was thumping against his body with need. He rolled his head back and moaned, squeezing his legs together, which made him even harder, his cock turning purple. "Please...I need to finish." "Th-then let's..." Sean reached forward and wrapped his right hand around his cock, squeezing hard around his tip as his orgasm edged nearer. Ty moaned with relief as he grabbed his own shaft, finally able to achieve the orgasm he so craved. It didn't take long. In just a matter of seconds his cock was bigger than ever, throbbing just below his chin, purple and squirting precum. "Ohh YEEEAH!" he roared, his hands flying off his cock as he thrust the air, cum rocketing out like a firehose, flying into the air before splattering back onto his body as well as Sean. Sean howled to the sky as he came as well, his shaft filling up and his urethra bulging out as cum rocketed through him, splattering Ty in massive blasts. He came and came, his massive softballs pulled up to his body and emptying themselves on Ty. "Fuck yeah! Coat me with it! Ohhh GOD...!" Ty roared, rubbing his strong body, his flexed muscles coated with thick layers of semen. His cock thumped on his chest as he did so, spurting a massive rope of cum into the air with every throb and thump. "Keep cumming on me. Don't stop!" Sean threw his head back and continued to moan, his body being pasted with both Ty's cum and his own cum which splashed on impact off of Ty's body onto him. Ty kept rubbing his body, flexing an arm next to him and licking the cum off of his enormous, twitching bicep. He humped the air relentlessly, his cock bobbing to and fro, slapping loudly against his body, spraying cum all over. "FUCK! I never want this to stop!" he roared. "Keep going Sean! Please!" Sean leaned forward in the hot tub and began to make out with the sexy stud in front of him, cum and spit mixing between their mouths as both cocks came together, the tips touching and erupting together. Ropes of cum flew over the side of the jacuzzi as the two studs rode out their mutual orgasms. Sean's hands roamed Ty's muscular body, kneading his own cum into Ty's massive pecs and firm abs. Ty wrapped his strong arms around Sean, holding him close, tongue darting all over Sean's face in a lustful frenzy. He humped against him, his cum-covered cock slipping and sliding all over, adding to the mess every second. He loved the touch of Sean's hands on his body. "Like that?" he managed to moan between kisses. "Don't stop...feels so good..." Sean was happy to obey, his hands flying over Ty's body in all places, rubbing over his firm pecs, his strong abs, his steely, pulsing cock, his low, heavy nuts, his rock solid ass, and everything in between and around them. Sean just continued to kiss. To kiss, and to cum. Ty managed to pop his cock in his mouth as Sean touched him, the greater stimulation making him explode more. He bobbed his head up and down his member, sucking like a vacuum, swallowing what the could and letting the rest pop out of his full cheeks. He pumped his shaft as he sucked, the throbbing piece of meat not ceasing its exploding. Sean roared and bucked upwards, his slickened shaft sliding between Ty’s eyes and hosing him down with cum. His powerful blasts shot straight up onto the concrete balcony above them and ricocheted down, splattering them both. Some even made it off the edge of the balcony, no doubt hitting the cars in the street below. Ty popped his mouth of his cock, his orgasm finally coming to an end with one last, huge spurt that splattered onto Sean on top of him. He pushed Sean back onto his seat and grabbed Sean's cock, jerking it furiously, putting his mouth in the way of the stream a few times. "You taste so good," he said, pumping him. "Come on. Just a bit more. Lemme see that big cock explode." Sean just gasped and squirmed as his titanic pillar of meat unloaded a bucketful of cream into Ty's mouth and onto his face, his cock still spurting several feet into the air whenever Ty's mouth didn't come in its way. Ty slowed his jerking, becoming exhausted from the effort, his orgasm having really fatigued him. He fell back onto his own seat, just watching Sean with amazement in his eyes, running a hand down his cum-soaked body and licking it like ice cream. Sean just stared at his cock with glazed eyes, marveling his level of output. He lazily leaned to his side, aiming his cock over the balcony and spraying blasts of cum over the railing. He smirked lazily as he heard people gasp with terror as steaming white cum splattered the street, their cars, and even them. He felt bad for anyone who had a sunroof open on this fine summer's night. Ty smiled, panting hard, wondering if Sean would ever finish (not that he minded if he wouldn't. He could watch this all day). His cock was still hard and throbbing with need, but it was so sore he was afraid to touch it. The jacuzzi was filled with a mix of their cum and water, the jets struggling to circulate the more viscous fluid. Sean let out a sigh of content as his stream finally slowed, then stopped completely. He licked a strand of Ty’s cum off of his lips. He smirked deviously and looked back to Ty, his cock still hard. He was panting heavily, arms at his sides, body slick with his cum. “Fuck dude, that was intense.” Sean said, panting. His cock laid across his massive chest, rivers of cum dripping down his pecs and into the milky, cum-filled water. Ty sat there, eyes never leaving that member. “Sean….you're so fucking big..." he groaned, "I need you to fuck me...just grab me and FUCK ME!" he growled, thrusting high into the air, his cock lurching and spewing a massive amount of pre right onto his face and body. "Turn around," Sean snarled at Ty. He obeyed, leaning over the wall of the jacuzzi, his perfect rear end facing Sean, swaying to and fro with the intention to tease, eager to feel that huge rod inside him, his small pink hole winking. Sean's cock lurched at the sight, a few drops of cum falling slowly into the pool in long, white, heavy ropes. Inflating to an even large length and girth for a few seconds, he fired off a large wad of precum straight onto Ty's back. Ty moaned when he felt it, bringing his hips down and grinding his cock along the jacuzzi wall. His tight ass clenched and flexed, making Sean all the more anxious to get inside. Sean slowly jerked himself for a while, running his hands up and down his shaft, making it sleek and shiny. "You want me to fill you up with his huge cock?" ”Yes..." Ty moaned, humping the wall very slowly and sensually now, showing his bottom off for Sean. His thighs bulged with muscle, flexing as he thrust his hips. His triceps also jutted out from his arms, supporting his quivering body. "Please. I need to feel it. I need to feel all that cum inside me." "Ohh, yeah?" Sean grinned, teasing Ty by putting his cock between his bulging pecs and flexing them, trapping his meat in the cleft between the two mounds of muscle. He slowly thrust his hips, moving his cock up and down as it was sandwiched between his muscles, tongue out and lapping at the leaking cockhead as it approached his lips. "Mmmm," he moaned. "Don't hold back," he said with a harsh breath, breathing heavily. His dick was so hard it was nearly pointing straight up, his 18 inches of hugely throbbing, cock throbbing as though housing a second heart. "I want you to fuck me senseless.” Sean unclenched his chest and let his cock fall. It slapped against Ty's back. He slowly retracted his hips, letting his member slide down Ty's back, leaving a hot trail of precum in its wake. Finally his cockhead was at Ty's entrance, wet and dripping. He pushed forward -very- slowly, letting only the smallest amount of meat penetrate Ty, his precum already dripping down Ty's legs. Ty convulsed, nearly slipping, but his trembling arms kept him upright. He pushed against the invading cockhead, letting more pop inside him, groaning loudly. Sean had his hands on his hips, letting Ty do all the work. He looked calm and composed enough, but he was struggling greatly to keep the pleasure he was feeling pent up inside him for now. Feeling his nearly apple-sized cockhead popping into that tight hole was incredible. Ty slowly slid more meat inside him, inch by inch. Sean's lip trembled as he grimaced, feeling Ty's tight rear clenching tightly around more and more of his meat. He his hands on Ty's hips, lifted up Ty's rear, and pushed more of his meat deeper into him at a quicker pace. "Oh GOD!" Ty screamed, pounding his fist against the balcony railing, his cock bulging and shooting a wad of precum onto his chest. "MORE!" he demanded, clenching his bottom around Sean's cock, trying to push him out to make Sean feel better. "NNNNGH!" Sean grunted, digging his fingers into Ty's waist, half of his cock now inside him. He pulled out slowly, his cock slick his pre, many ropes of it dripping off his shaft, before slamming his meat back inside. Ty howled, his cock exploding in another torrent of cum, the power of his orgasm increasing as Sean began to fuck him. Ty’s huge cock spewed jet after jet of cum over the balcony edge, screams of terror down below adding to their pleasure. The water sloshed violently as Sean was simultaneously thrusting into Ty as well as moving Ty's bottom up and down his cock, slamming more and more meat inside with every thrust until his cock was nearly entirely engulfed. “Fuck yeah dude! Cum for me!” he moaned, "You like that huge cock inside you?" Ty was nearly crying in pleasure, his cock thumping against his stomach and constantly shooting smaller ropes of cum until he was spent, shooting blanks instead. He turned back and pulled Sean in for a deep kiss, as Sean wrapped his arms around Ty’s chest, squeezing his pecs and nips. His hips continued to pound his monster in and out of Ty’s tight hole. "Fuck me!" Ty cried between roars of pleasure. Sean thrust into Ty a few more times before letting his cock pop out, a wave of precum escaping as well. Sean turned Ty around and lifted him up by the waist, Ty wrapping his arms and legs around his partner. Sean had to bring his hips very far back in order to give his cock enough room. Sean gently entered Ty's ass, their lips locked as Sean’s cock slowly slid back inside. When Sean was completely hilted, he gently thrust in and out in an even, practiced motion. Ty grabbed Sean tightly, crying out in pleasure. He marveled at Sean's strength as well, running his hands over Sean's bulging and throbbing arms, which were flexed in their effort to lift Ty, exploding his muscle. He ran his hands over Sean's biceps, giving them firm squeezes, then let them fall onto Sean's pecs. He tweaked Sean's nippled, squeezed his chest, and worshipped his body. His cock was sandwiched between his body and Sean's constantly being rubbed, making Ty blind with pleasure. Sean was bringing his hips backward, arching his back greatly, before slamming them forward again into Ty. A waterfall of precum was cascading down his shaft and balls, dripping into the tub in long thick ropes as well as flying every which way when he thrust into Ty. His butt clenched with every thrust, which Ty was sure to feel up with his feet, every muscle in his body now flexed and working. Sean balanced Ty on the edge of jacuzzi, lifting his legs and spreading them, still thrusting into Ty. Ty's abs crunched and flexed as he rocked back and forth from the power of Sean's thrusts, his abs sleek with cum. "Getting close..." Sean grunted. "Fill me. I want to feel all that seed inside me." With one final, powerful thrust, Sean hilted his cock inside Ty. He hunched over as the power of his orgasm took hold of him, pumping Ty full of cum that almost instantly squirted out. "OOOOOH GOD!" Ty immediately began to cum again, ropes of cum painting the balcony ceiling. Sean composed himself enough to start fucking Ty again, massive amounts of cum splashing out of Ty and onto Sean's body as well as the tub. Sean was fucking harder than ever now, a primal instinct taking over him, the pleasure controlling him. "RRRRRR," he roared. "TAKE IT!" His cock was nearly a blur, it was moving so fast in and out of Ty. Ty bent down, slurping as his exploding cock. He coughed and gagged on the cum, occasionally popping it out for air, letting the stream instead nearly hit the ceiling, only to fall and rain on his body. His mouth moved up and down his meat, swallowing what he could. The two studs rode out their orgasms, cum filling the jacuzzi. Ty cried out as his cock exploded in another, larger fountain of cum, coating the stud fucking him in his spunk. Sean fell back, supporting himself with his palms, as the teen coated him in warm spunk. "Yeah, shoot all over me..." he moaned. His thrusting soon became too sloppy, however, and his cock fell out, a torrent of seed following it. The studs locked again in a passionate kiss as their orgasms finally ceased. "Now it's your turn loverboy!" Ty growled. The balcony was an absolute mess and the jacuzzi a swamp of cum, but neither wanted it to end. Their hands traveling over each others’ slick muscles as they flexed for each other. Ty growled as he pushed Sean back. Sean winked and spread his legs. He ground his cock between their rock hard abs, enjoying the stimulation. He started to hump their chests, soaking them in even more spunk that also splattered against his chin and the balcony railing behind him. His ass clenched greatly as he thrust, and Ty couldn't resist. Ty mounted Sean, his cock sore but wanting some stimulation after seeing what Sean was doing. Ty spread the stud's cheeks wide before driving his massive rod into Sean. He penetrated Sean, thrusting his full eighteen inches in instantly, making Sean moan. "FUUUCK!" Sean roared, his back rippling and tense, arms braced against the wall as Ty relentlessly fucked him, going until his balls touched his rump before coming all the way out and slamming himself back in. Ty slammed his cock into Sean, hips pulling far back before slamming back down again. "C'mon stud and fuck me good!" Sean growled as Ty fucked him fiercely up the ass. Sean had masterful control over every muscle in his body, including in his ass, and massaged Ty like a pro, while Ty’s huge beast massaged every pleasure zone in Sean’s ass. "God yes...YES!" Sean moaned. He used his massive arms to push his torso back against Ty’s. He kept thrusting forward and back, slamming against Ty's cock, his own member slapping against his chin. He licked and slurped at it. Ty put his palms on the railing behind Sean, his triceps flexing, as he thrust into the stud’s ass. Soon his cock inflated, dumping a load of cum into Sean. Sean wanted to moan out in pleasure, but he was too busy sucking his massive, throbbing cock while being fucked by another. Eighteen inches of stud dick ground hard into the stud while powerful washboard abs rubbed against his throbbing cock. Feeling his insides fill with steaming hot seed made his cock lurch, and orgasm hit him like a brick, bulging his cheeks out and splashing out onto Sean’s body. He popped his mouth off his cock, and pointed his dick towards Ty. His stream of cum splashing onto his body. Ty roared in pleasure as he pulled out and pointed his cock at Sean, his own stream splashing onto the other teen. They jerked themselves feverishly at they came all over each other, kneading their cum into their bodies, hips jerking into the air as they continued to cum, bodies writhing and twitching, muscles flexing. Both teens were groaning and screaming in ecstasy until their bodies finally came to rest, and again the two locked in a passionate embrace. They sat up looking as though they had just stepped out of a bath of cum, which basically they had. "You..." Ty was panting, lying in a heap besides Sean, "are a GOD! We're totally doing that again in a few hours..." “Like I’d wait that long,” Sean said and smiled, helping Ty up onto his feet and pulling him in to a cum covered embrace. They looked around the balcony - the ceiling, the floor, the furniture, and the railing all painted white with their combined loads. The balcony looked like it had been host to a giant orgy, not two oversexed teen muscle gods. Ty climbed out of the jacuzzi turned swamp and looked over the edge of the balcony. Pools of cum were glistening in a wide arc on the ground and cars below, connected by streams of white. One car straight below the balcony was almost completely obscured by thick layers of cum. “Fuck dude,” he said with a smile, “we made huge mess again.” Ty lay back onto a soaked lounge chair and put his arms behind his head, his bodybuilder muscles shining in the moonlight. “Aw fuck yeah dude, we’re fucking gods man” Sean replied, looking down at the carnage. The sight of all that cum and Ty’s glistening body already starting to excite him again. Ty lay back onto the bed as Sean climbed out of the jacuzzi, his cock swaying in front of him, slowly rising up with each step. Ty spread his legs, letting his large balls fall to the bed. “You’re fucking insatiable, Sean!” Ty groaned with a smile. “Can’t help it when your lover is so fucking hot,” Sean replied. Sean's powerful legs flexed with every step, his massive cock swaying to and fro, gigantic baseball testicles swaying and flopping as he walked. Finally Sean got on his knees in front of Ty again, his massive cock presenting itself in front of Ty's lips. Ty immediately obeyed and took it in his mouth, sucking hard. Sean nearly fell back in pleasure, his desire for orgasm rising again. He thrust into Ty’s mouth and soon he found that he was being deepthroated by Ty. The Ty’s growing cock bounced on his chest, spurting pre all over his chin and face, and Sean grabbed the pillar of meat and jerked it roughly as he thrust into Ty’s mouth, spit and precum splashing all over. Sean lay down on top of Ty, kissing his own shaft and Ty’s as both cocks grew rock hard again. He pulled his cock out of Ty’s mouth with a loud pop, quickly replacing it with his tongue, and the two ground against each other as they made out. Sean and Ty kept kissing, really getting into it. They broke the kiss and moaned loudly, bucking against each other, Ty biting his lower lip and looking at Sean with a lust-filled gaze. His cock was being pressed against his chest, a puddle of precum oozing from it and down his side, tickling him. Sean’s butt clenched hotly as he thrust, and soon Ty placed a palm on each cheek, squeezing tightly, holding the teen close against him as their bodies slid against one another. Ty writhed on the bed, sliding his hands all over his muscular body, scooping up handfuls of cum from their coated muscles and licking it up like ice cream. "Yes...." he moaned, humping Sean, his huge cock slapping against his chest, precum splashing him in the face, and the wall behind him. "Don't...fucking...stop!" Suddenly, Sean stood up. “What the fuck Sean,” Ty whined, humping the air, his massive cock begging for release. Sean winked at Ty, “One more show for the world?” he asked, tilting his head towards the balcony rail. Ty caught on and grinned. “You horny fucker,” he said, pushing himself up off of the soaked day bed with a loud squelch. The two leaned back against the balcony railing, their hard cocks sliding between thick layers of cum between their pecs as they each began to suck themselves. Ty’s head traveling up and down the thick length of is giant, throbbing member. He was moaning loudly, torrents of spit and precum coating his cock and puddling on the floor as it oozed down in long, clear ropes from his bulbous, huge balls. The way he was thrusting made his leg muscles flex impressively, his giant quads bursting with strength and power. Sean meanwhile was literally making out with his cock. It was so big, that he could wrap his arms around it and hug and kiss it without even stretching his neck. His arms flexed and bulged with tight, enormous muscles as his hands roamed his titanic shaft, his butt clenching as he thrust into his grip. His mouth traveled all over his cock, kissing it, licking it, shoving it into his mouth. He threw his head back and squeezed his pectorals with both hands, letting his cock fall out of his mouth, a thick rope of precum dripping out and falling to the ground. "Yes...oh yeah...fuck...!" he was moaning, whispering quietly to himself, eyes closed. He was jerking himself painfully slowly, shuddering every time his hands went up, up his cock at a snails pace, and then quickly plummeted down again. He squeezed his muscles, licked them, worshipped them. The two teens took their time, edging and holding off for over an hour. They each could feel each other getting close, catching each other’s eyes as they ran their hands down their wet bodies, tweaking their nipples, toying with their abs, feeling their arms and flexing over and over again in different poses. All the while their cocks was thumping on their chests, hard as a rock, begging for attention, spurting and spurting ropes of pre. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" The pleasure was becoming too great. Ty shoved his cockhead back into his mouth, gagging already on the massive amounts of pre flooding his mouth. He could feel the big one coming. He popped his head off his cock and moaned, rubbing his hands up and down the massive, swollen shaft. He squeezed the base again, gasping as his shaft momentarily inflated due to the blocked bloodflow. His cock turned a deep shade of red, a plethora of veins popping out and throbbing against the sleep flesh. Cum struggled to spurt from the tip, coming in short bursts like a leaky pipe. His cock was simply ready to explode. And that it did when he let go. "FUUUUCK! YES! YES!!!!" he roared as the orgasm of orgasms came. His cock lurched and throbbed with every shot, thumping on his chest after each wad. Wave after wave of thick, creamy spunk splashed against the two muscle studs. They all moaned as their bodies were covered with heavy, warm cum. He turned and ground his spurting cock against the balcony railing, enjoying the pressure against his cock. Ty’s eyes were rolling into the back of his head, his mind becoming overloaded with pleasure. He shut his eyes tight, thrusting harder against the rail, his cock throbbing, veins pulsing. He arched his back, thrusting into the air as cum sprayed out over the balcony, splattering loudly onto the pavement and cars below. "GOD! MORE! MORE!!!" he shouted, his orgasm growing in strength as he thrust the air, his butt clenching mightily. He writhed and continued to roar and moan, running his hands down his soaked body, up his powerful cock. Ty brought his head down again to slurp on his exploding cockhead, which was purple and swollen to the size of an apple. His abs crunched as he sucked, trying to recycle the cum, slurping as much as he could before getting full. "Mmm..MMMMM....UUUGH!" he roared again as his lips popped off his cockhead. Sean doubled his efforts as he felt Ty’s hot load cover his body. He moaned as he gazed on Ty’s gorgeous body flexing as he came. Sean reached down and grabbed the base of his cock, stroking himself with one hand as he brought his other arm up and flexed his bicep, watching it bunch up and throb with power. He kissed it, practically making out with his own muscle as his tongue roamed around it. His cock lurched in his hand as he rapidly jerked his meat. He moaned loudly, kissing his muscle more fervently now. Ty crawled over to help Sean out, licking at the shaft as Sean sucked the top quarter of his member. He fondled Sean's huge balls as Sean's moaning got louder and louder, his cock growing harder and harder, precum spitting out like a broken faucet, ready to burst. It was simply enormous. It had to be the length and thickness of a normal man’s arm, and it's size matched his enormous body perfectly. Simply put, Sean was the perfect embodiment of masculinity and power. Pure pleasure. A sex god. All at once, all four hands gripped Sean's member and jerked it, not even close to covering the whole thing. Sean thrashed around in convulsions of pleasure. Ty was jerking Sean off furiously, pointing Sean’s cock over the balcony. "Come on, you fucking hot stud," Ty growled. "Paint this whole fucking town white." Sean grunted, arms bulging with muscle from the effort of jerking this huge cock. "UHHHHH YEAAAAAHHH!" Sean was roaring, thrusting against Ty's hands, his cock a colossal 22 inch pillar of meat. Sean's whole body went rigid as he finally reached orgasm. It was like nothing either of them had ever even imagined. The rope of cum was so thick, so strong, it could have knocked a man over. Instead, it shot up 10 feet in the air, and rained down on ground below. Ty opened his mouth and leaned in to catch the endless ropes of cum, splattering all over him, coating him in layer after layer of hot spunk. He humped the air as Sean rained more thick ropes of spunk onto the stud’s hard body. "YEAH!" Ty roared, jerking Sean off even harder. Sean flexed his muscles, licked his arms, and started to thrust the air, back arched. Again and again, Sean shot more and more cum from his huge cock that just didn't seem to stop. It was literally like a fire hose, dousing everything around them in white spunk. "FUUUUCK!" Sean roared. It was out of control, and he had no desire to stop its flow. Rope after rope of steamy, thick cum exploded from his inflated member. It throbbed and lurched with every huge spurt, splashing all over the ground, coating cars, setting off alarms. "YES! OH FUCK! YEAH!" Sean roared. Cum soaked his body, and he spread it all over his flexing muscles, worshipping his cock, worshipping himself. He flexed his arms and kissed and licked them, then he bent down to suck his cock again. "So fucking hot..." Ty said, watching Sean suck his meat, marveling at how the cockhead bulged enormously as it deposited load after load into the cum-soaked teen’s throat. Finally, though, that load subsided, and Sean let his softening cock fall out of his mouth, letting it drop between his legs. He breathed heavily, eyes closed, exhausted. "Jesus, I've never seen you shoot such a load!" Ty said in awe. "I've been shooting blanks for a while now! FUCK that was hot!" The two of them embraced and surveyed the damage. The walls were splashed with white, thick pools coating the floor. The lounge chair was completely buried under layers of cum, the jacuzzi similarly covered. They looked over the balcony edge and erupted in laughter. It looked like a freak snowstorm had dropped a 20 foot arc of snow outside their building, several cars buried under thick layers of cum. Sean and Ty felt on top of the world, enjoying the afterglow as they shared another kiss. "We're all covered in cum, you wanna' take a shower?" Sean said with a mischievous grin. “Sounds good to me." Ty replied as they headed inside, arm in arm. They got into the large double-wide shower stall, and turned on the water. Sean and Ty gently washed and scrubbed and each other's magnificent bodies. Water traveled through the gap between their pecs and then through the lines of their eight pac abs, dripping down their softening shafts and falling like a waterfall from their cocks. They moaned softly as they rubbed each other with soap, eyes closed, feeling their wonderful hard muscles. At the end of the shower they dried each other off, taking their time feeling up each other. They headed to the bedroom, Sean pushed Ty onto the king-sized bed. They made out for a few minutes before falling asleep, sleeping in each other's arms. The two giant muscle teens sleeping peacefully like angels, Ty’s head resting on Sean’s huge chest.
  13. TravRamsey

    Travis Ramsey's One-Shots and Collabs

    Grow Up! A collaboration between myself and Aardvark. This story was altered from its original form and updated. – “Porter!” Silence. “Porter!!!” Silence. “HEY!!! PORTER!!!!!!” “WHAT?!” Porter appeared at the top of the stairs, staring down in anger at his little brother Bode at the foot of them. “WHAT, BODE? The house better be on fire!!!” “I wanna play the Playstation.” “You have seen me set it up for you ten. Thousand. Times. Why can’t you do it yourself?” Porter said with a huge amount of annoyance as he trudged down the steps. “I always mix up the cables,” Bode shrugged, completely without remorse. The family entertainment center was a bit out of date. The amount of cording behind the television was enough to confuse even the most adept of techies. In the bedroom, Freddie rolled his eyes and set his phone on the bed. He and Porter hadn’t really been doing anything. Just laying back and shooting the shit about what they wanted to do over their last summer before senior year. So far, the only exciting thing was Harry Greco’s big party this Saturday. Because of Bode, they couldn’t just do whatever – he couldn’t be left home alone. Seriously, if the kid could just be a tiny bit older, Freddie and Porter’s lives could be so much easier. Walking into the living room, Freddie saw Porter wrestling with the entertainment center. Freddie arched a blonde brow as he assessed everything. “Your family does know that HDMI cords have been invented, right?” Porter snorted. “You think my father knows anything about technology other than Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer? He’d look at this and say, ‘Oh, it’s not that bad, Port! Get in there and help your little brother!’” “He’s right!” Bode chirped from his position on the La-Z-Boy near the television. “When are they coming back?” The venom exuding Porter’s face could have dissolved solid stone. “They told you literally yesterday. You seriously don’t remember?” Bode shrugged. “Nope.” Freddie facepalmed. “Two weeks. They said two weeks.” “Oh. ‘Kay. Are you done, Porter?” Before Porter could answer, there was a loud crack and a shower of sparks and the brunette leapt back from the television. Bode yelped. Porter hissed and made sure he was uninjured while Freddie checked the television. “This,” he announced, “is dead. Looks like your dad’s modernizing whether he likes it or not, bro.” “I’m telling mom!” Bode announced, hopping off the La-Z-Boy and making for the phone. Freddie ran after him. Porter groaned and put his head in his hands. “I’m in so much trouble now.” “Bode, put the phone down,” Freddie commanded as the younger teen approached the family cell phone. “Porter broke the TV and I want them to buy me a new one so I can play games while they’re gone! I can’t use the one in their bedroom, you can’t plug anything in cause it’s on the wall!” Bode reached for the phone but Freddie batted it away. “Ow! You shocked me!” “It’s your fault he had to tinker with it in the first place!” Freddie snapped. “You have a laptop, play games on that! Stop trying to just fuck up Porter’s life for no-” “That’s a bad word!” Bode gasped. How could anyone be so innocent at this age? Probably because his mother babied him so much. “-FOR NO REASON,” Freddie continued. He gave Bode a light nudge as he held the phone up out of the other boy’s grasp. “Grow up!” “No! I wanna play games!” “GROW UP, BODE!” Freddie said again with another light nudge, except this time Bode went sailing across the room as if he’d been shot out of a cannon. “Holy…” Freddie said, jogging over to the younger boy on the floor. Porter showed up then and saw his friend crouching over his little brother. “What’d you do?!” “Nothing!” “It was… it was nothing…” Bode said, sitting up and giving his head a shake. “I was being rude.” He looked up at Porter. “Sorry, P. I know you were just trying to help me out. I won’t tell on you.” “Uh… thanks.” “Maybe I…” Bode stood up and smoothed down his rumpled sweatpants. “Maybe I should buy us a new TV.” “You? You don’t have that kind of money, Bode, TVs are expensive.” “I have… some money…” Bode said, in a vacant voice. “Yeah… I’ll go upstairs and look at some TVs online.” Porter and Freddie watched Bode walk back up the stairs and to his room. “That was weird,” Freddie murmured. “Least he’s out of our hair for now.” Upstairs, Bode shut the door to his room and groaned, running a hand over his forehead. “Weird… I didn’t… didn’t feel sick when I… uh… oof…!” He put a hand over his stomach, which let loose a rumbling growl. “Unnnh…” he moaned, grimacing. He staggered for his bed, flopping onto it and idly pawing around for his laptop. His hand felt weird. Like it was too big… What was going on here? This was bizarre. “I… I need to get…” What? Get what? His mind grasped for the end to the statement, but found nothing except… workout techniques? What the-? The feeling of too-bigness crept up his arm, and he groaned. This wasn’t right. He rolled over and grunted, as his crotch began to feel tight. He tried to loosen his sweatpants, but the bulge was already there, growing larger and lewder by the minute. “F-Fuck,” Bode murmured, now unconcerned whether it was a bad word or not. He tried to put it out of his mind, though he kept absently pawing at his cock, which ached inside his underwear. To distract himself, true to his word, he opened up his laptop and went to the Best Buy website to search for TVs. Some of them were pretty expensive, but Bode was excited to see a 4K one at a holiday discount with all the trimmings, including everything he needed for gaming. It was $800 – Bode knew that was a lot of money for a TV, but it was worth it. He rummaged through his backpack… why did this darn thing have so many pockets? Finally, he found a Velcro wallet with Bart Simpson on it. It had once been Porter’s when he was Bode’s age, and had gotten passed down. Their mom didn’t like Bart Simpson because he was rebellious, which made Bode like the wallet more. He pulled out his school lunch card, an unused movie pass he was saving for the next Spider-Man movie, and finally found what he wanted: his American Express Platinum card. He wondered if he had enough reward points stored up to get the TV for free. And how to get it? In-store pickup? Bode wasn’t sure if he could drive. He didn’t have a license. Did Porter have a license? Nah, he’d just have it delivered. With a few more clicks and a number typed in, the TV was headed their way. Bode smiled to himself and sat up. His stomach still ached and gurgled with a ferocity the likes of which he’d never experienced before. Maybe he needed some Coke. The carbonation would settle his stomach. So Bode went downstairs, calling out “TV’s on its way” as he turned to go into the kitchen. In the living room, Porter called back, “Thanks, kid.” Kid? Bode didn’t like that. He wasn’t a kid, was he…? Well, yeah, he was kind of a kid. So why did he feel so much older? Ugh, this made his head hurt. He opened the fridge, grabbing for a beer… Wait, beer? No, a Coke. Red can, swoopy-swirly logo. Can in hand, he headed into the living room. “So what are we doing?” he asked. Freddie and Porter regarded him as if his appearance – a teenager with the arms and hands of a seasoned stevedore – wasn’t unusual. A collective “nothing” met his question. “Hmm. We could… I dunno, play charades until the TV gets here?” Bode suggested. Freddie and Porter stared at each other for a moment. There wasn’t anything else to do, they figured, so why not? “I’ll go first,” Bode said, hopping up in front of the entertainment center. He thought for a moment. Scratched his chin. Then he raised both his arms out to the sides and slightly above his head, flashing a double peace sign and a big fake smile. “Arnold Schwarzenegger!” “Popeye!” “Hulk Hogan!” “Um… uh… Gaston!” Bode’s brow furrowed. He’d thought it was super obvious. “John Cena!” “Hercules!” “The Rock!” “No!” Bode said, dropping his arms in annoyance. “Richard Nixon! The V-sign! He made it when the Vietnam War ended!” Porter and Freddie stared up blankly at him. “Sheesh, you guys have never heard of Nixon?” “Was he a bodybuilder?” “No, he was the president!” Bode grew more exasperated. “A bodybuilder? Why on Earth were you guessing wrestlers and Hercules?” “We thought you were flexing.” “I just have big arms,” Bode shrugged, and it was an understatement to say the least. Biceps as big as cannonballs had wedged his sleeves up under his arms. His upper arms – massive, veiny – looked to have roughly the same circumference as his waist. It looked freakish. “You go, I guess I’m not good at this,” Bode barked to Freddie. Freddie leapt up immediately and Bode smiled, reaching up to rub the older teen’s hair. An odd gesture, but no one mentioned it as Bode sat down cross-legged on the floor and folded his gargantuan arms over his chest. Freddie went, almost bending in half and moving his legs to make a sprinting motion. Bode grunted and adjusted his legs a bit “An ice skater!” “A sheep!” Freddie looked at Porter like he’d grown a second head and signaled a “no.” Porter kept shouting out increasingly outlandish answers while Bode grunted, pushing out his legs. They pulsed and throbbed, and the feeling of too-bigness crept down them until there was a tearing noise. His sweatpants had burst! And yet Freddie and Porter didn’t notice! Bode looked down to see two redwoods jutting from his pelvis. Enormous