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  1. EnviousGeorge

    Your pleasure account is overdrawn

    Teleportation was not a form of travel Jalveth enjoyed: when expected it was a jarring experience, but when it came out of nowhere it was nauseating. The problem was that the Magisters of the Collective operated on their own schedule with scant regard for others. Jalveth took in the sumptuous furnishings of the Magister’s parlour as he tried to keep the remains of his lunch from adding to the decoration. “I take it you know why you are here?” stated the figure sat at an expansive desk without looking up from his paperwork. “No my lord,” replied Jalveth meekly and with good reason: a Magister’s word was law and they had enough power to administer any punishment they so chose. Childhood stories of what they do to those who wronged them leapt to the forefront of his mind, which he tried to repress as he hadn’t done anything wrong that might justify any form of punishment, had he? A piece of parchment levitated from the cluttered desk and floated in front of his face; it was a fairly long list: ‘Silver Goblin Trading’, ‘Griffin Claw Holdings’, ‘Black Root Alchemicals’ and others were written in a clear hand. “This is a list of accounts I administer.” said Jalveth confused, but in a contrite a fashion as he could muster. “Did you think it wouldn’t be noticed,” said the figure, looking at Jalveth for the first time since his arrival. “A crystal here, a couple of crystals there, not enough for one organisation to really notice but overall they do mount up…” “But I…” Jalveth began before a wave of paralysis suffused his entire being resulting in sudden breathlessness and a stiffness through his muscles, and to his embarrassment a similar reaction from his genitalia. “Do not interrupt,” admonished the Magister, “I am told you have a head for figures, I would have thought you more capable of covering your tracks than this; and so unoriginal, such scams have been around forever, they are even older than I.” Jalveth unable to respond was unsure how he would have if he could: he had known nineteen summers and the figure before him barely looked much older; but this was a Magister and appearances were almost certainly misleading. “We expect our computers to be intelligent, so what made you think you could get away with it?” the Magister asked looking directly at Jalveth. If the rest of his appearance did not bely his age the same could not be said of the Magister’s eyes: the black pools looked as though they had seen stars die and possibly caused them to do so. “There must be some mistake,” Jalveth squeaked, “those accounts were fine, with no crystal unaccounted for.” “Are you saying a Magister is wrong?” the man said in what seemed to be a friendly inquisitive tone. Jalveth knew better than to trust the friendly demeanour; his heart was racing as his body felt like it was betraying him: it felt hot and constrained in his clothes, not to mention he was so hard it was throbbing despite the situation, was there something about the Magister’s voice that made him feel this way? Jalveth couldn’t discount the possibility. Not that his mind was faring much better, it kept speculating on what punishments the Magister may enforce that Jalveth had trouble focusing on the situation he found himself in. “Of course not my lord,” he found himself saying, “merely that you have not been given all the information,” and wondered to himself just how he would justify that claim. “So enlighten me,” said the Magister with a tone that suggested there was nothing he didn’t already know, “who else had access to those accounts? One of your colleagues perhaps?” “No-one at the Counting House could have done it, would have done it,” replied Jalveth emphatically, “they are my friends, my family they have been nothing but helpful since I arrived at the Collective.” “And you are sure of this?” said the Magister clearly showing his view on the matter. “Only one bonded to the accounts would be able to change them.” said Jalveth firmly, “the only one bonded is…” and he trailed off as he realised the implications while the Magister just smiled at him. “Please,” Jalveth begged, “let me speak to my colleagues, maybe they will have some idea how this has happened.” “Oh you won’t be returning to the Counting House.” said the Magister, “By your own admission it is clear you are responsible: either it is deliberate for which you need punishing or accidental which shows you to be a liability; either way you cannot be trusted to look after the finances of others.” “But my smarts, my skill with numbers, that’s all I have,” wailed Jalveth as he prostrated himself before the Magister. Bringing his hands together in a begging gesture caused an audible ripping noise from his tunic and Jalveth looked at his body for the first time since his arrival. The reason for the constrained feeling was now obvious: he was larger than he should be, his slim scrawny build was replaced by a somewhat more athletic one. “There are many ways to serve the Collective,” said the Magister, “and if your suitability is wrong then we can easily change it, there are many positions that require less cerebral acumen and more physical presence such as soldier or labourer or…” “Please don’t make me a pleasure slave!” Jalveth begged crying. “Oh so you know about the pleasure slaves then,” the Magister stated, “just by reputation, or have you partaken?” “My colleagues organised it, they said it was a rite of passage.” replied Jalveth but his focus was diverted by the figure that had magically appeared in the chamber. He was magnificent: large powerful legs supported a strongly defined core, but still with a fairly narrow waist, which in turn were surmounted by a pair of pronounced pectorals that competed for space with a pair of massive arms, but the crowning achievement was the huge organ protruding from his groin. It arced up through the deep valley of the pecs and stopped just below where a beautiful face was waiting. It was only the expression and look behind the eyes that let the figure down for Jalveth: there was little sign of intelligence or even awareness there. The figure had not reacted to its translocation and it seemed was awaiting any sort of instruction for a while, which means it stood motionless for some time. Eventually, whether it finally realised nothing was forthcoming, or more likely just following its baser instincts moved to take the massive head of its member in its mouth and started pleasing itself. Jalveth watched mesmerised as the figure bounced its pecs, together and separately, to stimulate the shaft of its immense penis in complete oblivion to its surroundings. Not that the figure was the only one. “I said what was it like to be fucked by a pleasure slave,” said the Magister testily, completely ignoring the figure’s arrival. “Huh,” said Jalveth distracted, “but I didn’t…” and when his brain caught up to his mouth felt the need to clarify: “I wanted to but it was so large and I got scared and just spent the time worshipping his body.” “You do know they are ensorcelled to provide only pleasure and no pain?” Asked the Magister in a flat tone to which Jalveth gave a slow calculated nod. “Ensorcelled by a Magister, so which is it you doubt, our skill or our power?” Jalveth doubted neither as both were clearly evident in the way his tunic burst in multiple places from the strain, he could feel his bulging biceps resting on his protruding chest, neither adjective would anyone have considered attributing to Jalveth before now. His breeches had so far still remained intact but it was clear they would not remain so if he underwent another growth spurt. The bulge at the front was large and the confined space was beginning to pinch uncomfortably. “Ah I see how it is, this all makes sense,” said the Magister looking at Jalveth who was exploring the changes in his body with his hands, but his eyes were still focussed on the activities of the third person in the room. “It is because you are jealous of the pleasure slaves.” the Magister said as a statement of fact and not a question. “Well who wouldn’t be?” replied Jalveth, “after all they were made by the Magisters as perfect physical specimens. Are you doubting the Magister’s skill? Or their power?” Jalveth groaned internally as he realised what he had just uttered, how stupid was he to rile one who had so much power, Jalveth braced himself for the inevitable consequences. Which never came, instead the Magister just laughed, “I suppose I could have phrased that better, tell me were you happy in the Counting House?” Jalveth nearly blurted out ‘of course’ but thought better of it, “I had a job I could do easily, colleagues that supported me, and it paid enough to meet my needs.” Jalveth eventually said carefully choosing his words. “But did that make you happy?” said the Magister in a tone that was clear that he knew the answer but wanted to hear Jalveth say it. “No,” Jalveth admitted, “the work was dull, I did it because I could and not because I wanted to; my colleagues were friendly because they were my colleagues and not because of me and while my needs were met there was little extra for anything else.” “And then you met a pleasure slave, you thought you would be the superior one in the situation despite his physical attributes you were the free one, the one with the intellect; however, you realised that of the two of you only he was happy with his life and you were envious of that.” explained the Magister. “But he was so stupid,” retorted Jalveth, “all he could do was grunt or talk in a monosyl…, a mono…, in one word answers and only then about his body or sex.” At the mention of the word sex the third person in the room ceased their self-ministrations and moved towards Jalveth seductively; the giant ever-erect penis bouncing back and forth as he moved until he came to a stop in front of Jalveth and took up a pose that showed off his muscular body. Jalveth gulped involuntarily as he forced himself not to lean forward, not to touch and was fighting an impulse to join him in flexing. The Magister continued to act as though the other man was not even in the room. “Really, you were stuck in a role you despised in a life you thought had no meaning, whereas he was someone who really enjoyed his work, who would be thrilled to be in the company of his colleagues and whose needs and desires were both met without his input. That is what you were jealous of, that is why you wanted to be him.” elucidated the Magister. “But I don’t want to be dumb, my intelligence, my skill with numbers is all I have, it’s all I am!” Jalveth exclaimed, tears running down his face. “But has that intelligence ever made you happy, or is it what is holding you back from getting what you really want?” The Magister began. Jalveth opened his mouth to respond but stopped when the Magister raised his hand. “It was your ‘intelligence’ that stopped you experiencing the joys of that pleasure slave. It is the same ‘intelligence’ that is trying to plan a way out of this but is ignoring your desires, it is not even realising they are showing themselves anyway.” Jalveth looked confused and was surprised when the pleasure slave gently wiped the tears from his eyes. The Magister continued, “ You were the one to suggest being turned into a pleasure slave, in fact it is what you have been thinking about since you arrived in my chamber; I wonder if your subconscious forced you to make those mistakes to bring us to this outcome.” “But I didn’t, I wouldn’t…” Jalveth sobbed, “I don’t know what you want from me?” “Simple,” answered the Magister, “I just want you to tell me what you want, what you really want.” Jalveth knew he was stuck, his strategy had been to tell the Magister exactly what he wanted to hear, but clearly what the Magister wanted to hear was what was clearly something that was not intelligent to say; as such his thoughts led in circles as his brain tried to find a way out of the contradiction. In the confusion this meant that his mouth was operating unsupervised, “I want to be a pleasure slave,” Jalveth mumbled quietly. “Sorry what was that?” said the Magister who had clearly heard what he said. “I want to be a pleasure slave!” Jalveth said louder and with more conviction, “I want to be so dumb that I don’t know what a number is, let alone what to do with one! And I want to be so big that anyone who sees me will be awestruck to the point where they can’t think of them either! I want to spend my days having sex with anyone, with everyone! But most of all I want to be happy!” “There, that wasn’t so difficult,” said the Magister, “I think you deserve a reward for your honesty.” and with that the pleasure slave moved behind Jalveth with clear intent. Jalveth was confused, how did that make any sense? Just saying what should have been a bad idea somehow was going to see him receive the sex he had foolishly denied himself in the past? Magisters may have tremendous power but Jalveth wasn’t entirely sure of their sanity. Not that was his most pressing concern: he was harder than he’d ever been before in his entire life; but as his breeches burst from the strain the nature of this ‘reward’ became obvious. His erection was growing at a rate that was clearly visible to the eye and from the heat that pervaded his body that growth was not limited to his sex organ. Jalveth’s mind was not willing to go without a fight, and following his earlier declaration was repeating simple random multiplication to prove it couldn’t be banished that easily. ‘Four by twelve is forty-eight’ The pleasure slave removed the remains of Jalveth’s tattered clothing by ripping them off his body ‘Seven by eight is fifty-six’, the pleasure slave put his hand on Jalveth’s surprisingly hairy rear and Jalveth shot the biggest load of his life which stopped him thinking of anything for a while. When he came to his senses he looked down to see that his cock had reached his large hairy pecs. Jalveth had always been ashamed of his body hair and considering that both the pleasure slave in the room and the one he’d encountered earlier had smooth bodies it was a surprise that he not only retained his body hair, it was not thinned out by the muscle growth, but if anything was denser, thicker and more widespread. ‘Eight by five is fuckty… er forty’ Jalveth thought as he reached down to check on his balls, his stance had widened to accommodate the size of his legs and that gave his balls which were significantly larger, and hairier, more room. Jalveth gave them a squeeze and was rewarded with another large load. ‘Seven by four is… forty?’ Jalveth thought as he flexed a large hairy arm and watched as it grow before his eyes. ‘Six by nine is… six by nine is…, six by… sex…, sex!’ Jalveth thought as his cock was now at a point where he could easily take it into his mouth; which he did so with gusto. What looked up after he shot yet another huge load, this time into his hungry mouth which he slurped up greedily, was in no way bothered by multiplication; with numbers at least. It looked down on the pleasure slave before it and realised he was bigger than the man in all aspects including height. “Me big,” it said eventually. The pleasure slave took the opportunity to caress Jalveth’s furry bulk: gently stroking the soft hair across the bulging muscle. Jalveth wanted to tell him how attractive he found the man, what he wanted to do to him and what he wanted from the man but the words weren’t there. Eventually he settled on a single word that expressed all his feelings: “Fuck” “Fuck?” came the reply from the pleasure slave. “Fuck!” replied Jalveth with a smile and pulled the other pleasure slave into a passionate embrace. “Oh Boys!” called a voice from near a large bed, the only furniture in the room. For some reason Jalveth had a feeling something was wrong about that, but he couldn’t see what would be wrong with a hot guy calling him over to a bed. The Magister moved his hand and his clothing vanished revealing a tight muscular body and what would be considered a large cock in any other company, he kneeled on the large bed pushing his rear seductively in the air. A test for the new pleasure slave, which was on the way to scoring high marks as the Magister felt the tickle of a soft beard before a tongue masterfully worked at his hole. The other pleasure slave was before him and the Magister had no hesitation in taking as much of his manhood into his mouth as he could. In other circumstances the Magister would have grown his body to match them and switched off for a night of mindless debauchery; alas he had other duties that needed attending beforehand, primarily figuring out just who had framed Jalveth in the first place. If the young man had used the intellect he’s claimed to possess to be more suspicious of his colleagues then maybe he wouldn’t be in this position, using his tongue to devastating effect, as his naivety must have played a part in being chosen as the scapegoat. That and his appearance: Jalveth may not have realised with his insecurities but he was a very attractive man; to the extent that the Magister had little to do to his countenance in his transformation, essentially just making sure his face fit with the massive hairy muscle-bound moron he’d become, and frankly the beard had done most of that work for him. People think that magic can do anything, and by and large it can, but it still has its limitations. Even with knowing what was done the Magister could think of seven ways that Jalveth’s credentials could have been faked and was not arrogant enough to consider that to be an exhaustive list. Add to that not knowing who, when or why led to too many variables. The Magister had a spell trying to resolve it but with the lack of information would take a long time to report; it would be very surprising indeed if framing Jalveth was the whole point of the endeavour, so it was a matter of time before the real plot revealed itself and may well do so before his spell had concluded. So the Magister was relying more on a non-magical ploy: Jalveth. He felt the bulbous head of the new pleasure slave’s massive prick teasing his hole and the ecstatic thrill when it pushed home. Once the fate of Jalveth was announced to his colleagues the Magister expected them to lay low for a while, time they are likely to spend enjoying this very position with the new slave. Whether it will be regret about what they have done to Jalveth, or to gloat about it and fooling a Magister the culprit will have no qualms in confessing everything to someone they know doesn’t understand what they are saying. Pleasure slaves have a built-in aura of isolation that protects their clients from attack or interference when they are at their most vulnerable. The feeling of absolution at disclosing their darkest secrets and only receiving pleasure as a response was nearly as big a draw as the pleasure the slaves could bestow. Of course the slaves may not be able to understand but that didn’t mean the couldn’t listen, and repeat everything they heard to any curious Magister, but the populace would rather assume any information was discovered by magic. Jalveth would have his revenge, even if he now didn’t care about it, and his guilty former colleagues would learn there are worse punishments than becoming a pleasure slave. As for Jalveth, the Magister thought as both slaves unloaded in him simultaneously, he was too exquisite a prospect to relinquish. The Magister had considered his personal harem big enough but knew that when this was resolved there would be a place for Jalveth, one where he would have the very happy life he wished for.
  2. This is a fictional story. Any semblance to any person, thing or concept in the particular multiverse in which you live may not correspond to the universe of this story or may be purely coincidental. PART ONE “So did you measure it to make sure it’s as big as he claims?” asked Dr. Piro. “Yes, sir. And it’s as long and wide as he said it was,” answered Simon, his lab assistant. “And he agreed to do it for the price?” “Yes. He said that he felt erotic just thinking about it. He said it was the chance of a lifetime to use his great prowess to take down a superhero,” replied Simon. Rubbing his hands together, Dr. Piro said, “Now we are ready.” The 6 -foot three, 245 pound, brown haired alien with bulging muscles in his skintight suit known as Powerman had long been a thorn in the side of right wing, libertarian, coke-addict billionaire Lonnie Mucus. “Too much all-American, goody-two shoes for my taste,” he was quoted as saying to a magazine about Powerman. When Powerman offered to take a new communications satellite into Space for the US Government to replace an old one that had suddenly failed, Mucus saw a superhero that was now competing with his new Space launching satellite business that the American government had become dependent on. He decided Powerman had to go. So Mucus hired Dr. Piro, a scrawny but brilliant scientist, to do whatever it takes to disable Powerman as a threat to his own values and businesses. “Kill him if you must, but if you can preserve him for lab study, that would be even better,” he told the scientist. With almost unlimited funding, Dr. Piro began his task but after five years of hard work, the scientist had been unable to discover a way to kill or disable the superhero. During that time, Powerman had become more outspoken in terms of promoting the values of truth, justice, and community and against the “freedom to say and do whatever you want” attitude of the billionaire, anti-regulation, laissez faire libertarian philosophy of the billionaire further angering him. Powerman received a secret message from an FBI agent, who was secretly on the payroll of Mucus, that an informant in the campaign of the presidential candidate that Mucus was helping to bankroll, was willing to pass on damaging information about the candidate and Mucus. But he would do it only if Powerman met him secretly and alone at a powerplant, which just happened to be owned by Mucus. Powerman agreed to meet the informant at the powerplant and flew there for the meeting. Powerman scanned the industrial building on the plant site from the sky and saw a large room with a lot of electrical equipment and then an adjacent room which contained four burly men and a smaller man. “Humm,” thought Powerman, “everything looks safe and nothing seems unusual for a pwoerplant.” Following the instructions he was given, Powerman landed outside the front entrance of the building and entered through large metal door. Once inside the main, well-lit room, he saw large disks of what looked like heat lamps all over the walls and ceiling of the room. He stepped deeper into the room and shouted, “Hello, I am here.” Suddenly, he heard a loud humming noise. Then the lights lighting the room went out and it was dark. Unbeknowst to Powerman, at that same moment there was blackout in the city surrounding the powerplant and for about 5 seconds all the energy created by the plant was directed into those disks that surrounded Powerman. The light created by that energy filled the room bathing Powerman with it. “Uggh,” cried the super strong hero. Never before had he felt so weak and drained. He suddenly face-planted onto the floor unconscious. Watching the entire event through security cameras from the adjacent room, Dr. Piro and the four muscular men then entered the main room. Looking at the prostrate, white-costumed superhero with his bubble butt protruding into the air, he said, “It worked just as predicted. Now boys, carry our friend down the stairs to the laboratory underneath this building. His transformation has just begun!” PART TWO Dr. Piro’s mobile rang. It was Mucus. “How is it going, my good doctor?” “Just as I planned, sir. Powerman is currently unconscious and we are set up to start the process," Dr. Piro responded. “Good. Good. I like your plan. Humiliation and captivity are even better than death.” “Well, if all goes as planned, you’ll have a new breed of bodyguards and henchmen at your service.” “There is no if, good doctor. There is no fail,” retorted Mucus. “You had better make this happen.” Mucus then hung up. Powerman was stretched out on his stomach spread eagle in some device that looked something like a flat operating chair used for colonoscopies. His legs were separated, each one strapped in with metal bands. His thick bulbous ass pointing slightly up with his torso slightly raised making a slight arch in his muscular back. Each powerful arm was flared out from his body and slightly bent at the elbow while being held on place by metal bands. His head was secured inside a metal cage attached to the device but his face was open and visible but the head harness permitted only his mouth to move. The device hinged at his hips and torso permitting it to move if he were to hip thrust or arch his back further. The arms did not permit movement except to move slightly forward with this torso and the leg braces also permitted some abduction but not much. His red and white suit remained intact except it had been stripped off his back and his ass leaving him naked there and revealing a back of tan rippled muscles like waves on a sea. Slowly Powerman began to return to full consciousness. Groggy, he began to mumble, ”Where, what, how.” “Well, my favorite alien is beginning to wake up and join our party, Simon,” mocked Dr. Piro to his assistant. Powerman tried to raise his head but the metal straps held it down. His muscles swelled as he struggled to free both his arms and legs but the device held him firmly. He felt so tired and exhausted. He could see his super strength was gone. He decided he needed the stall Dr. Piro and recover from whatever he did to him. “Simon, let’s make our guest more comfortable so we can talk. Raise the chair.” Simon pressed several buttons on a wireless controller. The device holding our superhero raised Powerman higher from the floor and tiled his body vertically so now he was face to face with his captor. PART THREE Powerman was now eye to eye with the old, short, bald, eyeglass-wearing doctor and his assistant, the young, brown-haired bespectacled Simon. “I suppose my caped spandex hero is wondering how you got in his predicament. Well, I am going to tell you my soon to be neutered muscleman. It goes to my own ingenuity and brilliance and that of humankind in general over your alien race. You see, Powerman, it seems you would occasionally connect your computers in your mountain liar to the satellite Internet network owned by my employer, Mr. Mucus. Yes, your Internet defenses were very strong and my Russian hacking friends were frustrated after trying to penetrate them. But with some additional help from Chinese hackers and AI we were finally able to get in. From there we were able to download the history of your society and all the biological information about your alien race. Although written in your alien language, our AI was able to decipher it in less than three months.” Powerman listened carefully to Dr. Piro. He wondered if he could have really penetrated his systems. How then did he manage to neutralize his superpowers? He then noticed he was feeling less tired and the grogginess of his mind had cleared. “And what an interesting history and biology it is!” continued the scrawny doctor. “I learned your society is divided into three castes—the female caste whose primary purpose is reproduction, a eunuch working class whose role is to serve as workers for the entire society and finally the super powerful male warrior class, of which you are a prime specimen! The females seem to be 300-400 pound, essentially immobile creatures who have a lust for sex constantly except during the 13-month period of pregnancy. So they are basically sex slaves cared for by the eunuchs. Meanwhile the warrior class men rule your society where everyone serves them and they maintain the harmony and order. Might not seem all that interesting at first given human history but then I learned that all members of your race are genetically hermaphrodites! Apparently whether a female gives birth to another female, a eunuch or a warrior is determined by what foods are given the female during her pregnancy. By controlling the nutrition of the captive pregnant females, the warriors control what type of person is born based on the warrior class’ needs.” Now Powerman was getting worried. He realized that Dr. Piro had been successful in obtaining information from his liar. But with each passing minute he was feeling less and less exhausted. Perhaps his superpowers were returning, and he would eventually be able to break free. He needed to stall whatever Dr. Piro planned next. “But….” interrupted Powerman. “Shut up! No interruptions!” shouted the doctor and he slapped Powerman across his face. Powerman winced in pain with the blow and decided it was best to keep quiet for now. Simon looked pained seeing Powerman slapped. He admired the superhero’s chiseled jaw and straight narrow nose. He had a handsome face as well as a well-proportioned muscled body. The epitome of human maleness in his view. Now trapped in the clutches of his ugly old boss. He found Powerman’s helpless predicament sad but yet wildly erotic and exhilarating at the same time. His member stirred. “Now where was I?” Dr. Piro queried. “Oh yes. While your warrior class with their superpowers kept your planet peaceful once in a while a warrior or two would rebel and would need to be neutralized. But given those superpowers that was not easy to do. Fortunately, it appears that there is a biological failsafe mechanism built right into your genetics.” To be continued
  3. NayarLeng

