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New Year, New story. Hope you enjoy. I've been playing around in my head about starting a Patreon account to post rewritten version of my stories and new stories before posting here. I'd love to create a really tight community of people interested in transformation, serious growth, and muscle growth. Let me know if you might be interested in something like that. Until then... here we go! Rise of a Sex God “Feed the birds? Tuppence a bag.” Mary spread the breadcrumbs in front of the bench as Ben walked near. Ben couldn’t put a finger on when or why he had first started talking to the old woman, but it had become a daily event that he looked forward to on the walk home from work, Her dog, Puppy, an aging chihuahua that Ben had barely ever seen awake, lay comfortably on her lap. “Happy New Year, Mary. It’s getting really cold out here. You should be getting home.” “Piph! Don’t feel cold like the others. Too tough. Besides, have me job to do before I can check out for the day, Sweetie.” She spread another handful of breadcrumbs on the ground before her. Ben watched as dozens of birds flew out of the sky and landed before her, feasting on her gift to them. “Look at them all. How would they eat if I weren’t here?” Looking up she smiled, her crooked teeth catching the remaining sunlight. “Sit. Sit!” Ben sat, placing his backpack on the bench next to him. Mary reached into her cloth bag and handed him a packet of bag of crumbs. “On the house.” “Thanks, Mary.” Ben opened the small packet and threw some crumbs to a pair of pigeons that, if he didn’t know any better, looked very much in love. “Another year gone… the same shit in front of us. You’ll never here me complain. Don’t get nothing from complaining.” Ben knew he could definitely be complaining. On his way out of the office, his boss had told him that he had been passed over for a promotion. Trying not to look disappointed, Ben had taken the brown envelope his boss had handed him, and walked out the door. Year end bonus! His annual review had been spectacular. He thought he would find a cheque for 1,500 like the top sellers got last year. Instead, he found 3 crisp £100 notes. 300 fucking pounds! He sat outside the tube station trying to convince himself that he should be happy with what he got. He thought about switching jobs, but what would be the use? He was 36 and had been at this agency for the past 12 years. When he thought about change, it made Ben sweat, so he tried to never think about it. “If I was a bird, Mary, I’d be an ostrich. You?” “Me? A Robin, I think. That way people would have to take a look at me.” “Yeah. You and me both” Mary held out another packet. “Feed the birds?” “I need to get home. New Year’s Day tomorrow. Any resolutions?” “I want to tell more people to fuck themselves.” Ben smiled. That was the resolution he should have as well, but he was too timid to actually do it. Fuck his job… fuck his promotion… and fuck his bonus. “I thought… Mary…”. Ben shoved his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out the brown envelope. A Thank You card. It wasn’t even signed! And who still put cash in a card for their employees? “I thought you could feed some birds in my name this year. Here.” He opened the card, took out the cash, and held it out to her. “Will this help?” Mary gently took the cash from Ben, only to try and hand it back to him seconds later. “Too much. Tuppence a bag.” “You keep it. Really. Go grab something to eat… or… whatever makes you happy. Happy New Year.” Ben stood up to go, grabbing his backpack as he did. “I… I got you a present too, Sweetie.” From beside her, Mary pulled out a stick that measured about a foot long. The wind must have caused it to fall down next to her. Ben had seen it when he sat down and had thought she might have been saving it for Puppy, though he doubted the ancient dog would lift the stick, let alone run with it. Happily, Mary held it out to him. “Here.” “Um.. thanks. I appreciate it,” She waved him closer as if to tell the world's biggest secret. “At midnight tonight, as the bells of Big Ben chime, make your most deep rooted wish. You need to speak it out loud. Then… at the 12th chime… break it in half.” She looked him in the eye looking more lucid than she ever had before. Sadly, that moment was short lived. “Feed the birds, Sweetie?” Mary held out the stick to Ben until he took it. “Thanks for this, Mary. Have a Happy New Year.” “Make it a good one. Fuck them all up!” Ben wondered if she meant the wish or the new year. “Happy New Year.” Ben turned and, still holding the stick, made his way up Broadway Market and to home. He had nowhere to be on New Year's Eve. All of his friends were out of town, and the thought of heading to a crowded pub alone made Ben feel sad and pathetic. For a brief, insane moment, he thought about going into Central London to see all of the touristic madness the evening held, but then reason prevailed. No sane person would ever put themselves through such torture, He prepared a roast for himself. Nothing fancy. Just something to enjoy on New Years Eve, with just enough left over for lunch on New Year's Day. As the chicken cooked, Ben opened a bottle of wine and began to scroll through both Grindr and Scruff. Ben couldn’t remember how many times he had downloaded the ‘hook up’ apps, only to delete them a few days later. The pattern of download and delete would occur every couple of months when he found himself bored, lonely, or horny; which was most of the time. He never did anything. He usually only cruised, going to bed early to jerk off; imagining what he might do if he were more sure of himself and how he looked. Assessing himself honestly, Ben knew his body was fine. In his 20’s, he had a naturally tight, somewhat muscular body. He never had to go to the gym. His high metabolism had kept him looking fit. Now that he was in his mid thirties, and after spending too much time at a desk or watching TV or grabbing a pint at the pub, he had gained some thickness around his middle. I needed to join the gym, he thought as he scrolled. He promised himself he’d start in February. That way he’d miss those people who joined on January 1st and then stopped going by the 31st. Yeah. He would definitely make sure that he joined the gym.. Scrolling, Ben was reminded of how many hot and hung guys there appeared to be out there in the wild. Two glasses of wine in, and he got up the nerve to message a few that were close by. He quickly received: UNDERCONSTRUCTION: “Thanks.” MUSCLEMAXX: “Not my type.” Silence and then: HOTHUNG9.5: “Stop trying to pitch above your pay grade.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Honestly… if you were me… would you really be interested in fucking around with you? Look at me and then look in the mirror.” Ben threw the phone down and grabbed the bottle of wine. Why did people have to be such assholes, especially when they could hide behind a faceless torso? How hard was it just to say, Thanks but no thanks. There was definitely no need to be rude. He poured himself an extra large glass of white and set it down on the living room end table. He then went to take his chicken out of the oven… only to find that it was still raw. The oven was as cold as ice. Well, of course it was. He had been in his own world that he hadn’t even bothered to turn it on. Ben grabbed the chicken, and tossed it and the pan with potatoes and root veggies into the refrigerator. It was too late now to start cooking it. He would just do it tomorrow. He then took out some luncheon meat and bread and made himself a sandwich. “Happy New Year’s Eve to me!” He thought, biting into his sandwich. Ben was back on Grindr at 23:40. By that time, he was incredibly horny and somewhat drunk. He had some interest pop up, but nothing concrete. Everyone appeared to be waiting for something a little better to come along. I bet, he thought, if I was some hung hunk, guys would be banging down my door to get a piece of me. A warm chill passed through him. Ben inhaled. The scent of something strong and fertile filled the air and tickled his nose. It was… spicy… like cinnamon… yet leathery at the same time.spice filled forest filled the air. Yeah. If I… If I was some kind of a sex god with a massive cock and bulging muscles… I’d have them lining up down the street for me to pound them. He looked at the clock. 11:58. Ben was horny… he was drunk… he was frustrated. He grabbed the stick. Happy New Year! The bells began to chime. One… Two… “I wish to be a sex god and grow the biggest cock in the world. Four… Five… Beyond the biggest in the world! Seven… Eight. Ben’s heart beat faster as the room was filled with the overpowering smell of lust and sex. “I want the biggest cock of all time with the largest, most attractive, most masculine of bodies. I want to be worshipped and lusted after by everyone! Sexually, no one can or would want to resist me. Men orgasm just from the sight of me. But most of all… my cock… everything!! You can’t even imagine how huge and powerful I will grow!” Ten… Eleven... “My reign will be epic. I’ll be epic. Twelve!! At the exact moment of the final bong… Ben broke the stick in two. His cock was hard. He was incredibly horny. He waited. He laughed. Nothing. Just as he had expected. Standing up to grab another bottle of wine, he threw the stick into the rubbish bin. He always forgot to take it out. Pulling the black bin bag out of the silver container, he placed it by his door to take out in the morning. His phone buzzed. Grindr. Ben thought about turning it off and going to bed, but he had just opened another bottle and he was definitely horny. A smile erupted on Ben’s face. He knew this guy. It was Owen, the barista from the fifth coffee shop to open this year on the market. Ben had lusted after him for the past six months, only having enough courage to spark up a conversation about two months ago. He was only about 500 feet away… and he had written to Ben! BREWME: “Hey there, Cutie. Happy New Year. What’s up?” Really? Ben was in shock. This tall hunk of a man was calling him cutie? Ben was obviously ten years older than Owen, and nowhere near as fit. MIDLANDSBLOKE: Happy New Year to you too. I’m doing well. Just having some wine and watching the fireworks. You?” BREWME: “Sitting in my flat. Make any resolutions?” MIDLANDSBLOKE: “Not really. You?” BREWME: “Have as much sex as I can this year.” SILENCE BREWME: “Want to help me out?” Ben thought about all the reasons to say no. He thought of Owen coming over and being so intimidated by his yoga fit body that he wouldn’t be able to get it up. He imagined Owen showing up and walking out when he saw Ben naked. He’d never be able to get coffee from him again… and his coffee was incredible. No! It was a new year. A new Ben. It was time to be the sex god he always wished to be. He typed: MIDLANDSBLOKE: “Yeah I would. Now?” BREWME: “Yep. Always wanted to kiss that cute face whenever I saw you in the shop… and give you a blowjob.” MIDLANDSBLOKE: “Let’s do it.” Ben gave him his address. BREWME: “See you in 3 minutes!” In the 3 minutes it would take Owen to walk down the street, Ben brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, sprayed on some cologne, and put order in the already clean living room. He was nervous. It had been too long since the last time he had fooled around with a guy. He had butterflies in his stomach and a nervous energy that seemed to grow stronger as each minute passed. The image of Owen on his knees in front of him made Ben grin and grow hard. He could see his face perfectly, looking up at him with admiration and lust in his eyes. Ben began massaging the bulge in his jeans as he imagined it. When the buzzer sounded, he ran down the stairs to let Owen in. He was grinning at Ben through the glass door. Fuck, he’s so attractive, Ben thought, with a mop of thick brown hair and dark eyes. Ben wondered if Owen had some Italian or Mediterranean ancestry due to his dark features and olive colored skin. He was taller than Ben, probably 6’2, and his firm body was maintained by playing on a park football league he often talked about as well as the many yoga and wall climbing classes he took. When Ben opened the door, Owen smiled. “Hey there” “Hey.” Owen leaned in, and suddenly the two men were kissing. The kiss lasted 30 seconds or so and had begun to grow in passion before Ben suggested they take it upstairs. The door to his flat wasn’t closed for three seconds before they were both back in each others arms and making out. “You’re a damn good kisser, mate “ “Thanks. You too.” Ben could already feel the razor burn from Owen’s face on his own skin, and he loved it. Owen massaged Ben’s crotch, feeling his hard cock. Keeping an eye on him, he unbuttoned Ben’s jeans and pulled them down. “Fuck yeah. Nice cock. “Thanks.” Owen ran his hand over the shaft which made Ben shudder and spasm. “Really nice.” He then opened his mouth and took the head and first inch of Ben’s shaft in. “Oh fuck!” Ben was hard, but as Owen bobbed up and down on his cock, he felt it grow even harder. The smell of cinnamon and evergreen was back in the air, and Ben found his head getting drunk on it. He smiled at the sound of Owen choking several times trying to take his entire cock in, balls deep. Pulling off of it, Owen licked the head while jerking off the shaft. “I love the feeling of a cock getting growing longer and fatter in my mouth. Drives me crazy. Makes me want to worship it.” Hearing those words made Ben shudder. Owen dove back onto his cock again with more vigour, his lips wrapped around the shaft, trying to go deeper while playing with Ben’s balls. Emboldened, Ben grabbed the back of Owen’s head and ran his hands through his hair. Soon, unlike the passive role he had always taken when someone was giving him a blowjob, Ben found himself pushing Owen’s head further down towards the root. After he gaged a couple of times, Ben allowed him to come up for air. “Fuck, me, mate. I love your cock. It’s so fucking perfect. It’s straight… long… thick. Perfect boyfriend cock.” Owen was jerking Ben off now as he looked up at him. Looking down… Ben was surprised to see that his cock did look a tad larger… thicker… the head fuller. Ben grabbed it with his own hand, jerked it a couple of times, before slapping Owen’s face with it. “You gonna finish me off? Horny as hell up here.” Ben stroked his cock again, enjoying the feel of its thickness. “I hadn’t planned on this… I’m usually a top… but suddenly I want to do something different for a change. I really want to ride that cock of yours.” “Yeah?” “Yeah. Badly. You got a condom?” “In my bedroom. Want to come with me?” “I’m good here. I want you lying on the floor as I ride you.” Ben hurried to his bedroom feeling his hard cock slapping his hip and stomach. Fuck, he thought, Owen actually wants me to fuck him… with my cock!! Happy New Year to me! Back in the living room, Owen practically threw Ben on the floor where he slipped the condom on Ben’s waiting cock, and then slowly lowered his ass down onto it. Owen had decided to face away from him, which Ben thought was odd, but he had to admit he did enjoy the view of Owen’s round, smooth ass and muscular back as he slid all the way down his cock. “Oh yeah. That feels so fucking good. Love meaty cocks.” Once Owen landed entirely on Ben’s groin, he began slowly and methodically riding him. The rhythm changed often, but all Ben knew was that he was in ecstasy. Owen’s ass was tight yet giving. He clenched down on Ben’s cock with force, yet let up at just the right time, only to clench again. He’s a five star rider, was all Ben could think as he came closer and closer to orgasm. “I’m… gonna blow, Owen!” “Me too, mate! Me too!!” “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!!” Owen rode Ben’s dick frantically as he got closer and closer to cumming. Finally, Ben felt his balls rise up, and seconds later, he and Owen were both coming. The clenching of his ass made Ben cum even harder and more forcefully than usual. Finally, after the longest orgasm he could remember, Ben lay back on the throw rug, exhausted. “Fuck!! That felt… incredible. You got the perfect cock. Not too big, not too small. Just perfect.” Slowly Owen removed himself from being impaled on Ben’s cock, causing another shudder to throb through him. “Thanks.” Turning around and leaning over, Owen kissed Ben before making his way into the toilet. Ben stood up, took the condom off of his deflating cock, and threw it away. He then cleaned up the large amount of cum Owen had left on the wood floor. When Owen returned from the toilet, the mood felt slightly strange. He grabbed his pants and began to put them in. Not wanting the moment to end, Ben turned to him. “Do you want a tea or some wine?” “Nah. Need to get to sleep. Early day tomorrow.” “You’re open?” “Always! Believe me… I’d stay and worship that boyfriend cock of yours all night, but I need my beauty rest.” “Yeah. Right.” As Ben walked back towards the living room, a lightning bolt cramp developed in the pit of his stomach, shooting right into his cock and balls. It only lasted for the briefest of moments before it went away, but it caught him off guard. “You okay?” Owen was quickly next him, a look of concern on his face. “Fine. Stepped wrong. Guess my legs are still weak from one of the best rides of my life.” With a lopsided smile, Owen leaned in, and they kissed for a while longer; slow and passionate. A shiver ran through Ben as his cock hardened again and the smell of cinnamon filled the room. “Damn, mate! Look at this thing! You said you were horny.” “Yeah. I guess I still am.” Ben’s cock jumped as it spasmed and hardened further. Quickly it was bobbing in front of him, more rigid than it had been before. “I’d take care of that. But I really need to run.” “No. It’s fine. Believe me.” A cramp shot through Ben’s stomach again, for Ching his cock to flex and shoot a wad of pre onto the floor. “Fuck man!” “I don’t know what’s gotten into me. Just ignore it. Want me to walk you down?” Owen looked into Ben’s eyes, and then fell to his knees in front of him. “Guess I just need to worship this cock one more time.” Ben shivered as Owen took Ben's cock in his mouth and down his throat. Soon, both men were groaning as Owen showed even more oral skills than before. It felt to Ben as if Owen had multiple tongues in his mouth as he toyed with both his cock head and shaft. “That’s… so… good. Don’t stop. Don’t stop!!” Owen’s hands began to massage Ben’s balls as he got face fucked. It felt to Ben as if they were filling up with gallons of seed, growing heavier and fuller. Soon, he began to feel that familiar erotic sensation as his balls began to rise up in his sack. “Gonna… blow..,” Owen took him in deeper as his cock began to flex and spasm, releasing rope after rope into his throat and stomach. His orgasm seemed never ending as it rose in intensity before starting to fade away. Ben shot a few more streams of cum before starting to go soft again. Pulling himself off of Ben, Owen said: ‘Guess I won’t need a protein shake before work tomorrow.” Both men laughed. “Now I really have to go.” Owen stood up, leaned in, and kissed Ben. He could taste his own essence on Owen’s tongue. Quickly, he felt himself grow hard once again; his cock making itself known to Owen. “You’re insatiable. I love it.” Hearing Owen purr in his ear caused Ben’s cock to spasm again. He wants me to fuck him, Ben thought, but he really needs to sleep before opening at 6 am tomorrow. “You better go, Owen, before I throw you down and fuck that hit ass of yours.” Owen grinned at the forcefulness in Ben’s voice. Stroking Ben’s cock a couple of times, he said: “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ben. Skinny oat latte.” Owen kissed him one last time before moving towards the door. At his feet, he couldn’t miss the black bin bag. “This going out?” “Yeah. I’ll take it later “ “I got it!” Owen grabbed the bag, and with a smile, he had opened the door to Ben’s flat, and was gone. To Be Continued...
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Hope you enjoy the fun Christmas story I've been working on. Merry Massmas Chapter One Daniel Lorca was mopping the front lobby of the gym at 2pm on Christmas Eve when the older man walked in. “We’re closing at 4pm today. That gives you about two hours. That enough time for you to train?” Daniel looked up from what he was doing. As soon as he saw the older man, he knew he had never seen him before because he would definitely would have remembered the body, if not the face. For a guy who was probably in his late 50’s or early 60’s, he had a killer body on him. Of course, since the popularity of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, lots of older guys had great bodies, but none could hold a candle to his guy. Daniel himself was envious of the guy’s bulging pecs, his broad shoulders, his wide lats, and the bulging biceps on display under the tight red compression shirt he was wearing. “Guess it’ll have to be. Won’t it? Can I purchase a day pass?” The guy smiled a perfect smile at Daniel and had a gleeful look in his eye. No, Daniel had never seen him before, but if he had, he definitely would have wanted to see more of him. Upon closer inspection, the guy’s hair and beard might be a mix of silver and white, but his skin and ice blue eyes were timeless. He was one of those individuals who could either be 30 or 300. He was taller than Daniel, around 6 foot 3, with a wide bright smile and and sharp chiselled cheekbones. “Don’t worry about it. My treat. Merry Christmas. If you need longer, just tell me. I’m in no rush. Might train myself again after we close.” Daniel walked over to the counter and grabbed a sheet of paper. “Just need you to fill this out for liability.” The ‘Old Man’ put down his leather gym bag, picked up a pen in his muscular hands, and began to fill out the form. “Not going out tonight?” “Nah. Probably just chill and watch A Christmas Story.” “Great film. Sexy guy like you shouldn’t be watching it alone.” “Thanks. But… yeah. Alone this Christmas.” “What happened to Tristan?” The ‘Old Man’ put the pen down and looked caringly into Daniel’s eyes. “Trist? We… broke up. Three months ago. Said dating a Gym-Rat was cute at 20 but pathetic at 30. He was looking for a ‘Big Man’ who could match him financially. It’s for the best. Honestly. We’d both changed…” “Sounds like it. What about your friends?” “All off visiting family. Damn I sound pathetic!! Daniel laughed and made a valent attempt to change the topic. He hated talking about himself let alone his failed relationship. “What brings you to town?” “Here on business.” The ‘Old Man’ locked eyes with Daniel. His blue eyes were piercing, and Daniel found himself getting hard just from the gaze. “Over the holidays? Damn. Rough.” All Daniel could imagine was the ‘Old Man’ bending him over the bench press and fucking the life out of him. “I’m used to it. Makes for a good change. I work from home most of the time.” Both men stared at each other until the ‘Old Man’ broke the silence. “Do you… want to show me where the locker room is?” The ‘Old Man’ smiled a warm happy smile. “Of course! Sorry.” Daniel walked through the multitude of machines to the stone and silver locker room. The ‘Old Man’ followed close behind Daniel, his large warm body magnetically close to him. “Pretty quiet here today.” “Yeah. Most people worked out this morning. That’s why we’re shutting early. The lockers are right here… and the showers are back there.” The two men stared at each other again. When the ‘Old Man’ breathed in, Daniel could see his shirt straining to hold in his substantial pecs’ “Thanks, Dan. I can take it from here.” The ‘Old Man’ smiled broadly at Daniel. No one had called him ‘Dan’ since his father died four years ago. His father had been a tall and muscular mechanic whose name was also Dan and the name fit his masculine nature. Even when Daniel got in shape and packed on some muscle mass, he never felt like a Dan… only a Daniel. “Oh. Right. Of course. Let me know if you need anything.” “Will do.” Daniel returned to the lobby and resumed mopping the floor. Occasionally, he’d catch a glimpse of the ‘Old Man’ working out. He lifts were insane, and never once did he ask Daniel to spot him, no matter how heavy he went. The only time he came over and spoke to Daniel was in the middle of his bench press when he asked for a bottle of water because he had forgotten his refillable one. The ‘Old Man had taken his shirt off and was mopping his brow with it. His chest was exactly as Daniel thought it would be: Meaty, thick, with a nice coating of slier hair that cascaded over his pecs and over his mountainous abs. Standing close to the ‘Old Man,’ Daniel could feel himself begin to get aroused simply from the powerful aroma he was giving off. The ‘Old Man’ smelled of rich and potent spices. Daniel tried to put his finger on what he smelled like, but all he could come up with was a mix of cinnamon, gingerbread, and leather. Daniel gave him the bottle of water, on the house, and watched him bench for a few minutes before he went back to finishing his closing duties. He had barely realized the time had flown by until the ‘Old Man’ walked up to the counter. He had showered and changed and was wearing a red hoodie over an extremely tight white t-shirt that threatened to split every time he moved. Daniel hadn’t realized how thick and full the ‘Old Man’s’ beard was or how ice blue his eyes were either. His eyes seemed to dance and glow, and when the ‘Old Man’ glanced at you… you felt like he was seeing and caring about only you. Leaning over the counter, his face extremely close to Daniel’s, a cool artic blast of peppermint radiated from his mouth and into Daniel’s nose. “Thanks for helping an old guy out. All the cookies at Christmas aren’t great for my waist.” “Tell me about it. I’ve been trying to be good all month.” “I know you have. Good all year. Very good.” The ‘Old Man’s’ face was inches away from his. His lips were red, and his cheeks flushed from working out. Barely above a whisper he said: “Any other day, I’d be riding that tight as of yours all night… but tonight… just not possible.” The ‘Old Man’ grabbed the back of Daniel’s head, and their lips met. The ‘Old Man’ was a powerful kisser, and Daniel thought he would cum just from feeling his strong and probing tongue toy with his own. Moments later, the ‘Old Man’ let go of Daniel and pulled away. “Fuck it. What happens down here stays down here.” The ‘Old Man’ came around the counter, and moments later the two men were locked in each other’s arms, holding each other tight, and making out. The ‘Old Man’s’ large hand massages Daniel’s cock through his pants as Daniel massaged his thick pecs. Both knew that they didn’t have much time. Daniel watched the ‘Old Man’ undo his black leather belt and let his jeans fall to the floor. Daniel fell to his knees and began to lick the ‘Old Man’s thick cock through the red fabric of his jockstrap. Just as Daniel would have expected, the ‘Old Man’s’ basket was very full with a fat cock and two large balls. Daniel’s hands shook a little as he raised them to the ‘Old Man’s’ waist and pulled the tight jockstrap down, releasing his treasure. The ‘Old Man’s’ cock quickly grew hard, and soon Daniel was face to face with a beautiful uncircumcised 9 incher that he eagerly took into his mouth. The ’Old Man’s’ crotch smelled strongly of his own essence: spice and leather. Daniel tried to get as much of the shaft into his mouth and throat as was humanly possible, but it was impossible to get his mouth down to the curly silver hairs that surrounded the thick root. After a few minutes of eager cock sucking, the ‘Old Man’ grabbed Daniel, forced him up off of his knees, spun him around, and bent him over the counter. No matter how much Daniel didn’t want it to, reality seeped in. He turned his head slightly and said: “the door… need to lock the…” Daniel grunted and moaned as he felt the ‘Old Man’s sturdy hands grab his ass and shove his meaty cock head into him. The ‘Old Man’ thrust again and again and again, filling Daniel up with the longest and thickest cock he had had in a while. Finally, the guy was all the way in, and as he rode Daniel, he said: “No one will come in. Trust me.” Daniel did trust him. The ‘Old Man’ turned Daniel’s head towards him and they began to make out as he rode Daniel’s ass hard and deep. Waves of euphoria washed over Daniel as he felt himself filled up like never before. Skill definitely had come with age. The ‘Old Man’ was the best lover Daniel had ever had, and he never wanted it to end. After fifteen minutes of hard pounding, Daniel heard the ‘Old Man’ grunt several times, and then release a hot load deep inside of him. Feeling the heat as well as the swelling cock so deep within him forced Daniel over the edge, and he began to cum the biggest load of the year all over the paperwork that covered the counter. Daniel’s orgasm shook him to the core, and he found himself collapsing onto the counter. The ‘Old Man’ pulled his half-hard cock out of Daniel’s ass, leaving him feel oddly empty; like someone had given him the greatest gift, and then taking it away. Huffing and trying to catch their breath, the two men grinned at each other. “I hate to tap that and run, but if I don’t, I’ll never get started.” “I understand. That was…”. The ‘Old Man’ grabbed Daniel and kissed him. Then, quick as lightning, he had his jeans pulled back up, threw his red hoody on over his white T-Shirt, and crossed in front of the counter. “You’re a good guy, Daniel Lorca. Here.” The ‘Old Man’ opened his black gym bag and pulled out a glass jar that contained both red and green gumdrops. “Merry Christmas. Now, lock up. You live in the apartment attached to the building, right?” “I… I do…” Daniel still found it hard to speak after such a marathon fuck. “Then go home. Have some fun. It’s Christmas Eve… the one night of the year wrapped in magic.” The ‘Old Man’ closed his leather gym bag, threw it over his shoulder, and in a moment, he was out the door. Daniel found that the room still smelled like the ‘Old Man’ long after he was gone. After downing two bottles of water, Daniel cleaned up the mess and threw the cum coated papers in the trash. After locking the door and turning off the lights, he turned around, and watched as the moonlight hit the jar of gumdrops, causing them to glow. Daniel grabbed the jar and walked to the coded door in the back of the gym that led to his apartment. It was while he was punching in the code that he thought, how did he know my name? I never told him… and how did he know about Tristan and me? Daniel didn’t even know the ‘Old Man’s name. He had gone to look it up after the guy had left, but it had been written on the form that Daniel had let loose his biggest load over, and it had smeared the ink. Ah well. It was a fun Christmas Eve fuck! More exciting left a mystery. Daniel hummed a Christmas carol as he closed the door to his apartment behind him. Surprisingly, Daniel was horny right again after closing the door. He was barely in the tiny apartment before he was tearing his sweatpants off, laying down on the couch in the living room, and jerking himself off quickly to completion. His orgasm was once again unnaturally strong, and he felt ropes of hot cum hitting his pecs and face. Daniel lay there for a while enjoying the afterglow of his orgasm and thinking once again how incredible a lover the ’Old Man’ had been. After breaking up with Tristan and not sure what life held for him, it was exactly what he had needed. He wished he had a way to thank, the mysterious stranger, but deep down he knew that the ‘Old Man’ knew. Then, with a leap, he jumped off the couch and headed into the bathroom to clean up. Looking at himself in the mirror, Daniel was in awe of how large his load had been. He’d been so busy working to cover the shifts of friends and colleagues who had gone away for the holidays, that he hadn’t had time to even think about sex, let alone jerking off. It must have been nearly two weeks since the last time he had orgasm, so it was no wonder the last two times he had nut it had been a deluge! Daniel took a quick shower, enjoying the warm water cascading over his body. He was proud of how he looked. He may not be as big as the ‘Old Man,’ but his body had decent size and symmetry. When he wore tight clothes, he got lots of looks from both men and women, and even if he was thinning a little on top, he knew that he would be classified in the sexy category if asked. He hated that he never went to college, but when his father died, he needed to be the one to bring in the money for his family. Tristan never understood that. He never said it, but Daniel always thought Tristan believed he was just lazy or not very bright, preferring the gym to the classroom. Even when he had gotten his PT certificate, Tristan had acted pleased for him, but deep-down Daniel had felt his ex was never really that proud. Daniel turned the shower off and stepped out into the steam filled bathroom. Rubbing the condensation off the mirror with his hand, something he always regretted doing but did anyway, he took a good look at himself. He stood 5’10, 198 lbs of muscle with a stubborn layer of fat over it. His hair was buzzed short to make up for the areas where none grew anymore and was hiding the fact that some silver was starting to show. Daniel flexed his right bicep and enjoyed the sight of its peak. He couldn’t complain. He may not be the mass monster he always wished he could be, but he was healthy and mostly happy. Sure, he wished his 5-inch cock was longer and thicker, and maybe it would be nice to have bigger, low hanging balls that shot epic loads ever time, but these were the genetic cards he had been dealt. What good did it do to whine about it? After fully drying off, Daniel slipped on a pair of black briefs, left the bathroom, and made his way into the kitchen to reheat his meal. He had originally planned to make a Christmas Eve dinner, but instead he decided to wait and make a ‘feast for one’ the next day. Right now, reheated chicken, some rice, and a veg would do him just fine. He had bought a carton of Rocky Road ice cream as a treat along with some eggnog to eat and drink while celebrating the holidays and watching Christmas lying on the couch. It was a few hours after he had eaten his meal, and in the middle of the film ‘White Christmas,’ when Daniel suddenly began to crave something sweet to eat. He wasn’t in the mood for ice cream yet, and he never kept any other candies or cookies in the house due to his diet. He thought about running out to the gas station get a candy bar when he remembered the Christmas present ‘The Old Man’ had given him. Jumping up from the couch, he grabbed his backpack and opened it up. Inside was the glass jar. Pulling it out, his eyes fell to the printed label: “Make a Christmas Wish! A small gift for Daniel. Make a wish before biting into a green gumdrop, and the wish will come true. Regret a wish, and all you need to do is bite into a red one. Warning, there are far fewer red ones than green ones. Have fun… and be specific! Kris” Daniel laughed at the idea. What an incredible marketing tool! He was sure the company must have sold tons of these this year. Who doesn’t love the fun of imagining their wishes coming true… yet… the label… the instructions and his name were printed directly on it… it wasn’t handwritten… and the label was glued to the glass. There was no way… Daniel turned the glass jar around and looked at the label where the ingredients should be. Instead, there was another message: ‘Believe it, Daniel. Trust me. But remember: once the 25th turns to 26th… the magic in the gumdrops fades away, and what you’ve wished for and kept, will be yours. Nothing like a little Christmas magic! Kris. Oh… they also have no calories! Enjoy!’ Daniel shook his head. How in the world had ‘The Old Man’ done this? He unscrewed the top, and when he took it off, his nose was inundated with the scent of peppermints, cinnamon, and evergreen trees. It was possibly the best thing he had ever smelled in his entire life. Putting his fingers into the jar, he removed a green gumdrop and held it up to the light. It looked exactly how you would expect a gumdrop to look. There was nothing truly magical about how they looked, and yet… Why not? Why not try it. If it didn’t work, no one would know how silly he had been. It wasn’t like there was a hidden camera in his house… right? He looked around but saw nothing out of place where a camera could be hidden. Sitting up, he placed the glass jar on the table and looked at the green gumdrop. Aloud, Daniel said: “I wish I could lose 20 pounds of stubborn fat and be shredded as fuck!!” He put the gumdrop into his mouth and but down. Instantly, his mouth exploded with flavour. The spicy taste of peppermint filled his mouth and then radiated through his entire body. For a moment, he had the sensation he was standing naked in a forest with snow falling all around him. Daniel swore he could smell the pine in the air and the crispness of the winter wind. When the coolness eventually faded away, he was left with the sweet chewy goodness of a masterfully crafted gumdrop. Chewing the rest, he quickly swallowed it. And he waited… and waited… and waited. Soon five minutes had passed and.., The room began growing hot..., or was it Daniel’s own body temperature rising? His face felt flushed, and he could feel tiny beads of perspiration rising all over his body. He went to stand, but his body felt out of his own control, and he fell back onto the couch. Fuck, he thought, that old man poisoned me. He… Daniel felt his body getting more feverish. Sweat was pouring off him now, running over his pecs and down his abs. He stood up again, and although the living room spun around him, this time he was able to stand on his own feet. His stomach had begun to gurgle, and it felt as if steam was rising from the pores all over his body. He stumbled into the bathroom and turned on the lights. When he did, his mouth fell open as he saw with his own eyes the stubborn layer of fat that had always covered his pecs and abs was quickly disintegrating. Daniel could actually feel the fat melting away, and it wasn’t only on his torso. In the small mirror he watched as his face proceeded to grow thinner and sculpted, his neck and chin lost the annoying bulk, his quads slimmed slightly, and his ass lost some of the jelly buy gained a firmness he had never seen. Once the fat had dispersed to who knows where, the skin covering his abdomen began to tighten, and in minutes Daniel had the tight 6-pack he had always dreamed of. Daniel’s body temperature continued to rise and the sweat continued to pour, and the longer this continued, the more shredded his body became. His body fat must have dipped below double digits as his skin began to look shrink wrapped over his musculature. Pipe like veins were now visible circling around his body to feed his muscles, while his face became more angular and chiselled. Eventually, when the extreme temperature began to lower and return to normal, Daniel began to flex his jacked body in front of the mirror. All of the poses he had read about or seen on line or at the gym he began to do. I look like a fuckin fitness model. Hell! I could be a fuckin fitness model!! Daniel flexed more, his cock hardening in his briefs from the excitement. It would have taken more than a year of strict diet and cardio and who knows what else to have gotten these incredible aesthetics… and who could say if I actually could have accomplished this!! Looking at himself in the mirror, Daniel began to grin and stroke his cock. I can have anything I want, he thought. I can become anything I want!! Merry Christmas, Daniel!!! All you need to do is wish it!!! The image of himself at that moment, and the image of what he could become caused his heart to flutter. I can have anything, he thought. I look like a fuckin fitness model. Ha! I could be a fitness model! Daniel flexed a few more times, his cock hardening in his briefs from the excitement. This would have taken more than a year of strict diet and cardio, and who knows if I would have gotten these incredible aesthetics. Looking at himself and grinning, he stroked his cock a few times. The image of himself at that moment, and the image of what he could be caused his heart to flutter.
- 16 replies
- 29
- muscle
- musclegrowth
- (and 8 more)
This is a one off. I wrote this when I had nothing better to do. I was watching two guys working out at the gym. They were both extremely muscular and attractive, and I wondered if they had ever competed for who was top dog. This is my imagination at work! Enjoy!! Winning Breeding Rights “So… this is your place. A lot cleaner and better decorated than I imagined.” Ned walked into the open planned living room like he owned it. “Thanks. Think I’d just have jocks and shaker bottles scattered around?” I followed him in, catching sight of the outline of his ass in his skinny jeans. Fuck!! He had a great ass. Actually better than mine, to be honest. It was round, firm, and sat high like a shelf. It just screamed out to be grabbed. “Actually… yeah. What do you do for a living?” Stopping at the sofa, the 6’6, dark hair man I was now lusting after took off his coat. “I’m an influencer.” He laughed. “Really?” “Yeah really! Bet I make more than you. What do you do?” “Lawyer.” “Fuck. Smart too. When do you find time to go to the gym?” “Need to be disciplined. I live in a state of constant discipline.” From his jacket pocket, Ned removed a silver flask. “Whiskey from 1864. Incredible flavor notes. Brought it to toast your win.” Ned opened the flask and took a swig. When he was done, he handed it to me. “We’re really going to do this?” “A deal is a deal. You were able to bench the most, curl the most, squat the most, and deadlift the most. You’re the man. Besides me never setting foot in the gym again, you win breeding rights.” “Look. I kicked your ass. We can leave it at that. You don’t have to stop coming to the gym.” “You won fair and square. You’re the strongest of us both.” “You’re sure?” “Yes. I’m sure. Why? You don’t want to fuck me?” I was silent. I did want to fuck him. Badly. “Your silence speaks volumes. Drink.” I took a long swing from the flask and handed it back to him. I wasn’t a huge whiskey fan. I was more of a beer drinker, so I had no clue what flavor notes I should be looking for. It burned though as it went down my throat, so I imagined it was good. I handed the flask back to Ned. He accepted it happily. “Here’s to us! To getting everything we want.” Ned nervously took a long drink from his flask and then handed it to me once again. “To getting everything that we want.” I took a swig, feeling the whisky burn once again. I handed it back, but he refused. “Finish it. You deserve it.” I grinned at him and downed the rest of the contents. We were in my bedroom five minutes later. I watched as he tentatively yet energetically took off his clothes. Even though I had seen him at the gym, I was surprised to see that he was hairier than I remembered. It wasn’t gorilla hairy. More sexy hairy. He didn’t have any hair on his shoulders or on his back. Just a jet black carpet that trailed over his pecs, down across his abs, and grew up around his uncut cock. I was dying to run my hands through the hair on his chest and tweak his nipples. “Just want you to know, besides having a girl's finger up my ass a couple of times, you’re getting virgin territory.” Fuck! That got me hard. “Really?” “Yep. Never been with a guy.” I was slightly shocked. I thought my bi radar was going off loud and clear when he approached me in the gym two weeks ago. “You sure you want to do this then? No foul if you say no.” “I want to do this. Believe me. I’ve never wanted anything more. Really.” After stepping out of his boxer briefs, he took a few steps towards me, his sizable hard cock pointing towards his left hip. “I want you to fuck me. No matter what, I want you all the way in, and I want you cumming inside of me. I want you to dominate me just like you did in the gym.” I didn’t have to be told twice. * Once the waves of such an intense orgasm passed through me… once every drop of my seed had been shot deep within Ned, I felt his thick, muscular legs begin to loosen from around me. Looking down on his naked body I saw a grin emerge on his face, trailing from ear to ear. Sweat poured down his face. “Looks like you enjoyed that.” I brushed blonde hair away from my eyes as I looked down at him. Fuck, he was cute. I’d had sex with men before. Why not? I was proud of being bi. There’s nothing wrong being able to appreciate both men and women in bed. Guys are just built differently than women, and sometimes you just need to let loose with another guy. Especially with a guy like Ned who could really take it. But, could I actually be thinking romantic thoughts about him? Did I actually want to ask him out on a date? Could actually be thinking about a guy in a romantic way and not just as a place to drop my load? “I didn’t think I would, but I did. A lot. I’ve always been curious. I can’t believe you got me to cum twice. Fuck!!” I grinned down at him, happy to see I had given him the ride of his life. As if assuring me this was true, Ned wrapped his legs around me again, refusing to let me go. That was fine. I was really comfortable when I was inside of him. Very. “Curious… how?” “I think I’m pretty much straight… but… when I saw you for the first time, I told myself that I’d let you fuck me.” “You must be psychic.” “Or the winning prize was my idea.” I grinned. “It was, wasn’t it.” I leaned closer to him. I wasn’t sure if I should… but I also felt I needed to test the waters. I leaned nearer still before placing my lips on his. Ned was surprised at first, but soon tentatively began to kiss me back. When my tongue slipped into his mouth, he stiffened slightly, but only for a moment. A second later, his tongue was fighting with mine in my mouth. We kissed for a couple of minutes more before I pulled away. “Fuck! You’re a great kisser, Ned.” I felt Ned’s sphincter and ass cheeks flex, tightening around the shaft of my cock. “Someone’s still hard in there!” “Tell me about it! I feel like a teenager again; cumming and staying hard. Your ass just feels so good.” I flexed my cock for him and laughed when I saw the reaction of pleasure wash over his face. “I never thought I’d say this, but I love the feeling of your hard cock planted deep in me. How big is that thing?” “9.4x6 inches.” “Jesus..” “You were a champ! I barely ever get in balls deep, but you took it all on your first go. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were a bit of a size queen!” I leaned towards him, and we began to kiss again. His legs wrapped tighter around me, and if possible, shoved me in still deeper. After a couple of minutes of post-coital kissing, our passion for each other began to mount once more. I couldn’t get enough of him. I was so fucking hard. I wanted to ride his fit ass once again, burying my cock in deeper than before, if that was possible. “I could probably go another round if you’re interested. Remember, what happens in my bedroom stays in my bedroom. I’m just so crazy horny for you. I haven’t been this hard in ages. I could go all day.” I felt my thick cock throb inside Ned, who winced as if in pain. “You okay? Let me pull out for a few minutes; let you rest. I forget how thick I am sometimes” I went to do so, but Ned tightened his legs around me. “One minute more. I love the feel of your huge cock inside of me. It feels perfect.” “You’re not too small yourself. Next time you might have to tap me!” My cock throbbed again and somehow felt impossibly harder than it ever had been before. I watched as Ned winced again, letting out a soft moan. “That’s it. It’s working. I can feel it flowing through my body now. I bet you can too.” “What? What are you talking about?” My cock throbbed for a third time, hardening even further, and sending a shiver of cold and then deep heat through me. Fuck!! It felt so good being buried deep in Ned’s ass. I wanted to be there forever. I thrust in further, if that was possible, and was rewarded with a deep moan from his lips. “When I first saw you… at the gym… I hated you. You were bigger… taller… more muscular… stronger… bigger cock. I always thought I was the biggest around. There aren’t many over 6’6…” “I’m 6 '10, but who’s counting?” “Who’s counting? I was counting… and it was driving me crazy.” I laughed, turned on by his competitive side, grabbed his ass and tried to ride him again. My cock barely moved as his hole suddenly felt tighter than before. Ned groaned loudly, and pulled his legs in even tauter around me. “Fuck you’re tight. I thought I opened you up good.” “You did… I…”. Ned looked deep into my eyes. “You’re never getting rid of me.” “What?” I laughed uncomfortably. I suddenly began to regret what we had done. Some straight and bi guys can’t handle their own emotions and reactions after they experiment for the first time. They either run away as fast as possible, or they become super clingy. I was beginning to think Ned was the latter. “We’re merging, Alec. It’s already begun. There’s no stopping it no matter what we try.” “What the fuck are you talking about?” “We’re merging. We’re becoming one new person.” “One new…!” Ned was starting to freak me out. I tried to pull out, but found my cock was stuck where it was. I pulled harder, but this only seemed to drag Ned closer to me. Looking down, my eyes grew huge and my heart began to beat wildly with fear as I began to see what was happening. Ned’s legs, wrapped so tightly around me… the skin of my hips and his legs… they had somehow become entirely fused together! My crotch and his ass were now one complete entity! Where I ended… he began!!! We were like some form of nightmare conjoined twins. I pulled again, but this only seemed to tighten and strengthen the connecting flesh even more. Running my fingers over the new skin, I found I could feel the sensation of touching my own body. I grabbed Ned, and it was the same. It was like I was touching an offshoot of me!!! My heart raced. “What the fuck is going on.” I tugged again, my feet firmly on the floor, but this only moved Ned along the bed. “When I went to New Orleans last week for a conference… I met an old woman in a shop. She sold me this elixir that I mixed with the whiskey that you drank when I got here. She said not to mix it with anything… that it could possibly have unforeseen results, but I couldn’t think of any other way for you to drink it… and we both needed to drink it at the same time. You drank a lot more of it than me, but then, you are the Alpha.” Both Ned and I groaned at the same time as a wave of heat passed through us. “Fuck!! It’s really working!!! As soon as she saw me… she knew. She told me what I needed to do to be fully satisfied with my lot in life. It was like she had known me for my entire life… could see the secrets I kept hidden from myself. You see. It’s for the best. With you around… I could never win. I could never beat you… so I had to join you.” I pulled against Ned as hard as I could, but it only caused myself pain. It was like trying to tear off my own arm. “It's too late, Alex. It’s happening. We can’t stop it. We’re merging. You should be glad though. You’re the true Alpha. You bred me, so you’re the one who’s going to be in control. Me… my body’s reforming for a different purpose.” Ned just smiled at me. “What do you mean? What purpose?” “I’m going to become your new cock.” I couldn’t believe the nonsense I was hearing. I wildly looked around my room for hidden cameras of some kind. Some proof that this was all a prank. “You’re going to be amazing, Alex. The merging will add my muscle to your muscle… my height to your height. Plus… I thought you… we… deserved it. I paid her to give you an even bigger boost in the size department. I know how much you love size. All of my wants… needs… desires… my sex drive… all added to yours, and I’ll always be there as your cock. I swear I’ll be a good cock. I’ll always be horny. I’ll always get hard for you…” Ned groaned loudly. His eyes closed and his face contorted. His eyes opened, and when they did… he had fear in his eyes. “My… arms…” I looked down, and saw that Ned’s upper arms appeared to rapidly be melding with his torso. It happened so fast! Soon, his upper arms didn’t move at all, just lay rigidly next to his torso. His lower arms and hands flailed wildly around… out of control. Soon though, all movement in his arms just… stopped. “I can’t… I can’t feel my arms! I can’t… Christ! I don’t know if I really thought this through! I’m really… I’m really turning into a cock! Holy fuck! I’m going to be a cock!! I’m going to be your cock!! OH FUCK!!” Ned screamed as the skin of his torso appeared to take the form of liquid rubber or molten lava and slowly begin to pool over his arms. Ned screamed again loudly as he appeared to forcefully press his arms into his torso while the liquid skin pooled around them. Quickly, they appeared to be integrated into his sides until only his hands remained. They too were forced to blend in with his body as well, and when his skin settled back in place once again, Ned was just one huge, muscular torso attached to my crotch! My own arms rapidly began to burn. I looked down at my hands as if I had never seen them before. Each finger began to contract wildly on its own. These contractions spread to my lower arms, and then my upper arms. Just like Ned’s before, my arms began to flail around wildly before the bones started cracking and breaking. Agonising pain spread through my arms and hands as they began spontaneously stretching longer. Inch by inch they grew. Longer and longer. When my hands hit the bedroom floor with a thud, I lifted them up to have a look at what was happening to me. I had always had huge hands, but now, each finger had stretched and swelled to the size of German sausages. With the width of the palm, my hands appeared larger than manhole covers, while my arms had grown so insanely long that the elbow rested on the ground. Lifting both arms up, I raised them higher and higher until I easily touched the ceiling of my bedroom! I could easily have reached up higher with my monstrous arms, but there was nowhere else for them to go! Fuck!! My arms were nearly as long as I was tall!! “What are you doing to me!!” I screamed at him in fear and agony. “I told you. We’re merging. You’re getting my size on top of yours… plus a little extra.” “A little extra?! Look at me!!” My hands smashed into the ceiling over and over again, knocking huge holes into it. “You need to be big to carry me. I thought you’d love this! You’re totally into size!” “I know, but…”. I stopped speaking as a deep, orgasmic feeling filled my arms. All I could do was groan as first my fingers… then forearms… then upper arms… grew thicker with muscle. “Fuck yeah… oh fuck…”. My biceps and triceps swelled, the peak rising up higher and higher. I had always had large biceps, 20 inches… and Ned was no slouch in that department either. I stared in awe as my upper arm grew larger in circumference than Greg Kovaks, and then proceeded to grow larger… and larger… and larger!! Soon my biceps and triceps swelled to 30 inches… 35… 40… 45… 50… 51… 52… 53… 54… 55… 56… 57… 58… 59… 60!!! 60 inches!! Each bicep peak was at least 60 inches!! The peak was so huge and mountainous and took up so much of my upper arm that it was nearly impossible to bend them! My entire arms looked absolutely insane compared to the rest of my body. Lifting them, they felt as if they each weighed 175 lbs. “This isn’t just you and me!! My arms!! My biceps bigger than your fucking chest!!” I didn’t know if I should be angry or in awe of my own arms. “I told you… in order to carry me… you needed to be… slightly bigger.” “Slightly?! You call this…” I was interrupted by Ned screaming again. From my own body… our body… my body… my skin slithered and pooled around his calves and lower legs. My ass and quads started to feel heavier and fatter as his lower legs and feet were incorporated into my body. Like my biceps before, my quads grew thicker and more powerful. I was forced to widen my stance several times as my quads swelled. Soon, they were 60 inches around… then… when my own pelvis cracked and spread out even wider, I knew my quads had only begun to grow. Wider my pelvis expanded until my lower half was as wide as the bed. My pelvis was wider than my own shoulders!! Not to be outdone, my calves grew dense with new muscle. When they finally stopped, each leg was thicker than Ned and I combined. My quads had grown to a staggering 96 inches around. Fuck!! Everything about me was tripling in size. Feeling my body swell so insanely with muscle felt incredible, but I was still haunted by what was happening to me. I had to be dreaming. There was no way this was actually happening! My abs swelled and thickened, each plate becoming larger than a cinder block… and then doubling in size. Quickly, I had a massive round gut of titanic abs. My lower back muscles exploded with size as well, causing my glutes to grow thicker and fatter. My massive hands felt around behind me, taking in my more muscular ass, my thicker quads, and the dense muscle of my lower back. “We’re… we’re going to be huge,” was all Ned could get out. “We… FUCK!!” My shoulders!! The bones in my shoulders cracked and split as they grew broader and my delts grew rounder. I looked down at Ned, and watched as his shoulders were swiftly melting into his own torso. Too quickly his torso was one complete line from my wide pelvis, up to his neck. As my shoulders grew past my waist, I couldn’t deny it anymore. “You’re really becoming my cock.” “I am.” “Why? Why would you do this? You barely know me.” “I don’t need to know you well to know you’re more superior to me and always will be. Better to let you rule with me at your side than being second best. I’m terrified, Alex… but I also can’t wait. We’re going to be the biggest influencer on the planet! Think of all of the guys that will be lining up for us to fuck then! With our sex drives tripled, that’s all we’ll ever want to do. Just fuck.” Ned’s torso began to violently spasm. Please don’t die, I thought. Please don’t die! His torso rocked and wriggled several times, slamming against the mattress. I heard loud crunching and snapping noises as his rib cage appeared to collapse in on itself and then just… disappeared. His thick pecs were next. They slowly deflated… growing flatter and flatter, until eventually, his pecs completely disappeared along with his nipples. With each new development… his torso was becoming more shaft-like. I, on the other hand, gained what he lost. My shoulders cracked and snapped, growing broader, faster. My own ribcage flared out, forcing my upper body to grow impossibly wider. I grunted and groaned as I expanded further and further. I had to reposition myself as I was now twice as wide as I had been minutes before and I was quickly filling the room. I thought my impossible growth would halt when my right shoulder slammed into the wall, but it kept on growing. My chest and ribcage ached as it continued to snap and spread. Soon, my upper torso was three times as wide as I once originally was. I had no idea how I was going to get out of the room. Any way that I turned, my shoulders hit the walls!! And then I thought… I’m 6’10… Ned is 6’5… plus the third… Oh Fuck!!! My heart beat wildly at the thought, but all I could do was moan as, on its new, wide expanse, my pecs grew larger and fatter and heavier. All too quickly… my pecs grew until they gained Ned’s mass as well… and then the mysterious third! Do you know how big three times your original size is? Trust me… when you’re growing, it’s immense. I tried to catch my breath as my pecs swelled to the size of pillows. My nipples had begun to turn down from the weight, and I was starting to find it difficult seeing over them. They just kept growing fatter, stretching out before me like a shelf. I tried to push them down so I could see, but they were too thick. They refused to be adjusted. Soon, while still growing out and to the side, they began rising upwards as well. As if being punished for trying to look below me, I needed to bend my head further back in order not to be smothered by my own pecs!! Hoisting myself backwards, I leaned my shoulders and upper back against the wall behind me. This allowed me to hoist Ned upwards slightly so I could get a look at him. My glance lasted less than 10 seconds before my mass forced the wall I was leaning against to begin collapsing behind me. Hearing it fall apart aroused and frightened me. I repositioned myself to relieve the pressure, but what had begun continued, and my bedroom wall collapsed into the hallways. At least I didn’t have to worry about how I was going to get out of the room. I would be able to demolish the entire house with my size! My quick glance at Ned let me see that he had rapidly begun to look more and more like a cock. He appeared totally devoid of any musculature, or to that matter, any skeletal structure. The skin of his torso had become a shade darker in color, while his face had taken on a deeper reddish/purple color. “I can actually feel your heart beating within me… pumping blood through my veins. Mine stopped beating several minutes ago. I thought I would be freaked out… but it’s fine. I don’t think I even have lungs anymore… or organs.” I leaned back into the hallway so that I could hoist Ned up above my pecs. He looked up at me as best as he could with a slight smile. “You’re looking huge, Alec. Beautiful.” I went to speak, but my lower body began to shift and reconstruct itself, dragging Ned slightly downwards once again, forcing him to become more central on my groin. He was now positioned exactly where my cock would be. My cock… my old cock… swelled and throbbed one last time within Ned, and then felt as if it somehow locked into place. There was a pull and a shift on my groin… and suddenly, my cock felt impossibly heavy. I flexed my groin muscles, and watched as Ned jumped, spasming below me… just as my cock would have done. “You’re… you’re really becoming my cock.” “I… I really am. I’m so horny, Alex. So horny. That’s all the feelings or emotions I have now. I just want to fuck. I just want to get off and cum hundreds of times a day. That’s all I want to do. You should be excited. I know this has to seem so crazy to you… but since we met… I fantasized about your cock… and dreamt of what it must be like to be your cock. It took the old woman telling me my part in the merge to make me fully understand what I needed to be.” “This is… insane! How am I going to live being this huge?” “You’ll love it when it’s done, Alec. I know you will. OH GOD!!!” Ned began to spasm and pull at my crotch. His tremors grew worse. I was able to grab him with my long arms and huge hands, and try to hold him still, but the sensation of touching Ned seemed alien. It felt like I was touching a part of myself. Just like I was touching my arm or my leg… or my cock, I could feel every inch my hands travelled over, and it felt so fucking good! “Body becoming… blood vessels and tissue. Oh my god! This is it, Alex. This is really it. I can’t believe I’ve actually done this! It’s so fucking insane!!” As his body became made entirely of tissue, Ned’s own cock and balls began to shrink and be absorbed by his body. When this occurred, I watched in surprise as Ned began suddenly to grow longer and fatter. His stretching torso appeared to be growing longer and fatter. No.., not appeared. He was growing longer and fatter. My cock… he’s ingested it, so he’s gaining my cock’s length… his own… plus a third! I was 10.5… he was 8… and the third? He’s going to gain at least two feet in length! Ned’s head and torso grew fatter as he stretched longer. When his head hit the opposite wall, I tried to position myself to give him more room to grow. I kept arching my back further and further while he grew fatter and wider. His torso grew more cylindrical as his back begin to round outwards. By the time his growth stopped, his torso and head were over 7 feet in length and three in width. My balls burned as they began to gain size. My XL eggs swelled quickly, filling my sack. As more room was needed for my balls to grow even larger, my sack began to stretch longer. If Ned had me beat in any department, it was in the size of his balls. They were enormous, and now they were being added to mine. “So… fucking… horny, Alex. I’m so fucking horny. We need to fuck. Now.” “We will. I swear. Once you’re completely my cock, we’ll find some hot guy and fuck the shit out of him.” “That sounds soooo good. Fuck! Our balls. We’re so virile now. Balls the size of plums now… and only getting bigger. You need huge balls to go with your huge cock, Alex.” “Yeah I do.” And grow they did. They went from plum size… to peach size… to balls the size of apples. “Can you feel them churning, Alex?” “I… I can!” “Feels… so… good.” Ned coughed. A clear liquid came shooting from his mouth, landing onto my chest. “Sooo… good…”. Ned convulsed and coughed several times more before pre began to pour from his mouth. I watched as he opened and closed his jaw several times, surprised to see that his teeth were beginning to dissolve. As they did, my jaw cracked. I felt the movement of my facial features being slightly altered. My jaw… it squared off, becoming more like Ned’s. My mouth stretched larger as my head started to balloon. My skull cracked and split in several locations as it spread out and grew bigger. Looking in the mirror over my dresser, I saw I had gained Ned’s nose as well. My neck felt weak as my head doubled in size. In my mouth, I felt my teeth begin to shift as larger ones burrowed out and replaced them. Still my cranium and face grew larger until it was three times its original size. It was wobbly and heavy on my thin neck. The one positive to a larger head was that it was slightly easier to see over my mountainous pecs. Looking up at him, I saw Ned was still drooling pre from his mouth, but his eyes were closed. “Ned?” My voice was much deeper and louder. “You nearly have all of me, Alec, and I’m 85 percent cock. My brain… what is left of it… can only think mostly sexual thoughts…” My brain though… Fuck… I was gaining all of Ned’s thoughts and memories. I suddenly knew everything there was to know about Ned… and everything he had ever learned. Ned knew how to speak Spanish and German. Now I knew how to speak Spanish and German. I understood the law as he practiced it as an attorney. I knew all of his passwords. I… I was me… yet I was Ned! “I’m both of us, Ned. I know everything you know.” Thick, pipeline veins began to run up and down his body. A massive arm width sized vein grew up the middle of him from my groin, feeding him more of my blood. At the same time, on what had been Ned's chest, his face, and his head, hair began to fall out, just as mine started to grow. Every inch of my body burned and itched. Looking down, stubble began to sprout all over my body. The hair was dark. Mine had always been blonde… but Ned’s had been dark… and I guessed his genes were the stronger of the two. He had also been extremely hairy, while I wasn’t. Hair grew on and over my mountainous pecs, and over my thick abs. My legs and arms both grew hairier as did my armpits. The itching spread to my face, and soon stubble was erupting. My chest hair grew longer. Soon it curled and cascaded over my pecs. The hair in my pits was now quite long, as was the hair growing on my groin and around Ned’s root. The hair on my head cascaded down towards my shoulders as my beard grew thick and long. Fuck, I was becoming hairier than Ned and I combined! As my beard grew even denser, hair exploded on my neck, merging into my pecs. Unlike Ned, I felt hair begin to grow in the small of my back, trailing upwards across my lats. Fuck! I was hairy! My bush was as thick as my beard, covering the connection where Ned and I had merged. Hair grew on my ball sack and dusted my ass checks. I soon hair invade my asshole and grow there, circling the hole, just as the hair on my ass grew longer. The hair on my head grew to my shoulders and then down my back while also falling into my eyes. My eyebrows grew bushier. The hair around my cock grew darker, longer, and thicker becoming a serviceable bush that now hid where we were connected.. While my hair grew like a weed, Ned’s began to disappear. Well, not quite disappear. It seemed that his head was forcing the hair to fall out, only to be filled in with more thick flesh. His head appeared to be overtaking his shaft in size, growing thicker… fatter… and more bulbous. Ned grunted as this new flesh continued to swell, filling in the area surrounding his neck. It undulated and pulsated, fattening and filling in his neck, enveloping it until there was no difference in size between his neck and his head. The tip then continued to be enveloped with skin, creating a large ridge around his head where the back of his head and his chin would have been, rising up and over Ned’s head, enveloping it. Fuck, I thought. The flesh around his head grew larger and fatter, until it took on the formation of an immense cock head. He really is nearly my cock now. My own neck grew thicker and more muscular as Ned’s disappeared. My traps rose up, further thickening my neck, giving me a dense bull neck, while his traps reformed themselves into the ridge surrounding his head. My neck grew and evolved to become three times the size it had once been… and three times as muscular. I flexed my neck muscles, feeling the strength and power that now filled this part of my body. Fuck. I really wanted to see myself. I had to look like a sex filled wet dream of a man. I knew that when men and women saw me, all they would think was of every way I could sexually fulfil them. Just like Ned said before, my brain was becoming filled with every possible way to please and satisfy sexually. I no longer felt like a human man, but more as a vehicle to show off and carry my cock. All of this muscle… all of this size was to properly show off my cock for the work of art it was. The things I knew how to do with my tongue… my fingers… my lips. The sexual ecstasy I could bring a person to. Seeing Ned now, his transformation was nearly complete, as was mine. I knew what I had left, and that scared me most of all. I still needed to grow three times taller. “I’m… nearly… your cock. I’m so excited… yet I’m so fucking scared. I can’t believe I’m a cock! This is going to be my life.” “I’m scared too. I’m going to be huge.” “You deserve it. You really will be the true Alpha.” “We will be.” “I can feel you now completely. Can you feel me?” “I can. You’re… you’re nearly my cock now.” I flexed my groin and watched as Ned… my cock… flexed, leaped, and throbbed. “Oh fuck yeah, Alex. That feels so incredible.” I flexed again, and more pre began to pour from his mouth. Instinctually, I leaned over, and with my extra long arms and hands, began to run my hands along my shaft, feeling the girth and the heat it was giving off. “Don’t stop, Alex. Keep going. More. Please…” more! Something… happening…” With more intensity, I grabbed onto my cock and began to jerk it. With a deep, guttural groan from both of us, Ned proceeded to begin to stretch longer. “Blood… rushing into me… filling me up… think… I don’t know how your cock was before… but I’m a serious grower now!!” It was true. Ned’s body seemed to swell up even further, and begin to stretch longer, trailing upwards until the top of his fleshy head hit the wall. This didn’t stop his growth or from getting harder. It seemed to happen at an even faster rate as what had once been Ned’s torso stretched and expanded to over 8 feet… then to 9 As Ned began to rise up towards the ceiling, growing fatter by the second, my cock continued to grow longer. The flesh of Ned’s head grew fatter as well, forming more of a seriously thick cock head. As it grew, his nose was ingested by the flesh. Like before, my own nose began to grow larger and more distinguished. I felt my own tongue grow longer and fatter, filling my large mouth as Ned stretched his mouth, opening up wider and wider. His mouth wasn’t only getting wider. It was stretching upwards as well, splitting his face in half and becoming a massive piss slit. Ned was so immense and so weighty, that I fell backwards and slammed into the opposite wall of the hallway. Ned rose up before me larger, heavier, and thicker. With a loud thud, my cock head slammed into the ceiling. It looked down at me, grinning, if you could call it that. Precum flowed from Ned’s slit like a river. When he spoke, his voice sounded distorted and no longer human. “This… is… it. My brain… becoming… pure tissue… my… Fuck… Alex… I’m a cock… I’m a cock…” My hardening cock was getting heavier as it rose up, aiming for the ceiling. When it surpassed 10 feet, I fell through the adjoining wall and into the bathroom. the floor. 3 more feet was granted by my destruction, but soon, Ned’s massive cock head was slamming against the ceiling of my bedroom once again, pieces of drywall falling to the ground below. Below where his chin had once been, tendrils of skin began to form, knitting together to create a larger piece of skin. This skin became thicker and longer…. Riding up… until it became foreskin that rose up to where his nose would have been. “I’m a cock… Alex… I’m a cock… I’m…” Ned’s head began to swell even fatter until both of his eyes were completely enveloped. His head tilted backwards as more pre shot from his mouth. Further and further back his head tilted until his mouth… his slit… faced upwards. There was nothing left to say that Ned had ever been the person who became my cock. Now… he was completely cock, and he was beautiful. I groaned as my cockhead rammed through the ceiling. I was practically impaled to the floor by my own cock! When it hit 13 feet long, it was so hard… so fat… the veins up and down the shaft were so large that I was tongue tied. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t think. All I could do was bathe in the pure beauty of my own cock. Beyond the pounding of my heart, there was sudden silence in the room, “Ned? Ned?” Nothing. I lay there, alone with my immense, hard, 13.5 foot cock. Ned had truly transformed into my cock now… and although I knew he was still with me, I felt alone. Wanting to celebrate what Ned had become, what he had sacrificed to get what he truly wanted, I started to jerk my cock with both of my hands. Immense waves of pleasure shot through me. I stroked faster and with more determination than ever before. Every nerve ending in my cock was sending out the strongest and most mind numbing sensations. Possibly 6 minutes after I began stroking my cock, I started to feel it. It began between my asshole and my balls. It grew stronger until my entire body became affected. My heart pounded in my immense chest as I gasped for breath. Each second my orgasm grew stronger and stronger, until I thought my body was going to be torn apart. I didn’t stop though. I only imagined, if I felt this good, what Ned was experiencing on the brink of orgasm for the first time as my cock. I felt my balls rise up, shooting gallons of cum slowly up the shaft. It seemed to take forever, but soon, I felt the head of my cock flare wider, and ropes of cum began to be shot out like rocket fire. From below, I could hear it smashing into beams of wood and metal pipes in the attic. Dust and wood particles began to fall through the hole my cock had made. Soon, cum began raining down from the hole and into the bedroom. My body burned. I felt like a star about to go supernova!! I felt more alive at that moment than I had ever felt in my entire life. I knew what I needed to do. It was all that was left. I needed to grow. I needed to take my place as the top Alpha in this world. I had to be the Sex God that Ned so desperately wanted me to be. “Lets… fucking… do… this! Let’s… grow!!” Every thick vein in my body pulsated and throbbed with life, threatening to explode outwards from my body. My skin grew tighter, becoming shrink wrapped around my musculature. My body suddenly felt heavier than it ever had been before… until suddenly… “YES!!!!” My spine lengthened as my legs stretched longer. My incredibly long arms stayed the same length, but seemed to still grow impossibly thicker. Both my hands and feet grew wider while my fingers and toes grew fatter. Lightning coursed through my balls as they expelled more and more cum. At the same time, they began to swell. I roared as my body took up more space in the bathroom. My heart raced. Just like Ned before me… I was so excited, yet scared at the same time. Nothing had prepared me for what I was about to become. I had been huge for most of my life, but now I was going to be immense. I began to panic. How was I going to live? Where was I going to live? What would I wear? How could I work? How much would I eat? As my fear threatened to take me over, I felt him. I felt Ned. He was reminding me that I was the true Alpha. That I was going to be the one in charge and choose how and where I lived because no one could stop me. My body groaned as I grew. My bones snapped and splintered and fused as I expanded. I felt the organs within me swell with my body as I took up more and more of the bathroom before tearing through a larger part of the hallway. I looked up at my cock and saw that as I grew larger, it was beginning to get smaller. Once again, my body was ingesting its size. I’m the Alpha, I thought. I’m the true Alpha. No. We’re the true Alpha. My head smashed into the ceiling. I tried to crouch down more, but my body filled first the bathroom… and then the hallway. I kicked at the wall between the hallway and my bedroom, and watched it fall apart on impact. I now filled three rooms of my house!!! With glee, I swung my massive arm into the dresser and watched as the wood crumpled under the blow, expelling clothes around the room I would never wear again. My head slammed into the ceiling again, creating a massive hole, sending large sections of the ceiling falling down around me. My lats spread wider, filling the area behind me. My neck thickened as my traps rose up. My shoulders grew even broader as my delts rounded with armour like muscle. My bent legs swelled further with muscle. My knee knocked into the wall with, what seemed like a mere tap to me, but it sent the wall exploding outwards. Every muscle in my body swelled to unseen proportions. There was barely any space left in this half of the house as my orgasm ended. The growth faded. I collapsed onto the floor, taking down the wall that separated the hallways and my living room. I laughed, releasing a loud, guttural rumbling. Fuck! This house was destroyed! I looked towards my softening cock.fully into the floor, looking down at my softening cock. It was still immense, and would most likely remain at 3 feet in length when soft. I on the other hand, I guessed I was probably around 25 feet tall and tens of thousands of pounds of muscle. I was truly a giant. My soft cock leapt, and I knew it wanted to fuck. “Think we’ll find holes that can take us?” My voice was a growl; so deep and raspy. I could hear Ned in my head: “It’s time we show ourselves to the world.” “Agreed.” We couldn’t remain in this house forever. I moved to stand up. My body rose up and up and up. I easily smashed through the ceiling as if it were made of paper. Tearing through the attic with my head and shoulders took down beams and wiring. My head burst through the roof. The rest of the roof exploded outwards as I rose to my complete 25 feet of height. I looked around at the world below me, and saw it was now so small… so tiny… so fragile. My name was no longer Alex or Ned. I had been born an entirely new person. I was The Alpha, and it was time I took my place. Smashing through what remained of the house, I finally emerged. Below me, the first sound I heard was the screams of the old woman who lived next door.3 I had always hated the nosey bitch. “SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I’LL EAT YOU FIRST!” I had never seen her run so fast. Two steps from the house, my foot long cock hardened. Arching up towards the sky, it demanded attention. Wrapping my huge right hand around the 6 foot long shaft and my left around the head, I began to jerk it. I could hear people below me stopping their cars and emerging from their homes. I didn’t care. They’d need to get used to this. Jerking my cock had never felt so incredible. It throbbed and pulsated as I jerked my shaft while playing with my balls. Although a nice evening, the wind blew, tossing my hair around while toying with my nipples. From below, I heard police cars pull up. “Halt what you’re doing.” I laughed. I grunted. “Make me!” I blew a massive load, dropping it onto them and their cars. The smell of my cum mixed with the smell of my musk. I turned and walked away. It was time for me to be worshiped.