thighs, swollen with fat, meaty muscles which would have been rubbing together if his enormous package wasn’t separating them. It strained against his undies, which looked like they’d give way at any moment. Bode idly massaged it as he flexed his enormous calves. After a minute, making sure not to pop a boner in front of the boys, he looked up. “Usain Bolt,” he called out. Freddie hopped into a normal stance, grinning. “That’s right!” He returned to his seat. Porter stewed as Bode strode up. “Alright, you go, sport,” Bode said, noticing Porter’s irritation. He chuckled fondly and shook his head. No one noted the “sport” comment, and Bode plopped down next to Freddie. He looked the other one over and took in just how fit Freddie was. It looked good. Really good, in fact… Bode had never noticed how handsome Freddie had become. Freddie and Porter had been friends for years, thick as thieves, so Bode saw Freddie almost daily, which had made Freddie’s puberty seem less abrupt. But the boy next door had grown up beautifully. He had a strong chin, a broad chest that Bode knew would eventually get a lot thicker, wide shoulders, and a nice deep voice. Bode imagined an older, bearded Freddie wearing a suit and tie and reading the news. He’d be good at that. And when that tie came off, the neck muscles underneath… the top of that muscular chest on view… Out of Porter’s view, Bode’s hand wandered up to the middle of Freddie’s back and began rubbing. He felt Freddie’s sharp intake of breath, and the neighbor boy’s blue eyes widened slightly, but he didn’t pull away or look over. Bode’s fingers were stretching across Freddie’s back, his palm widening, his knuckles popping as big as quarters. More muscled bulged its way out of his arms, spreading up into his shoulders, and the crew neck of his t-shirt started to pull apart as Bode’s collarbone began extending, eventually bumping him into Freddie. Freddie didn’t move as Bode’s shoulders forced them to snuggle together, growing massively broad, twice as wide as Freddie’s. Bode slid his huge hand down to Freddie’s lower back, and his pinkie rubbed along waistband of Freddie’s underwear. He smirked. “Are you guys paying attention?!” Porter snipped. “Sorry P!” Bode said, his voice cracking. “We’re lookin’.” Bode grunted, adjusting his stance some more. He felt broad and kinda heavy, but not especially thick. Mm, he’d have to fix that… He took a deep breath and turned to watch Porter, who was standing bow-legged and had his hands out before him like he was trying to hold a large gut. Hmmm. “The Fatman?” “The what?” they asked. “Oh, I guess neither of you were around for Jake and the Fatman, were ya,” Bode muttered, not even sure he was around for that show. “Keep going.” Another deep breath and he found himself groaning as his shirt was pulled out. He tugged at it to no avail and grunted again, only succeeding in tearing the shirt off. Muscles bulged underneath his just-short-of-ponderous gut. Abs formed, and he rubbed it. All solid muscle. This was so strange… “A sumo wrestler?” Freddie called. “Right!” Porter called out. Bode clapped a hand to Freddie’s back. “Good job, son!” he enthused. Freddie blushed. “Thanks, Mister Arnell,” he said, getting up to take his turn. ‘Mister Arnell’? Since when did Brode qualify as a mister anything? He wasn’t… he wasn’t old enough, was he? Brode frowned as Freddie began to pose and flex before the TV. The teenage muscles bulged and Brode grunted uncomfortably as his loins responded perhaps a bit too favorably. Freddie had been held back, so he was 18. He was legal. But… this was his son’s best friend. They were practically brothers. And wouldn't getting with Freddie be unfaithful to Alan? Wait. His son? Alan? What the hell was he thinking? His frown deepened as he looked back up to Freddie, who was now doing a pec bounce. Brode belched, feeling Coca-Cola bubbles simmering in his throat. Brode arched his back, his mouth dropping open. His chest felt so tight. He rolled his shoulders back, extended his arms a little, trying to stretch it out. But the muscles didn’t feel like they fit correctly under his skin. He could see little stretch marks forming around his shoulders and under his nipples. He hiccuped, and his chest heaved up, but it stayed raised and began to swell. His view of his lap and stomach vanished. Brode looked down agog at his pecs as they inflated, and suddenly they began bouncing in rhythm with Freddie’s. But now they were much bigger than Freddie’s, and growing still, stretching out enormous and thick like a couple of car tires. “It’s uh-” he said, staring at Freddie. He cupped his hands under his pecs, their weight now so ponderous that he was irrationally scared they were going to fall off. Freddie was making some odd gesture around his neck, little flicks with his fingers. “He’s, uhhh, wearing a necklace?” Porter asked. Freddie shook his head no. Brode felt a tickle and looked down to see hair suddenly flowering out over his pecs. He grinned. Long curls erupted through his skin, covering it in a healthy coating of fluff, just enough to poke through all his collars. He liked being hairy. Freddie raised his arms high above his head. “I think,” Brode said, easing up onto his feet, “that you’re impersonating me!” And as he announced it, his body began stretching upward, muscle exploding out of his mountainous frame, until his chest was eye-level for Freddie – no mean feat, seeing that Freddie was six feet tall. He stared down at the neighbor boy with a grin. “Pretty good, kid. I liked the chest hair bit.” He scratched at his furry pecs and bounced them for Freddie, who stared hungrily. “I love your-” Freddie started to say, before realizing what he had almost admitted in front of Porter. He went crimson and sat down, leaving Brode towering over the two older teens. He looked down at them – but couldn’t see them. All he saw was his chest. Unsure of how to continue, Brode tried to tap his chin as he pondered, but as he did, his lats exploded out, and his arms couldn’t quite move to meet his face. He grunted in irritation and stepped back a bit. Freddie was staring up at him adoringly. Brode grinned at him salaciously before his face fell. A tearing noise stopped everything else dead and he felt his big, fat dick slap his thighs. “Dude!” Porter yelped as Freddie moaned. Brode didn’t stick around to find out what he was moaning about, and beat a hasty retreat upstairs. His cock grew the whole way, hardening and snaking up to fit the underside of his musclegut. Thick, prominent veins snaked along its length and even fully hard the foreskin clung to the swollen head. It stopped around his bellybutton and as soon as Brode entered his room and plopped onto his bed, it exploded, shooting cum all over his tremendous ball gut. He bellowed in pleasure, tweaking one of his prominent nipples and leaning back, one hand furiously jerking his meat. Good God, this felt divine! After almost a minute of unloading, Brode fell back, panting and chuckling as he felt the cum on his hairy gut. Incredibly thick, sticky, and piping hot. God, he was a virile sonuvabitch. But… something felt wrong. This all felt wrong. The more he thought about it, the more wrong it felt, and his mind was soon reeling. He tried to marshal his thoughts. His name was… Brodae. No…? Wait… maybe? It might be Brady… He decided he’d come back to that. Age. Right, that was easy: he was, uh… 20? 30? No, wait! He was 45, definitely. Had his kid at 28. Wait, kid? Since when did he have a- oh, right, Porter! Good kid, made his old man proud in and out of the gym. But why couldn’t he shake the feeling Porter was his older brother? Shit… why was he so sure Porter was from his ex-wife Sheila? He tried to remember, and all that came to mind was a hard-fought custody battle, winning sole parental rights when Porter turned six… then Porter, himself, and his then-boyfriend Alan going out for a celebratory pizza. Porter had eaten until he’d gotten a tummy ache and Alan had held him all night long. Brodae chuckled at the memory, and gasped when he realized how deep his voice was. Loud and booming like a foghorn. It felt wrong. But why? WHY!? “Nothing makes sense anymore!” Brodae snarled, rubbing his bald head. Wait, when did he lose his hair? He had a full head of it… well, wait, he did, up until two years ago when Alan… oh. Oh, god, how could he forget his husband getting cancer? Brodae had shaved his head in solidarity once the chemo started, and kept doing it even after… after Alan had passed away. He and Porter still had nightmares about it sometimes… Brodae sat back, rubbing his eyes as they watered. It still hurt. It still didn’t feel entirely real. Had it really happened? He shook his head. Even if it wasn’t real, which he was sure it was, he couldn’t waste anymore tears on it. Moving forward. That’s what he had to do. No doubt he’d meet someone with as good as he looked! Wait, how did he look? The titan staggered to the mirror and gaped at his reflection in shock. Why did he have some kid’s face!? He moved his hands back up to run them over his smooth head. This gesture pushed his pecs up against his chin, smushed his deltoids against his cheeks, and exposed his furry pits. Another shot of cum splattered over the mirror and onto the floor. He had two voices in his head and both told him he wasn’t supposed to look like this. One was talking about his body – the hundreds of pounds of muscle – and the other was talking about the smooth baby face on top of that mountain of virility. He and Porter had both gotten so much bigger after Alan died. They’d taken their grief out on the gym. They still cried together, sometimes – Porter had come into Brodae’s bedroom just last week in the middle of the night, his handsome face wet with tears like a child’s, and he’d spent the night in Brodae’s embrace. They hadn’t mentioned it since. Brodae knew his boy wanted to be a strong man, but even strong men just needed to let it out now and then. “M-Mister Arnell?” Freddie’s voice was on the other side of the door. “The TV’s here…” Brodae opened the door, his naked body on full display. Freddie took a nervous step back. “I’m sorry, sir-” “Don’t apologize, son. Does Porter need me?” “I don’t think so,” Freddie said, walking into the room and shutting the door behind him. “I think he’s got… everything under control…” Freddie’s nose was almost buried between Brodae’s hairy pecs. He began kissing them. Brodae rubbed his head. “Thanks.” “I wanna… I wanna be just like you…” Freddie gurgled between kisses. He wrapped his lips around Brodae’s nipple and sucked as the big stud guided him over to the bed. Brodae stroked his dick and felt a rubbery texture. A condom. He pulled on Freddie’s shorts and yanked them off, and the teen fell back on the bed with a gasp, spreading his legs wide, staring up at Brodae’s angelic face, moaning and mewling with desire. Brodae groaned back, his jaw cracking. “Fuckin’ Christ!” he swore, rubbing it. It was now comically square, and it didn’t quite fit his face at all. He began to thrust into Freddie’s hole, and the teenager moaned his appreciation. Brodae’s face continued to change. His nose was wide and thick, jutting out and bending in the middle. Most would call it a hawk’s beak nose, but Brodae always thought of it more like an eagle’s beak. Big, majestic, and possessing impressively broad wings – just like Brodae (well, he had impressively broad lats, but the principle was similar). His lower lip plumped up a bit more than his upper one and his lower jaw jutted out a bit more, too. Combined with his heavy new brow and thick eyebrows, he’d look classically brutish if it wasn’t for his jaw and newly clefted chin. He looked downright superheroic. His thrusting was picking up speed, and both he and Freddie were moaning and hollering fit to bring the house down. It was a wonder Porter hadn’t run in with all the noise. Finally, with a roar that would make a gorilla duck for cover, Brodae came hard into Freddie’s tight hole. He shot rope after rope of thick cum deep inside his younger lover, then collapsed onto him, bringing him in for a kiss, his thicker stubble rubbing against Freddie’s. “This is wrong,” he rumbled, running a hand over Freddie’s hair. “Then I don’t wanna be right,” Freddie replied. It was cheesy, and they both grinned. “I just wanna be yours, Brodan.” “Son, you’ve been mine for a long time,” Brodan growled back, cupping the back of Freddie’s head with one hand and kissing him again. They laid like that for a little while, just cuddling and kissing with Brodan’s enormous prick lodged in Freddie’s hole, until Porter walked in. “Dad, I- WHAT THE FUCK!?” Brodan leapt up in surprise, pulling his dick out of Freddie so fast that the blond teen yelped. “Port!” he grunted. He’d… he’d forgotten… he was stark fucking naked… Brodan grabbed around for something to cover himself with. He found the only piece of fabric in the room big enough to cover him – a bedsheet. As soon as he swung it around his hulking form, it tightened around him like a cocoon, stitching itself together until it had become a men’s dress shirt, the same navy blue Brodan’s sheets had been. The buttons over Brodan’s chest fell open, displaying his hairy chest, while they pulled too tight over his bulging stomach. The shirt was tucked into a pair of gray trousers with a higher waist than any pants Brodan had worn before, but since he was a man now, this was how he would dress from now on. He was even sporting a nice pair of brown wingtip shoes all of a sudden. As lines webbed out around his eyes and a pair of trendy eyeglasses fell onto his nose, he looked every inch the superheroic dad he had molded himself to be. Porter blinked at his new father. Hadn’t he been… naked a second before? But no, that was silly… what had he and Freddie been doing…? He’d felt so embarrassed, but now that was only because he’d barged in. “Sorry, guys,” Porter said, “I should’ve knocked.” “S’fine. I just, uh, needed advice about something,” Freddie said, still feeling confusion over his newfound homosexuality. All he could think about was standing up and unbuttoning Mr. Arnell’s shirt and kissing him, worshiping him, sucking his enormous, porn star cock… And he looked at Porter, and Porter had that same chin, that same beefy chest that made his shirts too tight… fuck, Porter was so hot. Had he always looked like that? “You okay, buddy?” Brodan asked his son, with a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “The – the TV is here, they’ve set it up, you just have to sign for it.” Porter said. “No problem,” Brodan said, walking down the stairs, opening another button on his shirt and wiping some sweat off his gleaming bald head. “You Mister Arnell?” the deliveryman asked, dwarfed by Brodan’s immense size. “Call me Brogan,” the bodybuilder said, his pecs vibrating a bit bigger. He took the clipboard the deliveryman offered and signed. Another button popped off of Brogan’s shirt. The titan chuckled. “Sorry about that, brother! I lose more good shirts that way.” The deliveryman muttered something about a “freak” and ducked out. Brogan smirked at that. Yeah, he was a freak, and he loved every minute of it. Freddie and Porter entered as the door shut. “Niiice!” Porter declared, gazing at the television like it was his new best friend. Brogan laughed, but was cut off by his text jingle before he could reply. After a quick glance, he clapped a hand to Porter’s back. “I gotta run,” he grunted. “Work needs me. You be good while I’m gone, alright, big guy?” “Aren’t I always?” Porter replied, before hastily adding: “Don’t answer that. Have fun at work, pops.” “I always do. And don’t stay up all night watchin’ TV. You’ll rot your brain.” Brogan kissed his son’s forehead as Porter made token protests, then wrapped an arm around Freddie’s shoulder. “C’mon, kid.” “Wait, what?” Freddie asked as Porter did the same. “You wanted to be just like me, right? Well, you can start now. Besides, we should spend some quality time together, sport,” Brogan replied with a significant look, and Freddie picked up what he meant, nodding. He fell into step with Brogan and they were out the door before Porter could say any more. They hopped into the huge emerald green F-250 in the driveway – the same color as Brogan and Porter’s eyes – and roared off. The massive DILF glanced over to Freddie as they drove. “About what happened in the bedroom…” “It feels like a dream,” Freddie murmured. “One of the best dreams I’ve ever had. Whatever it was, I’m happy with it happening a lot more often,” Brogan rumbled. Seeing Freddie’s face light up, he laughed. “On a couple conditions, son.” “Name ‘em.” “We keep it secret until next summer and you make good on becoming just like me.” “Deal!” Freddie agreed. “I’m so excited! Like, you don’t even know, sir!” “Simmer down, sport,” Brogan chuckled, turning out of town. Freddie looked confused and Brogan’s smile broadened. “You thought we were going to the gym, right?” “Uh, yeah…” “Well, tough luck. Actually, we’re starting on my other job.” The F-250 pulled into the parking lot of a brick building bearing a pink neon sign. It read “Poker in the Rear” and a man’s hand poking a woman’s shapely rear end. Below that read: “Saturday: Gay Night! Sunday: Lesbian Night!” Freddie blinked a few times before turning to Brogan with a broad grin. “Oh, hell yeah!” Brogan laughed and gave Freddie a deep kiss. “That’s what I like to hear, my love. Now c’mon, I’m on in 20 and you got a front row seat.” “Sweet. Can I maybe get a private lap dance later?” Brogan smirked at Freddie. “You have to ask?” – Well, with Tumblr deciding it knows better than consenting adults a few years ago, I figure it was high time I posted all my stories from there – and some new ones! – over here on MG. I do plan on continuing my Sean series as well, if only for the novelty of fanfiction about other series in the community. Well, that, and I have had that planned out with varying levels of detail for years now. That said, if you enjoyed this story then like it, upvote it, or gimme some thanks. If you wanna be in my good books, maybe even give me some feedback! Also… remember the name Harry Greco. This isn’t the last you’ll be hearing of that party. - Trav
  14. alexrif

    Sharing superhero story : Capes

    Hi, I recently discovered this superhero story, very well written and containing all elements : muscle/spandex/superhero/transformation sadly they are few stories like that... https://www.gaydemon.com/stories/Capes_23592.html Enjoy!