    The Ascension of the Dragon

    It was the first days of September, summer was giving way to fall, and the summer heat was still being felt, but already some of the trees began to change their green clothes for more ochre and copper. The fruits were ripening, and the harvests were about to start. The crops were coming to fruition while the students returned to the classrooms after a well-deserved vacation. Some were very anxious to go back to school, for they had just started a new period in their lives, such as starting college. Sabrina Spellman was one of those young women who, on this day, would enter the university that, fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, was close to her home. She chose this college because, apart from teaching the usual mortal subjects, it was indeed one of the country's few witches and wizard colleges (a fact unknown to most attendees), as well as the most prestigious. These were the main reasons her aunts were so insistent that she go. Sabrina finally agreed, because deep down she was very fond of them, which did not prevent her from deciding to rent an apartment to live alone, although she managed to do so after swearing a thousand times that she would visit them often. That morning she woke up excited, she didn't loll around in bed much after the alarm went off, she immediately went to get cleaned up, change her clothes, eat some breakfast, grab her backpack, and hit the streets with her skates like she used to do in high school. The area where the town was located was also on the outskirts of the city, but more populated than the neighborhood where she had grown up, with a few buildings here and there, the streets a little busier with passersby walking back and forth and cars following the same behavior. The witch moved briskly but smoothly through this influx of people and streets until she stopped at a small apartment building. She stopped before the door, pulled her cell phone from her backpack, and dialed a number. “Harvey, I'm here," she said, glancing at one of the floors above her, before hanging up and preparing to wait. Her dear friend had also decided to attend the same university as her, which made her overjoyed, it was always good to have a familiar face in new places. “Hello, Sabrina” greeted Harvey a few moments after he came downstairs after Sabrina had called him. He was carrying a skateboard and the backpack on his back, like the witch, a helmet protecting his head. “Ready for a new stage in our lives?” “More than ready, even eager," Sabrina replied, seeing the enthusiasm in her friend's eyes. "As far as I can tell, so are you.” Harvey smiled broadly before answering, "Of course, I want to try something I've wanted for a long time. “What is it?" Sabrina was curious. “You know that the college we're going to has a wrestling team, right?" the boy replied. "Well, I want to try out for it, today is the tryout.” Sabrina couldn't help but be concerned when she heard her friend's wish. Although he had grown a bit since high school, he was far from being considered a robust boy, he was rather thin, of average height. “Are you sure about that," she said worriedly. "Don't you think you should wait a bit, maybe gain some more muscle?” “Ha, don't worry about it," Harvey interrupted her. "I've been training during this vacation and eating an egg-based diet to gain muscle mass, I'm not so weak anymore.” Sabrina's heart shrank when she saw her friend's practically nonexistent biceps when he flexed one of his arms. “Well, if you say so," she continued. “Also," he added, "I bought an amulet to bring me luck. Look, it has a rabbit's foot, a lucky stone, and a feather.” Sabrina knew very well that those amulets sold among humans were completely devoid of magical power, so her worries only increased, but she did not say anything, she did not want to hurt her friend's feelings. “Well, we're late, we'd better go to college," she said trying to change the subject, luckily Harvey agreed, so they both left immediately, she with her skates, he with his skateboard. The trip was not very long, just a few minutes, both of them gliding smoothly through the streets of the city, slipping between the morning passersby, the wheels making a soft sound as they rolled on the asphalt and sidewalks, until they stopped in front of the university gates. The university had a conservative architecture, similar to traditional New England’s one: a rectangular nave formed the main building, with two rectangular extensions, perpendicular to the ends of the nave. Several towers, crowned with pyramidal roofs decorated with pennants and spires, rose imposingly in the center. A large window with exquisite stained glass welcomed students and faculty, and below it was the great gate. Sabrina and Harvey said their goodbyes at the gate and went to their respective classes for the day, meeting again in the afternoon at the indoor stadium where the wrestling team tryouts would be held. It was almost 3:00 p.m. when the selection process began. A few spectators were sitting in the stands, all eager to either see their friends or just to have a good time and have some fun, Sabrina was as close to the field as possible to get a good view of Harvey. On the track were the coach and the competitors of the moment. Harvey told her he would be the fifth match of the evening, so she waited patiently at her post, flanked by two other people. She may have been the only one cheering for Harvey as he entered, not so for his opponent, who from a distance looked much stronger than her dear friend. No sooner had the fight begun that Harvey, who had moved quickly toward his opponent, ended up on the ground, crushed by the other boy, with little chance of escaping the confinement in which the other boy had trapped him. He tried to use some of the techniques he had learned, but to no avail, the other boy did not move an inch, on the contrary, he used more force in his grip. Harvey's face turned red from the effort, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead, he clenched his teeth tightly, tried to anchor his feet to the floor and push himself up, and tried to force with his arms, but it was useless. “One!" the referee announced. Harvey redoubled his efforts. “Two!" he continued. Tears of helplessness threatened to fall from his eyes. “Three!" Harvey already knew he had lost, but he still tried to pull away from his opponent. “Four! We have a winner!" the referee shouted, a chorus of cheers rang out from the stands, Sabrina remained silent, her gaze fixed on Harvey who was still lying on the floor, tears running freely down his face. “Cry outside this ring," the trainer shouted at Harvey. “I don't understand," Harvey said as he stood up. "What did I do wrong? I trained; I ate eggs..." “Some people just aren't cut out for this," the trainer cut him off. You could see that he was holding back a smile, which those who had already been selected and some of the audience were not doing at all "Some are just good at being simple tadpoles.” “You should have been called Shrimpzilla," he openly mocked his former opponent, and the stadium burst into laughter. "Really, Harvzilla? Have you ever looked in a mirror?” Harvey couldn't stand the humiliation any longer and ran out of the stadium, his hands covering his eyes in a desperate attempt to hide the tears of shame. Sabrina immediately got up from her seat and ran after him, trying to comfort him. The rest of the day was just as sad, and it didn't take long for the news to spread like wildfire among the students, Shrimpzilla's nickname flooding the hallways and social networking sites themselves. “I'm done," Harvey said, his eyes downcast as he played with the spoon of his favorite ice cream that Sabrina had given him to cheer him up. “Maybe you can do it later, maybe if you concentrate better and...” “No, Sabrina," Harvey cut her off, his brow furrowed, gripping the spoon tightly. "It's like they say, I'm not good at it.” Sabrina debated what to say next, it hurt her soul to see her friend in that state. It was no less true that his small and thin frame would have to work hard to achieve his goal of becoming a wrestler. Maybe if he got a little help, things would be different. That night, she lay on the bed, pensive. She couldn't stop thinking about how she could help her friend. “If only she could use the Spookypot” she whispered to herself, but not so quietly that Salem, who was lying on the mattress next to her, would not hear her. “What are you going to do now, Sabrina?" the talking black cat asked as he stretched out. “Harvey wanted to join the wrestling team, but due to his constitution it was impossible for him, plus he's the laughing stock of the entire university because of his terrible match," the witch explained. Salem could not contain himself and a laugh escaped his lips, but he quickly controlled himself after Sabrina's curious look. "Don't take me wrong, but I don't need to be an expert to know that he's not fit for that, he's too small!” “I know," Sabrina snorted. "I'd like to help him anyway, but isn't there a spell or something to make a person stronger?” “Of course there must be," replied the cat. "But I don't know any, not even your aunts.” “I doubt they would help me anyway," Sabrina admitted. “But I know someone who will," the cat smiled. “Really, who?” Sabrina's eyes lit up. “A magical newt who lives in the basement of your old house," the cat replied. “There is a newt under my aunt's house," Sabrina was puzzled, "how come I never knew that? “Even your aunts don't know," Salem admitted, putting his paw to his head in embarrassment. "It's something only he and I know, we have... an agreement.” “Well, I don't care what you do or don't do in your private life. You introduce me to him the next time we go home," seeing that her problems were probably solved, Sabrina turned off the light and closed her eyes with a smile on her face. A week later, Sabrina and Salem visited her aunts, who greeted them enthusiastically. After a round of questions about how she was doing in school and some lunch, Sabrina and Salem went downstairs to the basement, taking advantage of a moment when her aunts were distracted. It was like any other basement, dark, dusty, with even more cobwebs than in the entrance of the house, full of old things that had not been used for a long time, but were probably kept there for their possible "usefulness". “Newton!" called Salem as he put his paws on the basement floor, immediately a small but male voice answered from somewhere in the basement. “What do you want?" the voice replied. "You haven't been here for a while.” “That's right, I don't even live here anymore," Salem laughed. "I came to ask you something.” “Oh, that's very strange of you.” “Well, it's not exactly for me," Salem and Sabrina walked slowly through the basement towards the place where the voice came from. “It’s for my friend Sabrina Spellman.” “Spellman," the tone of his voice took on shades of terror by the time both Salem and Sabrina had reached their interlocutor, a small blue-green newt, lacking one of its eyes, a patch covering it. He wore a small conical blue hat, with a few yellow stars, and a red tunic “Did you bring me a witch?” “Easy” Salem tried to calm him down, in fact, he had to stop him because he was already in a race to get out of there. “How can I be calm when you brought me a witch?" the newt kept shouting from the paw Salem had trapped him in. “Oh, don't worry, I didn't come here to hurt you," Sabrina approached Salem and the newt with a comforting smile on her face. "I just came to ask you a favor.” “I won't give you my other eye," the amphibian cried as it wriggled in the cat's paw in an attempt to escape. “Why would I want your eye," Sabrina was a little confused. “Isn't it obvious," Newton asked. "Don't you know that the eye of a newt is a popular ingredient in witches' potions?” Sabrina was about to say something else but decided to remain silent for a moment because the newt was right, she only had to look in her potion book to realize that most of the recipes contained this ingredient. “Well, I didn't come here for that," the witch finally said. "But for you to help me with a friend of mine. The newt seemed to calm down a bit after hearing Sabrina's words, so Salem decided to put him back on the table where they had found him, which resembled a small miniature laboratory, with various flasks and liquids of different colors bubbling due to the heat they were exposed to or the chemical reactions they were experimenting with. “You see," Sabrina continued. "There's a friend of mine who wants to be bigger and stronger..." “Oh, is that all?" interrupted Newton. "Don't worry, I have what your friend needs.” He immediately began to search his downsized laboratory. He rummaged through every inch of it, the shelves, the corners, the trunks until he finally came upon a red clay jar sealed with a cork. “Let me just pour some of this into a perfume bottle," the newt said as he tweaked the knob with his tweezers. "This is very concentrated and, therefore very strong. If you use it once, it will be enough.” He took a perfume button he found in a corner of the lab and poured a small amount of the greenish liquid that was in the bottle into the flask, later he gave the perfume flask to Sabrina. She thanked him and they both said goodbye. Harvey was still depressed about the embarrassment he had suffered the previous week during tryouts for the wrestling team. Sabrina found him sitting on a bench, his head resting on the table in front of him and his arms outstretched. “Hi, Harvey," Sabrina greeted enthusiastically when she found her friend. “Hi, Sabrina," Harvey replied quietly and without much enthusiasm. “I have good news for you," Sabrina continued, not letting her friend's long face affect her in the least. She was carrying the potion Newton had given her in her backpack. Harvey only raised his head slightly in response to what Sabrina said. “Oh, come on, cheer up a little," Sabrina said as she sat down next to Harvey and searched her backpack for the bottle. “How can I do that if I can't fulfill one of my dreams”, Harvey said with some annoyance. “On that note," Sabrina finally pulled the vial of potion out of her backpack. "I think I can help you. I'm going to put some of this lucky perfume on you and you'll see how much better everything gets.” “Sabrina, please," Harvey didn't believe Sabrina's words at all. "Even if it works, the tests are over, there's no way I can get in.” “You may be right," Sabrina said. "But you don't lose anything by trying, maybe you can get in next year or next semester.” Harvey thought carefully, Sabrina was right, he had nothing to lose. “Okay, I accept, just for you," she decided and with that Sabrina sprayed some of the perfume on Harvey's body. A greenish vapor rose a few centimeters from Harvey's head, the strange thing was that the top looked like the head of a dragon. This immediately descended onto the boy's body, which glowed with a faint green light, Harvey's eyes staring at an undefined point in space, as if he were in some sort of trance, only to have a slight green flash appear in his irises. Harvey straightened up completely in his seat, his muscles tense, then relaxed, then tense again. With each passing second, he gave the impression that his sweater was getting tighter and tighter around Harvey's body. His usual slender build took on a bit of toning, even a seductive outline of his chest was sketched under his clothing, not to mention the sleeves were filled with the new thickness of his arms. Harvey smiled mischievously at this slight growth, even flexing one of his arms and enjoying the feeling of constriction as his sweater struggled with the new dimensions of his body. “Pfff," someone behind him snorted. "What the hell are you doing, Shrimpzilla? Harvey turned his eyes to where the taunt came from. There he saw the boy he had fought last week. His brow furrowed in anger. He abruptly rose from his seat and moved to confront him. Sabrina tried to stop him, but just as he was about to utter a few words, Harvey grabbed the other boy around the waist with both arms, lifted him with his weight, bent his lower back backward, and slammed the boy to the ground. He immediately lunged at him and grabbed him with a good hold. The boy tried to break free, but Harvey's grip was quite strong, as was his new body. The coach of the wrestling team happened to be passing by at the time, so he had a chance to watch the fight. He saw the boy struggling with all his might to get free, just as Harvey was holding him almost immobile with little apparent effort. When he saw the boy indicate that he was going to give up. He walked over to where they were standing and announced that Harvey was now part of the college wrestling team, which of course pleased both Sabrina and Harvey. The magic of the potion affected not only Harvey but also the amulet he was wearing. Despite what Sabrina thought, the amulet did have some magical power, very little, almost invisible, but with the influx of magic from the potion, it was activated and a new entity began to brew within it, a consciousness that would gain more power and influence over the boy as the days went by. Despite the strength he gained from the potion, Harvey remained small and scrawny compared to the other members of the wrestling team, so the coach himself put him on a strict training and diet regimen: he had to train in the gym for at least an hour every day. At first, as expected, it consisted of full-body workouts without much weight to avoid injury. Then there were the drills in which Harvey gradually learned different fighting techniques. “More” a month had passed since Harvey had joined the wrestling team, and every morning he woke up and heard the word in his head. It sounded like a whisper, like the words of someone far away or behind an extremely thick wall. He didn't think much of it, he took it as his determination to gain more strength, something that was already well on its way. The roar of his stomach was the third (after the alarm and that voice) thing he heard in the morning. He'd been eating a lot lately; the training sessions had left him exhausted and his body was demanding nutrients to grow. He had already gained quite a bit of muscle mass in that one month, but he was still at light weight. Even so, he didn't overlook his athletic image in the mirror: those toned arms, his firm (though still small) pecs, those three pairs of abs over his belly, his broad shoulders, and those round buttocks supported by a pair of strong legs. “More, much more” he heard that voice again, and he agreed, it was still not strong enough. So, he helped himself to a hearty breakfast, the equivalent of two people's ration. After finishing, he went to the university, as usual, with his friend. Harvey's physique wasn't the only thing that changed after Sabrina poured that perfume on him. Harvey began to become more distant, arrogant, selfish, and violent. It didn't help that he started using steroids. After a month of training with the rest of the wrestling team, Harvey realized that his teammates were using these supplements to increase their performance. At another time, he would have refused to use them outright, but that insidious voice in his head convinced him to use them. “More, stronger, you must be stronger," the reptilian voice in his head kept repeating. "Use whatever it takes to get there. The reflection of each morning in his mirror pushed him more to obey the designs of that voice. He saw the changes day after day, his arms thickened, his chest bulging, his back wider, his legs stronger, and even some veins were outlined on his arms. The first doses were administered by his classmates, but it wasn't long before he learned to administer the doses himself. The injection hurt, but that pain quickly turned to bliss as soon as he loaded the weights. He had become addicted to the feeling of power, of pushing his muscles to the limit with each repetition, of seeing his reflection in the gym mirrors as he did each exercise, flexing his muscles, watching the veins carry precious oxygen to his ever-growing muscles, the sweat pooling on his t-shirt, moistening his skin, making it glisten under the light of the lamps. It was extremely orgasmic, in fact, from each session he always had to have a moment alone to release all the sexual tension that built up with each workout, first with the classic method, but as he acquired a more impressive body, it was common that he always found someone willing to "help" him. Sabrina was not unaware of her boyfriend's increasingly radical changes. She hardly spoke to him anymore, they no longer went to school together, and he was always asleep after all the wild parties he had started to attend. Besides, it scared her. Harvey had turned into a monster. He had already witnessed several moments when he had mistreated other students, it was with people who weren't very cordial or nice, so she didn't make a big deal out of it, once in a while you had to know how to put said riffraff in their place. But it didn't take long for him to do the same, or worse, to other students: from hurtful words and insults to more physical violence, to blackmail or extortion. Harvey had become a kind of master to serve, where everyone was his servant. “Is it normal for a person's behavior to change after using the potion," Sabrina asked Newton one day. “It depends," replied the newt, without looking up from some experiments he was doing. "It is very rare that an adult suffers changes, a teenager on the other hand...". “Well, he is 18 years old...” “What do you mean 18 years old?" the newt shouted, almost spilling the substance he was working with on the floor. "There are still some growth and sex hormones acting in his body, maybe not like in real adolescence, but it's dangerous to link that with the potion.” Sabrina didn't say another word, her face had tightened in a mixture of embarrassment and fear. “You only used it once, didn’t you?" the newt asked. “Yes, only once," Sabrina replied. “Then there shouldn't be any more problems, it will calm down eventually," said the newt and went back to his work. "Keep it somewhere safe and out of reach anyway.” “Understood," Sabrina smiled, relieved. It had been three months since Harvey joined the wrestling team. He was already a middleweight, he had to change his entire wardrobe because his clothes were already too small for him, he was already wearing a size M, with a tendency to be a little tight (not that he minded, he loved showing off his body). His routine had changed almost completely: he got up extremely late because he spent most of the night at parties with his new friends, he barely attended classes, he spent more time at the gym working out, he didn't care much about homework, he'd gotten an entourage of privileged students to do it for him in exchange for not bothering them too much, and he even let them enjoy the occasional hot nights with him. He tended to force them to satisfy his sexual needs, although perhaps due to the mixture of hormones and magic in his body at the time, his "mistresses" eventually gave in completely and became mere bitches, eager for Harvey to bend them over. Perhaps because of the enormous amounts of energy he was expending during the day due to his increasingly long workouts, Harvey also began consuming energy drinks. At first, it was only while he was in the gym, but later he added more cans throughout the day, almost completely replacing water. There were times when he would drink an entire bottle in one gulp, and contrary to what others thought, he had no trouble sleeping. Between the training and his accelerated metabolism, plus the magical influence of the amulet, his body easily processed all the energizing drinks. It helped him concentrate on each of his exercises at the gym and kept him a little calmer for the rest of the day. Another habit he developed during these months was smoking. It was unexpected, but, likely, the Dragon's influence that developed in the amulet during those months influenced this new vice. During one of the many parties he attended, he used an electronic cigarette for the first time. The moment the smoke reached his lungs, something inside him was activated. Perhaps the smoke and taste connected him to memories of the natural habitat of the creature that was developing in his mind, a habitat near volcanoes or other places where there were constant fumes, the fact is that he was instantly turned on. Harvey would start his day with a cigarette in his mouth, he would go out on the balcony of his apartment and vape a little, then another little when he arrived at the university, another one during lunch, another one after his training sessions with the wrestling team and at the gym, the last one just before going to bed. “That’s it, give up your personality and become more like me. You have to be strong, intimidating, dominant, a king,” whispered the voice in his head every time he put his electronic cigarette to his lips and inhaled the vapors, every time he injected his dose of steroids or threw someone against the lockers or intimidated them with his threatening look. “That's right Harvey... no, Harvzilla,” the reptilian voice corrected,” You're not like the others, you're better, you're someone superior, almost a god, the others need to know where they belong.” Harvey smiled evilly at these words as he extorted a few dollars from a nobody to buy some protein bars, his stomach wouldn't stop growling, but he knew the reason, he was still gaining weight, and he wanted to make it to heavyweight by the end of the semester. “Why settle for so little?" the voice asked "You can get bigger.” “That's right," Harvey whispered. "I need to be bigger. “A titan,” the voice suggested. “A god," Harvey corrected. The voice did not answer, just laughed at how much it had corrupted the young man's soul. It was no surprise to anyone when Harvey showed up at school with a nose ring piercing. He had done it one weekend in the interest of completely shedding the good boy image (which he had already achieved with all the pounds of muscle he had put on in the past few months, plus this radical change in attitude), although it was no less true that he now had a more animalistic, brutal, threatening air about him. The student body was divided between those who praised him (and sometimes not-so-secretly desired him) and those who felt intimidated. The new Harvey liked both sides. The mid-semester competitions were coming up. Harvey was selected to compete in the middleweight division due to his outstanding performance. A crowd, both from the university itself and from the other participants, gathered at the stadium to watch the various bouts that would take place that day, which began in the afternoon after most classes were over. Harvey was in the locker room, sitting on a bench, holding his amulet. He was fully dressed in his team's uniform, and in a few minutes, it would be his turn to go out into the stadium and fight his opponent. His heart was pounding in his broad chest with excitement, rising and falling with every breath, pressing his skin against the tight latex fabric. “I have to win," Harvey muttered between his teeth. He was convinced that he would, few people dared to face him after he had acquired that ominous physique, but even so, that voice in his head, from his old self, reminded him of all those insecurities from before he joined the wrestling team. “You just have to get stronger," the dragon's voice suggested. "The strongest always wins.” “How?” Harvey asked, he could already hear the call from the audience to enter the ring, his turn was about to begin. “Search for the potion," the voice replied. "The one that unleashed your transformation. You will become even stronger if you take it again, you will be unstoppable.” “Yes," Harvey agreed. "I must find that potion, I must become stronger.” Harvey got up from the bench and left the lockers in the direction of the school to look for Sabrina's locker, something told him that what he was looking for was there. Luckily it wasn't very far, he would be back immediately and before they declared defeat for non-participation. The corridors were deserted, everyone, or at least most of them, were at the stadium watching the fights, and those who weren't were probably at home or in the library. Harvey went straight to Sabrina's locker, as expected, it was locked, but that didn't discourage him, on the contrary, he threw himself sideways against the door, his developed shoulder hitting the metal door hard and it wasn't long before it bent a little, he threw himself at it again, it bent more, again it was open enough to rummage inside and look for the flask. It didn't take long to find it. It was amazing how much he had grown, the flask looked so small in his huge hands... Harvey sprayed some of the contents over his body, inhaled the scent, and felt the first hit. He thought again and decided to open the lid and pour the entire contents on himself. The moment the liquid touched his skin, his nerves sent waves of pleasure to his brain, his muscles tensed, and his heart sent greater amounts of blood to them. “That's it, grow," the reptile's voice said. A green glow enveloped Harvey's body as he writhed in pain and pleasure. He grunted like an animal as his muscles exploded in size, his skin gradually becoming drier and thicker as small scales began to cover it, scales that were purple at first, but quickly gave way to a more greenish color. His ears grew and became pointed, and his pupils contracted vertically, giving him a more reptilian appearance. His torso expanded with each inhalation, centimeter by centimeter, his shoulders growing farther apart and at the same time bulging and rounding with the muscle that was constantly being added. His trapezius became more prominent, almost turning into a pair of mountains that temporarily blocked his head until his neck grew enough (both in length and width) to move freely again. His Adam's apple grew so much that the growls Harvey emitted began to sound more like roars, so intense that the crystals began to shake. The arms wasted no time in growing to a size proportional to the shoulders. They became as thick as a grown man's leg, with prominent veins adorning their surface, sending enough oxygen and nutrients to make them grow even larger. Each muscle became perfectly defined: the biceps looked like the tops of two mountains when the arms were flexed, the forearms large enough to hide the presence of the bones beneath with their magnificence. The hands grew considerably larger, to the point where they could completely encircle a person's head. The fingers also grew thicker, as did the claws that grew from their tips, where nails previously were, which were so sharp they could easily cut through steel. Deep valleys formed in Harvey's back as he gained more muscle mass. His deltoids expanded to such an extent that it quickly began to look more like a palace wall than a simple back. It took a while for the fabric of the uniform to give way due to its elastic nature, but thanks to the continued growth of his pecs, dozens of tears began to appear in his suit. His chest had grown so large that they threatened to block their view, they were so large that even his new oversized hands could not encompass a single one of his pecs, and even his nipples were forced to almost look down due to the incredible amount of muscle his pecs had gained. His abdominal muscles did not waste any time either, the little fat that remained on them was quickly consumed and transformed into pure muscle, eight bricks as strong as titanium alloy appeared under the monstrous breasts. The legs were next to grow, first in length, then, almost immediately, in width. His glutes became rounder and firmer with the perfect arrangement of fat and muscle. His quads exploded in size; it was very likely that he would have to walk with his legs slightly apart as the muscles came to touch at the crotch. Like his forearms, his calves grew so large that any hint of goosebumps disappeared. Finally, his feet grew rapidly, causing them to feel trapped in the shoes that protected them, but not for long, as the toes immediately cut through the socks and rubber of the shoes with the help of the claws that had also grown to replace the nails. “Harvzilla, Harvzilla," shouted the crowd in the stadium. Harvey heard these shouts and followed in their footsteps, unaware that the effects of the perfume were still upon him. Each step he took added an inch to his height, his teeth became sharp as daggers, and a pair of horny bumps began to grow on his forehead, plus a few small ones along the edge of his jaw. Just above his buttocks, another bulge began to grow. Centimeter by centimeter, this structure pressed against the remains of his briefs: bones, muscles, and nerve endings grew under the skin of the nascent appendage, and it wasn't long before Harvey could move it from side to side as he walked. Harvey had to start bending his back as his horns began to hit the roof of the school. His face had stretched forward, his human features completely replaced by those of a dragon. Two types of scales covered his body: larger, plate-like ones on the ventral part of his torso and tail, of a lighter green, almost white, and another one spread over the rest of his body, of a darker green and smaller in size, but no less resistant than the previous ones. A scream of horror flooded the room where the contestants, judges, and spectators were as they saw this reptilian monster emerge from under the door, well, more than emerge, walk through it. Harvey had grown so large that he could not fit through the doors in the normal way, both his width and height were too large to fit through a normal door. “Weren't you here to see me?" Harvey asked, pieces of brick falling from his shoulders to the floor. His voice had grown low, more like a roar than a human voice. No one answered, everyone was too scared to think of anything but running. They all crowded into the emergency exit, pushing and shoving each other in desperation. The only one still on the bleachers was Sabrina, who, no matter how much Harvey had changed in these months, remained his friend. “Harvey, what happened to you?" she shouted, but her scream was drowned out by the roar of the dragon-turned-human as it clawed at the roof of the stadium, trying to get out. Harvzilla had reached the impressive height of 10 meters and it didn't look like she was going to stop. Perhaps it was the new height he had reached, but the Herculean proportions he had acquired a few moments before had completely disappeared. Harvey looked more like a giant Asian dragon than a human, his body was cylindrical, with hardly any difference between his shoulders and waist. His hind legs looked short compared to the rest of his body, a ridge of horny spines had extended down the centerline of his back to his tail, which ended in a huge tuft of hair the same color as the hair on his head. Harvzilla scanned the horizon for a few moments before lifting one paw over the walls of the building that housed the wrestling match she was about to enter. With clumsy, heavy steps, he moved across the university campus, leaving deep pentad footprints and a trail of destruction and terror in his wake. He walked without stopping to think of the poor people beneath his feet, not of the gardens, benches or cars he destroyed on his way. Sabrina finally made it out of the stadium. She had to summon a broom to fly out of the place. At that moment, she didn't care about keeping a low profile in front of the mortals; besides, they were too busy running for their lives to notice if an 18-year-old girl was flying over their heads on a broom. As he made his way across campus, he watched as some of the professors in the Magic Department tried to stop the dragon's advance, but to no avail; for some reason, spells and incantations did not affect Harvey. “I have to get to my aunts’ house right away and try to fix this mess," the little witch muttered to herself as her broom flew across the city at full speed. “More” Harvzilla roared in his seemingly aimless progress through the city. His mind had slowed down, only a few thoughts were contained in this moment, and most of them had to do with being even bigger and more powerful. Cars stopped as drivers saw the reptilian creature approaching, many crashed into each other and were engulfed in flames, others, less fortunate, were thrown somewhere as they were struck by Harvzilla's long tail. Whole houses collapsed completely; buildings were heavily damaged. Neither the fire department nor the police could keep up with the exponentially growing number of incidents in the neighborhood. The screams and desperate cries of the people were drowned out by the periodic roars of the dragon as it sniffed the air from time to time as if searching for something. There were times when it would lean over a house, lift it as if it were a doll's house, and inspect it, oblivious to the screams of terror from the tenants. “Perfume... I need perfume," the beast struggled to articulate, its mouth still unaccustomed to the new anatomy. Sabrina quickly flew to her aunts' house. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she suddenly opened the door and ran out without paying much attention to her aunts, who were astonished by the unexpected visit of their niece. “Sabrina, what is the purpose of this visit?" asked Zelda, her eyes following Sabrina's figure as she opened the door to the basement and disappeared as quickly as she had come in. “I have a problem to solve," the echo of Sabrina's voice answered her as she ran down the stairs to the basement. “What have you done now, Sabrina?" asked her Aunt Hilda, but before Sabrina could answer, the news came from the television that a giant dragon was ravaging the suburbs of the city, near the university. Both aunts decided to go down to the basement to find out more details about what was going on, only to find their niece screaming for someone. “Newton, I need your help," called Sabrina. “Who is Newton?" asked Hilda. “A newt that lives in the basement,” Sabrina replied, still looking for the little one-eyed amphibian. “A newt lives in our basement?" said Zelda in surprise. “It's a long story, but, yes," Salem's voice appeared out of nowhere to answer the question. “And where did you come from?" the aunts were startled. “I'm a cat, appearing out of nowhere is our specialty," the cat joked. “Now you can explain to me what three witches are doing in my basement," Newton's voice was heard. “Newton," Sabrina exclaimed as soon as she heard it. "I'm so glad I found you! I desperately need your help, Harvey, the friend I used the potion you gave me, has turned into a giant dragon and is destroying the town.” “Is that monster Harvey?” Zelda put her hands to her cheeks in shock. “Sabrina, do you have any idea what you just did?" Hilda reprimanded her. “Hilda, you can punish me for all eternity if you want, but now we have to solve this situation," Sabrina didn't take her eyes off the pensive newt. “Dragons are powerful beings, it is very likely that this boy is now under the influence of the creature he has become," the newt replied. "There is little we can do for him, the only thing I can think of is to get rid of what is left of the potion and that you try to get to the bottom of his being and bring him back.” “I'll try," Sabrina replied determinedly. "Then let's get rid of the potion before it does any more damage.” An earth tremor stopped them just as they were about to pour the potion down the drain. The five people gathered in the basement froze, knowing what was going on out there. “Do you, aunts, know any spells against dragons?" asked Sabrina. “Dragons are very powerful beings whose magic is even more powerful than that of most witches and wizards today," Zelda replied. “I'm afraid not, Sabrina, our magic isn't even enough to tickle them," Hilda added. “That must be why the wizards at the university had such a hard time stopping him," Sabrina mused. A rumbling sound silenced the familiar chatter. Those present heard the walls of the house creak and crackle as a force was applied to them. They saw the walls buckle periodically from one side to the other and even heard cracks appear in the walls and other structures. “This is it," Salem said, still shivering. The warmth of the house was invaded by the cold night air, the moon appeared just above their heads, but its argent light was eclipsed by the titanic shadow of a monstrous lizard watching them closely. Strong gusts of air hit them as Harvzilla began sniffing around the cellar in search of the potion, a process that did not take long as the bottle containing it was tucked away in a corner of the newt's miniature laboratory. Without delay, the titanic reptile thrust one of its paws into the cellar, intent on taking the precious liquid. No one moved to stop it, for all were terrified, watching as the reptile lifted and then pulled the bottle, which looked so small between its claws, but was careful not to break it. “Sabrina," the newt managed to articulate, "as far as I can see, the boy is still in the early stages of transformation. Developmentally speaking, he's still just a baby dragon.” “What does that mean, Newton?" asked Sabrina, not taking her eyes off her best friend. “If you can reach him, talk to him, make him remember his human form, maybe he can return to normal," Newton replied. "That is all you can do, as your aunts said, there are hardly any wizards powerful enough to fight a dragon. Even if it is a baby like this one, the magical power these creatures possess is incredible.” Sabrina nodded at the talking amphibian's words, then gathered all her willpower, raised her arm horizontally to chest height, and summoned her broom, which immediately came out of the room. Sabrina grabbed it and mounted it, then gave a little jump and flew up to Harvey's eye level, who was already about to pour the magic substance on him. “Harvey, stop," Sabrina shouted with all her might for the monster to hear her. With apparent success, Harvzilla stopped for a few moments and focused his gaze on the witch hovering in front of him. It was almost as if he was looking at an insect. “Harvey, have you even seen what you've become?" Sabrina continued, her eyes reflecting concern and pleading. "You weren't like this, you were a good boy, kind, sweet, and you cared about others.” Harvzilla continued to watch without even blinking. Sabrina took this to mean that her words were having an effect, that she might be getting somewhere with her friend, which made her smile a faint smile of hope. So, she did not get discouraged, but just as she was about to continue her speech, Harzilla emptied the entire contents over his snout, which, due to a problem of proportions, hardly looked like he was pouring a drop on himself. But it was enough to make his brain work faster. As Newton had said, Harvey had been turned into a kind of baby dragon, so his intellectual abilities were partially diminished, but with this new influx of magic, his intellect returned, even increased. “I'm sorry, Sabrina," Harvzilla's voice was as deep as the crater of a volcano, his breath burning like fire. "But I'm not going back to being the pathetic creature I was before. Not when I have this power.” Harvzilla did a double biceps pose, showing off his arm muscles. “No, I will definitely not go back to being human, on the contrary, I will embrace this new dragon body and bring it to its maximum splendor," Harvzilla continued, at that moment he began to move his arms in the air and Sabrina could see how magical energy began to escape from his hands. “Oh gods, he has gained power over her magical abilities," exclaimed Newton. "We are lost.” “Harvey, what are you doing?" cried Sabrina in horror. “That amount was minuscule, I need more," Harvey replied. “But you don't know how to make it.” “Ha, Sabrina, I have enough capacity right now to make more potion, enough to become the most powerful dragon that has ever lived in this world. I can even make it better,” Harvzilla boasted. "Now, if you'll excuse me, you're in the way.” With that, he shoved Sabrina away with his paw, just like shooing away an insect. Sabrina was able to regain control of the broom and was unharmed, but it was clear that there was nothing she could do for her friend but watch helplessly as events unfolded. “Well, first I need a cauldron to make the potion," Harvzilla said with a wave of his paws, causing the ground in front of him to eject pieces of rock and houses into the air, which began to swirl around a center in front of Harvzilla. Gradually, the pieces of rock and debris began to collide and coalesce, slowly forming what looked like a giant cauldron. “Good, now, some fire,” with another gesture, Harvzilla had several entire trees uprooted and placed under the cauldron, and with the help of his fiery breath, he set the fire ablaze. People fled in terror as hundreds of objects flew through the air above their heads as Harvzilla gathered more materials. Screams flooded the area. “Oh, shut up already," Harvzilla roared, slapping the ground with his huge tail, the roar echoing through the city and instantly silencing the terrified people, "Don't force me to take you as a snack, so many transformations in one day have made me hungry.” No one said a word or made the slightest sound when they heard these words. “That's the way I like it, insects, be quiet and let me become what I am truly meant to be.” The water pipes ruptured and burst through the whole thing to the surface, their contents floating directly into the cauldron until it was almost filled. After that, almost industrial quantities of certain drugs shot out of the pharmacies (and some people) and fell into the water, which was slowly heating up in the fire of hundreds of trees. “Heh, heh, my addition to the formula, steroids, the more the better," Harvzilla laughed, "I'm also going to add something to make it work only on me, I have no interest in fighting anyone else who accidentally gets exposed to this treat.” Harvzilla used one of his paw claws to cut the flesh of the other one to draw out the blood, which fell into the cauldron and gradually mixed into the potion. To this, he added other elements such as sweat, bull's horn powder, his own scales, lion's mane hair, rhinoceros’ horn, oak leaves, and a little Amanita muscaria. Gradually, the concoction began to change color and smell. Harvzilla smiled slightly as he realized his potion was almost ready. After half an hour of preparation, the potion was ready. The greenish substance still bubbled in the makeshift cauldron, its vapors slowly rising into the air. Harvzilla took a deep sniff, letting those vapors stimulate every millimeter of his nostrils, traveling down his very long windpipe and filling his lungs as its magical properties began to take effect, but not content with just sniffing his handiwork, he grabbed the cauldron with his paws and lifted it over his head with one smooth motion, then poured it all over his head. The still-boiling mixture completely bathed his body from head to toe, seeping through his scales and soaking the ground beneath his legs. Enjoying the intense heat, Harvzilla closed his eyes and waited for the potion to take effect. It didn't take long for the potion to take effect, especially with the immense amount and concentration of it. An intense greenish glow covered his body. Harvzilla closed his eyes tightly and arched his back slightly, his body feeling as if an intense fire was burning inside of him, the fire enlivening every cell. “Yes," Harvzilla murmured. "This was what I needed, this power.” The first thing to be affected in his body were his bones, creaking as they lengthened, especially those in his legs, which had become very short concerning his body with the last transformation. Harvzilla groaned as his lower limbs grew longer and longer, his legs also growing in unison, pushing everything around him due to the force of his growth. “This is not enough, I need more," Harvzilla growled. Next to be affected was his torso, which flattened out dorsoventrally, while his shoulder blades and pelvic girdle widened, especially the shoulder blades, gradually giving his body a V-shape. Then his facial features hardened, his jaw became square and strong, and the upper part of his eye sockets became protruding, giving him an ever more serious and intimidating scowl. The horns on his head doubled in length, adding more ramifications to the antlers, while the number of spines bordering his jaw increased in number, some adding a few inches to their length, a pair of whiskers emerged from his snout and slowly descended until they reached the height of his chest. On his shoulders and back, countless spikes appeared, sharp as blades and almost blackish green. “Yes, more," Harvzilla roared, his brain completely intoxicated by the pleasure of his transformation. His muscles tensed again, his veins bursting at the seams, dilated to get as much oxygen and nutrients to his growing muscles as possible. His neck was the first to be affected by the new wave of growth, his Adam's apple becoming even more prominent, irrevocably turning his voice into a mighty thunder that roared with the fury of a storm. Then it was his shoulders that added more and more mass, rounding out, increasing the width of his shoulders while the trapezoids rose like mountains. His chest, flat as a board a few moments ago, began to gain some definition as hints of pectorals appeared beneath his scaly skin. Gradually, they began to take shape, taking on their characteristic four-sidedness, later gaining mass and protruding forward. They grew in both width and thickness, so much muscle mass had they acquired that their nipples began to practically point downward, looking like a pair of pillows to lean back against. Next were his abs, which quickly came to the surface, growing and hardening into three pairs of bricks as hard as titanium. Then his back, already broad, widened even more, becoming an impenetrable wall covered with sharp spikes and decorated with deep valleys where the muscles were inserted. Then came the buttocks, rounded with the perfect mixture of fat and muscle, upon which rested the ominous tail, waving back and forth, destroying any building within its reach. Finally, the limbs exploded with titanic strength, the veins running through them like mighty rivers of vital fluid. His biceps were the size of a small car, his claws powerful, capable of bending steel itself as if it were the finest paper. His legs became as strong as pillars, with mighty quadriceps and spherical calves. To put the icing on the cake, a trail of spikes grew over his torso resembling what it would have been body hair, from his groin to his huge pecs, where it covered almost the entire surface. Some spikes also grew over his forearms and legs. Once the transformation was complete, Harvzilla roared with satisfaction, a roar that echoed in the distant mountains and struck fear into the hearts of thousands of people nearby. He was so big that the skyscrapers in the center of the city looked like toys compared to him. The titanic dragon took his time inspecting his tale, enjoying every muscle, every valley, every scale, every hair, running his paws over every inch of his being, even tasting himself with his now very long tongue. “Finally," the dragon thundered. "This is the body a god like me deserves. No one will dare challenge me; everyone will have to worship me and pray that I will be kind to them and not destroy their pathetic lives.” With that, he swung his paws in the air again. The ground in front of him suddenly rose like a small elevation, but it didn't take long for it to change its appearance and resemble a seat, a throne. Harvzilla prepared to sit on it, in front of him hundreds of people, so small compared to him, ran from one place to another, always casting a glance at the colossus in front of them, waiting for what might happen, Harvzilla on the other hand just watched, enjoying the terror he inspired and thinking about what he would do from now on. Nayar Leng
  4. nolecub