- 1 reply
- 17
- muscle growth without effort
- penis growth
- (and 5 more)
Chapter 1 - Ryan life Ryan Mercer was an ordinary man—or so he appeared to everyone who met him. At 24 years old, he worked as a server at a small café tucked away in the heart of Manhattan. The job wasn’t glamorous, but Ryan liked the rhythm of it, the endless ebb and flow of customers, and the opportunity to observe the people who passed through. Standing at 5’10” with a lean frame, Ryan blended into the background with ease. His brown hair was short and slightly unruly, his green eyes quiet and observant. He moved with an unassuming grace, balancing trays of drinks and plates of food as though it was second nature. He dressed simply: jeans, a fitted t-shirt, and the café’s black apron tied around his waist. Most people barely noticed him, and Ryan preferred it that way. He had always been good at fading into the crowd. But Ryan noticed others—especially the men who came through the café. He couldn’t help it; his eyes naturally lingered on broad shoulders, strong arms, and chiseled jawlines. He admired the way a well-built man filled out a shirt or how defined calves flexed beneath fitted trousers. It wasn’t just attraction—though there was plenty of that—it was also fascination. Ryan found himself studying the way muscles moved under fabric, the power and confidence some men carried in their bodies. He often wondered what it would feel like to command that kind of presence. Not that anyone would guess this about him. Ryan’s shy smile and quiet demeanor gave him an air of harmlessness. He was the guy you’d trust to keep your coffee order straight or lend you a hand if you dropped something. Polite, reliable, and invisible. This morning was like any other. The café was bustling with its usual morning crowd: businessmen in sharp suits, gym-goers fresh from their workouts, and students with laptops and headphones. Ryan moved between the tables with practiced efficiency, but his attention was drawn, as it often was, to the more striking customers. At the counter stood a man in his late twenties, dressed in a snug athletic top that showcased his sculpted chest and arms. The fabric clung to him, outlining every curve and ridge, from his powerful shoulders to the taper of his narrow waist. Ryan’s eyes lingered, tracing the way the man’s forearms flexed as he tapped his card against the reader. He had the kind of physique that turned heads without trying, a presence that seemed effortless. Ryan couldn’t help but steal glances as he worked. “Ryan, can you take table five?” Clara’s voice snapped him out of his reverie. She was bustling past him with a tray of muffins. “Sure,” Ryan said quickly, grabbing his notepad and heading over. At table five sat a pair of students, deep in conversation over their textbooks. Ryan took their orders and smiled politely, though his mind wandered. As he moved through the café, he wondered how it would feel to be different. To walk into a room and have every eye drawn to him. To command space, not with loudness or charisma, but simply by existing. What no one knew was that Ryan could do exactly that—if he chose to. Buried deep within him was a power unlike anything most people could imagine. It wasn’t something he flaunted; in fact, he had spent years hiding it. But it was always there, humming beneath the surface, waiting for the moment when he might need it. For now, though, Ryan was content to live his quiet life, admiring others from the sidelines. Little did he know, the day would soon come when he would have no choice but to step into the spotlight—and reveal just how extraordinary he truly was. The night was cool and crisp as Ryan made his way home from the café. Manhattan's streets were quieter at this hour, the usual hustle of the day replaced by the hum of distant traffic and the occasional clatter of footsteps. Ryan pulled his jacket tighter around him, his thoughts drifting to the events of the day. Turning a corner, he entered a narrow side street lined with dumpsters and dimly lit by a single flickering streetlamp. He’d walked this route countless times without incident, but tonight something felt different. The faint echo of footsteps behind him grew louder, and Ryan’s heart quickened. He glanced over his shoulder and saw two figures following him. The first man was tall and wiry, with sunken cheeks and a sharp, angular frame. His dark hoodie hung loosely over his gaunt body, the shadows accentuating his hollow features. Beside him walked a shorter, stockier man with broad shoulders and thick arms that strained against the fabric of his jacket. His shaved head caught the faint glow of the streetlamp, and a smirk played on his lips as he exchanged a glance with his companion. “Hey, buddy,” the stocky man called out, his voice low and mocking. “Got a second?” Ryan stopped in his tracks, turning to face them. His pulse raced, but he kept his expression calm. “What do you want?” he asked evenly. The wiry man chuckled, stepping closer. “Oh, not much. Just a little donation,” he said, gesturing toward Ryan’s pocket. “Hand over your wallet, and we’ll call it a night.” Ryan’s eyes flicked between the two men. “You don’t want to do this,” he said, his voice steady despite the tension building in his chest. “Oh, really?” the stocky man said with a sneer. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a switchblade, the blade snapping open with a metallic click. “And why’s that? You gonna stop us?” The wiry man laughed, crossing his arms. “Look at him. Skinny little guy like you? What are you gonna do, huh?” Ryan’s jaw tightened. He took a step back, his shoulders brushing against the cold brick wall behind him. “I’m warning you,” he said, his green eyes locking onto theirs. “Walk away while you still can.” The stocky man laughed, the sound echoing through the alley. “Oh, I’m so scared,” he said, taking a step closer. He twirled the knife in his hand, the blade catching the faint light. “C’mon, let’s see what you got.” The alley grew colder as the tension thickened. Ryan steadied his gaze on the two men, his breaths deep and deliberate. He tried one last time to avert what he knew was already inevitable. “I’m warning you…” His voice was calm but carried an edge of something that made the wiry man’s smirk falter. “Walk away. You don’t want to see what happens next.” The stocky man tightened his grip on the knife, stepping closer. “Enough of this crap!” he barked, but his voice wavered as he noticed something strange about Ryan’s stance. His shoulders seemed broader now, his chest rising and falling with slow, heavy breaths that sounded deeper than before. Ryan exhaled sharply, his body trembling slightly as the change began to take hold. He could feel the heat spreading, growing more intense with each second. His muscles tensed involuntarily, their fibers pulsing with energy as if they were coming alive. The first audible crack echoed in the alley—a sharp, startling sound as his shoulders began to broaden further. The seams of his jacket strained audibly, the fabric groaning under the pressure. His chest pushed outward, the lines of his pecs becoming visible beneath the taut fabric of his shirt. Another crack followed, this time from his back, as his spine straightened and his frame elongated subtly, lifting him from 5'10" to 6'1". “What the hell…” the wiry man muttered, taking a hesitant step back. Ryan clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening as his hands began to swell. The veins on his forearms became more prominent, snaking across the thickening muscle like ropes under his skin. His shirt sleeves tightened, the fabric pulling taut over his biceps until a loud ripping sound broke the silence. The sleeves split apart, revealing the bulging curves of his arms, which now measured nearly 24 inches in circumference, impossibly thick and defined. The stocky man’s bravado faltered as he took a shaky step back. “What… what is this?!” he stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief. Ryan’s chest expanded again, his pecs now pressing against the strained buttons of his shirt. With a resounding pop, the top button flew off, clattering against the alley wall. The rest followed in quick succession, the shirt falling open to reveal the sculpted ridges of his abs. Each block of muscle deepened, forming an eight-pack so sharply defined it cast shadows under the flickering light. His torso widened further, his chest now a full 60 inches around, making the stocky man look comically small in comparison. Ryan’s jacket tore along the seams, the material shredding as his shoulders grew broader still, his traps rising like hills to frame his thickened neck. His lats flared out, the triangular shape giving his upper body an almost otherworldly width. The wiry man’s mouth hung open, his eyes darting between Ryan’s swelling frame and the remnants of his clothes that now hung in tatters. “This… this isn’t possible…” he whispered, his voice trembling. Ryan’s legs began to change next. His thighs swelled, each quad ballooning outward with raw power. The denim of his jeans creaked under the strain before the seams gave way with a loud tear, the fabric splitting to reveal legs that seemed carved from granite. Each thigh measured nearly 35 inches, the muscle striations visible with every slight movement. His calves followed, growing into diamond-shaped pillars of muscle that pressed against the shredded remnants of his pant legs until they fell away completely. His feet grew larger, pressing against the confines of his shoes. The leather groaned under the pressure until a loud, dull crack echoed through the alley. The soles split, the seams bursting apart as his feet broke free, leaving scraps of ruined leather and fabric scattered around him. His bare feet planted firmly on the cold ground, larger and more solid, perfectly balanced to support his massive frame. Every movement of Ryan’s body was accompanied by the sound of tearing fabric and the low, rhythmic crackle of his expanding frame. His breathing deepened further, each inhale sounding like the rumble of a distant storm. Sweat glistened on his skin, catching the dim light and accentuating every curve and ridge of his now-massive form. “No… no way…” the stocky man muttered, stumbling backward. His knife fell from his trembling hand, clattering to the ground as he stared at the towering figure before him. Ryan’s transformation wasn’t done. His shoulders surged outward once more, his traps rising higher, his biceps swelling into peaks that looked larger than the wiry man’s head. His chest heaved, the deep groove between his pecs casting shadows as they jutted out proudly. His waist remained narrow, creating an impossibly dramatic V-shape that emphasized the sheer breadth of his upper body. His lats extended so wide that his silhouette seemed to fill the alley. Finally, Ryan’s face began to change. His jawline sharpened, a short, dark beard sprouting across his face, adding to his already commanding presence. His green eyes burned with intensity, their color more vibrant than ever, as if lit from within by the power coursing through him. The alley fell silent again, the only sound the ragged breathing of the two men, now frozen in place. They couldn’t look away, their expressions a mixture of terror and awe. Ryan stood before them, towering and imposing, his body radiating an almost primal energy that defied explanation. The tattered remains of his clothes lay scattered at his feet, leaving him clad only in his boxer briefs, which somehow clung to his impossibly muscular frame. Ryan rolled his shoulders, the simple movement sending ripples through his massive physique. He took a step forward, the ground seeming to tremble slightly beneath his weight. “I warned you,” he said, his voice low and resonant, carrying a gravity that sent chills down their spines. As Ryan stood motionless for a moment, his body adjusting to the completed transformation, the sheer magnitude of his new form became evident. His frame had nearly doubled in mass, going from his initial lean 75 kilograms (165 pounds) to a staggering 150 kilograms (330 pounds) of pure, sculpted muscle. The weight of his presence alone seemed to fill the alley, his body more massive than even the most accomplished professional bodybuilders. Every inch of him was perfectly proportioned yet impossibly exaggerated. His shoulders, now spanning nearly a meter across, dwarfed those of any mortal man. His arms hung at his sides, thick and powerful, each one larger than the stocky man’s torso. The deep cuts and veins snaking along his forearms added to the almost surreal image of strength. His chest jutted forward like twin slabs of granite, rising and falling with each slow, deliberate breath. His pecs alone were broader than the wiry man’s entire body, and the faint glow of sweat accentuated every curve and groove. His abs, stacked and perfectly symmetrical, seemed more like a fortress wall than human flesh, each ridge casting sharp shadows that made them appear even deeper. The remnants of his transformation lay scattered at his feet. His jeans had been reduced to shredded strips of fabric, his shoes obliterated by the sheer size of his feet, which were now planted firmly on the ground like the roots of a great tree. His boxers clung tightly to his hips, the only garment to survive the explosive growth, barely preserving a sense of modesty. The stocky man’s eyes darted from Ryan’s feet to his head, his jaw slack with disbelief. “H-he’s not human,” he whispered, his voice trembling. The wiry man nodded slowly, his face pale as if the sight before him had drained him of all strength. Ryan took another step forward, the sound of his footfall reverberating through the narrow alley. The ground seemed to compress slightly beneath him, as if even the earth acknowledged the force of his new weight. Despite his size, his movements were graceful, controlled, and purposeful, a predator fully aware of its dominance. The energy coursing through his body was intoxicating. He could feel the power in every fiber of his being, the strength to lift cars, to tear steel apart with his bare hands, to reshape the world around him if he chose. And yet, he stood there, composed, his sharp green eyes locked onto the two men who now looked like frightened children before him. The wiry man stumbled backward, his legs shaking. “W-we didn’t mean it,” he stammered, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own panicked breathing. Ryan tilted his head slightly, his expression unreadable. He raised one arm, flexing it deliberately. His bicep swelled, a peak of muscle so large it seemed almost surreal, the veins along its surface throbbing like rivers of raw power. The motion alone was enough to make the stocky man drop to his knees, the knife forgotten as it clattered to the ground. Ryan’s voice, when he finally spoke, was deeper and more resonant than ever, carrying an unshakable authority. “I warned you,” he said, the words rumbling through the air like distant thunder. “You should have walked away.” The wiry man tried to turn and flee, but his legs refused to cooperate. Ryan’s gaze shifted to the nearby stack of discarded construction materials—a pile of rusted pipes and scrap metal leaning against the alley wall. Without a word, he strode toward it, each step punctuated by the dull thud of his weight against the pavement. The stocky man watched, wide-eyed, as Ryan reached down and picked up a thick iron bar with one hand. The metal groaned in protest as he lifted it effortlessly, holding it up for them to see. It was at least two inches thick and clearly heavy, but in Ryan’s massive hand, it looked like a mere twig. He turned back to face the two men, his towering form casting a shadow over them. “I gave you a chance,” he said, his voice cold and unwavering. With a slow, deliberate motion, he gripped either end of the bar and began to bend it. The iron resisted at first, but Ryan’s muscles tensed, veins bulging across his forearms as he applied more pressure. The groaning sound of metal yielding filled the alley, and within moments, the bar had bent into a perfect U-shape. The wiry man whimpered, frozen in place as Ryan stepped forward. “No! Please!” he begged, his hands raised defensively. Ignoring the plea, Ryan grabbed both men with ease, hoisting them off the ground as though they weighed nothing. He positioned them back-to-back, their terrified protests falling on deaf ears. With one hand, he wrapped the bent iron bar around their torsos, securing them together. Then, with a final surge of strength, he twisted the ends of the bar into a tight knot, the metal screeching in protest. The two men squirmed helplessly, their movements restricted by the makeshift restraint. The wiry man’s breath came in panicked gasps, while the stocky man’s face was flushed with a mixture of shame and fear. Ryan stepped back, crossing his massive arms over his chest. He regarded them for a moment, his expression unreadable. “You’ll stay here until someone finds you,” he said simply. “Next time, pick your target more carefully.” With that, he turned and walked out of the alley, his towering silhouette fading into the night. The two men remained behind, bound and powerless, the sound of their labored breathing the only thing breaking the silence. Ryan slipped through the streets of Manhattan, his towering frame cloaked by the dim glow of streetlights. He kept to the shadows, avoiding the occasional passerby. The adrenaline from the confrontation still coursed through his veins, but his focus was singular: getting home before anyone noticed his impossibly massive form. The remains of his clothes clung to him in tatters, his bare feet pressing firmly against the cold pavement. When he finally reached his apartment, he unlocked the door swiftly and stepped inside, locking it behind him with a heavy sigh. The quiet hum of his small living space was a stark contrast to the chaos of the alley. Ryan leaned against the door for a moment, his massive shoulders rising and falling as he caught his breath. The weight of his body—both literal and figurative—felt heavier than ever. He walked into the bathroom, the floor creaking slightly under his immense weight. The mirror above the sink reflected his hulking figure, barely contained within its frame. For a moment, he stood there, examining himself. His chest heaved with every breath, the deep grooves of his pecs and abs still glistening with sweat. His arms, impossibly thick and veined, hung loosely at his sides, while his lats flared outward, giving him an almost inhuman width. His beard, thick and dark, framed his sharp jawline, a testament to the primal power that coursed through him during the transformation. Ryan placed his hands on the edge of the sink, the porcelain creaking under the pressure. He closed his eyes, taking a slow, deliberate breath. He could feel it—the energy that had transformed him now beginning to subside. The process of reversing the transformation required focus, much like initiating it. He centered his thoughts, his breathing slowing and deepening. The changes began subtly. His shoulders, once impossibly broad, started to narrow slightly. The powerful traps that framed his neck softened, receding as the lines of his upper body became less exaggerated. His chest, still massive, began to lose its over-pronounced thickness. The deep grooves of his pecs became less sharp, though they remained well-defined, and his abs, while still visible, flattened slightly as they lost their unnatural depth. The veins that snaked along his arms and shoulders began to fade, retreating beneath his skin. His biceps and triceps, still muscular, shrank to a more human size, though they remained undeniably powerful. His hands, which had felt like they could crush steel, returned to their lean, calloused form, capable of precision and control. As his body shrank, the hair that had sprouted during the transformation began to thin. His forearms, once covered in a fine layer of dark hair, smoothed out, and the light dusting across his chest and abs receded. Even his beard, thick and wild, began to shrink back into his skin, leaving only the faint shadow of stubble that was his normal look. Ryan opened his eyes and glanced down at his legs. His quads, which had once torn through his jeans, were still muscular but no longer the impossibly massive pillars they had been moments ago. His calves, diamond-shaped and oversized, now softened, returning to the lean, defined shape of his natural form. His feet, which had burst through his shoes, returned to their usual size, though the faint ache of the transformation lingered. When the process was complete, Ryan stood there, his reflection now that of the man he had always been—lean, athletic, and unassuming. He ran a hand through his hair, his breathing finally even and steady. Despite the relief of returning to his normal form, he couldn’t help but feel the residual hum of power just beneath the surface, waiting for the next time he might need it. Stepping out of the bathroom, Ryan made his way to his bedroom. He grabbed a plain black t-shirt from a drawer and pulled it over his head. The fabric clung slightly to his toned chest and shoulders, a reminder of the strength that never fully left him, even in his human form. As he adjusted the hem, his mind wandered back to the alley. The thought nagged at him—the growing violence in the city, the desperate faces of the men who had attacked him. He’d spent years avoiding conflict, hiding his abilities, but tonight had felt different. Necessary. He couldn’t shake the feeling that this was only the beginning, that his transformations might soon become less of a choice and more of a necessity. For now, though, the quiet of his apartment offered solace. Ryan sat on the edge of his bed, running a hand over his face. The city outside buzzed on, oblivious to what had happened, but he couldn’t help but wonder how long he could keep his double life intact. As he sat there, a faint noise from the street below caught his attention. It was distant but sharp, the unmistakable sound of raised voices. Ryan frowned, moving to the window and peering through the blinds. In the dim light of the streetlamp, he saw a group of men arguing near a parked car. One of them shoved another, and the confrontation grew more heated. Ryan’s first instinct was to step back, to let the scene play out. It wasn’t his problem. But something gnawed at him—a sense of responsibility he couldn’t ignore. He clenched his jaw, his fingers tightening around the edge of the blinds. The events of the alley were still fresh in his mind, and he knew the city’s undercurrent of violence wasn’t going away. He exhaled slowly, forcing himself to step back from the window. “Not tonight,” he muttered to himself, though the words felt hollow. He turned away and headed toward the kitchen, hoping a glass of water might clear his mind. Yet as he filled the glass and took a long sip, Ryan couldn’t shake the thought that his transformations, his power, might be needed far more often than he’d anticipated. Manhattan was a city that never slept, and its shadows were growing darker by the day.
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Long time lurker first time writer. I'm a tad nervous haha. So this is a work in progress please let me know what you think! What do I need to change? How I should proceed. "Adam!" Matt whined as he sat on Adam's small couch. He's had this thing for ages and refused to get a new one. "What!" Adam shouted back as he mixed his drink for the night. It was a special drink that would change the course of the night. "Why do we have to watch this scary movie? What happened to the movie we were going to watch?" Matt whined again, as he grew impatient, waiting for Adam to bring him his wine. "I saw this and wanted to watch it immediately! It's not that scary! I'm sorry you are such a wuss." His best friend shot back as he mixed a vial of growth serum into his beer. "Did you want red or white wine?" "Pink!" Matt shouted back. "Also, I'm not a wuss you just suck at picking good movies." "Yeah right." Adam rolled his eyes as he came into the living room. "Here you go princess." "Thank you." Matt replied as Adam began the movie. "Also at least I'm not scared of spiders." That just made Adam scuff and roll his eyes. --- Now let's start from the top why did Adam do this? Well it's not a long story but it has some meat to it. --- Matt and Adam have been best friends since diapers. Together through thick and thin and I mean that literally. Matt was a chubby short dark haired guy. He was very openly gay and funny as hell. Adam was a slightly taller skinny nerd. He had chestnut brown hair and well nerdy personality. Now here's where it gets complicated Adam was in love with Matt. Matt was in love with him, but scared to show it. Where as Adam dropped all the hints. Matt was just too blind to pick up on them. He was the dumb friend while Adam was the smart one. So to get to the point Matt and Adam were out the other night. At a bar Matt loved to frequent and Adam followed. Matt was drunk off his rocker and roaming around. Adam was getting worried because Matt rarely did this. So Adam went looking for Matt not finding him at all. That was till he heard his distinctive laugh. He knew it from anywhere and ran towards it. What he found was Matt strung over this huge muscular man and his friend. This pissed Adam off to no end, jealousy coursing through his vains. So Matt like big jerk jocks huh. Well he will become the biggest jock he could. What Adam didn't know was these guys were his brothers best friends. All they were doing was taking care of Matt, while he waited for Adam. Who did end up getting him and taking him home. So for the next two months Adam went to the gym. Worked his ass off with little to no reward. He was pissed off to no end, getting made fun of by those dicks from the bar. So he called his cousin who was working for the government on a super soilder serum. His cousin agreed but only to a diluted vial. So a week later Adam showed up for his prize. What his cousin didn't know was that after giving Adam the diluted formula. Adam distracted his cousin and took the none diluted one. Which would make him into a hulk of a man. An alpha male all for Matt and no one else. His cousin did warn him that it could alter his personality a bit. Give him a hormone that only the first person he hooks up with, will fall victim to. He was excited that would make Matt his forever. It should be fast acting and hides well in drinks. So he ran home to get ready for movie night. --- Now let's continue. --- They had been watching for thirty minutes and Matt was already tipsy. He had two glasses of wine and was now on his third. Adam however was on his second beer, having downed the serum in one go. He was slowly feeling the effects. Just in time for the scary parts. Matt jumped as a clown popped up on the screen. Causing Adam to smirk and pull his soon to be little babe in. "I hate you!" Matt whined hiding his face in his hands. "Come on it's not that scary you big puss." Adam knew saying this would cause Matt to touch him. Which he did, he punched his friend in the side. "Ow!" Matt groaned. "What the hell did I just hit?" "My side?" Adam shrugged with a smirk, feeling the power kick in. "No that was a brick or something." Matt replied looking over at his friend for the first time tonight. "Have you been working out?" "A little." Adam replied sipping his beer, not looking at Matt. "Oh okay." Matt said with a slight blush, his friend was hot. He seemed more cocky and guyish. The night progressed and Matt had turned to his phone. He was texting Winston and Frank his brother Justin's friends. They had been flirting with Matt all day. He not being as innocent as he claims was flirting back. He found strength and power secretly sexy as hell. He'd always wanted to be over powered by a hulk of a man. He would fantasize about Adam being like 7'2 and 400lb of pure muscle. Cock that was 14 inches and thick as hell. That would never happen though. He was very content with the 5'8 and 6 inch cocked nerd next to him. Still didn't stop him from having a little fun. I mean Winston and Frank were fit sons of guns. Tall too and that's what made them really attractive. "Who are you texting so much, it's movie night not texting night." Adam growled knowing who Matt was texting. Adam hated Frank and Winston with a burning passion. They were the cocks that made fun of him at the gym. The dicks that beat on him in high school. He could feel the serum take over his mind. He was still a smart nerd but a soft Dom alpha too. He could feel power and strength coursing through his vains. "No one." Matt said hiding his phone a little from his friends view. "Why do you need to know anyway? Someone jealous I have another friend or two?" Adam didn't like the answer, Matt was his and only his. That wasn't like Adam at all though. It was the serum talking and he didn't know how to feel. He took Matt's phone from him and set it aside. He heard his friend scuff and cross his arms like a child. "Maybe I am, so what." Adam tried to not growl. That took Matt by surprise his friend was never that possessive. "Okay, are you insane?" Matt gawked as he looked over at his friend. This was when Matt started to notice the changes. His friend looked bigger, taller even. He had a smirk plastered over his face. His facial hair a little thicker and his jaw more square. He stood up letting his little friend take him in. He took off his shirt to give him a better view. "Maybe a little." Adam said as a massive wave of heat hit him. "You'll enjoy the show though."
The Growing Pains of Love (Part Four 03/11/22 Includes Entire Story)
RealIn2Growth posted a topic in Stories
This story is a little different from what I usually write. Well... it's somewhat the same, but different. I began writing this a couple years back when I first started to work out. As my body began to change and I began to feel more confident in myself, my relationship with my partner at the time got strained. He didn't like me working out and wanted me to stop. I just wanted to get bigger.. So, fast forward, the story I just wrote, Wish Granted had a couple in it that I was interested in playing around with. I guess you could say it is a sequel of sorts, but I'm not a huge fan of sequels. This is more of a continuation. So, this story is a new version of an old story I never put out. Hope you enjoy. The Growing Pains of Love Part One Andrew pulled himself out of his car and began quickly walking toward The Food Lion. He was still amazed that Simon had asked him to come down here before going home and give them Marco’s food requirements for the week. Andrew was the Personal Trainer, not the gopher. He didn’t even understand Simon’s reasonings of why he couldn’t just email the list. No, he wanted Andrew to drive all the way down here from Marco’s mansion and hand a ten-page list of food to the manager so it could be delivered on Monday. In his anger fuelled mind, all he could see was Simon using this move as some sort of a power play. For what? Who knew. Simon had changed so much since Marco grew. You would think he was ‘The World’s Giant,” rather than the side piece! Simon had always been jealous of Andrew and Marco’s relationship, and since that October, he had done nearly everything he could to annoy him. Andrew’s life had also changed immensely in the past eight months. Ever since that night… no one would ever forget that night… when Marco unexplainably began to grow… Andrew’s own life had never been the same. No one quite understood what had happened. According to the stories Marco during interviews, he had begun to feel a tightness building in his body since the charity carnival. Then, at the dance club, Metropolis, he had suddenly begun to grow. Hiding out in the bathroom, Simon, who had always been in love with Marco, found him hiding in a toilet cubical and took him home. It was at home where Marco had continued to grow and gain muscle mass until he stood 15 feet tall and 5,000 lbs of ripped muscle. He had been studied by doctors, examined, tested, and the conclusion was that Marco had simply gone through an abnormal second puberty. With so many endorsements, tv interviews, reality shows, and photoshoots to always be ready for, Marco had asked Andrew to quit his job and come on as a full time Personal Trainer for him. It had seemed like an incredible idea at the time. The money was great… so were the parties, the famous people he got to meet, and the different places he and Oli had been able to go to as part of ‘Marco’s Entourage.” The downside had been the insane amount of fans, the people who wanted to worship at Marco’s feet, but most of all, spending so much time around Marco made Andrew feel less of a man. Even when training Marco, Andrew was just a glorified babysitter. There was no way he could lift the weight Marco could after he had grown. And now, the weights that had been created for him using electromagnetic currents which would offer Marco a greater challenge and better pump, Andrew couldn’t even begin to lift. Months ago, Marco had begun exploring ways to raise his testosterone to help him gain more muscle mass and feel more like a man. At 6’4 and 186 lbs, each gain that he made was a trial, so taking supplements to help him just seemed like the natural thing to do. Working with a friend, a regiment was put together that would ensure his body was primed for maximum growth and potential. Since the start, Andrew had only gained 5lbs in muscle mass which he imagined he would have gained anyway. The next step was going to have to be performance enhancing drugs, and he was totally willing to go down that path if it made him feel better about himself while also producing mind blowing gains. His greatest comfort and joy, away from the madness, had been the house Oli had designed, and Andrew had built. It had originally been designed for Marco when it became apparent that he wouldn’t be able to live in a normal home. Oli went to work on the plans immediately and although Marco loved it, Simon had wanted something bigger… something grander. They decided to go in a different direction, so the original idea was scrapped. Andrew had loved the simplicity of the massive house and decided it would be the place he would like to live. So, eight months ago, with Oli’s approval, he had it built for himself to live in. It was big at 45 feet tall… much larger than Andrew would ever need, but this was done to accommodate Marco if he ever came to visit, which he never did. ‘Casa Andrew Grande,’ as Oli liked to call it, was outside the city limits in the country where only a few other houses were scattered. When you walked in the front door, you were greeted with one enormous main room. The ceilings were 17 feet tall, again built with Marco in mind, and the room was vast and spacious. Off the main room there was the kitchen, bathroom, and guest bedroom. A staircase spiralled up to reveal the enormous master bedroom, which took up the entirety of the second floor, again with 17-foot ceilings, and an immense bathroom. Oli often stayed over, as he was going to tonight. Even though Andrew had asked him to move in, Oli wanted to wait another year before they shacked up together full time. Andrew understood. The 6’ foot, muscular architect, hadn’t signed up originally for the life they were living now. He was more of a private person who was being forced into the spotlight. So, he often shied away from the limelight and distanced himself from the Marco Madness until the times when he and Andrew could be alone. Andrew crossed the parking lot, entered the Food Lion, and handed the manager the list. The grocery store was sponsoring Marco. As long as he featured the store in his reality series, appeared in advertisements, or arrived at scheduled, ‘unscheduled’ times to shop and be photographed, (which he never did since all his food arrived in 3 large trucks each week) they were happy to supply the enormous amount of food Marco needed to eat each week. Leaving the supermarket, Andrew realised a new health food store had taken the place of the old GNC in the strip mall. Remembering he was nearly out of pre-workout, Andrew walked the short distance across the parking lot and stepped inside the store. Moving to the Sports Medicine section, he grabbed three tubs and proceeded to bring them to the counter. The guy behind the register with ‘Tim’ printed on his name tag kept looking at him as he rang Andrew up. “Is everything okay?” “I’m sorry. I’m just kinda in awe. You work with Marco… right.” Andrew exhaled. “Yep. I do.” “That’s so friggin cool! What’s he like in real life?” “He’s nice. He has a good heart. Maybe fame’s gone to his head a little… I’m joking… but he’s a good guy.” Andrew held up his card to pay, but Tim just continued talking. “I really wish I had been there… in Metropolis when he started to grow… before he went home with his boyfriend. I bet it was hot.” “I was there that night, and honestly, I don’t think any of us noticed.” Andrew always had difficulty with that night. He knew what happened… yet he’d had dreams recently of Marco growing so massive he destroyed the whole place… killed hundreds. Of course, that was obviously a stress dream. Everyone knew Simon took him home when he was only 7 ft to grow… and fuck. It was only… the dreams were so real… “Is it hard on him… being that size?” “Not anymore. It was at first… but with the sponsorships, the massive house that was built for him, the reality show, and the modelling gigs, it’s becoming much easier.” Andrew tried to pay again, but Tim ignored him. “Imagine it was catching… like a virus. Imagine waking up and being that huge. Would be insane.” “Yeah. Totally.” “Me. I’d want to be bigger.” “You and me both. How much do I owe you?” “Oh. Sorry. That’s $63.99”. Tim began to bag the PreWorkout when he stopped. “Would you… if you had the chance… would you want to be bigger?” “Fuck yeah, I would. I’ve always been big… at least tall… but that was before Marco grew. Now… I’m just average.” “You look pretty big to me.” “Thanks, man, but if given the option who wouldn’t want to be a hulk of a man… a walking mountain. And I’m talking size and muscle… an insane amount of muscle… and something more…” “More?” “I’d want to be something primal…exuding masculinity. Imagine being so much more of a man than any other man…” Andrew grinned. “Sorry, man. It’s been a long day.” Andrew turned to leave, but as he was walking toward the door, he heard Tim behind him. “Would you… if you had a way?” Andrew stopped and thought about it for a brief moment. “Fuck yeah, I would. In a heartbeat.” “Hey! I’m sorry sir. Your card was declined.” Tim suddenly called after him. “Was it? Um… that’s weird.” Andrew moved again to the counter. “Just one second.” Tim moved about the store kicking other customers out and locking the door behind them. He moved past Andrew and ran into the back room. A moment later, he was back with a wrinkled brown packed lunch bag. “My brother stole this from the lab he works in. He’s a janitor. For five months this scientist has been trying to replicate Marco’s DNA. He doesn’t think Marco should be the only one with power. Apparently, he bought a clump of his hair from the barber who goes out each week to the mansion to cut it.” Tim pulled out a large syringe with a dark green liquid in it. “My brother said he watched it work on animals. Watched them grow massive.” Andrew looked at the syringe and back to Tim. “Why don’t you use it then?” “Believe me, I want to, but my dad’s in jail. We need money for his bail. That’s why Eric stole it. He wanted me to sell it to some roidhead, but they don’t come in here. All we get are hipsters and vegans. Until you.” Tim picked the syringe up. “My brother said it’s powerful. Stronger than whatever got Marco to grow. He said this mouse they tested it on was hippo sized and still growing before they had to shoot it in the head. Even then… my brother said it took six bullets to bring it down.” Andrew realised his mouth was dry and his cock was hard. Imagine, he thought! Imagine me… bigger than I’ve ever wanted to be. “How much?” “$10,000. You can deposit it directly into my account.” “How do I know this isn’t bullshit and you’re screwing me over?” “You don’t… but I wouldn’t. This is exactly what my brother told me… and he’s been talking about the experiment for months now. I’m not a con. I work in a health food store.” Do I or don’t I. It’s not about the money… I have the money. “Look, if we find it’s all a lie, I’ll give my brother to you. You can get the police on him. I’ll be a witness. Hell… you can send Marco to beat us both to a pulp.” Do it now, Andrew, or you’ll never do it. Andrew pulled out his phone. “What’s your account info?” In less than five minutes and one quick call to his bank, Andrew had transferred the $10,000 to Tim’s account. “So… I just inject the whole thing?” “Yeah… I guess. Yeah. He said you inject it all into the glute. Want me to pin you?” Andrew moved to the back room, pulled down his jeans, and let Tim insert the long needle into his ass cheek. It felt like it took forever for the liquid to go in due to how thick it was. Tim had to stop the injecting several times due to his thumb aching from the difficulty in pushing down the plunger. Finally, after the contents of the whole syringe were in his body, Andrew pulled up his jeans. “How long should it take to work?” Andrew could feel the heat from the liquid radiating from his glute. “I’ve no clue. You want to hang out here and wait? We can order some Chinese…” “I need to be getting home. My boyfriend will be there soon. I promised to cook dinner.” Andrew moved out of the back room and into the store area. “Here.” Tim handed him a slip of paper. “It’s my number. Call me if you need me. Or, if it works, let me know.” “If it’s as strong as you say it is, you’ll know.” Andrew felt his cock stir in his jeans. “I can’t wait. You sure you’re prepared to be a fucking walking mountain?” Tim grinned at him. “Yeah. I’ve been preparing my whole life.” Andrew grabbed the bag with the pre-workout in it and walked to the locked door. “Good luck, man!” Tim unlocked the door and Andrew left the store. Once Andrew had crossed the parking lot and gotten into his car, Tim locked the door once again. As he watched him drive away, Tim’s eyes glowed green for a few moments. Slowly, like mist, Tim began to evaporate until there was no sign of him or that the store had ever existed. As Andrew was driving home, head and body aches as well as fever and chills hit him. He began to sweat, and his stomach ached as he coasted along the highway out of town. Twice he had to stop on the side of the road to vomit. Reminiscent of ‘The Exorcist,’ thick green liquid was expelled from his stomach and onto the shoulder of the road. The cramps he was experiencing were nearly unbearable, and the smell of his own vomit made him nauseous. A drive which usually took him twenty minutes felt like it was taking years. Finally, Andrew arrived at his house, and he proceeded to park in his driveway. He sat there amazed that he actually made it home. All he thought about the last five minutes of his drive was how he just wanted to pull over and lie down and sleep. He had forced himself to continue, and now he was rewarded with the knowledge that his bed was only feet away. His glute muscle still ached, but the flu that gripped him, because what else could it be, was worse. As he dragged himself out of the car and up the stairs, he thought about calling Oli and telling him to stay away until he was feeling better, but it would really be great to see him and have Oli take care of him. Unlocking his front door was a challenge, but it was even harder for him to climb the stairs up to his bedroom. Twice he had to stop and sit while the world spun around him. Eventually he got to the bathroom just in time to vomit again. Once he felt his stomach was significantly empty, Andrew grabbed a thermometer and crawled to his bedroom. There he stripped off everything he was wearing and climbed into bed. Even the sheets hurt against his tender skin, but the chills forced him to cover himself up with blankets. He took is temperature and was shocked to see it was 103. He really was burning up. His head was heavy, and the light hurt his eyes. In a few minutes he was asleep. Oli arrived at the house two hours later to find Andrew passed out in bed. The entire room stank of sweat as the fever burned through him. Oli tried to get Andrew to talk, but each time he did, he told Oli to leave him be and let him sleep. Not wanting to catch whatever Andrew might have, Oli moved into the guest bedroom. Andrew’s sleep was restless. Fever dreams plagued him as he saw Marco ripping through the ceiling of Metropolis and levelling the whole entire building. As Marco moved, he stepped on hundreds of people, pulverising them beneath his feet. Andrew could only watch as a mania hit Marco and he began to destroy everything. EVERYTHING! Then the dreamed changed. He was flying… or he thought he was flying. He was above the clouds and the wind was whipping through his hair. As he took in below, he was still amazed by how high up he was, he had to be souring higher than the birds… higher than the planes! Looking down, he remembered how meaningless the ground meant to him. He felt that he would rather live up here in the clouds then having to deal with what lay below. Up in the sky, Andrew felt at peace. His fever broke at 2 am. His bedsheets were soaked with sweat, his body still ached, and he definitely needed a shower, but he was feeling much better. Getting out of bed, he went downstairs and grabbed a glass of cold water from the refrigerator. The liquid felt good on his lips and throat, and after three glasses, Andrew was beginning to feel like himself again. Moving from the kitchen, he crossed the main room to the guest bedroom where Oli was snoring away. Andrew smiled at his muscular boyfriend and moved quickly to get in bed with him. Wrapping his arms around him, Andrew kissed his neck. “No, Babe. You’re sick.” “I’m feeling much better. It must have been a 24-hour thing.” “Good to hear. You just work out?” “Yeah! Went for a 10-mile run! Of course, I didn’t work out. Why?” “You smell like a locker room. Moreso than usual.” “You love that smell… don’t you?” “Yeah… but I’ll love it more later… when I’m awake.” Oli began to fall back to sleep. Andrew kissed his neck again and moved down to his delts. Oli had the best delts. Thick and powerful. As he kissed Oli, Andrew was suddenly hard. Moving his body, he pulled back the sheet to see Oli’s naked frame. His glutes were also one of his best features and he always had difficulties finding trousers to fit his ass. Andrew’s cock was rock hard as he moved his way down Oli’s back, licking and kissing him till he arrived at his ass. A fire erupted within Andrew, and all he could think of was mounting Oli and fucking him. His cock pulsed, as like a man possessed, he positioned himself near the foot of the bed, grabbed Oli’s ass cheeks with his hands, parted them, and began to rim him. Oli groaned. “Babe! You must be feeling better. It’s been forever since you’ve done this.” Oli kept his eyes closed in case it was a dream. “Your ass. I can’t get enough of it. I want to live here!” Oli laughed as Andrew dove his tongue in deeper. This must be a dream, he thought. It has to be. As Andrew ate Oli out, he could feel his cock get even harder and heavier and begin to leak. He had never been much of a pre-cummer, so he was surprised by this, but his growing horniness only had him thinking about one thing: fucking. Even though Oli and Andrew were both versatile, Oli was often the one fucking Andrew. But now, Andrew grabbed his cock in his right hand, spread the copious amount of precum around the head and shaft, positioned it right by Oli’s waiting hole, and proceeded to enter him. Oli was wide awake as he felt what had to be Andrew plunge into him. It didn’t feel right, though. It felt harder… thicker. “Babe. Stop.” Andrew grabbed Oli’s waist and forced himself in deeper. “Almost there, baby.” Oli’s ass was stretched wider as Andrew moved in deeper. “Babe. Stop! It hurts! It’s too big!” “Too big! Right! You’re the one who’s too big! Imagine having that 9 incher in your ass!” Andrew moved in deeper still. Oli felt like he was being split in two. It had to be a toy, he thought. There’s no way this is… “Fuck!! Andrew!!! Stop!!” Oli moved quickly, grabbed Andrew, and pushed him away. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you it hurt!” “I’m sorry. It just felt so good. I couldn’t stop myself.” It was true, he thought. Even now all he could think of was fucking Oli. “I’ll be gentler… I promise.” Andrew moved toward Oli and began to kiss his neck. “Not now, babe. Tomorrow. I’m just not ready for you now. I forgot what it felt like. Tomorrow. I promise.” Andrew’s cock was so hard it ached. He didn’t care that Oli wasn’t ready. He wanted to fuck. Now! Another glob of precum shot out of his cock, but with difficulty, Andrew moved away from the bed. “Maybe I should go back to sleep. Maybe I’m still sick. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Andrew felt his cock throb as he spoke. “Really. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, babe. Really. It was hot. I just wasn’t prepared. Tomorrow.” In the dark, Andrew could hear Oli settle back into bed. “Tomorrow. Your ass is mine.” “I’m counting on it.” “I’m going upstairs.” “Okay. I’ll see you in the morning.” Moments later Oli was snoring again. Andrew walked out of the room but paused by the stairs as he felt his cock throb. He hadn’t felt this horny since he was 15! Moving up the stairs, he turned to the bathroom, closed the door, and turned on the light. Andrew gasped when he saw his own cock. It had to be nearly 10 inches and thick. Much thicker than it ever had been before. And the head! Fuck! The head was so swollen… so meaty. Andrew felt a throb and watched as his cock swelled and released. Every twenty seconds or so, there was another throb, and Andrew watched in awe as it grew. The injection, he thought. It’s working!! Andrew shut the light off in the bathroom and hurried to the bedroom, his now longer cock slapping his stomach hard as he ran. Once there, he shut the door and locked it. Turning on the light, he moved to his desk but had to stop for a moment as his cock throbbed again and extended even more right before his eyes. Pulling open the drawer, he grabbed a tape measure. Scrolling it over to top of his cock to his head, he stopped at 10.3. His dick had grown three inches!! Wrapping around his cock, he was blown away that now he was 7.5 inches thick. A wave of heat washed over him as his cock spasmed again. This time the sensation lasted longer than before. Using the measuring tape again, Andrew saw his cock now was 10.9 inches long. It wasn’t only his cock that was growing. His balls hung lower, larger, and heavier. Lifting one up in his hands he marvelled at its size. It was now bigger than an XL egg! Holding it, Andrew could swear that he felt cum swirling around inside of it. Another spasm, another grunt, and Andrew measured himself at 11 inches. Fuck me, he thought with pride, I’m fucking 11 inches long and 7.8 inches thick! Oli thought I was big before… what till he gets a load of this beast… and I’m still growing. I can’t wait to fill up his perfect hole with this piece of pipe! Just thinking about it, his cock shot a wad of precum onto the carpet. “Babe? You awake?” Oli knocked on the door fand then tried to open it only to find it was locked. Andrew moved quickly across the room and into his bed. A spasm hit his cock which caused him to stop and freeze in place as it grew. “I’m falling asleep, Oli.” Looking down, he watched as it extended longer and thicker, his balls swelling. “Why did you lock yourself in?” “I can’t trust myself around you, Oli.” Another spasm. Andrew wrapped his hand around his cock and felt it expand. “Don’t be stupid, Andrew. Open the door.” “I was only joking. I’m sick. I don’t want you to catch this virus. I thought I was feeling… ugh… better, but I’m not. I knew you’d come up here, so I… I… locked the door.” Again, and again Andrew’s cock throbbed larger. “I’m that predictable?” “Yep. Oh… fuck!!!” “What is it?” “My… my stomach… feeling queasy. I’ll… fuuuck… see you tomorrow.” “Okay… but unlock the door. I don’t want you being sick, and I can’t get to you.” Andrew looked at the door… looked at what had to be a 12-inch cock extending from his pelvis, and moved quickly to unlock the door. He then jumped back in bed, hitting his balls in the process, and threw the covers over his monstrous Johnson. Oli opened the door slightly and peeked in. “You, okay?” Andrew looked flush and was sweating. He watched as a wave of nausea washed over him. “I’m fine. Just need to sleep.” “I’ll be right downstairs if you need anything.” “Alright. See you… whew… see you in the morning.” “You sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” “No! It’s a virus. Really. I’m starting to feel better. I just need sleep.” “Alright. Love you.” “Love you too.” “Can I give you a kiss?” “A kiss?” Andrew didn’t want a kiss. He was so horny! He wanted Oli to sit down on his cock right now and ride it. “Of course, babe, but I don’t want you getting sick.” Oli opened the door wider and moved into the room. As he was crossing to the bed, Andrew took the massive shaft in his hand and held it down so it wasn’t so noticeable under the covers. Leaning his face toward Oli, he accepted the gentle kiss. “You want me to stay up here?” YES!! “We’re… we’re playing with fire, Oli. If you stay up here… I’m not sure what will happen. I mean… I don’t know if I’m going to vomit or shit myself or you’ll get sick…” Fuck! His own cock was fighting against him as throbbed more and more to make itself known!!! “Maybe I should go downstairs.” “Yeah. Maybe you should. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. We can just lie on the couch and watch TV.” “Looking forward to it.” Oli closed the door. Andrew held his breath and listened as he walked down the hallway and descended the stairs. Moments later he was back in the guest bedroom. Andrew tossed the covers off and laughed when he saw his own cock. It was… amazing! So huge! He grabbed the measuring tape and measured it at 12.9 x 8. The head itself was thicker at 8.4 inches. Andrew stood up and felt the weight of his immense cock. Just feeling it pull down on his crotch felt powerful. Moving back to the bed, Andrew started to slowly stroke his cock. It felt so different in his hand now. Unlike when he usually masturbated, Andrew had both hands wrap themselves around the shaft, and together they stroked the length of his cock. It felt so sensitive now. Much more than it had before. As he stroked with his right hand, he massaged the head with his left. Again, his cock throbbed. He could feel and hear the entire organ stretching slowly longer. Blood flowed in in greater amounts, and the head swelled thicker. I’m in love, he thought. I’m in love with my own cock! I’m in love with the idea that soon my whole body will be growing bigger and bigger and bigger. Stretching even longer, Andrew stroked the expanding surface with more frenzy. His balls had proceeded to grow as well until it looked like he had shoved two large lemons in his sack. Moving his left hand to massage his balls, he was in awe of the sheer volume he now possessed and imagined them slapping against Oli’s ass as Andrew fucked him. Andrew could feel an orgasm was coming closer as his whole body vibrated and felt as sensitive as his cock. Moaning quite loudly, Andrew saw it expand even further until he was sure he was sporting 13.5 inches. Looking at it with lust in his eyes, Andrew leaned forward and proceeded to take the head into his own mouth. I’m sucking my own cock!! Fuck!! I’m sucking my own cock and not having to bend that far! Andrew dived down further as wads of sweet precum were shot into his mouth. As he sucked and licked the head. Andrew continued to stroke the long shaft. Coming up for air, Andrew felt his balls swell even larger as they rose up in his sack. His whole body was shaking as he descended again onto his cock with his mouth. Moments later, he was rewarded with the largest, most mind-blowing orgasm he had ever had. He swallowed quickly and repeatedly to ingest the amount of cum he was expelling. Just when he thought it had to be stopping, the orgasm continued. Throwing his head back into the pillow, Andrew felt his cock spurt at least ten more thick ropes of cum before it began to slow down and then stop. Opening his eyes, Andrew laughed at his cum covered chest and face. He had shot everywhere but was relieved most of it had landed on himself. Just before it began to go soft, Andrew grabbed the tape measure and laid it down the length of his cock. 14.2 inches long, and the width came to 8.10!! He knew he had to clean himself up, but for a moment he was bathing in the afterglow. His cock was still leaking copious amounts of cum which trailed down his body and onto the bed. Once his heart and breathing had returned to normal, Andrew lifted his head and watched his new monster cock sleep. Grabbing the tape measure, he discovered that it was 8.5x7 inches soft. Soft, he was now bigger than he had been hard!!! Standing up, Andrew felt the weight of his package for the first time. It was heavy and pulled down on his crotch with a weight he had never known. To Be Continued...- 14 replies
- 25
- muscle growth without effort
- height-growth
- (and 5 more)
Hi Everyone! Hope you are all having a great summer. Here is a new story. I have completely written the entire thing, so there will be no chance of it not continuing. I know I have to finish Food of the Gods, and now that I am finished with the one project I have been working on since January, I can get back at that one. I hope you enjoy this story. It was something drifting through my brain for a while. The System Part One Some might call me a genius. It does have a nice ring to it when paired with my name. Dante Cirilo, genius. Others might call me insane. You can’t please everyone. The rest… and you might be one of them… call me destruction. That doesn’t look too good on your resume. But, you can’t argue with the truth… and sometimes the truth hurts. You might wonder why I’ve broken my five year silence… why I’m making contact after all of these years. I’ve had so much time to just… think… to try and put it all together and maybe… understand. We all have needs and wants and desires. Maybe mine… even from the beginning… we’re stronger than others. Maybe… whatever sent The Dreams saw this… saw a way they could use me for their own ends. I don’t know. I’ve often wondered if this whole thing was just some sort of cosmic experiment. I still have no clue and doubt I’ll ever know. What I do know for sure… our story begins with The Dreams. Look at it… my cock still leaps to attention at the thought of The Dreams. They began when I was 10. Dreams of cables and wires, or monitors and keyboards, of waves and timelines. I didn’t know it then… but this was laying the groundwork for the creation of The System. At ten, if I would have understood what was being fed to me… I could have built it then… everything I needed had been downloaded into my brain on that first night… but of course… I had no clue what any of it meant. It was just a dream… one that I had continuously for a month's time… and then it faded away. For years I’ve wondered who or what was feeding me the The Dreams.. Even now, I still don’t know. It will forever remain one of the unsolved mysteries of all of existence. Maybe one day I’ll join whatever consciousness chose to do it… or perhaps they have decided to forever remain hidden. No matter. I was spoon fed the workings of The System so I guess, technically, I’m not really a genius. Maybe I was just a tool. A really big tool. You decide. The Dream returned every 7 years like clockwork to haunt me for one month straight. At 24… I began to write it all down. Page after page after page. I drew pictures of what I saw: crude sketches of a machine… the interior… exterior… wires going here, there, and everywhere. I wrote down the coding I saw like a madman… pages and pages and pages of coding. Thirteen straight hours of writing had me fill five complete journals. When I was finished… I passed out… exhausted. I slept for two days straight. The Dreams never returned. At 24, I was in grad school for both electrical engineering and computer science. By this time, I had a brief idea of what it could be I had written down, but I doubted my own intellect. It wasn’t until I was 36, years after I had completed my doctorate and was teaching at a University level did I begin to go back to the journals and attempt to make heads or tails of what it could possibly all mean. What began as an insane hobby became an obsession. I ate… slept… and lived what I had written down in those journals… and slowly… ever so slowly… I began to understand what it was… what I could build. I didn’t dare say it out loud or even tell anyone in case they locked me away. My journals held intricate plans for a time machine… but not one as you might imagine it. You couldn’t hop in and travel back and forth like in the HG Wells novel or Doctor Who. What it could do… hypothetically… was collect the data of one person's timeline… allow someone to view every single second… analyse it… judge it… and potentially… alter it. The System was born. For anyone who might use this record to study what led up to this life you live today, I called it The System from the very beginning, even when I didn’t know what it did. The name just stuck. It felt right. If you can think of a better name… use it… but I prefer The System I won’t bore you with the details, but in my 37th year I started my work in The System, and when I was a little over 42, it was finally completed. And it worked! Mining 14 of my own bodily samples, I began the journey of mapping my own timeline. It took 4 months for the process to be completed and for a full timeline to be built. But, I’ll never forget, as long as I exist, what it felt like to… to glimpse the first sparks of my own creation. At first… there was nothing… darkness… like the start of the best film… and then… I came into being! I cried. I actually cried watching the sperm and egg merge and then… fuck!! Just experiencing the time in my mothers womb and my own birth… magical. Impossible to describe. I was able to view everything on the three monitors patched into The System. It was always from my own perspective… and often… why I’m not sure… the quality wasn’t always the best… but I was able to replay and watch my own life take place. And each second… my timeline grew longer. I was able to go back and watch myself watching myself!! The System broke down each part of my life into Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. Each of these could be paused, fast forwards, reversed or repeated. Then… each of these timed sections were grouped into ‘Events.’ These Events were further divided into three separate color coded sections: Red: A fixed point in time. They were locked and could not be changed. For example, my own birth. This would always happen. I could lock whatever moments I didn’t want to alter in my life. I locked the sections where I had the dreams, wrote the journals, as well as my building of The System. No matter what happened, The System would always be created. There were actually very few fixed points in time, which surprised me. Orange: Points in time where choices were made. These sections pretty much filled the timeline. Green: Areas where timelines intersected. Any change to my timeline would effect theirs as well. How The System processed these, that was beyond my own comprehension. It was like magic… yet it was real. Within each Event of the timeline, there was an area that I came to refer to as The Notes. This was my life written out in narrative form. It was filled with what was occuring, had occurred, my thoughts, my feelings, and my processes. This, like any word processing program, was where items could be edited. The only difference was that I would be editing and changing my own life. You might be thinking to yourself… what would I change in my life if I could go back? Very little, I can assure you. I watched moments of my life that I thought I would want to change… bad dates… missed calls… jobs I didn’t get… lost items… arguments… but none of them seemed worth it. Where I was at that moment… at that time… I was good. Changing any of those things would just seem… not worth it. There was one moment. An Orange and Green moment. I was 16… My father came into my room on my birthday. I thought he was going to ask me if I wanted to go to the movies with him. I always wanted him to take me to the movies, but he never did. That always seemed to be my mothers job. Anyway, that wasn’t what he asked me. He wanted to know if I would go to the gym with him. I was old enough now and he’d ’Show me how to push some iron.’ My Father. I was nothing like my Father. My father was a real man’s man. An ex marine. He was big… strong… hairy… drank beer with dinner… sometimes smoked a cigar. He was a walking cliche and he didn’t know it or care. I remember seeing him naked one time… and was shocked by how huge his balls and cock were. He caught me staring, and proudly grabbed a hold of it, showing it off. ‘Hopefully you inherited what God gave me.’ That was all he said. Guess what, Dad, I didn’t… but that’s another story. In the dictionary… next to The Stereotypical Man… there would definitely be a picture of my father: Christopher Cirrulo. I just looked up at him from the book I was reading. “The gym… umm… I’m good, Dad. Really. I’ll see you when you get back.” He never asked me again to go to the gym with him… or do anything with him. He wasn’t cruel about it. He wasn’t dismissive or withheld his love. I just knew and could always feel that something that could have always bonded us was lost. He died right before my 18th birthday. If I would have gone with him… maybe… maybe everything would have been… different between us. Maybe we might have actually had a relationship beyond that paternal love. I watched that Event over and over again. I must have watched it ten times before I made my decision. What actual harm could one visit to the gym with my father cause. Maybe it would be good for me. I was a 5’8 geeky weakling. Maybe lifting some weights a few times with my Dad would give me even a hint of definition. Maybe I’d get into the habit and continue it through life. I opened up The Notes section… and with my heart beating like mad… I erased what had happened and rewrote: Dante looks at his Father. Sure… he is disappointed. He really wants to go to the movies, but he makes the decision that he will go to the gym with him and that he will love it. His Dad went to the gym every day. This was a mysterious place to Dante, and he wanted to go but had always been somewhat afraid of it. It was such a… manish thing to do. He wanted to understand why his Dad went every day. He wanted to get big and strong like his Dad. No. Bigger! This decision excited him. The idea of working out excited him. The idea of getting bigger excited him. It was a fire that burned within him and couldn’t be put out. “Sure. I’d love for you to show me how to work out… hang out… you show me the ropes… maybe help me get big like you.” His Father grins and hugs him. This is the first time he can remember being embraced by his father. He’ll work out everyday if it makes his father happy. He’ll work out several times a day forever if it makes him proud. He’ll become obsessed with size and muscle. It’s all he’ll live for. Confident that my wording sounded good, I pressed POST and then CONFIRM Several seconds passed. The wheel turned and turned and turned. Then… What felt like an electrical current shot through my body, A roaring wind exploded in my head and felt as if it was cycloning around me… through me. My body… it was being torn in two. I was here… and I was there. I grabbed the arm of my chair to try and give my body some stability. Emotions erupted within me. I was ecstatic… energized… exhausted… sick… bloated… starved… and sore all at once. I leaned over the arm of the chair and dry heaved several times. The counter began to scroll through the seconds… minutes… hours… days… weeks… months… New memories filled my head. That afternoon… my father… so proud… escorted me into his Iron Den. He introduced me to the guys… his bro’s…. They pat me on the back… tussle my hair. He told them how he’s there to ‘Build me into a beast.” They all laughed… joked about how skinny I was but how, one day I’d be bigger than them all. How they all wished they had started as young as me. He downed a preworkout and we got started. He went through his chest routine with me. Fuck!! I was so weak. I could barely lift one plate! He was proud of me as I tried to keep up with him. We got home… exhausted. We ate Italian that night. The next day he asked me if I wanted to go again. I said yes and hopped out of bed. I felt like I had to go… needed to go. We went to the gym the day after that… and the day after that… and the day after that. First week… chest… legs… arms… push… pull… core… cardio. Week after week Week after week. Week after week. A fire within me had erupted and was growing stronger. I loved working out… needed to work out. I wanted to go twice a day… but he said rest was just as important as working out. I hated to listen to him, but I did. I grew stronger. My body began to change. Small lumps of muscle began to form. I flexed for myself in the mirror… watched myself. I wanted to be big and strong like my father… like his friends. No… bigger… stronger… My father was huge… but I knew I could be bigger. For my 17th birthday… he got me my own membership to the gym… and a trainer. I worked out harder… fixed my form… perfected myself. In my chair… I’m 42… I began to sweat. Waves of heat passed through my body making me lightheaded. Another wave. My skin flushed. My neck felt tight. My cock. My cock was so hard. I could feel it leaking in my jeans. My entire body shook. It was wracked with the worst full body charlie-horse I’d ever felt. Suddenly… I was 17. I’m 18. My body, mixed with my own natural testosterone and puberty, grew me bigger… stronger. My father hired a new personal trainer for me, this one for muscle fine tuning and posing, and together, they prepared me for competing. My father… Tears welled up in my eyes. My father… he didn’t… die! In my original timeline… he died before my 18th birthday. But now… he… he… lived till I’m 34! He died being so fucking proud of his muscle bound son!! I went to the gym twice a day when I wasn't studying. I treated my mind like I treated my body. I wanted to have it all. I wanted to be immense… and an electrical engineer. I’m 19. I went away to college. Dad didn’t want me to go. He wanted me to focus on my body and become a fitness model… make the money now so that I had it for later. I couldn’t. I had to go to college. I had to go to grad school. I had to get my doctorate. I had to create something… something important… I’m 42. I grabbed onto the desk trying to steady myself. I let out a long, deep groan. The whole room goes in and out of focus. The cramp that has a hold of my body gets worse and worse. I was panting. Sweat poured down my face. My heart thumped loudly in my body. The cramp grew in intensity before… My skinny body… it felt… swollen. The sleeves of my T-shirt rode up my… my biceps! I had biceps!!! My nipples pressed against the fabric of my T-shirt thanks to my thicker pecs. I lifted my right arm and I flexed… and I was rewarded with a peak that rose up higher than it had that morning! I raised my left arm and threw a double bicep pose. My shoulders… they felt much more rounded, while my back muscles tightened and flexed me wider. I flexed hard… harder… harder still… and I’m rewarded with it growing even larger and thicker… splitting the seam in my pit. Lowering my arms, I felt the flex remain even when at rest. My upper arms looked so much thicker than they had minutes before. I’m 20… 21… 22… 23… 24… 25 I competed. I won every prize. Men’s Physique: Mine Classic Physique: Mine Lightweight: Mine Heavyweight: Mine! IFBB Title and Pro Card: Mine… Mine… MINE!!. I graduated with straight A’s and went to grad school and then on to get my doctorate. My mother couldn't stop telling me how incredibly proud she was of me. My father didn't say a word… but I knew. They were both proud beyond words. I didn’t have the words to express how I felt. Deep down though… a fire burned. Size! That's all I could think of. That's all I really needed. I needed to work out more… I needed to grow… I needed to be the biggest… the best! I’m 42. My body pulsed with new life. The pulsing… it became a throbbing that kept growing in intensity. It didn’t hurt… it almost felt slightly orgasmic. It made me feel… alive. Every muscle group began to flex and swell. I released a tiny moan as pressure filled every muscle of my body. My body… I felt more jacked and swollen than I had just seconds before. My whole body felt thicker… stronger. My hands. My hands had grown calluses from the 27 years of working out… so many of them without gloves. My hands were thick and rough. I loved the way my hands felt. Fuck!! Every inch of my body was heavy and full… and only getting more so. Time sped up. It roared around and through me. I got my doctorate. I began working at a University. I transferred from there two years later to work at an even more prestigious one. I still competed. I was known by my students as Professor Hulk. I loved when they called me that. I worked out harder to give them what they wanted. My skin… it pulled tight over my body. My hands fumbled for my clothes, trying to take off what I could. I pulled my jeans down and found that I had difficulty getting them over my thick quads. I pulled and pulled, and the fabric tore. My quads! It was like someone had shoved two quads together to make my one. My calves… my calves were the size of what my quads had once been. My shoulders grew rounder. My neck got thicker. My traps began to rise up. My lats… my lats flared out. My T-Shirt. There was no helping it. It tore under the strain. I was sitting at my desk chair in my socks and briefs, and soon my briefs would give in to my growing quads and glutes. I’m 34. My father passed away. It was hard on my mother, but I knew she’d carry on. She was strong that way. For me… it released me to go after my secret passion. PED growth! For my father, I had always remained natural. He hated any type of steroid use… but now that he was gone, I found I could experiment. I’m 42. My muscles… they were so bloated! I could see every individual muscle fiber under my thin skin every time they flexed and throbbed. I became twice as vascular as I had ever been before. I felt so heavy. I was heavy! I felt like I was wearing a muscle costume, but I wasn’t. Each and every swollen muscle… they were all mine. My heart thumped loudly. I felt like the Michelin Man due to how bloated and engorged with muscle I’d become. The pressure within me kept mounting. My muscles… they kept swelling larger and larger and larger. How large could I possibly grow? My pecs flexed and pulsed and expanded right before my eyes. My pecs were so much fuller than I had ever imagined they could be. I cupped them with my hands, and felt them swell even further beneath my grasp. My body… I no longer had any control over it. All it did was flex and relax… flex and relax… flex and relax. Each time, swelling larger and thicker. Looking down over swollen pecs, I could barely see my hard 4 inch cock. My ballooning quads rubbed against each other no matter how far apart I spred my legs. From what I could see of my body, I knew I was bigger than fucking Arnold Shwarzenegger. I flexed both of my biceps again and watched the peak rise up even higher. I was growing. I was actually growing into a massive muscular body builder!! I’m 35. Through the University… I had contacts with scientists and researchers that others didn’t have, and they had contacts that maybe they shouldn’t have. I went through cycle after cycle after cycle. I did my blood work. I watched my internal organs. I took care of myself probably better than I ever had before. I blew up in size. By the time I was 36… I weighed 320 lbs of thick muscle. The quest for size burned even brighter. To cool my mind from the screams of wanting to grow bigger… I began work on something I had dreamt of since I was a kid. It was a machine of some sort… a time machine. I couldn’t think of a catchy name so I just call it The System. I'm 42. The growth built up within my entire body. It felt more powerful than before… stronger… more ferocious. I became hyper aware of my entire body, aware of how huge and heavy I was now. My body was growing larger… and still demanded more. The chair beneath me began to groan under the pressure. My body lurched larger. My body felt on the cusp of tearing apart. I screamed. It echoed through my entire laboratory as my