  15. Muscle fog ogre’s gift: Ch 1 part one by Big Zargo A Heroes Reward Rising towards the heavens and covering the night sky over a small town. A mysterious fog swept across the homes of this sleeping town, carrying off those who are not men, to a realm of eternal dream. Those who are left will find that they can no longer leave Holmes Top Borough the same, but visitors are always welcome. A ball of condensed fog fell from the sky and landed in a backyard of a vacant home. All that was in this backyard was a lonely tree, a dying fire pit and a patio with a table covered with food preserved with magic. Placing down the two tied up thieves that it was caring next to a tree. Smelling through the magic it floated towards the table and dispelled the magic that was protecting the food, the ball of fog began to feast upon it. Meanwhile the two unconscious thieves began to wake up. One thief was skinny and had shaggy brown hair, a pointed nose, on a Triangle like face, strong cheekbones giving him an elfish like look. While the other one had short black hair a round face, a Roman nose and fat body. The skinny thief was the first one to open his green eyes, see two ski masks on the grassy ground and feeling the breeze of air on his face, He began to panic. “Where are we and what the hell’s going on?” The skinny thief said in a jittering voice while looking around frantically. “Jack will you shut up; I’m trying to get some sleep.” the fat thief said tiredly. “Wake up Tom, we are captured. Somehow, we ended up ended up in some guys backyard.” Jack said. Coming to, Tom’s gray eyes shot out with a start, finding himself tied up next to a tree with Jack. “Dear God, what’s going on.” Tom said. “ I….I do not know.” Jack said. Finally done eating all of the food on the table, the ball of fog set about greeting it saviors. Seeing a giant moving ball of fog form into a humanoid shape, made the two thieves pause in shock at the site of this mystical phenomenon. Creating a ball of light and dispelling its fog while walking towards the two thieves. Viewing the site of a 11 feet tall hairy ogre with huge hairy feet, calves like huge basketballs, thighs like a large tree trunk, with a waste wider than a mini fridge, an ass like to huge soccer balls squeeze together, a thick soda can of a cock package with balls the size of oranges, with a huge hairy muscle gut, a barrel chest, with pecs like pillows with quarter size nipples pointing downwards, shoulders like huge boulders, a pair of biceps bigger than bowling balls, huge hands like baseball mitt, a face like a brute, sideburns with a strong square jaw, a fluffy black mustache under a big round nose, intelligence brown eyes under thick hairy eyebrows, bald head and, a naked orange skin body; The two thieves sat there in silence not believing their eyes. Stopping near the two stunned thieves the ogre spoke. “My name is Owen. And I must thank you for releasing me from my ghastly prison under Mrs. Parsley’s basement.” “What the hell, I thought there was supposed to be some type of treasure. Dammit Pete you lied to us!” Said the Jack, who was trembling with anger. “I told you this was a bad idea Jack. But no, you just had to spite Mrs. parsley by stealing from her. Now we have unleashed some kind of monster upon the world. I knew your mysterious pal Pete bad news.” Said Tom with fearful gray eyes. “Whatever Tom were both tired up Here. Besides Pete paid for your sister’s surgery. You owe him.” Jack said in angry annoyance.” “What do you mean my sister? I have no sister. I only went along with this plan to make sure you didn’t get arrested and thrown in jail.” Tom said in confusion. “What do you mean you don’t have a sister?” Jack said while looking confused. “I never had a sister Jack; I was the only child remember.” Tom said in exasperation. “But, But, But….” Jack sputtered “I think Pete was some kind of sorcerer or wizard; He must have cast a spell on you. how else could you mix up my debt to Larry the loan shark with me having a sister.” Tom said. “Indeed, he did.” Owen said while nodding his head. “By the smell of it, Pete’s spell is starting to fade away. For a mediocre mage Pete was able to do a lot for last. I mean subverting Mrs. parsley’s defenses, whose power was three times as strong, but course he had help from me. Even Still he smart able to predict what I would do when I got out of my prison. Hm now how I’m going to give him his reward for releasing me.” While Owen was contemplating his plans, Jack spoke up. “I don’t know, Know, what your plans are Mr. Owen Sir, Sir. But can you just let us gO.” looking down at the shivering Jack, Owen saw that Jack’s frail mind was starting to fall apart. “Apparently, Pete’s deteriorating glamour is doing damage to your mind Jack. He could have been because he was sloppy, or he didn’t really care what happened to you, or even that he wanted you dead.” Owen said in amusement. Jack’s slow shivering, and purplish complexion, where the two out of five signs of magical mental deterioration. “I wonder how long you will last with Pete’s deteriorating spell Jack. Hm I think a month at the most a week at least assuming your friend Tom took care of you. But you do not have to worry I cannot let my Savior die, because of a sloppy spell.” Owen said in a weird form of concern. “Your Savior?” Tom said looking at Owen with concern on his face. Smiling at Tom’s words, Owen began walking backwards magically dragging Jack with him. Stopping a couple feet from the dead fire pit and Turning Jack around so that Tom could see them both sides. “It’s been so long since I had someone suck off my fat cock. You may have the honor of being reborn as an ogre.” Owen said in glee. Forcing Jack’s face into his crotch, Owen took great delight at Jack’s struggle for air. “Just breathe it in Jack. Let my ogreish musk open your mouth to receive my gift.” Owen said while moaning out. Jack’s already frail mind could not resist against Owen’s tantalizing musk. Opening his mouth against his conscious will, Jack began to lick at Owen’s huge balls. “Oh yeah that’s the spot. Keeps licking my balls off good. Yeah that’s it.” Owen said in pleasure. Owen felt good with Jack’s hard work, on making his soft fat cock grow into a 12-inch hard monster. Reaching towards Owen’s fat cock with his tongue, Jack felt like a kid licking a jawbreaker trying to reach the delicious core. Grabbing Owen’s hard fat cock with his unbound arms, Jack gave the tip of Owen’s cock a kiss before devouring with his thirsty mouth. “What the hell.” Tom said in a whisper of absolute terror. Tom knew that Jack was not gay. “He had even seen Jack’s porn collection. He remembered all the time that Jack tried to ask out all the popular girls in high school. He just couldn’t believe that Jack was now this monster’s cock slut. That him and Jack unleashed this monster upon their hometown.” Jack, rubbed and squeezed at Owen’s large cock and balls for the last couple of minutes trying to entice Owen to shoot out his tasty cum. While Owen in response started to thrust his fat cock deeper into Jack’s mouth. Back and forth, and back and forth Owens muscular hips moved to the rhythm they made. “Work for it, puny man. Squeeze my balls for the prize you seek. Make me come, so that you can become a huge masculine ogre.” Owen roared out in a commanding voice. Grabbing Jack’s head with his huge hand, Owen came with a roar. Shooting his ogreish cum down jack’s throat and tell his belly pop out of his shirt. Jack sat down on the grass with his legs stretching out. “That was awesome.” Jack said as he burped out. On the onset of his huge belly gurgling; Jack produce a moan of extreme pleasure. Feeling like a balloon expanding, Jack’s body found new might, kick starting its new growth. Jack’s skinny arms and legs set about the process of swelling out with muscles. Jack’s feet slowly grew out of his shoes splitting them into two halves before eventually falling off because the growth of his lower legs. Jack’s bulging belly flatten and then grew 8 pack abs of steel under his slowly tightening shirt. With the sound of tearing fabric, Jack’s clothing could not handle his growing body. Then a new ogreish growth spurt spread across his growing body. Clothes with growing tars completely blew off of Jack’s expanding body. Thighs that quickly grew out into large trees trunks. Two Biceps that blew out into huge bowling balls. pecs that grew into huge meaty pillows with plump nipples. Shoulders that grew into huge boulders which widen out as well as his waist. Balls plumping up to the size of oranges, a rising cock reaching for a fat 9 inch in length, a new huge bubble butt. Jack’s jaw change from a triangle into a square, his nose grew more bigger and wider, his brow ridge grew more prominent, his normal human skin became a yellowish ochre, his shaggy brown hair grew more longer, as he grew a nice beard and mustache, and finally hair grew all over his new huge ogreish body. Tom blanched at the sight of his once skinny friend transform into a huge hulking ogre. “Isn’t he a sexy ogre?” Owen said, as he walked towards the prone Jack. Owen grabbed Jack’s muscular arm and lifted him off the ground, so that he was standing in front of Tom, Owen said. “This is my gift to you to be reborn as an ogre.” Jack gave a double bicep pose in response to Owen words and gave a thrust of his hips as he came, shooting out the last of his humanity through his human cum onto the grass. “Oh yeah now that is good a sight.” Owen said. “What are you?” Tom said in shock and horror. Owen looked towards Tom and said. “Are you daft I already said, my name is Owen…? Oh, let me rephrase it. I am Owen an ogre demigod of mist, fog, change and magic.” “A demigod?” Tom Said in disbelief. “Yes, I am a demigod,” Owen said in exasperation. “for you see, a long time ago I was summoned to your world to help a village by being its Guardian. You know protecting at from rival villages, other tribes and/or threats. Well let’s just say I was betrayed, village I was protecting got destroyed and before I could get my revenge on the perpetrators five wizards imprisoned me. But Thanks to you and your friend and Pete, two of my bindings are unlocked. Just three more to go and I will be completely free.” “So, you’re saying if I just gave you these three other keys, you would change my friend back to normal and leave this world peacefully.” Tom said with hope. “Why would I make a deal with you?” Owen said in curiosity. “Because I could track them down for you. You cannot walk in the middle of the street in broad daylight, that would track a lot of attention to yourself. Those holding the other keys might be able to flee, or words they might be able to re-imprison you. Plus, the FBI might be able to capture you as well.” Tom tried to say convincingly. “How cute to think that you have leverage to bargain with me.” Owen said gleefully “Through the help of Pete, I’ve transformed the power of my prison and made it my own. Now this town has become my domain from which I would prosper. Even as we speak my influence is spreading across town soon there will be no more humans in Holmes top Borough only big strong ogres.” So, fixated by the conversation with Owen, Tom did not notice that Jack had moved beside him. Being grabbed by his once human friend Tom began to struggle. The magic bindings plus Jack’s huge muscular arms prevented him from escaping. Being slowly moved towards Owen’s face; Seeing Owen’s deep brown eyes Tom felt his will to resist starting to wane. “What are you doing to me?” Tom said in a trance “Nothing yet,” Owen said while lifting his rights eyebrow. “You see Jack will take some time to start being useful to me. At this point he can do basic commands and not shit himself, but I need someone who can do more who I can give more. If I were to try to give Jack magic and the knowledge to use that magic, he would most likely become a living vegetable or would just die from the mental imprinting.” Looking at tom more seriously. “We can’t have that Tom. So, this is how it is going to go down, you will become an ogre. What kind of ogre you will become is your choice? Will you become my lieutenant enforcing my will with the powers I give you or will you become an 8 feet tall dumb and fat ogre who will worship me as my living toy? By the way 8 feet tall is short for an ogre. So, what’s it going to be Tom?” The beauty of Owen’s deep brown eyes made Tom want to say yes, there on the spot, but he had to think. “If he were to say yes, he would gain magical power but be in Owen’s service and if he were to lose, he would be complicit in Owen’s plans and may face unknown consequences. On the other hand, if he were to refuse, he would probably become a mindless slave to Owens will doing whatever he wanted, and if Owen were to lose than he would be free from Owens influence. Then what, everything would turn back to normal and if so, he would be back where he started a man desperate for a job, and about to lose his home to Larry the shark.” Using all this will Tom said, “What kind of powers I get for saying yes to your offer?” Owen’s eyebrows narrowed and for a second, Tom thought Owen was going to be turned into a fat mindless ogre. But Owen the answer him. “As my enforcer I would impart a piece of my personal power to you. This will grant you tremendous strength, magical powers, vast intelligence and semi immortality but in return you will serve me as a vassal. For the most part you will have the autonomy, but you will be forced to do if I command. You may interpret my command, but you will do them consciously or unconsciously. Also, as my vassal you will not be able to betray me, so do not think to do so, no matter how powerful you become. So, I going to ask you one more time will you be my enforcer or not? I need you to be willing Tom.” Owen said. Tom simply nodded his head in confirmation of Owen’s offer. “Good then, let your friend go Jack. We need to solidify our deal with a handshake.” Owen said with a smile. The ogreish Jack place Tom back on to the ground, removing his huge meaty hands from Tom’s side. Now free from Jack’s hold and Owen’s magical binding, Tom initiate the deal with Owen by lifting his right hand in attempt to shake Owen’s hand. Tom’s entire body felt like lead, making Tom’s attempt shake Owen’s hand very difficult. If Tom were to falter now, Owen may interpret it as Tom refusing his offer of power. It felt like an eternity, for Tom’s hand to finally make contact with Owen’s hand. With a strong but firm grip Tom felt power flow into his body, flowing from his hand to his heart Tom knew power. Feeling his hands swell in Owen’s grip Tom let go, to feel how his right glove starting to become tight. Attempting to remove it with his left hand, Tom felt a jolt of energy pass through his right hand on to his left hand causing it to start growing as well. Stretching and popping through his gloves, Tom felt his clothes tightening around his growing body. Fire flew through his bulging veins making Tom a roar in ecstasy. Grabbing his tight clothes, Tom rip them into pieces with his growing ogreish strength. First were his gloves, with his growing canines he tore at his straining gloves. Then with his growing hand, he tears at his jacket and shirt, revealing his bare chest. Tom’s Fat belly produce a gurgle sound, as it grew into a strong firm muscle gut. Tom’s Man boobs grew into hard pecs with quarter size nipples facing the ground. Tom Feeling his growing shoulders and a waste starting to become wider, tear at his pants with his growing muscular arms. Ripping his blue jeans to reveal his growing erect cock and his muscular legs. Tom shoes tear as his feet grew out of them. Now the Growing Tom starting to look like a well-endowed strong man when Tom felt his ogreish growth spurt. Bursting out of his torn shoes Tom’s feet grew out. Tom’s body grow wider and taller as his, big strong thighs grew even larger tree trunks. Moaning as his balls grew to the size of huge oranges, and as his cock grew out into a fat 9 inches. Bulging shoulders that grow into huge boulders holding up biceps the size of bowling balls. Tom’s chest grew even more bulkier with his new ogreish, while his muscular neck grew even further giving him a strong case of bull’s neck with a complementary, of growing an extremely muscular back and nice firm bubble butt. Like Jack, Tom’s face change, starting with his eyebrow ridges became more pronounce, his nose grew bigger, wider and more rounder, his clean-shaven face grew a new thick black beard while the hair on his body became more wilder and thicker, his skin became more thick change to a shade orange and his intelligence grew. Grabbing and rubbing his fat cock, Tom took pleasure in the act of masturbating, for his master Owen. the Feel of Jack’s breath on his back muscular, while rubbing Tom’s muscle gut, Tom said a deep voice. “Still horny Jack.” In answer to Tom question, Jack places his fat cock into Tom’s hungry ass hole making him moan in pleasure. “It hurts at first but, damn it feels so good. Oooow, keep pounding my ass Jack, in fact go wild on it.” Tom yelled out. Moaning and grunting Jack took Tom’s words to heart and gave out harder and faster thrusts into Tom’s ass. In a rhythm of hard fucking, Jack gave what Tom asked for, a hard ass pounding. Fuck. That is the spot. Keep pounding my ass.” Tom said while moaning in pleasure. Lifting his arm and making a double bicep pose Tom felt close to coming. With one last roar Tom came, shooting all this humanity on to Owens hairy chest. Owen not breaking a beat use his left finger place some of Tom’s human cum into his mouth tasting it. Then Jack came, roaring as he did so, shooting his ogreish cum into Tom’s plump ass. The two musclebound ogres bast in their afterglow of sex. Owen made clapping sound: “Bravo Bravo. What an excellent show. You guys got me hard again. Now the night truly begins. We have lots of things we need to do before we can have our fun. The first thing you need to do for me Tom destroy a few buildings.”