    Smokey's Gym

    This is my first ever paid commission, written from a client's prompt and guidance of specifics he hoped to see - but definitely in my writing style and voice. After reading it, he suggested I post it here, where I've been a long-time lurker. Also the longest single story I've ever written. Hope y'all like. If so, I'll look at bringing over some of my other stories, too. Looking forward to hearing what you think. Comment or check my profile on how to contact. Thanks! ----------------- WARNING: This story has a lot of references to tobacco and smoking. If that's not your thing, I totally understand. All of the images are also AI generated. ----------------- SMOKEY'S GYM It was a great party. Josh and his buddies hung out, drank beers and some partygoers enjoyed cigars. It was late into the night and things were winding down when one of Josh’s friends called him out. “Why do you look so bummed, dude?”, Hunter asked. “Hell, I don’t know,” Josh said, “I’ve just been out of it lately. Stuck in my head.” “There’s no reason, man,” Hunter said, “You’re a catch, bro. Good job, cute as hell, great personality.” “I hear you, but I don’t feel it, man,” Josh said, “I’m pissed at myself for comparing myself to you guys, but it’s hard. Some days I just don’t want to be ‘cute’. I’m tired of being a wing man.” “Look, man, you are as important to me as everyone in this group is,” Hunter said, “But if it’s important to you, I may have an idea.” He took a long pull on his cigar, exhaling the smoke toward the ceiling. Josh winced. Hunter knew Josh wasn’t into cigars like some of the others. Josh only tolerated them for the good of the group. “Are you willing to compromise a few things?”, Hunter asked, “How far are you willing to go for what you want?” Josh thought before answering, but the alcohol had gotten to him a bit. “I need something to change,” he said, “I’d do just about anything to have what you guys have.” Hunter pulled out his phone and texted someone. “Done, bud,” he said, “Hope you’re ready for an exciting ride.” Josh heard him, but in his inebriated state he didn’t really listen to what was said. He just smiled and said, “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Hunter smiled, opening his arms wide to signal Josh to come in for a big bear hug. Josh leaned into the hug and his friend’s big arms enveloped him. “It’s all good, bro,” Hunter said, “I got you.” The next morning, Josh shook off his hangover. It was a fun, if not retrospective evening. It’s not that he was unhappy with his life, but that he just wanted “more”. What that “more” was, he wasn’t exactly sure. But as he looked at his group of friends, he saw how confident they were. They worked hard, played hard, and fucked hard. That just wasn’t him. He wished it could be, though. As he worked through his morning routine, he knew one thing – it was time for Josh to head to the gym. It had been a few weeks, but he had a little more pep in his step today. He was actually excited to work off some of his stress. Hunter was right. Josh wasn’t a bad looking guy, at about 5’9”, and depending on his diet at the time, weighing between 185 to 200 pounds. He is what most men would say is cute or handsome, but not built or “hot”. Like most gay men in the world, he wished he could be more than he currently is. He hated that about himself, however. He had a great education, good job, decent life, but there’s always that x-factor he couldn’t define as missing. Whatever it was, Josh pushed it aside today as he got ready to head out for the gym. Hopefully he would be able to escape for a bit as he listened to some Kylie Minogue, Arianna Grande, or – don’t tell his friends – Spice Girls on his playlist. After parking, Josh started his lazy walk toward the gym’s entrance. However, he noticed something he’d never seen before. There was an extremely fit-looking man smoking a cigarette near the entrance. Josh couldn’t help but stare. This guy just stood there, proud as he could be, hauling on his smoke. As other patrons walked by, he knew they were talking about him – often scrunching their noses in disgust – but this dude just did not care. As he got closer to the man, Josh’s internal struggle became more pronounced. He wondered how someone so in-shape looking could be smoking out in public, where he knew he’d get stared at and chastised, but not look like he gave a single fuck. The guy was basically daring someone to say something to him about it. Josh could never. As Josh neared the entrance, the man looked over to him and nodded, as if to acknowledge his existence, while in mid-haul on his cigarette. After his exhale, the bro motioned toward Josh to get his attention. “You want to talk to me?”, Josh questioned. “Yeah, man, are you Josh?”, the dude asked. Josh said he was indeed the man he was looking for. “Perfect!”, the man said, “I’m Dylan. I’m waiting for you.” Not saying anything, Josh’s first thought was, “Of course this guy who looks like an older version of a frat-bro who never really left his undergrad days and probably works in Finance is named Dylan.” But he never said that out loud. The only thing Josh could blurt out was, “You’re waiting for me?” “Yeah, bud,” Dylan said, “I was told you’d be here. I am sort of a brand ambassador for an elite gym. We cater to dudes with special interests. I got a 911 text from a friend who said you might be interested.” Josh reflected for a moment, then blurted, “Oh shit! You’re the one Hunter texted last night.” “Guilty,” Dylan smiled as he took the last drag off his cigarette before depositing the extinguished butt in the nearby trashcan. “He said you could use a change,” Dylan continued, “And I can make sure that happens. Interested?” Josh took a moment to think, then threw caution to the wind saying, “Fuck it! I’m in! If Hunter trusts you, I trust you.” Dylan smiled as he pulled out his cell phone. “Give me your number,” he said, “I’ll send you a pin on where to meet me tonight.” “Tonight?”, Josh asked with concern in his voice. “Yeah, man, tonight!”, Dylan said, “Gotta pull the band-aid off. Come ready to workout. I promise we’ll get you on the right path.” With that, Josh pulled out his phone and texted his number to Dylan. Josh’s phone pinged with a location he wasn’t familiar with and a note to meet him at 9:00pm. “See you soon, stud,” Dylan said as he lit up another cigarette and walked away, leaving Josh to ponder what he agreed to. After doing some cardio, Josh texted Hunter, inquiring about Dylan. Hunter wouldn’t give more information, just encouraged Josh to have fun and told him it will be a life-changing experience – whatever that meant. Josh was distracted all day long, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. Once the time came to leave, he thought about bailing. However, a text came in from Dylan reminding him that he would see him soon. “Dammit,” Josh thought, “Why couldn’t he just ghost me like everyone else?” As Josh made his way to the location, it seemed that the GPS took him to a “less-reputable” area of the city. He would never come down here by himself on a normal day. However, after finding parking on the street, and taking a deep breath, he walked into the alley where Dylan told him to go. As he got closer, a bright neon sign illuminated the alley. It said “Smokey’s Gym”. As he stared at the inviting sign, he noticed several buff men outside – all smoking some kind of tobacco product. “This is so crazy,” he thought to himself, but none of them seemed concerned about anything or anyone else. A few seconds later, Dylan’s form came out of the shadows as he was hauling on a cigarette. “Hey, bro!”, he said cheerfully, “Glad you made it! Hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place.” “Not at all,” Josh said, “I’m not familiar with this side of town, but your directions were perfect.” “Great,” Dylan responded, while offering out his hand for a typical slap and shoulder hug greeting. Josh was still confused, but followed this ritual on auto-pilot. “Let’s get inside,” Dylan said, “We’ve got to get you signed up and oriented. I know you’re going to love this place.” Josh followed Dylan like a lost puppy through the door, as Dylan stopped to make quick pleasantries with the other men outside enjoying their tobacco treats. Each man acknowledged Josh in some way, whether saying welcome or providing an acknowledging head nod as they exhaled smoked from their chosen method of obtaining it. Upon entering the door, Josh was taken aback. He was hit in the face with tobacco smoke that made him cough slightly, which Dylan noticed. “Sorry, bud,” Dylan said, “I may have forgotten to tell you that members here can smoke inside. I promise you’ll get used to it.” Josh squeamishly smiled at his new friend – maybe this was a bad idea. Josh remembered that most, if not all, of his friends smoke. He’d been at many a house party where his friends smoked their thick cigars, which he definitely found pleasant. However, if it became too much, he could always retreat outside. That wouldn’t be the case in this gym – there was no escaping it. And it was clear that he would be smelling like an ashtray after his workout. Josh didn’t have much time to think as a gruff and buff older man got his attention. “So, Dylan,” he said in a gravely, yet masculine voice, “What sort of project have you brought me today?” “Josh, this asshole is ‘the’ Smokey of Smokey’s Gym”, Dylan said in a jovial tone, “He’s actually a nice guy who really cares about the clients, despite his attitude deformed appearance.” “Fuck off, Dylan,” Smokey said as he took a drag off his cigar, exhaling the smoke as he said, “I’m not deformed, just substantially bigger than you. And don’t go telling the fresh meat that I’m nice. You’ll ruin my image. Now, kick rocks. The kid and I have some things to discuss.” “Aye, aye, Captain,” Josh said as he faked a salute with his lit cigarette in his mouth, “I’ll be over in my area working on getting a big as you, old timer. Will see you later, Josh.” With that, Dylan turned and headed to the gym floor. “So, Josh,” Smokey said, getting Josh’s attention back toward him, “How can I help you?” Josh said, “A friend of mine apparently knew Dylan and he hooked me up for the opportunity to see your gym.” “Ahh,” Smokey replied, “Do you know exactly what you’re getting into?” “I assumed I was here to try out the gym and decide if I’m joining,” Dylan replied. Smokey gave a slight look of concern as he took another pull on his cigar, exhaling the smoke toward the ceiling. “Either your buddy or Dylan were definitely not clear with you on what this place is,” he said, “but there’s one thing I can promise you – you’re no longer the person you walked in as.” Josh gave a quizzical look toward Smokey as he reflected on the ominous statement. “Alright, kid,” Smokey said, knocking Josh out of his stupor, “It’s time to go over the membership rules.” Smokey then whipped out a clipboard with several pages of paperwork and a pen. “First off,” Smokey said, “Members are encouraged to smoke here. That might be a bit different than what you’re used to at other gyms, but it’s actually important. Smokey’s is a gym for smokers. Most of the men in here can’t go long without their nicotine fix, so I created this place so they can smoke while they’re working out.” “Hold up,” Josh said, “The gym is only for smokers?” “Well, I should have been more specific,” Smokey replied, “Guys who use nicotine products. We also have a section for the guys who dip or chew, too. However, we don’t allow vaping in here because it’s lame. You can do whatever you like to do when you’re not in the gym – but none of that shit in here.” Josh could feel himself becoming more and more uncomfortable. “I just don’t understand,” he said, “I…I…I don’t smoke. I’ve never been a smoker before.” “Well, shit,” Smokey said, “I hate to tell you this, but you are now. Or at least you’re going to start having cravings by the time you leave. There’s no way to be in this place and not get addicted. That’s why my street team is supposed to only bring in smokers or people who are likely to become smokers. Wait…do most of your friends smoke?” Josh replied with a simple, “Yeah.” “OK, this is making a lot more sense,” Smokey said, “I bet one of your friends is either a client or knows some clients. They’re either trying to give you a make-over or thought you were a smoker.” Josh couldn’t wrap his mind around the situation and what he was being told. “Look, it’s clear you’ve got some thinking to do,” Smokey said, “But one thing is very true, the life you knew before coming here is going to be different. It’s not over or anything – far from it. There’s going to be a lot for you to learn, but I promise you’ll come to love it. Look at all of the men here – they’re more than satisfied.” Josh turned around and looked onto the gym floor. All he could see were men smoking something, whether a cigar, cigarette, or pipe. They didn’t look to be struggling. There was a confidence in their movements, some might even say a strut. And, fuck, they looked good. “Well, if my fate is already sealed, I may as well sign the dotted line,” Josh said, with trepidation in his voice. “That’s my boy,” Smokey said as he handed the pen to Josh. “You’ve made the right decision,” he continued, “I have a feeling you’re gonna be a cigar man eventually. Trust me, I can pick them.” Smokey smiled around the fat cigar shoved in his jaw. Josh felt like Smokey’s eyes were looking him up and down in a predatory fashion. All he could think is, “What have I gotten myself into?”, as he signed his name on the dotted line. “Alright, now that you’re officially a junior member of Smokey’s Gym,” Smokey said, “It’s time for your orientation period. Over the next several days you will have the chance to experience the options available in the gym.” Josh interrupted, saying, “Well, I’m looking to bulk up. So, I assume I’m going to want to use more of the free weights and powerlifting equipment.” Shaking his head, Smokey asserted, “That’s not what I’m talking about, boy. You’re going to have to decide what kind of man you want to be. Trust me, it will make more sense over the next several days. For now, I’ll take you over to Dylan and his crew since you already know him. Grab your shit and let’s go.” As they walked, Josh realized that the gym was actually huge inside. It kind of reminded him of the inside of that British police box spaceship from the show he used to watch. The outside just didn’t look like there would be so much space. The longer they walked, the less he coughed. He assumed he was just getting used to filtering the smoke through his lungs. He wasn’t particularly excited about that, but it was what it was. Approaching a corner of the space, there were several buff men checking themselves out in the mirror. All of them smoking cigarettes as they lifted free weights with their sculpted arms, chests, and visible abs. That’s when Dylan’s familiar face caught him. “Hey, buddy!”, he said, “Glad you’re here to join us.” “He hasn’t made up his mind yet, Dylan,” Smokey said while blowing a cloud of cigar smoke into the area – causing several of the men to shoot him dirty looks, “He didn’t even smoke before he came in here today, so he’s got some exploring to do.” “No shit?”, said Dylan, “I had no idea! I guess I just assumed. Well, you’re here now so let’s make the best of it!” Dylan put his arm around Josh and pulled him in to meet some of the other cigarette bros as Smokey stared momentarily before turning away to head back to his rightful place at the desk. “All of the guys in here look like runway or fitness models,” Josh said. “You’re pretty much correct. Most of the guys in ‘The Pack’ are,” Dylan said while making air quotes and chuckling slightly at the pun, “I guess most of us started smoking to keep from overeating and wanted to maintain our muscularity.” “I guess I’m just still stunned by all of this,” Josh said, “I still don’t quite understand everything that’s going on. Smokey just told me I’m going to have to choose eventually. I don’t really know what all of that means yet.” “It’s pretty much what he said,” Dylan said, “You have some time to decide if you’re a cigarette, cigar, pipe or dip man, for the most part. We all have different goals in our workouts and how we want the world to see us, so you have to ultimately discover your tribe. They’ll help you discover your full potential.” As Josh allowed Dylan’s world percolate for a moment, he kind of liked the sentiment. However, he was still uncomfortable with the whole smoking and tobacco use part. Oddly, though, the longer he was here and talking with Dylan, his anxiety seemed to settle. Dylan turned to Josh, saying, “Bro, let me introduce you to Marco. He’s the lead trainer of The Pack.” As Josh made eye contact with Marco, he could barely contain himself. He was an Adonis, a body carved directly out of marble, with a hot shoulder tat. His dark and brooding appearance made Josh’s loins twitch. “Hey, man,” Marco said, “So you’re interested in joining The Pack?” Dylan interrupted, “He is definitely going to join us. He just has to do the full orientation as a formality, isn’t that right, bro?” Josh wasn’t sure how to respond, but he timidly said, “I definitely want to see what I would have to look forward to.” “Well, no time like the present, dude,” Marco said while holding out a pack of non-descript cigarettes. “I will warn you that I’m going to kick your ass tonight. A lot of people tap out of my full-on workouts – but if you stick with me, you will get the best results. Even if you’re not sure, I promise I will give you a lot to think about afterward.” “Well, I suppose we should get started then,” Josh said, “What do I need to do?” “Just take a cigarette, bro,” Marco said. Josh took one from the pack and put it to his lips. Dylan pulled out a lighter and sparked a flame. “Glad I could be your first,” he chuckled, as Josh sucked in his first lungful of smoke. “This is awesome,” Josh said as he exhaled. “You’re just having a nicotine high, bud,” Marco said, “it’s going to be like that for a bit as your body gets used to it, but it’s going to make your transform much faster.” Transform? That was a new terminology to Josh. He thought he’d just be working out. In high nicotine high, Josh became very compliant to Marco. Marco kept the cigarettes flowing as he and Josh worked upper body for the rest of the evening. Shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, abs – which he explained would be most of the workouts. The Pack focused on upper body. Not that they had chicken legs, but their bodies were meant for looks, lean to showy muscularity, and aesthetic athleticism, not power and strength. They were to be admired. Other men wished they were them. As the workout continued, Dylan stopped by to check on the progress. “Holy shit, bro,” he exclaimed, “Have you seen yourself?” Taking a draw on his cigarette, Josh stopped for a moment to look at himself in the closest mirror. He was absolutely ripped with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. Veined, shredded muscles as far as he could see. Definitely disproportionate on the bottom for now, but after only one workout, he was more than impressed with himself. “Damn,” Josh said, “I’m fine as hell!” He couldn’t stop looking at himself in the mirror. He put his cigarette in his mouth, allowing it to dangle from his lips. He gave his best model pose and flexed his arms. Both Marco and Dylan laughed until Dylan broke the silence as he quipped, “Someone’s feeling himself!” Josh turned to Dylan, then rushed toward him, planting a huge kiss on his lips. “This is fucking awesome, bro,” he said, “I can’t thank you enough. I can’t believe how I look and feel.” Marco interrupted, “And this is just after one workout. Just think what we can do over time. And – I think I deserve a little thanks, too.” Josh went over to Marco, planting a sloppy kiss on his lips, as Marco placed his hands on his tight, firm, ass. Smokey appeared out of nowhere to say, “No fucking on the gym floor, boys! Take it to the steam room or go get your rocks off somewhere else.” “He’s just jealous we got you first,” Marco said as he grabbed his new creatin by the wrist and led him toward the locker room. The next morning, Josh awoke with a splitting headache. He reflected on the night before and how great he felt. He immediately ran to the bathroom to see that the gains he’d made from the night before were gone. He looked as mediocre as he did prior to stepping inside Smokey’s Gym. He pulled out the contract and noticed in the orientation section that initial changes are only temporary until the client commits to his choice. He was sad about that, but he looked forward to his workout this evening. Now, what to do about his headache. He knew it wasn’t just being hungry or dehydrated. This was nicotine withdrawal. He also noticed a smell. It led him to his workout bag and the clothes he’d thrown haphazardly into the corner of his room. They smelled like cigarette smoke…sweet, sweet cigarette smoke. Fuck, he wished he had one right now. That’s when he saw them. Someone – probably Dylan or Marco – stuffed a fresh pack in his bag. As he pulled them out, there was a note saying “We know you’ll be needing these about now! Smoke up! -The Pack.” Those guys are awesome, he thought. After digging through his kitchen junk drawer, Josh found a lighter typically used for candles, grabbed the pack and headed out to his apartment’s patio. He pulled out and lit a cigarette, taking the smoke into his lungs. It satiated his need, at least for now. Josh opened his phone to see a missed text message from Hunter. It read simply, “So?” Josh took a long, exasperated drag, responding with, “Fine. FU Dick! TTYL”. A few minutes later, a single emoji of a purple horny devil appeared. Josh couldn’t help but chuckle a bit to himself as he headed back inside his apartment to get ready to leave. Going to work for the day was a challenge. Josh could only think about later tonight and what his next choice and transformation would be like. Throughout the day, he would spontaneously get hard thinking about it, especially after the experience he had with Marco. He just hoped no one would walk by his cubicle. Several times, he excused himself saying he needed to “clear his head”, but he was finding the perfect place to hide and smoke. Even though the smokers from his office all went to the same place, he couldn’t yet come out as a smoker. It just wasn’t something he was ready to do. Josh headed home for the evening, contemplating smoking a cigarette in his car, but he held out until he got home. After a quick pee, he headed to the patio where he sparked up in relief. Without the nicotine flowing in his system, his nerves would probably have been shot by now. His mind still fought against his growing addiction, but he couldn’t resist knowing what further experiences he would have. Josh walked back into Smokey’s Gym at his scheduled 9:00pm appointment time. He took a deep breath, inhaling the atmosphere that reminded him of last night’s escapade. Smokey gruffly greeted him, smelling the smoke on Josh’s clothes. “Welcome back, kid. Looks like you’re coming around,” he said with a bit of a smirk around the cigar nub shoved in his jaw, “Glad you had some fun with the boys last night, but tonight’s the night you meet the real men. I hope you’re ready.” Smokey came out from behind the desk and proudly walked Josh toward the next area. As they walked, Smokey described “The Cigar Lounge”, as he called it. Josh was excited to hear there were many more free weights and barbells than in The Pack’s area. He really did look forward to the chance to lift more. As they turned the corner, Josh’s eyes went wide. This was a familiar looking group of men. It seemed as though he was back at one of the many parties with his buddies, like Hunter. The men here were much beefier than the guys from The Pack. They had large muscles and exuded power and confidence. Many had beards, with tattoos covering their bodies. These guys were sexy to him. He was looking forward to this. “Like what you see, kid?”, Smokey joked as he jabbed Josh on the shoulder, “Cuz it surely looks like little Joshie does.” Josh realized he had a chub and was embarrassed that Smokey pointed it out. As he grew a bit red in the face, Smokey said, “Nothing to be shy about. Cigar men like us don’t care. It’s normal human nature.” A hirsute man approached the couple saying, “Jeez, Smokey. Are you trying to recruit him or make him run screaming back over to the butt heads?” Smokey let out a smile as he and the man shared a quick bro hug. “Kid, this is Omar. Omar, this is Josh,” Smokey said. “Why do you insist on calling every new client ‘kid’, Smokey?”, Omar chuckled. “Because you are all kids to me,” retorted Smokey, “At least until a client makes his choice and knows where he belongs.” “You’ll get nothing but respect over here in the Lounge, Josh,” Omar said, “So what do you say you and I have a little talk about your goals while the old pervert heads back to his hole?” Smokey flips Omar a bird as he turns, walking away in a huff. All the bodybuilders who saw the exchange chuckled around their cigars. “Don’t worry about him, Josh,” Omar said, “He means well. I think he sees something in you and hopes you belong with us. How about we get down to some business?” “Sounds good to me!”, Josh exclaims excitedly, “This area looks like it has everything I’m looking for. I really want to do some bodybuilding to see what I would look like.” “That’s good to hear,” Omar said, “But we’re not just about looking like a bodybuilder. To be a member of The Lounge, you need the right attitude. I won’t say that we’re better than everyone else, but I do think we’re a lot more balanced than the others. We’re not just big. We take up space. We’re confident. People can’t ignore us, even if they try.” Listening intently, Josh couldn’t agree more. The further Omar went into his pitch, Josh felt like he was at home. Omar extended his hand, “I promise to give you my best if you’ll give me your best.” Josh immediately shook Omar’s gigantic hand, saying, “I promise!” Omar guided Josh over to the walk-in humidor installed in their area of the gym. “I think we’ll go with the Asylum 13 Ogre,” Omar said, while passing the girthy, long cigar under his nose, “You’re going to love this. It may look a bit intimidating, but I’m sure you can handle it.” After a flirty wink, he continued, “I’ll walk you through how to prep it this time, but I’ll expect you’ll do your own from here on out.” Through both his fascination and fear, all Josh could muster in response was, “Yes, Sir!” “Nice, a boy with respect,” Omar coyly responded, “I think we’re going to be fast friends.” With that, Omar clipped and toasted the cigar perfectly, lightly pulling to ensure an even burn. With that, he handed it over to Josh. “Start slowly,” Omar said, “Small puffs until you get used to it. Don’t inhale yet. I don’t need to be cleaning up any vomit at the start of our workout.” As Josh chuffed on his stogie, he swore he could already feel its power coursing through him. He felt taller, broader, more confident in himself. He wondered if it was because of the sheer amount of nicotine flooding his system. “How are you feeling there, Josh?”, Omar asked. “I’m great,” Josh responded, “This is awesome. I never knew what I was missing when my friends were smoking these around me. I always liked how they smelled, but actually smoking one is amazing.” “Yeah,” Omar agreed, “They’re pretty powerful. Not every man is meant to be a cigar man. It takes a special man to not only smoke them, but to handle the looks you’re going to get while smoking them. Men wish they were us, to have our confidence and the ability to handle that big stick for possibly hours.” Josh continued listening to Omar, hearing every word as it sank into his very soul. Josh could relate to this experience much more than he could with smoking cigarettes. Last night seemed like a distant memory to him, a passing fad. However, he could live in this moment forever. “It’s time to get started, little one,” Omar said. Josh followed him immediately, like a big brother he’d never had. They began the evening with squats, helping Josh develop a strong foundation. By the end of the night, Omar put Josh through a full body workout – chest, delts, and core work. Josh hadn’t even cared to look at himself all night. Where The Pack was constantly checking themselves out in the mirror, The Lounge men prioritized the workout. They didn’t need to look in the mirror to constantly check their progress. They worked hard and Josh had a feeling from the looks he was getting as he walked the floor that they played even harder. When Josh finally caught a glimpse of himself, he couldn’t believe it. He was huge. His boyish looks were fully obscured by a super-masculine profile. His newly angular jaw was framed perfectly by a short beard. Josh hadn’t even realized he’d parked the cigar in his jaw, as if it was an extension of him now. He had substantial pecs – at least twice as large as he gained the previous night – and his shoulders were massive. His gigantic arms were covered with of sexy tattoos. His thighs, quads, and calves matched his upper body, allowing him to feel balanced rather than top heavy. He absolutely loved how he looked. He confidently smiled at himself now, something he had never done previously. Taking a satisfying pull on his cigar, Josh exhaled exclaiming, “Holy fuck, I’m hot!” “Yeah, you are,” said Omar, “I didn’t want to tell you, but it was very hard not to.” “Thank you, Sir!”, Josh said, “This is beyond my wildest dreams. I don’t know that I ever want to go back.” “Unfortunately, you will have to,” Omar said, “It doesn’t mean you can’t come back, of course, but you know that you still have other tribes to test out.” Josh was almost sad thinking about the truth. “There’s no reason we can’t give your new body a ride, just to see how it performs,” Omar said with a coy smile, “You’ve been calling me ‘Sir’ all night and it’s taken all of my energy not to jump your bones. Are you up for it?” “Hell yeah, Sir!”, Josh said taking a long draw on his cigar and exhaling it with confidence. “Steam room, boy, now!”, Omar said as Josh ran to make sure to be there to hold the door for his superior. The next morning, Josh woke up with less of a headache than the day prior. He immediately reached to his right, where he felt for his pack of smokes and a lighter. As he pulled a cigarette out of the pack and put it to his lips, he began raising the lighter to spark it. He suddenly realized what he was doing and stopped in his tracks. “What the hell am I doing?”, he blurted. He was upset that this action seemed so normal to him, as if on autopilot. After running to the bathroom and splashing some water on his face, Josh stared at himself in the mirror. He really missed the gains from last night. He’d never felt so powerful and in-charge. Now he was back to square one again – the same old Josh. As he headed toward the closet to pull out his work clothes for the day, he passed his clothes from the night before. It smelled so good to him. He loved the much more substantial smell that the cigar smoke left. He wanted to be bathed in it. It was then he knew that he did not want to be a cigarette smoker any longer. That ship had sailed, except in emergencies. Unfortunately, Josh was craving a smoke. His addiction was growing at a rapid pace. He hated the thought, but knew he had no choice but to feed the monster now. Eyeing his bag, he noticed a metallic glint, finding an aluminum tube. His heart began fluttering because he knew what it was. As he opened the cylinder, it was another Asylum 13 Ogre, with a note wrapped around it. “It’s clear where you belong. - Omar”, the note read. Josh blushed, but also exhaled realizing he wouldn’t need to smoke a dreaded cigarette. Josh knew he didn’t have time to enjoy the cigar at the pace it should be smoked, so he made a decision. After getting ready for work, he snipped the end with a scissor, grabbed his lighter, and took the cigar with him to his car. After rolling down his window, he lit the end as Omar taught him and was immediately taken back. “Oh yeah,” he thought, “This feels right.” Josh could see and feel the people staring at him with his thick cigar in his mouth or hanging out the window. But Josh didn’t care. All he focused on was how he felt and enjoying the experience – the experience of being a cigar man. By the time he reached work, he had only made it through about half of the cigar, so he extinguished it and put the rest back in its tube to enjoy later. Throughout the day, his co-workers commented that he was carrying himself differently. “Have you lost weight?” “Are you dressing differently?” “Are you using a new cologne?” “There’s just something different about you, I can’t put my finger on it.” Josh just smiled to himself thinking, “If they only knew!” Around mid-day, a new message from Hunter came through. “U mad?”, it said. Josh responded with, “Not today. Ask me tomorrow,” with a winky emoji. Hunter replied with a both flexed bicep and lit cigarette emojis, followed with “Any gainz, bro?” Josh thought to himself, “That bitch! He knew the whole time!” Pissed, he responded with “CUNT. We will talk later”, flipping his phone over. After enjoying most of the rest of his cigar on the way home that day, Josh was not as excited to go to the gym tonight. He certainly wanted to go, but realizing that he wasn’t going to have the same experience as last night drug him down. “It’s OK, only a few more days,” he said to himself. Josh saved a nub to smoke on his way to the gym that evening. As he walked in, Smokey gave a wide smile around his own cigar. “Well, well, well,” he said, “I smell that sweet smoke on you, kid. I can see by that walk that I was right again. It looks good on you.” Josh smiled coyly in Smokey’s direction. “Now, now, Smokey,” a voice said from behind Josh, “That’s not fair. You know the boy needs the opportunity to experience all of his options before making a decision.” Upon turning around, Josh was met with a stout, yet imposing figure. He was beefy like a cigar man, but possessed a thoughtful and intriguing face that drew Josh in. “Oh great, Santa Claus has come to town,” Smokey said as he rolled his eyes. The silver daddy rolled his eyes and retorted, “Jealously never looked good on you.” Josh, feeling the tension between the two men, immediately jumped up extending his hand for a shake, “Hi,” he began, “I’m Josh. Looking forward to my workout tonight.” The man pulled Josh in for a full-on hug, placing his head against his supple chest. “Sorry there, little man,” he said, “I don’t do handshakes. I believe in big old bear hugs.” Upon releasing him, Josh almost felt drunk. This man’s musky pheromones, combined with aromatics of tobacco and possibly sweet, woodsy, and perhaps even fruity smells, was overwhelming. Josh found this very appealing. Observing this exchange, Smokey became more and more visibly agitated. “Get out of here, Wesley,” Smokey asserted, “Go work the kid out so he can come back home after.” Wesley turned and glared at Smokey. Motioning to Josh to pick up his bag and follow him. Josh would normally never respond like that, but he was drawn to this man for some reason. As they walked, Josh broke the silence, “What was up with all of that?” “Oh, nothing,” Wesley said, “Let’s just say that Smokey and I have history. It was a long time ago, but some people can’t move on.” Josh chuckled to himself. “Now that we’re past all of that gay drama,” Wesley said, “Let me introduce you to what we pipe men call ‘The Rack’.” Josh’s eyes grew wide as he took in the environment. There we no young men in this part of the gym, however there was something about these men that he found very attractive. They were perhaps the most varied body types – some ripped, some portly – but this area felt the most comfortable of all. The men all seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. Taking time between their sets, hugging, and taking puffs on their large-bowl pipes. Each pipe was as unique as its user. “I assume you didn’t come equipped with your own,” Wesley said, handing Josh a pipe. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” he said. “No need to apologize, son,” Wesley said, rubbing Josh’s head while tussling his hair, “I’m sure you’ll graduate to something more ornate in the future, but for now this is what is called a bent pipe. It’s shaped to make lighting fairly easy as you hold the stem in your teeth. Go ahead, put it in your mouth.” Something about this man and the men around him made Josh feel very “at home”. They were gentle, welcoming, and taking the time to teach him things. As Josh placed the pipe in his mouth, it felt as though it was meant to be there. There was weight to it, but he quickly managed to balance it. “You are a quick study, my boy,” Wesley said, “It’s time for us to decide what kind of tobacco you like and get to your workout.” With that, Wesley placed his heavy arm around Josh’s shoulder and led him to the mahogany cabinet where the men of The Rack stored their loose tobacco. As they stopped for Wesley to open the cabinet, Josh almost missed the feeling of safety and comfort the bear’s arm provided - covering him like a warm blanket. As the doors opened, a variety of tins and pouches came into view. Wesley expertly opened several, wafting their scents to find the right combination until he settled on one. “You see, boy,” he said, “A pipe man has so many options. The pipe is your vessel, but the combinations are endless.” Wesley opened the tin he chose, placing it under Josh’s nose. Josh smelled a rich tobacco with sweet vanilla and cherry notes. His eyes opened wide. “That smells great,” he said. “Well, boy,” Wesley responded, “Let’s get your pipe packed and go to town.” After teaching Josh how to sprinkle the loose tobacco in the bowl of his new pipe, then compress it for the perfect burn, Wesley gave him suggestions for lighting. After taking his first lungful of the creamy, sweet smoke, Josh was in heaven. He was surprised at how easily he took to what he always thought was a complicated process. With that, the men went to work. This was honestly the least physically demanding workout so far, but Josh just enjoyed being the presence of the other men. It was a very communal experience. Each of them shared some stories, while talking about the various tobacco blends they enjoyed. The combination of smoke was fragrant, with everyone’s individual contribution making a difference to the whole. As time moved on, Josh found himself gazing longingly into Wesley’s experienced eyes. Wesley wished he could be this man. So confident, comfortable in his skin, powerful yet caring. He quickly developed an admiration for who he was and what he stood for. Wesley eventually approached Josh from behind, wrapping his arms around him. Josh barely flinched as he felt as though he was being wrapped in a comfy robe. Wesley removed his pipe and nibbled lightly on Josh’s earlobe. Josh turned toward him, now fully transformed into a slightly shorter, yet stockier version of himself. Upon seeing himself in a mirror, he imagined he was a younger version of Wesley – when he was in his prime. Thick arms, pecs, and mid-section with a dusting of hair. Less defined than the night before, but perfect for cuddling. He felt a maturity beyond his years as he pulled on his pipe. “So, what do you think, Papa Bear?”, Josh asked with a come-hither look on his face. “I could just eat you with a spoon, young man,” Wesley replied as he took a toke from his pipe and leaned in to exhale directly into Josh’s mouth. As Josh exhaled, he said, “I liked that very much!” “Swapping smoke is a ritual we pipe men share,” Wesley said, “It’s very erotic, don’t you think?” Josh immediately took a pull on his pipe and locked lips with a not-so-surprised Wesley. Wesley smiled as he exhaled the young bear’s smoke. “A little too sweet for me,” Wesley said, “But I think it’s time I introduced you to some other blends – in the steam room.” “I love trying new things,” Josh replied, “And it’s always better to share the experience.” From there, Wesley led Josh toward the steam room. When he woke the next morning, Josh groggily reached for his pipe. He remembered to put it in a location where he could find it. He stepped out onto his patio, lighting up. After a few puffs, he exhaled the thick, rich, creamy smoke. While enjoying the experience, and reflecting positively on his workout last night, it all seemed just too complicated. Gone were his concerns about tobacco in general. Honestly, Josh didn’t even think about his addiction this morning. He was centered on whether or not he liked the experience of using the pipe. That’s when he remembered he still had a cigar nub in his car from last night. Surprisingly, even to him, Josh walked out to his car in his pajama pants and slides to grab the nub. Without even thinking about it, he pulled the nub from its location in his console and lit it right away. “This still feels right,” he thought to himself. He moved the nub to his jaw as he walked back toward his apartment door, savoring every millimeter along the way. He was smoking in his apartment now – not even realizing it! As Josh got ready for work, the smoldering nub stuck out of his bearded face. He no longer cared, as his mind told him it was always meant to be there. The nub wouldn’t last long, however. Unfortunately, it was too early to go by a cigar shop on the way to work. He’ll have to make it at least until lunchtime. By lunchtime, Josh was having his first true nic-fit. His head was throbbing. This scared him a bit, but there was no way he was going to give up the feeling he had with a cigar in his maw. As he walked into the tobacconist that Google recommended, his confidence floundered. He was out of his element. As he wandered around looking for what he knew in his limited experience, Josh attempted to look as if he belonged. He observed the men, some in suits, others clearly working class, but each of them had an aura about them – very similar to what he experienced in the gym. He wanted to feel that again, yet here he was, reduced to feeling like a fish out of water. He lowered his head, as if to admit defeat. A moment later, there was a tap on his shoulder. As he turned around, an older man with a with a solid build was standing there, chuffing on a cigar. “Oh, I’m sorry, Sir,” Josh stated, “Am I in your way?” “Not at all,” the man said in a calm and direct manner, “I’m Sarge, I own the place. Just wanted to check to see if there’s anything I can help you with.” Josh’s knees suddenly became slightly weak. Sarge had eyes like gunmetal and a handsome face. He definitely gave off vibes of being either former military or law enforcement. Josh could feel an instant attraction to this man, which confused him. He was never previously into older men, but maybe his experience with PipeDaddy Wesley had changed that. That’s when it hit him! Sarge was a blend – to borrow a term from the men of The Rack – of Omar and Wesley. And what a fine blend he was. Josh could fall into his arms right now and be a very happy man. “Hey, kid!”, Sarge said, startling Josh back to reality. “I’m so sorry,” he responded, “I was off in dreamland. Been out late the last few nights at the gym. Just distracted.” “No problem,” Sarge said, “Looking for anything specific that I might be able to help you with?” If Josh knew for certain Sarge was gay, he would have jumped right in with some perfect innuendo, however this was not the time to test his luck. “Yes, Sir,” Josh said, “I’m looking for some Asylum 13s.” “I can help you with that,” a grinning Sarge said, “Any idea on length and girth?” Josh’s eyes immediately went wide open, as Sarge leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I know Smokey very well.” As the words sunk into Josh’s brain, the stress of the situation dropped immediately from his shoulders. “Sorry, I’m just new at this,” he said, “I’m still learning.” “It’s OK, we all started sometime,” Sarge said, “Now that you’re comfortable, let’s get you hooked up.” With that, Sarge led Josh into the walk-in humidor. A few minutes later, Josh was at the register with his haul. After paying, Sarge reached under the counter and pulled out a store-branded clipper and lighter. “On the house for the new customer,” Sarge said as he dropped them in the bag and smiled, “And hopefully a regular.” “Thank you, Sir,” Josh said, “I really appreciate your help today.” “A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet,” Sarge said, reaching out his hand for a shake. As Josh felt Sarge’s strong grip, he nodded a thank you. “Oh, by the way,” Sarge said, “I put my card in the bag, too. And one last thing, don’t call me ‘Sir’ – I work for a living – but you can call me all sorts of things later.” Josh turned beet red as he turned to leave, as Sarge let out a belly laugh. When Josh got to his car, he reached in to find the shop’s card. He flipped it over to find a handwritten phone number and the words, “I expect you to use this.” Josh smiled again as he pulled out a cigar to smoke for the remainder of his lunchtime. He certainly needed the time to calm down after the escapade in the shop. However, he did have a lingering thought. Hunter, now Sarge, both knew Smokey? Was he the only person that didn’t know about the gym and its secrets? At the end of the day, Josh pulled into his complex assigned parking space with about half a cigar in his jaw. Some of his neighbors walked by, noticing the smell and giving him a bit of a side-eye. Josh thought about saying something, but he couldn’t be bothered. He needed to relax a bit and get ready for tonight’s workout. Josh noticed he’d missed a text from Hunter at some point during the day. The message briefly inquired, “How goes?” Josh replied with an atypically passive aggressive response, “All is good. Last night of orientation. I’m sure you remember.” Almost instantaneously, three small dots pulsed at the bottom of his screen. Hunter stated, “I do. I hope you know I did this for you. Forgive me?” Josh responded with a red heart emoji, which Hunter liked. A few hours later, Josh emerged through his front door with a fresh cigar in his mouth. He stopped momentarily to rotate and light it, then threw his bag on his shoulder and headed to the car. He may not be a cigar man yet, but he was certainly enjoying whatever this was. As Josh walked into Smokey’s Gym for his last night of orientation, he was pretty certain which tribe he was going to join. His experiences over the last few nights – and today with Sarge – had more than galvanized who he believed he was meant to be. With a little extra pep in his step and a smile on his face, he approached Smokey to check in. “Wow, kid,” Smokey said, “You fall in love or something?” Josh snapped back to reality, “What?” “Nevermind,” Smokey said, “I was just messing with you. You know me!” “Unfortunately,” Josh quipped. “Whoa, spoken like a true smartass,” Smokey responded in a terrible Southern accent – unsuccessfully attempting to copy the famous line from Steel Magnolias – which completely flew over Josh’s head. “Do I smell cigar on you?”, Smokey beamed, “Is our boy becoming a man?” Josh feigned laughter. “Well, tonight’s your last night before you have to commit,” Smokey said. “Tonight’s the night you hang out with the real wierdos of the gym.” “You’re a real piece of shi-it, Smokey,” a pitbull of a man with huge delts and bowling ball sized shoulders said in a deep Southern accent, “First, you dishonor one of the best movies of all time and now you try and steal my recruit.” “Josh, this is Nash,” Smokey interrupted, “Just tell him to slow down when you don’t understand his Alabama gibberish.” “For the thousandth time, Smokey,” Nash retorted, “I ain’t from Alabama. I’m from Mississippi.” “Same difference,” Smokey said. “Don’t mind him none,” Nash said, “He clearly getting forgetful in his old age. Might be time for the home.” After dropping the nasty burn that left Smokey dumbfounded, Nash abruptly turned and darted toward the very back of the gym. Josh chuckled as he picked up his bag and ran to catch up with Nash. As they approached the area where the smokeless tobacco users hung out, Josh could see he was going to love it here. These guys were the powerlifters and strongmen of the gym. They all had thick bodies, made for moving weight and utilizing raw power. Nash could see Josh’s eyes lighting up. “Like what you see so far?”, he asked. “Definitely!”, Josh responded. It was also kind of nice that it wasn’t as smoky in their area. Sure, some of it drafted over, but it was clear these guys weren’t inhaling anything substantial. “The boys over here train heavy,” Nash said, “We’re not so worried about looking good, but making sure we get the job done.” He ended the statement with a sly smile. “But seriously, most of the guys in our crew work in blue collar jobs,” Nash continued, “Construction, police and corrections officers, etc. Roles where it helps to be strong and not really care too much about what other people think of you.” Josh thought this all sounded really good to him. He knew he wasn’t working out just to show off or look a certain way. He wanted to use whatever gains he made – whether in his day-to-day work or for play. “Trust me,” Nash said, “You’re not going to be able to lift the amount of weight most of us throw around in a day. But we can certainly give you the chance to experience it.” With that, Nash drew Josh’s attention to the cabinet just off the floor. “We probably have the biggest options of all the tribes,” Nash said, “We call ourselves Lippers, even though not everyone uses their tobacco that way. It just makes sense. Some of the assholes call our area ‘the spitoon’. I mean, it’s shitty, but not gonna lie that some of the boys miss their bottles now and then.” Nash chuckled, giving Josh a slight tap on the arm to emphasize the joke. Inside the cabinet was a wide variety of things Josh had never seen before. “In here, you’ve got a bunch of types of dip in the cans – natural, long cut, flavored, and pouches,” Nash said, “We also have some of that stuff that the rednecks and old school baseball guys like in the big pouches. They call it chew, but where I’m from we call it chaw.” Nash continued, “For you, being new, I think we should start you out on come Copenhagen Wintergreen, long-cut. The flavor is milder and the texture is easy to manage in your lip. I’m more of a Cope snuff man, but you’ll figure out what you like.” Nash held out a can of the Cope Wintergreen for Josh to take. He also handed him a water bottle. “I’m assuming by the way you’re looking that you’ve never dipped before,” Nash said, with Josh giving him an affirming nod. “You’re gonna need this bottle, too,” Nash continued, “Cuz you’re new, you’ll want to spit a lot. Some of these hosses gut their spit, but you won’t want to do that until you’re used to it. Some people never do.” With some trepidation, Josh took the can and bottle from Nash. This ritual seemed the most foreign to him, so he was definitely going to need some coaching. “Just take a healthy pinch and put it in your lip, like this,” Nash said just before demonstrating, “Use your finger or tongue to make sure it’s in a spot where you’re comfortable. That’s it.” Josh followed suit. It was a very odd feeling at first, especially having a bulging lip. Then the saliva started building up. “Just spit in your bottle,” Nash said, “Otherwise it’s gonna end up on your shirt.” Josh followed Nash’s instructions. “This is going to take some getting used to,” Josh said with a bit of a lisp, with his lip not allowing him to fully close his mouth yet. “You’ll be fine,” Nash said, “Just like those other guys get used to talking around a cigar or pipe in their mouth, same goes for dip.” Josh’s brain began to tingle as the nicotine hit his system. He actually felt a bit dizzy for a moment. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you that it can be a little intense for a bit,” Nash said. After a few minutes, Josh got his sea-legs back under him and Nash led him to the floor. They started with heavy squats, then deadlifts, then overhead presses. Josh was wrecked by the time they were done. Nash had definitely put Josh through a great full-body workout that would help him become a powerlifter like Nash. “Shee-it, kid,” Nash said, “You definitely fit in with the boys. I think you’re gonna like it.” With that, Nash took Josh over to a mirror. Josh could not believe how he looked. He did a double-take, looking at Nash for confirmation. “Are you kidding me?”, Josh asked in excitement, “This is incredible. I’m so big and strong looking.” “Glad you like it,” Nash said as his bulging lip formed a smile, “I could get used to seeing you around here. It looks good on you and you look very comfortable in it.” Josh took a moment to spit in his bottle, then said, “I could get used to it, too. And you!” Josh leaned in to give a tobacco-laden kiss. “Now, now, boy,” Nash responded, “As my momma used to day, don’t go using a check you can’t cash.” Nash grabbed Josh’s now ample, but firm ass. Josh took Nash by the hand, pulling him toward the steam room. Taking the hint, Nash said, “I ain’t even had the chance to tell you how you can creatively use dip spit as lube.” Josh responded with a smirk, saying, “I guess you’ll have to show me!” After the conclusion of both “workouts” for the night, Josh gathered his stuff to head out. As he walked by the desk, Sarge called him over. “Looking good there, kid,” Smokey said, “This is a pretty good look on you, I have to admit. Just remember, when you come tomorrow it will be time to make your decision.” Josh obviously knew this was coming, but Smokey pointing it out didn’t make things any easier. “Understood, Boss,” Josh responded in a deep, throaty tone. “Damn, boy,” Smokey responded, “That voice and body could get an old man aroused.” Josh opened his bottle and spit, adding to the dark liquid. “And that was a boner killer,” Smokey said with disdain in his voice, as he replaced his cigar in his maw. “If I’d known it was only that easy, I would have started earlier,” Josh said while smiling, then said, “I will be ready. See you tomorrow.” He then headed out the door. As Josh sat in his car, he looked at the unspent cigar in his console. He really wanted to light it up, but he was perfectly satiated with the Cope in his lip. This was the first time he’d truly been in conflict. He liked the experience with both cigars and smokeless tobacco. “I don’t need to decide right now,” he told himself, “I’ll need to sleep on it.” With that, he started his car and headed home. The next day, Josh woke up like the rest of the week, missing the changes he went through the evening before. However, he especially missed the muscularity and mass he had. He felt powerful after his session with Nash. Lifting all of that weight. Maybe it was just the fact he wasn’t inhaling smoke for a change. This was definitely confusing to him. One thing he did need to do was feed his addiction. Having finally given in to the growing need, he internally said “Fuck it” to himself and reached for the can of Cope in his workout bag. He thought about searching for another cigar nub, but he didn’t want to be bothered. At least with dip, he could stuff in a lipper and not have to worry about the ash when he was in his apartment. It was convenient and easy. While getting ready, Josh heard his phone ping. Upon reviewing the new message, it was Hunter with a simple, “Good luck tonight! Call me later!” Josh finally let a smile unleash across his face. Yes, he had been slightly upset that he was tricked – no, not told all of the facts – about the situation, but he did enjoy it. It was nice to escape hid normal life a bit and try out all of these different options. He responded with, “Thank you. I will, promise!” When he was about to leave, Josh almost dreaded having to remove the tobacco from his lip. He was really enjoying it. Sure, it was probably still the “new user high”, but it seemed so simple. But he wanted to make sure he brushed his teeth. He wasn’t ready to reveal this particular habit to everyone at work yet. He took a last stare at his options – the cigarette pack, his pipe, the can of Cope, and the couple of cigars he had left from his visit to Sarge’s shop. Shunning the pipe and cigarettes, he grabbed a cigar and his Cope can, throwing them in his work bag. Decision made, he left for work. While enjoying his cigar, he passed Sarge’s shop on his way to the office. He briefly reminisced about their meeting, wishing he had talked to him more. Sure, he could obviously talk to Hunter because he knew all about the process. But Sarge was a stranger. He didn’t have any history with him. He could be whomever he wanted with him. Not to mention, he was very sexy. By the time he pulled into the parking lot, Josh had to calm down. He was horny and could have rubbed one out right there. After a few deep breaths to calm down, he took the last draw on his cigar for now and extinguished the remainder for later. Josh did nothing more than go through the motions of his day. If you’d ask him to recall what he did or what was said to him by his supervisors or co-workers, he would not have remembered. All he could focus on was the fact he had to make a decision tonight – a decision that would impact his life permanently. While it should have been stressful, he had an eerie calm about himself. The hard part was done, he just wanted to go into this situation with a clear head. At the end of the day, Josh decided he’d put in a dip for the road. After throwing a pinch in his lip like a seasoned pro, he felt the nicotine rush. “That’s the stuff,” he thought to himself, “I needed that.” He continued home, passing the smoke shop once again, tempted to stop – but didn’t. Once he got home, Josh instinctually grabbed a cigar and went to his porch. Not that he was concerned about smoking in his apartment anymore, but he wanted to just relax, scroll on his phone, and hear the birds chirping outside. He stoked his cigar, taking several pulls, then realized he got extremely light-headed. Confused, he touched his face and realized he forgot to take out his lipper of Cope! “Holy shit!”, Josh exclaimed. He was freaking out, concerned that he may overdose on nicotine. After a few minutes and some deep breaths, his heart rate came back down and the wooziness subsided. That is when Josh came to a realization. He didn’t have to choose. He could do whatever he wanted. This was his life. He didn’t have to be exclusive to one vice. Not to mention, it was kind of hot that he could handle two at once. Now it was just a matter of preference. With this thought unlocked, he finished his cigar with his dip in and went to take a rest before leaving for the gym in the evening. As Josh arrived at Smokey’s that evening, he knew what his heart desired. Walking up to the desk, he was nursing a lipper and placed his spit filled bottle on the counter. “Disgusting,” Smokey said, glaring at the young man with a disappointed look. He lifted up his cigar to take a puff, then said, “So, am I to take this as a sign of your decision? If so, I’m disappointed you’d choose that shit over a real man’s stogie. Guess I pegged you wrong.” Josh took a beat, then pulled out his can of Cope, placing it on the counter. Then, in a surprise move, he pulled out a tube with his precious Asylum 13 Ogre, placing it next to the tin. “This is my decision, Smokey,” he said, “I choose both. Cigarettes and pipes just weren’t for me. But I won’t be without these options.” With a curious look, Smokey took an uncharacteristically long pause, then said, “Well, that is a bit of a surprise. I didn’t take you for a double-dipper, pun intended. Looks like you grew some balls during your time at the Gym.” Josh assertively retorted, but with a hint of apprehension in his voice concerned Smokey would get upset with him, “Will this be a problem?” “Absolutely not,” Smokey responded, “It is rare. Most guys here find their tribe and just stick with what they know. Every once in a while we get a divergent like you, someone who likes more than one and can live in both worlds equally. I don’t get it myself. I can’t live without my cigars. But if that’s the path you choose, all I honestly care is that you made the decision on your free will.” “Definitely,” Josh said, “I came to this realization myself. It’s what I want.” “As long as I get to see you smoking a fine cigar,” Smokey said, smiling around the stogie clamped in his jaw, “I pegged you as a cigar man from the start. At least I wasn’t completely wrong.” “So, what do I do now?”, Josh asked. “We just have a little pomp and circumstance for the newbies,” Smokey replied. He leaned over to the intercom mic to his side and tapped the button. “Attention everyone. Little Joshie here has ended his orientation. He is a full member, with all rights and privileges, effective immediately. If anyone has a problem with that, you’ll have to answer to me.” There was a thunderous applause from the members in the gym recognizing that Josh had become one of them. After the applause died, Smokey tapped the mic once again, “Nash and Omar, please report to the desk.” That announcement seemed foreign to the room. Josh could hear people mumbling, looking at him, and pointing. This is the first time he’d really felt “on display” in this environment. Nash and Omar arrived within seconds of each other. The were cordial, but had quizzical looks on their faces. Nash broke the silence with, “Does this mean he is a switch-hitter, Boss?” They all momentarily chuckle, but Smokey brought them back together with, “Yes, boys. The kid has decided he’s into both. So, you’ll have to share him. Do y’all have a problem with that?” Nash and Omar look at each other and shrug. “No issue with me, Boss,” Omar responded. Nash shook his head, while squeezing out spit into his bottle. “Then it’s settled, Josh,” Smokey said, “Welcome to the family. Boys, will you please take him back to the locker room to change for the last time?” Nash perked up, “Only if I get him in the steam room first after he changes!” Omar interrupted, “That’s not fair, bro! He was a cigar man first!” Smokey rolled his eyes, then asserted, “See, Josh. This is the issue. My horny staff never like to share. But they’ll get over it.” Josh turned a bright red from embarrassment – he’d never had guys fight over him before – but he liked it. “We’re just messing with ya,” Nash said, “Omar and I have, um, shared before.” Nash winked at Omar, who slyly looked away. Omar then said, “Yeah, it’s perfectly fine. Just consider us your daddies, now.” Josh responded, saying, “I’m proud to have you guys as my dads. So, how about we get to it?” With that, the 3 men headed to the locker room. On their way back, they stopped to get some gear. Omar grabbed some extra Asylums, while Nash grabbed a couple cans from his stash. “If you’re gonna use both at times, you probably don’t wanna dip a flavored tobacco cuz it might throw off the taste. I suggest you get used to something straight,” Nash said. He handed him 2 cans, one Cope Long Cut Straight and the other Cope Snuff. Josh thanked both of them, but couldn’t help but joke about Nash’s comment, “There’s nothing straight about me!” They all laughed as they arrived at the locker room entrance. Omar quipped, ”This is it. Head on in there, thrown in a lipper, then start hauling on a cigar, and let the magic happen. We’re not sure exactly what the combo will do to you – but we’ll be here for you on the other end. Are you ready?” “As I’ll ever be,” Josh responded. Before heading inside, Josh turned to the massive men, embracing them in a 3-way hug. “Thanks again,” he said, and walked inside. For the first time, Josh was nervous. There was no backing out now. He opened the can of Cope snuff, spilling a portion on the floor. After loading up his lip, he then worked on prepping the cigar – almost forgetting to clip off the end. Following this comedy of errors, he finally got the hang of it and chuffed away. There he was, allowing the combination take its effect on him in this magical place. Josh’s head was obviously swimming from the high level of nicotine in his system. Ironically though, he felt a sense of calm. A few minutes in, he could feel a dull pain all over body – in his bones. He watched as his feet lengthened and widened. His legs and arms extended, even his fingers. Even his skull felt as though it was shifting. Placing his new hands on his face, he could feel a more angular jaw. Josh kept chuffing his cigar and expunging saliva, allowing the process to continue. Once his frame finished developing, he ran to the mirror. He’d grown in height to at least 6’3”-6’4”. It was a completely different viewpoint from his former 5’9”, as well as the now size 14 feet looked like boats in comparison to his former 10s. He more or less looked like a skinny basketball player. He wasn’t upset, just hoped there was more coming – and that’s when the next phase kicked in! Still looking at himself in the mirror, with a bulging lip and pulling on his cigar, Josh’s entire musculature exploded around the new frame. Pecs ballooned as his shoulders, delts, and arms inflated. Quads expanded, calves bulged. He finally understood why his feet were so large now – his old ones would have never supported his new weight. Finally, he watched his mid-section shrink, leaving a cobblestone road of abs, as his formerly chunky hips and butt became firm. In the final stages, Josh lost even more body fat. This left him with vascular, defined muscle all over his body. He had the upper-body of a seasoned bodybuilder and the lower-body of a powerlifter. The mid-section was the biggest surprise. He assumed he would have some kind of bulging or undefined belly, but for whatever reason he was very athletic looking. As he took another pull on his cigar, Josh’s head began tingling. This was the only time he was scared in the process, because he couldn’t physically see what was happening. All he knew was that whatever it was made him feel surprisingly good. His previous self-consciousness melted away. A never previously known wave of confidence filled his mind. Then, as if going through a second puberty, Josh felt his entire body as his erogenous zones seemed to reset inside this newly formed body. Simply touching his nipples seemed to push him over the edge. But once he looked down to see his thick 10-inch dick standing at full mast, he really knew things would be different from here on out! It was then he heard a voice, “Hey, kid,” Nash yelled, “Are you OK in there?” Josh responded with, “Yeah, I’m good. I think it’s over,” with a deeper, almost rusty, tone to his voice that shocked him more than anything else. He had to talk again just to hear his voice, “Sorry, not used to hearing myself like this. I’ll be right out.” When Josh looked up at the clock to see how long he’d been there, what had seemed like at least 2 hours had only been about 30 minutes. With a new swagger and confidence, he placed his cigar in his jaw, grabbed his spit bottle, and walked toward the exit into his new, improved life. Omar and Nash waited at the exit when they heard a rumbling sound. Omar caught the first glimpse, as his jaw nearly opened causing him to drop his cigar to the ground. “Holy shit!”, exclaimed. As Josh re-entered the gym floor, the pudgy young man was gone. Now, he was an athletic, powerlifting, bodybuilder, who could have anything and anyone he wanted. He confidently pulled on his cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke, then took a moment to extricate some tobacco spit into his container. “Well boys?”, Josh asked in his new, booming voice, “What do you think?” Both Omar and Nash walked up and gave Josh a big hug. Other gym members also walked up to give a typical bro-slap and half hug. Everyone told him how great he looked. After a few minutes, Josh heard an announcement over the intercom. “Josh, please come to the desk”, rang out in Smokey’s indistinguishable tone. As Josh headed toward the desk, a familiar face came into view over Smokey’s shoulder that made him smile. Smokey interrupted the moment saying, “Well damn, kid. You clean up nice!” Josh swore he could hear Smokey salivating. “You have a visitor,” Smokey continued, as Josh smiled in Sarge’s direction. “I wanted to surprise you,” Sarge said, presenting Josh with a box of his current favorite cigars, Asylum 13 Ogres. “How did you even know?”, Josh asked. “I told you I knew Smokey,” Sarge responded, “I had a feeling something was up when you didn’t call me. So, I called Smokey to see if he knew anything. Luckily, he did – so I thought I’d surprise you.” Josh said, “Yeah, I’ve been a bit distracted. Even though that seems a bit like stalker behavior, I’m really glad to see you.” Josh leaned over to give Sarge a big kiss on the lips. “Wow. My transformation wasn’t as dramatic,” Sarge said, “I mean, I was certainly glad to no longer be a skinny, depressed, recently discharged soldier. But, you are a masterpiece!” “Well, I have to give credit to Smokey and the other guys here at the gym,” Josh said, “Without them, I don’t know that I would have ever trusted or lasted through the process. But, I’m definitely glad I did. Not just because I got this rockin’ bod, but because I definitely learned a lot about myself.” Josh stopped momentarily to dig in his bag for his cell phone. “Oh shit! I almost forgot about Hunter. He’s the one that introduced me to Dylan. He started this whole thing. Do y’all mind if we take a quick selfie to send him?” Both Smokey and Sarge agreed. With that, Josh held out his phone and snapped a pic, sending it to Hunter. As the men in the gym were stopping by to congratulate Josh on his official membership, he heard a notification on his phone. “AWESOME!”, then, “CONGRATULATIONS!”, following with “Who’s the hot daddy?” with eggplant and droplet emojis. Josh responded with, “Tell you later. Just needed to say thank you.”, then “You’re buying the first round tomorrow night!”. Hunter’s final response was “You got it! Love you!” Josh smiled as he put his phone away. “So”, Josh said while turning to Sarge, “What do you say we head out?” Smokey interrupted, “But you haven’t even worked out tonight.” Momentarily flustered, but quickly standing, Sarge said, “Oh, I’m sure we can get you sweating a bit.” Josh took a draw on his cigar, picked up his gym bag, and grabbed Sarge by the wrist. All Smokey could do was smile around the cigar stuffed in his jaw, observing the men walk away. One of the gym patrons said, “And the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day!” Snapping back, Smokey said, “Fuck off!” Arm in arm, Josh and Sarge headed out the door. Just outside, Josh noticed Dylan hauling on a cigarette while speaking to a lanky young man who appeared to be around 21 or so. Josh said, “I’ll see you at your place in a bit…Daddy,” smirked, planted a kiss on Sarge’s cheek, then followed-up with a quick smack on the ass. Sarge was momentarily surprised, responding with a sultry, “Woof! You better be!” As Josh walked away, heading toward Dylan, he said, “I’m going to introduce myself to the fresh meat.”
  5. Trio

    The Reward

    Lucio Vero was known for his good heart, he was always disposed to help both friends and strangers, and expected in return only to see his good deed made a difference in the person's life, even if a bit. But one day, he was to meet such generosity, that he would never be the same. Walking down the meadow next to his house, he found a man in a bad state. He appeared to have a broken leg, and seemed very beaten. Lucio did not hesitate, he was not really all that strong, but he carry the man to his dwelling, where he took care of his wounds as he could, gave him to eat, and said "My friend, you can stay for as long as you take to recover...". Convinced of Lucio's good heart, the man stood up, and in a bath of light, revealed his true form. In a quick metamorphosis, the man, before frail and weak, transformed into a great muscular soldier. Lucio was surprised and got frightened immediately, but the man, in his new form, said: "Do not fear. I am Mars, the God of war. I have been observing you, mortal, and wanted to see how kind you were capable of being. Your heart is pure, your intentions good, and so, I want to offer you a reward." "M-Mars?!" Said Lucio, trembling from toe to head. "How... how can this be? Ah... ah..." he gaggled a bit "Forgive me, sir, I am so frightened..." "I do not blame you. But, listen to me, I have a reward to offer you, and if you accept it, fright will cease to cause you trouble" Lucio tried to recover his composure, but looking at the naked man in front of him, he blushed: "Sir... Mars, God of War..." "I am aware that my naked form may cause you to feel embarrassed. No fear. My reward will make you comfortable." "Sir, if I may... Can I ask, what is this reward you are offering?" "You may ask, but, I will not tell. You must show you trust me. Mortal, do you want my reward, even if not knowing what it is?" Lucio thought a bit, and the God waited, patiently. "God, I am unworthy, but I would like to have the reward, if you so desire to give me. I don't know what it is, but I trust you." "You are a man of valor, Lucio. If you want to receive this gift, do as I command, and, strip yourself naked, first." Lucio did not ask why of such weird request, but he did just that, a bit embarassed. He took off his shirt, then his shoes and socks, and pull of his trousers, revealing his overall average body, to the God. His form was nothing special, he had no visible abs, though his pectorals were large, his shoulders had potential. The God took notice of the body, studying it silently and quickly. Then, he said: "Now, allow me to kiss you, mortal" Lucio stood still like a rock, not only was he naked, but that handsome soldier-God wanted to kiss him. He could only consent. "I do, Mars, God of war" So, Mars got close to him, and slowly embraced Lucio, while giving him a kiss in his mouth. Lucio was not used to this, and could only kiss back the God, in an awkward, but sincere way. They both smiled, then, to one another. Mars said: "You are a kind, gentle human being, Lucio Vero. I hope this was not too awkward for you." "I trust you, Mars. It is all I can do. I await further instructions." "I will not let you down, on your reward, Lucio. Now, kneel" So did Lucio, trying to hide his puzzled face from the God. The man stood there, awaiting further instructions, while the much muscular soldier-God stood in front of him, his abs and pectorals shining, and his cock, rock hard, bulging and licking a strong-smelled golden gooey of a liquid, almost like a diluted paste. "Lucio, if you trust me, I want you to suck my penis. Take a sip of my semen. Gulp it, and so, your reward will be at hand." Lucio shook a bit, but with his head, he assented to the God. Mars got close to Lucio, and so, first licking the head, as to taste the seed, then, carefully sucking Mars's instrument. The God's liquid was like a salty honey, and Lucio closed his eyes in pleasure, while flavoring it. Mars was also pleased, and caressing the hair of Lucio, said: "It is done, Lucio" Lucio, then, slowly took his mouth away from Mars, and stood up, gazing at the God. "How do I taste, Lucio?" "Mars, God of war, I have never had the pleasure of tasting something as good as your seed." "This pleases me, Lucio. You are one step closer to receiving your award..." "So, this wasn't it?" Mars had to bite his lip not to spoil what wonder he was ready to give to Lucio. Mars was leaking the same liquid from his bulging, strong nipples. "This is the last step, Lucio, you must, now, suck my Nipple, to finish the process" And so Lucio did, putting his hands on Mars's strong pectorals, he licked the left nipple of Mars, and sucked a good gulp of the seed. Mars, then, said: "It begins." Mars started talking on a language Lucio could not understand, but before he could ask, a golden fog surrounded him, and took him out of the floor. Fluctuating, Lucio extended his arms, and felt pain. His muscles awoke inside of him, Lucio felt his body growing, first slowly and painfully. He started to get taller and his pectorals got larger, so did his shoulders, that also were getting stronger. He let out grunts and moans, as the pain begin to turn to... pleasure. His arms grew more muscular, and he saw that with a growing grin in his face. The process was slow, as to make him savor every second of it, every second of his body turning muscular, stronger, more capable. His abs came to life, and soon a 8 pack was bulging, as well as his adonis, getting carved as well as his cock grew in length and width. He moaned and roared as his body transformed, his pectorals getting larger and expanded. When he returned to the floor, he was as strong as the God Mars, his protector. He said, with a deeper voice than before, now more confident, while his muscles bulged and veins were covering them. "Mars... I..." "No, Mortal, it is not over, yet." Said the God, and closing his eyes, he chanted once again. Standing, Lucio felt a surge across his body, and roaring, he arched his back, and extended his arms once again. His face reshaped. He closed his eyes, and as he did, the eyes melted away, but were quickly replaced by enhanced ones, that had multiple lenses, were fractal, multifaceted, like the ones of an insect. He rejoiced as his eyes transformed. But it was not only his eyes. His hair fell off, leaving only a small mohawk on his head, that soon started to connect with his bones. He started to grow horns, and spikes, both on his head and in his shoulders, and even back. He roared, and rejoiced, also as his spine elongated, and soon a tail was forming, and the tail had a thorn, like the one of a scorpio, on his final chord. He roared and rejoiced as his teeths became fangs, and he did rejoice when his skin boiled and was covered in liquid metal. He felt pleasure when his modified nipples started to lick his changed seed through them. He felt pleasure when he roared his human voice one last time, letting it turn into the voice of a beast, as well as his cock expelled his humanity, and his body now produced the blood of the beast, of the God. "My creature" Said Mars, filled with pride and joy in his voice. "My God... you transformed me into this monster" "Do you approve of my reward, Lucio?" "I am Lucio Vero no more, sir. I am your creature, Scipion is my name. I am here to serve as a gesture of my gratitude towards your gift". "I have created you to be your own being. If you desire to serve me, it will be out of your solicitude. This is a reward, not a prison, not a punishment. You are to use yourself as you desire." "Mars, thank you, I am most thankful for your reward" So, Mars presented his creation, Scipion, with a medallion, that the God put on his neck. And so, this was the grand reward of Mars to the kind Lucio Vero, that transformed into Scipion, the strong.
  6. thisba