muscles expanded again. My neck… it was thick as a tree trunk! My lats forced my arms out further than ever before. My traps! I never had traps before. Now they rode high up my neck. My abs!! I now had thick cinder block abs that I could wash clothes on!!! I had to be over 300 lbs. I’m 37. Progress on The System was going well… but I couldn’t get growth out of my head. A friend of a friend introduced me to Dr. James Wilton. They said we definitely had one thing in common. Muscle. Wilton was an attractive and well built biological scientist. A geneticist. From the moment he saw me he was obsessed with me… of my size. One time… drunk… he texted me… told me he’d do anything for me… that he’d do anything to help me get bigger. To be the biggest. He said he had science on his size… and the passion for size. I used this to my advantage. “Grow me,” I text him. “Grow me and you can use my body as your playground.” I made a date to meet him for coffee the next day When he saw me, he had fire in his eyes and an obvious hard on. “Were you serious… what you said… about letting me grow you?” “Were YOU serious?” “I’ve been working on ways since I was in college. They’re pretty extreme.” “I like extreme.” “Fuck me now.” “Okay. In bed that afternoon. “I want you to get me as humanly possible… and then go even bigger. You think you can do that?” “I know I can do that.” Stroking his hard cock, I leaned into him. “Can I tell you a secret? Something I’ve never told anyone?” “Tell me.” “I’ve always wanted to be a muscle giant. A real… living… breathing… muscle giant.” I began licking his pecs. “Fe… Fi… Fo… Fum…” “Take the size you imagine when I say Muscle Giant… and double it.” “Fuck. I’ve died and gone to heaven.” We fucked again. Later that evening over a glass of wine on my balcony. “What do you know about the concept of forced evolution?” Wilton through this out as if it was normal conversation. “Nothing.” “It’s a concept I’m working on at the moment. Say… you want to force a certain trait into a population. Blue hair. You can either start breeding in various colored hair until you finally get blue… or you force that population to evolve with a need to have blue hair… say… for camouflage.” “Right. Okay.” “Say… for instance… you wanted a group to be bigger… more muscular…. taller…” “Go on. “You would force evolution on them to favor being strong and muscular, Make it a requirement to survive. A need.” “Too bad no one has thousands of years to do that.” “Not unless you found a way to force evolution in an organism… convince their body that it’s evolving… trick it… until it begins to happen… till it believes their body is evolving for hundreds of thousands of years.” “You think you can do that?” “I know I can.” “Interesting.” “I'm working on a project right now. I’m about two years and 150,000 dollars away from making my dream… and yours a reality.” “I like the idea… and the craziness of it… and I’d be all in… but 2 years. That’s too long. I need now.” “Okay.., then we’ll have to go my other favorite route… mad scientist chemistry. Did you know there are herbs in South America that certain bats have eaten and they proceed to grow three and four times their original size…” Wilton comes through. With herbs from both South America and Africa… combined with experimental steroids and growth hormones… and other bouts of questionable science, he came up with a cocktail that sounded deadly on paper. “Just two injections, Dante and you’ll grow like a weed. With 4… you’re a freak. With 6… you’re a monster. With 8… you’re a legend.” “What’s a legend look like?” “7 or 8 feet tall and 1,500 lbs of muscle.” “Let's make a legend then.” I'm 42. The memories whipped around me. I did this, didn’t I? I created this thirst for size that torments me to always want to get bigger. It was in my prompt… I know it was. I created this obsession with size and growth… and now… what is my 37 year old self going to do?! I’m 37. I took a 24 week sabbatical from The University. I told some of my students that Professor Hulk was going to work on his body so he’d come back the biggest and the best. Wilton decided to rent a cabin in the woods. Wilton would stay with me for the first week, and then come back each consecutive week for a check in. That first night, Wilton injected 4 into my pituitary gland, 4 into my testicles, and one into my spine. I screamed for three hours straight. I felt like all I could do was scream. My body… it was on fire… my body…. Wilton has to knock me out. If not… I would have screamed for 12 hours straight. I’m 42. “FUCK!!!” I screamed as my 5’8” body began to stretch taller. This couldn’t… this couldn’t really be happening to me. All I could do was grunt and groan. Within three minutes, I was 5’10. As I expanded,I felt my body demand more and more size. It’s out of control. I’m out of control! My body flexed and spasmed. My bones broke and refuse as my body grew larger. My muscles tensed as a deep groan was expelled from my lips. Bones all over my body loudly shattered and broke again… lengthening, rehealing, and strengthening before the process started over and over and over again. I lifted my hands and watched as my fingers stretched longer and thicker. Opening and closing them seemed to only quicken the process, and soon I was in possession of two grizzly bear sized paws!! Each finger was the size of a German sausage!! Fuck…my hands were growing again! I was growing taller… but each muscle group was multiplying as well. I had gotten used to how I felt at 320 lbs… but now.. I had to be 450 pounds of shredded muscle, and gaining more and more size every second. I wished that I was standing in front of a mirror so that I could watch my insane growth, but I doubt that I would ever be able to focus on one area before another would explode with even more size. I’m 37. Wilton did my bloodwork and monitored me every day for the first week. I could see from how he looked at me… and my growing body… that I was exceeding every estimate that he originally had. Believe me when I tell you, for me, It was nothing like what you read in the stories. It was pain… agony… tears… crying… and even doubt. For Wilton… he jerked off watching me grow so often that his cock was red and raw. 10 days after the injections… I stood 6 foot 4 and 610 lbs of muscle. I’m 42. My body expanded past 6 foot and what I guessed was 500 lbs. I ran my hands down my mountainous pecs and played with my overly sensitive nipples before moving downwards to my cobblestone abs. Steam and sweat poured off my body. My body cramped again, and this time it was even worse than it ever had been before. I fell from the chair and landed on my hands and knees. I felt sick… feverish. It took every effort to try and stand. I waddled into my bedroom. I had a full length mirror in there. It wasn’t huge… but at least i could see what I was becoming. When I reached it… when I saw… my jaw nearly fell to the floor. My skin… it was paper thin… and a highway of swollen veins criss-crossed my body. Every vein was nearly twice the size they had been prior…pumping blood and nutrients into my expanding body. I’m 37. “What are you so worried about now, Jack?” Watson had just finished riding my cock… a cock that, he said, he could feel growing larger as it was inside of him. Now that he had shot his load, I could see worry and reality cross his face again “I underestimated how good I am at my job… by a lot.” “What are you trying to say?” “You’re growth… I fed your new stats into the computer. It spit out new estimates based on the data.” “And…” “Legendary just got a lot bigger.” I’m 42 I grunted as my cock stiffened. Thick veins now traveled over the shaft giving it a more engorged appearance than I ever was used to seeing before. I massaged my cock for a few seconds before traveling northward to my abs. My body shuddered and the veins in my body swelled even larger. Running my hands over my pecs and abs, I was surprised by how the new topography felt with the addition of such new hosepipe roadways crossing over it. I backed away so that I could see more of my body in the mirror, when it went rigid. Every muscle flexed uncontrollably and then relaxed. Each time it flexed, it took longer and longer to release… and the pain that radiated through my body got worse. My groans turned to screams as the pain took over my body again. My body trembled and then quaked as every muscle in my body swelled and expanded. My body grew so much thicker. I could actually hear gallons of blood flow through my new hose pipe veins as they fed my muscle growth. Looking in the mirror, I’m rewarded with the view of every muscle on my body increasing. I was easily over 700 lbs. I flexed my arms and I’m rewarded with a peak that the biggest bodybuilder wouldn’t ever be able to achieve. Even in the grip of pain… my body felt so alive! I’m 37. The Cabin. “What are you saying?” “I’m saying… we estimated you’d top out at 9 foot and 3,000 lbs in 8 weeks “What are we looking at now?” “We’re looking at the growth period extending by another possible 8 weeks. Your body… It's processing the formula slower than I thought it would. It’s holding onto it as long as it can… squeezing it like a sponge for every possible drop. We’re looking at you growing to 12 feet… maybe 13… and over 5,500 lbs of muscle.” “Fuck. I’m terrified and my cock is rock hard. It’s some powerful shit you invented.” “Guess I should never work when I’m horny.” “You’d never work!” I’m 42 again. I felt my mass increasing. I flexed my arms and I’m rewarded by a peak that rises higher than I ever imagined. My entire body rocked, spasmed, and flexed as I grew. The pain was awful… and yet… it seemed worth it. The pain I was going through meant I was earning the size I was gaining. My body quaked with even more force than before. The skin, which appeared to grow even thinner, could barely hold back the muscle that exploded with new size. I watched as I seemed to take on a dark red color as every muscle became even further engorged with blood. The contractions affecting my entire body appeared to doubly focus on my pecs. Already of a formidable size I haven’t yet gotten used to, I watched as they ballooned larger, taking up more and more landscape on my chest. I cupped the growing mounds with my hands and was rewarded by the sensation of them being forced higher and further apart as my pecs swelled. My whole body was expanding… multiplying at an unprecedented rate. Reality shifts. I’m 37 again. “It’s been three weeks. Why does it feel like the growth is getting stronger?” “The formula has a longer half life than expected.” “The computer is now estimating 7,000 lbs of muscle.” I stumble. I’m 42. I grunted as my lats began to thicken and spread. I had to look like some insane Timelapse video of someone who’s worked out and grown over a twenty year period. I laughed when I realized that’s exactly what I was! My traps rose higher as my neck swelled, until it was nearly impossible to distinguish where my back and chest ended and my head began. Muscle fibers from my neck traveled upwards and began to invade my face. Soon, thick tentacles of muscle caused my chin to appear more squared while my eyes looked deeper set. Within minutes, my face took on a chiseled and refined look that actors and models would give their nutsack to have! Time roars through me. I’m 37. “Fuck, Dante! Your head looks twice the size that it was last week! Every time I come up here… you’re so much bigger… take up more and more of this room.” “How do you think I feel? Good thing the ceilings are high. I can’t fit into the bathroom anymore. I need to piss in the sink and shit in garbage bags.” “Fuck, that’s hot.” “You do realize that as you stand there looking at me… I’m growing. By this time tomorrow… just 24 hours… I’ll be bigger than I am right now?” Wilton says nothing. His mouth is attached to my cock. I’m 42. I felt like I was strapped to a primitive torture rack as my limbs and torso began to slowly lengthen again. No matter how long my arms and leg became, my muscles quickly swelled and took up all the newly acquired space. All too quickly, I stood 8 feet tall and had more muscle mass than one of those insane morphs people do. I found myself having to go to my knees in order to not hit the ceiling with my head. Every inch of me swelled larger. When I flexed my legs and arms, they expanded further with muscle. I attempted to raise my arms up towards the ceiling, but my expanding and widening lats prevented this from happening. I released I deep bellow as my shoulders stretched wider. My growth sped up. Every muscle group ballooned beyond the extreme, growing more and more monstrous. I grinned, thinking, ‘Dad, if you could see me now!’ The floor below me groaned under my increasing weight and expanding mass. Looking at my shrinking room, I began to have trouble seeing around and below me. My view was getting completely blocked by my massive pecs while my thickening neck and traps were making it difficult to turn my head. I found myself stumbling slightly to the right, and toppled into my dresser. It was pulverized under my weight. “Fuck!! Barely felt that!! AAHH!!” I screamed as my entire body began to stretch and expand all at once. I was quickly growing into a human mountain of muscle. My leg muscles… fuck… they were as thick as my entire body had once been… and they were growing in leaps and bounds. Even on my hands and knees, my body rapidly filled the room. My arms flexed on their own as the growth process sped up in that group. My guns… fuck… more like tanks… they grew even more impossibly huge until soon, my bicep began to slam into my forearm as it flexed. My bicep was much larger than my own head with hose pipe veins feeding it to grow even more. My world shifts I’m 37. I was growing too large for the cabin. I stood at 10 feet tall and thousands of pounds of heaving muscle that was always growing larger and denser. Wilton stopped measuring me. It had become nearly impossible since I was always growing larger. My world was growing too small… too difficult to manage. Being this size, the main room of the cabin, the only room I now fit in, seemed more like a 2 foot by 2 foot box. I was already slowly taking down the cabin day by day, no matter how careful I tried to be. Sitting on any of the furniture was out of the question. So was holding any glasses or silverware. Everything broke u def the strength of my hands… and even the stream of my piss chipped the sink! That morning, my elbow had shattered a window less than 10 minutes after my pecs tore down the widescreen TV. This was my life now. The world wasn’t created for a man of my size and stature. To live now, I’d need to build my own world. Everything would need to be built bigger and stronger and more formidable. It would make humans feel like children when they came into my domain. My body shuddered. Was I ready to live this way… shut out from so much of the world? Fuck yeah… and I secretly wanted more. The fire for growth was still alive within me and refused to let go. I don’t know how much Wilton spent on high protein food and shakes, but soon, he found it more manageable to attach me to a pick line and just feed my body intravenously. The only problem with this was that it seemed to speed up the process. “I fed your current stats into the computer.” “And…” “From that grin on your face… I’m sure you already know what I’m going to say.” “Bigger than legendary?” “Bigger than legendary. Much bigger.” That night… Wilton jerks me off with two hands. I loved how tiny he looked when he did this. He said my cock had gotten way too big for him to take up his ass. It still looked tiny to me. My load is huge though… covering his face, chest, and forming a puddle on the floor. “You roared when you came.” “Don’t be ridiculous.” “You did. You actually roared when you came. You sounded like a grizzly.” I was instantly hard again. Cupping his back with my hand… I pushed him forward for round two. A part of me wanted to pick Wilton up and slam him down on my cock… force him to take it… but I controlled myself. Hands would have to suffice. I wasn’t a monster. I’m 42. All I could do was pant, basking in the orgasmic and painful rush of my own growth. I guessed I would now stand 10 feet tall if I stood up! 10 feet tall… and I was still growing! Even on my knees… the ceiling was coming closer and closer… and my muscle mass was quickly filling the entire room. A continually loud snapping sound erupted from my body. My shoulders began to broaden even further causing bat wing-like lats to widen my back and force my arms farther from my body. My back muscles bubbled and swelled, growing thicker and more dense as I grew wider. At over 11 feet tall… I was growing into an abomination. I was the true definition of a muscle monster. And the growth showed no signs of stopping. In fact, the larger I became, the faster my growth progressed. I’m 37 again. I’m panting. Fuck!! My growth is out of control today. My mind is trying hard to hold on. I want to rage…. I want to tear my cage down. I want to be free. “I’ve… I’ve… Listen to me, Wilton!!! Fucking… listen!!!” I slam my foot down splitting five thick floorboards that formed part of the floor beneath me. Wilton listens. “I’ve transferred 1,000,000 to you. Buy me a place in the middle of nowhere… in the country… the woods… I don’t give a shit where. Someplace with a massive barn or silo. Someplace where I can finish growing… where I can spread out. I need to spread out!!!” Wilton did as I requested. He always did as I requested. That same week, I had a ranch in the country with a house and enormous barn, When we left the cabin, I pulled two, old pine trees down to completely demolish the front of the place, masking the massive hole I had to create to squeeze my 13 foot body out. Wilton didn’t owe the owners any money for the deposit… and in fact… they paid him 20,000 to not have him sue for ‘old trees nearly killing him.’ In a rented truck… Wilton carted me to my new existence. I had to put a lot more money into the farmhouse to make it big enough to live, and while the work was being done and I continued to grow, I lived in the barn. I was 42. I roared! I screamed. I I grew bigger and heavier. My muscles widened… thickened… My muscle growth went into overdrive. I needed to laugh… scream… and roar at the same time. I just kept growing bigger and heavier. The physical and mental sensations I experienced made it difficult to think. All he knew was that my body refused to stop growing. I was now so mountainous… so immense… so impractical for my quickly shrinking world. I screamed out again as my body was forced to stretch larger. My head slammed forcefully into the ceiling causing large cracks to appear. I tried to make myself smaller, but found the size of my quads and calves made it difficult to perform this simple movement. Again my body was propelled upwards as first my traps and then my head tore through the ceiling. Water pipes burst as I exploded upwards. The water cascaded down my swollen body, crashing like a waterfall onto the floor. My left leg smashed into the wall as I swelled. My body now took up the entirety of my bedroom. I could no longer look up or down or side to side, My body began to forcefully shake as it stretched larger. My shoulders tore apart more of the ceiling as my legs demolished the other standing walls. My chest ballooned even further, growing heavier than I could have imagined while my back thickened into large plates of muscle that tore through wood, ductwork, wiring, and concrete like it was tissue paper. I stumbled… and found myself tearing through the wall of my master bedroom and into the bathroom. The propulsion kept me moving, and soon I was ripped out of the side of my house and into the world, Part of the roof caved in as the outer brick wall collapsed. My house falling in on itself sounded like a bomb had gone off in the neighborhood. Car alarms began peeling while dogs started to bark. Looking wildly around as best as I could, I saw lights going on in the houses around me. It was night… but even in the dark… my neighbors couldn’t miss me. Lifting my immense mass up proved to be a difficult task, but soon I was standing. My feet sunk through the grass of my front yard. I took a step… leaving behind a massive footprint. I looked around. Fuck… the world… it was… tiny! No. It was me. I had to stand over 19 feet tall and nearly 15,000 lbs of flexing and pulsating muscle. How was I going to live? Where would I live? How would I eat? I could never travel again! I heard my first scream. It was next door. I tried to turn my head, but my traps completely prevented this. I had to turn my whole body, but this caused me to tear up more of my lawn and knock down the fence between our properties. Fuck. It was my 60 year old neighbor. What is she thinking when she sees me? She has to be terrified. My cock is hard and leaking. My muscles… they flexed on their own. I had to stabilize the situation. “Mary... this isn’t...”. My voice. Fuck… it was so deep; a deep, rumbling bass. Mary wasn’t lured in by the sexiness of my voice. She screamed again and ran inside. I could hear other doors opening. People coming outside. I attempted to look down and see them, but my pecs blocked my view. I only knew that although it had definitely slowed, I was still growing. I could tell from the sensations in my body I was still feeling. I heard a cop car in the distance. My heart sped up… but then I laughed. What were they going to do? Arrest me? I laughed again… and decided to take three steps towards the road. I heard more voices and screams. Fuck… I was… I groaned as I shot up again. People screamed and backed away as my feet grew larger. I felt the street below me crack… or was that my body? I grew larger… heavier… thicker.., “Stop what you’re doing!” It was a cop on a bull horn! I laughed. “If I could… I…. would!” My voice! It was so much louder than I was used to hearing… so much deeper…. I could feel my hard cock slap against my mountainous abs. Fuck. I was rock hard in front of all of these people! I grew again. Three more cop cars zoomed down the street towards me. Their sirens merged with my beating heart. I… I was 20 feet tall… I towered over the street I had lived on for 12 years. I had destroyed my own house! I laughed. If you could see me now, Dad. Stay natural, you said! My laughter sounded distorted as the sirens grew louder. Every sense seemed… heightened. I thought I was going to faint. Had this all been too much for my body? I took several more steps…. I was Gulliver… exploring my new world… The world… it lurched… it shifted… Time rushed as it folded and collapsed in on itself. The warm night air grew colder. The street beneath my feet… the sounds of barking dogs and people… they all seemed to fade into the distance. Suddenly… there was smooth wood beneath my feet. I stood… in a barn. My barn, My new timeline… it had caught up with me… or had I caught up with it? I was 20 feet tall and over 17,000 lbs of muscle. I was… I was a freak. Secretly though… I knew I wasn't big enough… but this would have to do. Once the growth eventually subsided… well… somewhat subsided. Wilton discovered that my pituitary gland had been forever altered by the formula… and that I was still growing… about a half a foot a year. When Wilton eventually could fully measure me, I was: Height: 20.3 feet Chest: 24.8 feet Bicep: 10.7 feet Waist; 10.4 feet Quads: 11.4 feet Cock: 14x7 inches. Weight: 17,476 lbs I was 37. It was time to start my new life. I had memories of both my old life and my new. Sometimes it was difficult keeping track of what was now and what was then. My head would hurt as I tried to keep hold of them all. What did I need to remember? What had I changed by playing with my timeline? First though, I knew I had to work on myself. To help with my flexibility and prevent me from being muscle bound, I began to do yoga. It took a while, but it definitely did help. I soon found myself able to turn my head a little to the left and the right. It would never be how it was before, but it was better than nothing. With Wilton acting as my figurehead I had the farmhouse rebuilt to accommodate my size. When it was being worked on, I kept out of sight in the barn. I eventually had that rebuilt as a laboratory for myself and for Wilton. I never returned to my teaching job. Professor Hulk had retired. I missed my students… but how could you teach when you couldn’t even get in the building?! To make money… I joined OnlyFans, MacroFans and Patreon. I had 60,000 fans in two months. I was making money hand over fist by creating flexing and strength videos. Most thought it was elaborate CGI… but the ones who paid more… they got to meet me in person and play with my huge body. I loved watching them compare themselves with me. They were always in shock when they first saw me and discovered that I actually existed. They loved comparing themselves to me. I loved the worship sessions. I never wore clothes. Why bother? When it got cold, I’d just wrap a thick, tailor made toga around myself, but most of the time, I remained naked. I’m 42… again. I’m 25 feet tall and 32,000 lbs of muscle. Wilton, who is still around at times, likes to remind me that when I’m 50 I’ll be 30 feet and close to 53,000 lbs. I make close to 75,000 a month just being me for my fans. I flex, I stomp on things, I lift things, I destroy things. I’m a legend. In my spare time… and I have a lot of spare time… I completed The System. It was a massive piece of machinery, mostly to accommodate my size. It is far better than the first one. The image is clearer and I have much more control. My initial life… I remembered it now like… a dream. It became less and less real the longer I lived in this timeline. You wonder: why create The System again? What use did I have for it? Well… I’m still obsessed with size. That spark has never gone away. That moment that I altered… my birthday… it’s red and locked and impossible to alter. And honestly, even if I could, I wouldn’t change what I am now. Well… there is one thing I’d change. At 42, my sex drive was through the roof. I was dropping 10-12 huge loads a day. Sometimes, an orgasm would just explode out of nowhere, and I would find myself cumming all over the walls and the floor. Wilton told me that it must have been a side effect of the formula. It helped that some of my fans paid extra for the right to play with my body. My cock had grown in proportion to my body… and although, in normal human terms, it was huge… it was nothing to scream about. Most guys, with the right encouragement, and lube, and practice could take it. I’d let them ride me since, if I fucked them, my strength would either rupture them or tear them apart. Let’s be honest. My body… it’s so.., ginormous.., it makes my cock look… puny. I know I must sound so vain… but you try being 25 feet tall with a tiny 20 inch cock. I knew I have the capability to fix this. TO BE CONTINUED...
- 16 replies
- 35
- muscle growth
- height growth
- (and 7 more)
Hi there. Hope you're all doing great. Had some time on my hands so started out writing a story for fun. I have the whole thing finished, so I thought I would post some of it here. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think. I'll post some more in the next couple of days. Doing It! “Are we really doing this?” “Yes! We really are going to do this!” Cody pushed the large silver syringe towards Grant. “This is really happening. It isn’t a game?” Grant picked up the metal syringe and took a look at the cylinder that lay within. “It’s not a game. You asked for the shit, and I got it for you. Now it’s up to you.” Cody’s cock was hard in his jeans from him just imagining what the rest of the day held. Sure, he could go to jail for stealing a top secret formula from a lab he was interning at, but he didn’t care if it meant Grant got what he deserved, and what he deserved was ultimate size. he two had met at the gym. Cody had always been an avid gym goer, but he was more used to places like Peak Fitness or Ultimate Gym, not The Metalworks that was ten minutes away from the lab he had recently started at right after grad school. Being self conscious at first about working out at a gym that catered more towards serious lifters, he hadn’t really paid Grant much notice besides glancing at his built physique in passing. No. Six months would pass before the two men would even speak to one another. When they did, it wouldn’t even be in the gym, but the parking lot. Cody had been at the lab late and decided that before he went home to sleep, he would get a quick workout in. After having gone through a routine set out for him by his online personal trainer, he changed into his trousers and shirt and was back in his car an hour later. The problem he had was that the car refused to start. Banging his hand on the wheel several times out of frustration, he popped the hood and exited the car in hopes that it would be an easy fix. Looking into the dark cavernous expanse that held his car’s engine by the light of his cell phone flashlight, Cody knew that he had no clue what the issue was. It could be anything! “Problem?” Cody looked up to see a tall, muscular, hunk of a man standing next to him. He had a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye that Cody couldn’t help seeing even in the semi darkness of the parking lot. “I… my car. It’s dead.” “You call for a tow?” The larger man leaned on the car and looked under the hood. Cody wondered how old the man was. His hair was dark and full, but there was a hint of silver at the temples. His face was tanned yet only slightly lined, while the energy he was giving off let Cody know that he had seen and done a lot in his life. “No. Not yet. I thought… I don’t know. I thought that just by looking at it it would let me know what was wrong!” The man turned his head and smiled up at Cody. “Want me to give you a jump? I have cables in my Jeep.” “Yeah! That would be great. Think that will fix it?” “Can’t hurt.” The man walked away from Cody on large and muscular legs with glutes to match. Cody estimated he had to be about 6’3 and over 200lbs of thick muscle. A few minutes later, he had driven his black Jeep over to Cody, jumped out of the drivers side door and was hooking jumper cables up to both of their engines. “Try turning it over.” Cody looked dumbfounded at him. “Turn on your car.” “Oh! Right!” Cody hopped in the front seat, turned the key, and was rewarded with his car coming miraculously to life. “Thank you so much!” “No problem.” The man unhooked the jumper cables, lifted his arm so that his bicep jumped to attention, and began to wind them up around an elbow and meaty hand. “You saved my life. Not sure if towing comes with my insurance.” Cody felt his cock harden slightly as he watched the man finish winding up the cables, and wished it was being manhandled by such large hands. “You should check that out. Have a good night.” With that, he hopped into his Jeep and drove off into the night. From then on, whenever Cody went to the gym, his mysterious hero seemed to be there. Cody would secretly watch him lift, in awe of his brute strength and dedication to muscle. Cody must have been staring for too long before the guy walked over to him and broke him out of the X-rated fantasy that was playing on the screen in his mind. “Take a picture. It will last longer.” The guy slapped Cody on the ass and walked past him. Cody went through the motions of the rest of his workout, embarrassed at being caught staring, but also slightly turned on by the feel of the man’s hand on his ass. It was in the parking lot that night that he caught the guy standing next to his Jeep checking his phone. As Cody walked to his car, he called out: “Hey Tom!” “Tom?” “Peeping Tom. What I call you since I don’t know your name.” “It’s Cody. I wasn’t staring…” “No?” “No… I was thinking.” “That’s too bad. I’d hoped you were staring.” The man turned around and opened his Jeep door. “You… hoped I had been staring?” “Yeah. I’ve stared at that hot ass of yours plenty of times.” Cody was thankful it was dark so that the guy couldn’t see him blush. “You… have?” “Yeah. That okay?” “Sure. That’s… fine with me.” “Good. I’m Grant.” “Cody. Nice to meet you.” The two shook hands. Electricity passed through Cody as Grant gripped him tight. “I’m going to grab something to eat at my restaurant if you want to join me.” “Your restaurant?” “Best steaks in the 50 states. You do eat meat, right?” “Yeah! I love meat!” “Good to know. Follow me.” That night had been the beginning of months filled with excitement and passion. The two men, so very different, found that their differences made them perfect for each other. Soon, Cody was moving into Grant's large home, and the two were thinking of each other as a serious couple. It was while they were working out five months later that Cody brought up the project he was slightly a part of at work. “In a way… it’s going to help with your businesses. Imagine cows twice or three times the size. Imagine the steaks!” “So… this formula… it’s going to grow bigger cows?” “Not just cows. Pigs, chickens. Bigger animals… more food.” “Fuck the cows. Give it to me!” Grant laughed as he began curling a 50 lbs dumbbell. “Let’s grow this beast!” “Yeah right. Imagine! I’ve seen the trials on rats. Fuck they got huge. Twice the size.” Cody lifted a 15 lbs dumbbell and began curling as well. “I’m not joking. Let them know if they want a human trial… they can have me!” Grant laughed as he dropped the dumbbell to the floor and went off in search of something heavier. Cody knew Grant wasn’t joking. He was obsessed with size and muscle, and to have something that could get him even bigger would be a dream come true. Cody wanted to be the person that could give him that. He had made Cody happier than he had ever been in his life, and he could think of no better way to thank him. It was a month and a half later before Cody found himself left alone in the lab to lock up. The solution had been handed to him by his superior and told to log how much they had given to the test subjects and locked away. It was easy enough to pull up an entire syringe full, drop the large vial on the floor, and write in the log that it had been lost due to an accident. He walked out of the lab with the syringe in his coat pocket imagining the possibilities. Now, they were both in the bathroom of the gym. Cody couldn't wait to let Grant know of his theft, causing the larger man to grab him and drag him into the bathroom. “I just… what… inject it?” Grant looked up at Cody. He was hard in his sweatpants and began rubbing his cock with his other hand. “I’ll do it. It will go in your glute.” “Right. How much?” “Well… that’s the issue. I have no clue. It’s only been tested on rats.” “And I’m a pretty big rat.” “You are. I drew up an entire syringe because I imagined that would be the dose you would need.” “Then, let’s go with the syringe.” Grant pulled his sweat pants down and faced away from Cody. “Let’s do this!” Without even thinking twice, just happy he could give this to Grant, Cody drove the needle of the syringe deep into the muscle, pulled back to make sure there was no blood, and then pressed the dark liquid home. “Fuck! It burns!” “Almost there!” 40 seconds later, the solution was in Grant and Cody was pulling the needle out. “How long does it take?” “It’ll be about a week to two weeks before we notice any changes.” “Right. How much you think I’ll gain?” “Estimate… about a hundred to a hundred and twenty-five pounds of muscle.” Grant's cock jumped just hearing that. He pulled Cody towards him and the two began to kiss. The next day, at the lab, Cody was disciplined severely for his ‘accident’ with the formula, but nothing else came about the theft. He was happy he had gotten away with it and still felt sore from the multiple times Grant had fucked him that night after their workout.. It was 3:00 in the afternoon when Cody’s cell phone went off. It was Grant. “Hey, Babe! How’s the restaurant?” “I’m driving home.” “What’s wrong?” “Nothings wrong. It’s working!” “What?” “I’m growing!” “That’s not possible. It’s just your imagination.” “You tell that to… oh fuck! You tell that to my body!” “I’ll be right there.” After a quick lie about severe diarrhoea, Cody was on his way home. He called Grant once he got in the car, but his boyfriend didn’t pick up. The house was only twenty minutes away, but he seemed to catch every light possible. It wasn’t possible that Grant could be showing signs of muscle growth already. It usually took ten days before any difference was noted, and about six months before the rat had grown to its largest size. It had only been a day since Grant had been injected… not even 24 hours! Cody drove up to their house and parked in the driveway next to Grants Jeep. The first thing Cody noticed as he walked up to the house was that the front door was wide open and Grant’s keys were still in the lock. Walking into the house, he called out to Grant but didn’t receive an answer. Moving into the living room, he noticed the clothes Grant had been wearing were scattered around on the floor with both the shirt and trousers having rips and tears in the fabric. Moving into the kitchen, he found both of Grant’s sneakers, but the front near the laces as well as the sides of them had been destroyed as if something had unexpectedly exploded out of them. Cody’s heart began to beat faster as he heard several deep grunts and groans coming from the master bedroom. Crossing into the room, he audibly gasped at what he saw. Standing in front of the large mirror was Grant, but it was nothing like the Grant he had kissed goodbye that morning. The Grant that was flexing one arm while jerking his cock with the other hand while admiring himself in the mirror was a brute… a muscle beast. Everything about Grant was now… bigger. Every muscle group on his body was swollen way beyond any pump he had ever had. It was obvious that Grant must have not only gained 50 plus pounds of muscle mass in the last couple of hours, but he now stood several inches taller than the 6’ 2” he had been that morning. Cody couldn't take his eyes off of his boyfriend. He looked so huge and primal standing there in front of the mirror posing and flexing various muscle groups for himself; turning himself on in the process. Cody looked downward at Grant’s cock, rising up like a monument to his virility. Where it had always been above average at 8”, it now stretched to what had to be a thick 10 incher. Grant caught Cody’s eye in the mirror. “What do you think?” Grant pulled a most muscular pose for Cody forcing every muscle group to swell even larger. “I don’t understand.” “If you don’t understand… how do you think I feel!” Grant moved closer to Cody who now felt so much smaller in his presence. “It shouldn’t work this way. You look like you've been on it for 5 weeks now… not one day.” “Imagine me in 5 weeks!” Grant's cock swelled, releasing a wad of precum. “Maybe this is it. Maybe on humans the growth occurs all at once.” “No. This is just the start. I can feel it.” Grant ran his large hand over his pecs and down his abs. “What do you mean?” Grant moved closer to Cody until he was nearly on top of him. Grant had always been larger than Cody, but now the phenomenal growth he had gone through made it seem as if he were the size of two men combined. “There’s a new energy in me.” Grant grabbed Cody around the waist and pulled him to him. “I felt it this morning. At first, I didn’t know what it was, and grew worried when I felt it fill my body, becoming more and more powerful.” With his right hand, Grant caressed Cody’s face. “Throughout the morning into the afternoon, it kept getting stronger and stronger until I thought I was going to either have a heart attack or explode due to high blood pressure. I was sweating… my heart was racing… and then the cramps began.” Cody could feel Grant’s hard cock pressing against him as Grant told the incredible story of his growth. “All the air escaped from my lungs as if I was punched in the stomach. I staggered into a bathroom at the restaurant and locked the door. The pressure seemed to be focusing on my chest, but it wasn’t my heart. It was my pecs… and they had both started to swell!” Grant leaned down and brought his face closer and closer to Cody’s until the two began to kiss. Grant's tongue was welcomed as it slid into Cody’s mouth. He released a slight groan as Grant held him with more strength than he had possessed before. Cody could feel the much larger and more muscular body pressing against him, and was marvelling at how thick Grant felt as he wrapped his arms around him. The two kissed even deeper as they became more and more aroused. Cody was shocked when Grant pulled away, but from the wild look in his eye, Cody knew Grant wanted more. Lifting his considerable hands to Cody’s shirt, Grant started to massage the smaller man’s nipples. Cody groaned again, feeling his cock straining for release against his trousers. “I could feel muscle mass building on top of muscle mass… dividing… replicating… until my pecs began to swell and press against my shirt much more than they had minutes before. Then it began to spread to my abs… my quads… my lats… my biceps. My entire body was exploding with new and powerful muscle.” As if to demonstrate his new strength, Grant grabbed onto Cody’s shirt, and with a powerful tug, tore it from his body. Cody nearly came as he watched buttons and fabric fall to the floor from his light blue dress shirt. Grant then lifted Cody off of his feet and carried him to the bed where he proceeded to throw him on top of it. “I knew I had to get out of there. My clothes had begun to look painted onto my body and I had no doubt they would soon start to tear… and to be honest… I wanted to see that happen in front of a mirror! I told the head chef I felt sick and raced to my car. As I went to unlock it, my hands began to shake and spasm, and the fob fell to the floor.” Grant grabbed the waist of Cody’s pants and dragged him closer to the edge of the bed. “As I leaned down to pick it up, my ass exploded outwards; my glutes thickened with muscles until the seat of my jeans split. I can’t tell you how incredible it feels to have your muscle mass bursting through your clothes! What I failed to take into account was that it wasn’t only my muscles that were starting to grow. Everything about me was joining in.” With that, Grant tore off Cody’s trousers with a grunt, shredded his briefs, and with a grin on his face, lifted Cody’s legs up in the air and ploughed his monumental cock into Cody’s waiting hole. Cody screamed in agony and ecstasy. It wasn’t simply that Grant’s cock head had grown thicker than he had been used to taking. It was the fact that Grant’s cock seemed harder and more rigid than it had ever been in the past. Feeling the shaft being forced further and further into him felt like he was being fucked by a flesh and blood steel girder. Finally feeling Grant’s balls, which had also grown marginally, slapping against his ass, Cody opened his eyes just so he could watch the beast Grant had grown into fuck him. Grant was staring down at him, and smiled when he caught Cody’s eye. Leaning in further, he raised Cody upward with one arm and the two proceeded to kiss while Grant continued his frantic rhythm. “I was growing, babe,” Grant grunted into his ear as he fucked him harder and deeper. “As I drove… feeling my shoes getting tighter… feeling my hands and spine lengthening… all I could think was… it was you who gave this to me!” Cody looked deep into Grant’s eyes, feeling the pressure of a coming orgasm rising up within him. “Finally… fuck! You’re still so fucking tight!” “I’m not… tight! You’re… much… bigger!” Cody felt his balls begin to rise up in their sack as the strong orgasmic feeling enveloped his body. Soon, his hard cock began shooting rope after rope of cum. As Grant lowered him back onto the bed, he was still buried deep within Cody. Watching Cody cum, he knew he was only moments away from it himself. Grabbing onto Cody’s waist, he began to pound himself deeper into Cody’s ass. “It’s still… with me… Cody. I can… feel… it. Every minute… it’s getting… stronger! Soon… I’ll grow again… and again… and again! Soon… my body… will be… just massive… throbbing.., pulsating… flexing… muscle!!!!!” Grant growled the last word as he began unleashing load after hot load of cum into Cody. Feeling such liquid fire in his bowels caused Cody to erupt again. His body spasmed as Grant began to slide his cock out of him, and proceeded to drop several more thick loads onto Cody’s stomach and chest. Both of their seeds mixed on Cody as they fought to catch their breaths. “Damn… you shot a lot!” Cody grinned. “Yeah. Never had an orgasm like that one. Really strong. Like me.” Grant bounced his weighty pecs. Grant proceeded to grab a towel to clean Cody up with, but instead of a washcloth it now took a hand towel! The two men then showered together as best as they could since Grant now took up much more space. After they had dried themselves off, Cody began to get dressed, but Grant remained naked. He suddenly seemed on edge, pacing the room like a caged animal. “Anytime now… anytime now…” “Can you really… still feel it?” Cody slipped his left sock on, but stopped to look at Grant. “The growth?” “Yeah. It’s there. Gotten much stronger in the last couple of minutes. You’ll be able to witness your gift in action!” “Aren’t you… aren’t you nervous? This is happening so fast.” “Fuck no! I love it. Since I was a kid I wanted to be huge… powerful… built like Superman in the comics.” “You’re built like him now!” “I know! So just imagine what I’ll look like next… or the time after that… or the time after that. Fuck! I want you to do me a favour.” Grant moved quickly to his dresser and began digging through a drawer. “What?” Grant pulled out a measuring tape and handed it to Cody. “Measure me. Before I grow again.” “Okay.” Cody wrapped the tape around Grant’s right quad. “Your quad is 35 inches.” “Fuck yeah. Go on.” Cody moved the tape to Grant’s waist. “Your waist is 36 inches” “Go on.” “Your chest… it’s… 70 inches.” “Go on!” “Your bicep is… 25 inches.” “Neck?” “Your neck is 20 inches.” “My cock? Measure my cock.” Cody did as he was told. He took Grant's hard cock in his hands, running the tape down the length of it. “Your cock is 10.5 inches long and 5 inches thick.” “Fuck yeah! How tall?” Cody could hear Grant’s heart pounding in his chest. “That’s going to be harder. Go against the wall.” “Quick. Quick! I can feel it.” Grant leaned against the wall while Cody drew a line with a pencil. When Grant stepped away, he moved quickly into the bathroom, leaving Cody to take the measurement. When he crossed back into the room, Cody was waiting for him. “You’re 6’5… up 3 inches from what you used to be.” “I’ve also gained 110 lbs in muscle. Up from 220 to 330. Isn’t that crazy! You thought I’d gain 100 lbs in 6 months! I've done it in a day! In a day!” Grant grabbed Cody and started to kiss him. “Grant… I…” “Don’t be nervous! It’s all good! It’s what I want. It’s a dream come true! When I hit 220, I was at my biggest, and now look at me. 330 lbs of muscle! 6’5 inches tall! I got a fucking 70 inch chest… and the cock of a horse… and my balls… always full… always churning…. I’m strong as hell now… but…” Grant pulled away from Cody with a grin on his face. “Any second, Cody! Any… second!” Cody could see beads of sweat erupting on Grant’s forehead. Lifting both arms, Grant flexed them. He then flexed his pecs… his lats… his quads…. “Much stronger than before, Cody. Much… much stronger. Cody’s heart raced as he watched Grant flex and relax every muscle group on his body over and over again. His eyes were closed, and his head had fallen back slightly on his bull neck. That was when Cody realized that Grant wasn’t flexing his muscles in preparation of a growth spurt. His body was doing it under no control of Grant’s. Cody stepped backwards, and ran into the bed. Unsure what was about to happen, Cody sat down on the soft mattress, never once taking his eyes off of Grant. “This is… it… Cody! This… is…”
- 41 replies
- 77
- musclegrowth
- height growth
- (and 8 more)
First off...I'm a day late and I'm SOOOO sorry. All month long I told myself I signed up for the 24th...only today I looked at the sign-up list and I see I had actually signed up for the 23rd. Ugh. I hate being late, it's a pet peeve of mine, so I'm really annoyed with myself. Hopefully you will enjoy my story. I actually started a new story about a week ago because the original I was gonna post was similar to a few of the other stories already posted, so I wanted to go a different direction. It's not completely finished, but I will post part two this weekend. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A Pointed Revenge I felt the tension in my body rise as I pulled into Naperville. My high school hometown. It’s been four years since I last set foot in this town, five years since I graduated. And I can’t say I miss it. High school wasn’t exactly the best time for me. Kids really are assholes. In 9th grade I was outed by the two biggest assholes in our class. Berk Callum and Len Kratzler were always trouble makers growing up. Unfortunately for me and for everyone they were always two to the bigger, more athletic kids as well and they grew into sports studs in high school as well. The pair found some bodybuilding magazines in my backpack and proudly announced it to the rest of the boys in the locker room. I probably could’ve played it off, saying I just wanted to get into weightlifting…but the dagger was that I also had a playgirl magazine I’d swiped in the bag. That one would’ve been a lot harder to explain away. And so it was I was outed as a fairy in our class. Truthfully, I didn’t get much guff from the rest of the kids in my school. There were other known gay kids throughout high school and thankfully, we’ve seemed to have progressed to the point where the gay stigma isn’t as bad as it used to be. But that didn’t stop the douchebag twins from constantly mentally torturing me about. Throughout all my high school years the taunts and pranks never stopped. From filling my locker up with used jockstraps to putting up fliers with my phone number in the boys’ bathrooms advertising sexual favors. Yeah, high brow stuff. If I can be thankful about one thing it’s that the pranks never got physical. Or least violently physical. Sure they were all too happy to plow into me during phys-ed, where they could play it off as sports. Or check me into the lockers in the hallways. But nothing too damaging. I suppose in our litigious society even they were smart enough to know not to go to the point of provable physical abuse. That still didn’t excuse their behavior and the bouts of depression I endured during what was supposed to be my wonder years. Berk and Len’s reign of terror didn’t just focus on me, even though sometimes I felt like it. They also made sure to go after anybody who associated with me. This relegated my friends list to a very small group, even though I know most of my peers had no issue with me personally. But, of course, even with the progress we’ve made, the superstar athletes tended to get away with too much. Berk and Len continued to show their athletic prowess throughout high school, both making varsity football their Freshman year and growing from there, becoming conference standouts by the time they were Juniors. Berk was a linebacker and graduated at buff 5’11 and 215 lbs while Len was a tight end at 6’1 and 220. Both had raw strength and not much regard for their own safety, making them tough as nails, if not a bit stupid, football gods at our school. In other words, nearly untouchable for discipline. I think back to my time in high school, how I really did want to pursue weight lifting and my ultimate dream…bodybuilding. For sure, I enjoyed looking at those magazines for other reasons as well, but with the two neanderthals patrolling the school’s weight room I never got a chance to really explore my passion early on, leaving me a just 5’8 and 135 lbs with a runners build when I graduated. Was. I WAS 5’8 and 135 lbs. But now…well, let’s just say I was a late bloomer. But what a fucking bloom it was. Immediately after I graduated it was like my hormones went into overdrive. Maybe is was my body's natural reaction to relaxing about not having to be around Berk and Len anymore. That summer before college alone I shot up two inches in height and gained 25 lbs. And it didn’t stop there. Once I was in college I felt fully free to embrace my love of weightlifting and bodybuilding. My freshman roommate was a cool dude on the school’s wrestling team and he happily showed me the ropes in the gym. When I went home for Thanksgiving my parents and younger brother didn’t even recognize me. By that time I had hit six feet tall and 190 lbs with deep cut abs. I got along well enough with my younger bro, who was four years my junior, though we were never super close. But I loved the new sense of awe and admiration, and a little bit of jealousy, in his eyes as he complimented my body. He even had me flex my biceps for him as he let out a long whistle. I believe the words he used were “Rock fuckin’ solid, big bro! You're going to have to teach me to get big too!”. And I only grew from there. Upwards and outwards, bigger and stronger. And according to so many of my female college friends, more and more handsome too. In high school I’d been described as “cute”, but with the flood of testosterone and hormones my jaw had widened and sharpened, my brow and cheekbones had grown and I now sported a stylish goatee. Of course, being gay, I found that I was very popular on campus among the my fellow homosexual brethren. It wasn't too long before I was the biggest, most muscular, and best looking gay man on campus. Heck maybe the best looking man period! And still through my four years of college I pushed my body to the limits. I fell in with the bodybuilding crowd in our town who were happy to embrace me and my natural talent for packing on muscle. My senior year I competed in our our college’s bodybuilding competition and swept the other boys off the stage. The judges even suggested I jump into local and regional competitions, something I plan to do very soon. But for now I had planned my re-introduction to Naperville, specifically for my class’s five-year reunion. I pulled into town and took note of the familiar stores lining the streets. Not much had changed. One year after I graduated my family moved across state so I had no reason to go back since, which is why I hadn't been here in four years. I made my way to one of the few friends I had in high school, Dan Pitcherso, whom we called “Pitch”. He was a year younger than I and was probably my closest friend. I missed Pitch and felt a little bit guilty about not coming back to Naperville to visit him, but he understood. He came to visit me on campus my sophomore year. He was rightly blown away by me then and I couldn’t wait to see his reaction to me now. The thought made me grin as I turned onto his street. Like me, Pitch was also gay, but he came out after high school to avoid the wrath of Berk and Len. In high school he was on the tennis team. About 5’11 with a wiry athletic build, he was a hottie and he only got hotter in college like me. Not gonna lie, when he visited me we hooked up. He couldn’t get enough of my muscles, making me flex and pose for him while he felt me up. I couldn’t get enough of it either and we had an awesome night. He was gonna let me crash at his place for our reunion. I knocked on the door to Pitch’s house, a modest bungalow on the outskirts of town. The door opened and smiled as I took in Pitch’s reaction. “Good god, Skip!” He looked me up and down, in my gym shorts and t-shirt, both of which clung to the bulges on my body. “You are way bigger than the last time I saw you, jeezus! Well c’mon on on big man!” “Good, to see you too little buddy!” I beamed down at him as I stepped inside, before turning and swooping him up in a big hug. “OOF! Fuck, man, I feel like a tube of toothpaste.” I released him and set him down, he kept his hands on my arms, no doubt copping a feel. “I still have a hard time processing you calling me ‘little buddy’. I’m so used to you being smaller than me for most of our lives.” I chuckle and tighten my arms at my sides, letting him feel just a taste of the caged power I possess. “I know, I hardly believe it myself sometimes. But to me you are quite ‘little’, Pitch. But you look good! I can see some more meat on them bones.” “Thanks, up to 175 lbs. But geez, you gotta be twice that!” I throw my head back and laugh, “Haha not quite. Hopefully someday though!” I then flex my cannons in a double biceps pose for Pitch. His mouth falls open as he takes in my peaks. They are huge. My lifting buds back home call me a phenom with the size I pack at just 23 years old. Pitch starts to drool and I slowly step toward him, holding my flex. I press my massive chest against his and he looks up into my smirking face. I drop my arms and lean my head way down and kiss him. He tastes good. He wraps his lithe arms around me as far as he can, feeling up the lumps on my back and my big, pert ass muscles. My goatee scratches against his cheek and he moans. I lean down, grab his ass and easily lift him up and he wraps his legs around my waist. “Oh my god, Skip. You are so hot. So huge.” I growl and smile breaking the kiss, “How about you tell Big Skip where your bedroom is, little buddy.” His body shudders as I squeeze him tight and bounce my pecs into his chin. In the bedroom he excitedly strips off my clothes and proceeds to worship all my muscles. I happily pose and flex for him just like we did back in the dorms my sophomore year…only this time I’m about 75 lbs bigger. I strip off his clothes as well and enjoy his tight little body. He’s still maintained his cute abs and killer cum gutters. He ravages my arms, kissing all around the mass of my biceps and triceps. He goes wild as I lay on my stomach and he explores the vase expanse of my lats. I flip over and Pitch almost comes when I flex my quads, one of the strongest features of my already impressive body. He coos, “I think you legs are bigger around than my waist, Skip!” “Well what’s you’re waist measurement, sexy?” “30 inches,” he responds and I moan. His tight waist certainly looks it. “MMMM…then you are correct, Pitch.” Pitch can wait no longer and dives for my crotch, pulling down my tenting underwear. “HOLY COW, Skip! Did this thing keep growing too!?” I grin with pride, “I think so, it seemed to grow some my last year or two of college.” “You are incredible, man.” Skip proceeds to give me an amazing blowjob. He can't swallow me whole but very few can. I return the favor by throwing him on the bed and deepthroating his own respectable cock. We then lay side by side jacking each other until we both blow simultaneously. I smile with pride as even my load outsizes his by about two times. I’m a fucking HUGE man in every way and I fucking love it. After I clean up I let Pitch know that more fun will be had this weekend, but for now I need to concentrate on the first phase of my revenge. + Before I came back to town I let Pitch know of my plan and he was fully in. He even agreed to help me coordinate the attack. That evening I dressed up in my finest outfit. Some dark grey trousers that hugged my bulging thighs and ass and a short sleeve black button down shirt. The top three buttons undone of course, due to my prodigious chest. I styled my dark hark slightly up and forward and gave myself a wink the mirror before heading out. Pitch gave me another whistle and groped my guns and ass as I walked by. He added the findings of his reconnaissance. “The target is at Chester’s.” I thanked my by quickly grabbing his tight waist and using my superior strength to pull him into my torso. Before he could reach I planted another sloppy kiss on him, feeling his body go limp in my arms. I tended to have the affect. I set him down on his couch and walked out the door. With it being Friday night the place was hopping. Chester’s is the most well known singles bar in Naperville and it seemed like every one of them was in here. As I walked in I instantly felt tons of eyes on me. No doubt I was the best looking, best built man in here. I walked through the crowd watching them instinctively part for me. Back in high school I would’ve gotten lost in a crowd like this, especially at my former height and size. But ever since I’ve fully grown…man, it’s hard to describe the feeling of owning a crowd without even trying. Looking around I only saw one, maybe two guys who were taller than me, and they were string beans. Each of them probably as big around as one of my legs. In high school I remember walking around looking up to most men. But since I sprouted just over nine inches in height since high school I now tower over most people. And I fucking love it. Being a six foot five bodybuilder is awesome. Let me tell you, there are very, VERY few men that can match me. Some guys are taller yes, but 99% of the time they are skinnier. Some guys are heavier, but 99% of the time it’s because they are fat. I’m an alpha male and I fucking love it. Walking around looking down on the shorter guys who think they are big shit, squaring my shoulders and puffing myself up even bigger, making them feel small and weak, I live for it. Sure I may be a little conceited, but I feel I’ve earned it, honestly. And truthfully, I’m not an asshole, unless you are an asshole. I can get along with anybody. In fact, back at home my friend group consists of a wide range of guys and girls of all shapes and sized. I don’t just hang out with other jocks like me. I make my way to the bar and spot a beautiful woman in a sleek navy blue dress. I give a gruff look to the fellow on the stool next to her and that’s all it takes to make him scamper away. Looks like this seat is open for me! “Good evening, Ms. How are the drinks tonight.” The woman huffs, having not looked up from her drink. “The drinks are weak, like most of the boys in this-” She turns to look at me and her mouth falls open. I’m used to this, the shock and awe of my handsome face and my muscles. “-this one horse town,” she says, finishing her statement. “Well I’m sorry to hear the drinks are weak, but I can assure you I’m not.” “Yes…yes I can see that. You sure are a big man aren’t you.” “Most would say that. Is that ok with you?” She smiles and stirs her drink. “It’s more than ok with me, handsome. I like my men big and strong.” With that she places her tiny hand on my left thigh. I look down and note just how little space her tiny hand covers on my monstrous quads. BINGO! I look down at her and smirk. I take in her curvy form. She’s middle age, perhaps in her early 40s, but is smokin’ hot...for a woman. Long flowing brown hair, with just a few wrinkles on her face. Big red luscious lips. If I were straight she'd have my heart doing flips, even with my stature. I certainly can’t deny that she is one sexy MILF. Hey, I’m gay, not dead! I tense my quad and watch her eyes go big as she feels the hard mass in my slacks. “How about I buy you drink, Ms…?” “Call me Diane.” “Sure thing, Diane. What are you having?” “Pineapple whiskey sour.” “Bartender! The lady will have another. Make it a double. She likes ‘em STRONG.” I bounce my pecs as I say the last part and I see her squirm in her seat. Oh yeah, she likes the muscles. Not all women do, some are turned off...but clearly she isn't one of those. I won’t bore you with the details, but just 45 minutes later I’m following Diane to her house. The familiarity of neighborhood returning as we navigate down the streets. Once in her house Diane practically rips off my clothes and I carry her to her bedroom. We proceeded to fuck like rabbits. I’m not one of those gay guys who find snatch repulsive, thankfully, so I can fully admit that I enjoyed our time. Especially since she got off on my body so much. Even though she’s a woman, I'll be honest I love my body being worshipped and admired. And to tell you truth, there is something sexy about fucking a petite gorgeous woman. Diane is just 5’3 so I towered her by over a foot and was probably at least double her in weight. So having her worship my muscles and dominating her made me feel like a BIG man, something all of us bodybuilders crave. She had me lay down and serviced my big dick for 15 straight minutes. Then she climbed on me and rode me for what felt like an hour...that is once she was able to squeeze herself onto me. That again made me feel hyper manly. And she barely weighed anything sitting on top of me. And that thought only made my cock throb harder and made her scream in pleasure more as I filled her. Throughout the rest of the evening we performed several positions, many of which were new to her. Thanks to my endowmen and strength we could get creative. She loved the fact that I could easily hold her off the ground with my dick impaled in her. With her praises of my strength and size it was easy for me to stay aroused even though I’m gay at heart. Finally after multiple orgasms for her and couple from me, we settled down and rested in her bed. At about 12:30am I heard the living room door slam shut and the TV turn on. I peeled myself away from Diane’s exhausted, supple body, threw on my shoes and slacks and exited the bedroom shirtless. In the living there he was, one of my high school bullies, Len Kratzler. He didn’t look too different, still a decently thick build but the definition he had when I saw him last was gone. He hair was receding slightly and he had a slight beer gut. I smiled to myself and I realized how superior I was to him now. He stared at the TV not even acknowledging me as he sipped a Coors. But I wasn’t going to let that last. I feigned and apology “Oh, uh, sorry man. Your Mom and I were just on date and-” “Save it dude, just get out.” There it was, that sniveling attitude he always had. “Say, buddy, you look familiar,” I say with a grin. “Look man, I told you to get out of my house.” He then turned to look at me. His reaction was priceless as he took in my size, filling the corner of his living room. I purposely left my shirt off so he could take in my awesome pecs, my deep cuts abs, my broad shoulders bulging like pumpkins. Len was used to being the big man and winning fights, but he quickly figured out that I wasn’t someone he’d want to tussle with. I guess he has a least a few brain cells remaining. And then it got even better, once he was finally able to break his gaze away from my chest, he studied my face. He sensed some familiarity. I sauntered over and stood in front of him, towering over his seated body like a Herculean god. “Recognize me, man? I can tell you see something in me. I recognize you, tiny.” I could see him squirm, he’d probably never been called small his entire life. “You tortured me constantly all through high school, does that help?” I tensed my body and could see his body shiver in fear. “You outted me to everyone before I was ready. You are a pathetic asshole.” Realization swept over his face. “Sk…Skip?” “What’s that, little man? What was it you used to call me?” I demanded. “…Scrawny. Scrawny Skip.” “That’s right. Though I’m not so scrawny NOW AM I” I growled and flexed my right biceps watching his reaction as my arm ballooned to 23 inches of rock hard muscle. “Does that look scrawny to you?” “No!” He practically squealed like a little girl. God, this was awesome. I would never physically hurt the guy though if I did I would’ve been justified...but I certainly didn't want him to know that. “What happened to your muscles, Len? You look like a fat piece of shit! You are nothing to me!” I tensed into a most muscular pose and growled over him, he brought his legs up to his chest and hugged them in fear. “What…what are you doing here, Skip? Did you come here to beat me up?” I relaxed. “Man, you are a fucking pussy, you think I’d actually hurt you? I’m better than that. I’m better than YOU! I did come for revenge, and I got it.” I stood up tall and proud and smirked down at him. “I remember how you were so protective of your mom, how you would beat up anybody that would comment on her. Guess what, Lenny, I just FUCKED the hell out of your mom. Seriously little dude, even for a gay guy she was an awesome lay!” I could see rage boiling up his eyes. He was angry with me, but what the fuck could he do to me? Hahahaha this was perfect! “Oh yeah, Lenny boy, maybe you should call me Daddy!” “BUT YOU’RE GAY!” He shouted. “YEP! But not gay enough I couldn’t pump some queer baby batter into your Mom’s snatch. She couldn’t get enough of my HUGE COCK.” I lewdly reached down and cupped my bulge which has inflated slightly from the feeling of power. His eyes went wide as he gazed at my bulge. “Yeah, it’s big isn’t it. HUGE, in fact. Probably the biggest dick your Mom has ever had. But she loved it. If you had come home earlier you would’ve heard her screaming in ecstasy. And all from a gay guy’s cock!” I could tell Len wanted to hit me, kick me, try anything, but he knew if he did he would be toast. I leaned down to him, “Don’t try anything stupid, Lenny boy. I’m A LOT bigger and stronger than you. What did you bench in high school? 275? That’s cute, I max out at 525 lbs. And I do kickboxing for cardio, so if you want to try something with me, it’s your funeral.” In a glorious twist he then started whimpering. “Just…just get out. Leave me alone.” He actually had tears in his eyes! “You’re gonna cry! Aww poor little Lenny. How many kids did you make cry growing up, huh!?” I was now getting angry. As I shouted he curled further up into a ball. It was pathetic…and it made feel big. I mean, I am big…but it made me feel HUGE! “Maybe now you’ll think twice before attacking people. Remember, Lenny…” I brought up both arms and flexed once more, “…Remember there are ALWAYS bigger fish out there. BIGGER. STRONGER. MORE JACKED FISH…and that paybacks are a bitch.” “Just…just go. Please,” he sniffled with tears in his eyes. I chuckled above him and drove home the dagger, “I sure hope your Mom is on the pill. Could you imagine if she had my baby! I’d get to come visit you and your mom all the time! I'd be your big gay STEP DADDY! HAHAHA! ” Of course, I used protection as I fucked Diane but Len didn’t need to know that. "Take one last look at my awesome body, how much better it is than yours. You thought you were big in high school, yet look at your now. My 58" chest makes yours look tiny. My huge thighs and calves dwarf yours. And your've had way to many beers, you chunk!" I laugh and slap my tanned abs. "But I guess on some level should thank you, all that torment you gave me in high school, fueled my desire to grow. And grow I fucking DID! BOOM!" I perform one last most muscular and then laugh as I walk out the door, saving the image of his horrified face in my brain. There’s nothing more straight guys hate them fucking their mom’s. And the fact that Len’s mom was fucked by a gay dude…all the better. My perfect revenge on Len was complete. Not it was time for phase two. + Phase two to follow
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The Stone of Agios - Parts One, Two, Three, and Four (26/08/23)
RealIn2Growth posted a topic in Stories