  16. LionBUff

    Take It ALL

    Take It All By: LionBUff Damon did his best to stay calm and breath as Marvin dug a cave up his body so wide that he could easily fit his own arm inside of it. Damon was pinned against the wall of a shower at the gym, the running water muffling his moans. The male horse could feel the much bigger horse stretching his belly out against the shower wall. The slapping of Marvin's beast-like horse balls against his sore ass was all he could think about. Damon always wanted another horse to show him how to breed like a true draft horse but this was more than he expected. He knew the breeding shaft of a horse was bigger than his entire leg, but he didn't think he would ever actually mate with one. Yet here he was, just a simple warm body for Marvin to dump his newest batch of sperm. "Next time, don't get caught staring," Marvin demanded. Damon nodded desperately. "I know you want it so you'll take it! All of it!" Damon responded with a weak grunt. "Fill me up!" Damon said through his heavy breaths. Marvin's dick was sliding up and down his core with less and less resistance as squirts of pre-cum lubricated Damon's insides. Marvin was getting close. He almost lost all feeling in his legs as the pressure in his testicles overwhelmed him. "I'll do more than fill you up slut, you'll be lucky if I don't pump a litter of pups into your stomach!" Knowing he was close, Marvin leaned into Damon and pumped his cock into Damon's slim body until he could thrust any further. Damon didn't think his body could stretch so far. When he looked down, he saw his skin bulging in the shape of Marvin's cock, then flatten, then bulge back out. Marvin lost control of his testicles and every drop he had filled Damon with a warm meal of milk. Marvin thrusted one last time and soon the bulge grew into one large bump in his belly. His belly gently and slowly expanded until Damon looked heavily pregnant. Marvin injected Damon with enough sperm to double Damon's body weight. Damon never realized how heavy horse cum was until Marvin dumped it inside him. "Have you learned your lesson yet," Marvin asked. Marvin slapped the round belly filled with his seamen and shook it around feeling proud of the size of his load. "Yes, master," Damon said coughing up Marvin's sperm. 'Good, next time you stare, make sure it's at something you can take, ok?" Marvin carefully lifted Damon off of his cock and set him down on the shower floor. Marvin didn't want to admit it, but he genuinely loved Damon's body. It had been a long time since he breaded a hole that tight, and he wanted to breed Damon again. He hugged Damon as a sign of peace, then told Damon that it was nothing personal. Damon watched Marvin walk out of the shower. His testicles flapped around like they were still loaded with seamen. When Marvin was gone, Damon looked down at his bulging stomach. He rubbed the top of the bump with both hands, he was still in disbelief that he was actually seeing his own belly carrying a load of horse seamen. While he rubbed his bulging belly, he noticed a white puddle below him. He discovered that cum was dripping out of his ass and leaving a slimy white puddle below him. Damon spent the rest of his shower scrubbing seamen off of his legs. The last thing he needed was other men in the locker room seeing cum drip out of his ass and down his leg as he got dressed. This proved to be impossible as more cum dripped down every time he finished whipping it off. After 20 minutes of whipping cum off of his legs, he decided that he would just run out of here as quickly as possible. Damon concentrated on the ground to avoid accidentally starring at someone else. He didn't see the wall of studs waiting for him in the isle of lockers where he kept his stuff.
  17. Chapter One "You really do like tinkering with that machine of yours don't you? What does it do now? Turn people into the smartest men alive? Turn them into the dumbest jocks in existence?" As James chuckled he smiled and said "Actually, you could say all of the above!" and with that placed an arm around Larry's shoulder and took him to their bedroom where he reached under the bed and took out a laptop. "I guess it all started back in the 1970's for me" smiled James and with that mused for a moment, "Amazing" he said, "here we are, 2035, I'm in my fifties, you are now in your eighties and yet we look like brothers" and with that carried on with his explanation. "One of the bugbears of school life for me was my health. I was always catching things. Colds, flu, you name it I got it! Back in 1974, I caught a real doozy of an infection, laid me up in bed for the best part of four weeks, but on the plus side I did have a small television by my bed and one day, I caught this" and with that clicked the play button on the online video sharing site and asked "Recognise this?" "Is that??? No, it can't be? Buck Rogers, the Republic serial from the 1930's? Goodness, I remember watching that when I was a child!" "It certainly is and to be honest I didn't think much of it, I mean, call those rockets. However, a few moments later that opinion changed completely!" "When I saw that the first time, do you know what I did?" Larry shook his head. "I came!" replied James, "to see a man's mind wiped, just like that, it stimulated me for the first ever time and from that moment I was hooked. When the Daredevil comic had him having his brain emptied a few weeks later, I came again" "From then on I couldn't get enough, everytime the words brain drain or mind transfer were mentioned in a comic strip or on a television show I would just come. Be it Mighty Mouse in the 1980's, the Turtles in the 1990's, even Stargate SG-1 in the millennium. I couldn't help myself" "So" chuckled Larry, "I'm not the only one with a fetish then!" "True" replied James, "but in the last few years they have actually tried to make it work, all theory of course, but I took their work and applied it to my machine and I think...I think...I think I have done it. I think I have made a working mind transfer machine!" and with that he moaned as a damp patch appeared on his pants. As he recovered he added "and I want you and Francois to be my test subjects!" "Me?" exclaimed Larry, "have my mind residing inside Francois's bulging muscular body?" "No" chuckled James, "your mind residing inside Henri's bulging muscular body. I want Francois to know what being a Titan really meant and what better way then to send his mind back in time to Porthos's body and Porthos's mind into Francois's body. Of course, he'll need someone there to help him and who knows more about the Musketeers than you?" "You just want to worship Henri, don't you?" smiled Larry "Am I that easy to read?" chuckled James as he e-mailed Francois with "a unique offer to live your ancestor's life in the flesh, and I do mean, flesh!"
  18. Supercrav

    A friend at last

    I wanted to start a short something, but it's already starting to draft all over the place... So here's some beginning, why not sharing? I almost haven't proofread it, hope it's readable. Don't hesitate to correct me, please, again ************ They didn't know it was love at first. But at the moment their eyes met both got struck by a feeling they never had before. Gunther was on his way back from the gym, and Jack was smuggling cigarettes on the sidewalk. Gunther was already a pro bodybuilder, living in his bubble, the shy 7'2 giant had no friend to speak of and his life was nothing but bodybuilding discipline. The smaller, scrawny Jake made a joke about Gunther as he was passing by. It was late and there was only the two of them on the street at that time. Gunther looked at the guy, the spell caught them, and Gunther laughed a little, as the joke wasn't insulting, and actually fun and smart. Jake, who had never seen a man so colossal, gorgeous, powerful in his life, quickly fired another witty line, as he was determined to try to extend this moment in the presence of the sublime God for as long as possible, maybe even interact with him. Even if it would be lasting a handful of seconds, an encounter of such mind blowing proportion was a chance of a lifetime. The conversation started, the wise and clever Jake skillfully extruding every single concentrate drop of his natural charm, and it worked quite well, as Gunther was amazed at how effortless and comforting it felt to socialize with the little bandit. Meanwhile, Jake started clearing his merchandise out of the ground. When done he put his backpack on, and naturally they started walking as their pleasant exchange went on. Jake was supposed to go in the opposite direction, but doing so hadn't crossed his mind the slightest : not a thing in the world could beat the necessity of drenching his own soul in the violent, intense flood of pure extreme maleness projected all around his body by the superhuman next to him. Not to stare drooling out of his fallen jaw at the miraculous demonstration of nature's infinite greatness walking by his side, Jake mostly looked at the floor on the way. Are that feet ? Oh gosh, that's... insane, I never thought feet could get so big. I could put a skateboard with each of his sneakers. Hell, he's almost bursting through them, I can see the muscles of his feet bulging through the fabric as he walks. Jake realized that he still hadn't seen the hands that went with it. Gunther had his hands stuck in the pocket of his huge parka all the time. He would try to fix this at the next intersection. " Gunther tell me, I'm rather new around here, St Charlotte station is over this way, right?" Bingo, Gunther took out one hand to point at the right street. As he was giving Jake directions, it occurred to him that he wasn't listening a single word, he was aghast, eyes popping out, stunned by the size and bulk of the hand up there. Gunther stopped pointing and exposed his hand flat in front of his new friend's face. " Yes, I know, I'm a freak." And put his hand back in his coat. Jake poked fun at him. " Oh my poor man, you're as tall as it gets, built like a barn, packed with fucking humongous muscles overflowing everywhere, the idol of millions of people, the dream of every woman, and your hands are too big what a shame. - Hehe, oh, OK, forget it." Now he had a smile on his face. Cool. Jake had never felt attracted to a man before. Not sexually attracted mind you, but this went way further than likeness and early friendship. Along with a loud and raspy cloud of solid body odor you could cut through. There could be no one else on earth but Gunther, this grotesque overload of explosive male power to unleash a stench of this amplitude over his surroundings. Jake was floating in a daze from this exquisite, divine perfume. In front of Gunther's house they said goodbye, exchanging their numbers. Once inside, Gunther stared at the note and he felt bad. He didn't want to let Jake go. It would have been kinda weird to invite him in his house. Around 1 AM, as he couldn't sleep, Gunther was staring at his phone. He wasn't sleeping, in fact, because he had been hesitating to call Jake for the last three hours. And now it was far to late to call him anyway, so that was a blunt point. Yet, every fiber of his muscles was dying to call and talk to Jack. Waiting even more would make things even worse... OK he had set his mind now, he feverishly dialed Jack's number, and when he pressed the call button the phone started ringing. With the same number on the screen... It was Jake calling him. They spent the night over the phone. Gunther called jack again just before noon after his training, during three hours, and around 7PM Jake called Gunther, until 11:17, when his battery went dead. They became inseparable. Jake stopped his wheeling and dealing habits as Gunther didn't like it so much, so he found a job in a e-cig shop. The cool thing is he had found a way to modify his shift schedule so Gunther could come have lunch with him every day, and after work, if went to Gunther's gym and waited for him outside. It was a very exclusive gym and Jake couldn't get in. Then they would usually spend the evening at Gunther's home. Jake once told Gunther that if he didn't take his shower at the gym, it would shorten his wait. Gunther really didn't feel like changing his routine, as the routine was all he had in his life before Jake ; but that question was a no brainer, if something could please Jake in any way, Gunther would instantly comply and do whatever it takes to make it happen, so that slight change wasn't a big deal. Not a big deal for Gunther, but that was a smart move from Jake, if a bit slyly : this way, not only he could enjoy the full intensity of his friend's muscle sweat smell he loved so much on the way home, but also, having Gunther showering at home led every night, to the most amazing, exclusive, breathtaking event that could ever exist, the emergence of the greatest and disturbingly monumental celebration of the supreme magnificence that could only be obtained by the male bodybuilder featuring the most revolting abuse of muscular hypertrophy overkill, emphasized by the fantastic pump provided by the unreal workout that ended minutes ago. The giant's powerful and respect commanding bare feet, deeply planted in the soft thickness of the room's carpeting, that was sprinkled, in a large area around them, by water dripping from the soaking wet and glistening body gloriously naked except for the small towel he held around his waist. As Jake's gaze lingered upwards, relishing the divine accumulation of muscular heaps, each more fascinating and delicious that next, the formidable Gunther waited patiently for his deer friend to fully feast his adoring eyes and slobber over all of this overwhelmingly luscious and monstrously abusive muscular profusion. When Jake's stare finally reached the head that was almost at the top of the mountain of muscle, he was rewarded by the perfect, broad smile that was up there for him, on a face that was so manly, so powerful, so handsome that it was also unreal, and the kindest look in the eyes of his beloved Gunther, who then said something in the like of "It really feels great, thank you buddy !" - and then went back in the bathroom putting on fresh clothes. Soon, the evening at Gunther's went from being a regular occurrence to an every day routine, as they became more and more intimate with each other, Gunther bothered less and less to get dressed after his shower, and went directly sitting on the couch next to his little friend, and the towel never stayed tied around his waist for very long, and they spent hours every night watching stuff on TV, but chatting mostly about nothing and everything, sharing, laughing, and opening their hearts. Offering the contact of his naked body to Jake, as he was sitting next to him, felt a bit weird to Gunther the first few times. And it had to be this way, as Gunther's body filled almost all of the couch when he was sitting in it, so there was no way to avoid physical contact even if they had tried to. But Gunther made that move because he was loving his friend Jake so much. Jake had lit up his life, he even wondered how he could have been making through it before meeting him. Gunther had always considered himself uninteresting and bland as a person, unworthy of anyone respect not attention, and clearly that was his motivation when he dedicated his life to hardcore bodybuilding, he wanted some people to notice him, and exist. It never really worked, as he was still withdrawn socially. He thought it would make him a King, popular, and get lots of girls, but it didn't work that way. In fact, the more noticeable he became, the more he felt the need to be discreet and non-existent. Sure, girls have shown interest in him, quite aggressively sometimes even, but he was very uncomfortable with it, and shied away from it. He got to the conclusion that maybe he wasn't interested in girls so much, it seemed. He was uncomfortable with anyone giving him too much attention. So, that intense, profound friendship he had with Jake, something he had never felt before, and the best feeling he ever had, was so unique and miraculous, Gunther was terrified at the idea of loosing this. He knew, and there was no way around it, it was bound to happen, and he was baffled that it hadn't already, some day Jake would realize how uninteresting, shallow, unworthy and utterly stupid Gunther was, and then move on and set sail. Jake was so smart, quick, fun, charming, Gunther had no idea how to keep up with Jake, and didn't what to do. Jake was politely having conversations with him, but Gunther knew that he couldn't contribute much, there was no way anything he would say could be anything but laughably stupid and boring and useless, as Jake enlightened and impressed him every second. Sometimes Gunther thought of something to say that might be of interest, or a relevant question, but didn't dare to let it out, as it would certainly have the opposite effect and expose his stupidity and ignorance even more. Jake could feel that Gunther was uneasy and nervous at these moments, and tried to encourage the man to share his thoughts. Not pressing him by any means, but through a comforting, welcoming attitude. And each time Gunther finally expressed thoughts about the subject at hand, Jake listened attentively, and showed great interest in Gunther's input, praising the wisdom and pertinence of Gunther's observations. Gunther didn't really believe that Jake was mocking him, although he couldn't help considering the eventuality ; or if Jake was probably just being the adorable, delightful, delicious man that he was. Yet Gunther felt inadequate, useless, unable to please Jake. On the other hand, Gunther had noticed some strange behavior Jake had sometimes... He would have his eyes almost popping out of their sockets, a trickle of saliva continuously pouring down his dropped jaw, his hands wildly shaking, awestruck when Gunther was kinda close to him. From there, after hours and hours of intense reflection, Gunther had a stroke of pure genius. The most clever idea he had ever come up with. Gunther, his brain severely aching from processing all the data involved in this incredibly complex, intricate enigma. He decided to take a chance on the mischievous course of action he had in mind. Gunther didn't want to trick nor deceive Jake in any way, he respected and cared about him so much. But as Jake's patience and kind tolerance was about to wear off any second, he had to do something, anything, even if it sounded crazy. Or at least far fetched, as this was Gunther's plan : someway, somehow, he had to find a way to keep strong this improbable, unexpected bond linking him with that man. But how could it be possible, with no brains to speak of, and being as uninteresting as it gets? Suddenly, in the middle of a legs extension set, after days of relentless torture over this question, the solution sparked into Gunther's mind.