    Incredible transformations

    Hello I would like to write a series of stories. Sorry for my poor command of English sometimes. All can be read independently. some of them will perhaps follow one another. Tell me if u should continue, and thank you for your feedback. 1. A new Superhero in the city 2. Ethan and John: - New arrival at school - Ethan nightmare 3. Hicham the paraplegic man A new Superhero in the city Jérôme and Max, a couple of police officers, shared not only their work but also their life. Their relationship had withstood the test of time, becoming a pillar of mutual support. It was a hot summer day, and they had taken a day off to relax and enjoy the sunny weather. Their car trip had taken them on a picturesque road, far away from the concerns of police work. Jérôme, 25 years old, was a tall, blond man, standing at 1.83 meters and weighing 80 kg. His blue eyes reflected his determination to make the world a safer place. Max, his partner and lover, was 23 years old. He stood at 1.78 meters, weighing 75 kg. His blue eyes shone beneath his thick brown hair, and he proudly sported a neatly trimmed short beard. Max harbored a heavy and extraordinary secret, a gift passed down through generations in his family: he was a muscle-wolf. This unique gift allowed him to transform into a powerful bodybuilder of nearly 140 kg, endowed with superhuman strength. However, this transformation was a complex and painful process that involved a series of remarkable physiological changes. As they traveled down the winding road, their peaceful day was abruptly disrupted by the sound of a collision. A woman behind the wheel had crashed into an electrical pole, and her car was on the brink of catching fire. Trapped in the vehicle, the driver was severely injured, and a glimmer of despair filled her eyes. In her state of shock, she was not even aware of their presence. Alarmed, Jérôme immediately grabbed his phone to call for help. He knew that every minute counted in such a critical situation. However, he could sense that time was running out, and the emergency services likely wouldn't arrive in time to save the woman. It was at that moment that Max, with unwavering determination, made a decision that would change the course of their day. He knew it was time to reveal his secret to Jérôme, even if it meant exposing his uniqueness. Max's transformation began slowly, but the process was painful and arduous. His muscles swelled rapidly, and his veins became increasingly visible through his stretched skin. The pain was intense as his clothing's seams strained, ready to burst at any moment. The clothes could no longer contain the extraordinary force that now inhabited Max. His veins pulsed, carrying an increased flow of blood to the rapidly growing muscles. Max's breathing intensified as his lungs worked hard to supply his developing muscles. His once thin arms became massive and powerful, tearing the sleeves of his shirt to shreds. His shoulders broadened, bursting the seams of his shirt, and his chest took on an impressive size. The buttons on his shirt flew in all directions, and scraps of fabric rained down like confetti. Jérôme, initially in shock, was overwhelmed by the incredible transformation unfolding before him. His breathing quickened, and he stuttered, unable to find the words to express his surprise and fear. Max's legs gained size, tearing his pants into pieces. The leather of his shoes burst under the pressure of his growing feet. Each of his muscles became more prominent, creating waves of power throughout his body. During the transformation, his body also became very hairy, with thick and dense hair forming an additional layer of protection and fierceness. The injured woman, in a coma, was unaware of the incredible transformation taking place before her. She had no idea that her fate would be disrupted by a hero with extraordinary powers. Jérôme, astounded and overwhelmed by the situation, abandoned his phone, forgetting about the emergency services. Max, with a voice transformed by the metamorphosis, declared, "Jérôme, it's time for you to know the truth. It's my inherited gift, and I use it to protect others, even at the risk of my own life." The injured woman, in a coma, couldn't hear the conversation. She was oblivious to the hero standing before her. Without further delay, Max used his superhuman strength to clear the wreckage, extract the injured driver, and place her in safety. Flames threatened to spread, but Max acted quickly and decisively, extinguishing the incipient fire and saving the woman's life. Jérôme, astonished, realized that his partner and lover was a genuine hero with an extraordinary gift. Max, exhausted from the superhuman effort, slowly returned to his usual form, breathing heavily, and with his body glistening with sweat. He now stood naked, except for his underwear, as all his other clothes had been destroyed during the transformation. They had succeeded in saving the woman, but now, Jérôme faced a difficult choice: to protect Max's identity and escape before the emergency services arrived, fearing that his secret would be discovered. They discreetly moved away from the accident scene, and Max hid behind a tree, gradually returning to his initial form to avoid drawing the attention of the finally arriving emergency responders. Their future was uncertain, but their love and devotion to each other were stronger than ever as they walked away together to safeguard Max's secret. Their future was uncertain, and the weight of Max's secret hung heavily between them as they walked away from the scene. Jérôme's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions and questions, but he knew he had to protect Max's identity at all costs. As they found a secluded spot, Max, now back to his usual self, dressed only in his boxer briefs, turned to Jérôme with a mix of anxiety and relief in his eyes. "Jérôme, I know this is a lot to take in," Max began, his voice trembling with uncertainty. "I've kept this secret my whole life, and I've used my abilities to help others, to save lives. But I've never shared this with anyone, until now." Jérôme, still reeling from the shock of witnessing Max's incredible transformation, managed to find his voice. "Max, this is... this is unbelievable. I mean, I've heard of superhero stories, but I never thought..." Max interrupted gently, "I'm no superhero, Jérôme. I'm just a guy who happens to have this unique ability. I've always wanted to protect you, but I also want to protect us." Jérôme's face softened as he looked into Max's eyes, realizing the depth of their connection. "Max, I love you, and I will do everything I can to keep your secret safe. But we need to be careful. We can't risk anyone discovering this." Max nodded, relief washing over him as he pulled Jérôme into a tight embrace. "Thank you, Jérôme. I knew I could trust you." They stood there for a moment, their love stronger than ever, before reality intruded once more. The sound of approaching sirens reminded them of the accident scene they had left behind. "We need to go, Max," Jérôme said, breaking the embrace. "The authorities are arriving. We'll figure out how to deal with this, but for now, let's get away from here." They hurried back to their car and drove away, leaving behind the events that had unraveled their day. As they put distance between themselves and the accident scene, Max couldn't help but think about the fragile balance they had to maintain. He knew that, with Jérôme by his side, they would face the challenges together, and their love would guide them through the uncertainties of their extraordinary life. In the days that followed, Jérôme and Max remained on edge, constantly aware of the secret that now bound them even closer together. They were back on duty, patrolling the city streets, but their lives had taken on a new layer of complexity. Jérôme, true to his word, was determined to protect Max's identity. He used his influence within the police department to ensure that the details of the accident and the mysterious hero who had saved the woman's life were kept under wraps. He knew that any inquiry into Max's abilities could lead to unwanted attention and scrutiny. Meanwhile, Max continued to use his unique gift to help others, always under the cover of darkness and away from prying eyes. He had saved lives and prevented disasters, but his actions left no trace of his involvement. Their love story had taken on an even more profound significance. The unspoken understanding between them, the shared secret, only deepened their connection. They found solace in the safety of their love, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of their extraordinary lives. But as time passed, a new challenge emerged. Rumors of a masked hero with incredible strength began circulating in the city. People started talking about the mysterious savior who seemed to appear out of nowhere, saving lives and averting danger. Max's actions were drawing attention, and Jérôme knew they needed to be even more cautious. One evening, as they sat in their quiet apartment, Jérôme spoke up. "Max, the rumors are spreading like wildfire. We need a plan, a way to protect your identity more effectively." Max nodded, his face etched with concern. "You're right, Jérôme. We can't continue like this, with people getting closer to discovering the truth. But what can we do?" Jérôme thought for a moment and then said, "I have an idea. What if we create a fictional character, a superhero persona, to divert attention from you? We can ensure that this persona is always at the right place at the right time to perform extraordinary feats, while you remain in the shadows." Max considered the suggestion. "It's risky, but it might work. What would we call this fictional hero?" Jérôme smiled, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "How about 'Silver Guardian'? It's mysterious and heroic, just like you." And so, the plan was set into motion. Max would continue to use his abilities to help others, but now, he would do so while disguised as the Silver Guardian. With the help of Jérôme's inside information and connections, they ensured that the Silver Guardian became a legend in the city, a symbol of hope and protection. As the city's residents celebrated the hero in silver, Max and Jérôme kept their secret safe. Their love story had evolved into a tale of two heroes—one hidden in the shadows, the other wearing a silver mask—and together, they would continue to protect the city and their love, forever intertwined in an extraordinary journey.
  7. Sizemologist

    Ballooning Bros

    Commission for Anonymous: After drinking a mysterious shake, Brandon’s crush, Ryan, takes him back to the locker room for a different kind of blowjob. More inflation than muscle growth in this one, you've been warned. Brandon arrived at the gym like every other day he came. Same old weights, same old lockers, same old gym. Brandon was wearing his standard gym attire. An athletic shirt and some basketball shorts. Brandon swiped his card at the front desk and entered the crowded gym. He looked around and saw plenty of regulars working out, but then he spotted him, Ryan. One of the biggest guys at the gym, Ryan was built like a tank. Broad shoulders, massive pecs, boulder biceps, a bit of a belly, but it looked great on him. The big man scratched his bushy beard and spotted Brandon on his way in. “Hey Brandon!” said the big guy as he walked over. “Hey Ryan.” Brandon blushed a little bit when he looked up at the giant. Ryan was wearing a tanktop that was hanging on top of his big pecs as well as some gym shorts that left very little to the imagination. “It’s good to see you buddy. I was hoping that I could get to see you today.” Ryan grabbed Brandon and pulled him into a big bear hug. Ruffling Brandon’s blonde hair. “Really? What’s so special about today?” asked Brandon as he admired the big muscled body he was being pushed against. “I’ve got this really cool new protein shake and wanted someone to try it. And I think you’re the perfect candidate!” said Ryan as he let go of Brandon. “Really? Why me?” “I think it would be perfect for the gains you wanna make,” said Ryan as they walked back to the locker rooms. Brandon went to the locker right beside Ryan’s and started unpacking his gym bag. “That’s awesome man. Sure I’ll try it out.” Ryan smirks to himself and pulls out a shaker. “Great here you go!” Ryan hands Brandon the shaker and Brandon starts drinking it. “Be sure to drink it all so you get the full effects of it.” Brandon nods as he keeps drinking. Chugging it down and letting out a satisfying belch when he’s done. “That was delicious!” said Brandon as the two walked out of the locker room. “Thanks. It’s my special recipe.” “What’s so special about it?” “Oh not much. I just think my recipe is great for guys that really wanna swell up in size,” said Ryan with a bit of a smirk. “Well that’s great then. You know how much I wanna get big. So what are we hitting today? Arms? Back? Shoulders?” “I was thinking chest. You good with that?” “Totally.” The pair walked to a bench press and Ryan started loading up the rack for Brandon. “Woah, that’s a lot of weight for a warm-up big guy. I don’t think I’m ready for that,” said Brandon as he started counting how much weight was being loaded onto the bar. “You’ll be fine, big guy. You have me as a spotter so there’s nothing to worry about. Now come on. Time to lift.” Brandon gave a hesitant look, but ultimately sat down on the bench and got into position to lift. “Alright, here we go big guy.” Ryan put his arms below the bar as Brandon started lifting it up. His arms were a bit shaky with all of this weight, but slowly he pulled the bar down and back up again. Getting in a set of 6. “See! I told you you could do it,” said Ryan as Brandon completed the set and put the bar back on the rack. “Oooof I feel funny though,” said Brandon as he sat back up holding his belly. “Urp!” Brandon’s eyes shot open as the loud burp escaped his mouth. “Oh jeez. Excuse me.” Brandon kept rubbing his belly as Ryan grabbed a couple more 45’s. “Woah Ryan, I really think I need to warm up a bit more. You’re getting closer to my PB with those weights. I’m not ready.” “Brandon, just trust me. You chugged those out like a pro. This will be no different.” Ryan put the weights on the bar and grabbed Brandon’s shoulders. “You can do this. Trust the shake. It’ll give you strength,” said Ryan as he eased Brandon back down to the bench. “Alright, I trust you.” Brandon put his hands on the bar and began to lift again. His arms were on fire from how much weight it was. He breathed in and lowered the bar down. “There ya go. You’ve got it! You’ve got it!” cheered Ryan as Brandon lifted the bar back up. Only to come down with it again to pump out three reps. At the end of the last rep, Brandon pushed himself and put the weight back on the rep then sat up. “UUURRRPPP!” Brandon let out a massive belch that echoed in the gym. “Oooooo I don’t feel so good. I think I need to go to the bathroom.” Brandon got up from the bench and started walking towards the locker room. Once inside, he started rubbing his belly. It felt bloated for some reason. He let out a couple of little belches then looked up when he heard footsteps approaching “Hey, are you okay bud?” asked Ryan as he saw Brandon sitting on the bench. “I don’t know. I feel…funny,” said Brandon as he kept absentmindedly rubbing his belly. “Funny how?” Ryan sat on the bench next to Brandon. His shoulder rubbing up against the smaller man. “I don’t know. Like there are air bubbles inside or something.” Brandon kept rubbing his belly, but then felt a hand go on top of his own. He looked down and saw that Ryan’s big mitt was on top of his hand. Tenderly rubbing his belly. Feeling little gurgles from it every once in a while. Brandon looked back up at Ryan’s face and saw a look of lust on his face. Without hesitation, Ryan leaned forward and planted a kiss on Brandon’s lips. Surprised at first, Brandon relaxed into the kiss. Leaning into it and making out with Ryan. Brandon couldn’t believe it, after all this time, his gym crush kissed him! It was incredible. The way his beard scratched against him was intoxicating. He could kiss him for eternity if he let him. But something seemed off. As the two made out, Brandon felt that same bubbly feeling in his stomach getting stronger. But he could feel Ryan’s strong hand still rubbing little circles on his belly. But something was definitely wrong when Brandon was feeling a tightening of his pants. He felt his gym shorts starting to dig into his sides as they continued to kiss. “Mmm Ryan, it’s not that I don’t love this, because I do, but I think I’m having a bad reaction to that shake,” said Brandon in between their kisses. “You’re fine, big guy. Just give into the kiss. I see how you stare at me all day when we’re at the gym together. You want this. And I want you. You’re gonna be the best balloon.” Brandon arched his eyebrow at that last word, but obeyed Ryan and kept kissing him despite his weird feeling. But Brandon was right to feel different. Ryan’s hands were exploring the man and feeling his handiwork. In just the few minutes they had been making out, Ryan had been blowing Brandon up like a balloon. Ryan reached down and rubbed Brandon’s belly. Brandon was a stocky guy before they started making out, but now his belly was getting rounder as it filled with air. Brandon’s oversized gym shirt made it look like he had stuffed a basketball inside that was quickly turning into a beachball. Ryan would press his hand into it and feel how tight and firm his gut was now as opposed to the pudge earlier. The moment Brandon knew something was really off was when he felt himself pushing into Ryan, but it was just his belly. His chest wasn’t up against him or anything, just his belly was pushing into Ryan on the bench. “Ryan, I think we need to stop. Something is definitely wrong.” Brandon pushed himself off of Ryan and was able to get a look at himself for the first time since they started kissing. He looked down in shock seeing his ball gut. Round and tight. “What the hell!?!” Brandon quickly got up from the bench and felt weird standing with his new body weight distribution. And he felt a new sensation upon standing up. His junk was pushing aggressively against his shorts. He looked down to see what had happened, but couldn’t see under his big belly. “Hey hey hey big guy, don't worry about it. Everything is alright. You look great,” said Ryan as he stood up holding Brandon’s hand. “What do you mean everything’s alright? I look overdue with twins!” Brandon waddled his way over to the mirror in the locker room and took a look at himself. He was stunned at what he saw. He wasn’t far off from the twins comment. He looked like he had stuffed a big beach ball in his shirt and started blowing it up. But that wasn’t the only thing that grew. His bulge in his shorts was looking obscure. The outline of his cock and balls could clearly be seen. “What did you do to me?” asked Brandon looking back at Ryan. “I just wanted to blow you up big guy. Get you huge,” said Ryan as he walked over to Brandon’s side and began rubbing his belly. “You look fantastic Brandon.” “Fantastic? I’m a blimp. You’ve been blowing me up!” said Brandon with some anger in his voice. “Yes I did, but don’t you love it?” Ryan got behind Brandon and started kissing his neck as he spoke. His big hands never leaving the ball belly. “You were the perfect guy for this. Your belly was meant to be grown like this. And you were meant to become my own personal balloon boy,” said Ryan as he moved his mouth up Brandon’s neck and closer to his lips. “Don’t lie to yourself, just give in. You’ll enjoy it.” Brandon looked at himself in the mirror and couldn’t help getting hard over Ryan’s words and the worship he was giving his belly. “Take me,” said Brandon as he turned his head to the side and met Ryan’s lips. Ryan smiled as he resumed kissing Brandon and steadily blowing air into him. The two shared a passionate kiss as Brandon’s gut began to grow again. Now that Ryan had nothing to hide, he decided to blow that belly up big. Ryan watched in the mirror as the belly grew and grew. Soon, Brandon’s oversized workout shirt couldn’t cover it. You could see Brandon’s treasure trail poking out as the belly grew further. Ryan tried his best to continue rubbing Brandon’s belly, but it was becoming difficult as his arms could reach less and less of it. Brandon’s giant yoga ball gut just kept growing until it touched the mirror in front of it. Ryan also came to the realization that more of Brandon’s body was beginning to round out. His chest now had joined his massive belly and became a part of the ball. Ryan could also feel Brandon’s back begin to push against him. Ryan even saw Brandon’s limbs beginning to sink into the orb. Brandon was becoming more and more ball-like by the second. The two were brought out of their trance when they heard a loud snap from Brandon’s shorts. Brandon let out a sigh of relief as his shorts had lost their battle to his expanding form. Only his jock stayed in place covering his massive bait and tackle. As the piece of fabric fell off, it had been holding back much of Brandon’s expansion towards his legs and without it, his legs were swallowed by the surmounting amount of air. The sudden change in his legs got Brandon off balance and he fell forward onto his big belly. Breaking their kiss, Ryan looked forward and saw the full extent of his inflation. Brandon was now stuck on his big belly. Unable to get back to his feet. Ryan could only smile and play with his hard cock. Ryan walked around Brandon admiring his size. Grabbing onto Brandon’s belly and rolling him up so that at least he was sitting up. “Wow Brandon, I’ve gotten you pretty big.” Ryan patted Brandon’s big gut and it was tight as a drum. Spinning Brandon so that he was no longer facing the mirror, Ryan stood back and got a better look at how big he’d inflated the balloon. Brandon was still shorter than him, but he was permanently perched on his big balloon body. His orb self had almost swallowed all of his limbs and he was incapable of movement. The only thing that didn’t get swallowed by his inflating body was his cock and balls, still covered up somehow by his jock. But it will not last long if Ryan starts blowing him up again. “Damn, I did a good job blowing you up piggy,” said Ryan as he circled the orb. “Ryan, I gotta ask, how is this even possible? How have I not exploded?” asked Brandon as he flailed his arms to keep eye contact with Ryan as he circled him. “That shake I gave you, the gas you were feeling after you drank it when we were lifting, that was your belly preparing to start inflating. And it also made your skin super stretchy. Here, watch.” Ryan grabbed the orb and spun him around so that they were face to face. He pulled off what little remained of Brandon’s shirt and grabbed his face. “Here, we’ll give piggy a pig nose.” Ryan reached for Brandon’s nose and started pulling on it. It started to extend outwards and when Ryan let go, it snapped back looking like a snout. “And some pig ears.” Ryan repeated the process this time grabbing Brandon’s ears and stretching them out and snapping them back into a position that made them pig-like. “There you go. My big piggy now looks the part.” “Oink oink,” said Brandon as he flared his nostrils. Ryan’s attention then shifted down towards Brandon’s big bulge. Ryan grabbed Brandon and rolled him backwards so that now his bulge was next to Ryan’s face. Ryan’s eyes got wide as he put one hand on it. At the slightest touch, Brandon started moaning below him. Ryan kept touching the massive cock, his fingers could barely close all the way around the shaft. “This however, was an unforeseen side effect.” Ryan grabbed the tight jock and pulled it off of Brandon. Allowing the cock to unfurl to its huge size. Ryan looked in awe at the massive size. Probably two feet long and as thick as a 2 liter bottle of soda with balls underneath it the size of cantaloupes. Ryan touched the exposed cock and it sent shivers across Brandon’s blimp form. “Hmm, I think piggy needs a blow job.” Ryan grabbed Brandon’s cock and started sucking it. Brandon moaned out as his lover’s lips danced on his cock head. Ryan grinned as he could see Brandon’s arms and legs flailing in pleasure. At that moment, an idea popped into Ryan’s head. He smirked and continued his blow job. Brandon was in heaven. His biggest gym crush was sucking his massive cock. He could feel Ryan’s beard grazing his fat balls. He was so close to cumming, he couldn’t even think straight. But Brandon noticed something odd happening around him. In his position, his arms and head were facing towards the lockers and for some reason they were getting closer to him. “What the hell?” Brandon looked up and saw his belly was getting even bigger. “Ryan! What’s happening?” “I’m just giving you a blow job.” Ryan laughed as he continued to blow air into Brandon’s cock. At this point, Ryan had his own cock in his hand and was jerking it off to the blimp he was blowing up. Looking at the growing orb, Ryan could no longer see Brandon’s head from his position. His belly was rivaling Ryan’s height, but Ryan kept blowing. He reached out and rubbed the massive belly in front of him. Feeling how tight it was. Then playing with Brandon’s balls that had grown to the size of basketballs. His dick had also slowly grown in his mouth going from 2 feet to 3. “Ryan, I don’t know if I can last much longer. I feel so tight. Getting so big!” Brandon’s moans filled the entire room. His body shuddered as Ryan’s mouth expertly pleased him. The ceiling of the locker room was only 8 feet tall and Brandon’s orb body was beginning to get dangerously close to it. His limbs had all but disappeared into his body. Only the hands and feet could be seen occasionally writhing in pleasure. Ryan broke his lips off of the big man’s cock and swiveled him around so that he could see his head. “You like being this big piggy?” Ryan’s cock was shooting pre onto Brandon’s belly as he spoke to him. “Yes Ryan! I love it! I just want to be your big blimp boy!” Brandon’s words were making Ryan go crazy. “YES! That is what you are! My big blimp piggy! Only here to blow up huge into my own personal balloon!” Ryan was moaning as he jerked his cock off. “Piggy I’m close!” “Me too. My cock feels like it’s about to explode!” Brandon’s entire form shuddered as his cock bucked. His balls ready to blow. “You’re mine!” shouted Ryan and started cumming all over Brandon. Coating the big blimp’s belly in cum. As Ryan’s orgasm started, Brandon started shooting cum against the lockers. Painting the entire wall with his jizz. Brandon shot and shot and shot. His big balls felt like they’d never empty. After what felt like an eternity, the shots got weaker and further between and the two were left in the after glow of their sex. “Fuck piggy. You got me good,” said Ryan as he leaned forward and kissed the blimp’s snout. “Anything for you big guy,” replied Brandon. His big belly heaved up and down as he panted from exhaustion. Ryan leaned against the ball of a man and marveled at its size. Brandon wasn’t hitting the ceiling yet, but had Ryan kept going, He would’ve busted out of the locker room. Feeling how taut the skin was on him. But still had some give to it if Ryan ever wanted to blow him up more. “So now what? When do I deflate?” asked Brandon. “Deflate? You won’t be deflating anytime soon. We’re just getting started, big guy.” Ryan grinned as he rubbed Brandon’s belly. “But how will I even get out of here? Can I even fit through that door?” “Hmm, let’s find out.” Ryan started to roll Brandon towards the door. Brandon’s balloon body being very light and easy to move. Brandon’s spherical form hit the sides of the door, but wouldn’t budge. Even the top of the orbs was too tall to squeeze through the door. “What am I gonna do? I can’t even fit through a door anymore,” groaned Brandon as Ryan continued to try to push him through. “Don’t worry big guy. If this door won’t fit, maybe we make our own door.” “What do you mean by that?” asked Brandon as Ryan swiveled him back to facing him. “Pucker up cutie. Because the only way you’re getting out of here is if you grow out of it.”
  8. Incubus

    The Incubus

    The Incubus only appears when he is needed, or when he's surrounded by creatures overcome with lust. It's when I can feel my grip on his being, his power, his essence, flowing through my body, like vomit coming up my throat that I can't hold back, he pushes my thoughts to the side and comes to the forefront. But when he does, I can't help but enjoy the sequence. It starts with my chest, a burning hot sensation that consumes my lungs like it's hard to breathe. The demon fills my chest with a burning brimstone as my bone structure starts to change, each tendon and sinew stretching as my bones thicken to becoming nearly impossible to break. My six foot four body grows larger, wider, bigger. I usually top out at nine feet, but some sluts truly require a giant so I've grown larger. Any wounds heal up, my skin clears, my hair grows dark and red. My eyes take on an inhuman purple, but anyone who gazes in my eyes even before my transformation will see a burning glow in them. My horns grow from my head, one and a half turns round for a demon of my age. Slowly my eyes gaze down as I grow taller, and then I begin packing on muscle. My pectorals start to fill out, thick striations visible as inches and pounds make my pecs into a shelf. My traps start eating up my neck as it thickens to a barrel shape and width, my shoulders broader and capped with writhing cannon ball delts. As my chest juts out, I can feel my back forming in, giving my torso some monstrous hunchback appearance, my lats stretching out wide, tapering to my thin midriff. My favourite part is watching as my cum gutters form, deeper and deeper valleys forming between at first my four pack then increasing to eight til finally an inhumanly symmetrical eight pack, flanked with feathered obliques, veins leading down to my sexily delineated Adonis belt. Then my limbs get in on the action. I was fit before, but the Incubus wants someone who can subjugate a slut just with one hand alone, so my hands crack and grow longer, thicker, my fingers thick and callused, black talons form where my nails once were, my veins forming a map as they lead to my ham hock sized forearm, densely striated to make any fucktoy bend at the knee just at the sight of them, and up and up my biceps and triceps steal most of the show, gargantuan triple headed monsters, peaks so thick I can feel the head of them when I flex them! My behemoth horseshoe triceps even bigger, feathered and striated so deeply making my arms look like mountains. My legs, my pillars which I stand on explode with mass, freaky shredded calves, diamond shaped and jagged like boulders, up further the redwood thick quads make my body look proportionate, each muscle clearly defined on my inhumanly built body, and all of it designed to support the tools of my trade: Depending on the slut, it's one but sometimes two thick, pulsing, throbbing, monoliths of demonic battering rams, no thinner than thirteen inches around, no shorter than twenty one inches in length, my cocks are so lined with veins, puffed up to the size of a finger, so lined with these and other barbs and ridges that it looks practically jagged in appearance. The cut look of my cocks instills fear in those who get the pleasure to look at it, and the finger length piss slit on the fist sized head gushes dark purple pre-cum, a demonic hallmark, that serves as both potent aphrodisiac and super efficient lubricant to those tight little fucksleeves. Beneath my cum cannons are the tanks that support the arsenal. Two distended and bloated seed makers, the size of melons that almost audibly churn as they produce more and more of my hyper potent seed. I can cum pints, often gallons of thick hot sticky baby batter over my subjects, bulging out their bodies with my demonic wrigglers. These organs fight for space between my muscular thighs and my cock. As if my cocks weren't enough, my tail, thicker at the base, but still the width of my thumb at the tip grows from the base of my back, a long appendage, it can wrap around things, grip things with unholy strength, and the tip can invert, to suck on nipples, necks and all sorts of things. As an Incubus, my powers vary depending on how many whores I've feasted upon, but also cause physical changes to my unholy body. First, as I described before, multiple cocks that become longer and thicker. You may believe that you can't take these breeding rods in your body, but our sordid magic means you can take them all, balls deep, with no permanent harm to your organs. Your body will sense each inch of demon dick distending your body, as though it were actually there, but our cocks can fit to a hellish degree inside your body, fitting inside a secret dimension. The second are tendrils that form from the muscles on my back. Wispy and almost ethereal they can lift and carry creatures, spread them wide, tease them like a tongue or a finger or a cock, and even insert themselves in smaller orifices. One trick, is to fuck the brain of unlucky sluts, forcing them to orgasm on command, handsfree. I love seeing their body betray them, their limbs spasming as they feel orgasm after orgasm, unable to stop the pleasure. The third is our unholy aura. Even when untransformed, any mortal will start feeling hornier as we pass them. When a group of Incubi congregate, it's been known that unexplained orgies have broken out, but when I transform, mortals who even look at me, who can smell me, will feel a wave of arousal hit them. When my powers are focused on a singular creature, I can shape images in their head, capable of making them feel phantom touches, voices, almost as though they were real. Likewise, I can taste their lust from a distance, their forbidden desires and wants and can tailor my fucking of their minds with ease. Lastly, is a mere byproduct of an incubi. Our cum, so fiendish, is a corruptive essence. Once a slut ingests our ball brew, even in our untransformed state, whether orally or elsewhere, it metabolizes into an addiction. Soon they can't get enough, and prolonged exposure can cause madness and eventually with so much corruption, will cause them to become minor hellspawn themselves. Their bodies becoming only living fucktoys for Incubi and Succubi to use for their pleasure. We, however, can only choose once who to pump full of hyperpotent sperm and allow them to foster our hellchild. Some Incubi are permitted more, but for us regular progeny, we are limited in our breeding selection. So where, good mortal, would you like to meet my unholy form? I can promise you, you'll be in good hands.
  9. ChurchOfHarvey