The Stone of Agios Part One My fifteen years of study, research, and excavation finally led to my discovery of the whereabouts of The Stone of Agios. It had been unearthed in 1928 by an Englishman, Sir Lionel Pherril, who had kept it in his private geological collection without quite knowing what it was. Since the family had now found themselves falling on hard times, they were more than willing to sell the yellow crystal for a song when I approached them with my offer. I found it difficult to hold back my excitement as the mythical stone was placed in my hand. It was larger than depicted in drawings and heavier than I thought it would be, but small enough to fit comfortably in my carry-on that evening. I was taking no chances. After giving the envelope with £50,000 cash to Mr. Pherril, I went right to Heathrow airport and booked the first direct flight home. Several times I opened my bag to make sure the stone was safe, and many times I wanted to trial it’s power for myself, but I strengthened my resolve to wait until I was in the privacy of my own home. I leaned my head back against my seat in Business Class and closed my eyes. As I thought of the stone, a smile appeared on my face and my stubby cock got slightly hard in my jeans. The Stone of Agios. I had first read of its mythological origin during an archaeological dig while an intern in college. An ancient scroll unearthed that fateful day told the legendary tale of The Stone’s origin, how it had given birth to the Ancient Titans at the beginning of time and fueled their power. A crafty prehistoric man stole it and used its power to evolutionary propel themselves further than they ever should have gone. The Stone had granted man power over fire, assisted in the invention of the wheel, and given them victory in battles. From my decade of research, I discovered that the stone was rumored to grant the desires of those who held it. These legends birthed the tales of wish granting genies and other such items around the world. Eventually, I could never find out quite how it came into the possession of a priest who feared its demonic powers. He was t able to destroy it, so he hid it from the world until it was unearthed by a local craftsman who had purchased a rundown abbey. The legends, having long been forgotten, left the stone to an uninteresting life of being a paperweight. I knew it was still in the possession of the Pherril’s after seeing it sitting on a desk in a photograph. Now… it was mine! As I drove home from the airport my hand brushed the uneven surface of the stone. Soon, I thought. Soon I’ll have everything I ever imagined. I parked the car in the driveway and walked into my home. For the past twenty-five years I had lived in this three level Victorian conversion which I purchased several years after I became a professor at the university. Teaching Ancient Greek and Latin studies enabled me to continue my quest for the stone while holding down a fairly easy job that I enjoyed. I had several partners come and go, but none who’s interest ever held me long. My split with my last partner had only been six weeks prior and he had messaged me while I had been in the UK. “Hey, Johnathan. Give me a call when you get back. Thought we might grab dinner or a movie. Hope your trip to England was good. Talk soon.” I’d have to remember to call Steve and see how he was. For now, I was more than interested in the dusty yellow crystal I held in my hand. Walking into the kitchen, I turned on the lights and walked over to the sink. Running warm water, I ran the stone under the flowing tap until it was clean. I then carefully towel dried it and carried it into my library. There, I poured a glass of wine and sat on the leather couch staring intently into it. No time like the present. Clearing my throat, I said out loud: “I wish…” I stopped. I needed to think. I needed to test it before I attempted any elaborate wishes. “I wish… I wish I was the very definition of a stud and my cock was 13 inches when hard and 8 inches thick with a 9 inch thick head that swells to near bursting! ” I felt the crystal begin to throb in my hand as if it were breathing. Soon after, a bright yellow light began to pulse within the heart of the crystal growing brighter and more powerful each second. Suddenly, the light became blinding as the crystal pounded in time to my own heart beat. I found myself turning my eyes away from the blinding glow as it grew in intensity. Then, just as it started, the glow faded and the stone was still. I was shaking as I gently placed the stone on the table. Would the wish be granted just as I had asked? If so… what would I ask for next? I felt butterflies begin to fly wildly within my stomach as I thought of all the possibilities that now lay before me. I could… Fuck… I could be a God… a Titan! My 4” cock began to harden in my trousers. I rubbed the head with my hand as it jumped in its fabric covered prison. Then, with shaking hands, I began to undo my belt and unbutton my jeans. If it was going to grow… and I had every faith that it was going to… I needed to watch! Pulling my jeans and underwear down, my rigid cock slapped against my flat stomach, harder than it had been in years… harder than when I was a horny teenager! Grabbing onto the shaft, I began to slowly stroke it, relishing in the steel-like sensation and sensitivity I was experiencing. I imagined what all of my partners would say when the finally saw the massive cock I had hidden in my pants. How many times hook-ups had told me my cock was too small to be a dominant top? Now, they were going to be in for a massive surprise when I rammed their tight asses over and over and over again with my giant cock! “Fuck yeah! A Giant cock! A real warrior's cock with the sex drive of an army!” I grunted as the head of my cock swelled and began to start leaking a considerable amount of pre-cum. All of my life I had wanted to be one of those guys whose cock leaked their own lube like a fountain, but no matter how hard or aroused I was, it never happened. Now, my cock was actually shooting ropes of pre onto my stomach and leaking down the shaft. Bringing my hand up to my face, I took in the potent musky smell. Fuck!! It smelled of masculinity… of virility…. I hungrily began to lick my own fingers enjoying the powerful flavor. My cock grew even harder, and what had once been pleasurable minutes prior was now a throbbing ache. The flow of pre became an even wilder river as more and more was expelled in larger amounts. The spurts of pre were now so powerful that my abs and then pecs and finally neck was getting pelted by it. From the amount flowing off of my body and onto the leather couch, it looked like I had pissed myself! I laughed and grunted again as an even larger wad was fired at my chest. Pain radiated up from my balls causing me to inhale a shallow breath. The sensation of being kicked in the balls over and over again by a mule grew stronger as the stream of pre shooting out of my cock grew stronger. Soon, there were no longer any spasms or spurts, but a continuous cascade of pre-cum bursting out of my swollen cock head. I found myself stifling a loud groan as the pain grew worse. Instinctually grabbing onto my nuts to calm the pain, I felt them begin to pulse and then proceed to swell in my hands. Moments of pain mixed with orgasmic pleasure passed, and soon I could feel my walnut sized balls swell until they closely resembled two chicken eggs, both fighting for room in my tight sack. Sweat was pouring down my face as my head rested on the back of the couch. I was terrified my ball sack was going to split as my egg sized testicles soon appeared to grow again until they more closely resembled large kiwis. I had been so distracted by my balls swelling right before my eyes that I failed to notice that my cock head had begun to start growing thicker as well. I brought my right hand to the head and stroked it, shocked by how sensitive it now was. I watched in awe as the head flexed and pulsed, growing heftier, fleshier, meatier, and more delicious looking. My head swam as my entire body was overloaded by erotic sensations. I could feel saliva dripping out of my open mouth as I took in the deep red color of my fist sized cock-head. The morphed-looking glans belonged to my own cock, and I was afraid of it. Any ass or orifice it entered would no doubt be stretched to capacity, and I was glad that I would never be the one being impaled by it! “Fuck!!” I cried out as my balls swelled even larger. I lifted the swollen orbs in my hands and was amazed at how heavy they now were. My sack had stretched along with the unbelievable growth of my nuts, but no matter how large it became, the swelling testicles took up more and more room. As the expanded, I began to feel a new and welcomed sensation from within; the creation and churning of gallons of potent cum. The amplification of my balls was turning me quite literally into what I had asked for. I was becoming the very definition of a stud. My balls now felt filled to capacity with sperm, and every second I sensed my cum engines were creating more. I knew that I was now so potent that any woman I fucked would get pregnant with just a drop of my cum, not to mention the gallons that would be shot out when I finally did ejaculate. “Thank… God… I’m fucking… gay!! I’d have a billion kids!! I could repopulate this planet!!” My cock was an open faucet causing puddles of pre to appear on the couch cushions and dripping onto the floor. My fingers stroked the portobello mushroom sized head which caused me to audibly gasp. The shaft now looked ridiculous, like a pencil holding up the roof to a house! “Grow!!” I grunted, willing my shaft to stretch and swell along with the rest of my sex organ! Massaging and lifting the increasing weight of my balls, I felt them pulse and expand past the size of kiwis until they both rivaled ripe peaches. Never in my life could I imagine a human man with such ridiculously sized bull balls, but I was going to become more than the average human male. What I would turn into would be the epitome of the Alpha male… created for sex and pleasure… built to dominate, master, and control. I would be a new form of man that the world would lust for! I spread my legs wider and felt my ball-sack stretch closer to the floor, heaving and heavy with my peach sized testicles. As my balls grew, I noticed that my pre was changing as well… becoming more of a golden color, thicker and stickier like syrup. It was more than just a lubricant… it was the primer coating for fertilization with my sperm! “I… just… wanted to fuck… every guy… I… saw!! Instead… my wish… is transforming me… into… a stud… born to… breed!!” Suddenly, I felt a throbbing in the base of my cock. Looking down I saw that the skin of my shaft had begun to develop a beet red color and when I touched my hand to it, I felt it was hot to the touch. Then, with a loud grunt, I felt a massive push as more blood was forced into my cock causing it to expand. “Starting… to swell… growing… thicker…” I wrapped my hand around it only to discover that my thumb and pointer finger no longer touched anymore, and each time it throbbed, they got even further apart. I no longer recognized the cock I had been jerking and fucking with since I was 14! It was morphing into this angry tool of pleasure mixed with destruction, and I loved it. My shaft continued to balloon wider while my balls grew even more dense. The churning rising up from my sack was easily audible now, and as my balls continued to swell, it only got louder and more hypnotic. My own pheromones appeared to be growing stronger as a new scent rose up from my balls. It smelled of leather… wood… dirt… and primal sex. I found myself being turned on by my own scent. I couldn't imagine what it would do to anyone else. “No one… will be able… to resist… me!” I didn’t know how I knew this, but instinctively I knew that my pheromones would act as a spellbinding opiate, making me even more alluring and magnetic! I could only laugh as the gap between my pointer finger stretched from three… to four… to five inches. Thick veins erupted along the surface of my cock that now looked broader than a Pringles can. Much thicker! My cock had grown to over 5 inches long, but that was only due to the immensity of my cock. To me, it now resembled a fire hydrant; stumpy but meaty! I knew that anyone who saw my cock now would call me a freak, but I welcomed it. All of my life I had been average, but with the stone, all of that was going to change. Soon every man would be jealous of what he was packing in his jeans… and what he had become! Suddenly, I cried out and grabbed both sides of my head as a loud ringing noise filled it. With no warning, my mind was inundated with images, thoughts, ideas, sexual positions, massage techniques, and tongue artistry that could fill hundreds of books on sex! It felt like an unknown source was downloading every possible sexual idea or thought into my brain until I knew everything there was to know about sex with both men and women, and every way to bring pleasure to my partner… or partners. I knew how to watch for changes of breathing pattern, the flush of a chest, the rise in a pulse, or the change in pheromone intensity to indicate what a partner was enjoying or not enjoying. Even with a cock as thick and intimidating as mine, I knew how to bring hours and hours of pleasure to my partners along with myself, making me the most proficient lover in the world!!! I laughed and grunted as I discovered that I now relished every fetish imaginable. Nothing was taboo to me any longer. I could accomplish thousands of positions and pleasure myself or others for days. I opened my eyes and a world of endless sex lay before me. I found I had no other wants or needs but endless sexual pleasures. As my sexual knowledge grew vaster, I found I could now control my own pheromones, strengthening them until every person on earth would serve only me “I am… the definition… of a… stud…” I laughed and found the sound of my own voice entrancingly erotic. Then, a stabbing punch in the base of my massively thick cock caused me to groan. I watched with lustfulness as my cock finally proceeded to inch longer, soon passing six inches… seven inches… and then eight. When my cock grew past nine inches, I even wanted to worship at the altar to it. It was so incredible to look at… so beautiful… so masculine. It went perfectly now with my tight muscular body. All I wanted to do was walk around naked so the whole world could witness the mastery of what the male body could be. Uncontrollably, I began to stroke my cock, but each time I did, I had more area to cover. My entire house reeked of my scent, and the bigger my cock and balls grew, the stronger it became. I knew with one whiff I’d have an army of men at my feet ready to worship me. I felt a slight burning coming from my shaft, and watched as thicker, pipe-like veins began to erupt and snake around my cock. This new network succeeded in forcing more blood to the shaft, allowing it to grow even thicker and longer. Looking down at the rising leviathan, I watched as the head swelled larger and shot denser wads of golden pre further than before. There was barely a surface in the living room that hadn’t been marked by the bombardment of precum fired by my flesh bazooka. I didn’t think it could be possible, but the growth of my cock picked up speed, and in the blink of an eye, it was over ten inches and moving onto eleven. I would definitely need to wish for larger hands as they looked so tiny compared to the flesh cylinder I was currently stroking. I felt a sharp snap and watched the head mushroom further and swell larger than the width of the shaft. I suddenly had the desire to see what the poor souls would witness just before I fucked them. Standing up, I was shocked by the weight tugging at my groin. As I walked towards the bathroom, my enlarging sex organs swung and throbbed, slapping my quads and knees, leaving behind a trail of pre down the hallway. Turning on the light, I finally saw what I was becoming. No longer did I see Johnathan Briggs. I saw a cock that was a deep red, pulsating, buttress of masculinity that needed to be worshiped. I needed to be worshiped myself because I was now much more than a man. A small portion of me screamed out to go back to the stone and reverse the wish… call it off before it was too late. My subconscious knew that something wasn’t right and it was doing its best to figure it out… but my new self shoved it down and stifled it until it could no longer be heard. Looking deep within my eyes, intense carnal knowledge passed through my brain making me aware of the millions of ways I would be pleasuring myself. Most I had never imagined, but each one I was now willing and eager to try. Using both hands to stroke myself in front of the mirror, I watched as my cock grew even longer and thicker and soon it had passed twelve inches in length and was quickly approaching 13! My cock pulsed to the frenzied beating of my heart. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw what the world would see, my body was now just a base on which my dominant cock existed. I was quickly metamorphosing into the very definition of a stud, a human fuck machine, and I knew that this was exactly what I had always wanted to be. “I will exist… merely to fuck… merely to breed… merely to give myself and others sexual pleasure!” With more determination, I stroked the entirety of my cock. It was now even more sensitive as millions of nerve endings rose closer to the surface granting me more pleasure. My cock had now surpassed the wished upon 13 inches and was quickly gaining on 14, while the shaft had to be over 9 inches thick. I didn’t know how this could be possible. I had been very specific when it came to the dimensions of my cock. I could only groan as my weighty balls began to rise up in my sack. My entire cock felt like it had been edged for days. I could barely think. My only thoughts were about my cock and the mounting pressure now building up in my balls. Suddenly, I began to uncontrollably grunt and groan as my entire body started to shudder and convulse. Soon, a river of my seed began to rise up the mighty stanchion and explode out of the bulbous head! A torrent of cum shot out of my cock like a cannon and quickly began to cover all areas of the bathroom. My cock grew even longer causing the cum to have to flow further and further up my shaft to exit into the world. I grabbed onto the sink to keep falling onto the floor as my orgasm grew in intensity. All I could do was moan and groan loudly as my cock ballooned. I tried to watch as it grew past 13 inches… 14 inches… 15 inches… 16 inches… My cum was no longer coming out in short bursts but in long continuous explosions that forced my entire body to flex. Lights flashed in front of my eyes as my body trampled and thrashed, forcing me onto my knees onto the bathroom floor. Finally, after five minutes of overwhelming orgasm and cumming, it began to fade. I gasped for breath as my cock shot a final eight ropes of cum followed by a drooling and then a dripping. Staggering backwards, I slammed into the wall of the bathroom and slid to the floor. I almost cried out as my sensitive ball sack hit the cold tile floor causing it to shoot one final thick wad of cum. My cock was still hard, and rose up like the monument it was. I couldn’t even comprehend its size. It was just so long… so thick… so monstrous! I grabbed at one of the drawers in my vanity and pulled out the measuring tape that I used to write down my body’s stats. Moving the tape down the shaft, I was dumbstruck as I saw that it was nearly 20” in length and 10” around… not to mention the head that rose up thicker and meatier than the shaft. Lifting my voluminous balls, I could already feel them churning and producing more sperm to be released in another torrential orgasm. I breathed slowly as my cock began to slowly deflate. Finally, at 13 inches, it was completely soft, or as soft as it ever would be. I stood up and walked back into the living room, exhausted but horny once again. Sitting onto the pre covered couch, I picked up The Stone of Agios. “What have you done to me? I wish…” I knew I shouldn’t do it. I knew that I should put the stone down and step away. Maybe return to it tomorrow after a night's sleep, or not even at all. Yet, wasn’t this what I always desired? I was repairing all of the mistakes of my own DNA. I was transforming myself into what I knew I truly was deep down inside. My cock hardened slightly as I gazed deep into the stone. “I wish… my body was like that of 7 foot tall barbarian, weighing over 550 lbs of pure muscle. My power and size are unrivalled in all the world, and my strength is legendary.” The stone began to pulsate and glow, but the words refused to stop flowing from my lips. “No! Not 7 foot tall. 8 foot… weighing over 700 lbs of pure muscle… No… 900 lbs! I’m a mountain of muscle… just muscle on top of muscle on top of muscle.” The stone on my hand glowed so brightly that it was hit to the touch. Pulling my hand away from it, it dropped to the floor and rolled under the table. To Be Continued...- 19 replies
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- muscle growth
- macro growth
(and 7 more)
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Hola, bienvenidos por fin a una nueva historia en español jaja, espero les guste, es una rápida que escribí hace poco. _________________________________________ Mi amigo William siempre fue molestado en nuestro trabajo gracias a su peso y bueno, para una agencia de modelaje la apariencia es algo muy importante. Él es el editor de las fotos y he de decir que hace un excelente trabajo el cuál muchas personas pasan por alto debido a su apariencia. Hay veces en las que incluso los modelos suelen burlarse de él y no puede hacer nada gracias a su timidez, incluso nuestro modelo más grande, Gabriel Janzi se ha sumado a esto y quizá puede que lo lleve un poco lejos con sus malos comentarios hacia él. Yo soy Dylan y a diferencia de William soy un fotógrafo profesional, y me va muy bien en este trabajo, tengo un buen auto, una genial casa con piscina y me puedo permitir varios lujos y todo eso gracias a mi increíble trabajo... Bueno... También tuve otro tipo de ayuda, pero lo explicaré más adelante. Estaba cansado de que se burlaran de William, él siempre es muy amable con todos y siempre estará dispuesto a ayudarte; cuando no me gusta el resultado de una foto siempre puedo confiar en su edición y lo soluciona, realmente me ha sacado de muchos aprietos y creo que es hora de que yo lo saque de este aprieto a él. Así que ideé un plan para que todos dejen de burlarse de William y lo primero que tenía que hacer era invitarlo a mi casa. -. Hey, cómo te va Will? -. Oh, hola Dylan, necesitas ayuda? -. No, para nada, solo quería invitarte a mi casa mañana al mediodía y almorzar juntos. -. Oh, eso sería genial Dylan! Pero... Por qué quieres invitarme a mi? Es decir eres amigo de cientos de modelos y creo que hay mejores opciones que yo... -. No digas eso hombre, te invito porque eres un gran amigo para mi y esta es mi forma de agradecerte ya que lo mereces. -. Wow, no sé qué decir, nunca me habían invitado así me siento muy alagado, así que claro que iré! -. Perfecto, te espero a las doce y media, no me falles, eh? El primer paso está listo, ahora necesito realizar el segundo, el cual es el más importante. Salí temprano del trabajo y conduje hasta las afueras de la ciudad, a un pequeño pueblo y me dirigí a una pequeña tienda, donde una conocida mía podía ayudarme con esto; recuerdan que dije que tuve ayuda con lo bien que me iba en mi vida? Bueno pues todo es gracias a Yuni, una amiga que tiene un gran conocimiento con cosas mágicas como talismanes, pociones, maldiciones y varias cosas más. -. Cómo estás Yuni? -. Dylan!? Cuanto tiempo! Qué te trae por acá? *Dijo abrazándome* -. Bueno, vine a pedirte un favor... -. Lo suponía jajaja, quieres otra poción de buena suerte? Más de la que tienes ya? -. No, no es para mi, es para un amigo. -. Y qué necesita tu amigo? -. Bueno... *Le expliqué la historia de William y mostrándole su foto* -. Ya veo... Así que quieres que dejen de molestarlo por su físico, no es así? -. Así es, y me preguntaba si tenías algo para que la gente dejé de tratarlo mal, algo como un collar o una pulsera, lo que sea para que dejen de hacerle bullying en el trabajo. -. Bueno... Temo decirte que ya no tengo nada para evitar el bullying, varios estudiantes de secundaria han venido y se los han llevado todo... -. Ow, que mal... -. Pero, si el problema que tiene la gente con él es su físico, creo que tengo lo necesario para él! *Yuni fue y sacó una cajita con una marca de un brazo musculoso en la cuál venía un frasco pequeño con forma miembro masculino* Esta es, la pócima de olympus! Es lo que ayudará a tu amigo y lo transformará de un tierno gordito a una bestia musculosa. -. Wow, realmente eso hace este frasquito!? -. Sí, solo funcionará si la persona que se bebió la pócima es expuesta al sol y está mojado y lo único que te tengo que decir es que las personas que beben de este frasco suelen tener efectos secundarios como un gran deseo sex- -. Me lo llevo! Además, lo invité a mi casa a almorzar y estaremos cerca de la piscina. *Dije interrumpiendola* -. Perfecto! Estaba muy feliz, pensar que iba a convertir a mi amigo en un titan, se oía tan excitante, la verdad no podía esperar para mañana, compré la pócima y me fui al centro comercial para comprarle ropa a mi nuevo amigo que conoceré mañana. Llegué a casa y dormí para estar preparado, me levanté temprano y preparé todo, ya eran las doce en punto y decidí preparar la bebida para mi amigo, se trataba de un coctail de piña colada y como ingrediente principal la pócima de olympus. Vertí la pócima en la bebida y al hacerlo, pasó de amarillo a morado al instante, todo estaba ya listo, solo debía esperar al invitado especial. Esperé veinte minutos y escuché el timbre, llegó justo a tiempo, lo recibí y lo llevé al patio, cerca de la piscina, iba con unos shorts y una camisa blanca que era demasiado grande, incluso para él, pero nunca le gustaba usar camisas de su talla, le gusta usar ropa más grande para sentirse cómodo. Llegamos a la piscina y le ofrecí la bebida especial, la cual aceptó con todo gusto. -. Wow, morado? Que extraño color, es algún colorante? -. Son los ingredientes, la hice especialmente para ti, jejé. -. Bueno, pues no me negaré a eso. Terminó bebiendo todo el coctail sin dejar ninguna gota. -. Wow, sabes estupendo! Como se llama este coctail? -. Es una receta que una amiga me pasó, se llama Olympus. mi plan había funcionado, todo iba a salir a la perfección, solo necesitaba que se metiera a la piscina. -. Oye... Tengo que terminar de hacer el almuerzo, por qué no te metes a la piscina un rato y luego sales para comer? -. Bueno... Es que me da un poco de vergüenza... Verás, no encontré un traje de baño decente y solo tenía un speedo verde que me regalaron en navidad y no me siento muy cómodo con él, de seguro no te gustará verme puesto con eso... -. Tonterías, me da igual el traje de baño que uses, solo entra bobito. -. Bueno, jejé... Entraré a la piscina... *Dijo con un poco de pena* William se quitó sus shorts quedándose simplemente con su speedo verde fluorescente, he de decir que por su tipo de cuerpo no le quedaba tan bien, pero eso no iba a importar una vez la pócima haya dado efecto. Entró a la piscina poco a poco, yo entré a la cocina y lo miraba por la ventana a cada rato, pero nunca sucedía nada, me cansé de esperar tanto, incluso pensé que no había dado efecto, así que decidí mejor enfocarme en hacer la comida y poner algo de música. -. Oye! Will pondré algo de música, así que si necesitas algo gritalo o ven acá! -. Esta bien Dylan! Le dí una última mirada para ver que pasaba y no ocurría nada... Así que volví a hacer el almuerzo. Mientras tanto William, estaba nadando un poco en la piscina y descansando un rato, pero comenzó a sentirse algo mal. -. Wow, creo que no debí beber ese coctail antes de meterme a la piscina... Ahora me siento algo mal... Mi cabaza me da muchas vueltas, uff... AGGHHH!!! El dolor se hacía cada vez más intenso, William no podía más, gritaba, se movía erráticaticamente, chapoteaba, pero no podía escucharlo por la música, además había perdido un poco la esperanza y pensaba que no iba a pasar nada, hasta que de repente... -. AGHHHHHH! Escuché un grito provenir de una voz grave, salí corriendo a la piscina con mi celular con la cámara puesta, pensé que William ya había salido de la piscina, pero al parecer no. -. Will!? Fuiste tú!? Dónde estás!? No lo veía flotar en la piscina, me asusté por un segundo, quizá se había ahogado... Hasta que apareció... Era él, William, bueno, el nuevo William. No podía creerlo, era mejor de lo que creía, tomé una foto de él al momento de salir de la piscina, tenía que guardar este momento para la posteridad, mi viejo amigo gordito y bajito convertido en un titan musculoso y sexy y con ese speedo que ahora se le miraba tan sexy, simplemente me quedaba sin aliento al verlo. Salió completamente de la piscina, pero al dar un paso, este cayó y se sostuvo con sus gigantescos brazos, fui a ayudarlo, pero pesaba damasiado y pudo levantarse solo; se miraba muy desconcertado. -. Hey! Will estás bien!? -. D-Dylan, qué sucedió!? Y-yo estaba en la piscina todo se puso borroso, todo me dolía, n-no se qué sucedió, por qué te ves tan pequeño!? William respiraba agitado, su pecho palpitaba y ahora tenía dos gigantescos pectorales en estos, se miraba demasiado sexy. -. C-cálmate, no pasa nada, te explicaré lo que pasó, solo siéntate en esta silla... Al sentarse en la silla está última apenas podía soportar el peso del tremendo monstruo que tenía encima. William seguía viéndose preocupado y alerta, parecía que aún no había vuelto en sí por completo, quizá la transformación fue muy repentina, seguía algo asustado. -. Bueno, primero respira un poco Will, tienes que tranquilizarte, vamos, inhala exhala, así, muy bien! *Dije mientras el gigante trataba de calmarse, pero aún tenía una cara asustada* Sé que esto fue muy repentino y puede que estés molesto, pero vi que estabas cansado de que todos te molestaran en el trabajo, así que decidí ayudarte; conseguí una pócima que transformaría tu cuerpo al de una bestia musculosa, y te la dí cuando te bebiste el coctail que te preparé y al parecer te transformarte al pasar tiempo en la piscina. William comenzaba a volver en si, se puso de pie y bajó su mirada y vio su tremendo y enorme cuerpo que había conseguido hace unos pocos minutos, no lo podía creer, estaba sorprendido, miraba sus brazos, sus pechos, sus piernas y su pene que también había crecido y al parecer quería escapar de ese speedo. -. Esto... No puede ser... Tiene-tiene que ser un sueño! Wow, mira, solo Wow! Will se dirigió a la ventana en la cual vió su nuevo y enorme reflejo. -. ESTO ES GENIAL! Mírame, soy una bestia! Me encanta! Nunca creí poder llegar a tener este cuerpo, ni yendo al gimnasio por años lo conseguiría *Dijo Will flexionando sus enormes brazos* Solo mira estas piernas, mis brazos, mi pene también es grande! Y mira estos sexys pectorales! Siempre tuve un fetiche con los pectorales, pero nunca pensé que mis tetas de gordo podrían convertirse en uno sexys y sabrosos pectorales, solo míralos, tan grandes y jugosos, vamos, toca los. Will se acercaba a mi apretando sus gigantescas tetas, las cuales obviamente accedí a tocar. -. Son tan grandes Will, me alegra que te guste tu nuevo cuerpo, que bueno que estés feliz. *Dije sonriendole y tocando sus enormes pectorales* -. Muchas gracias Dylan, esto es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, muchas gracias. Me encantaba el nuevo Will, era tan sexy y su voz también lo era. -. No hay de qué Will, lo mereces por ayudarme tanto. *Comencé a apretar los pezones de Will, al parecer eso le encantaba, suspiraba cuando lo hacía* -. Wow, eso-eso se siente bien... Wow... Uff... Will estaba demasiado excitado, al parecer no podía contenerlo más. -. Oye... Puedes prestarme el baño!? Lo necesito rápido! *Dijo Will con sus manos en su entrepierna* -. Sí, claro, ve, está al fondo a la izquierda. William se fue corriendo al baño, así que decidí ir arriba a bajar toda la ropa que le compré. Mientras tanto William estaba en el baño, pero se encontraba dándose placer asimismo, al parecer no podía contener más su excitación, debía sacarlo, masturbaba su enorme verga rápidamente, pellizcaba sus pezones mientras lo hacía y esto lo ayudó a venirse, chorros de semen salían del nuevo pene de Will, dejó todo completamente empapado. -. UFFF AGH! Escuché un grito venir del baño, baje rápidamente con la ropa en mano y fui a ver que pasaba; Will salía del baño y se cubría su miembro, y parecía muy apenado. -. Hey, está todo bien? -. Sí... Solo tuve un problema, pero creo que ya pasó. *Decía Will con una grave y tierna voz al mismo tiempo* -. Muy bien, esto es para ti! *Dije mostrándolo una bolsa* Como supuse que necesitarías ropa nueva, luego de tu transformación, decidí comprar te esta, solo son un pantalón, una camisa y unas sandalias, todas extra grande. -. Wow, en serio, muchas gracias, no sé cómo agradecértelo... Este... Podrías pasarme el pantalón? Jeje... Will se puso sus pantalones nuevos, le quedaban muy bien, y algo apretados, se miraba muy sexy con ellos, e incluso se le formaba un buen paquete. -. Bueno, la verdad es que lo hice con gusto, pero si algún día quieres recompensarme estaré dispuesto a hacer lo que sea. -. M-muchas gracias, jejeje... La verdad es que me encanta mi nuevo cuerpo, pero me da un poco de pena que me quedé tan apretada la ropa... -. Bromeas? Mírate ahora! Te ves estupendo! Yo creo que necesitas mostrarle a todos lo genial que te ves! Mostrarles que ya no eres William el gordito, sino William el sexy monstruo musculoso! -. Sí... Creo, creo que tienes razón, sí. -. Muy bien, ahora si quieres podemos pasar la tarde jun- -. Es cierto! Tengo que salir y que el mundo vea mi nuevo yo! Adiós Dylan, iré a disfrutar un poco de mi nuevo cuerpo, Muchas gracias! William, me interrumpió y luego de decir eso, tomó sus cosas y se fue corriendo, aún con su camisa mojada, su pantalón apretado y sus sandalias nuevas, se veía muy sexy, pero me dejó sin poder hacer nada, nisiquiera me escuchó al detenerlo, me sentía muy frustrado, pero al mismo tiempo, estaba seguro que no era la última vez que lo iba a ver, y no podía esperar a verlo mañana en el trabajo, luego de eso, me dirigí al baño y al entrar, encontré lo que Will había hecho; dejó todo cubierto de su semen, el lavamanos, las cortinas, el espejo, todo estaba lleno de su lefa, era por eso que estaba tan apenado. Mientras tanto William fue a hacer varias compras, ropas, zapatos, calzoncillos, jock straps y varias cosas más, al parecer usó todo el dinero que había ahorrado toda su vida. Llegó la noche y Will se encontraba solo en su habitación, acababa de salir de bañarse, estaba completamente desnudo, se miró frente al espejo, pensó en lo que dije, de mostrarle a todos su nuevo cuerpo, y al final suspiró y dijo. -. Realmente... Este soy yo... Desde mañana todo será diferente, todos me tratarán diferente, yo soy diferente. Llegó la mañana siguiente, yo fui al trabajo en mi auto lujoso como siempre, entré y extrañamente no vi a Will en su escritorio, era extraño, él era siempre el que venía temprano, todos habían llegado menos él, realmente pensé que ya no vendría; pero al parecer me equivoqué. Will entró por la puerta principal, estaba usando una camiseta sin mangas que le quedaba algo ajustada, parecía que sus pechos iban a salir en cualquier momento, junto a eso, también llevaba unos jeans oscuros y ajustados en los cual se formaba un enorme paquete, justo como el de ayer, y por último unas botas timberland; todos estaban sorprendidos viendo a semejante bestia entrar de una manera muy confiada y vistiendo de una forma muy sexy, unos no sabían quién era, pero los que solían molestar a William se dieron cuenta de que era él, el gordito William, pero ahora convertido en un monstruo sexy y musculoso. Todos murmuraban, obviamente estaban hablando de él, y al parecer no le importaba, de hecho podría asegurar que le gustaba que hablaran de él, realmente lo opuesto a como era antes; Will, seguía caminando con una cara muy confiada, se dirigía hacia mi. -. Hola Dylan, Buenos días. *Dijo con su sexy y profunda voz* -. H-hola, buenos días... Dormiste bien? Me derretía por ese hombre, tanto que casi no podía hablar. -. Sí, jajá, dormí tan bien; luego de irme a casa comí como loco, incluso más de lo que comía cuando estaba gordo, y también me masturbé tres veces antes de dormir, fue muy bueno, al parecer este nuevo cuerpo me pide nuevas necesidades que no tenía antes. -. Wow, tres veces, eh? -. Sí... Desde que me transformé en esto suelo estar muy caliente, incluso lo estoy ahora... *Dijo dando un largo suspiro* Sabes? Daría lo que fuera para que alguien de aquí me haga una mamada ahora mismo. Eso fue, al decirme eso no podía más, estaba realmente exitado, tenía que hacer que ese gigante me diera esa mamada. -. Oye, yo estoy libre unos 15 minutos, sabes? -. Jejé, sabía que podía contar con mi mejor amigo aquí. Vamos a divertirnos. Me tomó con un brazo, me puso en su hombro y me llevó al armario del conserje, ahí bajó sus pantalones hasta sus rodillas y sacó su verga de ese jock strap que parecía que iba estallar en cualquier momento, yo comencé abriendo mi boca e iba a mamarsela poco a poco, o al menos ese era mi plan hasta que el gigante tomó mi cabeza con una mano y la acercaba y alejaba bruscamente hacia él, sinceramente no sé como pude aguantar semejante falo, llegaba hasta lo profundo de mi garganta que incluso dolía y además tenía que abrir bien la boca, ya que era muy grueso, tenía que pedir pausas para respirar y el me las daba, pero tan pronto podía regresaba a tomarme de la cabeza y hacer que se la chupara; mientras tanto yo solo podía masturbarme, me excitaba mucho esto, esto es lo que quería, quería sentir todas las fibras de este hombre dentro de mi. -. Que rico, por dios! Nunca, agh, nunca me la habían mamado antes, esto es demasiado bueno... Mierda, agh! Yo solo gemía a todo lo que decía y veía atentamente su cara, le encantaba volar mi boca con su enorme tranca. -. Puta, creo que... Ahhh... Creo que me voy a venir! El ritmo comenzó a acelerarse y yo ya me estaba viniendo también, se veía que iba a explotar en cualquier momento, hasta que... Lo hizo, se vino dentro de mi y tragué sus litros y litros de esperma que había depositado en mi boca. -. Agh... Wow... Si... Que tiraste mucho... Semen... *Dije con mis últimos alientos tirado en el piso* -. JAJAJA, wow! Me siento realmente poderoso ahora! Eso estuvo muy bueno, siempre quise que me hicieran una mamada, que bueno que fuiste tú el que me la hizo. Luego de decir eso me levantó y me besó mientras que yo aún tenía rastros de su semen en mi boca. -. Oye... Si tienes tiempo ahora podemos seguir con esto, aún tengo mucha leche aquí mismo. *Dijo moviendo su enorme pene y sus grande bolas* -. Uff... Agh, lo siento, tengo una sesión de fotos con Gabriel ahora mismo, será una sesión de él completamente desnudo, quizá te la pase luego para que la edites. -. Desnudo, eh?.. Bueno, creo que quiero ver eso también. -. Sí, ya me tengo que ir y estoy empapado. -. Oh, no te preocupes, en mi escritorio tengo unas toallitas húmedas para que te limpies. Eso fue realmente amable, parecía que aún quedaba un poco del viejo Will en esa enorme montaña de músculos con gran deseo sexual. Luego de limpiarme, llegó el momento, era hora de sacar a relucir mi talento y tomarle las fotos al modelo más grande de la compañía, Gabriel Janzi, el cuál también era uno de los más grandes bullies de Will. Yo sabía que Will tomaría venganza en cualquier momento, el problema era que no sabía cuándo ni cómo, así que en cualquier momento podría atacar, además que Gabriel no sabía nada aún del cambio de Will, así que quería estar ahí para ver su cara cuando se entere de esto. Gabriel ya estaba listo, tenía un cuerpo genial, un miembro muy bueno y un trasero grande, pero nunca podría llegar a ser igual de sexy y grande que Will eso estaba claro; todo estaba listo, Gabriel en su posición posando, yo con el lente preparado y apuntando, cuando de repente. *PUM* Bruscamente Will entró a la sala repentinamente con una cara decidida, Gabriel como su bullie, lo reconoció al instante, estaba atónito ante semejante monumento. -. William? Que mierda te pasó? -. JAJAJA, te sorprende verme, no pequeñín? luego de muchas burlas, bromas y comentarios, se podría decir que finalmente obtuve lo que siempre merecí. Will se acercaba más y más a Gabriel, hasta tenerlo entre él y la pared, donde comenzó a romper su camisa, pantalones y reventó su jock strap quedando completamente desnudo y con su miembro totalmente erecto. -. Q-qué vas a hacer!? *Dijo Gabriel preocupado* -. Darte lo que siempre has merecido a ti también... Y sucedió lo inevitable, Will tomó a Gabriel de su trasero y comenzó a lamerlo, y abrirlo, luego de un rato escupió a su enorme verga para lubricarla y lo introdujo bruscamente al ano de Gabriel. -. AGHHH!! DETENTE... YAAGHH -. JAJAJA, no cabrón, Agh- estas bien rico, uff, lo tienes bien apretadito. William embestía fuertemente a Gabriel, disfrutaba hacerlo gritar, disfrutaba darse placer con la persona que lo molestaba, realmente era excitante, tanto que hasta tuve que empezar a masturbarme también. -. Uff, que rico! Oye Dylan, deberías tomar fotos de esto, estoy seguro... Agh, que a todos les encantará verme violar a este maricón. Y así como lo dijo lo hice, comencé a tomar fotos de la tremenda cogida que Will le daba a Gabriel, solía cambiarlo de posición siempre, lo ponía en cuatro y comenzaba a flexionar para la cámara, lo cargaba y pedía que enfocara la cara de Gabriel gimiendo como loco, incluso lo hacía chupar su enorme pene mientras el pellizcaba sus pezones de sus enormes pectorales, entre otras, luego de estar un largo rato follando Will comenzaba a aumentar velocidad al igual que cuando se la estuve mamando, sabía que se iba a venir, debía estar preparado para tomar la foto final, la foto de la venida. -. UFFF, ME VENGO PENDEJO! AGHHHH -. AGHHH, MIERDA... Will estalló completamente, llenó a Gabriel con su semen, era tanto que su ano seguía chorreando con el semen incluso luego de que Will sacara su enorme tranca, realmente lo había hecho, se había vengado de su bravucón y de la mejor manera posible. -. Ahhh... Esto fue... Demasiado bueno... creo que no me había venido tanto antes, dejé todo empapado... Jejé... Oye... Dylan, tómame una foto, con mi verga cubierta de semen, estoy seguro que me veo muy sexy, no es así Gabriel? -. Aghhhh... -. DIJE! NO ES ASÍ GABRIEL? -. Aghhh...Sí...lo eres... -. Jajaja... Veo que estas empezando a entender tu nueva posición aquí... Tomé la foto como pidió, realmente era muy sexy, un completo dios musculoso en todo su explendor luego de haber preñado a su presa. Will salió de la sala de fotografía completamente desnudo, junto a Gabriel y yo en cada uno de sus brazos, Gabriel se encontraba casi inconsciente con tremenda cogida, mientras que yo sin pantalones y con mi pene escurriendo un poco de semen, pero claro, para nada como el pene de Will, estaba cubierto y escurría mucho más que él mío. El jefe llegó molesto y se sorprendió al vernos y más al ver que uno de sus mejores modelos fue bruscamente follando por el editor, se quedó sin palabras, así que decidí mostrarle las fotografías que había tomado, en especial la última, en la que Will lucía en todo su explendor. -. Esto... Esto es increíble! Es lo que necesitamos, un dios musculoso! Esto nos ayudará a vender más! Cómo dices que te llamas grandote? -. Me llamo William, soy el editor de acá. -. William, te interesaría ser nuestro nuevo modelo estrella? -. Claro que sí! Me encantaría serlo! Pero antes... Tengo unas pequeñas peticiones que quisiera que se cumplan... Y eso fue lo que cambió la vida profesional de Will, pasó de ser el editor gordito y maltratado a ser la nueva estrella de nuestra empresa de modelaje; claro que con algunas peticiones que se tuvieron que cumplir... Ahora Gabriel tenía que ser el asistente de William y debía servirlo y tratarlo como su amo y ser su puta personal, también le consiguieron un cuarto de descanso, que era donde solía follar a Gabriel cuando tuviera ganas, aunque también solía ir con él para tener un poco de sexo candente, ya que era increíble hacerlo con él y al parecer también le encantaba hacerlo conmigo, incluso comenzó a llevar a más chicos para follarlos, realmente le encantaba pasar el rato ahí, no lo molestabamos para nada, solamente para las seciones de fotos y prueba de vestuario, las cuales estaba feliz de hacer siempre. Sin duda la vida de Will dió un completo giro, él estaba encantado con su nuevo cuerpo, nuevo trabajo, nueva vida, fue lo mejor que le pudo haber pasado, incluso fue de lo mejor que pudo pasarme a mi, tener a un macho que esta dispuesto a tener sexo cuando quieras, es de lo mejor, y por eso es que estoy feliz de haberlo ayudado, estoy feliz de haber ayudado a mi amigo. _________________________________________ Y esto fue todo, espero que les haya gustado, y disculpen si se siente algo apresurada o si hay algún error, pero realmente tenía que sacar esta historia ya, no podía aguantarme más xD Por cierto, algunas de las imágenes son unos edits que hice, no son reales (ojalá y si)
Hey y'all! Long time semi-lurker, first time story poster. After a lot of thought and encouragement, I've decided to post this ending I've written for one of my favorite stories: "The Superior Machine" (which you should read if haven't!). I was able to reach out to the original author , whose stories you can find here on DeviantArt, and receive his blessing to post this. Big thank you to @tegalus! I don't plan on writing on this story further, but my DMs and Discord (OldFashioned#0021) are open if y'all wanna chat about any of the themes here . I've got plans for more stories, hopefully. Enjoy, and be gentle... “Yes, a 12-inch cock should be perfect… for now.” Nathan mused, mostly to himself as he watched his new power take effect. Looking down at David, he was quite pleased at this latest development. His most recent augmentation had grown his power and strength almost beyond his own comprehension. ‘Of course, virtually nothing is beyond my comprehension now,’ Nathan thought, his stunning angular face almost literally glowing with joyful power. ‘Too bad I can’t say the same for little David here.’ Nathan regarded him with pity as David blubbered and stammered, completely overwhelmed by the incalculably superior being before him. “I-I-I... w-what are… are.. y-y-y…” David sputtered and strained to even put into words the total awe that now seized his mind. Having witnessed the inconceivable yet inevitable conclusion of his own Superior Machine, he still couldn’t fathom how far Nathan had taken his invention in a matter of minutes. His neighbor’s muscular dimensions and masculine beauty already seemed to distort the space around him, like a supermassive black hole irresistibly attracting light and energy. But the revelation of Nathan’s superpowers was clearly wreaking havoc on David’s now relatively simple conception of reality. “Awww, am I too much for you, my little guy?” Nathan teased in his deep, seductive voice. He didn’t have to ask of course. With his telepathy, Nathan could peer into David’s mind with the ease that a college professor could read a children’s book. ‘Hmm that analogy doesn’t quite capture the true scale of my intellect,’ Nathan thought to himself. “David, why don’t you take a little nap?” he said softly, trying to calm David. “That should help you come to terms with everything.” He slowly brought a large hand up to David’s trembling face, gently caressing the terrified man and looking down at David the way one might look at a poor helpless puppy. “Rest up, little David. You’ll need all your energy for what is to come, and you deserve to be there for every moment.” Nathan fixed him with his luminous, steel blue eyes, blessing him with a devastating smile. With a mere thought, he instantly willed David into a deep, recuperative sleep. Cradling him in his powerful arms, Nathan laid his small neighbor on the basement couch. Scanning his brainwaves and observing his breathing rate, Nathan precisely calculated that David would be out for 1 hour and 54 minutes (and 23 seconds), more than enough time to prepare everything for the final stage of his evolution. “My ascension draws near,” he proclaimed out loud. With David subdued for the moment, Nathan had time to contemplate and enjoy the enormity of his transformation so far. Less than an hour ago, he was just a tiny, simple-minded twenty-year-old weakling. Now thanks to his neighbor, he stood on the precipice of actual godhood, omnipotent power just within his grasp. He’d always harbored a secret crush on his hunky college professor neighbor, and was just grateful that he’d chosen Nathan as the first person to see his invention. Of course, he now knew that David only kept him around in order to lord over him his physical and mental superiority. Not that David had ever been cruel to Nathan; he was always kind to him, if occasionally a little condescending. ‘How the tables have turned,’ Nathan grinned, momentarily reveling in the thrilling power he now possessed. ‘Water under the bridge. Once my apotheosis is complete, I’ll bless my creator in unimaginable ways. He will have no choice but to worship me.’ Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Nathan regards his overwhelming musculature, removing the tight tank top to better take in his impossible proportions. Even totally relaxed, every muscle is painfully defined, and his clear, tan skin glows even in the dim light of the basement. From head to toe, his seven-foot body communicated only perfected power. Large, beautiful feet erupted into an enormous pair of calves. The massive, totally smooth muscles swelled up from almost delicate ankles, rippling and bulging sensually with the slightest effort. Huge, godly quads that seemed bigger than an average man’s chest tapered to a svelte waist that would look petite if it weren’t obviously a core made of muscles harder than steel. Columns of brick-like abs lead up to an unbelievably large chest. Growing out of the cliche cannonball shoulders are an intimidating pair of arms consisting of massive biceps and triceps flowing into steel-cable forearms. Taken individually, each muscle group would be considered freakish and grotesque, but together created a collection of exquisite curves and planes that transcended human beauty. Sitting atop this mass of incredible brawn was the face of an angel. Nathan’s features were almost feminine in their beauty but totally masculine in their eroticism. A stubble that looked at once perfectly groomed yet totally natural adorned a square jaw that exuded a manly strength, and sharp, azure eyes hinted at the limitless power growing inside. Without any other movement, Nathan sends subtle waves of flexing muscle fibers across his body. His beautiful physique literally shimmers with muscular power, like ripples in a pond, as Nathan closes his eyes in ecstasy. This surreal display was effortless for him, but it still delivered him absolute pleasure to feel the command he had over each one of his millions of muscle fibers. Continuing to ripple his striated perfection with his powerful mind, Nathan began a slow, sensual, and fluid dance. His powerful limbs, packed with muscle, moved with a grace and flexibility that would have brought even the harshest Bolshoi ballet masters to tears. Every part of him undulated and shifted in the ultimate expression of his perfected physique. The erotic display would have sent even the straightest guys in to blinding orgasmic bliss, unable to contain their worship for this fledgling deity. Suddenly, Nathan moves into a most-muscular pose, nearly doubling the size of his muscles and bringing hundreds of veins to the surface of his perfect skin. Already rock-hard, he wills thick ropes of cum to shoot out of his glorious cock, coating the entire mirror surface and sending shocks of bliss across his shredded body. Just for fun, he dances his pecs with total ease, every fiber from bottom to top, sending spasms of brutal power across the thick slabs. ‘Maybe David would like to lick the mirror clean, as a treat,’ Nathan thought wickedly. With supreme confidence, Nathan strode over to the once-improved Superior Machine. ‘Simple David,’ thought Nathan. ‘It is truly a wonder that his meager intellectual capacity was able produce such astonishing results.’ The first adjustments Nathan made to the machine, at an IQ of 256, now seemed child-like in their design. Nathan calculated that his current IQ was at 1835, a number that represented so much debilitating mental acuity and power that it was practically meaningless to normal humans. Even so, Nathan could still perceive limits to his power, and he intended to dwarf that number by orders of magnitude, and knew the key to his inevitable godhood lay not in his powerful muscles, but in the unlocking of his potent mind. Without even touching the machine, Nathan perceived all of its remaining flaws and inefficiencies, using his ability to see the entire spectrum of light waves. ‘What silly, simple mistakes my own supposed genius made,’ Nathan chuckled to himself. His final adjustments to this machine would increase its current improving capabilities by a factor of 100,000. He shuddered with utter euphoria at the mere thought of this final augmentation. With a speed that a normal human would struggle to perceive, Nathan made all of the necessary changes in the hardware and programming of the machine in a matter of seconds. The Superior Machine was now truly worthy of use by a being as superior as Nathan. In the mirror, Nathan surveyed his soon-to-be literally divine physique one last time. He effortlessly played with the deep striations and thick veins that covered the topography of his vascular body. ‘Even in this primitive form, my feats of control and strength are mind-bending,’ Nathan marveled. He flexed every single fiber in his body, totally enraptured by his own spectacular beauty. ‘I’m practically irresistible to myself!’ The veins on his body formed lightning patterns across his body, only hinting at the nascent power that coursed through them. Nathan brought his self-worship so a close, his telepathic sense telling him that David was about to wake up. ---------------- David’s eyes fluttered as he vacillated between sleep and wakefulness. Half-remembered dreams of phenomenal power wavered in his semi-consciousness. ‘I remember leading little Nathan down into the basement… and… no, that’s impossible.’ David furrowed his brow. ‘It must have been a dream,’ he surmised. “David,” a soft but incredibly deep and arousing voice called from the other end of the basement. “Who’s there?” David responded with a touch of fear in his voice. ‘Oh little David,’ Nathan thought. ‘His primitive brain literally couldn’t hold in the memories of my evolution. No matter.’ “David, it’s me. Nathan,” the deep, impossibly sexy voice proclaimed. A large figure of unbelievable size, symmetry, and beauty approached David. Using his psychic power, Nathan sent calming energy into David. ‘He’ll have plenty to freak out about soon,’ he grinned. He then projected into David’s mind the events of the day. “Nathan… it’s really you. It worked!” David was in awe of the perfect man before him. Nathan’s every movement was imbued with an unbearable grace. His physique literally stunning David into silence once again. “Well technically,” Nathan replied,”the adjustments I made have brought me to my current advanced form.” He teased his neighbor with a subtle pec bounce, waves of muscle fiber rolling across the wide expanse of his chest. “But my current status will not last long.” Confused, David wondered, “W-what do you mean, N-Nathan?” He was still reeling from the revelation of Nathan’s perfection. Nathan laughed a deep, gentle laugh, the most beautiful sound David had ever heard. “Oh little guy, don’t worry. I won’t ever revert to my previous, pathetic form.” He gifted David with a mind-blowing double bicep pose, threatening him with a touchless orgasm. With a subtle gesture of his hand, Nathan sent another psychic wave of calming energy. “No, I have loftier ambitions that your limited mind cannot yet begin to comprehend.” At this pronouncement, Nathan sent a sensual, subtle wave of rippling muscle up and down his body. That did it. David's newly enlarged cock sent huge spurts of cum into his slacks, blinding David in total pleasure. Nathan merely smiled down at his neighbor. Overwhelmed by the power of this newly created stud, David began licking and kissing Nathan’s wide, powerful feet. “Whoa there!” Nathan chuckled softly. “There's no need to worship me like a god… yet.” He fixed David with a penetrating, yet comforting stare. David sat motionless at his feet, paralyzed by the deep blue pools of Nathan’s eyes. “That weapon between your legs,” he glanced at David’s still bulging crotch, “is just your first gift.” Nathan reached down and gently caressed David’s handsome face, a single tender finger running down his jaw. “As my creator, you deserve to bask in the perfect power you have unleashed.” Nathan smiled serenely at his budding little worshiper. ‘The first of many,’ he mused. After allowing David to caress his smooth, powerful legs, Nathan ended the mini-worship session. “Follow me, little guy,” Nathan ordered as he made his way to the perfected Superior Machine. David struggled to catch up with Nathan’s long, powerful strides. “I know you will struggle to comprehend what I have so easily done to your machine, but you deserve to see its current and final modifications.” With a glance from Nathan, the machine came to life instantly. The bright display somehow looked sleeker than before, despite the fact that Nathan had changed virtually nothing about the exterior of the machine. As Nathan explained his complicated yet elegant improvements, David gazed at his former invention. ‘Of course,’ he thought. ‘It’s so clear, so obvious now.’ Nathan smiled, David’s every thought equally obvious to his superior brain. Nathan leaned down to give his neighbor a tender, yet passionate kiss. David nearly came again. Nathan looked upon his little toy with amused pity. “David, you are about to witness my final improvement. After this, the extent of my power will be unfathomable to lesser beings such as yourself. I am ushering in a new era in the history of the universe, and it’s all thanks to the primitive little invention you were so excited about today.” Nathan gave David another soul-shattering kiss, nearly crushing him with the strength of his rippling, muscular bulges. Out of breath, David stood back from the path of the machine, unsure of what was to come. Nathan stood majestically in front of the machine, a totally relaxed god-in-waiting. With a blink of his eyes, the machine began its final program. The display read: “INITIATING NEW PROGRAM . . SUBJECT DNA LOCATED AND RECOGNIZED” A white hot beam of energy engulfed Nathan’s body for a split-second “8475630930 PARAMETERS MEASURED. CALCULATING PROGRAMMED MODIFICATIONS” Instantly, the same white beam shot out, totally engulfing Nathan and blinding David momentarily. The machine powered down. The world tilted. The universe trembled. The key had turned. The circuit was complete. Nathan shuddered and moaned in the sheer bliss and delight of total omnipotence. His feet slowly left the ground as he began to hover in midair, fully entering his godhood, eyes closed, arms outstretched, and face tilted up toward the universe he now controlled. As infinite power flooded his body, he began emitting a soft, divine glow, and his remaining clothes completely disintegrated. He began his refinement. His already flawless skin took on a beautiful luster and shine resembling the finest velvet, while his dark- golden hair thickened with silken strands to an unattainable beauty. From head to toe, muscles in his increasingly shredded body rippled and flexed as his cells became vessels for pure cosmic energy, and his body became a reflection of the infinite power contained within. Still floating about a foot off the floor, Nathan opened his divine eyes. The entirety of the universe with its infinite dimensions was within his total comprehension. He knew the position and speed of every subatomic speck of matter in existence, and could effortlessly control every single one simultaneously. Growing proportionally to an even 8 feet tall, Nathan furiously rippled and flexed each of the trillions of muscle fibers now gracing his perfect body. This godly feat used up one trillionth of the power of his omniscient brain. Slowly, gracefully, Nathan lowered himself back to the floor. The earth shook. Every part of his body was perfectly sized, perfectly shaped. No model or bodybuilder had achieved these proportions and symmetry. He was true physical perfection. As he subtly shifted his weight, his muscles erupted in the most erotic display of sensual bulges and flexes. A beatific smile appeared on his glowing face, and David, having somehow miraculously held on to consciousness until this point, instantly blacked out while his dick shot a few more ropes of cum. “Perfection,” Nathan intoned out loud. His already deep voice was now imbued with pure sensual pleasure. Had David been awake, he would’ve felt the powerful tones reverberate not only throughout the room, but through his body, sending tingles of ecstasy to his very core. Nathan took in a breath so deep it threatened the structural integrity of the entire house. Walls rattled and few windows burst, but using his telekinesis, Nathan automatically repaired them. “This mortal structure cannot withstand even my most gentle breaths.” With a small gesture from his hand, Nathan lifted the still unconscious David into the air telekinetically, slowly bringing him into his divine embrace. “Little David,” Nathan gently cooed to his creator. “Let’s go somewhere we can both truly appreciate my omnipotence.” In the blink of an eye, the god and his disciple disappeared into thin air. ----- For the second time in as many hours, David awoke completely disoriented. He was in the middle of a lush verdant field, surrounded by spectacular mountains. The deep blue sky was totally clear, and the sun shone down with a pleasant, gentle warmth. David recounted the events of the last two hours: Finishing his incredible invention Inviting little Nathan to shock his small brain with his superiority The machine malfunction Nathan’s transformation and apotheosis into a literal god… “Good to see you are accepting the new reality,” a deep, resonant voice called from behind him. David turned around to see a sight that threatened his already tenuous grasp on his sanity: Nathan, in all his divine splendor… Just standing there, totally relaxed in his magnificent perfection, it was clear Nathan had evolved to an incomprehensible degree. His massive 8-foot frame was packed with brutally powerful muscle, thousands of veins shoved to the surface of his luminous skin. Atop this godly body was an achingly beautiful face wearing the expression of ultimate serene omniscience. Since his final transformation, Nathan’s head had grown slightly, the temples and forehead lined with thick veins, pulsing with power as they fed his limitless brain. A tight, blue speedo, matching his glowing eyes, encased his huge cock and perfectly hugged the contours of his powerful ass. “Of course, I could just change reality if I wanted to,” Nathan said with an arrogant, smug smile on his face. David shuddered at that casual declaration of power. “W-where are we, Nathan?” David stammered. They were definitely not in the large city he called home, but he didn't recognize the landscape either. Nathan’s feet left the ground as he began to hover a foot or so off the ground. He floated for a moment, just reveling in his awesome power. David was helpless to do anything but stare as the god floated gently toward him. “Everything you see is my creation,” Nathan stated simply. “It took a few nanoseconds, but I created a couple billion dimensions for my amusement.” David, confronted by this unimaginable power, could do little more than tremble. “It was laughably easy for a being like me, but your puny brain would shatter before even hoping to understand such a simple concept.” Nathan raised a flexed bicep to David’s face, subtly rippling the fibers in complex patterns. “I created this simple one because the others are far too complex for you to even perceive.” He then flexed his 8-pack abs, rolling and undulating them with total control. “I needed a place where I could show you the totality of my all-encompassing power,” he stated reverently while he continued his graceful, mid-air posing routine. “So I simply willed it into existence.” After a mind-blowing most-muscular, Nathan brought his lips to David’s ear. “Cum for me, David,” he commanded, modifying his godly vocal frequency to precisely stimulate all of David’s erogenous zones at once. David convulsed in rapturous pleasure as he experienced his third hands-free orgasm of the day. Jets of cum shot out of his thick cock, staining his slacks with large splotches of fluid. With a small twitch of his fingers, Nathan disintegrated David’s clothes, leaving him completely naked. With another gesture, David began hovering alongside his god. Nathan inspected him with his piercing eyes, the thick veins feeding his brain pulsing as he instantly memorized his toy’s complete molecular structure. “While your endowment is prodigious for a mortal, I’m afraid your physique is woefully inadequate for my godly desires,” Nathan said disdainfully. He twirled his powerful finger and rotated David in the air. “Yes, this soft, feeble form simply won’t do.” David felt a little insulted. He had worked hard for his tight body. While no fitness model, he turned heads at the college where most of his fellow professors were either stick-skinny or obese. He had muscle definition and size that many men would envy, and felt perturbed at Nathan’s harsh dismissal. David was suddenly thrown back to the ground as Nathan rose dozens of feet into the air. “INSIGNIFICANT FOOL!” his powerful voice rang out through the mountain valley. Terrified, David watched as Nathan grew to 12, 50, then 100 feet tall, his eyes turning a fiery red. “DON’T YOU REALIZE WHAT I AM!” Nathan shouted directly into David’s mind, deafening him psychically. Nathan raised a gigantic arm toward one of the massive mountains in the distance. A literally earth-shattering crack shook the ground as the mountain was ripped from its base. Nathan then closed his enormous hand into a fist and the floating mountain exploded in a cloud of ice and rock. Before most of the debris could even settle, Nathan snapped his fingers and the mountain instantly reassembled, rejoining the ground below. Nathan looked down at David with a menacing glare, the veins of his head pulsing furiously as his mind exerted its unlimited power. He was catapulted into the air, rising to Nathan’s huge face. David struggled to focus on the god’s angry countenance. The sheer terror of looking into the furious eyes of the all-powerful being was almost too much for him. “I CAN BLINK YOU OUT OF EXISTENCE AND FORCE YOU TO EXPERIENCE THE EVENT FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!” Nathan bellowed. “I DEMAND YOUR COMPLETE OBEDIENCE AND WORSHIP.” “Yes, anything my God! I am so sorry! I was wrong to reject your blessing! I am nothing to you!” David pleaded pathetically at the floating muscular giant, bowing his head before the deity. Nathan slowly lowered him to the ground as he shrunk back down to his perfect 8-foot form. His eyes returned to their sparkling deep blue color as he hovered toward David, who was still cowering on the grassy field. “Never forget, my little toy,” Nathan spoke directly into David’s mind. “I can perceive everything. I’m currently reading the thoughts of every living thing in the universe simultaneously. You are totally transparent to me. I can effortlessly delve into parts of your psyche you don’t even know exist.” “But you also created me,” Nathan spoke aloud. “So enjoy the gifts my effortless power can bestow.” Nathan glowed with a golden light. He gently floated toward David, extending his index finger. “You’ve seen a fraction of the destruction I’m capable of. Here’s a taste of the pleasure I can deliver,” he whispered seductively. As his divine finger neared David’s forehead, a small arc of golden electricity flowed between man and god. The instant they made contact, David moaned, drowning in the extreme sensations taking over his body. He lost all sense of time. The force of a million orgasms exploded inside every cell of his body. Nathan adjusted David’s perception of time and held him in total sensual bliss for what seemed like days, but was actually just a few seconds. He teased his little toy, using his power to stimulate every nerve ending in David’s body, holding him on the edge of release. Nathan broke contact, watching David recover from his haze of pleasure. David began desperately jacking his huge hard cock. “Oh little guy,” Nathan chuckled. “Let me take care of that.” He gently twirled his finger and David instantly came in one single continuous stream of thick cum. Completely emptied, David collapsed on the ground, totally out of breath. “Nathan, my God… thank you… You are everything… I am nothing… I am yours…” David panted. Nathan reached down and cradled David’s head in his large hand. “This is just the beginning, little guy.” He sent a wave of reviving energy through David, filling him with vitality. David stood, staring reverently at his massively muscular, powerful god. Nathan smiled benevolently, drinking in David’s worshipful thoughts. “Now, I believe we were addressing the matter of your physique,” Nathan recalled. With a subtle gesture, he raised David up a few feet in the air. “You are currently 5 feet and 11.1568 inches tall. To please me, you need to be 6 feet and 6 inches, precisely.” At these words, David felt the strange sensation of his bones elongating and stretching, his hands and feet growing bigger. “Now,” Nathan continued with a sexy grin, “let’s fill you out.” Nathan took a deep breath and began to blow gently towards David. He felt it first in his calves as they inflated to at least 20 inches, big bulbous, heart-shaped muscles standing out from his lower legs. Next, muscle piled onto his thighs, his quads and hamstrings thickening to a massive 30 inches each, feathered striations running all across the expansive muscle. His waist tightened up to 30 inches as the grooves of his six-pack abs deepened to a beautifully symmetrical eight-pack.Two enormous mountains of muscle erupted from his chest, square pecs pushing 60 inches as powerful delts grew to frame them. Spectacular arms formed, at least 26 inches, with biceps and triceps that screamed power and masculinity. The rippling forearms below completed the image of brutal strength. “Take a look at yourself,” said Nathan. With a twitch of his fingers, a mirror materialized in front of David. He marveled at his new body, one that could easily win any bodybuilding competition. He flexed and rippled his new muscles, totally intoxicated by his physical power. “One last thing,” whispered Nathan. Starting with David’s calves, Nathan began rubbing his way up his new muscles, leaving a fine dusting of hair wherever his hands touched, not thick enough to hide his definition, just enough to highlight his beautiful curves and bulges. Finally, Nathan took David’s face gently in his infinitely powerful hands and brought him in for a deep, probing kiss. Another look in the mirror showed David that Nathan had further refined his face, giving good looks that even the hottest models would envy. “Thank you, my God,” David bowed his head in devotion. “I am not worthy of your power.” Nathan laughed softly, his deep voice sending pleasant vibrations through David’s body. “You are correct, my toy. You aren’t.” Nathan tenderly lifted David’s chin to fix him with his painfully beautiful gaze. “But remember, you unknowingly set me on the path to godhood, and as long as you remain devoted to your God, he will continue to bless you.” Nathan gave a devastating wink, filling David with a pleasurable buzz of energy. With a wave of Nathan’s hand, the world around them began to dissolve before their eyes. “It’s time to introduce the world to its new god,” he said with intimidating confidence. With a flash of golden light, they vanished. ------------------ Nathan and David reappeared in the room where it all started. “There are a few things I need to take care of before I begin my absolute reign,” Nathan said. He stretched out his massively muscled arm toward the Superior Machine. It began hovering in the air. “Now, that my power is unlimited, there will be no need for this now-inferior machine,” Nathan proclaimed with an arrogant smirk. With a flick of his wrist, the machine lurched toward David, stopping just a few feet in front of him. “Master, please!” David cried out. He couldn’t bear to have his life’s work destroyed before his eyes. He knelt on the ground, begging his perfect god. Looking up with fear and hope, David pleaded. “Please spare the machine. I could use it to improve humanity!” Nathan’s eye turned a deadly crimson. The veins on his large head pulsed in fury as his beautiful face contorted in terrifying rage. “WORM!” Nathan shouted. With a twitch of his other wrist, David found himself suspended in mid-air, unable to move, unable to speak. “YOU DARE DEFY ME?! AFTER BEARING WITNESS TO JUST AN INFINITESIMAL FRACTION OF MY POWER?” The walls of the house shook at his words. “I was a pathetic simpleton before your crude machine managed to malfunction.” He struck an incredible double bicep pose, his arms exploding with brutal strength. “Now with my unlimited mind,” Nathan rippled his spectacular body menacingly as the thick veins on his temples throbbed, “I decide who is superior and who isn’t.” At these words, he made a threatening fist, and the floating machine began to collapse in on itself. David looked on as tears streamed down his face. Nathan tightened his fist, and his veins pulsed with power. The machine compacted to a small, smooth, metal ball the size of a marble. With a nod of Nathan’s large head, David was lowered to the ground, regaining control of his body. “Here’s your Superior Machine,” Nathan said sarcastically. David held out his hands as the ball floated toward him. Nathan arched a brow and the ball dropped into David’s hands. He instantly fell to the ground, screaming in pain as the small ball crushed his hand. Nathan cackled evilly, shaking the foundations of the house. “You’re so weak,” Nathan said, disgusted. “I condensed the machine into a 743.87 pound little marble. The pathetic muscles I gifted you can’t seem to handle it.” As David continued to struggle with the tiny ball, Nathan walked over to him. Arrogantly, he bent down and picked up the ball as easily as if it were a ping-pong ball. David moaned in pain as Nathan held the ball between two fingers, slowly inspecting the ball. “Shut up, little David!” Absentmindedly, Nathan waved his other hand, and David’s pulverized hand was instantly healed. He gasped in relief as he looked up at his God. “I can’t help but think that just a few hours ago, the mere existence of this ball would have been unfathomable to my once-puny brain. But now…” Nathan closed his fist around the ball, totally engulfing it in his large hand, and for a brief moment, the muscles in his arms flexed into bold cuts and striations, rippling with brutal power. A soft thud accompanied a small flash of light as his godly hand tightened completely, “... I crushed it out of existence effortlessly.” He fixed David with a mesmerizing, intense stare. “Just like you if you continue to defy me!” Nathan inhaled deeply, his massive chest expanding. Upon exhaling, he began hovering in mid-air like the god he was, eyes glowing white-hot as he reveled in his omniscience. David, still on the ground, struggled to arrange his newly bulging muscles into a properly worshipful position. “It’s finally time, little David,” Nathan intoned. “You should get dressed for the big day.” With an irresistible wink of his god’s eye, David found himself wearing a tight black spandex t-shirt, shrink-wrapped around his bulky torso, with matching leggings encasing his powerful legs. The shiny material perfectly accentuated his new physique, and he ran his hand gently across the smooth fabric, appreciating the way his master’s newest gift to him hugged every curve and cut of his body. “Thank you, my God,” David bowed his head in gratitude. “Even though I’m a god, I still want to show off my superior toy to the masses.” Nathan blessed his disciple with an impossibly beautiful smile. “Now, watch this.” With a sinister smile, Nathan blinked, and David disappeared. He found himself just across the street facing his house. The afternoon sun warmed his improved physique. As it was a weekday, residents of the neighborhood were arriving home from work, and David’s new muscles turned quite a few heads, but Nathan was nowhere to be seen. No one recognized their college professor neighbor, looking instead at the impressive, masculine muscle on display in tight clothing. “Just wait, little David,” Nathan spoke into his worshiper's mind. “These primitive beings will lose their minds when they see me.” David shuddered in both fear and delight as he contemplated how Nathan would choose to reveal his godly power to the world. David heard a rumble from across the street. The ground shook, and pedestrians stopped to look around, trying to find out exactly what was making the noise. Suddenly, a deafening roar rang out through the neighborhood and David’s house exploded, raining concrete, metal, and wood onto the surrounding houses and roads. People on the street screamed and ran for cover, as car alarms and distant sirens filled the air. As the dust settled, a monstrous figure appeared floating above the wreckage. David knew that it was Nathan, albeit at least 50 feet tall. The giant raised an arm, and with a small gesture, the dust and smoke instantly cleared, and the alarms fell silent. Everyone stared in wordless awe at the impossible, glowing deity before them. In addition to growing himself a couple dozen feet, Nathan increased his freakish proportions, every muscle group frighteningly exaggerated. His perfect, flawless skin was shrink-wrapped around every striation and vein. Lined with thick, pulsing veins, Nathan’s head had grown almost comically large, housing his infinitely powerful brain, but he’d lost none of his beauty. His stunning, omniscient, golden eyes scanned the tiny humans below him. Drinking the shock and disbelief of the crowd that had gathered, Nathan let out a deep, ecstatic moan. “BE NOT AFRAID!” Nathan’s deep voice was almost intolerably loud, and many rushed to cover their ears. “I am your new GOD!” The power of his words shook the ground beneath them. “Thanks to the intellectual stumblings of your little neighbor David,” Nathan’s massive arm gestured at the spandex-clad professor-turned-bodybuilder-plaything. David began hovering above the crowd, but still beneath Nathan, “I have unlocked the full potential of the human brain, and improved myself one-million-fold to a state unfathomable to primitive animals like you.” Nathan arched a brow on his huge head and the veins throbbed. Every car on the street rose into the air in front of Nathan. He closed his godly fist, and the cars smashed into each other to form a huge mass of metal and glass. With a few more twitches of his perfect hands, Nathan had sculpted a giant throne of gold for himself, playing with the atomic structure of the former cars. “I used to be such a puny, soft thing like you all,” Nathan remarked with disdain. He closed his eyes and groaned in pleasure. Once again, he grew to 100 feet tall, maintaining his unbelievable proportions and vascularity, veins snaking over his entire body and head. He hovered over to the floating throne and lowered himself onto it. “Now, I take my rightful place as the most powerful being in the universe,” he stated with absolute authority, rippling the fibers of his brutally muscular body. Many in the crowd either passed out or violently orgasmed at the display, unable to even handle the concept of true omnipotence. “Stay right where you are, mister!” Someone shouted from the crowd. A police officer had drawn his weapon and aimed it at Nathan. He stretched his uniform with an impressive physique that approached David’s in size and symmetry. Indeed, he himself would be attracting lustful stares if not for the literal god that had just appeared on the street. Nathan was somewhat impressed at his courage, though he could of course detect with his superior sense a heart rate that was through the roof and a slight tremble in the hands holding the firearm. He remained totally relaxed, lounging on his throne. “Now, now little one,” Nathan said, his tone dripping with condescension. “While I commend your bravery, it’s laughable that you think that you could stop this in any way.” The officer held fast, using every once of his willpower in the face of overwhelming power. “The whole department is coming. Hell, I bet the National Guard is on its way. Don’t make another move!” the office retorted. “Very well then,” Nathan chuckled arrogantly. “Go ahead and shoot,” he taunted. The officer fired every round he had, confident he would hit the massive giant. With a bored expression, Nathan watched the officer shoot. Each bullet stopped in mid-air at his command. Nathan twitched his fingers and the bullets and gun were sent flying into orbit. Nathan smirked as he felt fear take over the officer’s mind. “You really shouldn’t have done that. I must punish you for your insolence,” Nathan intoned. With a wave of his hand, the officer floated up into the air. Nathan held out a divine finger as a beam of energy shot from the beefy police man to Nathan. The man became engulfed in light as his god continued to drain him. After a few seconds he fell to the ground, and the crowd saw a very different man before them. The former amateur bodybuilder could not have been taller than 5 feet now, and his frail body showed no muscle at all, only skin and bone. His once sharp, bright eyes now stared around vacantly, barely capable of processing the world around him. “You see, I can bless my worshipers with their wildest fantasies,” he gestured at David, bringing him over to sit in his expansive lap. “But I will swiftly punish those who do not devote themselves totally to my obvious superiority!” The crowd immediately fell to their knees, eager to please their new god. “Now, little David,” his massive face looked down at his little toy. “It’s time to spread the Gospel of Nathan.” The huge floating throne disappeared in a flash of light. The crowd of worshipers knelt among the wreckage, knowing the world had changed at the will of the Superior Being, Nathan.