  19. This is based on a role play I had - - I only deserve half the credit but I'll take all the blame if you deliver it with a flex... He is known as a dangerous hit man. I think I see muscle and power under the leather jacket, but it's so big I can't imagine someone actually fills it with just muscle. He must be thick with a 'protective layer' over the muscles that were primed a decade ago. I'll have to think of a way to talk him out of that jacket and see for myself. I understand he is usually paid for his services by billionaires. Fat, ugly older men lusting for his body - but he only sells death. Believe me, I've checked. I'm no billionaire, but I have nice clothes, a great car and a very expensive watch that shows both taste and affluence. I'm sure he won't be impressed as he is big enough to take what he wants even if it isn't a toned body. Weight and height still equal control in most situations. But I'm the kind of handsome that is cute. I can turn as many men with my looks as he can with his size. I've got to try if he can't be bought... I feel like he keeps looking at me. Am I piquing his interest? Nah - he looks more like a thug wanting to hustle my watch off of me. I'm drawn back to the size of that jacket as it spreads and creaks against his back. Quite a few beasts must have given their pelts for that thing. One moment I think I can see his is really muscular, the next I think it's a trick of height, thickness, leather and positioning. Either way he is good looking enough to try. A slightly receding hairline which shows maturity. I get so tired of 'kids' that think they're the shit. Nice skin, but not unaffected by time and weather and maybe even some smiles. Oh, God - he just looked at me and gave me one of those smiles. He looked squarely at me, raised his drink (a cocktail, mind you, not some stupid cheap beer) and fucking smiled. He's standing up. Definitely a solid man. Perhaps six two or better? Gotta be tipping over 260. And now that he has unfolded from his small table, there's clearly no belly, so maybe he IS jacked?!! "It's really hot in here, and you are under the only air conditioner. May I?" He was indicating his jacket and the chair at my table. He didn't wait for a response to either. He just peeled it off. None of this slow, teasing crap. He just stripped out of the jacket, gave a little bunch of his muscles like feeling free, sat quickly and pulled his chair closer. Looked me in the eye. And then pulled closer again so our thighs touched and I had to turn sideways. It happened so quickly I could hardly process. He wasn't as tall as I thought. There were boots. That made the mass more impressive. The t-shirt certainly clung. I expected a roid gut but didn't see it. This was what a real life Thor or Hercules must feel like up close. Only very real. And so close. "Yeah, I'm big." I was excited before, but mister show off without showing off found a particular button of mine. Proximity. Shit - I hate being so easy a mark. "I believe you are looking for me. Hired me for a job, correct?" He picked up a decent sized stone used on the table as a paper weight for the menus. He just cracked it with a squeeze and dropped the pieces in front of me, put his forearms on the table, which creaked under the weight as he leaned on it, indicating the pieces. "That is what you buy. Destruction power." "That doesn't impress me Jimbo, or Butch, or whatever your name is. If you don't want to do as you're told, we have no business to discuss," I say while purposely keeping my eyes on him rather than the broken rock OR his corded forearms he obviously wanted seen. "Choose to stay and obey or walk away now." He looked at me deeply, kind of scrunched his nose and tilted his head with a look of incredulity that turned to a smirk that landed in pursed lips and a nod of OK.He put his arm around me and pulled me even closer. I kept looking forward. He came terrifically close to my ear and whispered, "I'm staying. You get one painful death of the societal asshole of your choice for your fee. And my name is Mark. Are you scared I might snuff you instead, little man?" "Welcome to a night you might really enjoy, Mark. I'm Max. I'm not a bit afraid of you near me. I like the heat you emanate and I'm very attracted to well-built men. But I didn't hire you because I want to slather you with compliments or act like a size queen. I have much better ideas than that." I know he wants to show off. I know he likes o hurt people that deserve it. And I'm dick-hardingly afraid he might like doing it to anyone he chooses, too. A cash payment through a surrogate already happened, so what would he care if I disappeared. "See that guy over there at the end of the bar? He enjoys touching his nieces after his workouts. He makes them do things no woman should have o do unless she chooses. He fancies himself a pretty big man and doesn't seem o care if folks know. He beat the hell out of his brother when he confronted him about it. I hired you to make an impression on him. Literally. Leave a mark he can't erase." He pulled from me mid description and created space between us and the table as though he wouldn't wait for me to finish. "Dead or alive?" I stand and straddle him in the space he created. He doesn't flinch. I take his face in my hands and turn him from the asshole to look at me. "I want his straight, abusive ass to fear you and still cum because he wants you. Impress me, Mark." I move to kiss him, but instead, pull his attention deeper into me through his eyes and just give him a wink - - then pull my scruff across his face as I move in to his ear and whisper, "I'm going to make YOU cum before the night is over. But if you refer to me as anything but an equal again, I'll kill you." I stand up and give my hand to pull him up. He takes it and lets me help. He smiles at my boldness, winks back, rolls his shoulders with a tiny pec bounce and flex. He heads to the end of the bar. The man there sees me as he gulps another beer. Mark exchanges a few quiet words with the man. I couldn't make them out. Mark wraps his arm around the fucker's shoulder and gives him a squeeze. I see the lowlife recoil at being embraced and then watch him try to release himself and then wince in pain. He goes pale as he looks up at me as he was certainly told to do. Mark moves him from his chair without releasing the hold and brings him to my table. People around the bar don't seem to notice, but I see his feet barely touch the ground. He is slammed into the bench along the wall across from me. "This is my boss, Max. He says you're a very bad guy, friend. Why don't we start with a nice, heartfelt apology, asshole?" Mark said this almost cheerily, with encouragement in his voice. The target tries to jump free of the the table. I think he might make it past Mark, but Mark was letting him think he had an out. Mark uses one arm to contain the escape, let's him struggle and even punch him right in the face twice and then just opens his paw and shoves the man back down. He touches his face to make sure there is no blood and all the while the smaller man is staring at Mark's arm. I notice he's kind of keeping his own hands on the gigantic arm. Not a direct fondle, but more of a check of size and ability. But he is afraid and impressed at once. He makes one more pull on that arm with all his force, sure he's going to move it and Mark just takes the big, oak table with his free hand and pins the punk against the wall. It takes his breath and he releases his grip and nearly screams, "Who are you!? What do you want from me!?" Mark puts his arm on the table and flexes it. The dude instantly shuts up and looks at the sinews or the biceps and the impossible size of the triceps. That isn't an arm. It is an entity. The abuser stares slack-jawed. Mark flexes and relaxes it a few times, moves a little closer and opens for a gape of the forearm, flexing it into more width than a bowling ball. He slides closer to the man and clenches his fist which his admirer cannot avoid looking at. He then pulls slowly into one more biceps pose, lifts his elbow from the table so it brings the arm right under the man's nose. He tries to look away but is only able for a fraction of a second. Mark moves his peak to touch the tip of the man's nose. After staying there for longer than even I felt comfortable - with the inferior man panting and trying to pull his head back further, Mark simply said, "Look," and he flexed like he hadn't actually been flexing before. The head split right under the man's nose and grew so much it pushed his nose up. It made him inhale and I believe the pheromones from Mark's underarm hit. The man looked dizzy. I realized his arms were pinned by the table. He was STRAINING to touch the prize now. He began to mumble words like amazing and big and huge and hard and good and such. Mark turns to look at me while leaving his arm in place. He starts to push backward like he's doing a rear deltoid fly and I see he's really putting pressure on the man's head. "This dick has a weak brain. He's easy to control. You, however, have power Max. I can tell you are turned on by me and you can handle yourself in my presence." Mark took his free hand and pulled the table back from nearly slicing the man in half and his arms immediately flew up to the arm. He was both flailing to end the cranial pressure and groping the very tool being used to punish him. Suddenly, Mark let him go and said, "I told you to apologize to my master." The perpetrator gained quick confidence from the air in his lungs and said, "The fuck I will," and swiftly lifted an arm to swing at me. Mark grabbed his hand before he swung and simply shook his head as they locked eyes. The man so angry and Mark so calm. "Wrong answer." Mark squeezed and breaks the mans hand. He slides over fast and throws and arm around him and catches his mouth just as a scream of pain started to escape. It ended up sounding like a big laugh to others, I bet. The dude looked at me with his eyes full of terror and then bit Mark's hand. Instead of pulling away or calling out or becoming rougher, Mark gritted his teeth and moved his hand from the man's mouth to his forehead to pull his head back to the wall. He let his own blood drip down the man's forehead and just left him huffing in anger, pain and frustration. "I'll ask just one last time." The lesser man looks up at Mark with tears in his eyes. I start to wonder if I should have hired Mark for this. I mean, I'm not really into pain, but he seems to be. Both giving and receiving. It seems second nature. I get lost for a moment thinking where he must have come from? I quickly return to the moment remembering he said master. That's when I realized my pants were wet with pre-cum. I get even more excited that he seems impressed with my mental control. Perhaps I can please him? I suddenly make a move because I want Mark's attention. "He's not going to apologize for shit, " I say. "Damn...right...mother...fucker," he manages to gasp out softly but with defiance. I see Mark's eyes go wide. "Are you calling him that, or me, little man?" "You're...both...pro...bably...homos. Big...asshole...small dick." A pause as he tries to free his head. "Prove....me other...wise." That's it. Yes, I'm happily bisexual, but who wouldn't be attracted to the gravity of a specimen like this, I'm thinking. And he just showed he is VERY desirous to see more of Mark. "The best part of this moment, prick, is you will both pay for your crimes against decency and manhood, and the last thing you'll remember before you die is how this man - this incredible mountain of a man - made you cum in lust without your ability to resist. You will want him, fear him and obey him and hate him before the night is over. He will enjoy it and you will orgasm in awe and respect. Then he'll snuff the life out of you...mother fucker." I had moved close to his face and nearly whispered the last two words and spat in his face. He started to react violently and I see Mark move lightening quickly and stop his forward momentum by his throat. Holding him back while he swings at us both - connecting with Mark and being prevented from doing so to me - Mark leans across the table in front of him and I rise up to meet him and we kiss right in front of him. "This is going to be fun," Mark declares.