    Luka doesn’t remember much of last night. It’s all a bit of a blur after about five drinks and when his buddy Dylan ditched him for some girl he just met. Some designated driver! From then, he remembers getting progressively more undressed as he flexed for random girls at the bar. Luka was the type of man who stood out in a crowd with his broad shoulders and strong physique. Luckily, he’s a fun drunk. If he was the type of guy who got in fights after a few drinks, someone would more than likely end up in an ambulance. But Luka prefers to just show off his strong muscles and let strangers tell him how big he is. Being admired turns him on. Eventually, he stumbled the five blocks back to his apartment after his DD had abandoned him. The semi-hard cock poking down the leg of his tight khakis forced him to walk with a slight limp. Usually, the walk isn’t too bad, but Luka was drunk and his bladder was full. About halfway home, he had to pull into an alleyway to take a leak. Still visible to the street, he pulled out his slightly hardened dick and pissed on the side of a black-bricked building. His penis is his least impressive muscle, but it does what it needs to. Leaning up against the wall, Luka holds his cock in his hand, mindlessly thumbing the shaft. Strangely, that was the last thing he managed to remember from the previous night. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Luka wakes up in the morning in his bed. Seems he got home just fine. Guess whatever happened the rest of the way home was of no importance. He sits up on his mattress, his thin bed covers slipping down his naked body. He scratches his wide back lazily. Still waking up. His morning wood jumps, pushing up the bed sheet playfully. Half asleep, he scratches his balls too before he winces. The quick sting of pain confuses Luka more than anything. He lifts the sheet to examine his penis. Two scrapes scratch down the length of his shaft. They aren’t too bad, but enough to break the skin. Red marks around the wound make it tender. Luka gently grabs his penis and slowly feels up the marks with his thumb. His dick throbs reflexively, plumping up in his palm. “Huh, that’s weird,” Luka mutters to himself. He shifts his legs over the edge of the mattress and stands to head to the shower. The sheets fall behind Luka, pulling from his naked body as he strides toward the door. His nude build is fully revealed, his bulky chest and thick arms swinging gently. His tight abs are at a near-constant flex. The sheets fall from his legs and reveal his thick ass and impressive thighs. His morning erection rocked with each step, dwarfed by his powerful build. Luka steps out of his room into the common area of his apartment. His bare muscles are exposed without caution as he walks past his roommate Paul who is sitting on the couch with his late afternoon tea. “Well, rise and shine, big guy! Have fun last night?” Paul teases. Luka just lets out a grunt of agreement as he slumps into the bathroom. The whole naked roommate bit was never an issue between the two of them. Paul is a proud, and sometimes forward, gay man. Luka is comfortable in his heterosexuality, even more so in his sculpted body, so he never really saw any issue with their living arrangements. Paul gets a common area with a view, and Luka gets to dress (or lack thereof) comfortably in his own home while getting the occasional ego boost. The only slight issue that has ever come up was the volume of Paul’s night company. But Luka can’t really say much. He’s brought in his fair share of ladies back to the apartment when his roommate was trying to sleep. Both just have to live with the fact that their roommate fucks. After a shower, Luka comes out in a towel. His morning wood is now quelled thanks to the load he just sprayed all over the cold shower tiles. He falls back onto the couch and lets out a deep sigh. “So, did you have any fun while I was out drinking last night?” Luka says, making conversation. “Yeah, I had Riley over last night. Wine and fucking.” Paul turns over towards Luka. “You know, the usual.” “That’s good. I know that kid is packing some serious dick too. Saw it bulging last time he was hanging around the apartment.” “Oh, I know. Young and hung! Those study abroad students get so pent up,” Paul laughs. “So, the bar was fun?” “Yeah, it was! Dylan ended up ditching me for some girl, but it was all fine. Got felt up by some American girls after a couple of drinks. The bar was pretty handsy last night.” Luka smiles at the thought. “Although, I did end up with a scratch on my penis. I don’t remember how I got it. I don’t think any of the girls touched my dick. They all seemed pretty focused on my gains.” “That is strange. It’s not like a rash or irritation?” “No, it’s an actual scratch,” Luka clarifies. He stands up and puts his hand on his towel, about to pull it off. “Do you want to see it?” Luka asks, realizing he should’ve started with that. “Yeah, let’s see it,” Paul chuckles. Luka drops his towel. His soft penis hangs on top of his heavy balls. All of which still seem small in comparison to his tree trunk thighs. Luka is clean-shaven to make sure his genitalia is well presented. He likes to make the most of what he’s got. Paul leans closer, examining the side of Luka’s penis. He sees the two scratch marks that follow down the length of the shaft. The irritation has gone down since Luka woke up, but it is still slightly red. “May I touch it?” Paul asks. “Yeah, it’s okay.” Paul’s warm hand cups Luka’s dick. Holding the shaft up and to the side to get a better look at the scratches. Luka fights a shiver as Paul’s fingers wrap gently around his penis. “These look like teeth marks. Like if someone didn’t have their jaw open wide enough,” Paul explains. “What? But I didn’t get any head last night. Not that I remember at least. My dick also isn’t even that big! I’m not cracking any jaws with this thing.” Luka swings his hips and makes his penis slap against his thighs a couple of times. “I don’t know what else to say. That’s what it looks like to me. And I’ve seen a few scratched-up penises in my time.” “Huh, strange…” “But I will say,” Paul smiles as he drops Luka’s dick from his palm. “You do have a very handsome cock. Being uncut is a bonus.” “Oh, please. It’s not that impressive,” Luka blushes. “Oh, trust me, aesthetics are impressive! Like Riley for example. That kid has a massive cock! But it’s big and veiny like a sweet potato,” Paul chuckles. “Still love taking it, but it’s not the most handsome penis. Monster cock is an apt descriptor for what he’s packing. But you, you’ve got the looks.” “Well, thank you,” Luka accepts the compliment. “And I guess these scratches aren’t too much to worry about.” “Yeah, I’d say you’ll be fine. Just keep that dick clean. Don’t want an infection or anything.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Later that night, Luka returns from his room dressed in a pair of tight grey briefs, the ones that hug his muscular ass and lift his penis to give some definition to his bulge, as well as a fitted muscle tank that’s stretched out by his full pecs. “So, what are we watching tonight, big guy?” Luka says with a smile before flopping on the couch. Paul steps out of the kitchen with two glasses of scotch. He’s dressed in a black silk robe, opened to reveal his smooth chest and the pair of bright pink briefs he wears under his robe. He is a skinny guy with a runner’s build, so his above-average dick fits awkwardly on his waist. All 8 inches looking oversized in his tight briefs. Despite his impressive penis, he was a strict bottom, always looking for a bigger cock to put him in his place. “I was thinking about Suspiria. Get in the spirit of the season,” Paul suggested as he handed a glass over to Luka. “Sounds good, P,” Luka says, bringing the glass to his lips. “Why don’t you pull it up while I work on this drink.” Paul starts up the movie while Luka takes a big swig of scotch. They both lounged on the sofa, enjoying the movie and finishing their drinks. About 15 minutes into the movie, Luka stands and grabs the bottle from the kitchen. A couple of glasses in, Luka lazes into the corner of the sofa, nursing his third drink. At this point, he’s a little too drunk to understand the movie, but he enjoys spending time with his roommate. Luka shuts his eyes with his hand lazily slumped over his bulge. Then, out of nowhere, he feels his chest start to itch. The same way it does after he shaves. Luka slips his hand under his tank and lifts it to scratch at his chest. His body hair slips between his fingers. And then his stomach turns. His muscles suddenly start to ache. Luka sits up and lets out a groan. His biceps cramp and flex. “You all right, man?” Paul sits up as well. Still only on his second drink. “Yeah, I think so.” Another cramp makes Luka’s pecs flex against his tank top. And the itching moves down to his crotch. He moves his hand down and slips his fingers beneath the waistband of his briefs. Scratching the base of his flaccid cock roughly. “Ah, fuck!” And then Luka starts to get hard as he scratches. Against his will, his dick starts to swell up. Getting fatter. Pushing out against the tight fabric of his underwear. Throbbing, getting bigger with each flex, stretching out the pouch until the sides of his hardening shaft peeked out. “Holy shit! I didn’t know you got that big when you were hard,” Paul said slack-jawed. “It… doesn’t… oh, shit…” Luka groaned. The moon shines through the balcony window, casting its gossamer glow on the floor of the apartment. Luka stops scratching and stares as his penis grows erect and then continues to grow. His grey briefs stretch out past his usual 6 inches. Luka’s dick repeatedly flexes, pushing up and out and out. Bigger and bigger, and all he can do was watch. Must be at least 9 inches now. His cock tugs on his briefs, stretching them further out until they hear some of the stitches start to pop. Still no sign of slowing down. Luka’s balls start to swell up too. Precum stains the fabric as Luka’s dick continues to grow. So big now that his briefs hardly cover his cock. In an effort to save his underwear, Luka pulls his waistband down and strains the stitching to pull it over his growing cock. A couple more stitches pop, but he manages to unleash his penis. It stands upright from Luka’s waist. Thick veins pumping along the side of his meaty shaft. His cock starts to turn red as it swells up. Foreskin pulled back so tight that he almost looks circumcised. Luka struggles but sits upright. His cock doesn’t stop and throbs up to his chest. Must be over a foot long now. Standing tall and rigid from his waist. Slowly, he reaches toward his beastly endowment and wraps his palm as best he can around the swelling girth. With just a touch, his dick twitches and flexes until a glob of precum squirts out, dripping down his overheating cock. “Ah… oh… fuuck…” Luka whines like a dog. And then his cock throbs again. Only this time, it doesn’t just grow larger. Luka’s cock head swells and morphs. It stretches out into a point giving it an additional inch. More precum leaks down the new head of his cock, slicking up his transforming penis. Luka lets out a strained whine as his dick continues to morph. The pain is immeasurable but euphoric. It feels like the best erection no man has ever felt. His dick gets so hot, physically hot, that the precum dripping down his cock begins to steam. His dick just continues to get bigger and harder, ignoring all human limitations. He was more than a man now. The base of his dick pulses, throbbing with more girth. Getting thicker and thicker. And then, suddenly, his penis erupts from his waist. A thick, veiny knot forces its way out from his body, pushing his cock out another four inches. Luka can’t hold back his howl as his new cock grows to its full potential. “Ahh… Ahh, fffuck… Oh, fuck yeah!” Luka just falls back on the sofa, huffing and fighting to catch his breath as the pain subsides partially. “What the fuck… Luka? Are you a fucking werewolf?” Paul just stares in astonishment. Admiring the entire process of Luka’s cock’s transformation. “I… I don’t… know…” Luka huffs. “But it feels fucking great!” Paul looks over the beastly dick sticking up off of Luka. Massive and swollen red. It stands like a living pillar, throbbing idly. Paul lifts his forearm next to the true monster cock in front of him to compare its size. With his elbow on Luka’s thigh, his fist does not even reach the head. Just over 16 inches of wolf dick, even thicker than his arm. “Can I touch it?” Paul asks cautiously. Luka gives a slight nod, “Please…” He rests his head back on the sofa. Paul places his hand on Luka’s new cock, wrapping his palm around the shaft just below the head. His fingers stretch to try pathetically to wrap around its girth and don’t even come close. Paul then slowly begins to stroke, rubbing his hand up and pressing into the ridge of Luka’s cock head. It is so hard that it barely moves against Paul’s touch, but with each stroke, it throbbed and milked out another pulse of precum. Luka squirms as Paul lightly strokes his now huge and very sensitive penis. Huffing and whining under his touch. “Oh yeah… that’s fucking gooood…” Paul likes the way he moans, so he takes his other hand and places it around the base of his shaft. He begins to stroke just a little faster. One hand massaging up and under the ridge of the cock head, the other pushing down and putting pressure on Luka’s thick knot. Luka whines louder as Paul milks his giant cock. Precum now constantly streamed out from the tip of his red rocket, pulsing with each stroke. His cock glistens as precum coats his shaft. His massive balls hang over the edge of the sofa and shift from Paul’s touch. Precum pours out from Luka’s dick like a hose. A pool of it building up around his balls and on the floor. Luka suddenly sits up and leans forward. His dick reaches up to his chin without even trying. He comes face to face with his wolf-like endowment. “Don’t stop…” Luka orders with a growl. Paul doesn’t even slow his rhythm. Stroking and milking more precum out from Luka’s cock. Luka then leans closer and runs his tongue up the pointed head of his cock, licking up and drinking his own precum. He uses his tongue like a dog, tasting himself. His new self. It tastes so good. Luka wraps his lips around the tip and attempts to take the entire head in his mouth. The sensation of his tongue on himself makes him throb in his own mouth. Drinking up his precum as it continues to squirt out from his cock. He never knew he wanted to suck his own dick, but seeing this monster cock in front of him, he can’t help but taste himself. His milky precum overflows in his mouth and spills off his lips and down his cock. He just can’t believe this is really his cock. It’s fucking massive and it feels so fucking good. Luka never really thought size mattered. He was happy with his just above-average-sized penis. But feeling how it is to have a fucking ginormous cock makes him so horny, he can hardly take it. Paul, while still stroking, gets down to the floor on his knees. He continues stroking the beast in front of him. It almost completely obscures Luka from this perspective. Paul is rock-hard himself. He’s a size queen, but he never thought he’d get to live out a fantasy like this. His cock reaches out from the waistband of his underwear as it throbs happily. Paul gets closer, using his forearms now to stroke Luka’s lycanthropic endowment. His arms put pressure on the sensitive beast in front of him. He moves forward and presses his hard cock against Luka’s massive testicles. His bulge fits so nicely between those giant balls. Rubbing up and dry fucking them like a pair of pecs. “Ugh… AH… ahh… fuuckkk,” Luka growls. He pulls off of his dick, precum coating his chin. He feels itchy again. All up his chest and arms. Paul lets go of Luka’s cock, letting it slump forward slightly under its own weight. And then he grabs one of Luka’s fat nuts in each hand. Weighing them in his palms like big coconuts. He can almost hear them sloshing with an awful amount of cum. Then he presses them together on either side of his dick. So big and heavy as they squish his shaft. Then he starts fucking them, sliding his 8-inch cock between them. Slowly at first, but it’s not long until Paul starts vigorously fucking the tight space between Luka’s balls. It’s such a perfect sensation, using these werewolf nuts like a fleshlight. Luka moans in response. His giant cock spurts out even more precum that now drips onto Paul’s face below it. “Oh, fuck, that’s hot… Keep playing with my huge balls… Fuck, that feels good!” Paul licks the dripping precum off of his face, so lost in the fantasy. His cock is stimulated by Luka’s massive, hairy balls as he slips it up and down his scrotum. His own precum starts to mix with Luka’s. Luka scratches at his chest as the itching gets worse. He feels his tank top getting tighter against his torso as well. He looks down, finally pulling his attention away from his attention-stealing cock, and stares at his pecs. They stretch out his shirt even more so now, swelling up with more mass and thick hair sprouting all over them. As his pecs widen, his shirt stretches down tightly, and his nipples are revealed. They are big and sensitive, islands of pink in a sea of dark brown hair. Luka grabs his shirt and tries to pull it up and over his chest, but tears it off in the process. Now bare, his chest flexes and swells into two giant slabs of meat. His pecs hanging over his now thick abs. He raises his arms and flexes both his biceps beside his head, now also covered in thick hair. Luka already looked like a gym rat, usually one of the biggest guys on the gym floor, but now he was a muscle beast. His body still looked human, just bigger. Only his cock had transformed into something truly beastly. Still flexing, Luka leans down and huffs his overgrown pit. The scent of man and beast musk overwhelms his nose. But it makes his cock jump. He takes a bigger whiff, this time picking up the scent of something else. Perhaps someone else. “Hooo, fuuuuck…” Luka huffs. “Damn, I smell fucking good.” Paul slows down from fucking Luka’s balls and leans toward the giant cock in front of him. He presses his face against the shaft, his skin sticking to the coat of precum pouring down the length of Luka’s cock. He gets a good whiff of Luka’s musk. “You’re telling me, big guy,” Paul moans. He stands up, hands sliding up Luka’s dick as he rises. Even with him standing and Luka sitting on the sofa, the cock between them reaches up to Paul’s chest. He wraps his arms around it and presses his inferior man-penis against the beast-cock’s shaft. He uses his hand to massage the pointed tip of Luka’s dick. Squeezing more and more precum out as his thumb edges the urethra. “Fuuck…” Luka growls. “I need to cum so bad. My cock is so big and hard, I can’t take it. I need a hole. I need a hole so fucking bad.” Before Paul can respond, Luka stands up from his seat, now standing slightly higher than usual above his roommate. His cock flumped forward against Paul’s chest. If he wasn’t so turned on right now, Paul, like any rational person, would probably be terrified. But feeling this giant werewolf cock slumped against him brought him to the edge. “On your knees now, pup,” Luka commands. Paul grabs the tip pathetically in his hand, massaging the sensitive underside of the ridge. Petting it like it alone was a wild beast. A spurt of precum shoots out onto his face. He licks it off his lip slowly. “I thought you would never ask,” Paul moans. “Stop talking,” Luka barks sternly. He grabs Paul, moving him easily with his new werewolf strength, and positions him bent over on the sofa. Paul’s knees spread out, his arms steadying him on the back cushion. His silk robe drapes lightly over his round ass that’s arched back for Luka. He knows this position well and his dick still throbs in anticipation. Luka lifts Paul’s robe to reveal his beautiful ass. Pink briefs cling tight to his butt, getting swallowed between his thick cheeks. Luka bends down, getting his face close. With one hand, he tears the briefs effortlessly from his body. Paul’s ass jiggles and spreads as he arches further back in response. Paul’s hairless hole is so perfect, Luka grabs his hips and pulls his face between his cheeks. Sloppily licking and tasting his hole. His tongue pushes past the threshold and into Paul which makes him moan. Luka makes out with his hole, using his tongue to push open and loosen Paul’s ass. “Oh, fuuck… I didn’t know you ate ass like that,” Paul whines as his ass is devoured. Luka gets lost in his meal, feeling Paul’s prostate against his tongue. Loosening up his ass as much as he can. He leans back, admiring the pink, spit-coated hole in front of him. His cock is going to tear that shit open. He sits up on his knees, lifting his heavy cock from the ground. Using both hands, Luka positions his dick against Paul’s begging hole. “Oh, doggy style? Really?” Paul jokes. “Shut it.” He starts slow. He gently pushes the pointed tip of his cock into Paul’s ass. It stretches open and accepts the head first. Precum already starts to flood his hole. Luka moans as Paul’s tight hole wraps tight around his cock. He needs more. Slowly pushing another inch in. Then a couple more. He stretches Paul’s ass open even wider, making room for his excess of dick. Paul whines as his ass is forced open. No signs of slowing. Just more and more dick pushing into him. He can feel the tip pressing into his stomach, making his skinny stomach bulge up towards his chest. His hole squelches as Luka’s flood of precum pushes out from his ass. Finally, he feels the thick knot press against his cheeks, preventing Luka’s cock from going any deeper. But Luka is not done yet. Luka grabs Paul’s waist and starts to thrust. Slowly at first. Long, steady strokes push his dick into Paul’s chest. The tight, warm sensation makes his dick flex inside of him. “Oh fuuck… Such a good hole,” Luka moans, lost in a sexual trance. He starts to thrust faster. Pushing deep rhythmic strokes into Paul. His cock throbs and swells. More precum oozes out from between his cock and Paul’s hole. Luka could feel his cock starting to grow again. It flexes as if begging to release its load. He pushes faster and deeper. His knot pushes up against Paul’s ass, slapping his meaty girth against his hole, and then it finally forces its way in. Paul’s hole is forced open, stretching wide until he can almost feel it tear as it takes the fat knot of Luka’s magnificent cock. “Oh, shiiiit!” Paul cries out. Luka’s werewolf dick locks itself balls deep into Paul. Throbbing and pulsing as it dumps its load into him. It flexes as it shoots cumshot after cumshot against the walls of his stomach. Its balls flex and lift themselves, rubbing themselves against Paul’s legs like an affectionate pet. They bounce happily as wave after wave of cum is emptied. Luka loses count of how many shots he pumps out, but his orgasm continues for nearly a minute. Eventually, he starts to catch his breath. His knot is still squeezed tight by Paul’s hole. He huffs, slowly trying to catch his breath. He sits up to readjust his position, but then he feels his cock twitch again. He can feel the cum pouring through his shaft. More of his hot load ready to bust. He whines, leaning forward onto Paul’s back as his dick pulses again as he shoots another wave of shots against his will. Hot, steamy cum spills out from Paul’s ass and drips down Luka’s giant balls. “Whew… fuuck! God damn, I needed that. Thanks for letting me use your ass, P,” Luka huffs. “Didn’t know your ass felt that good.” His knot is still lodged in Paul’s tight hole. “Fuck yeah…” Paul struggles. “So… please tell me this is gonna be… a monthly thing…” “I hope so, pup…”
  10. Part 1 – Physical Checkup Within vibrant city Silvercrest resided Alex, a 21-year-old first-year law student who hailed from a privileged background. However, he was determined to carve his own path and chase his aspirations with unwavering dedication. Despite his affluent upbringing, he valued the pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery, recognizing that true success comes from personal growth and achievement. Balancing his academic pursuits with a lively social life, Alex found solace in the company of his close-knit group of friends. Whether they engaged in heated debates or had exciting adventures, they forged a bond that transcended the shallow traps of societal expectations. Before his college days, Alex was a standout athlete in high school, particularly excelling in track and field. His lithe figure and athletic prowess made him an object of admiration, drawing the attention of many admirers. Yet, he prioritized his ambitions over fleeting romantic encounters, believing that love would find its way when the time was right. In addition, he was a superhero buff, although he didn’t look like one. One quiet afternoon, Alex went to the campus medical clinic for a routine check-up. Being a member of the university athletics team, he understood how important it is to maintain good physical condition and health. However, he considered it partly a waste of time, when at the same time he could use his time more effectively to study or relaxing by reading his favorite superhero comics. When Alex entered the doctor's office, he exuded confidence and athletic grace. His blond hair was meticulously swept back, revealing the well-defined features of his face. His blue eyes caught attention and reflect a sense of determination. Alex's fair complexion was flawless and radiant. His jawline was chiseled, accentuating the masculinity of his jaw. His athletic physique, standing at an impressive 6′0″, was evident even beneath his clothes, with pronounced muscle contours indicating his dedication to sports training. Clothed in a casual attire, consisting of a well-fitted shirt and jeans, Alex greeted with the doctor. Alex: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Good morning, Alex. The doctor was a middle-aged man, with a balding head covered in silver-streaked black hair. He wore a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, with lenses that magnified his large, hazel eyes. He was of average build, but carried himself with a confident air. He was wearing a white lab coat over a navy blue dress shirt, with black pants and a pair of polished loafer shoes. Doctor: Please have a seat. What brings you here? Alex: Just here for my regular check-up. Doctor: That's great to hear. We'll start by measuring your height. Alex took off his shoes and stood tall against the height measurement chart on the wall. The doctor carefully placed the measuring tape against the crown of Alex's head, noting down the measurement. Doctor: Your height is 6 feet (183cm). Now, let's move on to your weight. Alex stepped onto the scale, trying to maintain a balanced posture as the doctor adjusted the weights. The scale settled, and the doctor recorded the weight. Doctor: Your weight is 183 pounds (83kg). Now, let's determine your body fat percentage. Alex followed the doctor to the body composition analyzer, where he stood still as the electrodes sent gentle currents through his body. The machine displayed the results, and the doctor took note of the body fat percentage. Doctor: Your body fat percentage is 12%. That's quite impressive, Alex. Now, let's measure a few key body circumferences. The doctor took out a measuring tape and measured the circumferences of the chest, shoulders, neck, biceps, forearms, thighs, calves, and waist. He summarized the following results in the table: · Chest – 36 inches/91cm · Shoulders – 39 inches/99cm · Neck – 14 inches/36cm · Biceps – 13 inches/33cm each · Forearms – 10 inches/25cm each · Thighs – 19 inches/48cm each · Calves – 14 inches/36cm each · Waist – 34 inches/86cm With all the measurements taken and recorded, the doctor smiled and addressed Alex. Doctor: Overall, your physical measurements and body composition are quite impressive, Alex. Your dedication to fitness and athletics is clearly evident. Keep up the good work! Alex nodded, feeling that the doctor's compliments were just polite gestures. In his mind, he had images of the imposing silhouettes of superheroes from his comic books, fueling his desire to push his physical limits even further. However, as his eyes scanned the table behind the doctor, they landed on a jar labeled "Male Growth Fertility Cream," piquing his curiosity. He couldn't help but inquire about it. Alex: Excuse me, Doctor. I couldn't help but notice the jar over there. What's the "Male Growth Fertility Cream" for? The doctor's expression turned slightly surprised, but he maintained a professional demeanor. Doctor: Ah, yes. A pharmaceutical representative left that product here recently. While I appreciate the gesture, I must admit that I don't personally believe in its effectiveness. It's marketed as a plant-based cream that supposedly promotes muscle growth and enhances certain physical attributes, but there is limited scientific evidence to support those claims. Alex's curiosity deepened as he listened to the doctor's response. Alex: So, you're saying it might not actually work? Doctor: That's correct, Alex. While the cream may have some ingredients that are known to have potential effects on muscle growth, the overall efficacy and safety of the product remain uncertain. Alex nodded, secretly hoping that someday there might be magical shortcuts to his desired figure. Doctor: Let's get back to the checkup, do you agree that I should test your testicles? Alex: Of course, no problem, Doc The doctor then reached for the box of disposable gloves, but it was empty. Doctor: Let me leave you for a second, I'll just go get some new disposable gloves and we'll get started right away. As he waited for the doctor, his eyes were glued to the male growth cream. Alex (in his mind): This is my only chance, it's made of natural ingredients, so it shouldn't have any side effects. Without much thought, he took the opportunity to grab a jar of cream and quickly rubs the cream into his penis and puts it back before the doctor arrives. Once the doctor arrived the Alex’s muscles began to grow a little at various places. The doctor suspected this but he rejected the idea in cause of his sight defect. Doctor: Aaah okay, can you take off your briefs? Alex, wanting to take off his briefs, started to get up from the medical couch, but he immediately felt a burning sensation with every move he made and sat down immediately on the couch feeling the sensation in his briefs. Doctor: Are you okay? Alex (whimpering): GRAAAR! Alex groaned and gripped the couches tightly in his hands. Alex (in his mind): Fuck it burns! It hurts all over all! My skin is melting... stretching... fuck! It's hurts... so goooood!! He had experienced never before felt sensations of orgasmic pleasure throughout his body, and it felt as if he was being taken to heights of bliss that he hadn't even been able to imagine before. The doctor was confused as he watched as Alex's genitals began to grow at an alarming rate in his panties, stretching their material to the limit and finally destroying them. Alex (roaring deeply): Yessss!, I'm so fucking horny! Alex was excited as he had never felt anything like it before. He griped the couch harder as his muscles begun to stretch and bulge from his body uncontrollably, His chest grew larger, arms more defined and bigger, and waist smaller as his abs tightened. His legs bulked up and became solid pillars of muscle, capable of incredible feats of athleticism. His penis also seemed to grow as his testicles began to swell and throb, feeling that they had grown to gigantic proportions, almost like basketballs swollen with semen. His entire body has been marked and pierced by veins. His skin had ripped in strategic areas and now reveal impressive abs, pectorals, biceps and triceps. His hips and ass was round and tight. He became a better version of himself, something almost equal to a superhero's vision that he couldn't resist to flexed his newborn heights of muscles because he looked like a fitness model. Doctor: Holy shit! The doctor was amazed as he watched the Alex's transformation, his jaw and eyes were in a silent shock. Alex could barely contain his pleasure as the pain from his muscles growing and splitting subsided into an intense orgasmic feeling of pleasure. As he finished his transformation, he stand up and looked into the mirror, grabbing his meat in hands, which was leaking with precum and realized that he had become an Adonis, a perfect specimen of masculine beauty. He had lighter, thicker hair and his face seemed more chiseled from lower bodyfat. The doctor, seeing the ideal of a man in his eyes, gave in to hidden urges and desires. He began to adore the hunk in front of him, weighing huge balls in his hands. Doctor (grinning): "I was wondering...shall we celebrate this moment?" Alex just nodded, smiling wildly and soon doctor knelt before the handsome devil and began stroking his immense cock with one hand, while with the other hand he massaging and kneading his giant balls. The young man let out a deep moan of pleasure as the doctor skillfully worked his manhood, milking more and more precum from his giant cock. Alex (roaring): Damn, I need a hole now! Alex brutally grabbed the doctor, aggressively ripping off his pants, including his underwear. Without mercy, Alex firmly grasped the doctor's hips and shoved his leaking dick sharply into his tight ass, savoring every sensations. Alex (moaning): Ohhh... so tight! Doctor (gasping): Aaahn!!! Shit!!! The doctor gasped in a mix of surprise and pleasure, their bodies melding together in a symphony of ecstasy. He could feel the blows of that monstrous cock in his stomach, but quickly discomfort turned into pure pleasure. As Alex set a rhythm, the room filled with the sounds of their pleasure, the doctor's moans mingling with Alex's growls of satisfaction. Their movements became more urgent, each thrust sending waves of pleasure coursing through their bodies. Doctor (whimpering): Urgh! Fuuck! Alex (grunting with desire): Do you like the way I widen your ass, Doc? Doctor (gasping): Yes big guy, it’s incredible to be penetrated by real male! Lost in the throes of passion, they explored the depths of their desires, giving in to the raw intensity of their connection. With each thrust, their orgasmic sensations took them to new heights of pleasure. Alex (screaming): Shit! I’m going to explode inside you! Finally, the young man and doctor released his pent- up pleasure in a rapturous scream of ecstasy, as wave upon wave of intense orgasmic pleasure coursed through their bodies and filled Doctor's belly with warm cum and the room with the fragrance of sexual pleasure. However, Alex then realized what he had done to the doctor and that his penis and testicles had shrunk, although they were still bigger than before. Alex: I'm so sorry doctor, I don't know what got into me. The doctor didn’t answer, his legs felt like jelly, he was kneeling on all fours, which worried the boy. Alex: Are you okay? I am very sorry. It's all about this cream. Then, unexpectedly, the doctor seemed to cringe in pain and freeze, accepting it. Doctor (in deep voice like a thunder): Now, it's my turn! Alex knew what’s coming. =============================================================================================================================== If there are mistakes in the text, I apologize and would be grateful if you point them out. English isn't my native language. I hope you liked it and I would love to read your feedback.
  11. czechhunter69

    Chapter 6 - The Hulk Contagion

    I'm sorry for the delay in getting Chapter 6 to you. It's been a difficult time for me lately, with financial struggles and personal stress weighing heavily on my mind. These past few days have been particularly rough financially - so you're welcome to commission your own stories. However, I don't want to make this about money. Without further ado, here is Chapter 6, and I hope that you find it enjoyable and engaging. 5) Escaping 4) Exes Once more 3) Alex Loses Control 2) Alex's First time 1) Tom’s final time Source: WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. The once-bustling highway had been transformed into a battleground, and the two colossal figures were locked in an explosive battle for dominance. Cars were crushed under their massive weight, their metal twisted and mangled beyond recognition. With every exchange of blows, shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking buildings and rattling windows. Alex was a behemoth, towering over the old man with his rippling green-skinned muscles, poised to burst with raw power. His face contorted into a snarl of primal rage, his eyes ablaze with an intense fury that sent shivers down the spine of onlookers. Every movement was explosive, his muscles bulging and straining with exertion, his veins pulsating with every breath. Despite his towering strength, the old man was an imposing opponent, with a massive and heavily muscled body almost equal in strength. Deep wrinkles lined his face, and his eyes burned with fierce determination. His every move was slower than Alex's, but the weight of his immense strength behind every blow he landed was like a sledgehammer. As the two behemoths clashed, their bodies glistened with sweat, their muscles flexing with every movement. The sound of their grunts and growls filled the air, occasionally punctuated by a moan of pleasure. Despite the destruction and chaos around them, their fight was filled with a strange passion and lust. At times, they would pause and grab unsuspecting men as they fled with their families, forcing them to join in their wild and lustful fight. These men were powerless to resist, caught up in the throes of the two behemoths' unbridled passion. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and sex as they continued to thrust and grapple with each other, lost in a world of raw physical pleasure. Alex's primal fury burned bright in his eyes as he fucked the old man with unrelenting determination, causing the older man to wonder why he even bothered with his wife. The sound of their skin slapping together echoed through the air, intermingled with the occasional groan of pleasure as they bordered on ecstasy. As Alex's thrusts grew faster and more frenzied, the metal of the cars under them them began to buckle and deform with the weight of their colossal bodies. They were lost in a world of passion and lust, locked in a size battle that showed no signs of slowing down. Their muscles contacted and rippled with every movement, their bodies straining with the effort of overpowering the other. The raw, primal energy that flowed between them was palpable, as they pushed each other to the limits of pleasure and pain. The unsuspecting men they grabbed from nearby cars were in for a wild ride, forced to join in the two behemoths' lustful fight. They trembled with fear and excitement as they were manhandled by the hulking figures, their bodies completely dominated by their raw power. The men were powerless to resist, caught up in the throes of the two behemoths' unbridled passion. All it took was a single kiss, and they were transformed into worshipful servants, servicing the two titans with their mouths, hands, and bodies. Their moans of pleasure mixed with the grunts and growls of Alex and the old man, creating a symphony of carnal desire. The men were used as pawns, tossed around like ragdolls before being stuff like Twinkies, oozing with cum. The scene was a display of raw power and unbridled passion, with no regard for the destruction they brought trampling down the highway, car after car crushed or thrown. As Alex and the old man continued their epic battle, they failed to notice the transformation taking place around them. The men lay bruised and broken, their bodies twitching and convulsing as they underwent a metamorphosis unlike anything they had ever experienced before. Their muscles began to swell and expand, their skin turning a sickly shade of green. They screamed in agony as their bones shifted and cracked, reshaping themselves into new forms, the only pain they had was healing as they recovered from being ripped open by a massive throbbing cock, too large for a human to just handle. But as the pain subsided, they stood up, their bodies transformed into towering hulks just like Alex and the old man. They were now part of the fight, driven by the same uncontrolled passion and lust that had consumed the two behemoths. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and sex as they joined in, their massive bodies colliding with bone-crushing force. The onlookers were in awe and terror, unsure if they should run for their lives or stay and watch the spectacle unfold. The ground shook beneath their feet as the hulking figures grappled and wrestled, completely lost in their world of primal urges. With every blow they exchanged, shockwaves rippled through the air, shaking buildings and rattling windows. Cars were tossed aside like toys, and the destruction continued to escalate as more and more men joined in the fray. The men screamed in ecstasy as they fought, their bodies slick with sweat, and their muscles bulging with every movement. The scene was a chaotic and erotic display of power and passion, leaving no doubt that nothing else in the world existed except for the two titans and their army of lustful followers. The unstoppable transformation spread relentlessly, leaving a trail of destruction and carnage in its wake. Climax after climax, the victims succumbed to the frenzied fucking, with only a handful surviving the ordeal. Almost 20 hulks now roamed the streets, some consumed by their primal urges, while others revelled in their newfound power. When the police arrived, their attempts to quell the chaos were futile, resulting in most of them being killed. The hulks' thick skin shrugged off bullets like rain, and they destroyed the police cars with ease. The hulks became too powerful and too numerous, smashing everything in their path and sending anyone who could flee for their lives. As the chaos escalated, buildings collapsed and entire city blocks were engulfed in flames. Amid the deafening chaos and the sound of buildings crumbling, Alex's heart raced with excitement as he leaped into the air, his powerful legs propelling him miles away from the epicenter of the destruction. He landed deep in the heart of the woods, his adrenaline still pumping through his veins. As he stood there, basking in the afterglow of the chaos he had unleashed, he watched the sun rise slowly, his naked body shrinking back to its original size. As he transformed back to his human form, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at the destruction he had caused. His mind was still racing with the memories of the frenzied fucking and wild battles he had experienced as a hulk. He felt his dick already growing harder at the thought of the power he had wielded, and the lustful desires that had consumed him.
  12. mmvmgo2011

    Vaccinated - A Continuation

    Hi all. Been offline for WAY too long now. I hopefully have a bit of spare time again, so I’ve revisited some of the characters and continuing Vaccinated. (And, yes, I have other stories on the go - haven't forgotten.) If you haven’t read it, you’ll almost certainly get more out of this one if you read that one first. A refresher might be helpful too, as there will probably be lots of callbacks and interwoven story lines. Obviously heavy spoilers here if you haven’t yet read the first one. Consider this a continuation following on immediately from the events in the first story, before the Epilogue. Events here may or may not progress matters to the same point in that Epilogue - so a sort of alternate history. Hope you enjoy. As before, I only have a vague outline of a story - I’m making the rest of it up as I go along, so fair warning, the story could include almost anything. If you’re easily offended or triggered, then maybe avoid this one. I welcome any feedback and will work in any suggestions you might have as it goes along. Delivery will likely be a fair bit slower than in the past, but I’ll try my best to keep chapters coming in on the regular. ~~ONE~~ Jake’s timing was exquisite; perfection. He could feel the crescendo, the approaching tsunami about to break, and he wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to experience the pleasure his partner’s ejaculation was about to unleash on his dick. Undulating, peristaltic waves of muscular contractions milking his shaft, coaxing the breeding load from deep within his heaving, roiling balls. Jake’s cock fully plugged the tunnel, his cock’s sensitivity heightened by the tight embrace along the entire shaft from tip to pubic bone. He pulled back slowly, deliberately, the head of his massive cock raking against the tunnel’s walls, tweaking the prostate, eliciting a deep, resonant growl in his partner that vibrated throughout his entire body, increasing the sensations and bringing the coming flood to the brink. He stopped as the head reached the opening, enjoying the feeling of the ring of muscle quivering against his fraenulum, his partner’s growl increasing. Jake’s heavy, pendulous balls seethed, ready to unleash their prodigious load. Squatting slightly, he adjusted the angle of his cock so the head would smash his partner’s prostate as he rammed in all fourteen inches down to the pubic bone. The separate muscles of his massive quads stood out in stark relief, vascularity pulsating and engorged, the massive root running along his inner thigh branching out to feed power to every muscle. He flexed his cock, watching, enraptured, as it swelled even bigger, became even harder, the veins flooding it with blood, steeling the shaft and sending bolts of exquisite pleasure spreading throughout his godly body. Jake’s core tightened, the globes of his perfect arse contracting and squeezing as he slammed his cock in as far as it would go, and then further. As he smashed past the prostate, the tsunami was triggered. It was Jake’s turn to groan, as his partner’s orgasm and ejaculation began, massive waves spreading up his shaft, tingling, more bolts of electric pleasure sending him wild. As Jake slammed in as far as it would go, his balls slapped into his partner’s arse, his orgasm contracting and pulsating muscles throughout his pelvic floor. The hole clamped shut around the base of Jake’s shaft, a natural cock ring further swelling and hardening the already diamond-hard cock. As it swelled, his massive cock pushed harder against the walls of the tunnel, increasing the strength of the muscular contractions as it struggled to contain and eject the monster invading its depths. Jake’s eyes rolled back as his partner’s cock pumped out splashes of thick, creamy cum. As the first few arcs of cum splattered against his partner’s pecs and abs, a large glob settling in his thick, dark beard, Jake allowed himself to ejaculate, his own muscular contractions mingling with those of his partner, heightening their ecstasy. Jake’s balls, so eager to unleash their load, rose up, and his cock somehow swelled and hardened even more as his ejaculation began. The pressure exerted along the length of his cock, and especially by the ring of muscles clamped around the base of his shaft made it more difficult for his cum to make it through all fourteen inches, causing high pressure spurting jets of cum to spray deep within, the massive load contained by the swollen head plugging the tunnel. Even as they both continued ejaculating, Jake leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss, the taste of cum on his lips adding to his explosive wave of orgasms. *** “Get out,” Jake said, as he stood up and went to shower. “Fuck, mate,” he breathed heavily, still recovering from the orgasm, “you were mind blowi–” “I said, get out.” He didn’t even turn back. “Can I at least get your number? I don’t even know your name…” He trailed off, distracted by the incredible view of Jake’s naked body walking to the en suite. The X shape, his glorious arse cheeks, sitting atop massive ham-hock hamstrings, the sweep of his quads visible even from behind, his back muscles mounding and rippling as he walked, roadmap veins - everywhere he looked, splendour upon perfection. Jake ignored him. The cumrag, having served his purpose, already forgotten. Despite his swelling dick - how could you not get hard at that view, he thought? - he hurriedly dressed, the cum covering his abs and chest already drying, sticking to his shirt, and left. **** Brad, Amber and HE were sitting in Brad’s living room, regrouping and discussing the recent events and the fallout. “Can you still sense him?” Amber asked. They all knew which 'him' she was referring to. “Yes…” He hesitated, “…he’s having sex.” It was a very odd sensation, having his best friend’s subconscious as a stream in part of his brain. Despite everything, Amber and HE both blushed. Amber, in particular, was still trying to process her feelings about Jake. She could not let go of the fact that they meshed perfectly, their sex on a level she had never, and almost certainly would never, experience again. But, equally, she could not forget his treatment of her. His callous disregard, the violence against her without so much as a second thought. Yes, he was under the effects of the vaccine, but was that merely amplifying an existing tendency? She did not know, and the conflict was gnawing at her. What made it worse, she could never discuss it with him. Jake could not - must not! - ever know or be reminded of his rampage. They all feared if he learned what they did – what he did – that he would try to regain his abilities, and his reign of terror would resume. She nuzzled into Brad’s strong, comforting embrace, his Herculean arm around her. He was no Jake, it was true, but he was kind and loving, the sex was fantastic (though, of course, not the perfection she had with Jake), and his body was phenomenal. And, yet, she still could not shake the thought and feelings - he was no Jake. **** As Jake’s orgasm erupted in a corner of Brad’s brain, his own dick chubbed, and his mind wandered, lustful thoughts – of tits, of arse, of legs for days, of vascularity and muscle – flooded his brain, like cumshots pumping hot man cream, flooding holes. Amber nuzzled into him, the feel of her pert, luscious tits pressing into him causing lustful fire to tingle through him, making a beeline for his cock. He smiled. Not for the first time he silently thanked Jake, his best friend and, in many ways, his saviour. If Jake had not convinced him to break his vow of celibacy, he would not have met Amber. Not since Angelina had he felt such feelings for a woman. Amber would never replace Angelina - nobody ever could - but Amber was a mighty fine substitute.
  13. bbmikenj

    Old Man Power. Finale added 5-13-23

    Fred had never worried much about getting older. Then one day, his daughter posted some pictures on Facebook from the party she had thrown for him on his 75th birthday. He looked stooped over and frail, with a fairly pronounced paunch. When did I turn into a old grandpa, he wondered to himself. He still had a good head of hair, now silvery-white, but the rest of him was sagging. His former 6’4” stature looked like it had lost a good 5 inches. He decided to do something about it. He didn’t want to join a gym looking like did, so he started doing push-ups at home everyday. At first it was a struggle just to get down on the floor then get back up again. But he stuck with it, and within a few weeks, he was doing ten push-ups, a couple of times a day. He liked how it made him feel, so he got an old chin-up bar out of the garage. His sons had used it decades ago when they played football. He attached it to a doorway in the house. At first he had to use a low stool to assist him in getting any pull-ups at all, but after time, he was able to do some on his own. He progressed faster than he thought he would, and soon, he would pump out ten reps every time he walked past the doorway. Then he would hang from the bar, stretching out his vertebrae. It wasn’t long before he noticed changes in his body. Things were tightening up, he could feel it. Even better, he could see it in the mirror. He’d never been a muscle guy but he’d stayed fit by running, but after his divorce years ago, he’d given that up. He used to take daily walks with his dog, but after the dog died, he stopped that too. He’d definitely let himself go. Now he was feeling a fire inside. He went out and bought an exercise bike, and started doing 45 minutes of cardio a day. His paunch shrank. His pant size went from a 38 to 34. While he rode the bike, he watched YouTube videos on fitness, exercises, and supplements. He ordered a set of parallel bars, and started doing bodyweight dips. They made his chest swell out and his nipples jut. He started doing squats every morning. First ten. Then 20. Almost every day, he added ten more, until he was up to 100. He did lunges around the house, and as his legs got stronger, he did them in the yard, which improved his balance and made his ass plump up. The waistband of his 34 pants grew looser, but the backside got tighter. His legs got veiny. And bigger. His forearms were getting veiny and bigger, too, but he wanted more. So he went to a fitness store and bought some grip training equipment. He trained his forearms for half hour a day, and as they grew bigger and veinier, he got into flexing them for twenty minutes after training them, bloating them so full, he could barely move his hands. He started eating spinach, so his forearms would grow like Popeye’s. Spinach salads. Spinach smoothies. Spinach omelets. It sure seemed to work. His forearms grew, but so did his upper arms. And his shoulders. And his back. It motivated him to never skip a day or cut a workout short. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing in the mirror. Muscles. Sinewy muscles. Ropey and hard. His abs were starting to show. One morning, he flexed his arms, and almost jumped back in surprise. He knew what he had. He had Peaks. He had read the name for them online. Biceps peaks. Not huge, not yet anyway, but they were defined, and had a split running across the top, like a mountain ridge. His forearm swell was equally impressive. Gnarly and veiny. Now, even driving his car, his arms felt strong, not frail and shaky like they were before. When he pressed his palms into the steering wheel, his chest puffed out, stretching his shirt tight. He could feel his strength surge. His spine had straightened out, bringing back some of his height. When he walked thru a store, people looked at him differently. He carried himself differently. It fed his desire for more. He ordered an abdominal muscle stimulator, which he didn’t expect to work, but he was wrong. It almost worked too well. Sometimes, when he took it off, his abs would cramp up so hard that he would double over in pain. After some deep breaths, he could stand up and see his abs still twitching. After two weeks of twice a day sessions, he had a six pack without even flexing. He had the taper of a National level gymnast. He checked himself out in the mirror a lot. He liked everything he saw. Except his neck. He wanted it to be thicker and tighter. He bought a neck harness that had a chain attached, and he dug out his sons’ old weight set and used the plates from it to do weighted neck lifts and bridges. Every day. Fuck worrying about overtraining, he figured. At 75, what did he have to lose. His neck responded as fast as his other body parts, and before he knew it, he had the neck and traps of an Olympic wrestler. He bought wide-necked compression tees to show them off better. The tees also highlighted his broad shoulders and extreme taper. His abs showed thru the skin tight fabric. He bought 32” waist jeans, and would go to Home Depot just to see the reaction from contractors and landscapers. He knew his face still showed his age, but that made him enjoy the looks even more. Where was this flush of energy and vitality coming from? He didn’t know, and didn’t care. It felt amazing. His balls must be churning out more test than when he was in his twenties, because he woke up with raging morning wood every day. His body odor was musky and virile. He was horny all the time, and when he jerked off, his ejaculate didn’t just dribble out like before. It shot clear across the room. He felt like he had hit puberty again. His bodyweight had gone from a saggy 155 to a 225lb Adonis retiree. And he was just getting started.
  14. czechhunter69