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This story was a fun one to write. It was a commission and I was asked to create a world where an innocent is corrupted by more and more power. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think in the comments. Corrupting Absolutely It all started innocently enough. I was staying at the beach at my parents’ house while they were on a month-long cruise. I normally wouldn’t have the time to house sit, but unfortunately, I had been let go from my job with The Bank. My boss, Thomas Grayson, felt that I needed to get out and find new opportunities. He was afraid that the job was keeping me stagnant. What could I do? Maybe he was right. Thomas and I had started at The Bank together. We had even dated for a year, but he had come to the conclusion that we were both better off as friends. After we split, Thomas began to really grab life by the proverbial balls. He had started working out at the gym, dressing better, and progressing higher in The Bank while I was still in the same position. I could tell by the way he spoke to me that he was trying to look after my own best interests. He had even put together a pretty good severance package for me. Since I didn’t have to worry about money for the next 6 months, I decided to wait to find a job till the start of the new year. I had sent out some resumes and talked with some recruiters, but I wasn’t actively looking for employment at the moment. Let me tell you, there is nothing more depressing than staying at a beach house during the winter. My parents had moved to the beach six years ago after they both retired. They never seemed to mind the winter season when most of the town packed up and left, but then again, they often went on long vacations during that time. Since I wasn’t working, they thought it would save them some money if I drove down and house-sat instead of hiring a professional to do it. As I said, I had lots of free time, so why not? The house isn’t very large. After climbing 20 steps, you arrived at a wooden porch with two rocking chairs on it and a table. This was an amazing place to watch the sun set during the summer, but I doubted I would be using them very much during my stay. The front door brought you automatically into the living room that had a dining room attached. The small kitchen was off to the right while the bathroom was down the hall to the left. There were two bedrooms. I would be staying in the guest bedroom and kept my parents’ bedroom closed so nothing would be disturbed. The first week flew by. I caught up on several television shows I had been wanting to watch for years as well as a couple of books. Each day I’d get up early, go for a jog in the beach, go work out at the local gym at 11.00 am so that it was fairly empty, grab a coffee at Starbucks, and then just chill for the rest of the day. Often in the afternoons I’d go for a walk along the beach, but for the past three days it had been raining, so I was staying inside. While waiting for my coffee at Starbucks, I saw a sign on the ‘Local Activities’ board for an estate sale. It was taking place that afternoon at the most legendary house in the area: Collinwood. I had only visited my parents a couple of times, and I even knew about it. The Collins family had founded the town in the late 1700’s and made their money with the local cannery and fishing fleet. The massive house stood on a hill away from the town, and for the past 15 years or so, the last member of the family had lived there on her own. When Carolyn died, everything was set to be sold and the house turned into a luxury hotel. Since I had no real plans, I decided to go. Like most of the people there, I was attending to find a good bargain as well as to take a walk around the house and gawk. Everything for sale was at a reasonable price to encourage buying, and I found myself picking up three first editions for a steal along with an ornate wooden puzzle box that caught my eye. The woman running the sale looked to see if the box came with instructions for opening it, but she couldn’t locate any. I told her that was fine, and she ended up taking $10.00 off the asking price. By the time I got back to my parents’ house, the sky was growing dark. I prepared a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich and sat down at the kitchen table to try and open the box. Nothing I did moved any of the pieces, and I was beginning to think that it was never going to be opened. It was at 11.30 pm, and I had moved into the living room and was sitting on the couch. After doing nothing for the past six hours, I was surprised to find that I was finally able to move a small square at the top of the box. This led to another piece being released on the side which led to another and another and another. The long box was extremely well made and intricate, having more than 100 sliding or turning pieces to uncover. Eventually, as I turned a small, raised circle on the bottom, a large rectangle in the top slid open. A strong smell of honey and flowers rose from the dark recess. I put my hand into the opening but pulled it back quickly as a severe electrical shock zapped it from within. Looking at my hand to make sure it was okay; I then lifted the box and gave it a good shake. I heard a rattling from within. I moved my face closer to the opening to have a peak in and experienced a plume of red mist erupt from within and shoot into my eye and then out into the room. Falling backwards onto the couch, the box fell from my lap and onto the floor. The red mist was filling the room as it seemed an endless supply had been encased in the box. Fearing it was some sort of poisoned gas, I stood up to run outside, but felt an invisible force push me back onto the couch. The mist was escaping from the box so quickly now that the pressure to escape the box had split the entire structure in half. The room was inundated with the red mist until the box emptied, leaving the thick red fog the only visible item in the room. The room had become hauntingly quiet, and the only thing I was able to hear was my heart pounding in my chest. Standing, I was once again propelled backwards by the unseen hand. In this moment of terror, I began to feel another sensation fill my body; I was suddenly incredibly horny. My penis was instantly hard in my sweatpants, and I could feel pre ejaculate begin to drip. Looking down, I watched as the crotch of my sweatpants began to show a large wet spot where I was leaking. I had never had anything like this ooze from my penis before, even though I had read about in forums online, so this was a new experience for me that I was enjoying a lot. The feeling of arousal began to grow exponentially, and soon I found that I had begun to stroke my hard-on through the fabric without realizing I was doing it. I completely forgot about the odd red mist that had filled the living room of my parents’ home, and I closed my eyes, leaned against the back of the couch, and proceeded to pull my pants down and release my insanely hard rod. As I began to stroke my penis, I opened my eyes and saw the mist had begun to start moving in a circular motion around the room. My penis was harder than it ever had been, and I began to have the feeling that my testicles would explode if I didn’t ejaculate soon. A new sensation came over me as I removed my hand from my shaft and placed my arm behind my head. I wasn’t sure what made me do this, but I felt like it was expected of me. Then, with my heart beating even faster, I watched as the mist began to come together in front of me and formed the body of the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was tall, probably over six foot, and had a tight, firm muscular body. His blonde hair was long and wavy, and fell down over his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing ice blue, and his lips a dark red. Moving my eyes down over his magnificent body, I took in the long and thick phallus that hung down over two large testes. My first instinct was to be afraid, but this quickly faded as The Man began to move until he stood right before me. Falling to his knees, he leaned over my equipment and with one quick movement, took the entire 4 inches into his mouth. In seconds, I was having the most pleasurable blow job I ever had. His mouth did things to my shaft I had never experienced before in my life. He was expertly skilled with his tongue and lips and created just the right amount of suction and tension to make me quickly reach the point of no return. Within seconds I was ejaculating in the man’s mouth, his throat acting like a vacuum to take in every drop. Just when I thought I had finished cumming, he grabbed onto my balls with his right hand and forced more and more out of me and into his stomach. The pleasurable sensation soon moved to pain as it felt like he was draining every drop that my testicles held. Eventually, his hunger satisfied, he moved off my Johnson and proceeded to lick any small drop he may have missed. He then stood up, allowing me to take in all his glory. He appeared to be studying me as intensely as I was looking at him. Finally finding the strength, I opened my dry mouth and spoke. “Who… who are you?” Without moving his lips, I heard the man’s words echo throughout the room. “I have no name… no form… until you give me one. This body pleases you?” His voice… was this his voice I heard in my head… it was deep, masculine, and commanding. “Yeah. You’re amazing.” “You released me.” The tall man’s voice had an accent I couldn’t place. “I am bound to you until I fulfil your three deepest desires.” “My three desires?” “Yes. Once fulfilled, then I am free to return to my own dimension until the next worthy individual opens the box.” “So… my desires… they’re like wishes?” “They are as I said. They are desires.” “I can ask for anything?” My mind raced through what I might ask for from what had to be the sexiest genie I could imagine living. “You ask me for nothing. From your essence that now courses through me, I have pulled out the three most potent and secret desires you possess.” “You know already what I want?” “I know what you desire. These are needs that you may hide from even yourself but will now be yours.” From far away, yet filling the room with sound, I heard a clock tower chime. The sound of the bells resonated through my entire body like an electric current. “Your desires shall be fulfilled. The wheel has been set in motion… and once in motion… there is no stopping it.” I watched as the form of The Man begin to revert back into red smoke while the puzzle box began to reset itself. The opening in the top proceeded to grow smaller as the smoke returned back from where it came and soon disappeared from view. All I could hear was his voice. “The path shall take place over the course of three midnights. You will hear the bell chime, and you will know your desire will then be granted. Never shall you see me again, Joel Matthews.” The top of the puzzle box closed, and the room was silent. I shook my head. Had all of that really happened? Had the mist been some sort of hallucinogen and I had just dreamed it all? As if to answer my question, I heard the bell ring and felt the current course through my body once again. Then, from around me and from within, I heard the man’s voice. “To you… granted your desire for supreme virility.” “What?? What do you mean? I have no clue what you’re talking about!” I stood up half expecting the invisible force to knock me back onto the couch, but nothing happened. I crossed over to the puzzle box and picked it up, looking closely at it as if answers might be printed on its surface. As there was nothing, I moved over to the kitchen and set it down on the table. I must have been asleep. That could be the only explanation. I had to have been dreaming. There was no way any of that could have been real. I must have fallen asleep before I even began solving the puzzle box. I ended up having an insane dream about some sort of genie that told me what wishes… no… desires he was going to grant, and then woke up when the box fell onto the floor. It was all so easily explained. I’d been by myself for too long. That was the problem. I was imagining hot men when I should be out meeting them. No wonder I had a crazy sex dream. I needed to get laid. That’s exactly what would help pull me out of this loneliness. I walked back over to the couch and grabbed my phone. I opened the Lock Screen and proceeded to pull up my Grindr app. There wasn’t much of a selection out here in the middle of nowhere, but somebody was better than no body. Looking at the selection, I began to get hard thinking about what I might be getting up to tonight. Yeah. This was exactly what I needed. I scratched an itch on my face and kept scrolling. There was one guy, a fit man in his early 50’s that caught my eye. Looking at his pictures of himself running a marathon and working out, I could see that he took care of himself. He wasn’t too far from me. I’d be willing to drive up to 30 minutes for some fun tonight. I scratched my face again and was about to message this guy when I decided that I needed something to drink. The room was a little hot and my throat was dry. I got up from the couch and quickly entered the kitchen. Opening up the fridge, I began to reach for a Diet Coke, but instead the idea of drinking one of my father’s beers became a better option. I opened it and took three large gulps. No. This wasn’t doing the job. I drank some more, but my throat just seemed drier than minutes before. Fuck this, I thought. Beer is for frat boys and pussies. Suddenly, it came to me what would quench my thirst. I needed a shot of whiskey. I grabbed a tumbler, put a cube of ice into it, and walked to the liquor cabinet in the living room. From there, I poured a double whiskey over the ice to cool it slightly. Raising the glass to my lips, I took a sip and felt the burn as it traveled down my throat. Oh yeah, I thought, that hits the spot. I poured some more into the glass to make up for what I had already drunk, and crossed back over to the sofa, scratching my stomach. Sitting there, I took a sip, and rubbed my dick, feeling how sensitive the shaft was, how full my balls felt. I set the glass down on the side table and proceeded to pull my sweatpants down to my ankles. Once freed, my dick stood stiffly at attention, the head a deep angry red color. The vein that ran down the side looked much larger than it ever had been before, and I could feel the constant pressure as it forced more blood into the shaft. I had showered when I had gotten home from the gym but found the woodsy metallic musk smell rising from my balls intoxicating. I had never paid attention to my own scent and discovered that it made my mouth water and made me even hornier. I stroked the length of my 4-inch penis and felt a wad of precum rise out of my prostate, up the shaft, and fire onto the wooden floor below. Reaching down to rub my precum around the head and shaft, I found that it also had my sharp woodsy scent, but even more potent and domineering than anything had ever smelt. I kicked my sweatpants off of my ankles and spread my legs wider. Fuck it felt so good… taking up more room on the couch and airing out my cock and balls. I rubbed my balls and felt how incredible… how powerful they were. A rush of heat passed through my balls, and I watched as they began to swell larger, taking up more room in my sack. A minute later, the same rush of heat, yet this time it was slightly stronger, and I was able to see them both grow again. This time, my ball sack stretched as well, and even lying back against the cushions of the couch, my balls began to hang much lower and rested on the sofa. Several wads of precum shot out of my cock again as my balls proceeded to gain more mass. Soon, what had once been walnut sized, now resembled large eggs. I lifted them up with my hands and could feel how much more weight they had then before. As I held them, I felt another rush of heat, and experienced their growth as they took up more room in the palm of my hands. I stood up and felt the hefty weight my balls now had as they pulled down on my crotch. They had surpassed egg size and now looked like I had shoved two peaches in my sack. I felt them both churning, gaining more power to produce more sperm. I whimpered as they grew larger once again. Remembering why I stood up, I proceeded to take my shirt off, and was amazed to see dark hair now coated my chest and traveled down over my stomach and joined in with my crotch. I lifted my right arm to see the excess of hair growth that had taken place there as well. A whiff of my own musk rising from my pits made me even hornier and was proceeded by my testicles growing even larger. These are now the fucking cum factories of a man, I thought as once again the swelled. Precum was now constantly leaking from the head of my cock and had proceeded to form a puddle on the wood floor below. My own scent was filling the room, becoming even stronger as my testosterone levels rose higher. I ran my hand over my chest and felt the hair that had most recently grown there become much longer and begin to cover more area of my chest. Looking down, I could see that my arms and legs had also become much hairier, and my crotch had proceeded to grow a significant forest of its own. Again, my balls grew bigger, but this time the sensation was more magnified as I felt a large amount of blood be forced into my cock. This occurred repeatedly, proceeding to stretch the shaft longer and thicker. I leaned back onto the couch and closed my eyes. Whatever was happening to me felt so incredible. My whole body was feeling sensations I had never experienced before. Every inch of my skin felt more sensitive, causing me to moan, a sound that was now much deeper. I opened my eyes and gaped at my growing cock which had to be nearly 9 inches long, and so thick that I could barely touch my thumb and middle finger together. The head was much fatter than the shaft and I knew that at that moment it would definitely be a challenge for anyone to get in their mouth. I scratched my face and discovered that my jaw was now covered in a formidable beard. Never in my life had I been able to grow a beard, and now I had one that I could run my fingers through and tug! I couldn’t believe how incredible masculine I felt… how masculine I must look. Just having a massive cock and balls made me into a stud, but being hairy as well simply magnified that. No one would be able to resist me anymore. Guys would be lining up to take a ride on my fuck stick! I flexed my arm and watched my bicep jump. I’d need to work out harder to grow a body that deserved a cock like mine, but I had never realized that my body was in much better shape than I had thought. Bringing my face closer to my pit, I inhaled my potent musk. This was how a fucking man smelled. He didn’t smell like fucking cologne or flowers… he smelled like sex… he smelled like the gym… he smelled like the testosterone that flowed through his body. I grinned and let out a low bellow of a laugh and downed the rest of the whisky that had been in the glass. Not wanting to be forgotten for one moment, my cock and balls surged even larger. While I was paying attention to my body, my cock had done some significant growing. I had no idea how so much blood could be forced into the shaft without having passed out, but I was shocked to see that it had grown to be thicker than my own arm and was nearly as long! My balls were now each the size of oranges, and precum no longer leaked out, but flowed like a faucet turned on full blast. The floor was a mess, coated with so much pre that it looked like about 10 drunk men had pissed on it! The entire house smelled of me now. The scent was strong and domineering and was being exuded from every pore. I felt a sharp snap, and my cock proceeded to grow even longer until I knew that it had to be over 13 inches long. So used to my 4-inch penis, my cock now resembled a fucking monster that every man would envy when they saw it in the locker room showers. Fuck!! I couldn’t wait to show this thing off in the gym tomorrow. Hell, there was no way I was ever going to be able to hide this beast, and I never wanted to. All I could think of was fucking and cumming. I needed to fuck over and over again. I was never going to be satisfied. My balls were always going to be full and begging for release. My cock and balls grew larger as I began to stroke myself using both hands for the first time in my life. There was so much surface area to cover that it seemed to take minutes to go from root to head. I flipped into my front and began to fuck the cushions of the sofa. Then I had a better idea and ripped open one so that my cock would actually be sliding in the stuffing. I pumped the sofa harder and harder, my softball sized balls slapping against the cushions. I felt my cock grow even more monstrous as I pumped up and down with my ass. Sweat poured down my face as my pheromones spread through the house. Every inch smelled of me… of the most virile man on earth. My desire!! Fuck yeah! That was what I had become… the most virile man on earth! As I fucked the sofa, my cock grew and tore its way out of the cushion. Pulling it out, I began to lick, and tongue fuck the head. For a moment I thought this growth was never going to stop, until I felt my immense balls pull up, and then felt gallons of cum shoot out of my cock and onto myself and the rest of the room. Minutes passed before my orgasm stopped. I looked around and wondered how I was ever going to clean the room. The living room was a mess, but I didn’t care. This was how the most virile man in the world lived. I can’t stop how much pre and cum I produced from my 15 inch monster of a cock! I stood up and felt the weight of my immense cook and balls weigh me down. I crossed to the bathroom and looked at the beast I had become. I oozed sex. My whole body looked like it had become more primal… almost de-evolved due to the intense amount of testosterone that flowed through my body. Needing to piss, I aimed into the bathtub and let loose. It appeared to be a mix of pre and urine, and when it shot out, it caused me to have mini orgasms. I knew I should be tired, but I was wide awake. I needed to fuck. I closed Grindr and opened Scruff. I needed some real men who could handle my cock and sex drive. I took several pictures and videos and began sending them out. At first people didn’t believe it was real, but after a few demonstrations, they were begging to come over and worship it. By 4 am I had 12 guys paying homage to my cock. They had made me cum several times, but it was never enough. My pheromones seemed to have some sort of control over them as they would do anything to please me. As one guy rode my cock, I wondered what more was in store for me. What would be the fulfilment of my other two desires. What were they? I never knew this was one of my desires until it happened to me. Now I couldn’t imagine not living as a sexual beast. I grabbed the guy and flipped him onto the bed, my cock impaling him as I plunged it deeper. I could hear several of the men cleaning my living room and the other rooms where my cum had left quite a mess. What else were cock slaves for? I fucked him even harder until I began flooding his insides with cum. I pulled out and began to shoot all over his body. Forever he would be marked with my scent. When I finally stopped cumming, I told him to get out and send in someone else. I had worn him out, but I was far from done. The most virile man on earth need to fuck. * The sun was bright when I woke up around 2 the next afternoon. I had sent all the men home once they had finished cleaning the house and repairing any mess that I had made. I still felt sexually unsatisfied, but I suspected that I never would be. Although my cock would go limp at times, it was still a hefty piece of meat to carry around. Soft it was 9” long with two softball sized balls. After my shower, I was going to shave off my newly grown beard, but decided to keep it, really liking how the rugged look worked for me. I also noticed that despite any amount of deodorant I would wear, my body gave off a naturally strong pheromone scent. From my observation at the gym that morning or at Starbucks, it was not an unpleasant scent. In fact, it was quite the opposite, and I found myself satisfying three guys in the locker room at the gym and one in the toilet at Starbucks. No one questioned my immense package. It seemed like once they saw me… and smelt me… they expected me to have it. At 7 pm, I sent the three guys that I was fucking home. I wanted to be mentally and physically prepared for what my next secret desire would bring. I sat down with a whiskey and began to run through ideas of what it could be. I had always been a very vanilla person all of my life, so I wasn’t aware that I had desires that I hid. I was happy with my current improvement. I had never had so much sex until the past day, and I was enjoying myself. I never knew how much I enjoyed being a man and how potent being hyper masculine was. I had become the epitome of masculinity and virility. Every pore oozed of it, and I never felt so alive in my entire life. I sat there wondering what was coming next for me. In some ways I wanted out of the next two wishes. I liked what I had now. What could some secret desires be? When I was a kid I had wanted to transform into a werewolf… but that can’t be a desire could it? Fuck. It can’t be something like that! Werewolves don’t exist. I got up and poured myself another whisky and downed it in one go. I looked out the window at the clear night sky. The stars overhead were bright. The moon shone down onto the ocean when suddenly, I heard the chimes of the bell ring and felt a strong electrical current course through my body. My entire body shook from the energy it was being inundated with, this time much stronger than the last. Then, from around me and from within, I heard the man’s voice. “To you… granted your desire for utmost might and sovereignty.” “Utmost might and sovereignty? What do you mean by that? Show yourself! I want to talk. I don’t want the rest of these desires. I’m happy with what I have now.” “The box was opened. Your desires must be set free. You have no choice in the matter.” The voice filled the air as my whole body quaked again, more and more energy being siphoned into it. My body shook uncontrollably as the lights in the house flickered. Falling to the floor, it must have appeared that I was having a seizure as what felt like every atom, molecule, and cell were filled to near breaking with energy. What felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was only twenty minutes, my body finally stopped trembling. I lay on the floor physically exhausted. Every muscle hurt. Was that it? Did I now have utmost might and sovereignty? Did that mean what I thought it did? Supreme strength and rule over everything? I stood up on shaking limbs. I was naked. Looking down where I had lay, I saw with a shock the burnt remains of the clothes I had been wearing as well as the outline of my body had been burnt into the wooden floor. Moving to the bathroom, each step I took left another burnt footprint on the floor. My heart raced as I tried to comprehend what was happening to me. Just as I was going to turn on the lights in the bathroom, I realized there was no need. My eyes glowed such a bright white color that they illuminated the entire room. I began to panic as I looked into the mirror and saw the burning white light my eyes had become. I no longer had any resemblance of a pupil. Just this intense white glow. I grabbed onto the sink and watched as my handprint began to burn into the ceramic. I pulled it away, but as I did, I felt a pressure well up behind my eyes and explode outward. A swelling beam of light shot from my eyes and obliterated the mirror in front of me. I leaped backwards, covered my eyes with my arm, and fell onto the commode. All the areas that my skin touched began to smoke and burn, quickly melting the plastic of the seat. Standing, I uncovered my eyes, and in the broken shards of glass, I could see they were just the glowing orbs I had before. Through concentration though, I discovered that I could will the pressure from behind my eyes to rise up and expel a beam of intense energy, burning and melting everything in its path. I let out a burst of nervous laughter as I watched myself destroy the tiled shower in the bathroom just by looking at it. After a couple minutes of practice, I found that this new skill was easy to control and became nearly second nature. My eyes… my body… every inch of me could burn through any material. I knew this wasn’t all. I could sense that my body had changed in many ways and was continuing to change. I left the partially destroyed bathroom and moved into the living room. Standing there, I tried to listen to the subtle changes happening to my body, and as I did, I began to feel myself rise off of the floor and hover above it. When I realized what was happening, my body fell back down to earth with a thud. More concentration enabled me to cause the levitation to occur again as I lifted off the floor and floated closer to the ceiling. A huge smile crossed my face. My desire to be a fucking superhero had come true. Using my mind, I propelled myself out the front door and down to the beach, my eyes glowing and lighting the way. Once I stood on the cold sand, I looked up into the sky, raised my right arm, took a small leap, and took off like a shot into the night sky, red and orange flames trailing behind me as I flew. My stomach fell as I went higher and higher into the air. Moving my body slightly, I was able to move up and down and left and right as well as slowing myself down and hovering in midair. I traveled up and down the coast, going so far as Florida and back up to Maine in no time at all. I never felt cold, and I never seemed to have any issue with lack of oxygen as I flew higher and higher. To test myself, I shot upward like a rocket and kept going up until everything around me was pitch black and I was looking at the Earth below. I inhaled, but the fact that there was no oxygen didn’t seem to bother me. I lay up in the blackness of space for a while until I began to feel I should go home. 15 minutes later, I landed back on the beach where I had begun my journey. As I walked back to the house, I began to feel strange. Not bad… just strange. I felt as if boundless energy was beginning to fill me again. I bounded up the stairs, burning every step, and into the house. Once inside, I felt my back crack, and my body began to slowly grow taller. Another group of cracks, and my arms and legs joined my spine. I was amazed to see how different the world looked as I rose higher and higher. I had lived all of my adult life at 5’8, and now I was moving upwards into the 6-foot category. As I admired my stretching reflection in the glass of the window, I began to feel my shoulders start to widen. As they did, the area of my upper torso became much more expansive. Running my hands over my newly enlarged delts, I could feel that the muscles had grown slightly thicker as well as rounder. My heart began to pound in my chest. I moved to cross to the sofa, but a sharp throbbing pain in my shoulders stopped me from completing the journey. The pain radiated through my shoulders and then down into my torso. I imagined this was what a heart attack would feel like if I didn’t know what it was. I heard a loud snap and crack as my body went rigid and my clavicle began once again to grow wider. The pull on my body was even more forceful this time than it had been prior. The ringing in my head was even louder than it had been before and was followed by intense waves of heat. I felt my shoulders and chest being pulled wider still as a second crack resonated through my body as I felt my backbone being tugged upward. My head was swimming as my torso was pulled and stretched minute after minute. Racked with pain and heat, I felt my legs stiffen. Then, with the now familiar snap and pull I felt my own legs beginning to lengthen further. All I could do was stand there as my body was assaulted with growth. My heart was pounding so loudly that I was afraid it was going to tear itself out of my chest at any moment. The pain grew even worse as I felt my legs, shoulders, and torso shoot upward again. I heard a crash as my right shoulder smacked into the liquor cabinet pushing it roughly into the wall. My lengthening body soon propelled my head upward as my left leg smashed into the television cabinet on the opposite wall of the room, sending it crashing to the floor I let out a “fuck” as I felt my feet start to lengthen. My whole body felt out of control as it grew longer and wider. I began to sweat, but the heat that radiated from my body forced it to evaporate the second it was released. The burning suddenly intensified as the pulling became more intense. My world was unending pain. I never could have imagined growth would feel like this. My body felt like it would burst into flames from the heat being radiated from it, and I could see the burn marks that occurred every time my growing body touched anything. The lengthening of my body began to slow down and eventually stop. I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath. Minutes passed before the pulling sensations left my body and I felt more like myself again. Looking around, my head nearly touched the beach house ceiling, which meant I now stood under 9 feet tall. I glanced at myself in the reflection of the windows, and I was in awe of how big I had become. I was not only tall, I was also extremely wide, and I filled a large portion of the living room with my body. I was amazed by how incredible it felt being so tall… so wide! I cracked my neck as a new sensation ran through. I felt a new heat rise up and fill every muscle of my body. For a moment I thought I was going to pass out as I saw colors explode in front of my eyes. My legs felt strong… yet weak as I leaned my body against the wall, the paint beneath me turned black instantly. The new sensation in my muscles grew in intensity as different muscle groups began to flex involuntarily. I felt my stomach cramp, forcing me to double over and begin to pant like a wild animal. Falling to my knees, I felt my minute abs start to become thicker. Looking down, I watched as my abs began to rise like a brick wall on my lower torso and becoming more and more pronounced. Never in my life did I imagine that a six pack could look like a cobblestone mountain range… the crevices between each ab dropping deeper as each peak became more prominent as they expanded and pressed further against my skin. To accommodate such immense abdominal muscles, my waist grew larger as well yet remained tight. As they grew larger, my abs resembled large bricks that had been shoved under my skin and then shrink wrapped. Each ab was so monumental that they fought against each other for more room to grow. I raised my head and looked at the glass of the window. My abs appeared to be bursting from my stomach while my waist became much larger, yet without an ounce of fat. I punched my stomach, and the impact left my hand feeling like I had just hammered my fist against a wall of stone. As my waist thickened, I felt the fire fuel further growth in my hands. I just laughed as I raised my hands and watched my fingers growing longer and thicker. “Hands like fuckin baseball mitts… palms growing wider…. Fuck!! My arms… forearms and biceps… muscles growing thicker! I flexed my arms and watched my bi’s and tri’s engorged further. Each time I flexed, I felt the muscles in my arm swell larger and more pronounced. My guns were filling up with pure power. Flexing them again, I marveled that the peaks of my biceps had grown so high it was becoming difficult to bend my arms. Thick pipe sized veins began to wind themselves up and down my body, feeding each muscle to grow more immensely. My entire body quickly became extremely vascular, forcing more blood into various other parts, helping them to swell. My shoulders began to get rounder as my deltoids joined the rest of my body in spontaneous growth. Gaining more muscle mass, my pecs began to swell, growing rounder until my nipples were forced to point down toward my abs. My lats grew wider, creating an extremely wide V taper on my massive 8-foot frame, while my neck thickened to the size of one of my quads. Moaning as every muscle group continued growing out of control, continually flexing, bulging, swelling, and pulsating on their own. The last muscle group to begin growing was my legs. Making up for lost time, my quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles grew thicker and denser. I could feel the intense burning that had taken up residence in my legs, reminding me of what it must feel like to do thousands upon thousands of squats. I couldn’t stop myself from touching, stroking, and feeling every inch of myself. As I grew thicker, I began to do a most muscular pose. Suddenly, my penis begins to expel a continuous flood of cum onto the floor. Laughing, I continue to flex my body, growing larger by the minute. My shoulders grew wider and rounder… my quads thicker… my pecs more mountainous… my biceps freakishly large… until with a roar, I punched the wall of the living room, and with that one blow, every wall collapsed around me. Lightning began to whip around my naked body touching my skin with its energy. As it roared over me, a tight suit of white and red fabric began to coat my body up to my neck as well as covering my feet and hands. I reached down and felt the fabric over my pecs and knew I had never felt silkier or tougher fabric in my life. Despite now being covered, my musculature could not be hidden. I was immense. A long red cape grew out of the seam below my neck, trailing over my shoulders until it settled right before hitting the floor. A red logo of a C with sparks appeared on my chest as I knew the world would refer to me as Conductivity due to my ability to control all sources of power, whether electrical, wind, or nuclear. “I Am Power!!” My deep voice rattled and then shattered several windows in the house. I projected myself through the ceiling and into the night sky. As I flew faster, electrical energy trailed from my body. The most virile man in the world had now become the biggest and mightiest superhero imaginable. * My existence as Conductivity, the most powerful man in the world was pure bliss. I could do anything and be anywhere at any time. I discovered that my body was indestructible, so no matter what happened to me, there was no way for me to be hurt. I tested numerous ways to kill myself, but happily, none of them worked. As I stood on the Moon, standing where astronauts had stood so many years before me, I realized that the blue marble below me was mine for the taking. Observed on radar and by governments around the world, I tried to keep a low profile, but that’s hard for a 9-foot man in a white and red skintight suit with glowing eyes whose stats were: biceps: 27.9 inches, chest: 72.44 inches, waist: 55.75 inches, quads: 34.26 inches and weighed 779 lbs. My penis has grown along with this body as well making it 24 inches in length and 10.49 inches thick. I could will my uniform to appear and disappear, but nothing could hide what I had become. By 8 am the next morning, I was on every television, newspaper, and internet site. The world wanted to know where I came from and what I was. When questioned, I told them what I knew: I was power. What I didn’t tell them was what I knew was my greatest and scariest strength… If I wished, from my hands, I could now release a nuclear explosion that would destroy countries. This thought scared even me, and I hoped I would never have to display this ability. I didn’t prevent any crime that first day since I felt no real inkling to do so. If I had known of any major disasters, I would have tried to prevent them… but being a superhero was nothing like in the comics or movies. I felt no duty to do any good. I felt no moral obligation. I simply lived with the knowledge that I was more powerful, and therefore more superior than anyone on Earth. I landed at my parents place… which they would have to move out of since I pretty much destroyed it all… and I grabbed my cellphone. Holding it in my hand, I attempted to use it to get on Grindr or Scruff and meet up with someone to fuck, but my fingers were too large and too strong, and I destroyed the thing with one press. I looked at it, and in anger watched as the pieces melted into liquid fire in my hand. Throwing this onto the ground, I flew quickly to Starbucks to meet up with Peter, a guy who had worshipped me just two days prior. Landing in the parking lot, I attempted to enter the store, but found my body was now too tall and wide to go in. Now I was getting mad. I was horny, and I needed release. Using the solar beams I emitted from my eyes, I burnt a massive hole in a side of the building and walked in. The first thing I saw as I entered the store through the new opening were customers all cowering on the other side of the building, all afraid of what I was and what I could do. I walked over to Peter and watched his eyes glaze over as he came in contact once again with my pheromones, now even stronger than before. Without saying a word, I grabbed him and flew up and out of the building through the ceiling, unfortunately ruining the structure and causing it to collapse on everyone within. I looked back at what I had done, but seconds later I realized it didn’t matter. I was so above those people… so above humanity, that it didn’t faze me if some were lost. All I could think of was fucking Peter’s greedy hole. We landed far down south where it was warm. I told him to remove his clothes and I willed my suit to evaporate. I stood before him, my now bare feet melting the sand beneath them, nearly double his size and nearly a thousand pounds heavier. My cock was ready and leaking, but as I moved in closer, I began to realize that as soon as my flesh touched him without the barrier of my suit, he would begin to burn. I tried out my hypothesis by having him stroke and lick my cock, but as soon as he did, he pulled his hands back as if he had just touched a hot stove. Never again would I be able to touch another human man. As soon as I did, they would burst into flames. I angrily cursed The Man who had filled my hidden desire, and knew that one day I would make him pay for who he had done. He had given me an unquenchable sex drive without any way of satisfying it. Using my own hand, I brought myself to orgasm, my cum shooting out of me like lava, knocking down and igniting the trees and grass that it coated. I then took off, leaving Peter in the middle of nowhere. I heard him screaming as he called after me, the entire area on fire, everything quickly burning due to my lava temperature ejaculate. Lucky for you I couldn’t fuck you, Peter, you most definitely would have burned from the inside out! I was power… the most powerful man in the universe, and this power now made it impossible for me to fuck another guy without him dying. At this thought, I got angrier and angrier, and without realizing it, I flew right through a skyscraper. I looked back, and unable to control my own anger and emotions, several fireballs were released from my eyes. The feeling as they launched from my eyes was orgasmic… a full cranial orgasm unlike anything I had felt before. It was a true high. I hurled several more and groaned as my cock hardened. For this… I wouldn’t need anyone else. For this… the pleasure was all mine. I focused once again, releasing wave after waves of fireballs that enveloped the entire building. I could hear the screaming coming from the building as well as below. I willed my suit to disappear, and proceeded to jerk myself off, finally erupting a torrent of lava from my cock that took out streets below. I turned around when I was finished and flew off. That was when I realized… I wasn’t a superhero. I was never meant to be a superhero. Deep down… I was a super villain. When you are so superior to a race… why save them when they mean so little to you. My suit reappeared, covering my body, but this time it was midnight black with a deep red logo, almost the color of blood. My deep red cape fanned out behind me as I flew away, confident in what I had become. I returned for a moment to the shell of a home that once belonged to those humans who originally gave birth to me. Zipping through the rubble, I found the box that I was looking for. Grabbing it, I shot up and into the sky, knowing I’d never return. Landing hundreds of miles away on a deserted island, I threw the box down onto the sand. Taking very little effort to concentrate now, I focused on the box. A laser beam of hot energy shot from my eyes and began to ignite the top of the box. Noticing that the intense heat was doing nothing, I turned up the concentrated energy over and over again until even I was sweating, the sand below where it sat melting and turning to glass. Turning it up once again, the box was inundated with pulses of nearly the strongest energy I could create without destroying everything on Earth. I watched as the Box began to blacken, then smoke, and then begin to burn. I grinned as more of the wooden surface began to catch fire. Eventually, as a deep hole began to burrow into the side, magenta smoke began to billow out and into the sky, taking on the form of The Man I had first seen only days prior, though it felt like years. Again, he didn’t speak with his mouth, but through the use of his mind. “You have pierced a hole between your dimension and mine calling me back. I have granted you two of your three desires… the third to be released upon you in a few hours… what meaning do you see behind this?” “Your wish granting ability sucks, and I don’t like the idea of you granting my desires without my input. I demand a redo with me being consulted. If you don’t, I will do everything in my power to destroy the box.” “Destruction of the box would destroy my dimension killing millions.” “Ah well. Give me what I want. It’s your choice.” A long moment passed before he spoke. “What desire do you wish for me to fulfill?” “What you’ve done to me…what you’ve released in me… you’ve driven me crazy with power. I can’t get enough of it. I want more… I want it all. I want what I am now to be a mere insignificance to what I’ll become. I want ALL power. I want to be Power Supreme… but not tied to anything or trapped… I want every piece of power flowing through me and I am its conduit.” “That desire can not be fulfilled due to what danger it would pose to all existence.” “Then the box will be destroyed.” I focused my eyes and the box and began to ignite it again. “No!!! The box must never be destroyed. It is but one pathway into my dimension… and there are millions into various other dimensions. “They give me what I want. I don’t give a fuck about the rest of existence.” I stood looking at him. I was so much larger than his pathetic frame… more masculine… more powerful. He was envious of what I had become and he was jealous. That was why he wouldn’t give me what I wanted. “The box can not be destroyed.” “I promise… if you give me what I want… the box will survive.” “Although my kind will never again return to this dimension because of what you will become… the box must stay whole.” “You have my word. Now do it.” “Name your desire. Give it life.” “I want to be a conduit of all power from every universe. I want it to flow into me until I am only power!” “As you desire.” As soon as The Man spoke, I heard the bells peel, but this time they were extremely loud… louder than they had ever been. The peel shook me to my very core and caused a vibration to be set off through my entire body. Where before it was only one or two chimes, this time they seemed to be never ending, rising in pitch and intensity. I could feel the sand vibrating beneath my feet as a hot wind circled my body. I could see The Man watching me as the wind grew stronger, my dark hair whipping around my head. “More! Give me more! Give me everything at your disposal!! I want everything!!!” The Man lifted his hands and a current of dark energy transferred from his hands to mine. “More!! I know you have more!! I want it all!!” The current bent and split, the dark energy entering my hands and heart. “MORE!!! GIVE ME EVERY PIECE OF POWER IMAGINABLE!!!!” The ground shook as the current arched and split again, this time entering my hands, heart, and head. Every fragment of my body burned as the power of billions of universes was being forced into me. I started to laugh hysterically, and as I did, I heard my voice drop lower and lower and lower. This made me laugh even more, but now the sound was simply an almighty bellow that echoed all around me. “YES!!!!!” When I spoke, my voice caused the very ground I stood on to shake. “GIVE ME EVEN MORE POWER THAN I CAN HANDLE!!!” I felt The Man’s output of energy intensify even further as I demanded it. My body trembled as I ingested more and more. Looking at him, I could see that he now looked older… weaker…. He was feeding me every ounce of the Universes power including his own. I began to move toward him, the current moving quicker from him into me. Reaching out my arms, I wrapped my hands around his waist and lifted him into the air. This contact caused him to shake as well, as the power I was being fed grew more intense. “GIVE ME ALL OF IT!! EVERYTHING!! I DEMAND IT!!! GIVE ME THE POWER OF EVERY UNIVERSE IN EXISTENCE!!!” “You will drown! You will burn up! No one can handle that much!” “TRY ME!!! YOU ASKED ME TO MAKE MY DESIRE. I WANT THE POWER OF EVERY UNIVERSE IN EXISTANCE TO FILL ME. I DON’T SIMPLY WANT EVERY UNIVERSES POWER… I WANT TO BE EVERY UNIVERSE!!!! GIVE ME MY DESIRE!! NOW!!!! “To have the power of every universe within you and to be every universe!! As… you… desire!!!” Doubting his words, I pulled him toward me and wrapped my hands around him. All the Earth shook as I forced every ounce of unlimited power into my own body. I pressed him further into me and began to feel his body begin to be ingested by my own. I heard him scream as a deluge of energy burst into my body. He fought well, but eventually my demand was too much, and my body consumed him, his matter joining with mine. The ground all over the world still trembled as I released a roar that could be heard on many different continents. Trails of energy shot out of my mouth and into the cosmos. I tried to walk, but found it impossible to move my own body. It felt so heavy and anchored to the ground. I grit my teeth and attempted to lift my own leg, but I seemed rooted to the ground by a force that was refusing to let me go. What have you done to me??? From within, I began to feel an odd sensation… almost like indigestion after eating an extremely spicy meal. My stomach felt queasy at the same time as feeling like I had butterflies. Every few minutes, I could feel a force moving within my body, like it was waking up after a long sleep. My stomach lurched suddenly, and with a belch, I released a small amount of power back into the universe. It floated around my head like a group of mosquitoes, darted right and then left, then quickly hurled itself at me and returned inside by route of my nose. Again, I felt something surge within me, but this time moving downward rather than up. In my feet, I began to have this intense feeling of tightness that lasted for a minute or so, and then faded away. I tried to lift my feet, but as before I found it impossible, as it felt as if more mass than before had been forced into them. Suddenly, and without any warning, I felt movement again, the sudden grip of tightness, a loud pop, and then this intense feeling of expansion that lasted for longer than a minute. In awe, I watched my bare feet begin to lengthen and slide across the sand, quickly growing from size 10’s to size 15’s. The sensation rested for a minute or so, but came back quickly with more force than before. Soon my feet grew both longer and thicker, taking up much more space. When the sensation faded, I tried to understand what was happening to me. What had I asked for? It all seemed like a blur. I raced through my thoughts. I had asked for all of the power in every universe, and The Man had filled me with it. I knew I was now more God than man, and I could feel that as each minute passed, I was changing more and more… And now…. Fuck!!!! My feet cracked loudly again as they grew. My ankles looked comically tiny compared to my augmenting feet, and trying to judge simply by looking at them, I concluded they were now much longer than my own legs! Quickly they grew past the length of my legs, and soon gained on the rest of my body. There was no way possible I could ever lift them anymore. They were simply too ginormous. Another pause, and I could continue my train of thought. All the power of every universe was now contained within my indestructible frame. Nothing could pierce it… nothing could puncture it… nothing was getting in… or out… When the expansion began again, I was ready for it. The pain was more manageable now. It still would drive any mortal man insane..., but I was no longer any mere mortal man. My feet were preposterously large now… each toe longer than my own head… the width of each foot were now twice as much as my own torso. It was then… as if the power had gotten bored with just expanding my feet, that it began on my ankles and calves. Each ballooned and grew slightly larger before coming to rest as before. A pause… though each pause was now becoming fewer and farther between. All the power of every universe held within an indestructible form…. and as they were a part of universes before… they were forever spreading… extending… growing larger and taking up more space. I was now these fathomless powers universe… and as it expanded… I did too! That was when I realized what The Man had done. He had asked me to name my desire, and in my haste, I had done just that. I had wished for all the power of every universe to enter me… and for me to be every universe!! No wonder I could feel my humanity fading away. I was no longer a man… I was now becoming every universe!!! The pause lasted for much less time than before. A wave of dizziness hit me as my calves and ankles began to swell wider. There were five successive cracking sounds which forced my lower legs to stretch taller. In moments I had gone from 9 foot to nearly 9’4. As my calf muscles caught up to my monstrous feet, my quads joined in. Even though I worked out, I had difficulty gaining size in my quads, but now, all that was forgotten. My quads began to swell larger, and then simply exploded with impossible size. As my legs took up more room, they began to closely resemble redwood trees. While my leg muscles expanded, they also kept lengthening until I stood over 12 ft tall. Suddenly, both of my legs began to tremble and quake. My feet quickly grew longer and thicker as they too grew even more muscular. Moving up from my swelling feet, my calf muscles began to take on mammoth proportions. They swelled up so thick that the diamond shape of the two heads began to expand outward on all sides and take up more room over my ankle until it appeared to me that my foot now grew right out of my calves! While my calf muscles mutated and stretched upward toward my kneecaps, a new titanic rumbling sound gave way to further growth of my elephantine quads. As my leg muscles erupted, I let out a deep moan that seemed to cause these very muscles to quadruple in sizes. The lateral and medial muscles of my quads immediately became so swollen that I had to bow my legs out to widen my stance. Each time I did and was able to create a little more room so that my quads wouldn’t rub together, they would quickly take up all available space. In no time at all the rectus emerged as two massive teardrops that dipped over my kneecaps and required me to take a bow-legged and crouched position for comfort. My legs and feet had taken on a most formidable size. I was determined to lift my feet so I could spread my legs and make more room. When I attempted it and was able to do exactly how I wished, I was surprised by how easy it was. As my foot came back down onto the beach, it caused the entire island to shake and for the ocean waves to swell higher. The expansion slowed and paused. I looked out at the beach from a new vantage point as I must have now stood over 13 feet tall. Several trees that stood near me were no longer as high as they once were, and I knew that soon I would rival their height. Then I knew I would grow larger and leave them behind. I had wished for all of the powers of every universe, and that was slowly what I was being transformed into. I was the birth of a new universe. He thought he had tricked me, but he didn’t know that I loved this idea because soon I would be everything. I would be so wide… so immense that I would go on forever. From within me… planets would form… stars… solar systems… black holes. I could feel each growing slowly within me… waiting for me to be large enough to give birth. I felt my backbone crack as I stretched larger, the expansion having now reached my torso. I looked down and took in a world moving further and further away from me. While my torso grew longer, my abdominals proceeded to thicken. Moving my hands to my abs, I couldn’t believe the six-pack mountain range that had taken over my lower torso. Each second my waist and Abs grew larger and tighter, each ab thickening to the point of bursting. As they grew… as the strength in my lower body increased… I couldn’t help begging for more. Minutes flew by as I stretched taller and as each abdominal muscle grew denser and started to fight for more space on my body. The crevices between each segment grew deeper, and soon I found I could hide my whole hand between my own abs!!f. My Adonis belt, something I never had but lusted after in other guys, became even more enhanced as my waist fought to stay tight yet gain more size at the same time. I could easily move my lower half now and found myself moving around my shrinking world. When the pause finally came, I guessed that I now stood at least 15 feet tall. I was more than twice my original height and knew that soon I would surpass that. I tried to comprehend what it meant to be a growing universe as I began to shoot taller again. This time the pause had ended quicker than before so that I could barely cause it a pause. It was become a mere resting period. Soon even that would go by faster and faster as I expanded larger than this globe, than this solar system. As I grew… I would destroy what lay behind me and bring on fresh worlds for a new future. As my torso stretched, I cried out in orgasmic lust as my neck swelled thicker into a Grecian column of muscle. My collarbone and scapula made gruesome cracking noises as they fractured and expanded… growing wider, my arms moving further away from his body. I could feel the inner rhythm of my body pulsing larger and tensing up. Moaning loudly, I felt every molecule in my body cramp and swell, propelling my body to a larger size. Waiting for a pause that never came, I began to hear loud cracking and grinding, and then felt my arms begin to lengthen and my biceps and triceps becoming even more engorged than they had been minutes prior. Lifting my hand up to my face, I watched in awe and self-lust as my hands proceeded to grow thicker and longer. The agony I felt from my growing hands only intensified as my arms proceeded to grow as well. As I lifted my elongating limbs, I was in shock to see how quickly they had grown in such a brief period. They were now currently as long as my own legs and proceeding to grow even longer. I looked closely at my hands from every angle. They had to be nearly four feet long and just as thick. When the brief rest period arrived, I could take in now how truly massive I was becoming. New areas were expanding so fast to catch up with areas that continued to grow. At this moment in time, I had to be at least 18 feet tall and thousands upon thousands of pounds of muscle. When I walked now, no place was safe. It was difficult seeing what was below me, so I stopped caring. Reaching out my insanely muscular right arm, I gripped my hand around a large palm tree trunk, and as if it was made out of Styrofoam, I tore it out of the ground and raised it over my head. I held a 25-foot palm tree in my hand as if it were nothing! Bringing it down, I positioned it like a baseball bat and began to take down all of the trees that were around me. When that was complete, I leaped up and down one time, and watched as trees further inland fell. Marveling at the sheer beauty of how monumental my body was becoming, I gasped as it began to quake and throb again. Filled with more unexpected agony, I first felt and then heard every one of the bones in my body cracking, repairing themselves, and breaking again, only to grow more immense. I could sense that my bones were not only growing longer… they were also becoming something that would be able to hold a universe that would continue to stretch and grow for all time. A material that would be unbreakable and indestructible. I could only laugh at the pain as I welcomed what was to be my future. My mind whirled as I began to truly comprehend what it was that I was metamorphosing into. I was to be God and my body the entire universe. Was this how it was at the very beginning. Did someone else once crave to have all power, and he too began to grow? Looking down, I began to see something that scared and yet thrilled me. Around my titanic legs and waist… I began to see pin pricks of dust and matter beginning to form and revolve around me. The start of new planets and solar systems was already beginning to form around me. I moved my finger down to one and watched it begin to circle that mighty digit. I blew on it, and more matter escaped my mouth and began to swirl around my thick chest. I inhaled deeply, and blew out more and more matter and watched as it began to swirl around my head, my chest, my waist, and my arms. As I lost every ounce of humanity, I clung to the concept of bringing to life worlds that would exist within me. My entire body continued to pulsate in time with my heart. Every muscle in my body was becoming engorged with blood. The noise my body made was deafening as my skin stretched, my bones snapped and lengthened, and my muscles grew more mountainous. As my pecs began to thicken and swell, I could feel a them shift from athletic to highly developed, to pectorals of titanic proportions. Larger and more defined, the two hairy mountains grew so large they began fighting for room on my chest I rose up higher than any tree on the island. I must have stood 25 feet tall… then 30 feet… then 35. As my entire body grew at the same time, the expansion of my body seemed never ending. I moaned loudly as my traps increased in height and depth on either side of my neck. Quickly I found it difficult to move my head from side to side. My neck had become so dense, and muscle bound that there was no way it could ever resemble any neck found in humanity. My traps rose still higher and fused with my neck right above my ears. At the same time, my lats proceeded to widen more and more. My back muscles swelled larger, augmenting themselves until they rose higher up creating what might resemble a muscular turtle shell. My lats widened even further, pushing my arms further away from my body. Below me I could feel the ground starting to quake and give way under my immense weight. Parts of the beach were already beginning to cave in due to the strain of such a powerful force as I was expanded further upward and outward, now more than 50 feet tall. As every bone in my body stretched longer and thicker, shooting me quickly passed 50 ft tall, my shoulders began to extend further from my body. From newly widened shoulders, my traps grew further to create a muscular mountain peak unimaginable until my expansion and ascension. Every second the power within me extended out further, an unstoppable force of destruction and rebirth. My shoulders and my dents grew wider and rounder. My whole body was growing much heavier. My upper back grew even thicker as my traps stretched further up to merge with the back of my head. Never had there been someone of my size and power, and I just kept getting bigger. An inhuman roar erupted out of my body, fire and matter shooting out and igniting the sky before beginning to whirl around my body. My abdominal muscles had begun to cramp and spasm again as the power within me mutated me further. As they expanded even further, they became immense bricks of solid power. I roared again as the power expanded downward and into my cocky and balls. My testicles proceeded to swell and become more monstrous each second, that they lacked description. Both were now simply immense. For miles the churning of my balks could be heard as hundreds of gallons of pure unbridled power built up inside each one. Feeling the heat rising from my power generating testicles, my cock began to harden and then start to grow. As my heart beat, more power was forced into my hardened cock. Thick veins erupted over the surface of my cock, though blood no longer flowed through my veins; only power. My cock grew so hard… harder than it had ever been before… harder and thicker… so much thicker…. Reaching out with my hands, I grabbed onto the monolith that rose from my body, only to discover my hand couldn’t close around it anymore. Each time it swelled longer and thicker, I thought I was going to cum, but I never did. It just kept growing thicker… and thicker… longer… and longer…. until the immense head came into view over my pecs. The puss slit was now so wide… so cavernous. My cock and balls had been reformed into pure generators of power. I now welcomed every change and every sensation my body was giving off. Like the power that lay within every square inch of me, all I craved to do was expand further and fill every possible space. The deserted island I had landed on only an hour before had once seemed so large, yet as I grew, I began to overtake it. As I was propelled past 100 feet… 300 feet.., 500 feet… 1000 feet… 3000 feet…, the island began to crumble and be reclaimed by the ocean. Thick monumental veins erupted over the surface of my body to further feed my form more and more power. My body… was it any longer a body? My body was now so engorged with muscle… so bloated… so tremendous… so beautiful and yet at the same time so grotesque. I was mutating faster now to become exactly what I had desired…. The universe. The expansion was no longer pausing or stopping. The force had gained enough strength and momentum to keep it going forever. My body was now unstoppable. As I grew past 10,000 feet, I could see the pieces of matter that had begun to rotate around me had already started to grow larger and gain more mass. Soon there were more of them as my cock began to leak, giving birth to further galaxies, nebulae, and other planetary expanses. As I expanded past 30,000 feet, I could feel the weather patterns around me begin to change. I was now so heavy from my own muscle mass as well as the expanding power within, that my form was beginning to have its own gravitational pull. I laughed as winds whipped round my body, while debris moved closer together to form planetary orbs. The ground below me shook as sections of the Earth’s crust began to crack. I cared very little that this universe would have to be destroyed so that mine would live. Below me, waves rose due to my intense gravitational pull. Tides rose higher and higher until most islands were totally submerged in water while the coastlines over every continent flooded for hundreds of miles. Both New York and London were completely flooded killing millions. Suddenly, waves of energy reverberated through the planet due to the increasing strength of my own gravitational pull. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were triggered on every part of the globe. The push and pull from the Earth’s gravity and mine caused land masses to buckle and implode upon themselves. As I expanded even more, my gravitational pull grew stronger, causing the rotation of the Earth to slow down. All buildings that had withstood prior destruction fell. Earthquakes grew more extreme below as I felt the first portion of the Earth crack. Minutes later, a great explosion rocked the planet, and then I watched as the blue globe split into five pieces. Floating over the destruction, growing, and spreading faster than ever before, I welcomed the scattering matter into myself. I could feel orgasmic explosions ticking my massive body as suns were formed. I watched as the Moon began to crack just as the Earth had done before it. Soon every planet would fall to my strength and might, then recycled to become a part of me. The only thing that spun through my being that I did not create was a small wooden box that floated through the expanse of my space. Still, I continued to expand. I felt myself become one with every piece of matter that surrounded and lived within me. I found myself wishing life to occur on various planets, and as I commanded it, it occurred. My body expanded through space and time as I became even more than I had ever been. My desire had been granted. I was now Everything. I had control over Everything. Until another rose like I had… I would reign supreme. The universe grinned as it expanded into eternity.