  20. Who Am I? Chapter One I slam the heavy bar on to the rack, causing the metal weights to make a loud clanging sound that fills the gym. I slowly sit up and flex and relax my pumped pecs. It’s at that moment I see the guy across the gym. He’s about thirty feet away but I can clearly see he’s staring at me. I slowly move my hands together, causing my pecs to erupt. I’m wearing an over-sized stinger tank top that leaves very little to the imagination. Even from this distance, I know he can see my immense size. He has his phone out, like he’s pretending to look at the screen but in realty, looking at me. As I hit the flex, his arm slowly lowers, no longer able to keep up the charade. I relax the flex, stand up, grab two more 45 pound plates and slam them onto one side of the bar. I do the same to the other side. With an incomprehensible amount of weight on the bar, I lay back down and with barely a grunt, hoist it off the rack. As the bar grazes my blood-engorged pecs, I effortlessly lift it back up to the top of the rep. I complete eight perfect reps before slamming the bar down and sitting up. I’m breathing heavy and my pecs are on fire. I return my gaze across the gym only to find my admirer hasn’t moved an inch. His eyes are visibly wide as he marvels at my size and strength. Without trying to disguise what I’m doing, I slowly transition into a most muscular pose while making eye contact with my admirer. I feel every muscle on my upper body swell to insane proportions. I feel the once loose fabric of my tank stretch tight over my sweat-soaked skin. My incredibly pumped pecs inflate and as they come in contact with my chin, I can’t help but let out a low moan. My arms shake as I flex even harder, willing myself to pump up even bigger, every muscle tingles from the effort. I reach the pinnacle of the flex and moan again as each muscle group comes in contact with the other as they compete for space. I can’t see my reflection but know just how freaky I look. It at this moment the poor guy can no longer control himself. His body starts to jerk uncontrollably and his knees visibly go weak. A second later, a wet spot is clearly visible on the front of his shorts and he grabs hold of a nearby bench to stop himself from falling over. I release the pose and flash the guy a smile as he sprints towards the locker room. I start to chuckle as I slam another 45 pound plate on each side of the bar and continue my gruelling chest workout. --- I wasn’t always like this. In fact, only a few years ago, I would have been the guy staring at the roided out muscle freak from across the gym, unable to look away. If you had told me I would become the massive freak I am today back then, I would have laughed in your face or recoiled in disgust. I joined my first gym when I was 22. At the time, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I stuck with it mainly because of the buff guys that frequented the gym, the bigger they became, the more I wanted to look like them. It took me six months to start seeing improvements. My once flat chest was now two hard, albeit small, mounds of pec meat. I had a thin vein running up my 13” bicep and if I flexed really hard, I could just make out a hint of tricep. I still remember how incredible it felt the day I reached 170lbs. It was around this time I met James. We met at the gym when he asked me to spot him. I remember thinking it was odd that he would ask me when there were countless other guys far more capable of helping him. He was about my size and build and we hit it off immediately. Soon we were regular workout partners and about a month later, James asked me out and I thought I had hit the jackpot, a cute guy that worked out. For the next six months we were inseparable, inside and outside the gym. Having a steady workout partner was amazing. Right away, I started to push myself harder during each workout and slowly my strength and weight started to increase. Two months after meeting James, I weighed 185lbs while remaining incredibly lean. I would find myself feeling my growing arms and running my hand over my hard, etched abs. James would joke that I was getting off on my own body. I would laugh it off but subconsciously, I was. With each pound I gained, I would secretly obsess about how much I desired more. In the beginning, I would only think these thoughts. I knew I was still tiny and skinny and it felt pathetic to admit my desires out loud. But that didn’t stop me from fantasying about it constantly. I started to follow physique models on social media, marvelling at their size and outrageous conditioning. That progressed to following classic competitors and eventually bodybuilders. I still remember the day I discovered some truly massive freaks. I stumbled upon the profile of a relatively well known bodybuilder, who’s name I cannot remember. My first instinct was to recoil in disgust but something made me scroll deeper down his feed. I felt my throat go dry as pictures of his bloated body moved past my eyes. I paused at a POW video of his pumped quads as he flexed and relaxed them. I audibly gagged as the thick veins erupted across his thin, paper-like skin. It wasn’t until I came across a picture of him shaking hands with a fan that my cock started to harden. I starred at that picture for a long time, trying to comprehend the comical difference in size. The bodybuilder dwarfed the other man in every way. Until that moment, I would have drooled over the other guy’s size but he suddenly looked puny by comparison. Something shifted in my head that day. I was consumed not just with muscle, but the biggest, freakiest muscular beasts on the planet. I followed their profiles, read articles about them and watched hours of videos. It became my whole world. I stopped watching porn and jerked off only to the most hardcore, roid-filled monsters. At the gym, I increased my intensity ten-fold. I started to push my body well past it’s limits. James was taken aback but supported my efforts. When he asked me what was happening, I would just reply that I wanted to look as good as possible for summer, while in my mind, I wanted only to grow. It wasn’t long until James could no longer keep up with me at the gym. We would start our workout together but he would quit after an hour while I continued for two to three more. It became a common site for James to witness me arriving home and collapsing at the front door, drenched in sweat and barely able to move. I think he tolerated it for as long as he did because my newfound dedication was paying off. I was adding more and more muscle and he was clearly turned on by my new size. I remember the day I reached 200lbs. I ran home from the gym and bust through the door yelling. “James! James!” “What?” “I hit 200lbs!” I screamed. James smiled and gave me a lustful look. “Wow, you are such a big stud.” I quickly lifted my tight t-shirt over my shoulders, pausing just long enough to relish the feeling of resistance my shoulders caused. The shirt had barely touched the floor before James was on me. His tiny hands caressed my rock-hard pecs and abs. I didn’t even have to flex to know he was amazed at how hard they felt. I placed my hands around his tight waist and without any effort, lifted him off the floor. I carried him to the bedroom, tossed him on the bed and whipped off my shorts. As my hands moved down my bulging thighs, I a moan as I flexed each quad, felling the growing muscles pulse under my hands. James licked his lips a the site of my pumped up body causing me to get even harder. I gripped his thin ankles and pulled him easily towards me. I slammed my hard cock into his ass with a level of aggression he wasn’t prepared for. “Ugh, not too rough!” he exclaimed. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and tried as a might, I could not look away. I was nowhere as big as I dreamed of being but I could not help but marvel at how muscular I was becoming. With my eyes fixated on my reflection, I started to ram my cock into Jame’s ass. He let out ecstatic moans with each thrust. The more I worked, the more swollen my body became. I looked down to see veins snaking up and down my pumped biceps. I looked back to the mirror and bent forward, placing my arms behind James’s back. With a grunt, I hoisted his 178lb body off the bed. He howled with delight as my cock slid further inside. I let out a primal roar as I watched my body swell to hold his body in mid air. Every muscle erupted and I started to maneuver James up and down my iron-hard cock. The sight in the mirror was the most incredible thing I had even seen. I could not believe I capable of doing what I was doing. I was lost in trance when James’ shouts brought me back to reality. “Fuck, STOP! You’re hurting me!” He screamed. I barely registered the fact that he was also pounding on my shoulders. I dropped him onto the bed and took a step back, breathing heavily. “What the FUCK Chad!” “James, are you ok?” I asked with worry in my voice. “Yeah I’m fine but what the FUCK was that Chad!” “I-I don’t know. I guess I got carried away.” I responded. “I’d say so.” James replied. I felt horrible for the rest of the day and apologized to James about a hundred times. After a day or two, he seemed to forget about the incident but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Every time I closed my eyes, I would see my reflection in the mirror. My bloated muscles easily manhandling James. The thick veins all over my body and the way my muscles flexed in unison. I would get hard within seconds and spend days covering my crotch whenever the memories flooded my mind. About a week later, I did my first real research on steroids. I had read about the side effects and dangers but I knew I needed them to continue to grow bigger. The more research I did, the more I wanted to take that plunge. It was at this time that I knew I had to share my desire to get huge with James. It was a few days later as we lay in bed after having harmless and admittedly timid sex that I decided to broach the subject. I was scrolling through Instagram and stopped on a picture of a famous physique model. He was considerable bigger than me but no where near big enough in my opinion. I turned my phone to James and saw his eyes go wide at the image. “He’s hot isn’t he?” I asked. “Yeah! Totally.” James said. “What would you think if I was that big?” “Uh. I don’t know. Would you really want to be that big? I mean, he’s hot but look at his chest, it looks like he has tits. And what’s with the veins? His arms are covered in them. Gross.” It was that one word, gross, that made my heart sink. Here James was, grossed out by a man I would barely consider buff. I was too distressed to talk any more. I mumbled something about being tired and rolled over and tried to fall asleep. I woke up in a bad mood the next day. I tried to hide it from James but he could sense something was bothering me and kept asking me to tell him what was wrong. I finally confided in him that I was upset at his reaction the night before. I told him how much I loved getting bigger. I told him how I wanted to be buff my whole life and now that I was finally on my way, he didn’t want me to keep going. “Chad, I don’t want to stop you from following your dreams. If you want to keep getting bigger, I won’t stop you. I’m sorry I reacted like that last night. The more I think about it, maybe it would be hot to be with a big stud like that. Just don’t get too big and veiny.” I tired really hard to not show my disappointment at his compromise and instead told James I was going to head to the gym. James came close and gave me a hug and kiss. “I love your big muscles Chad.” he said sweetly. I kissed him back and left for the gym feeling disappointed and confused. I realized that morning that James may never truly accept me for the person I wanted to become. By the time I finished a particularly gruelling workout, I felt better and decided not to over think it too much. Maybe James would come around I thought to myself. In my mind, I couldn’t imagine someone not liking their partner being a huge muscle bound stud. I was in good spirts on the way home thinking there was little doubt James wouldn’t get aroused if I got a lot bigger. A few days later I placed my first order of steroids. I remember my hand was shaking when I typed in my credit card number into the website. I couldn’t sleep that night thinking about what would happen to my body on roids. After tossing and tuning for hours, I got out of bed. My cock had been semi-hard for hours so I decided to watch some “porn” and jerk off. I loaded a favourite video. As the over 300lb freak of nature curled weights most men could not squat, I could feel myself about to orgasm. Just as the freak on screen dropped the weights and lifted his gargantuan arms into a brutal double bicep pose, I sprayed a huge load of cum all over my abs and chest. I must have been louder than I thought because I jumped foot in the air when James appeared behind me. “Chad! What the FUCK are you doing?” He yelled. “Sorry, I couldn’t sleep and thought jerking off would help.” “I get that, I mean, what the fuck were you watching!” I quickly slammed my laptop closed and stood to face James. His eyes wide and a look of disgust on his face. “I-I-I” “So that’s what gets you hard? Watching disgusting meat heads? Who the fuck was that? He looks so fucking gross!” I didn’t know how to respond. “Well? Is that what gets you off, roided, grotesque freaks?!” Something snapped. “Yes!!!” James just stood in shock. “I’m sorry James but it’s true. Nothing gets be harder than muscle. HUGE, FREAKY muscle. It’s all I think about! There is no such thing as too big. Nothing hotter than thick, garden hose sized veins covering every inch of the most outrageously pumped up and freakishly huge bodies. And it’s not only that James. I want, no, I NEED, to be just as big. I want to be be so fucking jacked, I can barely move! I want to be so ripped, it looks like I don’t even have skin. I want to be a MONSTER!.” I was screaming at the top of my lungs. My heart was beating out of my chest and my cock was already hard again. James recoiled in disgust, placing his hand over this mouth. I knew I had gone too far but I couldn’t stop. “I ordered steroids today James. Yeah that’s right, I’m going to become a roided, grotesque freak! And you know what? I can’t fucking wait. You think that video was gross? Fuck, I’m going to make that guy look puny! I’m going to fill myself with every chemical I can find and pump so much weight, I will literally explode with muscle. I know you think it’s gross and honestly, I love that you do. I want to be a freak. I want to be disgusting. I want to be so fucking massive, the ground rumbles when I walk and people can’t stand to look at me without puking.” James couldn’t take anymore. He practically tripped over his feet as he hurried down down the hall towards the bedroom. Minutes later, he pushed me aside as he darted towards the front door with a bag of his clothes. He stopped just long enough to look at me through his tears. “Chad, I hope you realize how lucky you were to have me because when you turn into a freak, NO ONE will want you!” he yelled as he slammed the door.
  21. TimHayes90

    Muscle cum pt5

    Tim looked at the Zac Efron lookalike in the same way a tiger looks like meat. Zac, actually called Dan, took out a syringe with shaky hands. “What the fuck is that?” “Erm,,,,, you wanted roids to bring down that pillar.....” “You think ONE little dose will do anything for MEEEEE. Let me tell you what this super body is you pathetic little twink. Im 400 pounds of total steel, with boulder arms of 31 inches, a 30 inch waist, and quads of 40 inches around”. Tim’s testosterone was making him so horny and angry that he was becoming delirious again. He roughly picked up Dan by the shoulders. “Stuff me full of those yummy roids. Help me hulk out and destroy this pillar. Then...... aggggggwwww then (he was trying so hard not to cum) then I will mmmmmmmmmmm, then I will let you get off in my mouth. Then the real growth begins”. Dan was terrified and turned on in equal measure. Was this guy for real? He wasn’t going to turn down someone who seemed on his way to be a true MG beast. Dan grabbed 6 needles. 1 in each bicep, 2 in the abs, and 2 in the ass. Tim grabbed an extra and plunged in right into his now 11 inch throbbing cock. “AWWWWWW YEA. THIS IS THE LIFE. LETS GET FREAKY”. The whole gym looked so afraid, and started to stink like sex as more and more guys started to jerk off at the teen titan. Tim approached the pillar...... —————— Jake was back at his house, waiting for his escourts. He was in the right head space. He needed cum from muscle dudes. He needed to get beyond buff like Tim. He then needed, more than anyone needed anything, to teach Tim a lesson. The very idea of being big enough to take Tim down made him hard. Tim has broken him mentally, and Jake was so glad for it. He would use it to get BIG! The door opened as 6 hunks strolled in. All stretching out polos and such shirts. All clear gym bunnies. Not super huge, but certainly boner material like a heavyweight version of Tom Holland. “Hey guys. Erm this is my first time doing this” “No worries man”. A blond preppy guy stepped forward. “Payment has been done. You just take a minute to relax, tell us what you like so we can start to..... “No! Let’s just all get down to it. But there is just one rule. I need every drop of cum. You all need to jizz at least twice, and not a single drop spills!” Jake started to strip off with the beefcakes, and then suddenly thought. Tim only drinks the cum. Would it need fuse better with the body if it was blasted onto his ass, and not just into the stomach???????? Almost in a trace, Jake bellowed another order “there are 6 of you. I need 12 loads in my fucking ass before this hour is up!” ————— Tim stomped back to the pillar and wasted no time in grabbing it. The roids pumping through his system like thick pipes pumping hot water. “awwwww fuck yes. I can feel it. Pump me up. Give daddy what he needs”. He was now totally addicted to his own power and muscle. Tim could hear the beautiful sound of the pillar groaning more and more under his power. “Mmmmmm yes. That’s it. This is what I need. What I’ve needed to be!” Tim was now not just forcing the pillar to bend and snap out of his fixtures, but he was rubbing his dick up and down on the cold steel, so turned on by his own power. He drunk in his own strength as he looked down at the hundreds of new veins erupt on his arms, arms that would destroy anything. With one mighty heave that made 3 gym dudes cum their pants, Tim wrenched the pillar out, and tossed it 10 meters across the room. “IM A FUCKING GOD! UNSTOPPABLE!” Dan slowly walked to the bar, and saw something so mind bending that it almost made his mind snap. With a shacking hand, he pointed at a large deep groove in the metal. “I .... I think..... oh my god,,,, I think you massively dented that metal with your cock” Tim stood there frozen. Confirmation that he was now so jacked that he was hardly human. He exploded into the most gruesome most muscular in history. “ROAORRRRRRRR”. His hands free cum shot knocked Dan off of his feet. Breathing deeply, Tim looked over at the dudes left in the gym, flexing his cannon of an arm. “I hope you have juice left in your balls. Because it’s time for me to really overdose”. —————- Kyle was still being fucked without mercy by Jamie. He had, in just 50 minutes, become an utter power bottom. After each load, using his internal muscles to keep the cum from running out. His mind warped on one thing - absorb and get huge. “Fuckkkkk. He can take a pounding. Such a tight muscle ass!” Exclaimed one of the nameless twunks. “Why so much punishment man?” Kyle said nothing. He just had a manic grin on his face as he took his pounding and stared longingly at his home gym kit.
  22. I've asked this a long while ago. Any story here or at other story sites of bullies,downright nasty and undeserved guys growing HUGE at the expense of the central characters, and where evil or the bad guy(s) triumphs. Maybe with the reality shifts?