    Hulk - Tom's final time

    Let me introduce you to Tom from the WB Hunks story "Hulk" that I linked in this post. If the WB Hunk has any issues with this addition, please let me know and I'll take it down immediately. However, if you're interested in Alex’s story or simply buying me a coffee, feel free to message me. *** Edit *** Future Parts: 5) Escaping 4) Exes Once more 3) Alex Loses Control 2) Alex's First time 1) Tom’s final time Source: WB Hunk’s version of Hulk. ------ Tommy was an extraordinary man, one who exuded a unique and magnetic charm. His captivating personality and winning smile made him irresistible to those around him, and he had a talent for making others feel special and desired. When Alex encountered Tommy, he was immediately drawn to the older man, and took a chance on this mysterious figure. Little did he know, this chance encounter would be a turning point in his life, leading him on a journey beyond his wildest imagination. For many years, Tommy had been cautious about passing on his rare and powerful gift. He had seen the destructive potential of the gift firsthand and did not want to risk passing it on to someone who could not handle its immense power. He was determined to find someone who was deserving and worthy of this blessing. He had also learned to control his own desires and resist the urge to transform into the Hulk, a 12-foot tall, green-skinned behemoth with boundless strength. 30 years ago, Tommy was still learning to control himself. In those days, he would give into the Hulk's desires, indulging in raw and passionate sexual encounters with whomever he happened to be with at the time. A farmer, a sheriff, anyone who got a taste for the man he could become. However, he soon learned the dangers of losing control and vowed to never let the Hulk take over again. Despite his vow to never again let the Hulk take control, Tommy was still drawn to the thrill of transformation. The rush of power that came with it was an undeniable adrenaline high, and the sensation of being so incredibly strong was like a drug to him. However, there was more to it than just the thrill of the transformation. Tommy also deeply yearned to feel loved and connected to someone. He wanted to share his experiences and find someone who could understand and accept him, even with all of his strengths and weaknesses. This emotional connection was just as important to him as the physical power that came with the transformation, and it was a powerful motivator for him as he searched for the right person to pass his gift on to, yet again. Alex had no idea what was in store for him as he took that chance on Tommy. Whispers about Tommy's physique were rampant. He was renowned for his impressive size, his rock-hard muscles, and the raw power that radiated from him in the moment. Many were in awe of his impressive physique, and the strength he exuded was something that could not be ignored. Alex, didn’t see it. Tommy's appearance was that of a typical man in his 50s, but with some distinct characteristics. His white hair had started to grow on his ears and nose, and he had a fondness for button-up shirts that he would leave partially unbuttoned, revealing a tuft of white chest hair that had not seen much exposure in recent years. Despite his lack of recent exercise, his chest still displayed a muscular build that spoke to his youthful vitality. He may have appeared as your average 50-something man, but the confident way he carried himself and the twinkle in his eye hinted at the adventurous spirit that lay beneath his exterior. On the other hand, Alex was exactly the type of person that Tommy had been searching for. He was a blue-collar worker, exuding a rugged and no-nonsense demeanor, but possessed an intelligence that shone through in his conversations. He was a young man who was not afraid of putting in the effort to get what he wanted, and his confident and charismatic personality made him the perfect companion for a night of passionate intimacy. Alex's combination of brawn and brains made him the ideal match for Tommy, and the older man was eager to see just how far their connection would take them. "I noticed from your profile that you have a fondness for well-defined muscles," Tommy said as he leisurely massaged his left pec with his right arm, drawing attention to the impressive outline of his bicep, tricep, and shoulders. The fabric of his shirt strained against the contours of his musculature. It wouldn’t be on him long, nor would his bed be too far away. "There's more to it than just his size, big guy,” Alex chuckled, his gaze lingering hungrily on the muscular older man before him. Despite the fact that Tommy was older, Alex couldn't deny the intense attraction he felt towards him. The thought of exploring every inch of Tommy's muscular physique sent shivers down Alex's spine and made his mouth water with desire. He was all too eager to run his hands over Tommy's broad chest and tight abs, feeling the power and strength that radiated from his body. Age was just a number, and for Alex, the lust he felt for Tommy and his already bulging muscles was undeniable. Tommy felt a surge of excitement rising within him as he looked at Alex, who was eagerly admiring him. He knew how horny he was, and how much bigger that made him. He was aware that if he didn't control his emotions, his transformation would occur much sooner than he intended. To prevent this, he took a sip of ice-cold water from dinner, letting some of it trickle down his chin, hoping it would help calm his nerves. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something big was about to happen, and he couldn't wait to see where this encounter with Alex would lead. And with a small act of kindness, Alex made his bold move. He caught the dribble of water with his own napkin before leaning in for a sensual kiss from across the table. It was a moment that would ignite a spark within Alex and drive his passions sky-high. The moment their lips met, Alex was filled with a burning desire to lavish Tommy with affection and devotion. He yearned to explore every inch of the older man's body, relishing in the taste of his mouth and the feel of his muscles beneath his touch. The thought of undressing Tommy and discovering all of his hidden treasures made Alex's passion skyrocket, and he was determined to spend the night worshiping and pleasing him in every way possible. If it weren’t for the saliva, Alex may have been surprised to witness Tom's sudden display of raw strength as he effortlessly sent the table flying across the room before eagerly sweeping Alex off his feet. The table that once separated them was thrown aside with such force that it stuck to the wall on impact. The passionate and intense energy emanating from Tom was palpable, leaving Alex captivated and ready for what was to come next. As the kiss deepened, Tom's mind was consumed by lust and desire. He felt an intense pleasure coursing through his body as he surrendered to the sensations of Alex's lips on his own. It was as if every touch and caress was sending electric shocks through his system, causing his muscles to pulse and swell with newfound strength. As Tom's body began to change, he felt a sense of liberation, as though all of the years of denying his true desires were finally being fulfilled. His biceps bulged and stretched the fabric of his shirt, while his traps rose up. His back thickened, causing his shirt to strain and pull away from his neck, while his pecs swelled and hardened with each passing second. Tom's shirt was struggling to keep up with his expanding muscles, his biceps now ripping through the sleeves as they swelled with power. His back was now thick and wide, causing his shirt to stretch and strain at the seams. His pecs were now so big that they pulled his shirt away from his neck, revealing a deep crevice between them. As Alex continued to make out with Tom, he could feel his own body responding to Tom's growth. The lust within him grew stronger with each passing moment. He could hear the fabric of Tom's clothing stretching and tearing as his muscles continued to grow. The sound was like music to Alex's ears. He wanted nothing more than to see Tom's massive, ripped body bursting out of his clothing. Alex couldn't resist running his hands over Tom's body, feeling the hard muscles beneath the fabric of his clothing. He wanted to rip the shirt off of Tom and see him fully exposed, but he couldn't bring himself to stop kissing him long enough to do so. The desire within him was overwhelming, and Tom could feel himself losing control his skin tinting a sickly green. His shoulder muscles ballooned out, while his veins bulged and pulsed with the exertion of his newfound strength. He wanted to break free from the confines of his clothes and let his body be fully exposed, to feel the cool air on his skin and the rush of power that came with it. Alex watched in awe as Tom's body continued to grow and expand, his clothes straining and tearing at the seams. Tom's eyes locked onto Alex's. Alex's heart raced with excitement as he was pressed up against the wall, his body pinned by Tom's massive frame. Tom's clothes began to fall apart in tattered shreds as his muscles bulged with power and raw masculinity. Tommy's muscles bulged, stretching his shirt to the limit until it finally gave way, tearing off his body. The room was filled with the sounds of ripping fabric as his jeans also gave out, unable to contain the growing mass of his quads and glutes. The transformation wasn't stopping anytime soon, and as his skin turned a deep, vibrant green, Alex could hardly contain his excitement. Tom carried Alex towards the bedroom, the floor creaking beneath his weight. The walls of the hallway crumbled under the sheer force of his bulging muscles as he carried Alex effortlessly in his arms, kissing him passionately all the while. The sound of destruction echoed in the background, yet all Alex could focus on was the feeling of being swept up in the raw power and fiery passion of the man he desired so deeply. Alex struggled to comprehend the rapid transformation taking place in Tom's body. In a matter of moments, the old man had morphed into a towering, 10-foot naked beast with bulging muscles and an aggressive demeanor. Alex couldn't help but notice the lustful glint in Tom's eyes. As Tom's body expanded and grew before Alex's very eyes, his mouth dropped open in amazement. This once frail old man had become a towering behemoth, standing at a whopping 12 feet tall, and as wide as a car. His skin had taken on a vibrant shade of green, and rippling muscles bulged with every movement he made. Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of awe and terror wash over him as the hulking creature roared with pleasure and rage. The sight was both incredible and terrifying at the same time. But even with his immense size and strength, Tom was careful not to hurt his tiny lover. Their passion only intensifying. Suddenly, Tom burst into his bedroom, shielding Alex from the debris with his massive arms, smashing the nightstands in a fit of primal rage. Alex's heart raced as he watched in shock, his body trembling with excitement at the raw power and strength on display. Tom's breathing was labored, his chest heaving with every breath, as he towered over the smaller man. "Mine," Tom growled, his voice deep and guttural. "All mine." Tom couldn't resist the intense pleasure that coursed through his body as Alex continued to worship him. He could feel his beastly instincts taking over, driving him to take what he wanted from the smaller man. Alex gasped in surprise, but his excitement was palpable. Tom's hands roamed over Alex's body, feeling every curve and contour as if it were the first time. A single hand, able to wrap entirely around Alex's chest and crush him in a second. Tom's lips crashed down on Alex's, their tongues battling for dominance as their bodies pressed together. Tom's cock as wide as Alex's wrist, pressed against him, at just over a foot long. With a sudden burst of energy, Tom threw Alex onto the soft sheets. He climbed on top of Alex, trapping him before ripping Alex’s pants off, his massive cock throbbing with excitement already coating Alex in a gloss from pre Alex was all to eager spoon into his mouth. Alex eagerly spread his legs, inviting Tom to take him in any way he desired. Tom's rough fingers trailed down Alex's body, finally coming to rest on his tight entrance. He pushed his rough green finger inside, marveling at how perfectly Alex's body molded to his. As he added a second finger, Alex moaned with pleasure, his body arching off the bed. Tom couldn't take it any longer. He positioned himself at Alex's entrance and pushed inside, groaning as he felt the tight walls of Alex's body envelop him. Alex cried out, overwhelmed by the sensation of being filled so completely. Tom started to thrust, his hips slamming into Alex's with a primal intensity that left them both gasping for air. He went harder, and harder. The bed pounding the wall, denting evening the studs. He couldn't even go in all the way, but just getting his throbbing head was good enough. Tom's orgasm was a force of nature, beyond anything Alex could have anticipated. His own, nothing by comparison. It rocked through Tom's body like a tempest, leaving Alex feeling both overwhelmed and exhilarated by the intensity of it all. As Tom finally reached his peak, Alex's body was overwhelmed with sensation. He could feel Tom's member pulsing inside of him, filling him up with a warmth that spread through his entire body. But as Tom pulled out, Alex was unprepared for what came next. Gushes of viscous goop erupted from Tom's member, covering Alex from head to toe like a volcanic eruption. The thick, slimy substance coated his skin and clung to his hair, dripping down his face and into his open mouth. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and for a moment, he was frozen in shock. But Tom didn't seem to notice. He was too caught up in his own pleasure, moaning and writhing in ecstasy as the last of his release poured out onto Alex's body. Alex could feel the sticky goop sliding down his skin, pooling around him on the ground. But what really caught Alex off guard was the rapid second transformation of Tom. It was so sudden that it left Alex reeling with shock. The rapid shrinking of Tom's muscles was like watching a time-lapse video of a bodybuilder's muscles atrophy in a matter of seconds. Alex could feel the heat radiating off of Tom's body as his skin changed from green to a sickly pale white. The thick, slimy residue of their release still coated both of them, making it hard to tell where one ended and the other began. Tom's body convulsed as the last of the hulk's strength ebbed away, leaving him weak and vulnerable. The once-mighty creature now lay before Alex like a withered old man, his chest heaving with exhaustion. The contrast to his former self was staggering. Alex lay there, completely spent and breathless, his body still quivering with the intensity of his climax. The room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing, the scent of sex and musk permeating the air. Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of fear and ecstasy coursing through his veins as he gazed upon Tom, a real-life Hulk. The goop that spattered the walls and ceiling, now dripping onto his face, was strangely delicious in its own salty way, but he knew he had to get cleaned up before the urge to lick Tom and the entire room clean became too overwhelming. As Alex pulled himself off the sticky bed and tried walking out of the room, he got a sense of just how massive Tom had become. The destroyed door and significant portion of the wall left no doubt. The width of the hallway revealed the brute's sheer size, as wide as Alex was tall. It was a terrifying thought that something so strong could have lived in such a small house to start. In doing so, a pit formed in his stomach, grumbling and churning. He felt sick, but at this point his only goal was to shower and leave before the hulk woke up again for round two. Alex stumbled towards the bathroom, his feet sticking to the floor with each step, and the stench from the room still clinging to his clothes. The entire place was a disaster zone. The walls were dented out and missing chunks of plaster, and the bed had been reduced to nothing more than a pile of twisted metal and a broken frame, nightstand, and ceiling fan sparking above. Alex couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. A real-life Hulk, shriveling down to a frail old man, all in front of his eyes. The thought alone was enough to make his head spin. As he turned on the shower, he let out a deep sigh of relief. The hot water was like a balm on his skin, soothing the aches and pains that had accumulated during the wild ride. He could feel the goo running down his face, salty and sweet, and he couldn't help but lick his lips, savoring the taste. It was disgusting, but there was something about it that he just couldn't resist. His memory playing the transformation over and over. Alex couldn't help it, the way his body had transformed. The memory of it was seared into his mind, every detail etched into his brain like a permanent tattoo. The way his muscles had bulged and rippled beneath his skin, expanding and growing with each passing moment. The way his skin had darkened and thickened. It was an image that would forever haunt Alex's fantasies, driving him wild with desire. As the water cascaded down his body, Alex couldn't help but feel the tingling sensation in his limbs. His hands had become larger than he remembered, his fingers thicker, and as he glanced down, he saw his member was already engorged and pulsating for another round. He was going to have round two, but this time, it was going to be him who dominated. The fantasy of becoming that strong, that powerful, was all that he could think about, driving him on to even greater heights of pleasure as he stroked himself absentmindedly. The sensation was overwhelming, and he couldn't help but stroke himself even harder, his body now incredibly sensitive and responsive to his touch. He tried to calm down, but the thrill of it all only seemed to excite him further. He knew he had to stop. Something had changed. Alex stumbled out of the shower towards the foggy mirror, his newly formed muscles bulging and straining with each step. He footsteps seemed to pound the floor as he felt his feet get longer. His biceps flexed, the veins popping and snaking up his arms as he reached out to wipe away the steam. As he caught a glimpse of his reflection, he couldn't help but let out a deep growl. His pecs were heaving with each breath, the muscles rippling and flexing beneath his light green skin. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but he also couldn't deny the intense pleasure he felt coursing through his body. He laughed, his deep boom voice only added to the pleasure. With each passing second, the transformation continued, and Alex's body was now towering over his former self. His voice had deepened, now emitting low, guttural grunts that seemed to rumble through his entire being. His hair was now thick and dark, covering his chest, arms, and legs in a layer of fur. Alex couldn't help but let out another growl, feeling a primal power coursing through his veins. He knew he should be scared, but he couldn't deny the rush of excitement that came with this newfound strength. As he examined his new form in the mirror, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer size and power of his muscles as he passed 6 and half feet. He flexed his arms, watching in amazement as the bulging biceps rippled with veins, and his hands formed fists that could crush metal. His chest expanded with each deep breath, and he could feel the weight of his pecs pressing down against his skin. The feeling of power and domination consumed him, as if he was born to rule and conquer. Despite the fear that was still present in his mind, Alex couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction and pleasure as he flexed his newly formed muscles. He knew that he was becoming something beyond human, something more primal and powerful. And with each passing moment, he felt more and more in tune with the beast that now resided within him. As the transformation continued, Alex let out a deep roar, feeling his muscles bulge and flex with each movement. He could feel the primal energy coursing through his veins, and he knew that he was no longer just Alex. He was something more, something stronger, and something far more dangerous. The thought of using his newfound strength to dominate and overpower others sent a shiver down his spine, but he couldn't deny the rush of excitement that came with the thought of being unstoppable. He was 7 feet tall now, and growing more by the second. “What the fuck?” he gasped, his eyes locked on his reflection in the mirror. His arms and legs were now thick and powerful, each limb corded with pulsing veins and bulging muscles. His chest was expanding rapidly, his pecs jutting out and filling his shirt until it was stretched taut over his massive chest. His abs were rippling with new muscle, each one popping out in sharp relief as he sucked in deep breaths of air. And through it all, he was becoming angrier and more enraged, his mind consumed by the primal urge to grow stronger and more powerful. Alex couldn't believe his eyes. He was no longer the scrawny, weak man he once was. He was now a towering behemoth of muscle and strength, with bulging veins and rippling sinews. The transformation had made him a hulk, and he loved it. But as he basked in the glory of his new body, the rage took over. He could feel the primal urge to dominate and destroy, to assert his dominance over everything and everyone around him. And as he smashed his way out of the restroom, tearing through the door like it was made of paper, he reveled in the sheer power that coursed through him. His lustful rage knew no bounds, and he was consumed by the need to dominate and destroy. He wanted to enjoy himself, to revel in the joy of his new body, but not with that man. The destruction was a means to an end, a way to let out the pent-up energy that was coursing through his veins. Alex reveled in the destruction he caused, the sound of splintering wood and shattering glass only fueling his desire for more. He uprooted trees from their very roots and threw them like javelins, their trunks snapping with ease. Businesses were reduced to rubble, their signs and windows exploding under the force of his fists. People screamed and fled in terror, their cries of fear and pain only adding to Alex's pleasure. He reveled in the feeling of their fear, the rush of power that surged through him with each passing moment. He laughed maniacally as he destroyed everything in his path, his strength and rage growing with each passing moment. As he stumbled deeper into the woods, the ground beneath Alex shook with each heavy step. Towering over the trees at twelve feet tall, his unimaginably muscular frame was a testament to the sheer force of his rage. But as his anger subsided, so did his size. His muscles shrank down to a more manageable size, and he found himself overwhelmed by exhaustion. He collapsed onto the forest floor, his naked body covered only by a few bushes for shelter. Unaware of just how much destruction he had caused, Alex fell into a deep sleep, his breaths ragged and heavy. As Alex eventually stirred from his deep slumber, he couldn't help but notice the newfound masculinity that adorned his body. The once smooth chest was now covered in a fine dusting of hair, expertly tailored to accentuate his chiseled physique. He no longer looked like a lanky athlete, but instead appeared to be a man who was in peak physical condition.
  15. I've written my first story, to accompany one of my drawing sequences. I hope you enjoy and be kind and leave feedback! Warning, contains unwilling transformation and some bro on bro action. If you enjoy this then please consider me for commissions! Message me for rates - open to all kinds of transformation. You can also support me on Patreon to see exclusive work and vote on future works: patreon.com/user?u=63775323 Oh and also - I would LOVE for other people to write kinky stories to go with some of my sequences! Or write me a new story so we can collab hehe ************* A Tale of Two Brothers: Donnie & Marco There was nothing particularly remarkable about brothers Marco and Donnie Diaz. Born to a mixed white and Latinx family they were raised predominantly by their father, Mr Diaz, after their mother walked out when Marco was just 6 and Donnie was 2. Mr Diaz worked for a local private science group and their lives were perfectly normal and respectable – they went to church every Sunday, Donnie studied hard and Marco hardly studied now he’d graduated high school and dropped out of community college after a couple of years. Out of the two brothers Marco, the older, was definitely the less inclined to hard work and study. He enjoyed gaming, drinking and sleeping in until well past midday – oh and masturbating of course. He was handsome, and had broken more than a few girls hearts with his tanned skin and thick dark chestnut-brown hair. He favoured sportswear and silver jewellery such as his fine silver chain necklace. If there was one thing he hated though it was his glasses and he swore to get laser eye surgery when older. The one thing Marco did put effort into was sports and he particularly enjoyed basketball, despite being only 5’9’’. Younger brother Donnie on the other hand was adorable, but more in the way that you just wanted to take care of him. His skin tone was paler but his thick tousled hair darker and he was even shorter than his brother at just 5’6’’. Like Marco, he too wore glasses, though they complimented his bookish personality. Whereas Marco liked dark clothes, Donnie favoured bright, peppy colours and a silver crucifix hung around his neck. Donnie studied hard and clearly had a similar mind to his father, fascinated by science. He was shy though and kept his head down, he did not have his brother’s confidence. Donnie and Marco didn’t exactly along and were prone to arguing or fighting, usually provoked by Marco when he was bored or restless. This was worse during the week when their father would leave them to look after themselves now they were both of age. Recently his work had meant he was frequently away until late at night leaving the boys to look after themselves. Though Marco was in technically in charge, it was unsurprisingly Donnie who took up most of the cooking and cleaning. “What are you working on, dad? What’s the top secret project?” Donnie would ask excitedly, his scientific brain whirring with possibility. But Mr Diaz would only chuckle and say it was more than his pay grade to tell Donnie that. After Mr Diaz left the room, Marco would snigger and flick balls of paper at Donnie calling him a “nerd”, though he too was privately curious. Over weeks the brother’s curiosity would lead to them trying new methods to getting their dad to share what his work was – Marco believed it must be some sort of secret FBI technology, whereas Donnie felt it must be a project for sustainable energy. Mr Diaz however never gave anything away. The brothers didn’t even know the name of the company their dad worked for! Their routine continued unremarkably until one week where Mr Diaz abruptly announced he would be away the full week for work – it was a crucial time for the project and he needed his sons to look after themselves. That same Monday morning he loaded up his car with his briefcases, laptop, loading cases and other paraphernalia and gave his sons a big hug goodbye. “You look after your little brother, now – you’re the man of the house after all” he joked, tousling up Marco’s hair to Marco’s annoyance. Donnie smiled resignedly, knowing it would be a week fo Marco doing sweet fuck all, whilst Donnie tried to keep on top of things, all the while that Marco would either be in his room jerking off, off out drinking with mates, or existing purely to wind him up. They watched their father drive away before Donnie headed back up to his room and study. Marco however wasn’t going to waste a minute. Although Donnie was the one always asking about his father’s work, Marco was dying to find out. He might be lazy, but he wasn’t stupid and his father’s secrecy was more than enough to raise his suspicions. Hell, if it was some Musk level science shit their might be some serious money! So as soon as his dad was out of sight and Donnie was in his room, he snuck into his dad’s study. The room was called a study but was more like a home laboratory with multiple screens, fridges, freezers, centrifuges and test tubes. And it was a bombsite. Marco stared in shock – it looked like it had been raided, or that Mr Diaz had left in a hurry. Cupboards were open, scraps of paper everywhere, lights flashing. Marco held his breath as he looked across the notes and logs and calculations – only nothing made sense to him (he was not a natural scientist after all). For a full half hour he carefully searched for some hint of what the project was when he discovered two vials in the smallest fridge, filled with bright green liquid. They were labelled differently: “H1-M80 formula: premium. Masculinity and Virility certain.” “H1-M80 formula: unbalanced, Effects uncertain.” Now, he may not be bright but he knew what masculinity and virility meant. He looked again at the notes strewn around him – phrases jumped out at him, now making more sense: “increased libido”, “significant mesomorphic growth”, “testosterone output exponential”. He also knew that his future didn’t lie in hard work and study. He grinned as he pocketed the two left over vials – he knew what he planned to do with one but it would be a shame to waste the other. He chuckled softly to himself as he looked up to a framed photo of him and his stupid, dorky brother Donnie… *** “But you never make dinner?” Donnie said suspiciously as they sat down for Marco’s home made curry that evening. “Well bro, I realise I’ve kinda been a dick to you and… well I just wanted to make it up to you this week. Now – eat up!” said Marco, uncharacteristically sweetly. The curry in fact didn’t taste half bad! Though there was something about it which tasted… different to any other curry Donnie had tasted before. “Marco, what exactly did you put in this curry?” “oh just some… buffalo sauce… secret recipe tip” Marco lied, quickly and efficiently. “Well, I guess it did the job!”, Donnie hesitated a wary smile at his brother before tucking into the rest of his meal… *** The next morning Donnie woke up feeling like his head was full of fog. As he stretched he didn’t notice that his bones seem to click and pop a little more than usual. He winced as his watch felt like it was digging in, so he loosened the strap. Wearing just his pyjama pants he frowned at his more-persistent-than-usual boner. He chanced it and hesitated before heading into the corridor to head to the family bathroom. He let himself in and gasped suddenly as he saw himself in the mirror, pyjama bottoms tented. Firstly – his previously slightly doughy body was toned now – he had a flat stomach and even a slightly proud pair of pecs. A dusting of dark hair worked up his abs and he gingerly touched the growth of small dark hairs on his top lip. “Looking butch, bro” chuckled Marco’s voice and Donnie span round to see his brother – once taller, now a similar height, stood in nothing but bulging boxer shorts. He too looked buffer – he had always been lean but now he looked like an actual gym-jock. Donnie’s eyes couldn’t help but rake over the broad tanned chest and impressive bulge before he yelled and shoved his brother out the room before he washed and hurriedly shaved his face smooth again. Later, as he was forcing his way into a now too-tight t-shirt which now revealed an inch of belly and those pesky trail hairs and showed off his new lean body shape, he noticed with horror that the upper lip hairs had grown back, thicker and darker than before. He tried to spend the rest of the day as normal, but he couldn’t help the looks he got in the coffee shop (was the nerdy, twinky barista actually checking him out?) or the librarian asking if he was feeling okay, as he could feel his clothes getting tighter. Donnie just nodded his head, stifling a groan at the pain in his stomach. As soon as he got home to his room he tore off his clothing and, shocked at his own pent up horn, jerked off over his bed before passing out to sleep as, unbeknownst to him, Marco grinned and watched through the door crack, gently rubbing his own package… *** The next afternoon Marco grinned himself in the mirror as he hauled his naked ass out of bed. His small pecs have increased in size and his arms ache as his forearms look thicker and meatier. His biceps swelling a little as his hands too look broader. Marco can feel every bit of pain in his transformation as his spine lengthens his back making him just a little taller. His feet have grown outward, by a couple inches, as his butt stands pert, round and proud. His cock and balls begin to swell and grow more as his balls fill with new fluids of a man growing. His legs feeling heavy as his calves bulge out. Marco doesn’t even feel the changes, only the fresh breeze on his exposed now cock and balls which he fondles. Sexy stubble peppers his chin but unlike Donnie he doesn’t seem to have grown any body hair – if anything it’s starting to retreat. What was once a thick bush is now stubble around his thick cock. He fingers a drop of pre as he hears his bro yell in shock as he too wakes up late and stumbles to the mirror. Donnie stands before his mirror, hands clutching his body as his pecs bounce as they slowly swell. His arms even larger than the day before. His legs getting more muscular, years of intense workouts can’t even compare to what his legs seem now. His abs have pushed out of his flat stomach forming a nice 6-pack. His Adam’s apple too has grown and is now quire prominent as his groans get deeper. His facial hair growing at a faster rate then before giving him a clear developing moustache as well as stubble across his jaw. His skin tight as his acne starts to fade away. “What the actual fuck” he whispers, before gasping at his new, lower voice. He runs to his brothers bedroom and stops in the door as he sees Marco reclined on the bed stroking his thick, uncut cock. “Sup bro”, Marco winks. Donnie runs out the room, scrambling to pull on some red joggers. He stocks up on food from the kitchen and returns to his room, locking the door, only he can’t get the image of his muscled up bro stroking his cock out of his head, he curled up in bed and slipped into an anxious sleep. Meanwhile Marco spent the afternoon switching between jerking and sending pics of his new body and cock to all his snapchat contacts – male, female, he just didn’t care – he wanted to show off! Many didn’t believe him, but it didn’t matter. He just liked the attention of it all. Donnie woke up that evening to his head having this painful throbbing sensation. He ran into the bathroom to see if there was anything to treat the headache, but there wasn’t. The pain got worse gradually. He clutched his head as his deep groans filled the room. The ache was too much. His tears ran down his face, he wanted it to stop, but it didn’t. In fact, the headache start to feeling it was changing him. He tried to think, but found it difficult to even think of a solution. Usually, whenever he had a problem, he could figure it out in the matter of seconds, but now this was a problem he couldn’t solve. Tears stung his eyes as the pain of his head felt worse, his thoughts all foggy and uncertain, unable to think much. The one thing he could think of was that image of his brother on the bed. Slowly, almost unwillingly, he released his thick cock from his red sweatpants and grabbed one hand around his dick and started stroking. He had never been like this. Each stroke was making him feel better in many ways. Donnie jaw dropped allowing saliva to fall on his dick. Thoughts of his bros body and cock filled his head and he liked it – he imagined his brothers butt jiggling and cock swinging as he felt pressure build up in his dick. He was going to release. Donnie was ready and didn’t care where it would land as long as the dumb headache would go. And it did. Donnie let out a white stream of cum as he laughed dumbly as the stream splattered up his abs and his pecs… wait his pecs!? He scrambled to his feet and the panic returned as he noticed those tight pecs had grown… only now they were round and bounced as he panted… hell they were almost like breasts. A cold sweat broke over him as he muttered to himself, “What in the name of God is happening to us…”. “We’re becoming Gods bro” came a voice from the door, and Donnie looked over to see Marco flexing as he winked once more – “oh, and thanks for the show.” *** The next afternoon Donnie woke up in a big sweaty mess as he grunted and grown – a mix of plain and erotic pleasure. He starts grinding on the bed not being able to control himself at all. He tries to stop but it feels so good. His body producing an odor of a heavy sweat. He can feel his body swelling again. His pecs bulging and becoming rounder. His arms becoming bigger as more dark hair sprouts over his body. His genes are rearranging. He doesn’t even realize how big he is getting, since he is too busy fucking his bed. His balls growing larger as Donnie moans, nipples growing wider. He uses one hand to rub them as he moans louder with each thrust put into the bed. He can feel his head aching again as he needs to release his cum. He needs to breed. He needs to fuck something. Donnie is terrified but at the same time he secretly loves it. His feet grow larger as they hang off the bed, also sprouting dark hair. He is so big now. Donnie’s face changes as his face matures, looking older – more like a man in his 30s now. . The pressure is building up and too much to hold and the bed sheet are filled with sweat and pre cum. He moans loudly one last time as thick cum spurts over his round chest, face and headboard. Donnie rolls into the big mess he has made with his mouth open and tongue out, trying to lick up anything he can. Donnie can’t control himself anymore. He just needs cum now. He doesn’t want anything else. All the times studying wasted when he could have been jerking his cock. Donnie walks up to his mirror, noticing how big he is and how much different he looks. He fucking loves it as he flexes his huge hairy arms. He loves how big and bouncy his balls are. Even if he shaved the monster of hair on his balls would grow back in the matter of hours. The drool on his face is wiped as he rubs his large nipples. He loves the feeling and so he rubs more vigorously, vaguely wondering where his hot brother is. *** Meanwhile Marco is already out – he got up early and hard as a rock, his height has shot up overnight as had his muscle mass and cock size. Pulling on some tightly stretched active wear he ventured out into the world in search of some release. He found it when he swaggered into the coffee shop his bro would always go to – and there he is, that nerdy, kinda cute barista that is clearly gay – nametag reading ‘Joel’. As he ordered a latte he leaned forward and whispered into the nerdy twink’s ear to meet him round the back in 10 minutes. 10 minutes later Marco’s moans echoed round the back of the building as gagged and tried to take in his huge cock in his mouth. Between slobbering and sucking the twink would marvel at Marco’s tanned huge muscles and Marco would just laugh and cock slap the barista. Joel used both his hands to rub the huge dick and inhaled the sweat from Marco’s hot hairless body. He bathed the huge balls with his tongue as pre spurted and stained his apron. He was so taken up with his task that he barely noticed Marco’s dick getting larger and fatter, or even that the foreskin seemed to fade into his fat, long, dick. Marco’s head hair remained full though it receded slightly up his forehead as his face matured more – jawline pushing out and lips plumping up. His swollen pecs and abs become more noticeable as they bulge yet bigger. It wasn’t long before Marco roared and shot thick, gloopy cum over Joel’s face. Joel collapsed spent and stared up at the God. “Are you free this evening?” he panted? Marco just laughed cruelly and took a long piss just feet away from where Joel lay. “Not for you, nerd” he scorned before tucking his bulge back in his sweatpants and walking away. Joel just lay their in the cum in a daze – why did he always fall for the big douche men, why couldn’t he find a nice guy – like that Donnie guy who always comes in. Thinking of which, he hadn’t seen Donnie in a few days now… *** The two brothers stare at each other in the kitchen. Both have changed so much they start to look unrecognisable. Marco’s stubble has pushed out into a goatee as his bodybuilder sized bronzed mahogany body ripples. He once again stands over Donnie, who looks significantly older than his bro now – lines across his face as a moustache bristles over a heavily stubbled chin. They are both stark naked – both cocks well over a foot long. In a brief moment when the fog has lifted Donnie stares at Marco with sadness and fear as he whispers “what did you do to us?”. He then gasps and clutches his round pecs as they inflate and grow bigger than his head, his bubble butt swelling out real thick as specks of grey appear in his dark hair. Thick dark hair not only covers his pecs, surrounding wide saucer sized nipples, but also his ass, shoulders and lower back. Abs push out, softened by the layer of paunch in top. Marco too feels his mind fading as his massive square pecs push out, obscuring his view of his feet. His lips swell as his eyebrows get thicker and untrimmed as his face aged up too – grey streaks through his thick dark chestnut hair. His brown nipples swell wide too, though nothing compared to Donnie’s tits. He plays with his smooth pecs and huge nipples as he feels his once younger little bro, step closer, breathing heavily. Marco moans as he feels Donnie’s hand encircle his heavy cock. Marco moans and nods in encouragement, maintaining intense eye contact with Donnie. Donnie lowers his eyes and starts to suck on Marco’s big brown dark nipples. His veins swell and flex as the taller man’s muscles expand even more, his height creeping up. His feet swell disproportionately large for his body, as do his hands, giving him an almost primal look. His cock spurts pre violently as it swells like a balloon, balls hanging lower. Donnie bites his lip and seductively turns round and bends over revealing what was once a tight pucker is now a throbbing, swollen donut ring of a hole between two hairy globes. Marco licks his lips… *** SOME WEEKS LATER ‘NastyPig’ was one of the most famous leather and kink clubs in the USA. Men of all sizes and tastes gathered from across the states to descend into debauchery, and tonight was a special night. On the raised stage was a banner with bright red letters encircled on a black background: “D&M”. Onto the wipe-clean stage strode two Gods of men. One, aged maybe mid 40s, was a 7 foot, ultra tanned, goateed muscle god. His shoulders so wide revealing a barrel chest with two brown nipples the size of dinner plates. A thick cock, at least two feet long, swung below his meaty thighs. The other man was mid-late 50s and was shorted but wider. He had a kind friendly face with a salt and pepper moustache. But the most remarkable thing about him were his colossal bouncing tits, with enormous nipples the size of dinner trays. A silver crucifix on him looked absurd on clearly such a pig of a man. Both men wore leather harnesses, and also glasses. It was an unorthodox choice for two such virile, masculine men, but their fans felt it gave them a unique look – like nerds gone butch. The two men on stage faced each other and started sensually making out, the taller one reaching round and unmistakably slipping a thick finger inside the other’s puffy hole. One musclebear leaned to the man next to him and whispered: “Y’know, I heard they’re secretly brothers?” Mr Diaz smirked and nodded as he watched the show escalate until the shorter man with the breast like pecs was on all fours, panting and moaning like a slut as the taller muscle man pushed his whole hand in his ass, right up to his elbow. “I know.”
  16. Hey, y'all! It's been a while since I've written a story on this site. I miss writing, so, here is the thing: Gimme a picture of a nice, buff guy, or a morphed up guy, or something, and I'll write a story for the picture! It'll be a short story, but I'll do it! Cause I feel like it would be fun! So, don't hesitate to share!
  17. Hulk el adolescente cachondo parte 2 una masturbación placentera *I feel this story is a bit short but in the third chapter I will make it much longer and more detailed* alex jhonson un chico guapo pero a la vez un poco nerd con cabello castaño y ojos azules pero usa lentes lo cual no le ayudaria mucho tiene una figura delgada el cual siempre ha tenido problemas de ansiedad y tenor pero a la vez esta demasiado cachondo cualquier cosa que veas de hombres desnudos sus pectorales y su culo y lo más importante su polla este tipo se convierte en una bestia bastante temible, hermosa y muy musculosa llamándose a sí mismo "hulk" ante todos... Recién sucedió esa noche cuando se transformó por primera vez, desde que estupeó en una videollamada" alex-hulk estaba corriendo en el bosque destruyendo los pinos y árboles grandes que se interponían en su camino fácilmente los rompió fácilmente sin rasguños aunque algo sucio, corriendo en toda la tierra bastante rocosa y húmeda con sus enormes pies verdes y dedos llenos de polvo se detuvo a ver un hermoso paisaje con una gran cascada y un hermoso cielo esa noche Alex-hulk se asombró y se detuvo a ver la hermosa luna gamma, la cual para agradecerle su destino comenzó a darle un fuerte rugido Alex-hulk: ROOOAAAAAARRGGGG !! (un grito bastante poderoso asustando a los animales y pájaros) Alex-Hulk ve su polla y con ganas de follar empieza a manosearse salvajemente, tocando sus sucios y embarrados pechos musculosos pero no le importa Pero lo que importa es tocarse y la mano derecha agarra su enorme polla verde y rápidamente la masajea y hacia abajo varias veces. Alex-hulk: AGHHH...mmmmmj..SI...VAMOS A LA MIERDA (gemidos y palabras sucias de Alex-hulk) su cuerpo comienza a crecer un poco más haciendo que sus músculos sean más perfectos sus pantorrillas más voluminosas y sus bíceps más fuertes haciendo que alex hulk crezca hasta la medida de unos 3 metros de altura alcanzando su altura máxima de la bestia Alex-hulk hulk aún no le importaba su de altura pero empieza a explotar demasiada leche fertil y verde, Alex-hulk sigue agarrando y levantando mas fuerte su pene trata de parar pero es inutil su orgasmo crece mas y mas que se puso a cuatro patas y apunto de eyacular dice.. . Alex-hulk: HULK... ¡¡¡COÑOS!!! (grito liberal y gemido con una voz demasiado grave) Alex-hulk eyacula lo suficiente que su pene comienza a perder el control y se corre incluso en las paredes y en el piso, eyaculando demasiado, Alex-hulk gime de placer y agarra su pene para tragar su semen el cual esta mas descontrolado y todo su cuerpo se tiñe de verde, a lo cual cae aliviado en el piso con todo el semen derramado, su pene comienza a terminar de sacar leche y deja de palpitar, hulk alex muy cansado y acostado toma la decision de dormir y descansar después de una masturbación muy placentera, aunque olía demasiado a semen, a ella no le importó mucho y aún en la oscuridad, en la noche con un fuerte frío y una tormenta de lluvia, todavía estaba caliente... 8:30 de la mañana el amanecer... que le duelen mucho los ojos pero no mucho es normal que una persona que se levanta temprano camine algo dolorida sin poder caminar derecho, bajando de la cueva y buscando un camino oh chosa para buscar alguna ayuda oh refugio. .. continuará...
  18. Hey guys, this is just a short story (?) idea i had in mind, so i decided to write it down, hope you guys will like it! Hey guys, im new to the sub, but i thought about a thing i've been seeing recently. Im a super young gay guy who's still a teenager and i've seen that recently a lot of gay guys have started going to the gym and a lot. Why is everybody getting so huge? It's crazy, i've never seen such a epidemic of massive muscled guy ever before, if you see somebody who completely dwarfs all the other guys and looks like a giant you're almost certainly sure he's gay. I have this uncle, he's at the end of his 20s and so far he's always been feminine and on the fat side but recently he started going to the gym, in a matter of a year or two he gained 8 pack abs and 20 inches biceps, he started loving the gym as he's closed himself in it and he does want to get much bigger. He started eating like a pig, getting richer, taller, adjusting his looks and now hes just an adonis. But he's not the only one, i've been to a gay bar recently and when i got in i was surrounded by a multitude of gigantic men, some even bigger than pro-bodybuilders and much much taller than me, what's happening to the gay scene, why is everybody getting so big that they completely dwarf straight men? I heard on the news recently of this upcoming bodybuilder that's concurring for mister olympia that 's way bigger than all the bodybuilders of the past. He's almost 3 meters tall and has incredible 27 inches biceps. He looks like one of those morphed guy but in reality. And guess what? Turns out he's gay! Even the not that muscular guys are way bigger than you, it's crazy. What do you gay guys eat? Im finding out that being as big as a pro-bodybuilder now is a starting point. Why is everybody getting so muscular and manly? I did meet up with a man i found on grindr, he had just a photo of his face and seemed so goodlooking. What i found was a well over 2 meters tall giant that had biceps that were as big as 2 times my head, he was looking at me like i was a steak, i decided to run away cause i was too scared. I'm starting to feel like an ant when searching for a boyfriend. Everybody seems to be so powerful, and not only in the strenght department, they are getting extremely intelligent and rich. Then i thought muscular gays were only into muscular gays but i'm a twink and my grindr it's been flooding with huge guys tapping me and wanting to know me. I'm so scared of big guys! Can please somebody please explain this?
  19. BigZargo12