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Hi! Below you'll find the first three chapters of my new story. It's an idea that I've had for a while that's slowly been burning. Let me know what you think. Enjoy! Ark of the Gods Prologue One The Scribe frantically jotted down everything he could remember. Each night, for the past fortnight, he had been visited by The Master, and each night he had given him more specific items to transcribe. The Scribe found that if he didn’t write down everything he remembered, he was unable to eat, sleep, or rest. He lived to write The Master’s Words. Only when it was complete would The Scribe be able to sleep. Thunder shook the ground he sat upon as he wrote. It had been thundering non-stop for three weeks. The battle in the sky would be fought until only one stood. Several had been destroyed already. When only one survived, this world would never been the same. The Scribe didn’t understand anything of what he wrote. The etching was complex. The Master was very specific about each line that was drawn. They must be exact. If they weren’t exact, The Master would surly punish The Scribe with eternal damnation. He would live for all eternity in agony. That is… if The Master survived the battle. The ground shook as lightning rained down on The Earth. The Scribe added the last of the text and knew that it was complete. As he deposited the rolls of Papyrus in to the clay pot, an explosion rocked his hut. Running to the window, he looked out and saw the sky was alive with flames. The entire sky was burning. Running back to the table, The Scribe grabbed the lid. He then took wet clay from a bowl and sealed the lid on top of the pot. Grabbing the pot, The Scribe ran from his hut and into the forest. He needed to get to the location where his Master had instructed him, he must bury the pot. Again, his instructions were very clear. The pot needed to be brought into the cave that was furthest from the sea. He must walk in darkness for 13,000 steps before stopping. At this point, he must dig a hole roughly the height of a human male. Here, he must deposit the pot. Then, he must wait. No man must disturb where the pot was buried. This location… this darkness would be where he was to remain for thousands upon thousands of years. Before entering the cave, The Scribe looked back to see a streak of darkness engulf the sky before it exploded into flames again. The Master knew he would never win this battle… there were too many against him now… but he had a plan. One day… when the world had stopped believing in anything… he would return. He would bring back harmony to the universe through his might. Even in death, The Scribe must protect The Pot. The Master had given him a vision of the one who was destined to find it. Only then would he be able to rest. One day… a man would come… and only he would be able to understand the writing. Only he would be able to unweave the puzzle The Master had created. Only he would be worthy. The Scribe entered the cave just as another explosion rocked the sky. Turning, he saw the mouth covered over with large boulders that had rolled down from the top of the mountain. Now the world was truly dark. Soon… one day… The Master would reign again. Prologue Two A Transcript from The Video Recorded Journal of Dr. Jacob Graham. ACTION: The recording is turned on. Standing directly center is Dr Jacob Graham J.G: The date is October 8th, 2022. The time… 11:02 am. Since I will be an active participant in my own experiment, I have asked my friend, physician, and assistant, Taylor Wagner to develop a recorded account. The Fountain of Youth. A mythical spring that can allegedly restore young to anyone wo drinks or bathes from it. Legends surrounding such a concept can be found in nearly every culture in every civilization. Even before Ponce de Leon, stories of restorative fountain first appeared in the writings of Herodotus in the 5th Century B.C. Legend had it that Alexander the Great drank of it in the 3rd Century, A.D. Similar myths can be found among members of The Crusades and peoples in the Caribbean who their own tales of the mysterious land of Bimini where the Fountain could be found. It was not always a fountain though. Often it was a river, a spring, or a pond that would reverse the aging process and cure the sick. With so many legends and myths build upon this concept… might it perhaps have hints of truth in it? When I discuss the concept of a Fountain of Youth with my peers, I have been told that my yearnings are just that of a 78-year-old man nearing the end of his life. They say I am afraid of death. I say… if we don’t have to die… why should we? My labors have been tireless in the pursuit of The Fountain of Youth. For 37 years I have hunted it. I’ve explored the deep heart of Africa, hidden temples, and valleys in South America, and followed maps that claim to be able to pinpoint exactly where Bimini might be. Each journey has ended in a dead in. That is, until I arrived on the Island of Crete. My search took me to the Cave of Ideon Andron in Psiloritis. It is here, legend spoke, that a man was buried with a map to ‘The Halls of Immortality.’ For six months we excavated the areas surrounding the cave and within its interior. Then, one day, I discovered what I had been looking for. It was there that I discovered The Abbascia Scrolls, so named for the word etched on the bottom of the clay pot they were discovered in. It is assumed that this was the surname of the person who wrote and then hid the 19 scrolls away. Months of translations have let us to where we are today. Behind me you will see The Ark. Standing at 18 feet in heights it was built using both Gold, Bronze, and Iron. The etchings, as you can see here… ACTION: Dr. J.G. approaches The Ark and runs his hands along it. J.G: … they form a complex labyrinth around The Ark. It took metal masons eighteen months to carve the entirety as described. Yes, the design, the etchings, the entire composition was dictated to us by the writer of The Abbascia Scrolls. ‘The Ark,’ it was written, ‘opens the gateway between now and then. The path will be traveled, the sky will be opened, and a renewal will be bathed upon those who enter The Ark.’ A renewal will be bathed upon. Interesting use of words. Of course, this is just a translation, but could The Ark be where the legends of The Fountain of Youth began? As you can see, The Ark also has eight areas where, once again, as dictated, a gem or a diamond has been set. These are Shungite, Amethyst, Howlite, Labradorite, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, and Ruby. Each was cut exactly as described. They are each of a substantial size and the cutting of all took eight to eleven months due to the intricate, and sometimes odd requirements. Abbascia requested sunlight or the most powerful of lights to power The Ark. Here, we have chosen to forgo the use of sunlight and instead use laser light. Once I am placed into The Ark, the lasers will be powered on. The laser beams will travel through the gems, empowering them, and their light will travel down the etched paths that crisscross the Ark. From there… we shall see. ACTION: Dr. J.G. begins to remove his tie, his dress shirt, his trousers, his socks, and his underwear. He stands before the camera, naked. J.G: I have gone into this journey with my eyes open. What I am about to undertake… this has been through my own design. No matter what happens… even if I should die… it was by my own hands and no one else. ACTION: Dr. J.G. moves toward The Ark. Assistant Oliver Maynard swings the large metallic door open. J.G. takes his place inside. Just before the door is shut, there is a commotion as four men enter the room. One is recognizable as Anthony Williams, late 60’s, and head of The Foundation. The other three are silent and wear black turtlenecks and trousers with dark sunglasses. A.W holds up his hand. A.W: Why didn’t you alert The Foundation that you were ready to start trials on The Ark? J.G: I have no need to inform you of anything. A.W: Grab him. Remove him from The Ark. ACTION: One of the Men in Black move forward and forcefully take the naked Jacob Shephard out of The Ark. A.W: Did you think I would allow you to test The Ark without me being present. J.G: Then let’s stop this foolishness. You can remain, just let me go. A.W: You want to test The Ark on yourself? No. I could never let that happen. What if you were to die in there? How would I get a return on my investment? No… we need a better option. J.G: You? A.W: Don’t be ridiculous. I’m not risking my life… not until I know it works. No. How about… You. ACTION: A. W points to one of The Men in Black. K.M: Yes, sir. A.W: Approach me. ACTION: Man 1 has been identified as Kirk Mason. He moves toward Anthony Williams. K.M: Yes, sir. A.W: Your name? K.M: Kirk Mason. A.W: Age? K.M: 52. A.W: Perfect. How long have you been with The Foundation. K.M: Three months. A.W: Wonderful. You won’t be missed. Take off your clothes. J.G: Don’t be ridiculous, Anthony. You can’t put a stranger in The Ark. He doesn’t know the risks. A.W: I’d use your assistant, Jacob, but if it works, I wouldn’t want a fetus on our hands. Do you understand the risks, Mason? This could either kill you… or make you young again. K.M: Fuck A.W: I’ll take that as a yes. ACTION: Kirk Mason proceeds to remove his dark glasses and places them in the pockets of his trousers. Next to be removed are his black turtleneck, shoes, and black trousers. He stands 5’10 and 190 lbs. of fat covered muscle. His silver hair is trimmed in a traditional high and tight fade. It is obvious to viewers that he was hired for his brawn. K.M proceeds to remove his black socks and his briefs. A.W: Go stand in The Ark, Mason. ACTION: K.M moves across the room and enters the metallic Ark. He turns around and faces front. J.G: Don’t do this, Anthony. I’m begging you. A.W: You brought this on yourself, Jacob… keeping secrets. How could you think I wouldn’t find out. Close the door. ACTION: Oliver Maynard looks over at J.G, who after a moment signals him to shut the door. When finished, he pulls down a large lever that locks the door. A.W: No matter what happens… you let it go to completion. ACTION: The camera performs a close-up of The Ark. Here Taylor Wagner begins to film one of the gems and then travels down one of the complex paths. A.W: Can you hear me in there? VOICE K.M: All set in here, sir. A.W: Perfect. We can proceed. VOICE O.M: We’re in position, Taylor… Dr. Graham. Do you wish for me to continue? A.W: You will continue. VOICE T.W: Trial of The Ark begins at 11.16 am. Within is… Kirk Mason. Witnesses are me, Dr. Jacob Shepherd, Andrew Besser, Oliver Maynard, and… three members of The Foundation. J.G: Please stop this, Anthony. A.W: Start up The Ark. ACTION: The camera pulls back and takes in the entirety of The Ark. A low hum can be heard coming from it. Moments later a gem begins to glow green, and the first path is illuminated. Two other gems follow, one path is green, the other blue. The camera picks up K. M’s voice from within The Ark. VOICE K.M: Fuck… it’s… wow… incredible… The light… making patterns in here… swirling around each other… forming… what looks to be… roots… J.G: Roots? ACTION: Another gem begins to glow, and the path is illuminated in orange. Another path is illuminated, and then a purple. A second green gem is ignited and forms a path followed by the large white diamond. The white path from the diamond quickly travels around the ark. Each light proceeds to get brighter and brighter. The Ark creates one solo bright light. VOICE K.M: Its… yes!!! The energy!! You can’t imagine…. The energy… going into me… my whole body’s so alive! A.W: More! We’re almost there!! Move it to full power! Now!!! Now!!! Now!!! ACTION: The hum of the machine grows louder. The lights of the gems and the paths intensify until what appears to be comets of light begin to travel around The Ark. This new materialization of light causes a howling sound as they move faster and faster around The Ark. VOICE K.M: My body… my mind… traveling… going to places… I… I don’t understand! ACTION: There is a loud explosion as the diamond bursts into flame and begins to melt. The white path of the diamond that wraps around the ark also manifests itself in flame. The liquid diamond quickly moves over the indentation, covering The Ark. Within seconds, every gem explodes sending liquid fire down each indentation of metal. Moments later, the entire Ark is engulfed in red, white, green, purple, and orange flames. From within, we hear K.M laughing hysterically. VOICE K.M: Yes!! Yes!! This is it!!! Yes!! Oh my God! The roots… their moving around each other… coming together… The energy… it’s… it’s burning me!!!! ACTION: Another explosion rocks the floor as the various colored comets begin to whip even faster around The Ark. The comets then begin crashing into The Ark repeatedly which causes the flames to rise higher upon and around The Ark. Screams from K. M can be heard from within. Taylor Wagner sets the camera down on a table and tentatively approaches The Ark. From the way he is standing, his body arching away from it, the flames and temperature appear to be extremely intense. Dr. Jacob Shepherd runs up to stand next to him. Andrew Besser runs in from the right carrying a large red fire extinguisher and blanket. He throws the blanket at Taylor who begins to hit The Ark with it. Andrew steps back, removes the safety pin, and points the hose at The Ark. As he presses the operating levers a flare of white light erupts from The Ark and sets the extinguisher itself ablaze. Andrew drops it onto the floor. Another loud explosion. J.G: The Ark!! It’s melting!!! Where’s Oli? A.B: Hopefully calling the Fire Department!! ACTION: Dr. Gerald, Andrew and Taylor move back as the colored blaze grows hotter and brighter. A massive crack in The Ark appears, and flames begin to shoot out of fissure. Dr. Shepherd runs toward The Ark. T.S: Dr. Shepherd. Get back… it’s going to blow!!! J.G: I hope you’re happy, Anthony. I won’t be put in jail for his death… you will!! ACTION: From the fissure, a thick gelatinous fluid begins to drip onto the floor. The whole structure of the Ark begins to quake. The noise is deafening. The flames engulf the entire structure till it is impossible to see what lays beneath as it is engulfed by a tornado of colored flames. Dr. Graham attempts to move toward The Ark to retrieve a sample of the fluid that has leaked out. A flare of flame breaks free of The Ark igniting Dr. Graham’s face and body. Taylor runs up to him with the fire blanket and attempts to put it out. Anthony Williams moves across the room, speaks quietly to the two additional men, and as a group, they exit. Suddenly, the inferno grows larger and larger until an explosion is heard. The immense pulse short circuits the camera causing the screen to go black. End of Transcript. For Secure Eyes Only. INTERLUDE I Kirk Mason is naked. He walks alone through the metal labyrinth. He doesn’t remember how he got here. There is complete silence. Even his bare walking on dirt do not make a sound. As he walks, he runs his hand along the metal. Cold, he thinks. He comes to the end of the path and moves to his right. How long has he been walking? It must be hours if not days. Then, for the first time, he hears a voice: “Yes. Your coming was foretold to me in the first dream.” Chapter One Taylor walked up the front door of the old warehouse that held Dr. Graham’s laboratory with a plastic shopping bag and paused. Looking behind him, he assured himself that no one was watching or had followed him. I’m acting ridiculous, Taylor thought. Why would anyone follow me? Though… he has, in the past, believed he was being followed. It was right after Jacob hired him. He had told The Captain the next day, but he brushed it off and told Tayler not to be such an alarmist. Who would be following him? Later that afternoon though, Tayler did walk in on Anthony Williams, Head of the Foundation, and Jacob having an argument. As soon as he had seen Tayler, Jacob had slammed the door and lowered the blinds. Tayler told himself that he had just been feeling jittery and paranoid. No one had been following him then… and no one was following him now. Taylor moved to the retina scan, looked deep within the red light, heard the door unlock, and let himself in. As he was shutting it, he did give the street in front of his warehouse a once over to see if there was anything he should be aware of. There was nothing. No one had used this warehouse park in years. No one had any reason to be here. No one was following him. Standing in what would have been the reception area when the warehouse was used for its true purpose, Taylor paused to listen if he was able to detect any hint of noise. Nothing. Good. Hopefully he was asleep. He moved quietly into the kitchen and placed the bag of canned protein shakes on the counter. Removing two cans from the bag and leaving the other five, he turned and went down the long corridor to where the break room and the room where Dr. Graham had set up cots if they all needed to work around the clock. Moving to this room, he looked in and found that it was empty. Moving a tad quicker now, he crossed over to the bathroom where he found Kirk Mason, naked, sitting on the counter near the wash basin, looking intently at himself in the mirror. “Look. I told you to remain in the other room.” “If you saw me in a bar… how old would you think I am?” “I don’t know… 24…25… younger than me. It’s crazy.” “I can’t believe that piece of shit actually worked.” “We thought you were dead. We all did.” The young man looked exactly like the man Taylor remembered seeing, except younger… much… much younger. He was trimmer now… tighter. There didn’t appear to be an ounce of fat on him. His skin appeared… reinvigorated… his muscles pumped and ready. The only differences between this guy and his new incarnation were the lack of hair on any inch of his body, and the newly knotted umbilical cord Taylor had cut and knitted himself a few hours prior. Taylor handed the two cans to Kirk. “Drink. Both of them.” Kirk takes the cans begrudgingly from Taylor, opens one, and takes a big gulp. Damn, it tasted good. He took another large gulp. “Tell me again how you found me.” “I need to call and find out how Dr. Graham is doing.” “The one guy… he said he was burned to a crisp.” “Yeah. This whole day is one fucking mess. He’s in a coma. Now, You need to sleep.” “Tell me again how you found me.” “Go rest!” “I can’t rest! I’m wide awake. I’m wired. Tell me.” Taylor took a deep breath. “If you go lie down… I’ll tell you.” “Fine!” Like a spoiled teenager, Kirk pushed his way out of the bathroom, walked down the long corridor, moved into the room where the cots had been placed, and over to where the cots had been place, and threw himself down on the bed. “There. Now. Tell me.” “I don’t fully understand what happened. Everything seemed to be going according to plan. Then suddenly, it all went out of control. Each of the gems began to glow brighter and brighter… then they began to melt. Liquid fire the color of each of the gems began to travel around The Ark. we could hear you inside… you were talking about how beautiful the lights were.” “I remember… I could see them. The lights were moving around my body. It was like they wre alive…” Kirk’s 7-inch cock began to harden. “That’s been happening a lot recently.” “Hell. You’re in your twenties. What do you expect.” Taylor could see Kirk’s cock harden further till it was standing a ridged 90 degrees from his body. It’s been years since my cocks gotten that hard… if it ever did. “The flames… no… they were move then flames… they moved… like they were alive. They moved faster and faster… the flames rose higher and hotter. Andrew approached The Ark with a fire extinguisher… but… it attacked him. I know it sounds crazy… but it did. It acted like it didn’t want the flames to be put out.” Taylor could still see it all as if it happened only seconds before. He could feel the heat… hear the flames… hear the screams of the man he thought was melting with The Ark. “We tried to get to you… but the flames wouldn’t let us move closer. Oli ran to call The Fire Department… we have shit signal in the main lab. That’s when The Ark cracked open… when Dr. Graham first noticed the fluid leaking from The Ark. He leaned down to touch it… and when he did… they attacked him. One second, he was fine… and then next… it was like someone had poured lighter fluid all over his body and lit a match. Even with the fire blanket it was hard to put it out. Then… the flames moved into themselves… and The Ark exploded. Except… it didn’t.” Taylor could see it all replaying in his mind. “The room… the room was still. All I could smell was burning, but it wasn’t the room… it was the man I had covered in a fire blanket. The rest of the room… The Ark… there were no flames… no heat… No smoke. Nothing was on fire. No part of the lab was scorched. The Ark had split open and had begun to melt… and the gens no longer existed… but that was all. The firemen arrived… but the only thing that appeared to have been on fire was Dr. Shepherd. An ambulance arrived and when they miraculously found he was alive, they took him away immediately.” Kirk had finished the second can of protein shake. Taylor went over to the kitchen counter and grabbed the bag with the additional and handed them to him. “I asked one of the firemen to use and ax and split The Ark open. I wanted your body… maybe you had family. I don’t know. That’s when we found you… suspended… attached to a thick umbilical cord like a baby… and this chord was attached to eight other roots… all forming from exactly where the gens had been. You were engulfed in thick embryonic fluid. You were just hanging there… suspended.” “I was alive.” Kirk drank the third can in five quick gulps and grabbed for another. “Wonder if this new body is going to require a larger calorie intake.” Kirk opened a Strawberry and took three large gulps. “I’ve gotten so used to watching everything I ate.” Taylor watched the man drain the can dry. “There are plenty. Don’t worry. I’m not going to take it away from you!” Kirk popped open a can of chocolate protein shake. “We clawed at the fluid… grabbed at it until it began to give way. Finally, we were able to reach you. You screamed out when I cut the cord.” Kirk opened the fourth. “You don’t remember any of this?” “I don’t remember anything till I woke up in here. What I do remember is… waking up and thinking… it’s bullshit.” Kirk drank from the can as if it were a beer and he was dying of thirst. “Tell me. We need to keep records of everything.” “I felt like you had ripped me from my mother’s stomach… her womb…” “By womb… you mean The Ark.” “I guess I do.” Kirk finished the fourth can, belched, and threw it on the floor. “What time is it?” “It’s… 6.30 pm.” “I need to get home. Where are my clothes.” Kirk stood up and moved to exit the large breakroom. “Where do you think you’re going?” “I need to go home. I have shit to do. Where’s my phone… my keys.” “You’re not going home. Not tonight. You need to be under observation. We need to study you… blood tests… X-rays… ultrasounds. We need to make sure you’re okay.” Kirk leaped from the bed and onto the floor in one quick movement, and began to do burpees, one right after each other. “Does this look like someone who needs to be observed? I’ve never felt so alive. I didn’t even feel this amazing in my twenties!! I could do this all night and never get winded! No aches… No back pain… only continuous energy.” Kirk stopped and stood before Taylor. He grinned and began to flex his tight muscles. “I can’t wait to go to the gym… or for a jog… or mountain climb. Everything I’ve stopped doing over the last ten years.” “You should take it easy. Let me take a few vials of blood… make sure you’re as young on the inside as you are on the outside.” “Look, I appreciate it. You worry. I’ll tell you what. You can take as many vials of blood as you need. You can perform test after test. Tomorrow. Tonight, I’m going home, and I’m going to fuck a hot guys tight ass over and over and over again. I can’t tell you how horny I am. It’s driving me crazy!” Just talking about sex caused Kirk’s penis to harden once again. He has the sex-drive of a teenager, Taylor thought. “Everything appears normal…” “Except I’m completely bald.” “Yeah. There is that.” “I had a great head of hair. Think it will grow back?” “Honestly… I just don’t know. Dr. Graham was the expert, and even then we were shooting in the dark. Everything was an unknown. You’re an unknown.” “I still feel like me… only…” “Younger.” “Not only younger. There’s something else. It’s like I’m improved. Perfected. I noticed that too.” Kirk moved over to the bag and removed another protein shake. Fuck, he was hungry! When he got out of here, he was going to stop off and order two… not three pizzas to eat. “When I was in the bathroom… looking in the mirror… I recognized myself and I didn’t. Sounds dumb, I’m sure. How can I not recognize myself.” Kirk drank from the can. Yeah. When he got out of here… he had a lot of shit he wanted to do with this new body. “Follow me. I want to see one thing.” Taylor moved past Kirk and walked down the hallway and into the main laboratory that housed The Ark. Taylor hated the sight of it. He wanted to destroy it… melt it down… forget it had even existed. If Jacob died… he’d torch this whole place. He looked behind and saw Kirk was directly at The Ark. “It seems… dead.” Kirk walked up to the metal structure and placed his hands on it; feeling the cold. “Step onto this platform.” Kirk did as he was told. The quicker he got this over with, the faster he could leave. Taylor went to a computer and tapped in a few commands. “This is going to enable me to see your current statistics. I wish we could have done this before you went in… but… you were a little bit of a surprise.” “Hell. It was a surprise for me as well.” Kirk’s statistics appeared on the computer. “Currently you are 5’10, 178 lbs.….” Kirk moved over to the computer. “Really? I haven’t been 178 in twenty years!! Believe me, it gets harder to lose fat when you get old like me.” “What were you before?” “230.” “Huh. Now, this is where it gets interesting. With measuring a body, each side is never a mirror image of itself. There are always discrepancies. But… with you… the computer is saying that that just isn’t so. Both of your biceps: 16 inches. Your waist: 33 inches. Your feet: Size 11. Your chest: 43 inches. Your neck: 16 inches. Your shoulders: 53 inches. Your stats… they’re… well… they’re perfect. They’re the ideal man. Did you have those stats before?” “I was in great shape for my age. I’d always been muscular. Pretty strong. But you know. Too many McDonalds… to many miss gym sessions. The fat piles on. I noticed another thing when I was in the bathroom. There’s not one mark on me… not one mole… nothing. I used to have several beauty marks on my right thigh. Gone. I had a scar right here where I had surgery on my leg. Gone. Nothing. It’s like… that machine didn’t just make me younger… it…made me perfect.” Taylor watched Kirk walk over to the glass jar that was sitting on the table. “That’s the fluid you were encased in. Its embryonic fluid.” “Where did it come from? “Great question. No recollection?” Kirk stared at the jar trying to remember. “I don’t know. I can kind of remember watching the lights moving around each other… forming what looked like tree branches… then they came together into one main root… it moved around me… then entered me… attaching itself to me.” Kirk winced and doubled over as he felt a sharp pain coming from his crotch. Taylor leaped up and was at his side. “What’s wrong?” Kirk laughed as the pain faded away. “It’s nothing. I think I just drank these too fast. Bothered my stomach a little. That was my first meal… remember!” Kirk felt the pain rise up again but hid it from Taylor. It was even worst this time, but he continued smiling at the guy he had just met. “Maybe… maybe I should consider getting dressed. Where did you put my clothes.” “They’re right over there.” Taylor pointed to the pile of black clothes that had been kicked into a corner. “Great. I need to piss before I get dressed. I’ll be right back.” Kirk moved to leave the room. “Wait. Let me take some blood first. It will take three seconds.” Taylor knew that he couldn’t keep the man here and wanted to get samples just in case he didn’t come back again. “It can’t wait? I need to piss.” Again, the pain. Kirk wanted to grab onto his cock… hold it still… it was like someone was driving needles into it. He just wanted to get away from Taylor and into the bathroom. “Come over here. I’ll just grab a couple of vials and a vacutainer. If you need to piss, I can also get a urine sample.” Taylor moved over to another desk and gathered his supplies. Kirk sat in the chair and looked down at his burning cock. Lifting it to take a better look… he watched as thin pieces of skin began to quickly grow up from his circumcision scar. The pain intensified as he felt skin cells reproduce repeatedly. He could see that Taylor was close to grabbing everything that he needed. If he sees this, he thought, I’ll never leave. They’ll experiment on me! moving down below. Quickly he stood up. “I… I really need to…” Kirk buckled over as the pain began to magnify. Kirk looked down at his cock and saw that it was starting to get hard again. Taylor ran quickly over to Kirk and sat him down in the seat. “What is it? Tell me.” “Cock… my cock. It’s… fuck! Growing… foreskin!!” Taylor looked down and watched as new skin began to grow around and over the ridge of Kirk’s cock head and moving up. The burning had intensified, but Kirk was in too much awe to care. He moved his finger along the thin skin. “It feels so smooth… so warm… like a newborns skin.” Kirk could feel his cock getting even harder as the skin thickened slightly and tightened around the head. “This… it’s insane.” As the skin grew longer and thicker, Kirk experienced a spasm running through his cock into his balls. Without realizing it, he let out a low guttural, “Fuck.” From within the base of his cock, Kirk felt a new sensation; a tearing… a ripping… a splitting as his penis swelled and shot a wad of pre out of his slit. Kirk attempted to stand up, but again he felt the swelling an again his cock released another large wad of pre. “Need… toilet… relieve myself… I need… so fuckin horny… FUCK!!!!” Both men watched as Kirk’s foreskin grew even longer until his whole head was covered, and it drooped down over the top of his hard penis. As the skin became more substantial, sturdier, less like a baby and more like an adult’s foreskin, it also began to adopt a darker olive tone to match Kirk’s own skin. Kirk couldn’t help himself, and stroked the covered head, feeling the tenderness beneath the skin. Pre-come continued to leak from his slit and coated the head with tender lubricant as his foreskin grew further in length. Kirk leaned back in the chair and grit his teeth as an extremely intense wave of pleasure and pain expanded through his cock and balls followed by a large throbbing. Looking down again, Kirk took in the sight of his erect penis; harder than it had ever been his life. The foreskin pulled away from the head revealing a thicker, more bulbous head then he remembered having. Pre was dripping continuously from the slit now while the shaft throbbed and bobbed under its erect weight. Something was off though… something different…. Kirk felt a large throb grip his penis and felt the sensation as if more blood was being forced into the shaft. In awe, he watched his cock flex… rip… and swell thicker. Kirk threw his head back and let out a lewd moan. “Cock… thicker… growing…”. Another spasm forced Kirk’s cock to swell further. “That’s impossible!” “I know my own cock! I’ve always been six… FUCK!!!!” Kirk took in a deep breath and looked down just in time to see his shaft inch thicker and longer. “Look at it!!!” Taylor watched with an open mouth as Kirk’s penis proceeded to grow longer and fatter, the head flexing to become even meatier. Taylor could smell the waves of sweat coming from Kirk’s body. The man was trying to speak but found it difficult while gripped in the throes of his cock growing. Another surge… and again the cock grew longer… more impressive… the head had now swelled larger than the shaft. How big is it, Taylor thought, seven inches… seven and a half? Kirk let out another orgasmic moan as his penis swelled again. A huge grin formed on Kirk’s face as he felt it stretch longer. “Each beat of my heart… each beat forcing in more blood, Taylor… forcing it thicker… longer…. I wish you could feel how… fuck… how incredible this feels! Here comes another…”. Kirk groaned as his cock grew even larger than it had been before. It must be over… what…eight inches, Taylor thought. As if receiving an answer to his own question Taylor watched as Kirk’s cock began to swell and lengthen at an alarming rate. So thick, Taylor thought, I don ‘t think I’d be able to wrap my hand around it! “Spreading to my balls… filling up… stretching larger…” Kirk’s knees shook as he felt a stabbing sensation in both of his balls, a deep throbbing and then a hard tug as both of his testicles swelled larger. Moving his hand down to his tightened sack, he felt what had once been average in volume testicles inflate larger. An orgasm built up in his bigger balls, weighing them down in his hairless sack. The intensity mounted. Rigorously, Kirk began stroking the head with his hand, becoming more away of how sensitive the head was becoming. Pulling back the foreskin, he was surprised to see the head had become a much lighter pink color, absent of any grooves, or creases it had always had in the past. Stroking the head further, he could feel it become even smoother and slicker in his hand until he could barely touch it as it was becoming far too sensitive Kirk reached for his cock and was amazed that his fingers didn’t meet it was too thick. Kirk began to breathe faster and quicker as his cock grew in leaps and bounds. Looking at how immense it was becoming; Taylor was positive that he could see Kirk’s pulse in the thick tubular vein that traveled from his pelvis and up his shaft to the head. Kirk grabbed his cock and slowly began to stroke it. “After… after jerking this for 40 something years… this feels so new… so unlike anything I’ve ever encountered before.” Kirk groaned again as his cock flexed, swelled, and grew further, sending a tablespoon sized wad of precum flying onto the floor. The entire laboratory was filling up with the smell of cum and musk permeating from Kirk’s enlarged testicles. They themselves had grown past egg sized to now resemble something more like plums. They pulsed in Kirk’s sack prepared to spread their seed. “Skin… skin so tight… Shaft so fat!!! How… how much bigger can it get!!” Kirk let loose a guttural laugh along with another was of pre as he started to stroke the shaft more vigorously as the entire thing grew more immense. “Pulsing… pulling… throbbing… stretching!! So heavy! I never imagined a cock could grow to be so heavy! Something…Taylor… something…”. Kirk sat up with a new shock in his eyes. “Something… something…”. Kirk groaned loudly and pushed as if he were giving birth. Over and over this continued as Taylor watched the immense cock grow even more monstrous. What was once 8 inches grew to 9 and then to 10. Kirk’s testicles pulsed faster as they too swelled larger. Kirk grabbed on to the shaft and began to maniacally stroke it faster and faster. His other hand grabbed his sack and began to massage his tender balls. An endless river of pre was now flowing continuously from Kirk’s cock head which also proceeded to swell thicker. Kirk was panting faster now. “Burning… throbbing… thicker… longer…” Kirk laughed hysterically as he looked down and watched the entire thing growing all at once… his glans inflating thicker than the shaft. His mania grew until he began to buck his hips into the air and began to fuck his own hand. Harder and harder he jerked until a massive spasm forced his cock to explode even larger. Letting go of his own cock, Kirk felt his entire body fill with more and more power until it finally burst from him. Kirk cried out as cum began to be fired from his cocky over and over. Taylor watched as rope after rope exploded onto the walls, the floor, the desks, and onto himself. It seemed never ending. Eventually after twenty or so convulsions, it began to slow down. Kirk collapsed into the chat panting for breath. He could feel the weight of his still hard cock and was amazed how heavy the whole thing felt. “Grab a tape measure. Tell me how big I am now. Kirk’s voice had deepened slightly and had more of a commanding tone than it ever did before. “Go on! Grab me a tape measure.” Taylor ran to another desk where he knew they had other measuring paraphernalia. Eventually he found one in the second drawer of Oli’s desk. Running back over to Kirk, he was amazed to find that his cock was leaking pre again and looked slightly larger than when he had left it only minutes before “Come on. Measure me.” Taylor leaned over and placed one end of the tape measure near the root of Kirk’s cock and trailed it down the shaft and up and over the head. At the very tip, he looked down. “10.10.” “Nearly 11”. And around?” Taylor moved the strip and carefully extended it around the thick shaft. “7.4” “Yes. Have you ever seen a cock this monumental, Taylor?” “No… never.” How inadequate his own 8.5-inch cock now felt. “I feel such a connection with my cock now… like this is a part of the true me. I was always meant to have a cock this size… this powerful.” Kirk moaned slightly and closed his eyes. “Measure it again, Taylor. I can feel it’s still growing. It’s slowing down… but still going.” Taylor measured the length again… “10.11… 11.1… 11.3… fuck… 11.5! This can’t be possible! As he held the tape measure to the edge of Kirk’s cock, he would see it jump longer and thicker. “11.8 now… 11.10” “Width” Again, Taylor wrapped the tape measure around Kirk’s shaft only to find it even thicker than it had been prior. “7.10.” “In a few minutes I’m going to blow again. You may want to get a container. That way you can take a cum sample from me. Oh yeah…growth still going… but I can feel it fading slowly away. Measure it. Like a faithful servant, Taylor did as he was told. 12.3… by… fuck… 8.3” Kirk began to stroke his new monstrous cock. “This is only the beginning, Taylor. Quickly I’m far superior to any man alive. It’s like I’m evolving. You guys thought that was The Fountain of Youth; but it’s giving me more than that. It gave birth to something much much more.” Kirk closed his eyes and focused on stroking his cock. He is changing, Taylor thought, but when this is over… what will he be? What is the next step in his evolutionary chain? Taylor shivered as Kirk’s cock swelled and lengthened further. “Measure it.” Taylor kneeled down and placed the tape measure once again. “It’s… It’s 12.6 by 8.5” “Good boy.” Taylor felt a hand pressing on the back of his head. “Suck it.” INTERLUDE II “Your coming was foretold to me in the first dream. I never before had need for foresight before that. Then came the first sleep and the first dream.” Kirk heard the voice from everywhere, both inside and outside of him. The walls echoed with the voice. He tried to move closer to where the voice was coming from, but it was coming from all directions. “I have a proposal for you… one you should not take lightly.” Chapter Two Kirk turned his Jeep onto Highway 74. Looking out the windscreen, he was amazed that he was able to drive now without the use of glasses. He had never needed glasses until he hit 40. After that, it was a fast downward slope. At least he didn’t need to wear glasses all the time; only when he drove or when he read. Then, he slipped them on when no one would see. Yeah, yesterday everything would have been a blur whizzing past… yet today… the world had become crisper and clearer than ever before. He felt his cock begin to stir. It was easily aroused now and would be willing and eager to perform its duties at a moment’s notice. Kirk massaged the thick shaft though his black trousers. When he got dressed, he realized that there was no way he was going to fit into his briefs; everything was just too big now. When he got his balls in, his shaft would never fit. Taylor offered his boxers, but that was just as bad, so he opted on going commando. Sure, the crotch looked obscene, but it would have to wait until he could go shopping for new jeans and underwear. By the time Taylor had finished giving him incredible head, Kirk’s cock was a staggering 12.8 by 8.8. When completely soft, it was a whopping 9 inches; 4 inches longer when soft than his original cock had been when erect. He couldn’t wait to get home and introduce Hunter to his new cock. They were going to have a lot of fun tonight. Maybe Maybe I should stop off at the drug store and buy lube… not sure how much I have left, and I will definitely be hunting for ass on Scruff and Grinder tonight. How long had it been since he had sex… a year… maybe more. Even jerking hadn’t thrilled him and he found himself only doing it whenever he got really horny. Now, things were going to be different. He knew he would need regular sex several times a day now. The horny feeling he had since he had woken up that afternoon never truly faded away, even after orgasm. After Taylor had sucked him off, Kirk had remained hard and suggested he ride Taylors ass, but Taylor had said no. At least he helped jerk Kirk off so that the intense feeling of blue balls went away. Kirk grinned. He was really looking forward to getting home and getting the chance to do some hunting online. Kirk saw the large sign for CVS glowing down the road. He made a quick right turn into the parking lot and moved swiftly into a parking space. Turning the Jeep off, Kirk hopped out of his Jeep, locked the door, and sauntered into the store. The bald, sexy, young Kirk would have been a sight anywhere, but with a semi bulging down his right leg, all the other customers in the store stopped and took a good look. Walking to where the condoms were, he knelt to take in the various options for lube. The bottles on display were small and not as slick as he knew he would need to conquer ass with his newly enlarged cock. “Excuse me.” Kirk stopped a tall passing male employee that happened to be walking down the aisle. “Yeah?” “I was wondering… do you have lube in a larger bottle? I think I’ll need more than this… Hunter” Kirk smiled at the salesclerk and held out the bottle of lubricant. Hunter was taller than Kirk at 6’6 with a tight muscular build under his polyester white shirt, and blonde wavy hair that looked delightfully messy. He was tanned with just a hint of stubble on his face and gave Kirk the vibe of being a nice, fun, but not very bright surfer. “Larger? I don’t think…”. Kirk lowered the bottle Hunter was looking at so that it was level with his thickening cock. Hunter took one look, grinned, and licked his lips. “You can see what I mean about possibly needing more.” Kirk flexed his cock, feeling it force the material of his trousers to bulge further. “I see… Yeah… You…”. Hunter lowered his voice. “You might need to go to a sex shop. They’ll probably have more of what you’re looking for… and I wouldn’t bother with these condoms either… Magnums… maybe.” “No. I doubt Magnums would work either…. I’ll just take these four bottles. Should I bring them up front?” Kirk took a quick glance at Hunter’s crotch and saw that he was hard. “No. I… I can ring you up.” Hunter walked quickly to the desk near the pharmacy, hiding his bulge with his hands. He was quick to ring the four bottles up, and even gave Kirk a friends and family discount. Handing the bag to him, Hunter said confidently, “I get off at ten if you’re not busy. Would love to get a chance to see that in person.” “Really… yeah… it would love to meet you as well. Unfortunately, I should be heading home. Another time?” Kirk smiled at the younger man. Younger? He and I probably look the same age! “Sure. Of course. Umm… how. Umm…” “How big?” “Yeah.” “12.8 x 8.8 “Fuck! Really? You’re not fucking with me?” “Do I look like I’d fuck around with someone as hot as you.” “I hope you will… and often.” Hunter grabbed a piece of the till role and quickly jotted his phone number down. “Anytime you need it… give me a call. I can never get enough.” “That makes two of us I’m Kirk.” Kirk grabbed his bag of lube bottles and walked out of the bright store and into the parking lot. It has been years since he had gotten a reaction like that from such a young guy, and usually Kirk had been the one doing the pursuing. Unlocking the Jeep Pickup, Kirk placed the bag on the passenger seat. Moving to sit down, his attention was grabbed by a large flashing sign halfway down the strip mall; Chinese All You Can Eat. 12.50. Upon reading the sign, Kirk had instant butterflies in his stomach. While driving Kirk to his Pickup, Taylor had begged him not to go home but to stay in the warehouse with him until tomorrow. “Look… it’s obvious you’re going through some serious changes. You need to be under observation. We need to be going about this in a more scientific way.” “Taylor. I understand what you’re saying, but I’m going home. You can observe me all day tomorrow. I promise, all I’m going to do tonight is fuck. If anything happens… you’ll be the first one I call.” “Please try not to eat anything.” “Even ass?” Kirk smiled at Taylor but did not get one in return. “If the changes are sped up by nutrients feeding your body, let’s limit the amount until we run more tests. Agreed?” “Agreed, Taylor. I won’t eat my next meal until we’re together tomorrow. I promise.” He had given his word… but to who? Who was Taylor? Kirk hadn’t asked for this to happen to him. Hell, Taylor would probably have left him in that Ark forever if he hadn’t been interested in hiding his body! Kirk had even called the number for The Foundation but received a disconnected message. They had run so fast they probably did think he was dead. Fuck… everyone would think he was dead. Who would believe this 25-year-old big-dicked kid was the same person who left the house at 7am this morning. Sure. He had given his word, but like always he needed to take care of himself. He needed to make his own decisions. Kirk locked the Jeep again and walked across the parking lot to the large Chinese Buffet Restaurant. Opening the glass door, Kirk was hit by both the warmth from the interior and the brightness of the light. The smell of so many different foods was overwhelming but inspiring enough that it began the butterflies in his stomach moving with more intention. A young waiter with ‘Jon’ on his name tag greeted Kirk and took him quickly to a small table near the back. Kirk ordered a Diet Coke and was told to help himself to the ten different rows of food offerings. Grabbing a tray and a plate, Kirk walked over to the first row, and was confronted by several different selections of rice, noodles, and soups. Reaching for the large spoon in the fried rice, his hand stopped just before he was able to grab it. If I do this here and now, what could happen? Will my cock grow even more? Is that such a bad thing? Where’s the bathroom. I don’t want to get arrested my first day in this body. If I need to cum, I need to do it in the bathroom. Then again, is this really what I should be doing? Maybe Taylor was right and this needs to be done under supervision. Kirk moved his hand away from the spoon. Perhaps I should just go home, fuck Hunter a couple of times, sleep, and then go back to that laboratory. Doing this now could be a mistake. Yet hadn’t he been given the opportunity to live his life over again… this time knowing all the mistakes that could possibly be made. His body might be young, but his mind was still 50 years old. Hell, he had become someone better now than he had been at 25. The Ark hadn’t just made him younger. It had given him so much more. Deep down… he knew was he told Taylor was true; he was becoming something new. Maybe… maybe what came next was the power of flight… or super speed. Hell, he loved all those superhero movies. Maybe this was his own origin story. Already the changes had begun…. and they were extraordinary. With one ejaculation, he could now probably impregnate 30 or more women with his copious number of seed. His last orgasm, which had lasted longer than a minute, had produced more semen than most men produced in weeks. Estimating, Taylor stated that he probably had ejaculated more than half a pint. Half a pint!! And this was only the beginning. Yes, he was becoming something new… something amazing… something powerful that Kirk knew he was always meant to be. Kirk’s hand went quickly to the spoon and brought three scoops of rice to his plate. He then proceeded to put a spoonful of each of the many dishes on top of it. Moving to the second row, he grabbed a second plate and filled it with a further variety of Chinese food. Different dishes merged with others, but Kirk didn’t care. He wasn’t doing this to enjoy the taste. He was eating to fuel his next evolution. Heat ray vision, he thought, let it be heat ray vision!! I can be just like Homelander on The Boys! That is what is happening to me, he thought as he crossed the room to his table with his two plates overflowing with food. I’m evolving. Becoming better than I ever had been before. Without haste and not questioning anymore, Kirk began to shovel food into his mouth. In little more than five minutes, he had finished both plates and was on his feet to grab more, The two empty dirty plates on his table became four, and they became six before the waiter, Jon, took them away. Jon was constantly refilling his Diet Coke, which he drank gallons of as he ate, and his fork never was far from either food or his mouth. The staff watched in awe as the young man went back again for two more plates. The Manager knew that soon he was going to need to tell their guest that he had eaten enough. Sure, this was all you can eat… but within reason! It was on his nineth plate that his hand began to cramp. Kirk wondered at first if he had been holding the fork too tightly, when he felt the same twinge hit his left hand. Placing the fork on the plate, Kirk lifted his hands to have a good look at them and found they both had begun to pulse with his heartbeat. Over and over they contracted and convulsed before he felt another cramp and watched in shock as they proceeded to both stretch longer. Kirk opened and closed his now slightly larger hands as they proceeded to cramp and swell… cramp and lengthen.., cramp and grow. He was so in awe of this sight that he was totally taken off guard when he felt both of his legs start to cramp as well. I need to leave, he thought. I need to get out of here. He was about to lift his arm to signal the waiter when he felt his whole torso stretch nominally higher. Lifting his hand to call the waiter, he was astonished by how large they had both quickly become. They must be nearly two inches… no… three inches longer than when they first started to grow . Kirk felt another fluctuation in his body and felt the turtleneck he was wearing begin to tighten. Shoulders… shoulders growing broader. Kirk stood up slightly to try and signal the waiter again and found his field of vision was now much higher than it had been on his last visit to dish out more food. Looking across at the waving cat, Kirk watched it move lower… pulse… lower… pulse… and lower! Looking around, Kirk estimated that he now stood over 6 feet tall. Im growing taller! Just like my cock… Im growing taller!!! Kirk’s feet cramped as they grew in his leather shoes. Kirk’s shoes had never been much larger than his feet, so as his feet lengthened, they began to take up any available space. Deciing to take matters into his own hands, Kirk went to stand up again and go to the front desk and pay, but his entire body was gripped by one titanic cramp. Anyone closely monitoring the young man in the back of the restaurant would have seen his legs go rigid and then release, his knees moving slightly close to the bottom of the table while his lower legs extended outward. At the same instance, the young man’s torso began to shift slightly, pushing his head a little closer each time to the ceiling. Not wanting to miss any of the action, Kirk’s cock swelled to its impressive hard state and proceeded to join in with the rest of his body. Kirk looked down. He could see that his empty plates were now slightly lower than they had been five minutes earlier. Picking up the fork, he became aware how much smaller the utensil had become… was still becoming. His body cramped again, and Kirk gasped when he felt his entire frame surge larger, culminating in his knees smacking loudly into the underside of the table. “Can I help you?” The waiter had approached as the cramp slowly began to fade. “Yeah. Yeah. I’d like the check.” “Of course, sir. There’s only one small problem.” “What’s…”. Kirk felt the next full body cramp and sucked in some air. “Sir?” Kirk’s knees slammed into the table again shaking the pile of dishes. His legs were now spread so far yet his knees were still banging the table. “What’s… the problem?” Kirk’s torso inches further up as his legs stretched longer. In the silence, he could hear the leather of his shoes begin to tear. “Our computers are down. We can’t take any credit card payments right now.” “No credit card… payments… fuucckk!” Kirk’s entire body telescoped again, his turtleneck starting to tighten and rise to reveal his newly tied umbilical cord. “Yes. I’m sorry. We’re hoping to have it back up in a few moments.” The waiter watched as the patron grit his teeth and closed his eyes. Not wanting to further upset this obviously angry customer, he said, “let me just check for you.” He ran off just as a sudden surge in growth had Kirk’s body threatening to upend the entire table. Growing… taller… how much more… need to… need to get out of here. Feet… ugh! Feet… toes tearing through… shirt becoming restrictive… Kirk grabbed his fork and measured it against his growing hand only to discover that his hand was so large that the fork rested comfortably in his palm. “Sir… hi… yes… it’s still down, I’m afraid. You can either wait and have a tea and dessert on us, or if you’d like to pay cash…” The waiter subconsciously took in that the young man sitting in section four was significantly larger than he had been thirty minutes prior, and that sitting down, he was now nearly at eye level. Also, hadn’t he been bald when he came in? Dark stubble now completely covered his scalp and has grown in around his mouth. “Bathroom. Need the bathroom. I… fuck!!” The patron closed his eyes and gritted his teeth again. Jon swore that he actually watched the customer’s head rise higher without him even moving. “I… I really need to go!” “Right… right over there.” When the man stood up, Jon wasn’t sure if he was more surprised that he only came up to the guy’s chest, or that he had the outline of a hugely prominent hard on stretching down the right leg of his pants. Brushing past the waiter, Kirk quickly moved across the restaurant and into the bathroom, locking himself in the small single cubical room. Looking at himself in the mirror, he was blown away by how much bigger and wider he had become. Having stood 5’10 for his entire life, his reflection showed an athletic youth standing at an estimated 6’6 and growing taller. Looking around the bathroom, Kirk weighed whether enclosing himself in the tiny room was a good idea as it was quickly getting smaller. The toe area of Kirks right leather shoe tore apart first, revealing his thick growing digits, followed soon afterward by the left shoe. It was obvious that as he grew taller, Kirk’s muscle mass was also growing in proportion to the rest of him. Each muscle group was now straining at fabric, threatening to tear out and expose themselves to the world. Gaping at his growing form in the mirror, Kirk smirked, when he noticed the jet-black hair that had begun to grow on his head; covering his entire scalp with stubble. Kirk had leaned in further to take in the stubble that was erupting where his eyebrows had always been when he was gripped by the most painful cramp yet. Grabbing into the sink, Kirk felt both his entire body expand as one, and the sink begin to pull away from the wall due to the added weight. His head inched up past the mirror and moving closer to the ceiling each minute. His muscles looked vacuum sealed to his body by his turtleneck, until eventually his muscles won out over fabric as the threads in the armpit of the shirt began to tear. Growing… so fucking huge!! Kirk reached for the wallet that was in his pocket, but his hands were now too big, or the wallet was too small, and it fell with a thud onto the floor. Bending down to grab it, Kirk’s head smashed into the wall causing a large dent in the dry wall. Using his titanically long fingers, he was able to eventually pick up his leather, but as he attempted to stand up straight, he could only let out a haunting sexual moan as he proceeded to further shoot up again. A knock came at the door. “Hey… are you alright?” “Fine… FUCK!!” The waiter on the other side grabbed at the handle and began to shake the toilet door trying to get in. “My boss… he said you don’t need to pay… it was our inconvenience.” Kirk’s shoulders slammed against the door with a loud smash as they took up most of the space in the bathroom, his turtleneck tearing roughly down the side and back. Must be… must be over 7 feet tall!! Always… always wanted to be bigger!! FUCK!!! Kirk’s entire body cramped again as it lengthened at a rapidly increasing pace. Both sneakers tore further as his feet projected themselves outward and his body took up further room in the bathroom. Kirk’s head swirled as another wave washed over him. Doing his best to look at himself, he couldn’t believe how imposing and monumental he had become. Fuck! I should become a professional wrestler… or a football player. No one would be able to compete against me! No one will ever go against again! He could only laugh as again he cramped, and again he grew. FUCK!! Need… need to get out of this bathroom. His body now took up the entire thing and again his head was inching up toward the ceiling as his torso lengthened. The room was becoming sooo tiny… soooo tiny… Gripped by one immense burst of growth, Kirk watched himself fill the room to bursting. His head was pressing against the ceiling now… his black pants, once loose, now looked painted on, and the back of his turtleneck tore completely revealing his increasingly expanding back muscles. With one final push, his cock, which had grown with the rest of him, tore through his zipper, released his baseball sized balls, and slapped him hard in the stomach. Flexing his glutes with a grunt, Kirk felt the rest of his trousers loudly rip and fall to the floor. Stillness. Kirk took deep shallow breathes as he took stock of his situation. He tried to turn his body, but he was now too broad. Looking at his tiny cocoon, Kirk let out a deep bellowing laugh. He had grown into a monster… and though some would be shocked and afraid by their situation… he was loving it. I should fucking go out there and eat some more, he thought, fill the entire restaurant with my body. I must be over 8 feet tall now and way over 500 lbs.! Kirk stroked his cock which now had to be at least 15 inches long! Yeah… his whole body was so colossal now. Pre began to leak from his cock and all the newly born giant wanted to do was fuck. Not wanting to get arrested for indecent exposure… at least not right away, Kirk flexed his upper torso until his shirt tore completely away from his body. Taking the remaining fabric from his shirt in one hand and his trousers that held his wallet and keys in another, he shifted his body to the left, knocked the sink completely off of the wall, and pushed his way out of the bathroom, tearing the locked door from the jam. Bending down and maneuvering himself with difficulty through the doorway, Kirk saw Jon waiting outside of the toilet, just as he knew he would be. Kirk looked down at the waiter who now only came up to his chest. “Sorry about your bathroom. I… fuck it. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you!” He voice was much deeper now… sexier sounding… more domineering. Jon just looked at him and didn’t say a word. “Here. Wrap this around my waist.” Kirk handed the shirt fabric to Jon who proceeded to do as he was told. Kirk smirked as the waiter’s hands touched his body, doing his best to tie the ends together. “Maybe… Oh yeah!” Kirk felt a tiny wave hit him as his body grew slightly larger again. The shirt the waiter had just tied ripped from his body due to the weight and pulling of his ever-enlarging cock and fell to the floor. He looked down to see the waiter had dipped even further down from his view. “How tall do you think I am?” “I… I don’t know… Fuck! I’m 6 feet, so you need to be over 8 feet tall… almost 9.” “Ever seen a fucker bigger than me?” “No way. You’re the first!” “When you see me… what’s the first thing you think?” “That I.. I…” Jon said the first thing that popped into his head. “I need to worship you.” No sooner were the words said, then Kirk felt his body tingle as if coated with a newfound electricity, and then proceed to grow up and out again. This time, Kirk felt different. He felt more powerful then ever before… he believed that he did deserve to be worshiped. The waiter stood back as Kirk grew before his eyes to 9 ft tall. Kirk was in awe of how small the world was quickly becoming… and how much he was enjoying it. “Do it. Worship me.” Jon got down onto his knees and began to lick Kirk’s feet. Again, the electricity washed over Kirk, and again he stretched even larger. Kirk felt Jon take his big toe into his mouth as he was propelled even bigger, the 12-foot ceiling of the restaurant coming dangerously close to his head “What the fuck is going on!” As soon as the manager spoke, Jon tore himself away from the giant’s feet, the connections was lost, and Kirk stopped growing. “Calm down! Your employees just giving me a foot bath. Want to join him?” Kirk leaned over to look better at the manager. “Get… get out!” Kirk just laughed. “Fine.” Kirk’s massive frame moved past the restaurant manager and walked toward the entrance, stopping only to grab a tablecloth from one of the tables. Taking it, he wrapped it around his waist, swung the door open, smashing the glass in the process, and exited into the night air. Comparing himself to the trees that stood near the back of the restaurant parking lot, Kirk concluded that he now stood over 9 feet tall. In just 45 minutes he had gone from 5’8” to almost 10’ in under 45 minutes. Oh yeah. Now at nearly 10 feet, he was most definitely a giant, his body taking up so much room no matter where he stood. Looking down at the tiny cars and shops around him, Kirk felt formidable. I’m bigger than the entire world’s population now!!! Everyone will be looking up to me. To me! Kirk’s cock was hard again, the head and a large part of the shaft extended away from his body and lifting a part of the wrapped tablecloth. Kirk reached down and began to stroke his fabric covered cock. Must be at least 16 inches long now… maybe 17. Need to use this… and soon. Kirk walked over to his Jeep Pickup truck and laughed when he realized he would never fit inside of it again. He could always walk home… but now a better idea was starting to form. He knew he wanted to get bigger… much bigger… and his wasn’t that large for what he imagined his body was going to become. No, he needed to go somewhere else. If he could get to his dead father’s hunting cabin, he could continue to grow inside the 15-foot roofed cabin. As if just thinking about it, Kirk felt himself surge again and grow slightly larger. Only a small one, he thought. Probably only grew one or two inches. Just residual spurts. I’m looking for the game changer! The one that changes everything. Going to need some help first though. INTERLUDE III “I have a proposal for you… one you should not take lightly.” Kirk’s head swam as the labyrinth began to shift and move around him. Soon, lights were starting to circle around him… colored lights… red… green…white… blue. Each time they got close he could feel the warmth of them on his face. “Where are you?” Kirk tried to walk further along the pathway, but the way kept being blurred or his vision was blinded by the intensity of the lights. “I’m everywhere.” “Where am I?” “Everywhere.” “What’s the proposition?” “Power. Power that you never even dreamed was possible. But, it comes with a price.” “And if I don’t accept?” “Death.” CHAPTER THREE Hunter locked the CVS front door and turned off the lights. It was already 10.30. The store closed at 10.00 and he should have been out by then, but Davis the Store Manager had called in sick; again!! This was the fourth time this week that Hunter had to stand in for him and take care of the store. Hunter had applied six months ago to be Assistant Store Manager, but Davis decided that Hunter didn’t have enough experience, so he would allow him to be Interim Assistant Store Manager which came at the same rate as Cashier and much more responsibility. All he wanted to do now was get out of here and go to the gym. Moving to the side door, Hunter set the alarm, swung the metal door wide open, grabbed his gym bag, and slammed the door behind him. As he crossed the dark parking lot, he saw an immense figure, surely it had to be a trick of the lights, leaning on a Jeep Pickup. “I thought I’d take you up on your offer. Can’t believe you had me waiting.” Hunter stopped in his tracks. There was no way this was the same guy he had seen in the store a couple of hours ago with the massive cock! It was possible. Hunter stood 6’6, and that guy, he had been way shorter than he was. Now… FUCK! This guy towered over him like some kind of Hulk from the movies. As he moved slowly closer, Hunter saw that it was indeed the same guy, only now he had to be nearing 10 ft tall! He was shirtless, had dark stubble on his head and around his mouth, and what looked to be a white tablecloth wrapped around his waist. Even covered Hunter could see the guys cock had obviously grown along with him and was now at half-mast. “Fuck me!” Kirk grinned at Hunter’s sexy Southern drawl. “Oh. I plan on it.” Kirk heard the creaks and moans of the Pick-Up’s shocks as he stood up from his leaning position on the hood. Since leaving the restaurant and waiting for Hunter, Kirk had only had one additional surge of growth which left him at slightly larger than 10 ft. How could I ever have been afraid of this growth and these changes when they started. Now I want them to hit me even faster! “You’ve grown.” “You should see my father.” “I bet!” Hunter grinned as he moved closer to Kirk. “I had a bit of a growth spurt.” “You can say that again.” “I had a bit of a growth spurt.” “Fuck! Funny and hot with the world’s biggest cock. Let’s get married.” Hunter had changed out of his polyester white shirt and tie and into a tight lycra t shirt without the sleeves and grey sweatpants. With wide shoulder muscles, tight pecs, and bulging biceps, Hunter was becoming Kirk’s dream come true, at least for the next few hours. “How’d you get so big?” “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Now, don’t you want to get to work on this cock?” Kirk began to stroke his tablecloth covered cock. “Try me.” Kirk loudly exhaled. “I was a bodyguard for a guy who runs a foundation. He’s a billionaire. Spends money on all sorts of weird supernatural shit. This afternoon we went to see one of his investments. They were doing a trial on some machine that’s supposed to make you younger, like The Fountain of Youth. My boss used me as a guinea pig because I was disposable. Since then, crazy shit I can’t explain has been happening. When I woke up this morning, I was 52 years old, 5’10 with a six-inch cock. Now I’m… fuck. Who knows how big I am now!” “Shit. And I thought I had a crazy day!” Hunter looked up at the massive stranger and smiled. “Let me get you in a better light and I can measure you. Got a measuring tape in my gym bag.” Hunter moved forward and placed his hand seductively on Kirk’s covered shaft. “We can start with this anaconda.” With Hunter’s touch, Kirk felt a sharp tug on his whole body, was enveloped in a wave of tightness and heat, and began to inch taller and wider. “I’m… I’m still growing bigger… it’s slowed down… but hasn’t stopped. Last growth spurt… fuck.. was thirty minutes ago.” As he grew, his waist proceeded to get larger yet tighter, until the makeshift skirt he Kirk had been wearing tore and fell to the ground. After three minutes of continuous stretching and swelling, the wave passed through Kirk, and the growth stopped. “That is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Fuck, man!! I just came in my pants watching you grow like that!!! I mean… I’m 6’6, fucking tall as shit, and I only come up to your abs! You have to be nearly 11 feet tall now! And that cock!!! FUCK!! It has to be almost two feet! Fuck yeah!” Hunter licked his lips and moved forward again to stroke Kirk’s thickening shaft. “Look. I want to fuck you. Believe me. Right now. I want to grab you, throw you over the hood, and fuck that ass of yours… but I need your help first. Hunter marveled at the size of Kirk’s completely hard cock. “What is it?” “I need to get out of here. What I have planned… I need to get out of the city. My father, he’s dead, but he left me his cabin. Its about 2 hours from here but completely in the middle of nowhere and its huge… like 15-foot ceilings. The only problem is I’m too big to drive my truck. Take me there, and I promise I’ll make it worth your while.” Kirk picked up the torn black fabric that was sitting on the hood next to him. “The keys and my wallet are in here.” He three the fabric at Hunter who caught it easily. “If you like… you can keep The Jeep. I don’t think I’ll be using it anymore.” “Okay.” “Really? I thought I was going to have to work harder to convince you.” “When the world gets a look at you, you won’t have to convince them of anything. They’ll do everything for you. You think you’ll keep getting bigger?” “I don’t know… but I think we can make it happen again.” Hunter had continued stroking Kirk’s cock while they had been talking loving the slick and satiny feel of the skin combined with the rigidness of unbendable steel. “Really. Then hell yeah! I’m in! I’m supposed to be back here at 6 am tomorrow but fuck it. There are other jobs.” Hunter relished the way he couldn’t get his large hands completely around the shaft of Kirk’s cock. He’d never experienced anything so incredible in his entire life, though he’d dreamed about such things. Growth, muscle, massive cocks, and giants were all secret fetishes that Hunter never told anyone about. Now it was all coming true. Hunter looked up at the new sexy man in his life. “I’m usually the dominant one… the tall one. You make me feel so small. I’d try and kiss you, but your head is miles away!” “A mile away.” Kirk leaned down and quickly l grabbed Hunter under his arms and lifted him up till they were eye to eye. “That’s better.” The two men looked at each other for a moment, finally breaking it when Kirk moved Hunter’s body closer and they began to kiss. Even his lips… his tongue… all so big. His head is twice the size of mine.,. Kirk pressed Colin against his naked body. Hunter wrapped his legs around Kirk’s tree like torso, and his arms around his neck. “You don’t know how badly I want to fuck you, Hunter. It’s all I can think about.” Kirk began to kiss Hunter with more passion, exploring his mouth with deeper tongue thrusts. Hunter felt himself getting hard in his sweatpants. Kirk moved his lips away from Hunter’s and began to lick and kiss his neck. “I want you so bad. I want… FUUCCKK!” Kirk threw his head back as another wave of growth hit him. “Still… growing…”. Attached to him, Hunter could feel Kirk’s body swelling… stretching… growing larger than before. Kirk attacked Colin’s face with more vigor as the pressure mounted inside of him. When Kirk moved again to his neck, Hunter looked around and was able to watch as they crept higher and higher Below him, Hunter felt a spasm and heard something splatter onto the pavement. He tried to look down but couldn’t see what it was. “It’s… it’s nothing… just… aww fuck… just leaking… FUCK!!” Kirk practically roared as the growth stopped. “How much bigger did you get?” “I don’t know. Hard to tell. Fuck that was strong!” “Put me down. Let me see.” Kirk carefully set Hunter down, but he had to take a couple of steps back not to be hit by Kirk’s titanic cock. “You must be nearly twelve feet! I thought you said it was stopping.” “I thought it was. It isn’t like this is an exact science. That one just came out of nowhere. You’re six foot six… and you only come up to my cock.” Kirk laughed. “I’ve grown nearly seven feet taller in two hours!” A wad of pre was released onto the pavement from Kirk’s pulsating cock. “While you’re down there… why don’t you suck it again.” “I’m at your service.” Kirk lifted his hand to the back of Hunter’s head and pushed it toward his cock head. Hunter breathed in the aroma of Kirk’s shaft. He was amazed, not only by the foreskin that pooled around the rim of the thick head, but if the sheer size of it; it’s length and girth. Reaching out, Hunter wrapped his hand around the large shaft. He could feel Kirk shiver under his touch. He may be bigger than me, he thought, but I know how to tame the beast. “Feels so smooth… like a baby’s skin. It’s so hard. I don’t think I could move it.” Hunter took his other hand and moved it along the head. The sensation caught Kirk by surprise, sending him backward and onto the hood of his Jeep. From beneath him, he felt the hood give way and buckle. “Careful, Hunter. It’s sooo… oh yeah!” Hunter had leaned in and began to gently lick the underside of the head. The smell of pre cum was stronger near the slit, potent. “You like that?” “Fuck yeah, I do! Suck it.” Hunter licked the underside of the shaft again, moving his tongue over the ridge of the head and into the slit. Kirk tasted salty… clean… powerful. “The head’s nearly as thick as my fist! Fuck!” Hunter moved his mouth closer to the head while gently stroking the shaft with both hands. Then he opened up wider then he ever had before and took the fat head into his mouth. The glans nearly filled his entire orifice, nearly scraping his teeth. Ready to take on the challenge, Hunter took Kirk deeper into his mouth, forcing the cock into the back of his throat. “That’s it, Hunter. Good boy. Take it in deeper.” Hunter felt Kirk’s hand on the back of his head again, forcing him to take in more of the shaft. Hunter moved his head along with Kirk’s hand, toying the shaft and head with his tongue “Oh yeah. So good. So fuckin horny.” Kirk bucked his hips slightly and began to fuck Hunter’s face. The motion forced the head further down Hunter’s throat than he was comfortable with, causing his gag reflex to kick in. “Open your throat, boy. Relax.” Hunter felt Kirk’s cock pulse and release a spurt of precum into his throat, lubing it for easier entry. Opening his eyes, Hunter was amazed by how much he had already taken down his throat, but how much there still was to go. I’ll never be able to take it all; it would end in my stomach. Suddenly, Hunter felt Kirk lift him up off of his chick and into the air, bringing their lips together. While holding him in the air with one hand and kissing him, Hunter could feel Kirk’s other hand tearing at the lycra shirt he was wearing. “Don’t. You’re going to tear it.” “I don’t give a shit. I’ll buy you another one.” With a forceful tug, Hunter felt his shirt rip from his body. With a few more of the same moves, Kirk had Hunter shirtless and pressed him against his hot chest. Kirk then proceeded to lift him up higher so that he could begin sucking on Hunter’s pecs. I’m like a big doll to him. “I want to fuck you so bad, Hunter. I need to fuck you.” “Now?” “I have to. If I keep growing… I might never fuck another man again. If I can only fuck one man for the last time, I want it to be you.” Hunter’s cock had begun to leak in his sweatpants. Kirk moved his hand down to Hunter’s ass and began to massage it. “Behind the store… where the trees are. No one ever goes back there… There are no lights.” Immediately Kirk began to move to the back of the store, carrying Hunter with him. Once there, Kirk lowered him to the ground and then carefully leaned down to lessen the distance between the two. “I want you to know… I’m going to make you feel amazing.” Kirk leaned down and began to kiss Hunter’s neck again. “It’s natural to be afraid. I’ll be gentle. I swear.” “What if… what if you start growing… while you’re in me.” Kirk pulled away and took Hunter in his arms. “Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.” Standing up, Kirk grabbed Hunter, lifted him up, walked about 15 feet further into the dark, and lay him down on the grass. “Where’s the lube you bought?” “Fuck!” Kirk stood up and quickly crossed the parking lot back to his Jeep. Realizing he didn’t have his keys on him, that they were in his ripped pants that he had given to Hunter, he quickly moved to the passenger side and smashed the window. Reaching in, he grabbed the bag of lube and lumbered back to Hunter. “Look at you… your cock… its amazing. I’ve never even had a toy that size up me. If I tell you to stop… you better stop.” “I’ll try. I promise. Now, take off your sweatpants or I’ll do it for you.” Not wanting to forfeit another article of clothing tonight, Hunter pulled down his sweatpants and tossed them to the side. Sitting there for a moment in only his underwear, he allowed Kirk to take in the sight. “I’m big for most guys… packing 9 inches here. Nothing to you.” Kirk lifted his hand and placed it on Hunter’s chest, forcing him to lay down on the ground. Then, with a quick motion, he had torn the underwear away from his body leaving Colin naked. Leaning closer, Kirk inhaled Hunter’s scent, moving his face close to his cock and balls. “You smell so good, Hunter. Like sandalwood.” Moving his hand, Kirk lifted both of Hunter’s legs and began to massage Hunter’s ass cheeks. Then, pulling both apart, he took his mouth, and began to tongue fuck Hunter’s hole. Hunter gasped as he felt the strength of Kirk’s tongue rimming him. Kirk parted Hunter’s cheeks further and inserted more of his tongue into his hole. Hunter’s body shuttered as he felt a wave of pleasure wash over him. He wasn’t sure if it was the size of the tongue or Kirk’s technique, but Hunter found himself groaning throughout the act. Kirk’s cock got rock hard once again hearing Hunter moan. He was trying desperately to control himself and not plunge his cock immediately into his ass. He needed to warn him up first. Get him ready for the act. Kirk dove back down into Hunter’s ass licking the rim and teasing the hole. “That’s my boy… that’s my…”. Kirk felt the now familiar grip of growth grab hold of him. Moving his shaking hand, Kirk bright his pointer finger to the rim on Hunter’s hole, and began to toy with it. With his other hand, he grabbed the small bottle of lube.., was it small or was everything getting smaller to him, popped the top, and squirted a large amount onto both his finger and Hunter’s waiting hole. Then, with one swift movement, he plugged the entirety of his finger inside of him. Hunter screamed out and grabbed the grass with his hands. Soon, the pain was replaced with a heat that burned him from the inside. Kirk slowly moved his shaking finger in and out, all the while feeling both hand and body getting larger. After a few minutes of this game, Kirk removed his finger and moved his lengthening body up and over Hunter. Grabbing is cock, he took the bottle of lube and squirted the entirety of it down the length of the shaft. His head whirled, caught between lust and the organic feeling of his body growing even more monumental. Then, he began to rub the head against Hunter’s hole. “I’m not sure I’m ready yet to… FUCK!!!” Hunter felt Kirk’s fist sized head stretch his hole wider than it ever had been before. Hunter began to whimper, and soon found it impossible to even think or speak over the searing pain. All he knew was that he was being fucked by the biggest thing in his life; not even realizing it was slowly getting larger. Hunter moaned again as Kirk forced the shaft deeper into his hole. “So tight… so tight… nearly too tight…”. Moving in even further, he would pause to make sure the pain had subsided before he attempted to move again. “Not sure… you should… go in much further! You’re so big. It feels good… but… you’ll do damage…”. Kirk shuddered and felt his cock swell even thicker. He looked around at the trees and estimated he was nearing the thirteen-foot mark. “Just a few more inches Hunter… just a few more and I’ll be halfway in.” Grabbing onto Hunter’s sides, he pushed his cock in even further than he intended to go. Need to do this now, he thought. He may not let me do this again. I may be too big to do it again! Kirk began to buck his hips, pulling his massive cock in and out of Hunter’s hole. Hunter tried to speak but couldn’t form words. He was filled to near breaking yet burning with pleasure he had never felt. Kirk winced, and felt his body move slightly higher. Looking down, Hunter’s ass was being forced upward as his torso and legs grew. Fucking with even more vigor. Kirk looked around at a world that was quickly growing smaller. up and saw the ceiling inching closer. The trees around him… Hunter… all getting so small while his body… fuck… his body stretched larger and larger. As Kirk fucked Hunter, as Hunter screamed out in pleasure he had never felt, Kirk’s mind drifted to the Ark. What am I becoming? Why do big? I’m going beyond one step in evolution. What are you doing to me? Growing so big… so powerful! Hunter’s lower half of his body was now completely off of the ground; only his head and neck and shoulders remained lying on the grass. He opened his eyes and saw Kirk.., saw how much more imposing he was now then fifteen minutes before. All he could think was, I’m being fucked by this… this…Titan! With that thought… Hunter began to cum. Hearing Hunter reach orgasm, Kirk thrust five more times in and out of his ass before he tensed up and began to release his massive load into Hunter’s ass. Hunter experienced a sudden second orgasm as he felt the hot liquid coat his interior. Kirk shuddered again and began to roar as his head smacked into the branches from the large trees. Releasing Hunter, he quickly pulled out and began to fire more of his load over his lover and the grass. To Hunter, it seemed never ending. Eventually, Kirk’s balls began to empty, and his ejaculation slowed down. Kirk fell to his knees as he felt the final rush of growth hit him. I’m over 14 foot now, he thought. Over 14 foot. He grinned at Hunter, taking in the massive mess he had made. “You grew so much, Kirk. Not just talker… wider. Stand up! I want to compare myself to you now.” Hunter leaped to his feet, the large masses of cum that covered him falling to the floor. On shaking legs, Kirk also stood up and up and up. “Fuck me, Kirk! I only come up to your balls!! You’re balls! Can you believe that? We need to get you to your cabin… before we can’t anymore.” Hunter looked up at Kirk and saw him looking around, his head now almost equal with the roof of The CVS. “Are you afraid?” “A couple of hours ago I was.” His voice, Hunter thought, his voice has gotten even deeper. “I was… but I’m not anymore. I want more, Hunter. Is that wrong? I want a lot more.” Both Kirk and Hunter’s cocks grew hard again at the thought.
- 4 replies
- 23
- age-regression
- muscle growth
(and 5 more)
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I am french native speaker, for a long time I have been reading all your stories with delight. And I wanted to get started. Feel free to correct me and leave me your comments to make me want to continue. Let’s start: My Boyfriend Is A Weremuscle – Prologue My name is Kyle, I’m going to tell you my story. Even if it’s hard to believe, everything is true. Let’s start by the beginning, 5 years ago, when I met Him. I just began a new job as receptionist at the policeman office, in a little city from Texas. And I saw him, Officer Ethan Delcourt, a beautiful 27 years old. He’s not very tall, measuring 1,79m, but he’s pure muscles French born hunk, weighting 95kg.. It was hard to get my eyes off him. His hairy big pecs lifting his tight shirt, and defined arms compressed into the sleeves of his uniform… made me instantly hard. I immediately thought he can’t be gay or interested by me. I’ve always been sporty myself, more a swimmer body, 1,78m 74kg, but smooth. Against all odds, we fell in love very quickly. And once month later, I moved in with him. He was the man of my dreams and everything was perfect. I got used to take care him, and the house, washing machines, ironing… By dint of taking care the laundry I just noticed one strange thing: regularly some of his clothes or uniforms disappeared and he kept buying new ones. I didn’t say anything, our story was so much a fairy tale for me. All his teammates sense that he is lonely. He alone solves the investigations and arrests the most dangerous criminals. The captain often sends him alone on dangerous business, and each time he gets the honors. He is the hero of the police station... and at the same time a mystery for all. Even for me, who lives every day with him. At home he is the perfect boyfriend, protective, attentive. He likes a lot show off his big muscles and strip for me. His pecs are perfect pillows to sleep on. I have always assumed my homosexuality while remaining very masculine. I am versatile and with him I learn to become a real passive. I have never seen a man so demanding sex, several times a day he begs me. I wonder how he was doing when he was single… I had to get used to the size of his excessive member… but what a pleasure every time. I doubted very much that I would manage to take inside me his enormous 23cm shaft. Can you imagine how long it is and it’s quite as wide as a coke can? He always seeds me and cum so much and keep all inside my hole. Few years after, we’re still together and I think I'm lucky he chose me. I know all his secrets and knows mines… In this diary I’m going to tell you how I discovered his gift. And this special day I understood why he prefers working alone. Just promise me never to reveal it. To be continued if you want to…
Power tastes like shadows I thought I would never return to this building ever again, I figured that I would be off on to my next job by now. But for some reason, the pool of jobs available had dried up. So, when my old boss Bernard Thornton called and offered me some kind of special job, I figured that I would humor him. Especially cents I had nothing better to do, and the way he made it sound so mysterious piqued my curiosity. Mr. Thornton seemed pretty okay, but I do not think he was the kind of guy who would go out of his way to help his employees. Still, he was a fair employer so hearing him out wouldn’t be a problem. Having thought about that I made my way towards one of the reception areas on the first floor. The building had white walls, grayish floor tiles, and the traditional white light panels and the light bulbs; complemented with comfortable-looking chairs with wooden frames and red cushions. Walking up to the receptionist I asked if Bernard Thornton was available? “Your name?” she asked with a smile. “Oh, my name is Tom Blackburn,” I answered her. “Okay, he should be available in 15 minutes,” she said while typing on her computer. “He should be on the fourth floor. There should be a second reception hall there,” she says as she hands me a card. “Taking this guest card, it should let you past through security without any issues.” She says with a smile. “Just. show this to the receptionist and they will show you the way.” I say my goodbyes and thank her for her service, as I quickly make my way to the elevator hitting the button to the four-floor. I was decently familiar with the layout of this building so when I got off of the elevator I knew where to go. Only stopping when I noticed that the sign that said reception area was covered up and had a new direction written all over it. Following these new directions, I found myself entering the role of cubicles where the back of the occupants could be seen. There is next to the door was another person sitting on the desk with the word receptionist plastered all over it. I didn’t recognize him and in return, he probably didn’t recognize me from the time I worked here. “Hey, my name is Tom Blackburn and I have an appointment with Mr. Thornton,” I said to the man. “Okay Mr. Blackburn let me check his schedule,” the receptionist man said. A couple of clicks later and a slight grimace on his face told me that something was wrong. “Okay Mr. Blackburn I have some bad news is that your meeting with Mr. Thornton moved to a different time it had been moved by one hour. Sorry about this last-minute change. I can have it be changed if you want to a new day,” he asked. “Oh, it’s fine, I can wait an hour. Do you know why his schedule had changed,” I asked? “I don’t know some blonde guy in a trenchcoat said he needed to talk to Mr. Thornton badly. he even showed me some kind of badge.” He said, shaking his head in confusion as if he had cobwebs in it. I sat down on a chair, sadly the only available ones were the plastic chairs with metal legs. I sat for 10 minutes on my phone playing Pan-Pan, when curiosity got the better of me. “Hey, do you know what happened to the reception room on this floor?” I asked the receptionist man. For a second, I figured he wouldn’t answer me. “I actually don’t know. When I was moved here, I was told that the room was destroyed and that it was being repaired.” He said while typing away on his computer. I wonder how it was destroyed I thought to myself. But then I felt it a strange feeling, a strange taste on the tip of my tongue, a headache coming on as if two points of my head were trying to push out. Maybe just maybe I could have headed out and done something like maybe ordered some lunch or something. I looked at the receptionist about to get up and ask him…. My tongue tasted of thick shadows as I began to watch the receptionist grow. It was like slow-motion as I watched him begin to fill out his shirt. I saw how his muscles began to fill out then stand out against his clothing. He started loosening up his tie against his thickening neck. Then I blinked but he was still growing, about to tear apart his own clothes with his growth, so I closed my eyes and waited a minute. Telling myself that this wasn’t happening and felt the taste of shadows slowly fade away. I opened my eyes again and the receptionist was still muscular, but he wasn’t growing anymore. His eyes moved from his computer to me. “Do you need something?” the man asked in a deeper voice. “Oh no uuu... Do you exercise?” I asked in desperation. “Well yeah, I do. You don’t get these gains from nothing. The job came with nice health benefits and a free gym membership,” he said proudly flexing a little until one of his shirt buns pop out. “Oops, not again,” he whispers to himself as his face turns red from embarrassment. Something was going on, but I didn’t know what it was. Then that feeling hit me again the taste of shadows and I looked immediately away from the receptionist into one of the cubicles. I couldn’t completely see the man thanks his office chair, but I somehow knew that he was growing. The man’s shoulders began widening and stretching out against his shirt, which was increasingly shrinking against the man’s growing body. Sounds of tearing could be heard as the man’s clothes lost against the growth of his muscles revealing his huge biceps and sculpted back muscles. I blinked and the man has clothed again with the same work shirt just bigger to fit his new huge body. But he was still growing so I decided to look away and close my eyes. Waiting for the taste of shadows to disappear and the strangeness to end. It was then I noticed the strange feeling in my pants, between my legs, and it was my cock, and it was hard. Embarrassment flow through me as I try to keep a level head in this strange turbulent situation. I kept breathing in and out trying to keep the thoughts of the growing men from my mind. “Mr. Blackburn, Bernard Thornton is ready to see you now,” The receptionist said. I looked up in surprise the taste of shadows no longer on my lips. “He is?” I said as I looked at the clock. Time really does fly when you’re beefing up people, I thought to myself as I made my way to Mr. Thornton’s office, after confirming with the receptionist on its location. I probably should cancel the meeting with Mr. Thornton, but I’m already committed, and I don’t like my time being wasted and hate to do it to others. What was so important that he couldn’t say on the phone. I opened the door to his office and saw the man sitting on his chair writing notes on his desk. Bernard Thornton was a small man with a jelly belly which he hides well with his suit. Shorthair's clean-shaven face, weak chin, big round glasses, surprisingly jolly cheeks, and a smile that made everyone feel better, which he hides with a 24-hour neutral expression. an average boss with the potential to be more and a business that had the potential to be more. “Hello Mr. Blackburn, it seems that you are interested in my job offer,” he said in a jolly time. “Normally I wouldn’t have come with the lack of information about the job, but I have nothing better at the moment and I was quite curious about it,” I said honestly. He looked at me with his usual piercing eyes, but I noticed that something was off. They seemed a little off not focused like they were slowly fogging up. “Well Mr. Blackburn I believe LS Waste Disposal could use your services; it will be a similar job that you had with us. They are looking to hire people with similar expertise, and they want to keep this job on the down-low; But they did tell me enough to make a sales pitch to you,” he said and said and said as the conversation continued. I knew I should be paying attention, but I was kind of bored and annoyed. The LS Waste Disposal was shifty as hell; one of my friends said a few weeks before he disappeared. So, if I knew it was the LS Waste Disposal company, I would have never indulged in the idea of coming. Thornton was talking about some of the benefits of the job when I felt and tasted the shadows. Apart from me didn’t really want to change Mr. Thornton while the other part felt it would be very interesting. I watched as Mr. Thornton’s body began to change. First, his jelly belly flattens out, and then his chest expands out. Then his pecs began to expand and rise like bread dough, as his now flat belly begins ballooning out towards the world as one by one abs begin to appear, rising and barely noticeable against his shirt. Then his shoulders began to expand with muscle as the growth spread to his arms slowly filling out his shirt sleeves. So far, his muscular body was contained by his office suit but no longer with the sounds of ripping and tearing the heavily muscled body underneath was revealed as Mr. Thornton’s began growing out of his clothes. He continues to talk not noticing with every breath he destroys his own suit. Eventually, his clothes fall off of his huge chest, as he subconsciously begins removing the torn cloth with his now huge muscular arms. Mr. Thornton began adjusting his tie, loosening it up against his growing bull’s neck. Not even noticing when his big hand began scratching at his newly growing scruff. He probably would have grown even more if it had not been for the fact that his chair broke sending him to the floor. I blinked and Mr. Thornton has clothed again the same clothes only bigger to fit his new body. The taste of shadows disappeared, and I move to help him up. “Are you okay Mr. Thornton,” I asked with genuine concern. “I’m okay,” he said to me as I helped lift him up. “I swore I got the new chair today,” he mumbled to himself. “Thank you, Mr. Thornton. I know you’re going to think that this is superstitious but I’m going to take it as a sign from the universe and decline the job offer. Sorry but I do not think it’s the job for me,” I said. Mr. Thornton grip was stronger than the first time I met him, and I was barely able to lift him off the ground with his new weight. The meeting soon to an end and I was starting to feel, sick and exhausted and I need to go to the bathroom all the same time. I was familiar with this building’s layout which had made it quite easy to head to the restroom, So, I thought. As I began feeling sicker and more drained every second as I made my way to the restroom. The lights became brighter and brighter as my head throbbed were new waves of agony, thump, thump the drums in my head are screaming louder and louder. The next thing I knew I was puking in the restroom stall. The taste of shadows well on my lip as a puked out a dark substance into the mouth of the hungry toilet stall. I… I could feel the shadows inside me, boiling and moving inside me like a living being. I waited for it to calm down, wondering what the hell is going on. Is this, this power inside me, is it the reason why my parents put me up for adoption? Am I a freak of nature, beefing up man until they explode or something? Home, I…I need to go home before something else happens. I found my strength, flush the toilet, and began making my way to the sink to get some water, before making my way back home. The water felt like heaven and tasted of shade as I rinse my mouth out. I took a few sips of water before making my way out of the restroom. But it was then I noticed the man blocking the way to the door of the restaurant. The man had short blonde hair was average in height, a face, and had a body of an action hero with cold blue eyes. He was wearing a trenchcoat with blue jeans and a black shirt holding a katana in his right hand. The man had a smirk on his face as if he caught his prey. “Well, that was anti-climactic. No blood, no destruction, no screams of terror I was expecting a person tied to the dark to do more, instead I find you here puking your guts out. Quite abnormal, an illusions type, maybe, you have the shocked look of a beginner; but I didn’t hear screaming or confusion shout of coming from the other people. You could be a necromancer but you’re not showing the signs of raising the dead, but you may have talked to some spirits. By how pale your face has gotten you probably had talked to some spirits,” The man said. The man began slowly walking towards me, as he monologues. “If you were experienced with your dark power, you wouldn’t have let me interfere with your power pool. This means that you are inexperienced or this is your awakening. One less potential servant of the dark bastion in one less foe to face for the light sanctuary. Now die dark one!” He said with glee. “Wait is it because I’m black,” I asked? “What un no!” he said in confusion and annoyance. At this point, he was a couple of feet away from me which made it easy to kick him in the balls while he was distracted. He roared out in pain but rather than crumbling down, he became angry and began to attack with his sword. I backed away unable to pass him without getting cut to ribbons. Eventually hitting the restroom wall as I ran out of room to maneuver. By looking at the man’s rage-filled eyes I knew that he was going to kill me with no hesitation. With one last powerful slash at me, he committed to the killing blow, and I knew that I cannot dodge left or right, but I could duck letting my ass hit the floor, as a sword was gunning for my head. Rather than hearing the sword bouncing off the wall instead it dug in and got stuck. I quickly realized I wouldn’t be able to get crawl through his legs or past them in time to escape before he pulled the sword out of the wall. I began to taste shadows on top of my tongue, and I began to focus on the man before me. I figured if I could make the man's crotch grow to ridiculous size, he would have a hard time chasing after me and be a suitable distraction for my escape. For the first time, I felt some kind of resistance like it wasn’t taking hold. The man laughed a cruel laugh as he said, “Your dark powers don’t work on me, servant of the dark. My magical items protect me from your dark powers.” I felt the taste of shadows with my tongue in the form of exhaustion hit me. Dammit, I thought to myself I had never tested to see if the powers work on me. Then I felt something deeper darker and more malevolent boil from within me. A hunger that was so primal that it had to be fed. Then I smelt it, fear but not for me but from him. “By the light, Demon blood!” The man screamed out in fear. “Fuck! No wonder your abnormal.” I… I could sense the light in him, so self-righteous, so arrogant and so petty; I wanted to devour it, consume it no I needed it. I felt my canines sharpen as the taste of shadows and infernal fire poured from my mouth. The man began backing off forgetting his sword as fear had claimed his heart. “Boo!” I say in a deepening voice. The man flinches and trips and falls onto the restroom floor, and like a beast, I pounce on him. I grinned as I realize the tables had turned and now, I was on top. But what to do him I wondered? Then a thought hit me my original plan to deal with him. I wonder how much he can grow before he exploded; And as I thought about the plan, I was already acting on it. Waves of pleasure began bombarding my prey causing his screams to become moans of pleasure as I opened up his pants. His cock was hard and already leaking cum as I dove in and began to suck on it. Every second I was devouring it he grew slowly at first, but he grew, nonetheless. I felt as his pants became tight, I heard as his shoes popped off against his growing feet; And how the sounds of tearing fabric as his clothes began submitting to his growing bulk. Second, by second his shaft grew wider and longer, and yet I was able to handle it. More and more I felt his growing balls against my chin as his power and soul gathered there. I stopped to see the results of my work. He was now huge and naked his growth completely destroying his clothes. He had huge tree trunk thighs, huge bowling ball biceps, hands big enough to grab a man’s face whole, a row eight pack abs over a huge muscle gut, round pillow-like pecs, and Boulder-like shoulders on a wide barrel-like chest. The man was drooling all over his stubble jaw as pleasure encircle him. Nearly glazed eyes both hungered and feared for more pleasure which I was happy to give. I resume sucking on his huge cock which was now like a third limb on him. The sweet, delicious taste of his life-filled cum was delectable as I consumed it; Every second I did I could feel his memories were fading away, then his personality, and then instinct as I saw the light fade from his eyes. Then within one instant, the lights in his eyes came back and with a bellowing roar from his throat. A geyser of cum shot from his huge cock and as it did, I drink all of it as if my life depended on it. The man slowly became colder as he began to deflate like a balloon, as I was drinking all of his life force. I drink until his balls were gone, I drink until all that was left was skin and bones and I drink until evening that was gone relishing every second of it. I felt the shadows inside me grow with even more might after my feeding. I felt myself growing in power both physically and mentally. I somehow knew that my body was going to change now and that I should try to remove my clothes. I quickly removed my shoes and tie before my body began to change, But my other clothes were not so lucky. a feeling of both hot and cold passed through my body as I felt my clothes becoming tighter against my body grew. I felt my bones pop and stretch as they began lengthening, growing, and changing. I felt a strange pressure come from the back of my spine and two more on my head. My pants were really starting to become uncomfortable, especially with the strange pressure coming from my back near my ass. I felt the tips hands and feet change is nails became sharper. A quick look at the restroom mirror revealed to me that I was growing two horns and that my eyes were now the color gold that was surrounded by black. My… My pecs were huge and growing before my eyes I would have been in disbelief if I hadn’t seen other people grow today, but I want to have a closer look, so I grabbed my shirt and ripped it off my swelling body as easy as tearing apart paper. The pieces of fabric fell to the floor as I began grouping my pecs. Then I began feeling abs, a nice eight pack to compliment my pillow like pecs. Throughout my body growth, my skin was darkening which was both concerning and exhilarating. I started flexing my biceps watching them and my lower arms grow with every flex. I was no longer in a building in the middle of town now I was here and now watching myself change into perfection into something more. My chest was widening, as my shoulders grew with the strength of mountains. Then I felt a pressure near my ass, and it was becoming unbearable as it pressed against my pants; grabbing the back of my pants I attempted to pull it down, but it got stuck against my thick meaty ass and I ripped it apart destroying my belt in the process. I sighed in relief as I felt a part of myself was free. I turned around to see something swaying around and I grabbed it to find that I had a forked tail, it was still growing and dark as the night. The remains of my pants were losing the battle against my body as more holes start opening up against the seams. Didn’t know how to flex using my legs by began trying, finding the idea of flexing them off to be exhilarating. When the pants were holding on to me by a thread, I yanked them revealing my tree trunk-like thighs and, my huge meaty calves. The only thing on was my destroyed socks and my boxer briefs which were straining against my heavily muscled body and my now huge cock and balls. just think my package was pretty average this morning and now my cock is a mouthwatering 10-inch hard monster in my balls are like two crab apples in a sack. I tore off the remains of my undergarment, and like a Jack-in-the-Box my cock shot out, a display for the whole world to sees if I wasn’t in a restroom. If I thought my transformation was over itching that spread through my skin told me otherwise. The hair on my head and any other hair on my body began falling off my black skin, to my dismay. Looking at the mirror again I saw my face and it had changed. I had two 3-inch white horns pointing upwards, pointy ears and I open my mouth I noticed my teeth were sharper, especially my canines. My facial features had changed to become more masculine and devilish. Then I felt the itching again as a new silver hair began spreading all over my body starting from the bellybutton the growth spring all out words all over my body to my huge meaty pecs to my arms and legs even spreading toward my huge back and ass. Sadly, when it reached my head all I got was a beard and mustache combo and thick bushy eyebrows. Damn, I’m a sexy daddy demon I thought to myself with a grin. If I wasn’t flexing my huge muscles I probably would have been panicking at the whole situation, but I was high on adrenaline and ego and I was horny as hell. I headed to the urinal with my big hard cock leaking pre-cum on the way there. I began feeding my horny desires and started stroking my cock, letting the stresses of today out. Thoughts of heading to Mr. Thornton office and turning him into my sexy buff thrall and having him lure other office workers into my thralled; watching those the weak, the scrawny, the fat, and average transform into big dumb thralls was extremely sexy to me. Sexy enough for me to come and shoot my load into the restroom urinal. I panted for a second thick orgasm so mind-blowing so exhilarating. But I was still horny, still hungry, and eager to try out these new powers. Then I felt it a disturbance, a disturbance of… Something? Then a dark rift opened up and a huge man came through. He was wearing a well-fitted black suit which hugged his body and showed off his huge form. He had long black hair tied up into a ponytail, stubble on his handsome face, and dark eyes that both men and women find alluring. “Well, that was quite entertaining. You hand self pretty well for a newbie. I was afraid I would have to intervene but to be honest I probably should have,” the new man said. “Who are you?” I said with my new deeper voice. “Oh, where are my manners you may call me Logan. And I was sent here to take care of Darren Mcpherson the one you killed. I must be honest with you I kind of didn’t care if he killed you. I was just sent here to take him in. But you had killed him save me a lot of trouble. Who would expect a dark sorcerer to have fiendish blood?” He says sarcastically. “No wonder why they sent me, I always have to deal with the idiots. That might explain why they didn’t order me to save you. Between you and me that’s all I can guess on the council’s part. Now what to do with you? We can’t have you walking out of here like that. But I need your permission to teleport you to my Citadel are could just knock you out and then teleport you to my Citadel. Know what I have an idea.” He said as inspiration hit him. The destroyed pieces of my clothes began reforming and fusing with the remains of Darren’s clothes to form something new, and in a flash, I was clothed in a strange combination. The man looked pleased with himself. “I think I’ll have a representative talk to you and explain a little bit more details of what’s going on. If the researchers and the recruiters are right, then you are a dark sorcerer with fiendish blood; Whose blood was activated when you ran out of normal magical power. Now take these,” he said as he hands over several items to me. “The bracelet will suppress your fiendish blood along you to walk among the normal people; and as a bonus help hides from those who have ill will towards you or agents of the light from checking you. While letting me and those who serve the dark bastion be able to find you. The other is my business card with my number; call me if you need anything, but do not abuse it. And finally, a brochure this is a law of information for you but trust me to read the brochure explains the basics. Now go home and don’t take any other stops unless you have to. All the things that were in your pockets are now in the right pocket of your new jacket, and on your left are the spoils of your victory. I gave it a 30-minute lock so that you would be tempted to open it up in this building,” he said as a dark rift opened up. He turned around and walked through it leaving me horny and with more questions than answers. I decided to take his advice and placed on the bracelet and decided to head home. It’s been a long exciting, frightening, and horny day.
transformation The Passion Of Flames (update,12/31/21) chapter 1, part Five added on
BigZargo12 posted a topic in Stories
The Passion Of Flames by big-Zargo Authors note: This story was inspired by an old story I made for a contest, to be more accurate my first story I need for a contest. I decided I could re-look at the story again because I felt that I could do more with it. And as I mulled it over, I felt that I could expand it and its ideas. Embers of a burning rainbow Patrick was hiking in the woods making his way across a trampled dirt path. He thought to himself, just three more hours and he will soon be off the trail and back into civilization. He rubbed his hand over his sweating pale white face moving some of his shaggy brown hair off of his glasses. His nose twitched as the smell of burning wood filled his nostrils. Nostalgic memories of the campfire passed through his head as he stood there basking in the flavorful aroma. His thoughts were interrupted as the world began to rumble from around him. Losing his footing Patrick fell onto the ground as it began to move before his very eyes, rather than a mouth opening it was as if the earth was becoming erect and was growing towards the sky. A small hill was being born right in front of Patrick’s eyes. In another dimension outside the barriers of multiple realities laid a massive red Titan of cosmic fire and passion, glowing so brighter and larger than a star. With giant rippling muscles bigger than the biggest continents on Earth, a forest of grayish body hair that a man could live on, balls the size of huge planets squished together, a ridiculously huge cock that can reach the Titans head. He along with wild grayish hair and a beard that reached his massive hairy pecs attached to a chest. A square-ish head with a strong jaw and prominent forehead and eyebrow ridges. This entity was So massive with muscles that the giant could not even move its limbs. Massive pillars of Flames had surrounded and wrapped around the Titan’s ridiculously big dick, stroking, and squeezing it in a form of masturbation. For unknown eons, this cosmic giant had rubbed at its huge fuck stick, with a blank look of pleasure on his face as time passed by; For its prison hold him well. But sadly, nothing lasts forever, and eventually, the cosmic giant came, and like a geyser erupting his hot cream cum had shot across the boundaries of reality and laid the beginning of the end for a lucky/unlucky world. When Patrick got up, he had found himself next to a new miniature hill, that appeared across his path. He had felt a strange compulsion to explore it. He quickly climbed up on top of the new hill to find a miniature crater reminding him of the pictures they found of books and the Internet. To Patrick, it looked more like a freshly dead miniature volcano, with its rough and smooth black glass all over it. He suddenly felt horny as the smell of a campfire had passed through his nose. The compulsion to enter the crater had been un-resistible to Patrick. He grabbed his crotch and began rubbing it in pleasure as he made his way deeper into the hole. A moan escaped his lips as thoughts of masturbating over right in any sense of fear or curiosity. He had taken off on his backpack and sat down opening up his pants and, grabbed his fuck meat, and began rubbing it, moaning and drooling all over his stubble-covered chin. All he wanted to do is fuck all needs to do is fuck. All that mattered to him like the embers of passion began burning inside his soul. He closed his eyes as he basked in his pleasure, a vision of a giant red man whose muscles block the sky, whose dick could crush the earth with its girth, whose breath could ignite the passion of men. The flames could destroy the world and remake in the giant’s image. Patrick roared as his cum shot out of him. This act echoed the cosmic Titan across space and time, creating a link between them; allowing the Titans power to bleed through the dimensional barriers and both blessed and cursed the man. Patrick’s eyes opened up as fire passed through his veins. His body began to feel warm as fiery passion had made its way through his expanding muscles; Causing the hiking clothing meant for an average man to quickly become tight and uncomfortable as Patrick’s body filled it in and then exceeded its limits; at that point, it began to tear and rip apart revealing his skin which was slowly being peppered with his brown body hair. Huge hairy pecs busted through his shirt company with a muscle gut. His thick thighs had destroyed his blue jeans. His shoes had burst off against his big feet as sleeves from his jacket had completely fallen apart on being able to contain his huge biceps. Huge meaty arms quickly removed any last shreds of clothing on his changing body. Patrick’s average size cock had grown into a huge fat fuck monster, with a need for immediate attention. His balls had grown into the size of apples filled with primal testosterone. The stubble on his face quickly grown into a beard as his forehead had become blunter and his jaw become squarer. His eyes had become a rainbowish gray as his psyche began to shift more in line with the cosmic Titan’s. Patrick’s meaty ass sat there on the ground and began masturbating again. The cosmic Titan felt a soul through the ether whose passion now burned like his. Slowly at first but Patrick’s memories passed through into the giant mind causing his attention to slowly focus on the earth. Patrick roared as he came, shooting his load out again onto the ground where a small puddle of steaming semen was growing. Patrick had come so many times after his transformation that he cannot count; Hours had passed, and it was dark. Patrick was no longer completely blinded by his lust and got up with his 8 feet tall muscle bear body. His breath stood out against the cold night air as his bearish body felt warm against the night air. Patrick was no longer hindered by the darkness and giving his hard cock one last squeeze Patrick began setting out towards civilization bringing the passion of flames with him.- 6 replies
- 10
- muscle growth
- giant
(and 7 more)
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: Welcome to PHOLUS REBORN – the novel. You may remember my short story by the same name. To me, that story always read like the outline of a novel, all “tell” and no “show,” so I finally got around to expanding it. The following is a excerpt from the new novel, avail as an ebook and paperback on Amazon – CLICK HERE. SOME EXPOSITION: Red has ingested a magic potion (Dionysian wine) that has been slowly transforming him into the centaur, Pholus, granting him an amazing body, irresistible pheromones, and an incredible “horse” cock. Red’s housemate and lifelong friend, the straight boy AppleJack, creates the “Pholus Reborn” brand, an online porn empire , an immediate success. Red/ Pholus has recently discovered the ability to create other centaurs and sets about establishing a herd. He has already recruited the beautiful twunk rodeo rider, Pokey Dakota and the porn star Colt Cavalier. After his transformation into a centaur, Pokey’s hair turned bright blue. *********************************************************** The Hipster Barber Shop, Dunn’s, was more-or-less on the way to the gym, so it wasn’t hard to steer Pokey in. “This is my guy,” I told him. “He’ll clean you up.” “I like the smell of this place,” Pokey said as we went inside. “The leather ‘n such – I reckon it’s sorta manly.” There were a few more people in the shop than when I’d been here last, a second cutter in the back corner chair – another hipster with a beautiful beard and a top-knot smoking a cigar. He and his client were deep in it, chatting away, completely ignoring the rest of us. Dunn had just finished at the register so was there to greet us. “Pholus!” he exclaimed, unconsciously touching his package, bowing slightly. Clad only in a leather vest and two heavy silver necklaces, leather gauntlet on one wrist and assorted beads and bracelets on the other, the same black jeans and sneakers as the last time I’d seen him. Once again his beard and hair were manicured to perfection. “I’m honored! What can I do to be of service?” “Hello, Dunn,” I said, smiling, hitting him with a wave of pheromones. (Pokey reacted dramatically, leaning into me and whispering, “Go, Captain Overkill,” as he teasingly poked me in the side. I barely glanced at him.) “Something I hope you can help me with,” I said to Dunn, pulling the baseball cap from Pokey’s head, releasing his cascade of uncontrolled azure locks. “This.” “Oh, my!” Dunn said. I smirked. “Yeah… it needs…” “Some style,” Dunn finished, studying it academically. “I mean, the color’s gorgeous – whoever did it did a spectacular job.” He put his hands through Pokey’s thick hair, examining it – I hope Pokey found it as erotic as I did. From the smell coming off him, he did. “I mean, it’s got highlights, lowlights, beautiful tone… why didn’t they cut it? What’s wrong with you kids today?” He looked Pokey straight in the face. “Fear not, I can make your boy beautiful,” Dunn said, glancing from him to me. “He’s not my boy,” I said, handing Pokey his hat. “But he is part of my tribe, so he needs to look his best.” “Got it.” He turned to Pokey. “First, let’s go wash this good. It looks like there’s some glitter or something in it.” Pokey laughed and cast a glance at me before heading back with Dunn. Dunn turned to me as they were walking to the sink and I made a motion to my beard and mouthed, obviously, “LOSE THIS!” Dunn frowned and turned away, back to his project. One guy sat in the waiting area, clearly perturbed that I’d cut him in line – I could read it coming from him. Only in entitled hipster barber shops would a guy think to give attitude to me, a six-five, two-hundred eighty-five pound musclebeast, but that was the world in which we lived. “Some of us were in line,” he said. I smiled and hit him with a heavy wave of pheromones. “Thank you for letting us in,” I said, gently touching the head of my cock through my tight gym shorts – they kept no secrets. “Your generosity pleases me.” “Um…” He sniffed the air curiously. “You’re welcome?” he said, crossing his legs in an attempt to hide his sudden, swollen erection. “I mean, anything.” He bowed his head in shame, but couldn’t keep himself from looking at me, now that I’d made him infatuated. “Anything for you.” I smiled – weak-willed mortals. “Exactly,” I said, winking. “Anything for me.” Then I moved to the far side of the waiting area, where I could keep an eye on Pokey, but have some privacy while I texted AppleJack. ************************************************************************ @me: You still mad? @applejack: I’m not mad. Not exactly. I guess I’m disappointed. We’ve been friends our whole entire lives, Red. I can’t believe you’d think you had any better ally. @me: There’s nobody I’d rather have at my side. you know that! @applejack: Yeah, except you won’t make me a centaur. @me: C’mon, AppleJack. That’s not fair. It’s not that I don’t want you to be. @applejack: You make that dimwit kid a centaur! You make some porn star you just met a centaur! But your oldest friend… who, coincidentally, CREATED your whole brand… no, he gets to stay human @me: To make you a centaur, we have to have sex. @applejack:… @applejack:… @applejack: Like, what do you mean? What specifically? You don’t have to FUCK me, do you? Is that why you only pick porn stars and rodeo clowns? @me: Haha @applejack: I mean, I think I could do anything OTHER than that. You know, get super-high… @me: Actually, it’s just the opposite. You’d have to fuck ME. @applejack:… @applejack:… @applejack: I think I could do that. @me: hahaha @me: Except… It’s not just mechanical. We have to be “into” it for the mojo to work. @applejack: I think you owe it to me to try. @me: But what if it turns you queer, Applejack? Have you considered that? @applejack: So what great things am I doing as a straight man? When was the last time I even dated someone? College? Women don’t want me, Red. They never have. so what if it turned me queer? to have a cock like that… @me:… @me:… @me: Okay. We’ll try. But I can’t make any guarantees. @applejack: Thank you, Red. This means everything to me. @applejack:… @applejack:… @applejack: No pressure. @me: We’ll talk when I get home. Find some good flower. something that will fuck me up @applejack: I have the perfect thing. TTYL. Wear something sexy. Haha. @me: Hahaha ******************************************************************** His words echoed through my mind. “Why not me?” In all the years I’d known AppleJack, I think we’ve had two fights – and I’m not even sure I’d call them “fights,” maybe arguments at best – and even those were from our early days of sharing a living space, when we were both learning our boundaries. The closest we got to arguing now was sarcasm – we’re so codependent on each other that we might as well be married. I couldn’t even imagine a time when we wouldn’t be together – he called it my “Golden Girls” fantasy. “Why not me?” I’d never seen him so genuinely hurt like that – so raw. And he’d been right – I’d done nothing to deserve what was happening to me. I’d won the lottery. I’d drunk a magic potion, not gotten Odysseus back to Ithaca. What right did I have to deny anyone? It just kept coming back to the ugly truth: I didn’t find AppleJack attractive. His horse-face and his dumpy body – I think the reason we’d remained friends as long as we had was because I wasn’t attracted to him. Lusting for AppleJack would never be a chapter title in the book of my life. That said, wasn’t I supposed to be some rutty-sex demigod? Shouldn’t I have been, like, “Yeah, cock!” and just… found the inner drive? “Why not me?” Because I love you, but I have no lust for you. But I could never say that to him. Because I loved him – and I didn’t want to lose him. ********************************************************************** I looked up and noticed that Pokey and Dunn had disappeared – they’d been nearly finished so it didn’t take a genius to figure out why they’d gone to the office, or the back room, or wherever the hell they were. Pokey was no doubt “letting” Dunn suck his cock – that was what Pokey considered tipping. I was actually sorry I wasn’t getting to watch, frankly – Dunn could suck a good cock. I’d almost gotten distracted by my phone again when they emerged, Pokey leading the way, jubilant. Dunn had done a hard fade on the sides and back of his head and pulled the rest of Pokey’s blue cascade back into a ponytail. He looked like a European Soccer player or a super-hip lower east side douchebag. It wasn’t just the haircut – Pokey’d had his septum pierced, and a big silver hoop hung from the base of his nose, a small blue bead decorating it. His ears, too, matching hoops and beads. “Well, look at you!” I said, smiling. “Look at me!” he said, spinning and posing. “Ain’t I gorgeous?” Dunn, a dizzy smile on his face – and if I didn’t miss my guess, the taste of cum in his mouth – opened the cash register, removed all the money and offered it to Pokey. “Your tip,” he said, tears of joy in his eyes. “I know cutters don’t usually tip the clients, but it was such an honor to work with you. I want you to have it.” “Aw,” Pokey said, reaching for the money. “You’re so sweet…” I admonished him. “Pokey,” I said quietly, “not appropriate. Release him.” “No, it’s okay,” Dunn said to me, as if explaining. “I want him to have it!” “No you don’t. He’s doing something to you to make you think that.” “Red!” “Let him go, Pokey…” There was a moment – but with a dramatic sigh, Pokey obeyed, and I could almost feel the reins lifted from Dunn. “Spoil sport…” he mumbled. “You got a beautiful haircut, boy. Be grateful.” I looked at Dunn, who seemed to be wondering why he was standing there with the contents of the till in his hands. I hit him with my own wave of pheromones. “Put the cash back in the drawer, Dunn,” I said to him. “Forget it happened.” Dunn whispered, “Yes, my Lord,” as he swiftly obeyed, his erection renewed in his tight black jeans. “Ohhhh,” Pokey said, knowingly, “I reckon I get it now! You want him for yourself…” I chuckled. “Not just for me,” I said. “For US… get me?” Pokey hadn’t put two and two together – I needed to be more obvious. “A Dun IS a kind of horse,” I said quietly. Pokey got it. “I reckon it is,” he said, nodding while considering. “That’s about as right as rain. So… you gonna make him an offer or do you reckon we should talk to Cavalier first?” Talk to Cavalier first? I thought. Why? I didn’t need his permission to create centaurs. I mean, I knew we’d had this “Herd Master” thing we’d thrown around during sex, but was that serious? Did that take away my power to make my own choices? But before I’d had the chance to voice my thoughts to Pokey, Dunn interrupted. “Make me an offer?” Dunn asked, suddenly curious. “You like his hair that much?” He reached over and began stroking Pokey’s head affectionately. Pokey, like a good pony, leaned into it. “I do,” I said, smiling. “You’re a helluva groomsman.” He laughed. “Always taming the beasts,” he said, playing with Pokey’s ponytail, pulling on it gently until Pokey leaned his head back. “And so you guys want me to be a centaur? That’s cool.” “How’d you figure that?” Pokey asked, pulling slightly away from Dunn, but still keeping an arm around him. Dunn shrugged. “I looked you up after you did your voodoo on me last time,” he said to me. “You’re Pholus – reborn! – I read your story on your website, magic potion, transformation. It’s super-hot. And then you and the kid here show up today and he’s got blue hair – no shit blue hair. It’s totally real – it’s not dyed, it’s not affected – it’s porous and healthy… and blue. And then he hits me with the same smell-thing that you had – pheromones? – and I realized it was all true. You’re magical beings – you’re no-shit Centaurs.” He opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. “So make me an offer! Transform me! What do we gotta do?” ************************************************************************ Turned out there was a massage table in the back room of the barber shop where Dunn did piercings. It was a tiny room, barely enough space for the three of us – I’d tried to send Pokey off to the gym, but he’d insisted on watching this time – the same smell of leather and old smoke that hung comfortably throughout the shop was here, mixed with alcohol (shaken, not stirred) and nervous sweat. As soon as he’d shut the door, Dunn and I began kissing. He was playful, skilled – I’d never kissed a man with a pierced septum before, the weight of the jewelry on my lip was sexy. I sat on the edge of the table and he pushed his way between my legs while we made out. I unbuckled his belt and opened his jeans. Commando, which pleased me, Dunn’s impressively thick cock sported a PA, silver and heavy – he shaved his balls, but his bush was groomed very naturally. Otherwise, I could see his trail leading up under his leather vest with the same black with flecks of gray that decorated his chest, his upper pecs hidden by his beard. “Lemme eat you out,” he mumbled. “I’m dying to get a taste… dying… let me pleasure you before I fuck you.” He slowly dropped to his knees, sliding down my muscular torso, stopping briefly to suck my nipple (“We’re gonna pierce these,” he whispered.), then slid his tongue and the tip of his nose down the center groove of my abs. But instead of continuing to my cock, he spun me round so I faced the table and then yanked my shorts down, exposing my big, muscular ass, but trapping my cock. He spread my cheeks wide, breathed in deeply, losing himself in my scent, and then got to work, lovingly – skillfully – pleasing my hole. I leaned on my forearms, feeling my cock get hard somewhere out of my reach. I’d never experienced someone as talented as Dunn eat me out. I mean, I’d met guys who were into rimming and ass-play, enthusiasts, but they were weekend warriors compared to Dunn! Even Cavalier, with all his professional experience, couldn’t evoke the feelings I was having now – this was a man born to eat ass! I was starting to believe he was going to give me an oral anal-orgasm. An oral analgasm. My inability to access my own cock was killing me, adding to the excruciating pleasure. And there was Pokey, as predictable as a porn plot, climbing up on the head of the table, pulling his big, hard cock out of his shorts and slapping me in the face with it until I took it in my mouth. “I thought you were gonna watch,” I said, allowing the whole of his plum-sized glans in my mouth, tasting the salty-sweetness of his pre-cum. “I am watching,” he responded, forcing me to take more. Dunn had me so open and sloppy wet that when he dropped the heft of his PA-enhanced thickness into my hole, it just slammed against my prostate in big, solid reverberations, a weighted log pounding into me. He slapped my ass cheek. “You like that, demigod?” he asked roughly. “Say yes.” I pulled my mouth off Pokey’s cock. “Yes,” I said, breathing heavily. “Good,” he growled in my ear. “Suck blueboy’s cock and get ready for the best mortal fuck you’ll ever have.” He wasn’t just talking. Cavalier may have been a professional, but his fuck had been all-business, a bit of “these are my standard moves and now it’s your turn with them” – I mean, I’d enjoyed myself, but it was nothing compared to the fucking I was getting from Dunn. Here was a guy who wasn’t only skilled, he was passionate – he loved the act. And Dunn was clearly experienced. A young top could learn a lot from him – I’d hoped Pokey was truly paying attention. I knew I was. “You ready for my cum, demigod?” he asked. “You ready for MY offering?” “Give it to me,” I said, removing my mouth from Pokey’s cock and masturbating it. “It’s the price of apotheosis!” He paid that price in full. The energy was so great, even Pokey shot his load, filling me from both ends with my favorite filling. I was curious if Pokey could feel the transfer of energy that changed Dunn from human to beast. From the way Dunn was reacting inside me, he could definitely feel something – our bond was forming. “It’s happening,” he said, slapping my ass with both hands. “Oh fuck, Pholus, this is incredible!” Pokey laughed. “I reckon the incredible’s just starting,” he said. “Look at your body!” Dunn hadn’t been in any kind of real shape – he’d moved with the grace of someone who’d known some sort of athletics at some point in time in his life, but he clearly had no regular gym routine now. He was someone you could hang clothes off of, though, and he looked like a model with his slick hair, his massive black beard, and all that silver jewelry. He was the kind of guy you’d look at and say, “Man, with a body, he could be unstoppable!” Well, now he was unstoppable. Like Pokey, he hadn’t gained much muscle mass – he retained his leanness, his lanky build – but now he was more like a swimmer or a Greek statue, ripped, tight, every striation visible, every muscle sculpted to perfection. He opened his vest and revealed his abs to us, flat and smooth, again, not an ounce of fat, but hairy and tempting, eight-pack or not. His cock – I’d used the word “log” to describe it earlier, but now it actually was, thick and heavy, the foreskin holding on as best it could. The PA seemed small now compared to how it appeared before. We all watched his cock grow to its new full size, rock hard, rivaling Pokey. “Your turn,” he said to the boy, that familiar glint in his eye. Pokey smiled, stripping his shorts off as he slid down the table. “Yee-haw,” he laughed. “Show me what you got, big daddy. Let’s see how long you stay on the ride.” He ate Pokey’s ass while I ate his, losing myself in his hairy crack, his scent – I felt like I could identify any of my centaurs by smell alone, each was unique and individual. And while he fucked Pokey, I fucked him – and he was amazed at being able to take my cock. Physics be damned – we were magical beings now! We’d been loud and shameless – we’d been beasts – grunting and screaming and unapologetically fucking in the backroom of the barber shop. They could definitely hear us – they could probably smell us over the after-shave. But damn that had been a nice way to spend the morning – and Pokey’d gotten a great haircut! When we went back into the shop, nobody was there – even the other cutter had taken off. “Looks like we scared ‘em all away,” Dunn said, flexing his arms in the wall mirrors. “Damn! This is fucking awesome!” “You just wait,” Pokey said, redressed and ready to go. Dunn kissed him lovingly. “Anytime you want a good fuck, boy, you just drop in.” He patted Pokey on the ass and sent him toward the door. Then he hugged me. “How can I ever thank you for this? This incredible gift?” I winked. “Just keep my beard looking neat,” I said. He smiled. “That’s the price of immortality? I’ll pay it.” He kissed me and I could taste Pokey’s cum on his breath. “Thank you, Pholus. I’m yours forever.” I snorted. “In a thousand years, I’ll remind you you said that.” AFTERWORD: Thank you for reading! If you liked this selection, feel free to buy the whole story HERE on AMAZON