  23. MUSCLE MATING SQUIRT "I should have never taken that bet at the gym" Oliver, a 300-pound bodybuilding male deer, thought to himself. "Come on Oliver. What are you scared of? Big bucks like yourself can't be scared of a challenge!" It's my fault for listening. I could have left that locker room long before I dug myself into a hole almost as deep as this monster is digging into me. But I just had to prove I was bigger than Magno. That half-orc half manotaur hybrid beast was huge, but I didn't think he'd be bigger than me. Bucks like me are huge, our male figures are seen as thick veiny trophies to all who lay down with us bucks. I guess I'm not the biggest after all. SQUIRT 15 inches was 3 inches too short. When Magno and I agreed "smallest would bottom" I never expected any man to ever pack an 18-inch cock between their legs. I guess that orc manotaur mix got both specie's huge dick genetics. SQUIRT Now he's at my house... stuffing me like a jelly donut. What makes this worse is that even his loads are bigger than mine. This male has already squirted 10 squirts in me and hasn't stopped thrusting his 18-inch dick into me yet. I don't even think Magno has slowed down. It hurt at first, I felt like a telephone pole was being shoved up my core, but all that lubrication from his 10 squirts has made things a lot easier. SQUIRT 11 now. That squirt had to be the biggest yet. I felt that squirt up in my chest that time. I want Magno to think he's only a little more manly than me but even I couldn't breed like this. I'm sure I would have cum all the water in my body by now and this stallion still has cum to spare. I can't lie to myself any longer, he makes me look like a twig. SQUIRT. That one hurt. That squirt drizzled the back of my throat. I only felt a few drops splash against my throat but I didn't know his load would go that deep into me. Things are about to get a lot worse, aren't they? He's grunting a lot more now. His hands just tightened their grip on my legs. I can feel his cock throbbing faster now. These 12 squirts were only pre? Ok, he's slowing down now, what does that mean? Wait, I can feel his rod shaking, why is it shaking so much? WOSH It felt like all of the cum he had left blew out of his dick in one burst that was strong enough to shake my bed. I don't know how much cum he dumped into me but It was enough to make me feel like I gained 50 pounds. His sperm swam through every limb and every joint. Magno's seed is basically my blood now. I wouldn't be surprised if my body has more of his seed than my own blood. This doesn't worry me though, I can't imagine how much pure protein and testosterone I just soaked up. By this time tomorrow, my male hormones will be through the roof. This much male milk might even help me gain a few inches. It would be amazing if this cum can all swim down to my own cock and swell me up. Maybe next time Magno can dock me and make my balls bigger than my head. If I soak up this genetically gifted male's seed regularly I bet I could gain some of his genetics. I bet his protein could make my muscles unstoppable. "That was fun," Magno said holding my legs above me. "Are you done already," I said teasing him. "You couldn't dump half that much cum if I hooked you up to a milking machine!" I laid there for a few seconds to catch my breath before I clapped back. "Maybe I can if you keep filling me up like this," I told Magno winking. "I might have to," he told me winking back. Magno set my legs back down so that my knees were on the edge of my bed and he leaned down. Magno put both arms under my shoulder blades, put his head down next to mine, and squeezed my chest into his. He gripped my muscles into his muscles like my buff body was his new body pillow. I was exhausted from being flooded with his seed, but I managed to build up the strength to hug Magno back. "I'm glad you took up that challenge," Magno whispered. I thought he was being sweet until he said "I knew I was bigger and you proved it. Now all the guys in the locker room will stop asking!" "You're only bigger by three inches," I reminded him. Magno laughed and gripped my body again. I gripped him back. We fell asleep in that position. As I laid there under Magno's boulder-like body, I felt trillions of sperm tails swimming around my body... all swimming towards my chest. The liquid from the seamen felt like it was soaking into my muscles as the muscles extracted the protein and testosterone from Magno's slimy meal, but I could very clearly feel the sperm migrate to my chest. The muscles that absorbed the liquid felt mostly normal when they swallowed his gooey flood, but my chest felt like it was swelling up. There were so many sperm cells piling up in my chest that it felt like his seed was fertilizing my chest muscles. A noticeable lump began to form on either side of my chest that grew bigger as more sperm swam up my body to join in. Did Magno impregnate me? Was this alpha male's sperm so strong that it planted his offspring in me? As I laid there, feeling his sperm grow bigger in my chest and countless sperm cells travel through me, I thought about why they would gather in the chest. Then I realized that the chest, especially one as solid as mine, was actually the perfect spot on a male's body to grow offspring. The chest muscles are huge and can swell up without getting in the way of the male's daily life. Multiplying in the arms or legs would strain a male's body too much, and the abdominal muscles were too small. The chest made the most sense, and it was where Magno's sperm gathered. As Magno laid on top of me, wrapping his stiff muscles around me like a warm blanket, his solid body reassuringly held my muscular body. If Magno did impregnate me, this massive male was ready to multiply with me. He liked me, that was obvious, or he wouldn't be holding me so close. He probably would have at least pulled his cock out before he slept on top of me, if not slept next to me instead of on top, for that matter.
  24. Ultrabeef

    The Pride Pack

    The Pride Pack By Ultrabeef I decided to try my spin on a theme that has been used in other stories before. Enjoy. “Jeez bro! Your parents are RICH!” Ryan whistled as he took in the impressive log cabin in front of him. “Shut up dude! It belonged to my grandpa” Landon grinned and blushed, liking the attention from his friends. “It’s gonna be a weekend to remember guys!” Landon yelled. “Dude, stop staring at the cabin and help me carry this shit!” Jayse grumbled as he struggled to carry two big duffel bags. “Here, give me one of those, Slim” Manuel grabbed a bag from Jayse’s hand and the four college friends headed up the steps of the imposing front porch of the gorgeous timber-framed cabin. After getting their stuff stowed away in the bedrooms of the cabin, they started to do what four college friends tend to do - drink. Landon, a cute baseball jock with curly brown hair and bright blue eyes was telling stories of how he was plowing his girlfriend last weekend when her dad walked in on them. “Holy crap dude! What did you do?” Manuel, the sensitive Mexican soccer jock asked in shock. “I told her dad to shut the door and finished up” Landon laughed. Jayse and Ryan high-fived Landon as they laughed. Jayse was starting to get a little tipsy from the free-flowing booze. He was a tall, skinny, basketball player with brown hair and a goatee. His angular features and high cheekbones gave him an exotic look. “Jesus bro! Why don’t you eat something. You’re nothing but skin and bones and that booze it hitting you hard” Ryan slurred as Jayse accidentally knocked a lamp over on his way to the kitchen. “My girlfriend likes me thin” Jayse muttered. Ryan was a short, cute, blond lacrosse player who was a real ladies man on campus. He had probably gone out with and had sex with almost every female in his classes. “And bring some more beer on your way back!” Ryan called to Jayse. Jayse came back from the kitchen with a strange looking package of beer and handed it to Ryan. “What the fuck is this?” Ryan exclaimed as he picked up the four pack of brightly colored bottles in a rainbow colored carton. The carton had the words “The Pride Pack” printed along the side along with a picture of two muscular (and obviously gay) guys with their arms wrapped around each other. Manuel laughed “I saw it at the liquor store on an end display — it’s some fag themed beer for Pride month”. “Oh shit! That’s hilarious bro!” Jayse laughed grabbing a bottle. “Hey, give me one dude, I don’t want to be left out!” Landon grinned as Jayse tossed him a bottle. “Why are they all different?” Ryan asked taking a bottle and tossing the last one to Manuel. “It’s like a sampler pack or something” Manuel shrugged. “Well, it’s all we’ve got left and I’m not driving all the way back to town right now” Jayse slurred. “No, shit dude. You’re barely in good enough condition to walk” Ryan joked. Landon took a sip of his bottle first. It was filled with bright pink liquid and the bottle was labeled “Total Twink”. “It’s fruity. It tastes like hibiscus or something. It’s really good though.” Landon chugged the beer and slammed down the empty bottle. “Sthit! That was fabulous!” Landon exclaimed with a faggy lisp. The other guys howled with laughter at his “fake” gay accent. “Nice one bro!“ Manuel laughed as he chugged his root beer colored bottle of “Dapper Daddy”. It had woodsy flavor like bourbon and was smooth going down. Manuel felt so calm and at peace as he finished his bottle. “Damn gents, that was delicious” he sighed in newly a rich deep baritone. “What’s with your voices dudes?” Jayse asked laughing. “What are you thalking about?” Landon asked with a look of confusion on his face. “Yeah, what do you mean, son?” Manuel replied, his voice richer and lower than before. Jayse just shrugged and took a tentative sip of “Juicy Jock” — the frothy teal colored beverage tasted a bit like Gatorade. Jayse eagerly drank down the bottle. “Damn bros! This is some rockin kick-ass shit!” Jayse grinned, his face looking a little blanker than a moment ago. “You guys are too fucking much!” Ryan laughed as his friends ridiculous reactions to their drinks. Ryan brought the final bottle to his lips. It was a deep red fruit punch color and was labeled Beefy Bull and tasted fruity but also musky and woodsy. Ryan was captivated by the strange flavor. As he brought the bottle down he felt a jolt of energy surge through his body. “Shit dudes! This is some wild juice!” Ryan’s attention was quickly brought to the scene in front of him. Landon was rolling on the floor grabbing his stomach and moaning “Fuck! This hurts!” Manuel and Jayse were staring at Landon when the same feeling hit them too. “Oh sthit! It feels thso...thso...fucking...good!” Landon moaned as his hand reached down into his shorts and he started stroking his obviously hard cock. “Fuck dude! What are you doing?!” Jayse screamed at the sight of his friend feeling himself as he doubled over in pain. “Oh damn! I feel so full!” Manuel groaned as he undid the button on his jeans, his formerly trim waist starting to swell. Ryan now felt the pain hit him and immediately he grabbed his stomach like his friends. “What the fuck was in that shit!” Ryan spoke through clenched teeth. The four guys had never felt such a confusing mixture of both pain and pleasure. Landon was starting to look different. His brown curly hair had lightened a few shades and was starting to look blond. And it looked like the tips of his hair were frosted pink. “Sthit boys! I think those drinks are doing something to us” Landon whimpered as his big pink lips plumped up and his now angular cheekbones became more pronounced. “Oh! You think so genius?” Manuel grunted as his voice deepened into a husky growl. Manuel’s chest was swelling out as a pair of beefy pecs strained his v neck t-shirt. Thick dark hairs were sprouting across his chest out of the neck of his shirt and across his arms. And most pronounced of all, Manuel was developing a thick, hairy gut that hung over the open waistband of his jeans. “What’s happening to your stomach Manuel?! We’ve got to stop this shit!” Jayse replied as his formerly thin frame slowly swelled with striated, vascular muscle. Jayse’s shoulders and back grew wider and wider stretching his t-shirt tightly and making his waist seem even smaller as a tight eight pack began to appear. Ryan moaned as his body too began to swell with muscle “Oh fuck bros! What’s happening to us?” Ryan’s arms were thickening as his shirt struggled to contain them, big swollen, sweaty pecs were starting to pull his shirt to the breaking point. Landon’s transformation had started to slow and it was obvious that the previously intelligent baseball jock was gone. Landon was completely naked and his smooth hairless body and massive cock were utter perfection. He had big smooth ass that just begged to be fucked. “I think that drinkth turned me into a total twink, boys!” Landon, on all fours, gyrated his big butt in the air as he arched his back and stroked his big dick, moaning loudly in his new higher pitched voice. “Fuck me! I’m thso fucking hot!” Landon put his finger into his mouth and rubbed it on his pert nipple as he licked his lips. “Oh shit, boy! Look at that cute fuckable ass!” Manuel growled in his newly deep voice. The naked, hairy, hispanic daddy smacked Landon’s ass with his big hand causing Landon to squeal with delight. Manuel had bulked up with some muscle but there was a definite layer of fat and dark fur coating it. Manuel’s boyish looks had matured somewhat and he had salt and pepper hair on his temples as well as a beard coating his jaw. His fat, hairy gut jiggled as he walked and his fat, latino cock leaked precum as he took in the sight of the now twinkish Landon. “You like this big, beautiful booty, don’t you...daddy?” Landon purred seductively, biting his plump lower lip. “Oh hell yes...boy” Manuel growled fully assuming his new daddy role as he stroked his big hairy dick, “Daddy is going show you what a real man is like...son” The aggressive older hunk bore little resemblance to the sensitive Manuel from mere minutes ago. The two friends, now lovers, started aggressively making out. “Oh shit bros! What the fuck are you doing?! You’re straight!!” Jayse yelled as he watched his two formerly straight friends start to make out. Then Jayse looked down at his totally ripped muscular body. “Oh fuck! Look at me, I’m totally jacked!” Jayse ran his hands over his sensitive nipples that perkily jutted from his ripped pecs and ran his hands down over his striated 8 pack abs. Veins snaked across his muscular body. Gone was the skinny basketball player, a total muscle hunk had been born. Finally his big hands found his huge, half-hard, leaking cock. It was ridiculously long and thick, easily porn star proportions. And the muscular hunk groaned at he ran his finger across the sensitive tip of his veiny cock and brought his finger to his mouth, tasting his own seed. As Jayse looked into the mirror on the wall he was in awe of his beauty. His pouty lips and etched cheekbones along with his goatee made it clear he was pure masculinity. “So...fucking hot!” Jayse purred “so hot...such a hunk...and so...horny”. Just then Jayse heard a deep moan coming from the corner of the room. He turned his head and gasped, Holy fuck!” Ryan staggered to his feet and adjusted his legs to accommodate their new-found girth. “Wha...what the fuck happened to me bros?” Ryan rumbled. Ryan was still the same height as before the transformation but he was at least three times as wide. A total muscle bull, the former cute lacrosse player now looked like a professional bodybuilder. Naked, massive, thick, bulky muscle hung from his frame. Boulder shoulders flowed from his thick neck and led to freakishly huge and veiny arms. His pecs were so swollen with new growth that his nipples were forced toward the floor and hung like a shelf from his body, red stretch marks snaked from his arm pits across his chest. His thick, wide back and flaring lats led to a thick waist. Ryan had a six pack but it was part of a heavy muscle gut that distended from his body. His legs were pillars of brawn — thick, beefy quads and perfect diamond shaped calves. As Ryan turned Jayse saw his huge, hard, beefy bubble butt and felt his own cock swell. “Oh fuck! I feel so heavy and thick” Ryan flexed his huge bicep and watched the thick muscles and veins bulge. “Shit dude! I’m fucking huge!” Ryan smirked a cocky grin at his freakishly huge body, his cute boyish features now more mature and manly. Jayse ogled the pure masculinity and size of his friend. “You’re not huge everywhere bro!” Jayse grinned looking at Ryan’s crotch. Ryan struggled to look down over his thick pecs but had to settle for the mirror on the wall. He flexed his freakish guns and then saw his crotch and blushed. Ryan’s dick had shrunk in the transformation and was puny and embarrassing in the midst of all this massive muscle. Just then Ryan saw Jayse come up behind him and felt Jayse’s thick rod on his ass cheeks. “Shit Ryan! You’re hot as fuck! So fucking massive, such a muscle bull” Jayse purred as he kissed Ryan’s thick neck. “You’re so jacked with muscle and hot as shit too bro!” Ryan moaned as he turned around and wrapped his muscular arms around Jayse. The two muscular hunks started passionately making out, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths as Jayse reached around and cupped Ryan’s huge bubble butt in his hands. “Oh shit bro! I just just gotta fuck that big muscle ass of yours” Jayse purred as he flicked Ryan’s massive pec with his tongue. “I want to feel that huge cock of yours inside me bro!” Ryan moaned showing Jayse his big butt while his own tiny dick leaked precum. “Happy Pride boys!” Landon squealed as Manuel penetrated him to the grunts of Jayse and Ryan roughly having sex on the sofa. This would definitely be a weekend to remember.
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