    Power tastes like shadows

    Power tastes like shadows I thought I would never return to this building ever again, I figured that I would be off on to my next job by now. But for some reason, the pool of jobs available had dried up. So, when my old boss Bernard Thornton called and offered me some kind of special job, I figured that I would humor him. Especially cents I had nothing better to do, and the way he made it sound so mysterious piqued my curiosity. Mr. Thornton seemed pretty okay, but I do not think he was the kind of guy who would go out of his way to help his employees. Still, he was a fair employer so hearing him out wouldn’t be a problem. Having thought about that I made my way towards one of the reception areas on the first floor. The building had white walls, grayish floor tiles, and the traditional white light panels and the light bulbs; complemented with comfortable-looking chairs with wooden frames and red cushions. Walking up to the receptionist I asked if Bernard Thornton was available? “Your name?” she asked with a smile. “Oh, my name is Tom Blackburn,” I answered her. “Okay, he should be available in 15 minutes,” she said while typing on her computer. “He should be on the fourth floor. There should be a second reception hall there,” she says as she hands me a card. “Taking this guest card, it should let you past through security without any issues.” She says with a smile. “Just. show this to the receptionist and they will show you the way.” I say my goodbyes and thank her for her service, as I quickly make my way to the elevator hitting the button to the four-floor. I was decently familiar with the layout of this building so when I got off of the elevator I knew where to go. Only stopping when I noticed that the sign that said reception area was covered up and had a new direction written all over it. Following these new directions, I found myself entering the role of cubicles where the back of the occupants could be seen. There is next to the door was another person sitting on the desk with the word receptionist plastered all over it. I didn’t recognize him and in return, he probably didn’t recognize me from the time I worked here. “Hey, my name is Tom Blackburn and I have an appointment with Mr. Thornton,” I said to the man. “Okay Mr. Blackburn let me check his schedule,” the receptionist man said. A couple of clicks later and a slight grimace on his face told me that something was wrong. “Okay Mr. Blackburn I have some bad news is that your meeting with Mr. Thornton moved to a different time it had been moved by one hour. Sorry about this last-minute change. I can have it be changed if you want to a new day,” he asked. “Oh, it’s fine, I can wait an hour. Do you know why his schedule had changed,” I asked? “I don’t know some blonde guy in a trenchcoat said he needed to talk to Mr. Thornton badly. he even showed me some kind of badge.” He said, shaking his head in confusion as if he had cobwebs in it. I sat down on a chair, sadly the only available ones were the plastic chairs with metal legs. I sat for 10 minutes on my phone playing Pan-Pan, when curiosity got the better of me. “Hey, do you know what happened to the reception room on this floor?” I asked the receptionist man. For a second, I figured he wouldn’t answer me. “I actually don’t know. When I was moved here, I was told that the room was destroyed and that it was being repaired.” He said while typing away on his computer. I wonder how it was destroyed I thought to myself. But then I felt it a strange feeling, a strange taste on the tip of my tongue, a headache coming on as if two points of my head were trying to push out. Maybe just maybe I could have headed out and done something like maybe ordered some lunch or something. I looked at the receptionist about to get up and ask him…. My tongue tasted of thick shadows as I began to watch the receptionist grow. It was like slow-motion as I watched him begin to fill out his shirt. I saw how his muscles began to fill out then stand out against his clothing. He started loosening up his tie against his thickening neck. Then I blinked but he was still growing, about to tear apart his own clothes with his growth, so I closed my eyes and waited a minute. Telling myself that this wasn’t happening and felt the taste of shadows slowly fade away. I opened my eyes again and the receptionist was still muscular, but he wasn’t growing anymore. His eyes moved from his computer to me. “Do you need something?” the man asked in a deeper voice. “Oh no uuu... Do you exercise?” I asked in desperation. “Well yeah, I do. You don’t get these gains from nothing. The job came with nice health benefits and a free gym membership,” he said proudly flexing a little until one of his shirt buns pop out. “Oops, not again,” he whispers to himself as his face turns red from embarrassment. Something was going on, but I didn’t know what it was. Then that feeling hit me again the taste of shadows and I looked immediately away from the receptionist into one of the cubicles. I couldn’t completely see the man thanks his office chair, but I somehow knew that he was growing. The man’s shoulders began widening and stretching out against his shirt, which was increasingly shrinking against the man’s growing body. Sounds of tearing could be heard as the man’s clothes lost against the growth of his muscles revealing his huge biceps and sculpted back muscles. I blinked and the man has clothed again with the same work shirt just bigger to fit his new huge body. But he was still growing so I decided to look away and close my eyes. Waiting for the taste of shadows to disappear and the strangeness to end. It was then I noticed the strange feeling in my pants, between my legs, and it was my cock, and it was hard. Embarrassment flow through me as I try to keep a level head in this strange turbulent situation. I kept breathing in and out trying to keep the thoughts of the growing men from my mind. “Mr. Blackburn, Bernard Thornton is ready to see you now,” The receptionist said. I looked up in surprise the taste of shadows no longer on my lips. “He is?” I said as I looked at the clock. Time really does fly when you’re beefing up people, I thought to myself as I made my way to Mr. Thornton’s office, after confirming with the receptionist on its location. I probably should cancel the meeting with Mr. Thornton, but I’m already committed, and I don’t like my time being wasted and hate to do it to others. What was so important that he couldn’t say on the phone. I opened the door to his office and saw the man sitting on his chair writing notes on his desk. Bernard Thornton was a small man with a jelly belly which he hides well with his suit. Shorthair's clean-shaven face, weak chin, big round glasses, surprisingly jolly cheeks, and a smile that made everyone feel better, which he hides with a 24-hour neutral expression. an average boss with the potential to be more and a business that had the potential to be more. “Hello Mr. Blackburn, it seems that you are interested in my job offer,” he said in a jolly time. “Normally I wouldn’t have come with the lack of information about the job, but I have nothing better at the moment and I was quite curious about it,” I said honestly. He looked at me with his usual piercing eyes, but I noticed that something was off. They seemed a little off not focused like they were slowly fogging up. “Well Mr. Blackburn I believe LS Waste Disposal could use your services; it will be a similar job that you had with us. They are looking to hire people with similar expertise, and they want to keep this job on the down-low; But they did tell me enough to make a sales pitch to you,” he said and said and said as the conversation continued. I knew I should be paying attention, but I was kind of bored and annoyed. The LS Waste Disposal was shifty as hell; one of my friends said a few weeks before he disappeared. So, if I knew it was the LS Waste Disposal company, I would have never indulged in the idea of coming. Thornton was talking about some of the benefits of the job when I felt and tasted the shadows. Apart from me didn’t really want to change Mr. Thornton while the other part felt it would be very interesting. I watched as Mr. Thornton’s body began to change. First, his jelly belly flattens out, and then his chest expands out. Then his pecs began to expand and rise like bread dough, as his now flat belly begins ballooning out towards the world as one by one abs begin to appear, rising and barely noticeable against his shirt. Then his shoulders began to expand with muscle as the growth spread to his arms slowly filling out his shirt sleeves. So far, his muscular body was contained by his office suit but no longer with the sounds of ripping and tearing the heavily muscled body underneath was revealed as Mr. Thornton’s began growing out of his clothes. He continues to talk not noticing with every breath he destroys his own suit. Eventually, his clothes fall off of his huge chest, as he subconsciously begins removing the torn cloth with his now huge muscular arms. Mr. Thornton began adjusting his tie, loosening it up against his growing bull’s neck. Not even noticing when his big hand began scratching at his newly growing scruff. He probably would have grown even more if it had not been for the fact that his chair broke sending him to the floor. I blinked and Mr. Thornton has clothed again the same clothes only bigger to fit his new body. The taste of shadows disappeared, and I move to help him up. “Are you okay Mr. Thornton,” I asked with genuine concern. “I’m okay,” he said to me as I helped lift him up. “I swore I got the new chair today,” he mumbled to himself. “Thank you, Mr. Thornton. I know you’re going to think that this is superstitious but I’m going to take it as a sign from the universe and decline the job offer. Sorry but I do not think it’s the job for me,” I said. Mr. Thornton grip was stronger than the first time I met him, and I was barely able to lift him off the ground with his new weight. The meeting soon to an end and I was starting to feel, sick and exhausted and I need to go to the bathroom all the same time. I was familiar with this building’s layout which had made it quite easy to head to the restroom, So, I thought. As I began feeling sicker and more drained every second as I made my way to the restroom. The lights became brighter and brighter as my head throbbed were new waves of agony, thump, thump the drums in my head are screaming louder and louder. The next thing I knew I was puking in the restroom stall. The taste of shadows well on my lip as a puked out a dark substance into the mouth of the hungry toilet stall. I… I could feel the shadows inside me, boiling and moving inside me like a living being. I waited for it to calm down, wondering what the hell is going on. Is this, this power inside me, is it the reason why my parents put me up for adoption? Am I a freak of nature, beefing up man until they explode or something? Home, I…I need to go home before something else happens. I found my strength, flush the toilet, and began making my way to the sink to get some water, before making my way back home. The water felt like heaven and tasted of shade as I rinse my mouth out. I took a few sips of water before making my way out of the restroom. But it was then I noticed the man blocking the way to the door of the restaurant. The man had short blonde hair was average in height, a face, and had a body of an action hero with cold blue eyes. He was wearing a trenchcoat with blue jeans and a black shirt holding a katana in his right hand. The man had a smirk on his face as if he caught his prey. “Well, that was anti-climactic. No blood, no destruction, no screams of terror I was expecting a person tied to the dark to do more, instead I find you here puking your guts out. Quite abnormal, an illusions type, maybe, you have the shocked look of a beginner; but I didn’t hear screaming or confusion shout of coming from the other people. You could be a necromancer but you’re not showing the signs of raising the dead, but you may have talked to some spirits. By how pale your face has gotten you probably had talked to some spirits,” The man said. The man began slowly walking towards me, as he monologues. “If you were experienced with your dark power, you wouldn’t have let me interfere with your power pool. This means that you are inexperienced or this is your awakening. One less potential servant of the dark bastion in one less foe to face for the light sanctuary. Now die dark one!” He said with glee. “Wait is it because I’m black,” I asked? “What un no!” he said in confusion and annoyance. At this point, he was a couple of feet away from me which made it easy to kick him in the balls while he was distracted. He roared out in pain but rather than crumbling down, he became angry and began to attack with his sword. I backed away unable to pass him without getting cut to ribbons. Eventually hitting the restroom wall as I ran out of room to maneuver. By looking at the man’s rage-filled eyes I knew that he was going to kill me with no hesitation. With one last powerful slash at me, he committed to the killing blow, and I knew that I cannot dodge left or right, but I could duck letting my ass hit the floor, as a sword was gunning for my head. Rather than hearing the sword bouncing off the wall instead it dug in and got stuck. I quickly realized I wouldn’t be able to get crawl through his legs or past them in time to escape before he pulled the sword out of the wall. I began to taste shadows on top of my tongue, and I began to focus on the man before me. I figured if I could make the man's crotch grow to ridiculous size, he would have a hard time chasing after me and be a suitable distraction for my escape. For the first time, I felt some kind of resistance like it wasn’t taking hold. The man laughed a cruel laugh as he said, “Your dark powers don’t work on me, servant of the dark. My magical items protect me from your dark powers.” I felt the taste of shadows with my tongue in the form of exhaustion hit me. Dammit, I thought to myself I had never tested to see if the powers work on me. Then I felt something deeper darker and more malevolent boil from within me. A hunger that was so primal that it had to be fed. Then I smelt it, fear but not for me but from him. “By the light, Demon blood!” The man screamed out in fear. “Fuck! No wonder your abnormal.” I… I could sense the light in him, so self-righteous, so arrogant and so petty; I wanted to devour it, consume it no I needed it. I felt my canines sharpen as the taste of shadows and infernal fire poured from my mouth. The man began backing off forgetting his sword as fear had claimed his heart. “Boo!” I say in a deepening voice. The man flinches and trips and falls onto the restroom floor, and like a beast, I pounce on him. I grinned as I realize the tables had turned and now, I was on top. But what to do him I wondered? Then a thought hit me my original plan to deal with him. I wonder how much he can grow before he exploded; And as I thought about the plan, I was already acting on it. Waves of pleasure began bombarding my prey causing his screams to become moans of pleasure as I opened up his pants. His cock was hard and already leaking cum as I dove in and began to suck on it. Every second I was devouring it he grew slowly at first, but he grew, nonetheless. I felt as his pants became tight, I heard as his shoes popped off against his growing feet; And how the sounds of tearing fabric as his clothes began submitting to his growing bulk. Second, by second his shaft grew wider and longer, and yet I was able to handle it. More and more I felt his growing balls against my chin as his power and soul gathered there. I stopped to see the results of my work. He was now huge and naked his growth completely destroying his clothes. He had huge tree trunk thighs, huge bowling ball biceps, hands big enough to grab a man’s face whole, a row eight pack abs over a huge muscle gut, round pillow-like pecs, and Boulder-like shoulders on a wide barrel-like chest. The man was drooling all over his stubble jaw as pleasure encircle him. Nearly glazed eyes both hungered and feared for more pleasure which I was happy to give. I resume sucking on his huge cock which was now like a third limb on him. The sweet, delicious taste of his life-filled cum was delectable as I consumed it; Every second I did I could feel his memories were fading away, then his personality, and then instinct as I saw the light fade from his eyes. Then within one instant, the lights in his eyes came back and with a bellowing roar from his throat. A geyser of cum shot from his huge cock and as it did, I drink all of it as if my life depended on it. The man slowly became colder as he began to deflate like a balloon, as I was drinking all of his life force. I drink until his balls were gone, I drink until all that was left was skin and bones and I drink until evening that was gone relishing every second of it. I felt the shadows inside me grow with even more might after my feeding. I felt myself growing in power both physically and mentally. I somehow knew that my body was going to change now and that I should try to remove my clothes. I quickly removed my shoes and tie before my body began to change, But my other clothes were not so lucky. a feeling of both hot and cold passed through my body as I felt my clothes becoming tighter against my body grew. I felt my bones pop and stretch as they began lengthening, growing, and changing. I felt a strange pressure come from the back of my spine and two more on my head. My pants were really starting to become uncomfortable, especially with the strange pressure coming from my back near my ass. I felt the tips hands and feet change is nails became sharper. A quick look at the restroom mirror revealed to me that I was growing two horns and that my eyes were now the color gold that was surrounded by black. My… My pecs were huge and growing before my eyes I would have been in disbelief if I hadn’t seen other people grow today, but I want to have a closer look, so I grabbed my shirt and ripped it off my swelling body as easy as tearing apart paper. The pieces of fabric fell to the floor as I began grouping my pecs. Then I began feeling abs, a nice eight pack to compliment my pillow like pecs. Throughout my body growth, my skin was darkening which was both concerning and exhilarating. I started flexing my biceps watching them and my lower arms grow with every flex. I was no longer in a building in the middle of town now I was here and now watching myself change into perfection into something more. My chest was widening, as my shoulders grew with the strength of mountains. Then I felt a pressure near my ass, and it was becoming unbearable as it pressed against my pants; grabbing the back of my pants I attempted to pull it down, but it got stuck against my thick meaty ass and I ripped it apart destroying my belt in the process. I sighed in relief as I felt a part of myself was free. I turned around to see something swaying around and I grabbed it to find that I had a forked tail, it was still growing and dark as the night. The remains of my pants were losing the battle against my body as more holes start opening up against the seams. Didn’t know how to flex using my legs by began trying, finding the idea of flexing them off to be exhilarating. When the pants were holding on to me by a thread, I yanked them revealing my tree trunk-like thighs and, my huge meaty calves. The only thing on was my destroyed socks and my boxer briefs which were straining against my heavily muscled body and my now huge cock and balls. just think my package was pretty average this morning and now my cock is a mouthwatering 10-inch hard monster in my balls are like two crab apples in a sack. I tore off the remains of my undergarment, and like a Jack-in-the-Box my cock shot out, a display for the whole world to sees if I wasn’t in a restroom. If I thought my transformation was over itching that spread through my skin told me otherwise. The hair on my head and any other hair on my body began falling off my black skin, to my dismay. Looking at the mirror again I saw my face and it had changed. I had two 3-inch white horns pointing upwards, pointy ears and I open my mouth I noticed my teeth were sharper, especially my canines. My facial features had changed to become more masculine and devilish. Then I felt the itching again as a new silver hair began spreading all over my body starting from the bellybutton the growth spring all out words all over my body to my huge meaty pecs to my arms and legs even spreading toward my huge back and ass. Sadly, when it reached my head all I got was a beard and mustache combo and thick bushy eyebrows. Damn, I’m a sexy daddy demon I thought to myself with a grin. If I wasn’t flexing my huge muscles I probably would have been panicking at the whole situation, but I was high on adrenaline and ego and I was horny as hell. I headed to the urinal with my big hard cock leaking pre-cum on the way there. I began feeding my horny desires and started stroking my cock, letting the stresses of today out. Thoughts of heading to Mr. Thornton office and turning him into my sexy buff thrall and having him lure other office workers into my thralled; watching those the weak, the scrawny, the fat, and average transform into big dumb thralls was extremely sexy to me. Sexy enough for me to come and shoot my load into the restroom urinal. I panted for a second thick orgasm so mind-blowing so exhilarating. But I was still horny, still hungry, and eager to try out these new powers. Then I felt it a disturbance, a disturbance of… Something? Then a dark rift opened up and a huge man came through. He was wearing a well-fitted black suit which hugged his body and showed off his huge form. He had long black hair tied up into a ponytail, stubble on his handsome face, and dark eyes that both men and women find alluring. “Well, that was quite entertaining. You hand self pretty well for a newbie. I was afraid I would have to intervene but to be honest I probably should have,” the new man said. “Who are you?” I said with my new deeper voice. “Oh, where are my manners you may call me Logan. And I was sent here to take care of Darren Mcpherson the one you killed. I must be honest with you I kind of didn’t care if he killed you. I was just sent here to take him in. But you had killed him save me a lot of trouble. Who would expect a dark sorcerer to have fiendish blood?” He says sarcastically. “No wonder why they sent me, I always have to deal with the idiots. That might explain why they didn’t order me to save you. Between you and me that’s all I can guess on the council’s part. Now what to do with you? We can’t have you walking out of here like that. But I need your permission to teleport you to my Citadel are could just knock you out and then teleport you to my Citadel. Know what I have an idea.” He said as inspiration hit him. The destroyed pieces of my clothes began reforming and fusing with the remains of Darren’s clothes to form something new, and in a flash, I was clothed in a strange combination. The man looked pleased with himself. “I think I’ll have a representative talk to you and explain a little bit more details of what’s going on. If the researchers and the recruiters are right, then you are a dark sorcerer with fiendish blood; Whose blood was activated when you ran out of normal magical power. Now take these,” he said as he hands over several items to me. “The bracelet will suppress your fiendish blood along you to walk among the normal people; and as a bonus help hides from those who have ill will towards you or agents of the light from checking you. While letting me and those who serve the dark bastion be able to find you. The other is my business card with my number; call me if you need anything, but do not abuse it. And finally, a brochure this is a law of information for you but trust me to read the brochure explains the basics. Now go home and don’t take any other stops unless you have to. All the things that were in your pockets are now in the right pocket of your new jacket, and on your left are the spoils of your victory. I gave it a 30-minute lock so that you would be tempted to open it up in this building,” he said as a dark rift opened up. He turned around and walked through it leaving me horny and with more questions than answers. I decided to take his advice and placed on the bracelet and decided to head home. It’s been a long exciting, frightening, and horny day.
  20. Good people, I'm valeveish, I guarantee you that I'm too much a fan of the hulk that I even decided to share a story with you, I'm too young at this, but I hope you like it, if you like to talk about more things, I'll gladly listen to you, this story contains: male muscle growth, penis and ass growth, foot fetishes, and gay sex... it was a normal night, for any young teenager, a boy named alex, 18 years old long brown hair with a skinny body and a weak boy shape, his life is normal, at home, creating a video chat account to use For the first time and to entertain his followers, he decides to dress in his blue bear pajamas... Alex decides to take out one of his small toys, a 30 cm long dildo. "Alex decides to play with him when suddenly he sees an unknown message on his laptop, which made him curious" Alex: That's weird, I deactivated the messages for my followers, I guess he must be a VIP but his emblem doesn't appear... mmm how curious. he decides to open the message when suddenly he sees a green light with too many photos of naked bodybuilders fucking and showing their legs, an audio at full volume for alex he worried at that moment that the neighbors were going to hear it, but he was paralyzed by it video entranced by the muscular men, he did not take his eyes off his laptop, although the followers saw him that he was hypnotized " alex without thinking or hesitation begins to get up from his swivel chair he begins to pose sexyly showing that he still has his pajamas but that his eyes are not normal and he is hypnotized, his sealed mind does not respond only to what the stranger says to what he responds the next: unknown: "start showing you full body my love" *alex starts to make more space in his room by moving his bed, his closet and removing his posters of the incredible hulk. * alex: what's next my sweetheart, I'm too horny today, I already want you to make me cum. *touching his very hot chest and flexing his leg showing that he is wearing his rainbow stockings decides to see the following message that made him think* unknown: the good begins, you will be a huge green beast, if you enjoy it, my heart will see you, bye... *chat ended* He returns to the video chat with his followers and everything looks normal, although Alex is scared by what the person told him: alex: what did he mean by green beasria, mmm, well to continue having fun with my se... (a small headache begins in alex) alex: aghh!! SHIT MY HEAD, what's wrong with me!!!. alex sits waiting to see blurry, without seeing his chat everyone is worried when suddenly they see that his bulge is getting too swollen adjusting his pajamas, alex sees it and doesn't believe it, he knows that his mind only thinks about masturbating * alex: shit, my penis argh, it feels, great, ufff, yes my love, it keeps growing... ohhh, yes, more. his penis begins to grow even more, when suddenly his eyes seeing the ceiling of his room from excitement his pupils change to a bright lime green color, alex gets up but it is useless he begins to stumble wanting to get out but his pain is intense his body begins to burn, feeling his whole body swelling and forming alex masturbates ripping his crotch and revealing his large and slightly yellowish penis, he begins to masturbate lying down and writhing, sticking out his tongue like a dog, and his crazy eyes looking anywhere , his pajamas are too tight since his body is beginning to gain too much muscle both in the biceps, triceps and quadriceps, pectorals and his legs like trunks completely ripping all his pajamas but that's not all, his body changed color to a emerald green and his penis not to mention he has a huge monstrous penis, the only thing salvageable are the rainbow socks his hair is still the same brown color and his voice is a little serious and strong, sweated too much although still masturbating. alex: shit, more, I WANT EVEN MORE...HULK...WANT...MOOOOREEEEEEE!!! (a desperate and angry cry). alex's fans and followers donated not only thousands but millions of bits for his transformation although the video call ended because Alex-hulk destroyed everything because he couldn't cum on anyone, all upset and furious destroying his entire room, almost his entire house, landing in his yard, even at night Alex-hulk roars furiously and with a few words: Alex-hulk: I WANT A MAN!!! (Desperate to look for young and fresh meat although he has a dildo inside his fleshy green ass he just doesn't feel it, so he decides to enter the forest looking for his prey and have fun with his little sex toy * To be continued...
  21. Rory34

    Ayudando a mi amigo

    Hola, bienvenidos por fin a una nueva historia en español jaja, espero les guste, es una rápida que escribí hace poco. _________________________________________ Mi amigo William siempre fue molestado en nuestro trabajo gracias a su peso y bueno, para una agencia de modelaje la apariencia es algo muy importante. Él es el editor de las fotos y he de decir que hace un excelente trabajo el cuál muchas personas pasan por alto debido a su apariencia. Hay veces en las que incluso los modelos suelen burlarse de él y no puede hacer nada gracias a su timidez, incluso nuestro modelo más grande, Gabriel Janzi se ha sumado a esto y quizá puede que lo lleve un poco lejos con sus malos comentarios hacia él. Yo soy Dylan y a diferencia de William soy un fotógrafo profesional, y me va muy bien en este trabajo, tengo un buen auto, una genial casa con piscina y me puedo permitir varios lujos y todo eso gracias a mi increíble trabajo... Bueno... También tuve otro tipo de ayuda, pero lo explicaré más adelante. Estaba cansado de que se burlaran de William, él siempre es muy amable con todos y siempre estará dispuesto a ayudarte; cuando no me gusta el resultado de una foto siempre puedo confiar en su edición y lo soluciona, realmente me ha sacado de muchos aprietos y creo que es hora de que yo lo saque de este aprieto a él. Así que ideé un plan para que todos dejen de burlarse de William y lo primero que tenía que hacer era invitarlo a mi casa. -. Hey, cómo te va Will? -. Oh, hola Dylan, necesitas ayuda? -. No, para nada, solo quería invitarte a mi casa mañana al mediodía y almorzar juntos. -. Oh, eso sería genial Dylan! Pero... Por qué quieres invitarme a mi? Es decir eres amigo de cientos de modelos y creo que hay mejores opciones que yo... -. No digas eso hombre, te invito porque eres un gran amigo para mi y esta es mi forma de agradecerte ya que lo mereces. -. Wow, no sé qué decir, nunca me habían invitado así me siento muy alagado, así que claro que iré! -. Perfecto, te espero a las doce y media, no me falles, eh? El primer paso está listo, ahora necesito realizar el segundo, el cual es el más importante. Salí temprano del trabajo y conduje hasta las afueras de la ciudad, a un pequeño pueblo y me dirigí a una pequeña tienda, donde una conocida mía podía ayudarme con esto; recuerdan que dije que tuve ayuda con lo bien que me iba en mi vida? Bueno pues todo es gracias a Yuni, una amiga que tiene un gran conocimiento con cosas mágicas como talismanes, pociones, maldiciones y varias cosas más. -. Cómo estás Yuni? -. Dylan!? Cuanto tiempo! Qué te trae por acá? *Dijo abrazándome* -. Bueno, vine a pedirte un favor... -. Lo suponía jajaja, quieres otra poción de buena suerte? Más de la que tienes ya? -. No, no es para mi, es para un amigo. -. Y qué necesita tu amigo? -. Bueno... *Le expliqué la historia de William y mostrándole su foto* -. Ya veo... Así que quieres que dejen de molestarlo por su físico, no es así? -. Así es, y me preguntaba si tenías algo para que la gente dejé de tratarlo mal, algo como un collar o una pulsera, lo que sea para que dejen de hacerle bullying en el trabajo. -. Bueno... Temo decirte que ya no tengo nada para evitar el bullying, varios estudiantes de secundaria han venido y se los han llevado todo... -. Ow, que mal... -. Pero, si el problema que tiene la gente con él es su físico, creo que tengo lo necesario para él! *Yuni fue y sacó una cajita con una marca de un brazo musculoso en la cuál venía un frasco pequeño con forma miembro masculino* Esta es, la pócima de olympus! Es lo que ayudará a tu amigo y lo transformará de un tierno gordito a una bestia musculosa. -. Wow, realmente eso hace este frasquito!? -. Sí, solo funcionará si la persona que se bebió la pócima es expuesta al sol y está mojado y lo único que te tengo que decir es que las personas que beben de este frasco suelen tener efectos secundarios como un gran deseo sex- -. Me lo llevo! Además, lo invité a mi casa a almorzar y estaremos cerca de la piscina. *Dije interrumpiendola* -. Perfecto! Estaba muy feliz, pensar que iba a convertir a mi amigo en un titan, se oía tan excitante, la verdad no podía esperar para mañana, compré la pócima y me fui al centro comercial para comprarle ropa a mi nuevo amigo que conoceré mañana. Llegué a casa y dormí para estar preparado, me levanté temprano y preparé todo, ya eran las doce en punto y decidí preparar la bebida para mi amigo, se trataba de un coctail de piña colada y como ingrediente principal la pócima de olympus. Vertí la pócima en la bebida y al hacerlo, pasó de amarillo a morado al instante, todo estaba ya listo, solo debía esperar al invitado especial. Esperé veinte minutos y escuché el timbre, llegó justo a tiempo, lo recibí y lo llevé al patio, cerca de la piscina, iba con unos shorts y una camisa blanca que era demasiado grande, incluso para él, pero nunca le gustaba usar camisas de su talla, le gusta usar ropa más grande para sentirse cómodo. Llegamos a la piscina y le ofrecí la bebida especial, la cual aceptó con todo gusto. -. Wow, morado? Que extraño color, es algún colorante? -. Son los ingredientes, la hice especialmente para ti, jejé. -. Bueno, pues no me negaré a eso. Terminó bebiendo todo el coctail sin dejar ninguna gota. -. Wow, sabes estupendo! Como se llama este coctail? -. Es una receta que una amiga me pasó, se llama Olympus. mi plan había funcionado, todo iba a salir a la perfección, solo necesitaba que se metiera a la piscina. -. Oye... Tengo que terminar de hacer el almuerzo, por qué no te metes a la piscina un rato y luego sales para comer? -. Bueno... Es que me da un poco de vergüenza... Verás, no encontré un traje de baño decente y solo tenía un speedo verde que me regalaron en navidad y no me siento muy cómodo con él, de seguro no te gustará verme puesto con eso... -. Tonterías, me da igual el traje de baño que uses, solo entra bobito. -. Bueno, jejé... Entraré a la piscina... *Dijo con un poco de pena* William se quitó sus shorts quedándose simplemente con su speedo verde fluorescente, he de decir que por su tipo de cuerpo no le quedaba tan bien, pero eso no iba a importar una vez la pócima haya dado efecto. Entró a la piscina poco a poco, yo entré a la cocina y lo miraba por la ventana a cada rato, pero nunca sucedía nada, me cansé de esperar tanto, incluso pensé que no había dado efecto, así que decidí mejor enfocarme en hacer la comida y poner algo de música. -. Oye! Will pondré algo de música, así que si necesitas algo gritalo o ven acá! -. Esta bien Dylan! Le dí una última mirada para ver que pasaba y no ocurría nada... Así que volví a hacer el almuerzo. Mientras tanto William, estaba nadando un poco en la piscina y descansando un rato, pero comenzó a sentirse algo mal. -. Wow, creo que no debí beber ese coctail antes de meterme a la piscina... Ahora me siento algo mal... Mi cabaza me da muchas vueltas, uff... AGGHHH!!! El dolor se hacía cada vez más intenso, William no podía más, gritaba, se movía erráticaticamente, chapoteaba, pero no podía escucharlo por la música, además había perdido un poco la esperanza y pensaba que no iba a pasar nada, hasta que de repente... -. AGHHHHHH! Escuché un grito provenir de una voz grave, salí corriendo a la piscina con mi celular con la cámara puesta, pensé que William ya había salido de la piscina, pero al parecer no. -. Will!? Fuiste tú!? Dónde estás!? No lo veía flotar en la piscina, me asusté por un segundo, quizá se había ahogado... Hasta que apareció... Era él, William, bueno, el nuevo William. No podía creerlo, era mejor de lo que creía, tomé una foto de él al momento de salir de la piscina, tenía que guardar este momento para la posteridad, mi viejo amigo gordito y bajito convertido en un titan musculoso y sexy y con ese speedo que ahora se le miraba tan sexy, simplemente me quedaba sin aliento al verlo. Salió completamente de la piscina, pero al dar un paso, este cayó y se sostuvo con sus gigantescos brazos, fui a ayudarlo, pero pesaba damasiado y pudo levantarse solo; se miraba muy desconcertado. -. Hey! Will estás bien!? -. D-Dylan, qué sucedió!? Y-yo estaba en la piscina todo se puso borroso, todo me dolía, n-no se qué sucedió, por qué te ves tan pequeño!? William respiraba agitado, su pecho palpitaba y ahora tenía dos gigantescos pectorales en estos, se miraba demasiado sexy. -. C-cálmate, no pasa nada, te explicaré lo que pasó, solo siéntate en esta silla... Al sentarse en la silla está última apenas podía soportar el peso del tremendo monstruo que tenía encima. William seguía viéndose preocupado y alerta, parecía que aún no había vuelto en sí por completo, quizá la transformación fue muy repentina, seguía algo asustado. -. Bueno, primero respira un poco Will, tienes que tranquilizarte, vamos, inhala exhala, así, muy bien! *Dije mientras el gigante trataba de calmarse, pero aún tenía una cara asustada* Sé que esto fue muy repentino y puede que estés molesto, pero vi que estabas cansado de que todos te molestaran en el trabajo, así que decidí ayudarte; conseguí una pócima que transformaría tu cuerpo al de una bestia musculosa, y te la dí cuando te bebiste el coctail que te preparé y al parecer te transformarte al pasar tiempo en la piscina. William comenzaba a volver en si, se puso de pie y bajó su mirada y vio su tremendo y enorme cuerpo que había conseguido hace unos pocos minutos, no lo podía creer, estaba sorprendido, miraba sus brazos, sus pechos, sus piernas y su pene que también había crecido y al parecer quería escapar de ese speedo. -. Esto... No puede ser... Tiene-tiene que ser un sueño! Wow, mira, solo Wow! Will se dirigió a la ventana en la cual vió su nuevo y enorme reflejo. -. ESTO ES GENIAL! Mírame, soy una bestia! Me encanta! Nunca creí poder llegar a tener este cuerpo, ni yendo al gimnasio por años lo conseguiría *Dijo Will flexionando sus enormes brazos* Solo mira estas piernas, mis brazos, mi pene también es grande! Y mira estos sexys pectorales! Siempre tuve un fetiche con los pectorales, pero nunca pensé que mis tetas de gordo podrían convertirse en uno sexys y sabrosos pectorales, solo míralos, tan grandes y jugosos, vamos, toca los. Will se acercaba a mi apretando sus gigantescas tetas, las cuales obviamente accedí a tocar. -. Son tan grandes Will, me alegra que te guste tu nuevo cuerpo, que bueno que estés feliz. *Dije sonriendole y tocando sus enormes pectorales* -. Muchas gracias Dylan, esto es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, muchas gracias. Me encantaba el nuevo Will, era tan sexy y su voz también lo era. -. No hay de qué Will, lo mereces por ayudarme tanto. *Comencé a apretar los pezones de Will, al parecer eso le encantaba, suspiraba cuando lo hacía* -. Wow, eso-eso se siente bien... Wow... Uff... Will estaba demasiado excitado, al parecer no podía contenerlo más. -. Oye... Puedes prestarme el baño!? Lo necesito rápido! *Dijo Will con sus manos en su entrepierna* -. Sí, claro, ve, está al fondo a la izquierda. William se fue corriendo al baño, así que decidí ir arriba a bajar toda la ropa que le compré. Mientras tanto William estaba en el baño, pero se encontraba dándose placer asimismo, al parecer no podía contener más su excitación, debía sacarlo, masturbaba su enorme verga rápidamente, pellizcaba sus pezones mientras lo hacía y esto lo ayudó a venirse, chorros de semen salían del nuevo pene de Will, dejó todo completamente empapado. -. UFFF AGH! Escuché un grito venir del baño, baje rápidamente con la ropa en mano y fui a ver que pasaba; Will salía del baño y se cubría su miembro, y parecía muy apenado. -. Hey, está todo bien? -. Sí... Solo tuve un problema, pero creo que ya pasó. *Decía Will con una grave y tierna voz al mismo tiempo* -. Muy bien, esto es para ti! *Dije mostrándolo una bolsa* Como supuse que necesitarías ropa nueva, luego de tu transformación, decidí comprar te esta, solo son un pantalón, una camisa y unas sandalias, todas extra grande. -. Wow, en serio, muchas gracias, no sé cómo agradecértelo... Este... Podrías pasarme el pantalón? Jeje... Will se puso sus pantalones nuevos, le quedaban muy bien, y algo apretados, se miraba muy sexy con ellos, e incluso se le formaba un buen paquete. -. Bueno, la verdad es que lo hice con gusto, pero si algún día quieres recompensarme estaré dispuesto a hacer lo que sea. -. M-muchas gracias, jejeje... La verdad es que me encanta mi nuevo cuerpo, pero me da un poco de pena que me quedé tan apretada la ropa... -. Bromeas? Mírate ahora! Te ves estupendo! Yo creo que necesitas mostrarle a todos lo genial que te ves! Mostrarles que ya no eres William el gordito, sino William el sexy monstruo musculoso! -. Sí... Creo, creo que tienes razón, sí. -. Muy bien, ahora si quieres podemos pasar la tarde jun- -. Es cierto! Tengo que salir y que el mundo vea mi nuevo yo! Adiós Dylan, iré a disfrutar un poco de mi nuevo cuerpo, Muchas gracias! William, me interrumpió y luego de decir eso, tomó sus cosas y se fue corriendo, aún con su camisa mojada, su pantalón apretado y sus sandalias nuevas, se veía muy sexy, pero me dejó sin poder hacer nada, nisiquiera me escuchó al detenerlo, me sentía muy frustrado, pero al mismo tiempo, estaba seguro que no era la última vez que lo iba a ver, y no podía esperar a verlo mañana en el trabajo, luego de eso, me dirigí al baño y al entrar, encontré lo que Will había hecho; dejó todo cubierto de su semen, el lavamanos, las cortinas, el espejo, todo estaba lleno de su lefa, era por eso que estaba tan apenado. Mientras tanto William fue a hacer varias compras, ropas, zapatos, calzoncillos, jock straps y varias cosas más, al parecer usó todo el dinero que había ahorrado toda su vida. Llegó la noche y Will se encontraba solo en su habitación, acababa de salir de bañarse, estaba completamente desnudo, se miró frente al espejo, pensó en lo que dije, de mostrarle a todos su nuevo cuerpo, y al final suspiró y dijo. -. Realmente... Este soy yo... Desde mañana todo será diferente, todos me tratarán diferente, yo soy diferente. Llegó la mañana siguiente, yo fui al trabajo en mi auto lujoso como siempre, entré y extrañamente no vi a Will en su escritorio, era extraño, él era siempre el que venía temprano, todos habían llegado menos él, realmente pensé que ya no vendría; pero al parecer me equivoqué. Will entró por la puerta principal, estaba usando una camiseta sin mangas que le quedaba algo ajustada, parecía que sus pechos iban a salir en cualquier momento, junto a eso, también llevaba unos jeans oscuros y ajustados en los cual se formaba un enorme paquete, justo como el de ayer, y por último unas botas timberland; todos estaban sorprendidos viendo a semejante bestia entrar de una manera muy confiada y vistiendo de una forma muy sexy, unos no sabían quién era, pero los que solían molestar a William se dieron cuenta de que era él, el gordito William, pero ahora convertido en un monstruo sexy y musculoso. Todos murmuraban, obviamente estaban hablando de él, y al parecer no le importaba, de hecho podría asegurar que le gustaba que hablaran de él, realmente lo opuesto a como era antes; Will, seguía caminando con una cara muy confiada, se dirigía hacia mi. -. Hola Dylan, Buenos días. *Dijo con su sexy y profunda voz* -. H-hola, buenos días... Dormiste bien? Me derretía por ese hombre, tanto que casi no podía hablar. -. Sí, jajá, dormí tan bien; luego de irme a casa comí como loco, incluso más de lo que comía cuando estaba gordo, y también me masturbé tres veces antes de dormir, fue muy bueno, al parecer este nuevo cuerpo me pide nuevas necesidades que no tenía antes. -. Wow, tres veces, eh? -. Sí... Desde que me transformé en esto suelo estar muy caliente, incluso lo estoy ahora... *Dijo dando un largo suspiro* Sabes? Daría lo que fuera para que alguien de aquí me haga una mamada ahora mismo. Eso fue, al decirme eso no podía más, estaba realmente exitado, tenía que hacer que ese gigante me diera esa mamada. -. Oye, yo estoy libre unos 15 minutos, sabes? -. Jejé, sabía que podía contar con mi mejor amigo aquí. Vamos a divertirnos. Me tomó con un brazo, me puso en su hombro y me llevó al armario del conserje, ahí bajó sus pantalones hasta sus rodillas y sacó su verga de ese jock strap que parecía que iba estallar en cualquier momento, yo comencé abriendo mi boca e iba a mamarsela poco a poco, o al menos ese era mi plan hasta que el gigante tomó mi cabeza con una mano y la acercaba y alejaba bruscamente hacia él, sinceramente no sé como pude aguantar semejante falo, llegaba hasta lo profundo de mi garganta que incluso dolía y además tenía que abrir bien la boca, ya que era muy grueso, tenía que pedir pausas para respirar y el me las daba, pero tan pronto podía regresaba a tomarme de la cabeza y hacer que se la chupara; mientras tanto yo solo podía masturbarme, me excitaba mucho esto, esto es lo que quería, quería sentir todas las fibras de este hombre dentro de mi. -. Que rico, por dios! Nunca, agh, nunca me la habían mamado antes, esto es demasiado bueno... Mierda, agh! Yo solo gemía a todo lo que decía y veía atentamente su cara, le encantaba volar mi boca con su enorme tranca. -. Puta, creo que... Ahhh... Creo que me voy a venir! El ritmo comenzó a acelerarse y yo ya me estaba viniendo también, se veía que iba a explotar en cualquier momento, hasta que... Lo hizo, se vino dentro de mi y tragué sus litros y litros de esperma que había depositado en mi boca. -. Agh... Wow... Si... Que tiraste mucho... Semen... *Dije con mis últimos alientos tirado en el piso* -. JAJAJA, wow! Me siento realmente poderoso ahora! Eso estuvo muy bueno, siempre quise que me hicieran una mamada, que bueno que fuiste tú el que me la hizo. Luego de decir eso me levantó y me besó mientras que yo aún tenía rastros de su semen en mi boca. -. Oye... Si tienes tiempo ahora podemos seguir con esto, aún tengo mucha leche aquí mismo. *Dijo moviendo su enorme pene y sus grande bolas* -. Uff... Agh, lo siento, tengo una sesión de fotos con Gabriel ahora mismo, será una sesión de él completamente desnudo, quizá te la pase luego para que la edites. -. Desnudo, eh?.. Bueno, creo que quiero ver eso también. -. Sí, ya me tengo que ir y estoy empapado. -. Oh, no te preocupes, en mi escritorio tengo unas toallitas húmedas para que te limpies. Eso fue realmente amable, parecía que aún quedaba un poco del viejo Will en esa enorme montaña de músculos con gran deseo sexual. Luego de limpiarme, llegó el momento, era hora de sacar a relucir mi talento y tomarle las fotos al modelo más grande de la compañía, Gabriel Janzi, el cuál también era uno de los más grandes bullies de Will. Yo sabía que Will tomaría venganza en cualquier momento, el problema era que no sabía cuándo ni cómo, así que en cualquier momento podría atacar, además que Gabriel no sabía nada aún del cambio de Will, así que quería estar ahí para ver su cara cuando se entere de esto. Gabriel ya estaba listo, tenía un cuerpo genial, un miembro muy bueno y un trasero grande, pero nunca podría llegar a ser igual de sexy y grande que Will eso estaba claro; todo estaba listo, Gabriel en su posición posando, yo con el lente preparado y apuntando, cuando de repente. *PUM* Bruscamente Will entró a la sala repentinamente con una cara decidida, Gabriel como su bullie, lo reconoció al instante, estaba atónito ante semejante monumento. -. William? Que mierda te pasó? -. JAJAJA, te sorprende verme, no pequeñín? luego de muchas burlas, bromas y comentarios, se podría decir que finalmente obtuve lo que siempre merecí. Will se acercaba más y más a Gabriel, hasta tenerlo entre él y la pared, donde comenzó a romper su camisa, pantalones y reventó su jock strap quedando completamente desnudo y con su miembro totalmente erecto. -. Q-qué vas a hacer!? *Dijo Gabriel preocupado* -. Darte lo que siempre has merecido a ti también... Y sucedió lo inevitable, Will tomó a Gabriel de su trasero y comenzó a lamerlo, y abrirlo, luego de un rato escupió a su enorme verga para lubricarla y lo introdujo bruscamente al ano de Gabriel. -. AGHHH!! DETENTE... YAAGHH -. JAJAJA, no cabrón, Agh- estas bien rico, uff, lo tienes bien apretadito. William embestía fuertemente a Gabriel, disfrutaba hacerlo gritar, disfrutaba darse placer con la persona que lo molestaba, realmente era excitante, tanto que hasta tuve que empezar a masturbarme también. -. Uff, que rico! Oye Dylan, deberías tomar fotos de esto, estoy seguro... Agh, que a todos les encantará verme violar a este maricón. Y así como lo dijo lo hice, comencé a tomar fotos de la tremenda cogida que Will le daba a Gabriel, solía cambiarlo de posición siempre, lo ponía en cuatro y comenzaba a flexionar para la cámara, lo cargaba y pedía que enfocara la cara de Gabriel gimiendo como loco, incluso lo hacía chupar su enorme pene mientras el pellizcaba sus pezones de sus enormes pectorales, entre otras, luego de estar un largo rato follando Will comenzaba a aumentar velocidad al igual que cuando se la estuve mamando, sabía que se iba a venir, debía estar preparado para tomar la foto final, la foto de la venida. -. UFFF, ME VENGO PENDEJO! AGHHHH -. AGHHH, MIERDA... Will estalló completamente, llenó a Gabriel con su semen, era tanto que su ano seguía chorreando con el semen incluso luego de que Will sacara su enorme tranca, realmente lo había hecho, se había vengado de su bravucón y de la mejor manera posible. -. Ahhh... Esto fue... Demasiado bueno... creo que no me había venido tanto antes, dejé todo empapado... Jejé... Oye... Dylan, tómame una foto, con mi verga cubierta de semen, estoy seguro que me veo muy sexy, no es así Gabriel? -. Aghhhh... -. DIJE! NO ES ASÍ GABRIEL? -. Aghhh...Sí...lo eres... -. Jajaja... Veo que estas empezando a entender tu nueva posición aquí... Tomé la foto como pidió, realmente era muy sexy, un completo dios musculoso en todo su explendor luego de haber preñado a su presa. Will salió de la sala de fotografía completamente desnudo, junto a Gabriel y yo en cada uno de sus brazos, Gabriel se encontraba casi inconsciente con tremenda cogida, mientras que yo sin pantalones y con mi pene escurriendo un poco de semen, pero claro, para nada como el pene de Will, estaba cubierto y escurría mucho más que él mío. El jefe llegó molesto y se sorprendió al vernos y más al ver que uno de sus mejores modelos fue bruscamente follando por el editor, se quedó sin palabras, así que decidí mostrarle las fotografías que había tomado, en especial la última, en la que Will lucía en todo su explendor. -. Esto... Esto es increíble! Es lo que necesitamos, un dios musculoso! Esto nos ayudará a vender más! Cómo dices que te llamas grandote? -. Me llamo William, soy el editor de acá. -. William, te interesaría ser nuestro nuevo modelo estrella? -. Claro que sí! Me encantaría serlo! Pero antes... Tengo unas pequeñas peticiones que quisiera que se cumplan... Y eso fue lo que cambió la vida profesional de Will, pasó de ser el editor gordito y maltratado a ser la nueva estrella de nuestra empresa de modelaje; claro que con algunas peticiones que se tuvieron que cumplir... Ahora Gabriel tenía que ser el asistente de William y debía servirlo y tratarlo como su amo y ser su puta personal, también le consiguieron un cuarto de descanso, que era donde solía follar a Gabriel cuando tuviera ganas, aunque también solía ir con él para tener un poco de sexo candente, ya que era increíble hacerlo con él y al parecer también le encantaba hacerlo conmigo, incluso comenzó a llevar a más chicos para follarlos, realmente le encantaba pasar el rato ahí, no lo molestabamos para nada, solamente para las seciones de fotos y prueba de vestuario, las cuales estaba feliz de hacer siempre. Sin duda la vida de Will dió un completo giro, él estaba encantado con su nuevo cuerpo, nuevo trabajo, nueva vida, fue lo mejor que le pudo haber pasado, incluso fue de lo mejor que pudo pasarme a mi, tener a un macho que esta dispuesto a tener sexo cuando quieras, es de lo mejor, y por eso es que estoy feliz de haberlo ayudado, estoy feliz de haber ayudado a mi amigo. _________________________________________ Y esto fue todo, espero que les haya gustado, y disculpen si se siente algo apresurada o si hay algún error, pero realmente tenía que sacar esta historia ya, no podía aguantarme más xD Por cierto, algunas de las imágenes son unos edits que hice, no son reales (ojalá y si)
  22. mmvmgo2011


    Hi all Long time lurker. I thought I'd start a story that's been mulling around in my head for a while now. I'm still not sure where it's ultimately headed - though I'm hoping it won't go where you think it might. I have some ideas for the direction - but nothing concrete. There could be anything - so fair warning - if you're easily offended, or grossed out, or whatever, this may not be the thread for you. I'm planning on keeping each chapter fairly short, but hoping to post updates more often. It's my first ever story - so be kind, or not ... EDIT: I've purposefully not given our main protagonist a name, but will use uppercase HE/HIM/HIS to refer to HIM. I'm gradually editing each entry to fix this after the fact. Apologies if it's hard to follow. ******* CHAPTER ONE It was over. Well, IT wasn’t over, but the race to find a vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the virus that caused COVID-19, was done. The company where HE worked had lost the race. There were five or six vaccine candidates approved worldwide, some mRNA based, some more traditional. HIS company had spent billions of dollars, and would never recoup those R&D losses releasing vaccine number six or seven, even if it was more effective. If only it was even slightly effective. The project was shelved and, indeed, the existence of the company itself was now under threat. Word had come down from on high that afternoon; a Thursday. The staff were shocked, but not particularly surprised. Everyone expected the axe to fall at some point — many surprised it took as long as it did. It was always a radical and ambitious plan. A plan that would pay massive dividends if it paid off - not only in immediate sales of vaccine, but in lucrative patents that would forever change vaccine development and progress medical science as we’d known it. As the old saying goes, if it’s too good to be true… A vaccine that reprogrammed the patient’s DNA so that the patient’s own immune system would produce the cells and antibodies necessary to fight the virus would not only prevent COVID-19 disease, it would also prevent transmission of the virus causing the disease, ending the pandemic once and for all. But that was small fry compared to future developments. No more influenza, common cold, herpes, HIV, Hepatitis… any infection known to man — virus, bacteria, fungi — would be cured. And even the big C, cancer. Well, it WAS ambitious. But it was not to be. Though the theory seemed sound, putting the theory into practice proved… challenging. Hundreds of billions of dollars were spent trying to make it work and, though there was some promising early results in vitro, every single tested animal had resulted in horribly disfigured or dead animals. Not exactly ready for initial human trials, let alone approval for final manufacture and sale. The bean counters and lawyers were still crunching the numbers and considering the options, but it seemed that so little progress had been made converting theory into practice that everything relating to the project, from samples to formulas, from notes to equipment, from methods to specialised equipment — everything — was effectively worthless.
  23. PowerFibres

    The New 2022 Agenda

    I remember the new laws as if they were yesterday, even now it still feels like some strange dream. The time was 23:59, 31st December 2021; me and my friends gathered around the television to watch the fireworks and celebrations while we had some celebrations of our own. All of us were gorging on whatever readymade stuff we could find at the store, and most of us had got drunk as lords off the wine. I'd been trying to eat and drink away my troubles and loneliness as I shoveled food into my already huge gut and my head swirled from the alcohol. Eventually, someone yelled that it was almost midnight, and our attention was gripped by the screen. We did the countdown. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year." Someone popped a cork, a couple of people got a drunken chorus of Auld Lang Syne going, and it was pretty much a regular old New Years party. This went on until the fireworks stopped, and the screen faded to black. I noticed the change first, as I was hardly in the mood for celebrating, and I pointed it out to the room when "BREAKING NEWS" came on the screen. The room almost instantly fell to silence, until a voice spoke. "This is a breaking news bulletin concerning a government announcement, please stand by for more information" I'd heard about this supposed government announcement, but thought nothing of it as nobody seemed to have any idea what it could be about. There were rumours it concerned those big buildings that the government were buying up, and working on away from the public eye. We didn't have to wait long to find out, as the screen changed to an empty podium with a flag behind it. After a moment, a man walked onto screen and behind the podium. Even in the suit he wore, you could tell from the way his body filled it out that he was no stranger to the gym; his shaved head and no-nonsense expression told us all that he was the sort of guy who didn't tolerate much bullshit. "Good evening, or rather good morning everyone, we hope that your new year's has been pleasant, and wish you luck in the coming year. This message concerns new policy that has come into effect, as of midnight, 1st January 2022." Everyone began to share nervous glances, racking our brains to think of what this could possibly be about. "A new report from the department of health has revealed damning information about the obesity crisis and a lack of physical education. Our health system has been strained to breaking point by these issues, and it is in the interests of the country to use drastic measures in order to prevent catastrophe. As of today, state-sanctioned gyms will be opening across the country, half for men and half for women. Information obtained from the department of health has allowed us to form a list of those at serious risk of health impacts from unhealthy lifestyles, 70% of the population is on this list. Those on this list will be sent more information about the gyms they have been assigned to, the exercises they are supposed to follow, the times in which they are supposed to attend, and other details. Thank you listening to this broadcast." And with that, the bulletin ended, and we were all left sitting in shock. We could barely form our suprise into words as we talking (or rather shouted) amongst ourselves about this decision. There were some who supported this decision, and others who were outraged at the news, but it was undeniable that most of us would be heading for a world of change. While the next few days offered reprieve as the information was handed out to every person, I soon found myself with a government booklet in my hand. It had two options, either cardio, weightlifting, or a combination of the two. While I was unfamiliar with a lot of the terminology of the weightlifting section, the cardio section made me tired just looking at it. I also received information concerning the gym I was supposed to attend, and the regulations on the gym clothes that were to be worn at this gym. And if I thought I could just use my burnt calories to eat more, the booklet detailed mandatory health inspections that would be happening to ensure that progress was being made. The next day, my programme began. I turned up at the gym at the allocated window of time. The building was huge, and had a sign above that read "Department of Health State Gym, No. 368, Male", men of different shapes and sizes, but none of this skinny, were walking in. There was a constant stream of guys coming in and out, with the ones coming in looking nervous, and ones coming out looking sweaty and exhausted. The entire place was overseen by guys who were clearly ex-army, who now worked for a different branch, with their maroon uniforms and either ripped or athletic physiques. I walked up to the next free desk, with one of the assistants behind it. "Hello sir, name please." "Julian Overton" "I see you here on the list, Mr Overton. Are you here for the cardio programme, the weightlifting programme, or the mixed programme." "Mixed please." I'd chosen mixed as I knew running and other cardio, but hoped the weightlifting could give me some time to breath between. "Very well, that is in the system now. Do you have the recommended clothes for your session today." "Yes." "Excellent, here is your programme" he handed me a table of the activities "and if you'd like to proceed into the changing room over there, put on your exercising clothes, and begin." I did as the man said, and went into the changing room, only to be met by quite a sight. The men who were changing with me were all of considerable size; giant guts, flabby arms, clearly very little physical exercise, and when I looked down at my own body, I saw the exact same thing. As I watched some of the older men with my physique struggle to change their clothes before even beginning to exercise, I realised the reasons behind this new law. As I made my way to the main area, I noticed a man walking in the same direction who had clearly not changed clothes, and was stopped by the guard who was watching people as they came in. "Stop!" I nearly fainted when I thought he was talking to me, but he was addressing the other man. "Those clothes are not appropriate for the gym, and are in violation of the rules." "Oh, I'm sorry. I promise I'll remember some tomorrow, I was just in a rush-" the guard cut him off. "Violations of the clothing rules will not make anyone exempt from their sessions. Please remove the offending items." The man, clearly surprised but with no other option, took off his clothes until he was just stood in his underwear. He was expecting to receive something else to wear, but the guard simply stood to allow him to pass, expecting him to begin his programme. I tried to put the exchange out of my mind as I got started for the first time, and trying not to stare at the other guys in their underwear who had clearly tried to fiendishly break the system. The cardio was brutal, and the weightlifting was hell, but when I left a feeling that I'd never felt before. That one workout hadn't changed much, but the feeling of physical accomplishment was making me feel inches taller and miles more confident. When the next day came, and I was expected at the gym again, I didn't come in with half of the nervousness that I had before. I blasted through my programme a second time, far easier than I had the first. This continued again and again and again, until strolling into the gym was just another part of the day. My eating habits also changed. The junk food felt like poison to me now, as I started to learn the horrors of what I'd been putting into my body. It was one thing when I was a fat tub, but now I had goals to work towards. Now the only things I could eat was vegetables, fruits, and whatever protein sources wouldn't pack on the pounds. As expected, my body began to rapidly change. My giant gut and man tits melted like ice in heat, and soon I was seeing the outlines of muscle poke through the flab. I was waking up with more energy, simple tasks like climbing stairs were now a breeze, and mentally I felt like someone had come in with a cloth and wiped my issues away. Pretty soon, I was itching to go back to the gym, and I was striking up conversations with the assistants there. Eventually, I got talking with an assistant named Eric. He was a beautiful, 6'4 ex-navy guy who had got into bodybuilding to fill the hole in his life left by the navy, and boy did it show. The first thing I noticed about him were his arms, which were mostly uncovered by the uniforms, revealing two colossal mountains of bicep standing high about a thick river of tricep that ran underneath. I also loved his forearms which he left hairy and were covered with striations. We really hit it off, his interests being just as nerdy as mine, and we quickly became friends. I noticed from day one how he was making a peak form in my gym shorts, and how much I loved seeing him running his fingers through his hair as his biceps raised, but I shelved those feelings in fear of jeopardising the friendship. As we both clearly were gym bros, I asked if Eric if he wanted to work out with me. He seemed enthused, but revealed he worked out at another gym that wasn't government sanctioned, and far more centred around weightlifting. I was nervous to go into unfamiliar territory, but as I'd done it before, I agreed agreed. We met up at Eric's gym, his face seeming to light up when he saw me arrive. We went into the changing area, and began talking. As I opened my gym bag, Eric whipped off his shirt, and I saw what was really underneath. His body looked like it was carved out of marble, his shoulders wide enough to carry two other men on them, his pecs like two metal trophies of his physical accomplishment, his back like a winding map of muscle. When he slid off his trousers, I marveled at his trunk legs with lines that marked out each meticulously cared for muscle. I watched as he slid on his gym shorts and shoes, but just as I expected him to pull out a gym shirt, he began loading his stuff into one of the lockers. When I pulled out a gym shirt of my own and put it over my head, he whispered. "Hey, if you want to wear a shirt, that's cool, but most people just choose to let it hang out. It really helps with getting in touch with your body." Against all other expectations, I decided to leave my shirt in the locker. As Eric had described, the gym was wall-to-wall weight lifting equipment, and the cardio machines I used at the other place were gone. I had no choice but to really get stuck into the weight, but I found myself enjoying it. Eric could clearly see the enjoyment on my face, and when we're walking towards the exit, he said "I can see you enjoyed it dude, and I'm glad. I think you'd look hot with some muscle on your bones." "Thanks. It's cool that you can say that about other guys." "Well, maybe it's weird for straight guys, but for guys like me usually don't have a problem." "Wait a minute, are you gay?" "Yeah dude, couldn't you tell." "Fuck no. Clearly us gay guys don't have the gaydars we think we do." "Hold on, you're gay too?" "Ha, if that doesn't just prove my point." Well, as much as we didn't want to jinxe it too early, we knew that this would be the beginning of something else in our relationship. I saw him in a new light, and even more irresistible than I did before. One day, as we were on the bench press station, Eric went for his PR. Just before he did, I learnt over and whispered in his ear. "If you do this, I'll make out with you in the gym restroom. Do you want it?" Eric didn't say a word, just grabbed the bar with his powerful arms, brought it to his chest, and thrust it into the air. In minutes we were rubbing our shirtless bodies against each other, locking lips as we felt each other's abs. Later that month, when I was on the squat station, about to attempt my PR, he leant over and whispered in my ear. "If you do this, I'll fuck your brains out in my bed. Do you want it?" I didn't say a word, just grabbed the bar, slowly dropped down, and back up again. An hour later, we had burst into his apartment, barely able to keep our hands off each other, before he had his dick deep inside me. It was so hot looking in the mirror and seeing two muscled masculine bodies engaged in this erotic act. Eric got me more and more obsessed with bodybuilding, until eventually I was starting to catch up to him, which only made our bedroom activities better. We went on dates where we ordered piles and piles of protein, we would drink our shakes while watching a film and cuddled, all the while he stayed my favourite gym spotter in the world. It was no time at all before we were just two muscle guys, madly in love. One day, my beautiful boy rushed home to tell me that there was a vacancy at the state gym for an assistant. I thought they would never pick me, and there'd just be someone else better, but as I looked at myself in the mirror. However, when I looked in the mirror, a fully formed bodybuilder looked back at me, so I applied. It was tough, there were other candidates of around size there, but the physical exam showed that I was the right man for the job. Soon, me and Eric were working together in our maroon uniforms, helping others achieve their potentials, and I couldn't be happier. Months, even years passed, and we moved in together. Then, when our three year anniversary came around, I took my man on a long hike up to the top of a hill. When we got to the end, our chests uncovered and gleaming with sweat, I got on one knee, buried my face in his six pack, and asked him to marry me. He of course said yes. The night after our wedding day, I got to make a protein-rich breakfast for me and my sleeping groom. When I picked up a letter that had just arrived, I chuckled to myself. It was a questionnaire asking for my opinion on the physical fitness laws. Well because of them I was in the best shape of my life, my mind was clean as a whistle, and most importantly, I'd met the man on my dreams. So I said I was very happy with these government policies, very happy indeed.
  24. It had been a very hectic day, but it was soon coming to a close. Moving from the university town where my lab was located to a big city, doing the paperwork, getting everything in the building, more paperwork, directing the movers, more paperwork, worrying about the opening day, and finalising the paperwork. But, the last piece of equipment (a rack of dumbbells, in cast you were wondering) had been hauled up the stairs, and the last document had been signed. The people who worked on this collaborative effort all left, leaving me alone with my brand new gym. I’d been laughing to myself all day when the movers stopped to comment on my business model. “This place seems a bit remote, I wouldn’t know where to find it.” “Are you advertising this place?” “Maybe I’ll get a membership, my misses thinks I’m packing in the pounds” Oh how innocent they were, none of them new the extent of my true intentions with this place, but that was kind of the idea. They were correct that there was no sign outside of advertising that told a soul that this place was a gym, or any way that the average Joe off the street could discover it, but that was the general idea. I walked through the gym area, marvelling at the amount of weightlifting stations I’d managed to pack into such a small space, and the array of weights that accompanied them. I peeped inside the men’s changing room, and fantasised about the men who would soon fill it. I also peeped into the women’s changing room, but only for a quick chuckle to myself. The only other place was the reception area and my cramped office in the back, where I had already set up my device. It stood proud in the middle of the room and looked like something right out of the future, which in a way it was. I checked the message I’d already coded, and sure enough it was ready. “If you want to be big, to be powerful, want muscle, and love muscle, come closer, come to the fourth floor.” I turned the device to its most powerful setting, and waited for my first client. In fact, my first client would walk down the street that day. I’d conveniently placed my gym near the local gay bars and the general gay scene, so it was only a matter of time before someone to my liking would stroll past. Samuel was on his way to drink away his sorrow at his local place, and maybe shack up with someone. His job was a miserable slog through hours of bullshit that he only had the slightest grasp on, and the rest of his life was suffering. His mid section looked as if it has been inflated by a bicycle pump, and he began to get out of breath just walking to the nearest fast food restaurant, which was a trip he often made. While there were guys willing to get with someone of his disappointing build, few were the guys he dreamt of, the muscle guys. They were all interested in others like them, the ones who looked like they lived in the gym; but Samuel wanted to be like them, and to have them. As he walked from his work, still dressed in the suit that barely contained his swinging belly, he started to feel strange, but in a good way. His cluttered mind cleared of all the bad things rattling around, and he felt both a sense of calm, as well as a magnetic pull towards the building to his right. He wasn’t sure why, but he’d never seen what was up there, and needed to find out. He heaved himself up the stairs, stopping at the forth floor, and pushed against the unmarked door into whatever was behind it. When he came barrelling through the door, I was stood there waiting for him. Seconds before he entered, I’d switched to the second message on the device, knowing the first had done its job. “You want to be big, you want muscle. This gym is doing it. Don’t question, just lift, eat right, and lift.” He looked around, a little confused, and finding no other source of information, approached my desk. “He-hello, um, I know this is a strange question, but what is this place, I’ve never noticed it before?” “It’s a gym, Mr...” “Sam. Well that’s my first name.” “Nice to meet you Sam. We’ve just opened this morning, and you’re the first to come through our door. If you’d like to look over our membership options, I’d be happy to make you our first client.” “Oh I see, well it sounds great.” Brilliant, the second message was taking hold. This guy looked like he’d barely walked into a gym in his life, yet he was already signing on. He looked over the memberships, but I could tell he’d already made up his mind. He bought a month’s membership, and left, promising to come tomorrow morning. I didn’t need a promise, I knew he would. When I opened up the place the next day, it was scarcely twenty minutes before Sam came through the door. He was clearly nervous, but had a gym bag over his shoulder. He said hello to me, and went into the changing room. The walls were covered with pictures of muscled bodybuilders, and even a couple of morphed ones beyond human potential. They all turned Sam on, but he thought better than trying to jerk off there. He began to pull a shirt out of his gym bag, but saw a sign displayed prominently on the wall. “For hygiene purposes, we ask all our male clients to exercise without upper-body clothing.” Sam slid the shirt back, and left the room with the air on his bare chest. When he walked into the gym area, I’d already switched to the third message that provided instructions on how to perform the main lifts. I watched him like a hawk as he flawlessly performed a bench press set, then another, and another, and another. He moved on to another exercise, and another, and another, and another. Soon multiple hours had passed; sweat was running down Sam’s uncovered upper body, but he was still desperate to keep going. As the months passed, Sam became morphed into the very definition of a “gym bro”. He was eating like a train, but if was all beans, lentils, of whatever protein he could get his hands on. The idea of eating fast food seemed like swallowing a live rat, and his belly soon vanished until he had a slight gut protruding. Despite his rapid weight loss, the muscle mass kept on coming. I was shocked at his increasing size that didn’t seem to have an end; the weights he put on the bar climbed higher and higher. Also, he always had a story of the latest guy he’d taken to bed, often with pictures of guys with bulging muscles to accompany them. One day, I saw the true change in him. His shoulders looked like they’d almost doubled in width thanks to the many exercises and the lack of fat below them, and the seemed to crown the pecs that had began to form a gorgeous shelf above the last whimpers of a gut (which I knew had chiseled and beneath). I don’t know what about that day had told me that the experiment was a success, but my pilot trial had gone without a hitch, and it was time to expand the operation. “Sam, can I ask you something?” “Go ahead dude.” Sam replied, his voice seeming much deeper than when we met, possibly from some bodily change, or his new confidence. “You involve yourself with a lot of guys who are into fitness. I don’t want to put you on the spot, but it would be great if we could drum up some business around here.” “Sure thing bro. I’ve got guys that would put my progress to shame, and they’re constantly looking for a place with a lot of lifters.” He was nice to consider my request so thoughtfully, but the machine was giving him another message. “Get ones like you used to be. Convert the hopeless. Make them into gay adonises like you.” And he did. Soon, a guy called Blake was walking sheepishly up my steps. His thin physique was a product of years of neglect, and it was thanks to his dislike of food that he wasn’t as fat as a planet. But the messages guided him along, and he soon found himself shirtless and heaving weights in my place. Then another called Peter, who was too nervous to step foot in a gym, but laughed along with his bros and flexed for them after some conditioning. Then Bertrand, and Viraj, and Michael, and Paul, and Rohaan, and Julien, and another Michael, and so on. Soon, my gym was stocked full of beautiful adonises. They were all as shirtless as swimmers, showing their chiseled bodies on display, and I suspect I didn’t need the rule to get them to do it. Their shoulders were so broad they could barely walk around the place without bumping into the others, their pecs were striking and big enough to bounce with considerable force (which they loved to do), their arms showed mountains of muscle that rose into beautiful peaks when they checked their progress in front of the mirror, their legs forced them to waddle and their asses strained the largest jeans. In total, they were perfect. But the best part was the lust for each other that they soon discovered. I’d morphed their interests had always been towards the muscular, but I’d changed them to accept the biggest guys, and accept little less. This, combined with their rising testosterone, meant they could barely perform a session without slinking off to the back. They hammered away at each other which such ferocity, and I loved it when it became a battle of strength for who could take the most. They wouldn’t give two shits when I’d sit in on their sessions, and watched their muscles collide and stick together from the beads of sweat that rolled down the many crevices of their new bodies. My experiment had worked better than I could have ever expected, but I wanted more. The device could be scaled up, and so could the results of my clients. Of course, their progress was less than natural, a fact they would of learnt if they’d only stopped to consider why the liquid in the water cooler seemed to have such an odd taste, not that they would question it. This was only the beginning.
  25. NexCanis

    Out of the Closet

    There are few things in this world that could allow and facilitate instantaneous transformation or gratification. Those that do often are fleeting and transitory, offering brief releases from reality but never leaving any lasting effects. Most of the time, people need to rely on themselves to change and their will to commit to that change. Note, however, that the use of determiners such as ‘few’, ‘often’ and ‘most’. Rare as they may be, there are phenomenon and artifacts out there that can bring permanent change and true gratification. These objects often cause great change that mortal minds simply cannot comprehend. Our minds would simply explode trying to understand this phenomenon so our minds simply rewrite our memories and thoughts to accept the new reality as truth. An extreme sense of denial, one could call it. Perhaps this is how these objects maintain their sort of pseudo-anonymity and remain forever hidden with only the lucky individuals who encounter it stumbling upon them by complete accident. No one ever hunts for these artifacts because in the eyes of history, they never existed. Even those changed by it rarely have any recollection of them, their memories and history merely blending with the truth that they had come to understand. One of these many wonders is rumored to have been created by Priapus, crafted from only the hardest of wood from a tree that was fed on the seed of all the gods that Hermes secretly milked while they slept. There are even tales that this unassuming object was crafted by a puckish demon who scorned the world’s objection to homosexuality and used it to turn men into loving other men just to destabilize the world. A single tale speaks of an extra-dimensional entity who simply wanted men to have the lives they dreamed of without fighting against the constraints of circumstance. Whatever the truth of it, this simple, unassuming closet ensures that any man who steps inside, truly ‘comes out’. ❖ Timothy Willis stepped into the dingy motel room with a dejected sigh. Sleep had eluded him for the past week leaving the heavy bags under his eyes to match the weight of the two travel bags that he dropped onto the floor next to the awful, puke-green door. Shuffling his scrawny frame across the mud-colored carpet, his dirty sneakers dragging beneath him, he shut the door behind him with a slam without even bothering to lock the door. Weary, broken-hearted and defeated, he collapsed onto the bed face first only for pain to immediately rocket up from his nose. The mattress was as hard as concrete and he could swear one of the springs had jabbed his forehead just out of spite. Grumbling, he rolled onto his back and stared at the creaky ceiling fan that looked like it was just about to fall on him and end his suffering. Though that would be welcome. Timothy lay on his back, trying to muster up some previously unknown psychic power to summon that fan into his skull. Naturally, nothing happened and he was left free to ponder the misery of his existence up to this point. Truly amazing was the speed of his descent. Just two weeks ago, he was a bright-eyed intern for a country-wide media corporation. Dreams of one day being an anchor man fueled him through grueling hours, hostile bosses and constant jabs of having ‘no soul’ because of his dark red hair. More than once he had scalding hot coffee thrown at him because ‘it wasn’t a latte’. He draped an arm over his blue eyes, fighting back the tears and holding back a sob. One of many interns, he was in a competitive field and many of his fellow interns were constantly doing whatever they could to sabotage his and one another’s efforts to garner favor from the higher-ups. Being too nice or perhaps too honorable, Timothy never resorted to any of those tactics. Which is exactly what got him fired. Too ashamed to go back to his parents, he packed up his belonging from the apartment that he could no longer afford and shuffled into this motel, a loose-fitting white collared shirt from Forever 21 around his shoulders and black tie hanging loosely around his neck. His legs were covered by the same, skinny, black slacks that he had worn to his senior prom were dirtied with mud and coffee stains. The tears were starting to soak into his sleeves. Wiping puffy, red, eyes free of the tears, he steeled himself and straighted up in the bed. “There are better opportunities,” he told himself, light voice that never stopped ‘breaking’ heavy with disappointment and shame. “I’ll find another job. Maybe start local.” Though he had no solid plans, the twenty-three-year-old, communications major jumped to his feet and straightened his back. Having never really participated in sports, Timothy had the blessing of being able to eat anything and everything while remaining quite skinny. His metabolism seemed to constantly be in overdrive. Eating takeaway was probably not a good idea given that he was now on a budget but he needed some comfort food this evening. First, he needed to get changed out of these clothes. They stank of disappointment, expensive cologne, coffee and cigarettes. He padded over to where he had left his bags, grabbed them by their handles and dragged them over to the closet. He wasn’t expecting anything fantastical or even decent from a roadside motel but when he pulled open the closet door, he was quite surprised when he had a full walk-in closet in front of him. It was not a dingy closet that could barely fit one person, either. It could be construed as a room in and of itself. “What the hell…?” he mumbled to himself, poking his head forward and into the room. “How could a place like this have a closet this big?” There was enough room for him to stand inside with his arms outstretched and still have room for the coats and shirts to hang on the racks with his fingers barely grazing them. It was the kind of thing he would expect to see in a mansion or a ritzy hotel but certainly not this place. The strangest thing of all, however, was the fact that there were already clothes in the closet. To his left were a variety of jackets from heavy parkas, long trench coats, tough-looking leather jackets and even some luminescent worker’s vests. To the right were shirts of all variety. Long-sleeved, collared shirts, tank tops, compression shirts and even some print shirts. Beneath both were matching sets of pants and shorts ranging from the formal to the mundane. A rack at the far end of the wall was populated by all forms of footwear. On that same wall were large, square shelves where underwear and socks were stocked, neatly folded. “That explains the fee,” he mumbled to himself. “Though who would leave all this stuff in a motel?” The logical part of his brain said that he should go back down to the front office and inform them that someone had left a fortune’s worth of clothing in his closet. Maybe he could even argue for another room without such space and get a discount for being a Good Samaritan. Something about the closet, however, called to him. Perhaps it was curiosity or some innate desire to try on something that didn’t hang off him like a ghost’s sheet during Halloween. He left his bags where they were, just outside of the closet and stepped inside. The air was strangely crisp and clean, the bright, white light above his head illuminating every corner without flaw. His eyes were drawn to the expensive-looking suit jacket to his left. Just as his hands were about to brush against the silky sleeve, there was a loud bang behind him. Timothy spun in place and his heart leaped to his throat at the side of his own reflection staring back at him. There was a full-body mirror planted at the back of the closet door - a door that was now firmly shut. “What in the world…?” he exclaimed, scrambling forward for the doorknob. But there was no doorknob. There was a brief flash of confusion followed by panic as he tried to push the door open only for it to stubbornly refuse. He banged at the door with his right fist as fear began to set in. Something cool, slick and silky suddenly snapped around his wrist, pulled it back away from the door. It was a tie. A burgundy-colored tie that seemed to have wrapped around one of the racks and winding itself to pull him away from the door. “The fu -” He never got to finish his exclamation as that same sensation snapped around his left wrist and suddenly yanked his wrist back. Another tie, this one teal in color, had taken his wrist. The force of both ties pulling at his limbs dragged him across the carpeted floor before stopping about halfway into the closet. The question ‘what is happening?’ constantly played in his mind, his shock keeping him from vocalizing it even as the ties tightened their grip and yanked him off the ground, lifting him a whole two feet off the floor. The first instinct was to start kicking and in response, two other ties snaked out from between the pants and shorts, seizing his ankles and holding them still. “What the hell is going on here!” he cried. “Let me go!” In response, something heavy and damp slapped into his face. The ensuing gasp caused whatever it was to dive a little into his throat, causing him to choke on the fabric and filling his tongue with the salty, musky taste of the sweaty briefs. A scent thick with testosterone, manly body odor and the strange combination of fresh pine and mud wafted into his nostrils. Coupled with the weariness from a lack of sleep for the past five days and his protests and struggling quickly subsided. Blue eyes glazed over, Timothy hung there, suspended by the ties with his head drooping slightly and his eyes gazing off at his own reflection in the mirror. A new sensation quickly made itself known, radiating from his groin. If the bottom half of his face wasn’t obscured by the large briefs wrapped around his face, the leg-holes looped behind his ears, it would have been possible to see the dopey grin that crawled across his features as his modest cock began to stir awake. There was still some part of him that was screaming that this was unnatural, that he should wrest himself free from the restraints or cry for help but those thoughts were quickly overwhelmed by images of getting up in the morning with a supreme hard-on and immediately finding release by stroking his throbbing meat. Restrained as he was, the only thing he could do to mimic that sensation was to absently thrust his hips forward into the air, rubbing his erect dick against his boxer-briefs and the tight confines of his slacks. That one thrust was all the rest of his body needed. A deep thrumming began emitting from deep within his flesh, vibrations rippling throughout his entire body. Cells rapidly multiplied and divided, muscle stretching and expanding with a sound like stretching leather while bones snapped and grew to the chorus of a cracking whip. Each of his toes wiggled up from where they sat in his sneakers, pressing up against the dirtied fabric and distorting the shape as the balls of his feet widened. Those toes were forced to curl as they pressed up against the limits of the same sneakers he had worn since college. The strings grew taut, wailing in protest while his socks receded down from his calf, the fabric begin pulled by his expanding digits. Rrrrrrip! His toes flared out from his sneakers, exploding out of his size 10 shoes like a crescent moon peeing over a curved hill. His socks were only a second behind, giving way as his toes shot out of the white fabric and freeing his feet. The gap at the top of his destroyed shoe quickly spread all down the length of his foot, finally meeting at the back of his heel and causing the dangling flap of the sole to drop uselessly on the ground. A soft sigh of relief escaped his Timothy’s lips as a sense of familiarity washed up from his his new size 16 feet. Size 16. That didn’t seem right. He never had such big feet. But of course did. Ever since he had reached puberty, he needed to have his shoes custom made simply because most shoe stores didn’t stock size 16 shoes readily in stock. His parents always boasted that he would be a star basketball player with feet that big. Basketball was never his sport though. Wrestling. Yes. Wrestling was h is more type of game. But did he ever wrestle? What questions he had was erased by a more pressing question. ‘What is it that people say about guys feet compared to their cock size?’ Grinning through the mouthful of musky undergarments, Timothy thrust once more into the air, brushing his cock against the slacks that felt so alien on him now. His member pulsated, already fully erect but somehow stretching up another inch and leaking precum that mixed with his own rising musk, a musk that was quickly gaining a hint of pine and mud in it. Like magic, the remnants of his shoes which hung uselessly on the back of his feet peeled themselves away, shards of an old life falling away to give way to the new. The torn fabric of his socks unraveled themselves, the thread flying off out of sight in between the tightly and neatly pressed garments that hung against the walls, being absorbed into the essence of the Closet. The fragments of his shoes wiggled off into the shadows, disappearing from view and leaving him completely bare foot. To fix this, two pairs of thick, black, woolen socks snaked out from the shelves behind him, sliding themselves down the back of the closet to meet the two pair of heavy, tan, steel-toed boots that let themselves off the shoe rack and began ‘walking’ towards the restrained Timothy. They worked in tandem with one another, the shoes offering a platform for the socks to slowly open their maws and position themselves over Timothy’s bare feet. The moment the fabric touched Timothy’s pale skin, the young man squirmed and found his arousal double, precum forming a distinct stain against his slacks. Thick, reddish-brown hairs sprang from the knuckles of his toes, curling into a dense patch that matched the thick patch that formed over the bridge of his foot. All of this the socks quickly enveloped, hugging the delicate hairs tightly with a promise to protect them in as much warmth and comfort as they could provide. Timothy smiled at the memories of feeling that fabric brush against the back of his feet, enjoying the tingling sensation of the freshly laundered and dried socks gliding over the hairs on his feet. The thought made his toes curl, welcoming the embrace of those steel-toed worker’s boots that jumped up and gobbled his feet like a hungry whale. Raw power and masculinity radiated from those boots and Timothy arched his back, sucking in air and more of that heady musk through clenched teeth as the boots pushed back his slacks and securely tied their laces around his new, enlarged feet. This stirred the mass of his calves to throb and bulge. The hems of his slacks were forced to recede further as his shins extended, dense, dark red hairs sweeping over his pale skin and covering them in a protective layer of fuzz. These hems became stuck above halfway up his calves where they abruptly tore, giving way to the large, heart-shaped bulges of his muscles that spread out like two, meaty hams. This started a chain reaction all up his slacks. The seams of the same pants he had worn almost every day to work burst to reveal thick muscle and hair beneath. A series of ripping and tearing accompanied the cacophony of moans that left his lips. Bulging tree-trunk thighs shed the fabric of his pants, sending shards flying off into different directions like tiny, black snowflakes that disappeared in between the garments of the Closet. Even the part of the pants that was tightly wound bound by his belt was not spared as it flaked off of its own accord, surrendering itself to the powers of the Closet and leaving him only in his shrinking black boxer-briefs and his shirt. As the line of the boxer-briefs were forced further and further back up his swelling thighs, the hairs on his legs grew thicker. A beastly coating soon covered his massive limbs like God himself was trying to tell this primal, perfect specimen of a man to show some humility and hide the definition in his legs so that other, lesser males would not feel so emasculated. But modesty could not hold back the thick, pulsating veins that crisscrossed Timothy’s legs like vines over a tree trunk or the tear-drop definition of his quads and ‘V-shaped’ arches of his hamstrings. Stubbornly, his briefs refused to tear even as his cock tented the fabric and weakened it was precum that almost completely soaked the front of the garment. The assault would not - could not - stop there. Timothy moaned louder and his upper body squirmed. His fingers curled around the ties that held him down more out of a need for support than to resist their bindings. Each finger popped and swelled, becoming huge, meaty sausages that could make any man moan with just a single prod with them in the right hole. A favorite pastime of Tim’s. Only another man could truly satisfy him, after all. Only other men built like he was could understand what he needed. It was a reason he never dated women. Though there were a few transient images of asking girls out only to be rejected while he was in middle school and a fling during college, it all seemed like distant dreams from a hormone-induced growing body that could not possibly be true. Reality demanded that he often found other guys and shoved his fingers into them, pushing them up to his hairy knuckles to loosen them up before his thick beer-can of a cock, already lubricated with his seed, found its way into their ass and bred them like a bear fucking in the woods. Just those images stirred his cock into a second - or third, in this case - awakening and it surged up to a devastating eight inches. His grip around the ties tightened, stimulating his forearms and sending them surging out in all directions. Bands of thick, reddish-blonde hair sprang across his otherwise hairless forearms, joining with the thick pelt that developed on the back of his hands. The muffled cry that came from his throat broke one last time before settling on a deep, gravelly bass that shook the Closet, rattling the handle-less door. Perhaps he could have escaped then and there but nothing about him wanted to. Not even the little doubting fragment that tried to remind him who he had been. That increasingly distant voice wanted this to happen as it even recognized that this was better. Deep rumbling shook through his arms, pulling the sleeves that he had pulled halfway up his forearm to recede a little further before they gave up and - Rrrrrip! Tore apart. The seams of his shirt split around his shoulders, boulder-like flesh exploding from torn, white fabric and monetarily revealing their scalloped frames before it was partially obscured by dense, red-blonde hair. Another thrust into the air and his cock surged out into a monstrous nine-inches. The grunting from his throat grew more fevered and his thrusting became less an occasional burst lust and rhythmic pounding a beast in heat. To accommodate, his chest swelled, the buttons of his shirt straining against the rapidly inflating pectorals and forming diamonds of exposed flesh where the buttons held on doggedly. Tim curled his toes as he threw his whole body into each thrust. Each testosterone gyration caused a bit of irritation across his chest and stomach as the rough, course reddish-brown hairs that was his pubes began rapidly spreading up from his crotch and making its way up the valleys and developing hills of torso. Every abdominal muscle popped, hardening into solid, hairy plates that fit together perfectly like a six dark ice cubes sitting perfectly in a row, swallowing his bellybutton between their folds. As he put more and more of himself into each thrust, his ass ballooned outwards, becoming a crisp, cut bubble but that caused his boxer-brief to slide uncomfortably up their bulging mounds and strain into his crack. The thrusts sent rippling bursts of energy shooting up his spine while a sound like crackling bark or dry leaves being crushed underfoot emanated from his spine. From his moderate 5’6’’ height, a whole half a foot was added thanks to his lengthening legs while another foot was added into his torso length, pulling the hems of his shirt from where it hung around his waist and causing it to recede until four of his abs were fully exposed. The train on his shirt was getting too much. The fabric gave loud groans of protest, nearly squealing as it strained against his expanding muscles. It became harder to breathe as the cloth was pressing up against his chest, his mountain like pectorals pressing so far up against the fabric that his diamond-hard nipples were poking right through. His loose tie was now straining against his bull-like neck, nearly disappearing between the muscular fold of his traps and shoulders. It’s dull, gray length was sandwiched between his two pectorals. A loud pop put a momentary pause in his gyrations before the memories of his multiple sexual conquests began stirring his groin and pumping his dick to a titanic 10 inches in length. Gone were the ambitious thoughts of being his own news anchor and reading off the news every night at seven. Now, all he could think of was clocking off work at five in the evening, dragging his sweaty, musky frame to the nearest bar, picking up some hot bull that was in the same boat and then licking each other clean before spraying their seed all over one another and then once again bathing each other in their tongues. Deep, wet stains developed under his armpits soaking into his shirt, weakening the fibers further. The strong musk of man, sex, testosterone and that unique blend of pine and mud permeated the air. It became so overwhelming that even the direct scent that came from the pair of briefs pressed against his nose was overpowered. Something just clicked in his mind that this was his scent. A smell developed from his overactive libido, hours spent in the woods chopping trees then fucking all night long in the embrace of another man. This realization connected the final hold-out brain cells that were still resisting his change to the rest of his body, mind accepting what body had already welcomed with great enthusiasm. Tim threw his head back, letting out a tremendous roar. All at once, every button that remained on his shirt gave out, emitting that same resounding pop that he had heard just a moment ago. Buttons flew off his chest like bullets, disappearing into the jackets and shirts but never emerging again, never even emitting a sound like they had hit a solid wall. Immense, hairy pectorals were finally free, erupting outward to reveal the thick coppery chest hair that seemed to spiral out from his nipples before forming a thick treasure trail down his washboard abdominals and disappearing into the waistband of his stubborn boxer briefs. Straining at eleven inches of thick man-meat, his cock oozed precum to the point where his soaked underwear could no longer absorb the amount. Drips of clear, gooey liquid seeped out of his undergarment and seeped into the carpet beneath him, disappearing into the fabric without a trace. How his briefs remained intact despite now being little more than a thong against his titanic quads and bulging but remained a mystery. But there was still a few finishing touches that the Closet had to apply. The smile on Tim’s features grew a little and the pair of briefs hanging from his ears finally released their grip, dropping from his face and landing on the ground. This left his clean-shaved features free. A prickling sensation crawled over his cheeks, spreading out from his sideburns and trickling across his cheeks. Coarse, coppery hairs sprang from his pale flesh, quickly multiplying to form a well-trimmed and maintained canopy over his skin. The hairs met at his chin, highlighting instead of hiding the handsome cleft chin that suddenly appeared against his lantern-like jaw. Accentuated by his his thick neck, the thick, closely-cropped beard exuded an aura of manliness but also discipline as each hair follicle was well-trimmed and glossy. After all, he was a man who knew how to take care of himself not a slob. The pale flesh on his cheekbones reddened from years laboring out in the sun. His eyes shut momentarily, allowing the hairs of his faint eyebrows to thicken with his growing brow. Behind his eyelids, his irises danced as memories of going from lumberyard to lumberyard, traveling across the country wherever there was work and even doing some voluntary fireman work down in California during wildfire season wrote themselves into his mind. The smell of damp underbrush juxtaposed against the scent of cum. The blazing sun versus the dark of a room filled with the moans and grunts of men fucking. The clean breeze of an open window as he traveled across the country in his truck against the pleasure of a fresh pair of lips around his thick dick. The pump he felt from lifting over three hundred pounds at the compared to the exhaustion from cumming over and over again in the company of a sexy, beefy, hairy man. When Tim opened his eyes, they were filled with clarity. Whispers of doubt faded into the bellowing choir of morning shoveling carb-heavy meals down his throat, days spent felling trees and nights fucking and being fucked. The roots of his dark hair lightened, a fiery red color seeping out from his skull and smoothening the disheveled, split ends into cool, maintained curls that hugged the shape of his head. Their tips lightened further into streaks of blonde that, adding color and texture to his lush head of hair. With all other sensations abating, he became aware of the one, remaining pressing need that had to be met. The ties around his wrist and ankles loosened, allowing him to finally drop to the floor. He didn’t need to reach for his dick no matter how needy it was. He closed his fists, veins popping up his forearms and merely grunted, thrusting his hips forward. At long last, the boxer-briefs of Timothy Willis gave way and exploded off his groin, the elastic waistband snapping away almost like magic to free the enormous, foot-long member supported by heavy lemon-sized balls covered in a thick, dark bush of red fuzz. The pieces of his boxer-briefs dissolved into wispy threats that glided through the air like tiny streamers that disappeared into the folds of the clothes all around him. On instinct, he grabbed his throbbing meat with both hands. His left hand wrapped around the base, fat, hairy fingers jostling his balls and stimulating them while his right performed laps up and down his flushed pink penis. The fiery sensations of arousal exponentially grew, his toes curling and his eyelids fluttering. His jaw dropped open in slack-jawed pleasure. Eyes became unfocused as the last vestiges of the old Timothy Willis was pooled into his balls. The overwhelming need to ejaculate, to release his old life grew to unbearable levels. Every muscle in his body coiled like a spring, readying himself for the onslaught of the dam breaking against his reservoir of man milk. His strokes grew more and more desperate, the oozing precum from the tip of his dick lathering his entire 12-inch length with increasing thickening liquid. Something compelled him to turn to his right, an otherworldly command that warned him not to spray his seed on the mirror pressed against the door. The moment he obliged, nothing held back the flood. He threw his head back, thrust his hips forward and tightened his grip around his cock and balls. Molten seed exploded from the tip of his cock in a gush that could only be considered herculean. White, sticky rain splattered all over shirts, hangers and shoes as he slowly rotated in place, flexing every muscle in his body as if he was displaying his new, hirsute physique for an audience hidden between the fibers of the hanging garments. He turned to face the shoe rack, his back to the mirror. Waterfalls would have recoiled in embarrassment as the sheer volume of cum he produced. Some of the shoes even had their interiors flooded to the brim by his seed. Pride welled in him at the display but he couldn’t linger too long as he knew that this was the peak of his pleasure. With every peak, came a fall and as he turned to face the rack of suits, the jets of seed that pumped out of his cock subsided. Even as he squeezed his dick and splattered the last ounces of his milk into the dark suit jackets and dress pants, he was filled with a lingering buzz akin to being pleasantly drunk. Tim’s arms slowly fell slack, fingers unwinding from around his cock. At long last, the remnants of his shirt which had clung miraculously to his shoulders and looked more like a stained, torn white vest crumbled away, their strands disappearing into the cum-stained walls. Just with these fibers, his still-warm seed was absorbed into the fabrics at an unnatural rate. Within moments and even before his staccato breathing could stabilize, all his seed was gone. From the rack of shirts, a simple, sleeveless, white tanktop snaked out from its hangers. Drunk on the daze of afterglow, Tim mindlessly followed an ethereal command to lift up his arms. The tanktop easily rose through the air, suspended on invisible strings and dropped down onto his form, hugging his hairy chest so that it was tight enough to accentuate his broad chest and chiseled abdominals while allowing the contours of his swirling chest hairs to just press up against the fabric. He lowered his meaty arms, holding them out to his sides. A red and black flannel shirt snaked out from the rack of jackets in front of him, easily sliding a sleeve into his right arm. Tim bent his left arm to allow the loose-fitting garment to slip over his taught biceps, the sleeves barely making it past his boulder-like shoulders. Time blinked a few times and remembered the piece of musky underwear sitting on the ground, the only piece of clothing that hadn’t vaporized into the Closet. With a grin of familiarity, he bent down, plucked it off the ground and pressed it against his nose, taking one good, long whiff of the scent embedded into the fabric - his scent. A scent that would never truly go away no matter how many times it was washed. The smell committed to memory, he easily slipped on the underwear like he had done a hundred times before. It fit snuggly around his balls and though he had to stuff his semi-erect dick into the garment, the eight-inch sausage sitting against his left thigh, it still felt right and comfortable. A pair of denim pants with torn knees walked casually out from the rack behind him, pressing its familiar, rough surface against his hairy thigh. Without questioning it, he plucked up the pants like an old pet, cradling it in his arms before lowering it so that he could slip his monstrous legs into it. Even with the heavy boots wrapped around his feet, he was able to slide his foot through it, the denim stretching unnaturally like a second skin so that he could complete his transformation. Like many of his other clothing, he had to get them custom built so that he could buckle it comfortably around his thin waist. On cue, a big, brown belt snapped out with the ferocity of a viper from a nearby hanger. It curled around his waist, sliding through the loops of his pants and locking together with the shiny, buckle shaped like a bear’s snarling head front and center. As a finishing touch, a silver chain necklace with each link as thick as a fingernail wrapped around his neck. Tim ran a finger over it, recalling how his parents had given it to him on his first day as a lumberjack. They were so proud of him. With a smile, he turned towards the mirror, regarding the familiar features of Tim Woods, his sparkling, pearly-white teeth shining out form beneath his thick beard. At long last, the Closet door jostled, opening just a crack. Tim, with a grin on his face, pushed the door open… … and came out of the Closet.
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