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Hola, el día de hoy les traigo una nueva historia, esta historia la llevo haciendo por unos meses y finalmente la terminé justo en el mes del padre, y creo que será perfecto mostrarla en esta fecha. Con esto también aviso que la historia tendrá incesto y cosas por el estilo. Así que comenzamos. _________________________________________ Defendiendonos de los Bullies. Hola, mi nombre es Lucas y junto a mi hermano David nos caracterizamos por ser unos cerebritos, somos de los chicos más inteligentes de toda la universidad, hemos ganado muchos premios y reconocimientos por esta misma razón. Aunque no todo es color de rosa, primero que nada nuestros padres están separados, vivimos con nuestro padre, pero este siempre está en el trabajo, se podría decir que al final de todo nos llevamos bien, aunque nos gustaría pasar más tiempo juntos. Segundo y lo peor de todo, en la universidad algunos nos ven como unos héroes gracias a que tenemos muchos premios por nuestra inteligencia, pero hay un grupo en nuestra clase que nos hace la vida imposible, los atletas de la clase, siempre están molestandonos porque somos unos nerds y porque son más fuertes que nosotros, también llegan a molestar a personas de otras clases, son demasiado fastidiosos, y además al contrario de nosotros, solo pasan las materias por ser buenos en los deportes y nos parece de lo más injusto, y no es que estemos en mal estado físico o que no comamos sano, pero ellos llevan todo al otro nivel, algunos incluso se inyectan esteroides y no podemos competir contra eso. Cada día nos sentíamos más artos de esta situación, cada vez queríamos obtener venganza por todo lo que nos hacían, así que decidimos planear algo, para que todo esto acabara; así que estuvimos todo un mes trabajando en nuestro plan para por fin vengarnos. Todo el mes estuvimos creando un suero que transformaría el cuerpo de un hombre con pobre estado físico a uno de una bestia musculosa, esto solamente si se bebe el suero completo, pero nosotros nos dividiremos el suero en dos, que no nos convertirá en unas bestias pero si nos dará un buen cuerpo de atletas para defendernos, además que no queremos que ninguno se vuelva un niardental musculoso y que afecte nuestra hermandad, jajá. ¿Somos muy inteligentes, verdad? !Lo pensamos en todo! O eso creíamos... Todo esto comienza un día miércoles, en la tarde, el suero estaba casi completo, lo único que faltaba era que llegara el ingrediente que hará que todo funcione "La testosterona Maximun" es un suplemento demasiado escaso y muy caro, tuvimos suerte de encontrar uno, posiblemente nunca volvamos a encontrar otro jamás, estábamos anciosos para que el cartero viniera de una buena vez y nos lo trajera. -.Uff... Ya falta muy poco David, estoy rastreando el paquete y vendrá en 3 minutos. *Dije entusiasmado* -. Ay, hermano, parece que he estado esperando años, pensar que muy pronto podremos vengarnos de los estúpidos deportistas del salón, y del odioso de Brendan, por culpa de él los demás comenzaron a molestarnos. *Decía David, mientras se acostaba en su cama, cansado por el trabajo* -. No dudes que no lo haremos, todo esto terminará muy pronto, esto no nos ayudará solamente para vengarnos, ya verás como conseguiremos muchas citas con esto, jejé, finalmente dejaré de ser un virgen, jajajá. -. Oye, es verdad, no puedo esperar a tener un cuerpo tan genial, jejé. *Ding Dong* -. Oye, creo que ya vino, vamos baja rápido! *Decía David entusiasmado* -. Ya voy, esperame. *Dije mientras trataba de ponerme las pantuflas* Bajé con mi hermano las escaleras, lo más rápido que pude, recibimos dos paquetes en lugar de Uno. Luego nos fuimos a la cocina para ver de que se trataban. -. Oye que es el otro paquete? *Dije intrigado* -. A ver, *Decía David mientras lo abría* Oh, es una cámara, aquí dice que para Jonnhatan Johnson, Oh, es para papá! Era de la que tanto hablaba. -. Oh, ya, bueno, hay que abrir el otro paquete. -. Sí, ahora voy. Abrí el paquete que era para nosotros y saqué la caja con la testosterona maximun. -. Huh, es más pequeño de lo que pensé, se nota que hay pocas variante de estas en el mundo, jejé. *Dije mientras observaba el pequeño tubo con la sustancia* -. En las instrucciones dice que luego de vertirlo a la mezcla se tiene que dejar por un día en el congelador para que haga efecto. *Decía David con la hoja de instrucciones* -. Muy bien vamos a traer los sueros y a vertir este bebé *Dije entusiasmado* Subimos y bajamos ya con los dos sueros y los medidores y preparamos todo para vertir la testosterona al suero. -. Muy bien Lucas, asegúrate y la cantidad sea la misma. *Decía David algo nervioso* -. Lo sé, haz silencio David, yo sé que hay que hacer... *Decía mientras vertía la testosterona en dos tubos con medición, tenía que verter justo la cantidad necesaria, con un poco de nervios logré vertir la misma cantidad en los dos tubos de ensayo, lo único que quedaba era verterlo a los sueros* Muy bien hermano, llegó la hora, toma tu tubo, vamos a veter y esperar a que se enfríen para tener nuestros cuerpos deseados. -. Sí, hay que hacerlo Lucas *Decía David emocionado* Vertimos los dos tubos con la testosterona a los sueros que estaban dentro de dos botellas de una tal soda llamada "Ultra Cola", para que nuestro padre no sospeche y piense que estamos haciendo droga o algo así. -. Muy bien, todo listo. -. ¿Crees que papá pensará que son drogas como la otra vez? jajá *Dijo David* -. Lo dudo jajajá, no creo que las vaya a tirar, fue buena idea camuflarlas por bebidas. Muy bien, son las 2:00pm, así que mañana luego de ir a la universidad a las 4:00pm podremos beber los sueros. -. Espero y no duela, no quiero que papá se asuste con nuestros gritos, ya sabes lo estricto que es. -. Meh, no creo que nos haga nada, lo vamos a dejar fascinado cuando vea en lo que nos convertimos. Ahora estaría bien pasar el rato jugando videojuegos, para que el tiempo avance rápido. -. Me parece buena idea *Dijo David corriendo hacia la sala* El tiempo pasó y nos estuvimos horas jugando, hasta que llegó papá. Papá es un contador, se caracteriza por ser algo bajito, bastante delgado y también es calvo, esto por el estrés que le causa su trabajo, él es un hombre algo enojado y estricto, aunque la verdad solo es así por su mismo estrés, no le tomamos mucha importancia cuando nos regaña la verdad, ya que aunque sea estricto, es gracias a su cuerpo que no impone mucho, a veces se preocupa mucho por nosotros y no puede entender que ya no somos unos niños, aunque a veces sea molesto lo queremos y le tenemos aprecio, ya que es el único papá que tenemos. -. Aghh... Hola chicos, ya llegué, hoy tuve un día muy duro... *Dijo papá mientras entraba y se sentaba en el sofá cansado de su trabajo* -. Hola pá. (Dijimos ambos) -. Aghh... Chicos pueden pedir una pizza? Hoy no tengo ganas de cocinar. *Decía papá mientras bostezaba* -. Claro... *Dije yo* (Como si cocinar a alguna vez, siempre ordenamos comida) Pedí la pizza y papá comenzó a hablarnos de su día. -. No van a creer esto, recuerdan el nuevo puesto de trabajo que me habían prometido? Pues resulta que se lo dieron al presumido de mi compañero, ¡el que lleva menos tiempo que yo! Es increíble, llevo 10 años allí y le dan a otro el puesto que me merezco solo porque el otro tiene carisma y se ve bien, pero lo que importa es el intelecto, de seguro no tiene idea de como se hacen los inventarios, vaya día de mierda... *Decía mi padre con enojo* -. Oh, que mal... *Dije sin ponerle demasiada atención a lo que decía, ya que no era raro que se quejara al venir del trabajo* -. Por cierto, no llegó nada para mi hoy? *Preguntó mi padre* -. Ah, sí, es la cámara de la que tanto hablabas. *Dije mientras le daba su paquete* -. Genial! Finalmente podré hacer las fotos tan geniales, me hice una cuenta de Twitter solo para esto. -. Te hiciste un Twitter? Y qué vas a publicar ahí? *Preguntó David* -. Publicaré fotos sobre insectos y plantas. *Decía mi papá emocionado* -. En serio? Pero eso es aburrido... *Dije con un poco de decepción en mi voz* -. No es aburrido, solo esperen a ver las fotos que voy a publicar, es verdad, deberían comenzar a seguirme ya, vamos entren a Twitter y siganme, les comparto el link de mi perfil. *Decía mi papá entusiasmado* -. No lo sé papá, yo- -. Vamos por favor, solo háganlo, ya verán que luego, tendré muchos seguidores y querrán seguirme, vamos solo háganlo, ya! *Decía mi padre con un tono ya molesto* -. Agh, vamos hermano, solo hagamoslo, sino va estar toda la noche molestando con esto. *Me dijo David* -. Está bien, pá. -. Genial, jajá, recuerden activar las notificaciones para ver todas mis publicaciones. -. Ok... Entramos a nuestros Twitter y le dimos follow a nuestro padre para no volverlo a escuchar a hablar de esto. El tiempo pasó y la pizza vino, comimos mientras papá no se daba cuenta de nada, debido a que se había quedado dormido en su sillón favorito, así que solo comimos mi hermano y yo y no fuimos a dormir. A la mañana siguiente, nos levantamos ansiosos, sabíamos que el día había llegado pero aún teníamos que esperar unas horas más para poder llevar a cabo nuestro plan. -. Hoy es el día David, por fin tendremos lo que tanto deseábamos. *Dije mientras me preparaba para ir a la universidad* -. No puedo esperar, ayer el día pasó muy lento para mi, creo que no podré concentrarme en clase. Terminamos de prepararnos y nos fuimos junto a nuestro padre, papá nos dejó en la universidad y luego condujo hacia su apestoso trabajo. Las clases pasaron como cualquier otro día, Brendan y sus amigos molestaban como siempre y nosotros solo deseábamos que el tiempo pasara más rápido para poder darle su merecido. Luego de una ardua jornada de clases en la universidad, por fin habían terminado, estábamos a punto de irnos a la casa, hasta que el director nos llamó por medio del alta voz a su oficina. -. Agh, qué querrá el director ahora? Tenemos prisa... *Dije con decepción* -. Oh, ya recuerdo, creo que es por lo del proyecto que presentamos la semana pasada, de seguro y nos dará otro premio. *Dijo David para aclararme* -. Agh... Pero eso dura mucho tiempo, encima habla super lento... *Dije quejandome* -. Nooo... Pero por qué justo hoy!? *Dijo David decepcionado* Al final no tuvimos de otra que quedarnos e ir a que el director nos felicitarla con su extenso discurso y su aburrida voz. Ya eran las 4:30 y mi padre ese día salió temprano así que había llegado a casa mucho antes que nosotros. -. Hola, ya llegué... Chicos...? Dónde están? Quizá no han llegado, quizá y les volvieron a dar otro premio, esos chicos si me llenan de orgullo, jejé, ojalá y me tomarán más en serio... Pero bueno. *Dijo mi papá mientras iba a la cocina a buscar que comer* Mi papá estaba cansado como siempre, a pesar de incluso haber llegado más temprano de lo normal. -. Agh... Vamos a ver que hay en el refrigerador... hoy tuve otro día de mierda, no almorcé por hacer ese inventario, y aún así no le pareció suficiente al jefe; pero si que le gustó la presentación del estúpido presumido de mi compañero, como lo odio... Oh, al parecer hay pizza de la de ayer... También quisiera algo para beber, veamos que hay por acá. *Dijo mi padre cuando abrió la parte del congelador donde teníamos los dos sueros* Oh, los chicos compraron de las sodas que les pedí "Ultra Cola" ¡Son de mis favoritas! Aunque tienen un color diferente... Será un nuevo sabor? Oh, bueno, nuevo o no de seguro que estará bueno, voy a tomar una... Aunque pensándolo mejor, me voy a tomar las dos, tengo muchas ganas de algo frío. *Dijo mi padre que iba felizmente con las "sodas" y su pedazo de pizza hacia la sala para ver televisión mientras comía y bebía las dos "sodas"* Uff, esto sabe muy fuerte, pero la verdad es que está muy bueno, me las voy a terminar en nada, jajá. *Dijo mi padre mientras bebía el contenido entero de la primera botella y comenzaba a abrir la segunda con emoción* Mientras tanto nosotros seguíamos en la escuela escuchando el discurso aún del director, y luego de dos largas horas de charlas, premios y aburridos discursos finalmente pudimos salir de ese infierno. -. Dios, qué horas son ya? *Preguntó David* -. Son las 6:47pm, si corremos de seguro llegamos a las 7:20pm, el suero debe haber estado listo hace horas. *Dije mientras aumentaba el ritmo de mi paso al caminar* -. Ok vamos. Corrimos lo más rápido que pudimos hacía nuestra casa, con logramos llegar, aunque sin mucho aliento, al abrir la puerta unos ruidos de objetos rompiéndose y un quejido de un golpe que provenía de una voz profunda nos llamó mucho la atención, al parecer este venía de la cocina. -. Oye... Qué habrá sido eso? *Pregunté asustado* -. No lo sé... Pero mira, son las cosas de papá *Dijo David mientras apuntaba a su maletín en la entrada* De seguro es él. -. Estás seguro? Porque el quejido sonó de una voz más gruesa que la de él. *Dije un poco confundido* será mejor ir a ver... Intrigados y temerosos decidimos ir a ver, al pasar en frente de la sala nos encontramos con la televisión encendida, deducimos que nuestro padre la había dejado así, así que no nos preocupamos demasiado y seguimos caminando hacia la cocina, de donde los ruidos provenían... Llegamos justo a la entrada de esta, estaba a oscuras, pero se podía ver un poco lo que pasaba ahí, con valor entramos para ver que era lo que provocaba esos ruidos y esperábamos aliviarnos al encontrar a nuestro padre como siempre, haciendo cualquier cosa; pero al entrar nos encontramos con una sorpresa que nunca podríamos eliminar de nuestra memoria. Al entrar vimos como una montaña de músculos desnuda estaba en frente nuestro, luciendo su musculosa espalda y su enorme culo, se encontraba tratando de reparar un jarrón que de seguro había roto con su inmensidad. Estábamos atónitos, no sabíamos que decir, mi hermano y yo nos mirábamos y temblabamos del miedo por no saber quien era ese gigante, hasta que este se dio la vuelta, percatandose de nuestra presencia. -. Eh? ¡Hasta que al fin llegan! ¡Los estuve esperando chicos! *Decía el gigante algo molesto* -. T-tú q-quién eres?... *Dije mientras mi hermano me tomaba del brazo* -. Qué!? Pero si soy yo! Su papá Jonathan! *Dijo el gigante tratando de acercarse a nosotros* -. No... Nuestro padre no es así... El es pequeño, bajo y calvo y no tiene una voz tan profunda... Vete de aquí o llamaremos a la policía *Dijo mi hermano con voz temerosa* -. Qué!? Pero si soy yo, en serio! Por qué no me creen!? *Decía el gigante mientras cada vez se acercaba mas* -. No detente, no te acerques, v-vete de aquí ahora. -. Como es que no entienden, vengan acá les mostraré. * Dijo el gigante que comenzó a avalanzarse más rápido hacia nosotros* -. AAAAAHH!! CORREEE!! *Grité a mi hermano* Corrimos hasta el segundo nivel, pero aún podíamos escuchar al gigante persiguendonos y parece que nos estaba alcanzando por muy rápido que corrieramos, así que nos decidimos meter al baño, entramos y nos metimos a la regadera y cerramos la cortina, esperando a que no nos encontrara. Tratábamos de contener la respiración para que no nos encontrara y calmarnos un poco. -. Crees que nos encontrará, en verdad será papá? *Susurraba mi hermano* -. Shhh... Nos va a escuchar. *Dije para callarlo* Escuchábamos sus pasos, se acercaban hacia nosotros, sentíamos que nos iba a encontrar, pero de repente al parecer paró, pensábamos que había entrado a otra habitación. -. Ya se fue? *Susurro David* -. Creo que sí... *Susurré* -. No, estoy aquí. *Dijo la bestia musculosa que nos había encontrado* -. AAAAHHHH!! *Gritamos ambos* -. Esperen, esperen, shhh... Ya les dije que soy yo, su padre *Dijo el enorme hombre de voz porfunda* -. Papá... En serio eres tú...? *Preguntó David* -. Sí, solo que creo que me transformé en esta bestia. *Dijo mi "papá" confundido* La verdad no lo podíamos creer tampoco, se veía espectacular, como un héroe espartano en la vida real, incluso su cabello había crecido otra vez y tenía mas pelo en otras partes, al contrario que antes. -. Papá... Cómo? Cuándo? Por qué? *Preguntó David con confusión* -. No tengo idea, solo vine, comí una pizza, vi televisión y me tomé dos sodas, solamente, luego de eso mi cuerpo comenzó a doler y comencé a crecer y ahora estoy así... *Dijo mi padre viendo su enorme bícep* -. Espera, espera; dices que bebiste unas sodas? Qué sodas específicamente? -. Dos ultra colas que estaban en el refrigerador, son mis favoritas... Intercambiamos miradas con mi hermano y decidimos salir corriendo a la sala. -. Ey! A donde van con tanta prisa!? *Dijo mi padre con su profunda y nueva voz* Llegamos a la sala y vimos las dos botellas completamente vacías. -. No queda nada, ni siquiera una gota... No puede ser... *Decía mientras trataba de sacar una gota de las botella y beberla pero era imposible* -. Esto no puede estar pasando, como es que no dejo nada!? -. Ya les dije, son de mis favoritas *Dijo mi padre que iba entrando a la sala* pero me podrían decir que eran esas sodas y porqué eran tan importantes? -. Esas botellas eran un suero experimental que estábamos creando, no se suponía que tu lo bebieras, se suponía que nosotros tomaríamos cada uno y tendríamos cuerpos de atletas, pero ahora tu te tomaste los dos y te convertiste en más que un atleta, sino que en una bestia. *Dije frustrado* -. Pero qué!? Iban a tomarse esos sueros sin siquiera haberlos probado primero? Que irresponsables, no lo puedo creer. *Dijo mi padre con algo de enojo* -. Bueno sí, pero ahora no podremos por tu culpa! *Dijo mi hermano gritando* -. Mi culpa!? Pero si ustedes saben que esa es la bebida que siempre tomo yo! -. Claro que no! *Grité a mi padre* -. Claro que sí, y hace dos días les dije que pasarán comprando de esas sodas porque son mis favoritas, siempre hablo de ellas; pero parece que ustedes nunca me hacen caso o me prestan atención. *Decía mi gigante padre decepcionado* -. En serio...?, espera sí recuerdo que nos dijiste... *Dije sorprendido* -. Es verdad, de hecho creo que tomamos las botellas que papá ya se había bebido... *Dijo mi hermano percatandose de todo* -. Bueno, ¡pero eso no te da el derecho de tomarte algo así porque sí! *Dije a mi padre para hacerle entender* -. Por qué no hacen más y ya!? *Preguntaba enojado mi padre. -. Ese suero tenía una sustancia única, no podemos pedir otra, así que sigue siendo tu culpa! *Gritó mi hermano* -. Que!? Encima me siguen culpando!? Pues lo siento, pero estas son las consecuencias de sus actos por no escucharme! -. El problema es que tu nunca te diste a respetar, ¡se nota que no nos enseñaste bien! *Grité* -. Sí, sí hubieras sido mejor padre antes esto no estaría pasando! *Gritó David* De repente podría ver una cara de enojo que nunca había visto antes en mi padre nunca, solo con ver esa expresión nos detuvimos con los gritos y comenzamos a temblar del temor que nos causaba, mi padre comenzó a apretar fuerte los puños de repente y levantó el su sillón favorito y lo lanzó contra la pared rompiendolo completamente. -. AAAAAAAAAGGGHH YA CALLENSEEEEE!!! SE ACABÓ, ES HORA DE QUE USTEDES SEPAN ALGO DE DISCIPLINA! COMO ES POSIBLE QUE MIS HIJOS ME DIGAN ESO? *Gritaba fuertemente mi padre con su profunda voz mientras nos veía con sus ojos llenos de furia* -. L-lo siento papá, por favor n-nos hagas daño, por favor *Decía yo con casi lágrimas en los ojos* -. Sí, papá perdón *Dijo mi hermano arrodillandose* lo lamento... -. Yo... Agh... Olvidenlo, ya todo pasó, no hay nada que podamos hacer, lo siento, siento gritarles, pero más les vale no volverme a hacer enojar, okey? -. S-sí *Dijimos ambos* -. Muy bien, creo que podemos tranquilizarnos un poco, jajá. *Dijo mi padre para tranquilizarnos, aunque luego su cara se convirtió en una de preocupación* Mierda! Mañana tengo una presentación importante, y no tengo nada que ponerme, mi ropa quedó destrozada después de transformarme en esto, necesito ropa ya! Al oír esas palabras apenas no estábamos dando cuenta del enorme pedazo de carne que papá tenía entre las piernas, era muy enorme. -. Es verdad papá, taparte por favor *Dije tratando de cubrirme los ojos, pero imposible no dejar de ver* -. Ah! Es verdad! N-no me miren chicos, v-vayan a traerme una toalla. Fui con mi hermano y le trajimos la toalla más grande que teníamos en la casa, aunque aún así le quedaba corta gracias a su enorme estatura, pero al menos no estaba mostrando su enorme verga todo el rato. -. Muy bien chicos, necesito que vayamos al centro comercial, ahora! Vamos suban al carro! -. Pero papá, no puedes ir en toalla, no te dejarán! -. Lo sé, necesito que ustedes me compren la ropa, un traje y corbata, de lo más grande que tengan, también unas cuantas camisas, pantalones y... -Y...? *Pregunté* -. Ropa interior, que no tengo nada que ponerme abajo, pero eso sí, necesito que todo sea grande, no puedo ir tan apretado a mi presentación de mañana. *Decía preocupado mi padre* -. Papá no sé si debamos- -. No les estoy preguntando, les estoy diciendo que vamos a ir, ¡AHORA! Al escuchar ese "ahora" de mi papá decidimos entrar al auto con mi padre, teniendo cuidado de que nadie nos vea en el vecindario. Entramos rápido y mi padre condujo hasta el centro comercial, llegamos allí y nos dijo que se quedaría a esperar en el auto. -. Recuerden, ropa grande, okey? *Gritaba nuestro padre desde su auto que le quedaba pequeño ahora* -. Okey! *Gritamos nosotros mientras íbamos a la entrada* -. Espero y esos chicos encuentren lo que necesito *Se decía mi padre asimismo, mientras veía como un auto se estacionaba al lado de él* En el auto había otro chico, parece que de otra universidad e intercambiaron miradas se saludaron y se sonrieron el uno al otro. Mientras tanto nosotros entrábamos y salíamos de muchas tiendas, tratando de encontrar ropa para mi papá, con algo de complicación al final encontramos lo necesario, solo faltaba la ropa interior, cosa que nos daba mucha vergüenza ya que ni siquiera era para nosotros, pero aún así lo logramos, pagamos por todo y salimos hacia el estacionamiento, este último estaba casi vacío, ya eran las nueve de la noche, y estaba algo oscuro, pero aún podíamos ver el auto de papá así que fuimos hacia donde estaba, pero mientras más nos acercabamos ruidos extraños se comenzaron a escuchar, ruidos y murmullos que solo escuchaba en videos explícitos de internet. -. Sí... Así... Que rico lo haces... Casi no te cabe... Que rico... Mmm... Nos acercamos al auto y nos escondimos detrás para ver que era ese ruido, cuando nos percatamos de que era nuestro padre, él estaba con otro hombre y este último le estaba dando satisfacción por medio de una mamada a su enorme verga, estábamos muy sorprendidos al ver ese acto y decidimos evitar que esto continuará en algo más intenso. -. Sí... Vamos... Apresúrate... En cualquier momento van a venir mis hijos... *Decía mi padre con su gran trozo siendo lamido por la boca de otro hombre* -. Qué!? Papá qué rayos haces!? *exclamé para evitar que siguieran* -. ¡Mierda, vete de aquí ya, corre! *Dijo mi padre mientras apartaba al hombre y lo hacía ir a su respectivo auto* mierda... Chicos puedo explicarlo... jejé... -. En serio!? En un estacionamiento!? Ten un poco de decencia papá, ¡eso no se hace! *Decía David que intentaba no ver su enorme verga parada* -. Lo siento sí, el chico vino comenzamos a hablar, yo estaba desnudo y las cosas surgieron, ya, es algo normal, saben? He estado muy caliente últimamente. -. Sí, pero por favor no lo vuelvas a hacer acá, imagínate si alguien lo hubiera visto, no puede ser... *Dije decepcionado* Sabes qué mejor hagamos como que esto nunca pasó, ok? Toma, acá está la ropa, vamonos a casa ya. -. Genial gracias lindos, uff, sí compraron calzoncillos de los buenos *Dijo mi padre mientras veía su ropa interior nueva* -. Sí, sí ya guárdalos y vamonos. Salimos del estacionamiento, mientras íbamos en camino no podíamos dejar de ver la verga parada de papá mientras este conducía. -. Este... Papá... Podrías hacer algo con eso... *Dijo David con un poco de vergüenza* -. Ah, mierda! Lo siento chicos jajá... Pero no creo que se me baje hasta que me venga, pasenme la toalla para taparlo jajá... Con algo de vergüenza se la puse encima de su enorme tranca, la verdad es que sentía mucha envidia de lo grande que lo tenía ahora, quería tenerla así también yo, y de seguro mi hermano también. Llegamos a casa y mi padre fue corriendo hacia al baño, haciendo lo que mi hermano y yo ya sabíamos que era, y la verdad es que papá no era muy silencioso al darse placer, daba muchos gemidos, y esos gemidos se convertían un gruñidos y sinceramente nos exitaban, incluso una erección se hizo presenten en mi y mi hermano no era la excepción. -. Oye tú- *Dijo mi hermano antes de que lo interrumpiera* -. No lo menciones... *Dije avergonzado* -. AGHH UFF SIII... *Gritaba mi padre que de seguro se acababa de venir* -. Mierda, solo lo está haciendo peor. -. Mejor vamonos ya a dormir... Decidimos ir a la cama, aun con la erección, pero como sea logramos dormir; nuestro padre era una bestia musculosa ahora, y nos preguntábamos si esto sería así todo lo que resta de nuestras vidas. Al día siguiente nos levantamos temprano y ocurrió algo fuera de lo normal, nuestro padre estaba despierto, ya listo para salir, y no sólo eso, también se encontraba haciendo el desayuno, algo que no había hecho nunca, por lo general, lo hacía mi madre y desde que se separaron comemos siempre afuera. -. Papá!? Qué haces despierto!? *Pregunté intrigado* -. No ves? Estoy haciendo el desayuno, estoy viendo un tutorial en YouTube de como hacer un desayuno balanceado para nosotros, jejé. *Dijo con una sonrisa* -. Wow, nunca pensé a papá decir algo así *Dijo David* Nos sentamos en la mesa, esperando a que papá terminara y luego nos sirvió el desayuno, que tenía un aspecto realmente bueno. -. Wow, esto se ve realmente bien, Pá. -. ¡Y sabe realmente bien! *exclamó mi hermano mientras comía un bocado* -. Sabía que les gustaría, mis lindos. Comimos el delicioso desayuno de papá, este último se sirvió dos veces para poder llenarse y luego fue a sentarse un rato en el sofá a ver televisión, mientras tomaba un café, también estaba luciendo su nueva conjunto de ropa que le quedaba muy bien. -. Jé, chicos, creo que tenemos que comprar un nuevo sillón, rompí mi favorito ayer, iré luego del trabajo. *Dijo mi padre quien procedió a tomar un poco de café* Sin decir nada, decidimos ir a prepararnos para la universidad, la verdad no queríamos recordar el ataque de furia que tuvo nuestro padre la noche anterior. Terminamos de prepararnos y papá nos llevó a la universidad, nos dejó y luego se dirijió a su trabajo, con una sonrisa confiada, en el camino a nuestro salón estuvimos hablando un poco de nuestro nuevo padre. -. Uff... La verdad es que sigo enojado con papá, no puede ser que esto nos pasó a nosotros, y ahora tenemos que seguir aguantando al estúpido Brendan *Dije decepcionado* -. Agh, no me lo recuerdes, debimos haber sido más precavidos, creí que lo habíamos, pensado en todo... Pero debes admitir, que papá se ve muy bien. *Dijo mi hermano con un poco de sonrojo en su cara* -. Lo sé, su trasero se ve enorme y esos pantalones con los que iba hoy en la mañana eran ajustados, se veía muy sexy, imaginar que podríamos haber tenido un cuerpo sexy, pero bueno, al parecer tendremos que vivir con esto desde ahora *Exclamé con tristeza* Entramos a clase, pasamos el resto del día pensando en lo que pasará cuando lleguemos a casa a ver otra vez a papá, pensábamos en cómo iba a ser nuestra vida de ahora en adelante, terminamos la jornada y salimos del campus de la universidad para subirnos al autobús, en el trayecto nos pusimos a ver nuestros celulares para distraernos, casi llegábamos a nuestra casa, cuando mi hermano recibió una notificación de la cuenta de Twitter de mi padre, que había pasado de llamarse "Jonathan Nature" a "JonathanSex78". -. Qué!? Qué clase nombre es este!? *Dijo mi hermano mientras me mostraba el celular con la notificación de una nueva foto subida* -. Cambió de nombre, pero por qué ese nombre!? Dale a la publicación, vamos a ver... *Dije intrigado* Al entrar a la publicación por medio de la notificación nos encontramos con algo que nunca creímos que nuestro padre sería capaz de hacer, la foto publicada era algo que realmente nos impactó. Se trataba ni más ni menos de una foto del culo de mi padre completamente desnudo, exponiendo junto a este su enorme espalda y sus piernas abiertas, era increíble, como ver la espalda y las nalgas de un dios Griego. -. ¿¡Pero qué verga!? Esa foto... Estas viendo lo mismo que yo...? *Dije sin poder creerlo* -. S-sí, ¿cómo? ¿Por qué se tomaría una foto así? *Dijo mi hermano con preocupación* -. No tengo idea... Hace cuanto subió esa foto? -. Hace dos horas y... Dios! Ya tiene cincuenta mil likes, esto es increíble! -. Qué!? Te imaginas cuantas personas la vieron ya!? Debemos hablar seriamente con él. Al llegar a nuestra parada, decidimos correr hacia nuestra casa, abrimos lo más rápido que podíamos y entramos, buscamos a nuestro padre y lo encontramos viendo una película mientras comía palomitas y afortunadamente estaba con ropa, bueno, con una musculosa y unos shorts que casi no dejaban nada a la imaginación. -. Papá, ¡debemos hablar seriamente! -. Eh? Hola chicos, qué pasa? -. Papá que clase de foto es esta!? *Exclamó mi hermano que le mostraba la foto que había publicado* -. Ah... Bueno... Pues, quería probar la nueva cámara y me tomé una nueva foto, solo fue eso. -. Solo fue eso!? Tú digiste que la cuenta era para fotografíar plantas en insectos! *Exclamé furioso* -. Miren, se que dije que era para eso, pero me di cuenta que nadie quiere ver eso, lo que la gente quiere ver son cosas como esa foto, acaso no ves la cantidad de likes que tengo? Y es mi primera publicación! Chicos, me estoy volviendo conocido, esto es algo que siempre quise... -. Sí, pero no debería ser de esta manera... -. A ver, entiendo su preocupación de que me tome fotos así, parezco un cualquiera que solo quiere atención gracias a su cuerpo, pero esto es lo que soy y me hace feliz, además no se me ve la cara para nada, no deberían preocuparse. -. Bueno, puede que tengas razón pero no es bueno que lo hagas, es vergonzoso que tu papá se exhiba así... -. Agh, miren ya estuvo, miles de personas vieron mi culo, mejor cambiemos de tema. Les quiero decir que mi presentación fue todo un éxito, les gustó tanto que al final sí me van a dar el puesto que me había prometido, después de tanto tiempo trabajando allí, finalmente lo conseguí, la gente no dejaba de verme, les encantaba escucharme, nunca había sido así en mi vida, y todo gracias a este cuerpazo jajá. -. Vaya, felicidades pá, esos significa que ganarás más, no? -. Así es pequeñín, su papá va a traer más dinero para sus pequeñitos *Dijo mi padre mientras nos acaraciaba la cabeza a ambos* -. Ok... *Dije un poco molesto por su acto anterior* deberías dejar de hacernos así, ya no somos unos niños... -. Lo sé, pero sin mis pequeñitos. -. Bueno, aunque antes tú eras incluso más pequeño que nosotros *Dijo David un poco molesto* -. Sí, pero eso fue antes de convertirme en esta bestia, les digo que cada día que pasa amo más este cuerpo y pensar que al principio estaba algo enojado jajá, me ha traído tanta alegría a la vida. -. Sí, se nota, eres incluso más feliz y empalagoso que antes. -. Es porque los quiero hijitos. -. Sí... Gracias... Luego de esa charla decidimos irnos a nuestra habitación a hacer tarea, mientras dejamos a nuestro padre viendo televisión. Luego de un rato decidimos ir a dormir, al estar en la cama, me propuse a echarle un último vistazo a la foto de papá. -. Dios, no puede ser, se ve tan rico... Ufff *Dije mientras una erección aparecía entre mis pantalones* pensar que esta en esta misma casa me exita mucho más... Bueno ya! Debo dejar de pensar en él, no es correcto, es mi papá. Apagué mi celular y decidí dormirme por una buena vez. Al día siguiente nos levantamos y fuimos a la cocina, ese día nadie tenía que ir a trabajar o a estudiar, así que bajamos sin preocupaciones, al entrar a la cocina el desayuno estaba listo y nos encontramos a mi padre realizando actividades que nunca había hecho antes, se encontraba limpiando la casa. -. Wow, papá, estás limpiando? *Dije mientras me sentaba para comer* -. Increíble *Exclamó David* -. Sí, jajá, les digo que este cuerpo me permite hacer muchas cosas, cosas que no podía hacer porque me cansaba mucho *Decía mi padre mientras levantaba el estante de libros de su lugar con mucha facilidad para poder limpiar debajo de el* Terminamos de desayunar mientras veíamos a nuestro padre limpiar como loco la casa, luego de eso decidimos ir a nuestro cuarto a jugar videojuegos un poco. -. Oye, al final del día no está tan mal esto de papá. *Dije mientras trataba de pasar este nivel con mi hermano* -. Sí, finalmente hace más cosas que ir a trabajar, comer, dormir y quejarse de todo, creo que no está mal después de todo. *Decía mi hermano* Jugamos por horas, hasta que llegó la hora de almorzar, fuimos y la comida estaba servida igual que en la mañana, pero mi padre no estaba por ningún lado, aunque no le dimos mucha importancia, terminamos de comer y nos quedamos viendo un rato el celular, hasta que otra notificación llegó a nuestros celulares, y como temíamos se trataba de la cuenta de nuestro padre otra vez. -. Oye, es papá... *Dije preocupado* -. Oh, no... Qué será esta vez... Entramos a la publicación, pensando que no podríamos encontrar algo más peor que lo de ayer, pero al parecer nos equivocamos. La publicación se trataba de nuestro padre otra vez, esta vez en video, mostrando su cara y dandose satisfacción asimismo, gimiendo como loco. No lo podíamos creer, había mostrado su enorme tranca a todo el internet, junto a su hermosa cara gimiendo y tocando los pezones de sus enormes pechos. El video mostraba los últimos segundos de su paja, hasta que explotó todo su semen. -. NO PUEDE SER! PERO QUE LE PASA!? *Exclamé enojado* -. Espera, de hace cuanto es el video? *Dijo mi hermano asustado* QUÉ HACE 10 SEGUNDOS!? Cruzamos miradas entre mi hermano y yo y decidimos ir a su habitación corriendo, al entrar lo encontramos lamiendo su calzoncillo lleno de semen. -. Papá! Pero qué haces!? *Dije furioso* -. Por qué publicaste esto, dijiste no lo harías más! *Dijo mi hermano que le mostró el video* -. A ver chicos, lo siento, se que dije eso, pero no pude evitarlo, la gente me pedía más y más, yo tenía que darles. -. Pero no tienes que publicar esas cosas! Encima sale tu rostro! Qué pasaría si los vecinos se enteran!? -. Acaso me importa? Soy un hombre de 48 años que ahora tiene un cuerpo de dioses, la gente me alava, y si los vecinos me ven de seguro lo harían. *Dijo mi padre tratando de convencernos* -. Esto ha ido demasiado lejos papá, no puedo creer que lo hicieras. *Dije furioso* -. Que decepción y vergüenza, pá. *Dijo mi hermano que también se encontraba en llamas por lo furioso que estaba* -. Ya callense, ustedes solo están celosos de mi increíble cuerpo, solo porque no fueron lo suficientemente inteligentes para esconder sus sueros de mi, están celosos de que yo, su viejo, consiga más likes en mis publicaciones *Dijo mi padre enojado* -. Ugh, no puede ser, pá, esto debe parar ya! -. Y qué vas a hacer? No creo que con tu cuerpo de débilucho puedas hacerme algo nunca, já. *Dijo mi padre burlándose de nosotros* -. Ugh... Ya verás... Nos fuimos con mi hermano hacia nuestra habitación, a pensar en algo para acabar con esto. -. Ugh, se ha convertido en un cabeza hueca, es increíble que tengamos a alguien como Brendan viviendo en nuestra casa. -. Lo sé, es un fastidio... Oye, mira *Dijo mi hermano mientras me mostraba su pantalla de computadora* ¡Es un succionado de testosterona! Aquí dice que esto quita cualquier tipo de testosterona artificial, da igual su potencia, es perfecto y está barato! -. Genial, cuantas unidades hay? -. A ver, busco... Solo hay uno, y es el que vimos... mierda. -. No todo está perdido, cuantas personas están viendo la publicación? -. Al parecer solo nosotros, genial! Muy bien, hay que comprarlo, aquí dice que viene a las 9 de la mañana, el día de mañana, qué bien! -. Lo dudo, jajá, uff, finalmente podremos volver a tener a nuestro bajito y calvo padre como antes *Exclamé contento* oye, por cierto como funciona eso? -. A ver, aquí dice que tienes que acostar al sujeto y aplicar los succionadores a sus pezones y pene, y esperar a que succione la testosterona por completo. -. Uff, pero como convenceremos a papá de hacer eso? -. A ver... Aquí, compraremos inyecciones tranquilizantes para osos, lo inyectamos sin que se de cuenta y le succionamos la testosterona! -. Genial, no puedo esperar para mañana! Contentos con nuestro descubrimiento, pasamos el día jugando videojuegos. Llegó la noche y la hora de dormir, ni siquiera bajamos a cenar por el enfado que teníamos, aunque yo sí salí al baño y llevé mis audífonos, no podía evitar ver el video de mi padre y no masturbarme, me exitaba mucho, así que decidí hacerme una paja con el video de mi padre, quizá estaba mal, pero era inevitable. Al regreso del baño, me encontré a mi hermano, en la puerta del baño con celular y audífonos también queriendo entrar y hacer lo que yo también hice, pero tampoco hicimos comentarios al respecto. El día domingo y esperado por nosotros llegó, el día en que nuestro padre regresaría por fin. -. Despierta Lucas! Ya es hora *Exclamó mi hermano* en una hora viene el repartidor! -. Genial, vamos, bajemos a comer algo. Bajamos a la cocina, al entrar, nos percatamos que el desayuno ya estaba hecho, lo comimos aunque aún siguiéramos enojados con él, el tiempo pasó y por fin llegó lo que esperábamos. Abrimos la puerta y recibimos los paquetes, sacamos todo y lo preparamos en la sala. -. Ok, este es el plan, tú le inyectas a papá cuando baje las escaleras, lo llevamos a la sala y le sacamos la testosterona, ok? *Dije mientras le daba la inyección a mi hermano* -. Ok... Pero uhh... Papá hoy nos dio fresa con cremas para el desayuno... Y eso... Nos da ganas de ir al baño... *Dijo mi hermano mientras se tocaba el estómago* -. Mierda, corre al baño! *Dije mientras corría hacia al baño más cercano y dejaba el papel donde anote el plan* Mientras tanto mi papá bajó las escaleras, buscandonos. -. Chicos? Ya se levantaron? Quería disculparme por lo que les dije ayer... No fue muy bueno de mi parte... Oigan, están en casa? *Dijo mi padre que nos buscaba en la cocina* Mientras nuestro padre nos hablaba, este se topó con la nota y los instrumentos que dejé en la mesa. -. Qué!? "Plan para volver a hacer a papá el cascarrabias calvo que era antes"? Ellos quieren volverme a hacer como antes!? Ugh, cómo se atreven!? Encima que me vengo a disculparme! *Dijo mi padre que veía el succionador* acaso con esto quieren sacarme el suero!? Pues no se los voy a permitir... Mientras tanto nosotros regresamos del baño y fuimos a la cocina para tomar los instrumentos, pero nos llevamos la sorpresa de que el succionador no estaba. -. Espera qué!? Dónde está el succionador!? *Dije con preocupación* -. Lo dejé aquí antes de irnos al baño. *Dijo mi hermano preocupado* De repente escuchamos un ruido de algo rompiéndose en la sala, corrimos para ver que era, no sin antes que David tomara la inyección por si acaso; al entrar a la sala vimos como mi padre destruía el succionador, lo estaba haciendo añicos. -. No! Papá detente! -. AGHH!! QUÉ CREYERON QUE NO ME IBA A DAR CUENTA!? NO VAN A CAMBIAR LA BESTIA QUE YA SOY!! Mi padre estaba furioso, tenía la misma cara que tenía la vez que rompió su sillón favorito, estábamos asustados otra vez. -. No papá, e-esto es un mal entendido-*Dije antes de ser interrumpido por este* -. Ya cállate!! No creas que soy un estúpido! Ustedes merecen un buen castigo de una buena vez por todas. *Dijo mi padre que se acercaba a mi* -. Oye papá, espera n-no... *Dije mientras mi papá me tenía acorralado y luego recordé la inyección que David tenía* David! Inyectalo! -. QUÉ!? *Gritó mi padre* De repente David salió detrás de mí padre e inyectó el tranquilizante. -. Mierda...AGGH!.. *Expresó mi padre que había sido inyectado* Pero fue en vano, el tranquilizante no le hizo nada. -. Ustedes creen que van a detener a un titan como yo!? Ustedes no necesitan un simple castigo!! Ustedes necesitan más que eso, ustedes necesitan un poco de verga, hijos de puta. -. E-espera, papá sueltanos, a dónde nos llevas? *Exclamabamos ambos* Mi padre nos tomó y nos puso sobre sus hombros, nos dirijió hacia su cuarto, donde con sus palabras, ya sabíamos que era lo que nos iba a hacer. -. Papá, espera, qué haces? D-detente. -. Callense cabrones, ¡dejen de hablar¡ *Dijo mi padre furioso* A ver pendejos, pónganse de rodillas. -. P-pero... -. DE RODILLAS! Sin ninguna otra opción nos pusimos de rodillas ante la semejante bestia que era mi padre, que posteriormente bajó sus shorts junto a sus calzoncillos y liberó a su enorme trozo que colgaba entre sus piernas. -. Comiencen a chupar pendejos... QUE COMIENCEN YA! Intercambiamos miradas otra vez mi hermano y yo, sabíamos que debíamos hacerlo y que en el fondo deseábamos esto, así que comenzamos a lamer su enorme verga, nuestras lenguas se cruzaban, nunca había sentido la necesidad de besar a mi hermano, pero si lo habíamos pensado unas cuantas veces, pero esta vez la verga de mi papá hacía que esto sucediera, se notaba que deseábamos a nuestro papá, se notaba que nos pajeabamos con sus fotos, este último lo sabía, comenzamos a turnarnos para llenar de nuestra saliba la enorme tranca de papá. -. Mierda cabrones, ustedes no saben hacer mamadas, dejen que les ayude. Posteriormente papá nos tomó de la cabeza e intercambiaba con cada uno de nosotros para chuparsela entera o hasta donde nuestra garganta nos lo permitiera. -. Que rica boquita tienen, uff que rico...ahora vamos con lo más rico, subanse a la cama pendejos. Papá nos tomó del cuello de nuestras camisas y nos aventó bruscamente a su cama estábamos acostados esperando su siguiente acción de la que nos hacíamos una idea de lo que sería y de repente comenzó a romper nuestros pantalones y ropa interior, quedamos al descubierto, solo con nuestras camisas para posteriormente comenzar a besarnos, sentíamos un calor profundo, al tocar la lengua de papá con nuestras propias lenguas, se sentía estupendo, podía olfatear su olor a macho cada vez que se acercaba a mi para besarme, me encantaba. Luego de unos apasionados besos papá nos empujó, nos dió la vuelta y nos dejó de espaldas. A ver putos, levanten ese culo rico, ya llegó la verga que tanto esperaban. Hicimos lo que papá nos ordenaba y posteriormente papá escupió dos dedos de cada mano y comenzó a frotarlos por nuestros agujeros, sentíamos cosquilleos al sentirlos y aunque eran solo dos dedos, estos no eran pequeños, eran de la mano de esta bestia sexual que ahora es mi padre. Luego de un poco de roces comenzó a introducir lentamente sus dedos en nuestros anos. -. Ayyy... P-papá... S-somos vírgenes aún, ten cuidado... *Dije entre gemidos* -. Papá... N-nunca hemos hecho esto... *Decía David entre gemidos también* -. Descuiden, tienen suerte de que yo sea el que los desvirgue cabrones, yo creo que ya están listos. Papá nos volvió a dar la vuelta y nos dejó con nuestros culos levantados para poder apreciar a ese macho dándonos toda su hombría, dió un escupitajo a su verga para poder lubricarla y comenzó a masturbarse un poco, papá tenía otro tipo de mirada que nunca había visto antes, no era de enojo ni de otro tipo, esta mirada era la de una bestia sexual, como la de un depredador a su presa y se notaba que nosotros éramos las presas de papá. -. A ver putos, quien va primero... *Decía mi papá con su verga en mano* yo creo que tú David jajá. Papá tomó a David lo abrió y comenzó a meterle su enorme tranca, David se retorcía por el dolor y el placer que le causaba esto y yo no tenía otra opción más que masturbarme viéndolos. -. Uff que apretadito David, te estan temblando las piernas, UFFF... SIIIII... QUE RICO.... *Gemia mi padre con cada metida de pene que este le daba a mi hermano* -. Aaaaaghhh!!! Papá... Duele.... Aghh... -. Cállate cabrón!! Aguantame pendejo... Papá se follaba a David muy bruscamente y antes de venirse sacó su verga, me vio a los ojos y me jaló hacia a él. -. Ahora tú turno puto, prepárate para sentir a tu papá el macho a toda potencia. Papá tomó su tranca y le la introdujo en mi agujero, sentí algo que nunca había sentido en mi vida, una mezcla de satisfacción y dolor, me exitaban mucho que mi padre me estuviera cogiendo ahorita. -. Estas apretado más que tu hermano, ... QUÉ RICO JAJA! AGHHH UFFFF, no cabron... Agh... Me vas a hacer venir. -. Ayy... Papá... Uff... C-con cuidado... Agggh! -. Jajá, callate, Agh, di que te gusta mi verga puto! -. Me gusta tu verga... AGHHH!! -. Gime, dime papi y gime perra... DIOS QUE DELICIOSO ESTÁS... -. AGHHH... p-papi... Papi... UFFFF... Papá siguió así por un rato, mientras mi hermano se masturbaba acostado aún gracias a la cogida que le había dado papá y nos estaba viendo, luego de un buen rato de metida de verga, noté que finalmente papá se iba a venir gracias a su expresión, así que sacó su verga y se puso frente a nosotros, nos juntó y pidió que abrieramos la boca. -. AGHHH ME VENGO PUTOS ABRAN BIEN LA BOCA... AGGHHH... UFFFF... TRAGENSELO. Chorros de semen salían de la verga de mi padre y caían en nuestra boca, cara y camisa, nos dejó empapados, pero nos sentíamos muy complacidos por tener ese momento de placer con la bestia. Luego de la gran venida de nuestro padre, este último cayó a la cama rendido luego de habernos dado toda su leche, nos abrazaba a los dos, uno en cada brazo, podía oler toda su hombría, toda su testosterona, se sentía fenomenal. -. Uff... Eso... Eso fue muy bueno jajá... *Decía mi padre algo exhausto* siento haberles hecho esto chicos... Creo que esta vez me pasé, pero la verdad estaba enojado y también tenía muchas ganas de coger, no había cogido con nadie aún y ustedes estaban aquí, así que sucedió, pero igual lo siento mis lindos. -. Descuida papá... *Dije con demasiado cansancio* nos encantó, la verdad... Nos exitaban verte, saber que teníamos una bestia musculosa, nos volvía locos. -. Sí... Estuvo fantástico, y perdona también por hacerte enojar... *Dijo mi hermano que casi yacía en la cama* -. No, no se disculpen chicos, de seguro los asuste, eh? -. Sí... Pá, pensaba que nos ibas a golpear o algo. *Dijo mi hermano* -. No, nunca los golpearía, ustedes son lo que más amo en la vida, al contrario, quiero protegerlos.... Es solo que... Siempre he querido que algo bueno me pasara estos últimos años... *Dijo mi padre con tono serio* -. A qué te refieres? *Pregunté* -. Bueno, desde que soy niño , nunca tuve una vida escolar buena, a diferencia de ustedes nunca fui el inteligente ni me daban premios, nunca fui bueno en nada y los chicos se burlaban de mi y duró así hasta la universidad, y siempre fue porque era un débilucho, luego de acabar la universidad pensé que todo terminaría, pero en mis trabajos era igual, daba igual que tuviera muchos estudios, la gente se aprovechaba de mi; cuando conocí a su madre pensé que mejoraría pero conoció a un hombre mejor que yo y nos dejó, y tuve que trabajar arduamente en la empresa por 10 años para que no les faltara nada y nunca me ascendían, pensé que así sería toda mi vida, 48 años iguales, hasta que me convertí en esta bestia todo me ha ido mejor, la gente me nota gracias a mis publicaciones, quiere estar conmigo, me presta atención, todo me va bien, como siempre quise y hoy cuando me enteré que querían regresarme a mi cuerpo original, entré en pánico y me enojé mucho... No quiero regresar a ser el insignificante que era antes, me gusta ser la bestia que soy ahora, y me disculpo por si no les gusta, pero a mi me encanta ser así... Luego de escuchar sobre el triste pasado de mi padre, crucé miradas con mi hermano y sabíamos que el se merecía esto, que merecía tener este cuerpo más que nosotros, nosotros solo queríamos darles una lección a los bullies de la universidad que eran las primeras personas en hacernos sentir mal por ser inteligentes, pero papá sufrió toda su vida estudiantil y laboral, nosotros por lo menos siempre seremos reconocidos por nuestra inteligencia, sabíamos que deberíamos dejarlo disfrutar lo que no pudo disfrutar en su vida. -. Papá, no te preocupes... Entendemos... Disfruta de tu cuerpo... *Dijo mi hermano David mientras sobaba el brazote de papá* -. Sí, pá... Pero ten cuidado, ok? Tú también eres importante para nosotros... *Dije para posteriormente besar el brazo de papá* -. Gracias mis chicos, los amo, les juro que los voy a proteger, denle un beso a su viejo! Vamos!... Eh... Chicos...? Papá hablaba mientras nosotros nos habíamos quedado dormidos, este último solo sonrió y se quedó a dormir con nosotros, nos pasamos la tarde así, hasta 6 de la tarde, cuando papá nos hiso una cena exquisita, comimos, nos bañamos y decidimos irnos a dormir, dormíamos como bebés abrazado de nuestro padre. Al siguiente día nos despertamos, cambiamos, desayunamos y papá nos llevó a la universidad, llegando a esta se encontraba Brendan, nuestro bravucón de siempre. -. Ugh... Brendan está ahí... Mierda... *Dije enojado* -. No sé si debíamos entrar a la escuela. *Dijo mi hermano asustado* Brendan se encontraba molestando a un chico de otra clase, parecía que iba a golpearlo ahora, no creíamos que algo lo pudiera salvar. -. Quién es él? *Preguntó papá* -. Él es el bullie de la escuela... El molesta a todos los chicos más débiles que él... Él es la razón por la que queríamos tener un mejor cuerpo... Queríamos que dejara de molestarnos, porque está en nuestra clase y siempre nos molesta... -. Enserio!? Bueno... Pues va a aprender que no debe meterse con ustedes y con nadie, es hora de darle una lección a ese estúpido. *Dijo mi padre con mucha seriedad, para posteriormente salir y azotar la puerta del auto* Papá se veía enojado, salimos detrás de él para ver que iba a ser, llegó y se acercó a Brendan y comenzó a hablarle. -. Hey! Quién te crees que eres!? *Preguntó furioso mi padre* -. Usted quien es- Ou... *Dijo Brendan mientras se daba la vuelta viendo la inmensidad de nuestro papá* -. Soy el que te va a mostrar a respetar, jajá. *Dijo mi padre, con tono burlón* Posteriormente papá lo tomó entre sus brazos y comenzó a sobar bruscamente su cabeza con sus nudillos, se notaba que incomodaba mucho a Brendan, pero ese solo era el principio, papá prosiguió a sentarse en una banca y le bajó los pantalones y comenzó a nalguear lo fuertemente en frente de todos. Todos los chicos de la universidad comenzaron a burlarse de él, Brendan solo pedía parar a cada rato, pero papá no sé veía que quería parar. -. Quieres que pare? Pues bueno, voy a parar pero no me voy a ir sin hacerte...¡UN CALZONCHINO! *Dijo papá riendose* Papa subió a Brendan a un árbol y lo dejó colgando de sus calzoncillos ahí, todos nos reíamos, estábamos tan felices que alguien le diera su merecido al fin, papá solo nos guiñó el ojo, estábamos tan felices. -. Wow papá, gracias, estuviste increíble *Dije entusiasmado* -. Estamos muy orgullosos de ti *Dijo mi hermano feliz* -. Gracias campeones, recuerden que nadie los va a molestar mientras yo esté con ustedes; ahora vayan a estudiar, los veo luego. La campana sonó y todos entramos a clase, luego de habernos reído de Brendan que seguía colgado por un tiempo, luego la rama se rompió y calló sobre un charco, se notaba que había aprendido la lección y se fue a casa, las clases terminaron así que también nos fuimos a casa, donde papá nos esperaba con otra cena riquísima y que sabíamos que no era la última. El tiempo pasó y papá comenzó a ir al gimnasio para mantenerse y expandir más su fuerza, su barba también crecía, y no solo eso, fue ascendido nuevamente a jefe de contabilidad, le estaba yendo muy bien. Nosotros comenzamos a ir al gimnasio con él, obviamente nos tomará mucho o quizá nunca lleguemos a estar como él, pero nos ha servido mucho, hay gente que quiere salir con nosotros. La verdad es que nos está yendo muy bien a todos y nunca nos habíamos sentido más unidos con mi padre, no nos arrepentiremos de su cambio nunca más, y pensar que todo esto comenzó por querer defendernos de los bullies y terminó con nuestra familia más unida. Fin. ___________________________________________ Y así termina la historia, espero y les haya gustado y disculpen si encuentran algunos errores ya que es la más larga que he hecho hasta el momento , ya estoy planeando otras historias, aunque quizá sean más cortas que está. Gracias por leer.
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Muscle Fog Ogre’s Gift Chapter 1 part Eight By Big-Zargo The Last Wizards Ass Logan and his companions ran all through the night as a tidal wave of fog slowly crept up on them swallowing them up one by one. Their protections breaking as the fog magic consumes them. Their bodies quickly grow in height and muscle; There skin turns darker or becomes a shade of orange as it thickens, as body hair begins to grow allover. There cocks and ball grew extremely large but proportional to the new 10 feet tall bodies and finally their minds begin to change as they shoot the last of their humanity from their ogre size cock. The hunted becomes the hunter in this sick game of tag; they to grab new victims and drag them into the fog to transform as well, all in accordance with Owen’s will. Logan panted as he was making his way to the gate. His middle-aged body was not handling the journey well. He needed to warn the Wizards counsel of Owens escape. He needed to get help for these poor people who had lost their humanity, to that creature. He had no idea what Owen was planning in the grand scheme of things, but it was probably not good. He could literally feel the tainted magic push against his own trying to get into his body and corrupted. He grabbed at his cock moaning as pleasure ran through it. With his strong will he stopped touching his cock. “If I stay here any longer, I’ll eventually transform into a horny ogre” he thought to himself. Logan’s eyes got wider as burgeoning hope blossoms in his chest. To the eyes of any mortal the gates look like two tall trees in a clearing, it probably looks a little strange and weird to normal people, but to anyone who can use magic and have the knowledge about it, can use it to fast travel to another gate. “The gate at last,” Logan says out loud while moving his hand across his uncut shoulder length brown hair. As he walks closer to his salvation a voice calls out. “How does it feel to be so close and yet so far away. How does it feel wizard to be the last human in this small, lonely town?” Deep As the mountain, smooth as the wind; the voice came, Power laces every word and through the fog parting for its master Owen appears like a haunted ship through the sea. No tremors no feel of weight only a shadow slowly solidifying coming into focus as he crosses the path for Logan blocking him from the gate and his hope of escaping. The fog parts to reveal a mountain of a beast. Thick skin like leather, but fair as any maiden’s, orange like the sun, hairy as a bear, a huge fat cock, and hairy balls the size of huge grapefruit in-between size bigger than tree trunks attached to thick calves and big feet. A big round belly firm as a bolder with big pillow size pecs on a huge barrel chest twice as wide as a human, mountain-like shoulders with arms so big that a skinny man could hide in them. Brown intelligent eyes underneath hairy eyebrows on a brutish but fair chiseled face with a black fluffy mustache under a big round nose and to sideburns link to his shaved head and smooth square like chin. “Speechless wizard, or is it that you are surprised to see me? A course introduction is an ogre my name is his Owen, and I am in demigod of magic, fog, mists, clouds, illusions, transformations and alterations.” He says while giving him a malicious grin. “So, you’ve come for me,” Logan asked? “Yes, I have, but I’m not cruel, and I am willing to let you go if you relinquish your guardianship of my bindings,” Owen says while holding his hand out in an open Palm. “What will you do with the people you have turned into ogres will you let them go,” Logan asked? “They are my children now I will protect them, and I will not let them go,” Owen calmly says with finality. Logan looks into Owen’s eyes and knows that there would be no argument on the matter. Logan is not sure if he should trust Owen, every time he looks at the big sexy beast, his cock twitches in pleasure. it seems that Owen is exuding a corrupting force that is influencing him. His offer can be a trap; he cannot take that chance if it is so. “I will not give up my guardianship, I can’t trust you to keep your word.” Logan answers. “Then you have chosen battle. If you put up a good fight then I will not turn you into a toilet,” Owen says. Logan starts the fight by making a fireball and throwing it straight at Owen; In response to the attack, a hand shoots out from the fog form from its very essence and catches it, smothering it like fire drowning in water. “Good old reliable fireball it is such a shame that it is such a common spell for wizards, you would think I wouldn’t have found a way to counter that spell,” Owen says sarcastically while moving his head side to side. “Tsk… tsk …tsk.” Logan forms and throws a fireball once more against Owen. As the fog intercepts it spells changes becoming a big flash of light, blinding Owen temporarily. Logan quickly teleports for a short distance away behind a tree, in hopes that Owen would not be able to find him, but the mist surrounds him quickly condenses into the fog as it slowly circles him. “Clever but not good enough. You have gone up from becoming an inanimate toilet to a living toilet you’ll be drinking piss of my ogres for all eternity,” Owen says with a grin. With a clap of Logan’s two-hand, some of the fog parts as a wave of air pushes it. Owen turns around only to get a firebolt to the face momentarily re-blinding him. “Baaa. Cheap parlor tricks won’t save you,” he says as his slowly sight returns to him. Using the distraction to his advantage Logan teleports again. If he did not do anything decisive to win this battle quickly, he would eventually run out of energy and he needs a certain amount of energy to open the gate. This is the point where Logan will have to pull out all the stops if he wants to have a chance to win this fight. Beginning with a bolt of lightning that strikes through Owen’s defenses with its speed and strength. Owen’s roar of pain quickly stops as his muscles lock into place. Continuing with his on-slot Logan switches out lightning for ice shards, shooting his deadly projectiles against Owen’s skin before switching back to lightning because ice shards were not very effective against Owen’s thick skin. Logan keeps moving back and back slowly making his way towards the gate as he shot out lightning after lightning hoping to do lasting damage. Owen begins adapting to Logan’s lightning by redirecting it towards the ground as he starts moving closer towards Logan. With one last lightning bolt, Logan begins to gather his strength; if he can keep on slot going, he would a chance to escape. Wind and lightning form in each hand as he combines them both forming a huge electrical tornado that starts sucking up all the fog nearby leaving the forest temporarily clear from Owen’s influence. Wishing for more time Logan blasts Owen with his attack, knowing that the longer the battle got the more likely it that Owen will adapt to his attacks and overwhelm him with his brute strength. Owen stood his ground for a few seconds before being pushed away by the attack and being knocked on his ass. Logan quickly uses one last teleport to get close as possible to the gate, its mystical properties preventing him from teleporting even closer. With great wisdom and caution Logan starts magically checking for any last-minute traps from Owen. There were a few traps he can see but he quickly got past them on his way to the gate. Before getting any closer to his goal Logan heard whistling as three darts pierce his neck. Grabbing the foreign objects from his neck he discovers three sleeping darts. Logan starts to panic as he falls onto the ground as everything starts fading to black. Logan opens his eyes to find himself in a cave that he recognizes, Owens’s prison underneath Mrs. Parsley’s house. He tries moving his hands only to find them being stopped by some force of magic. A shadow lingers before him blocking the light of the eerily blue flame; Owens’s form appears before him company with his giant sausage-size cock. “Don’t bother speaking wizard, I have you magically silenced. The wizards’ counsel will not know what will happen here, not for a long time anyway, I have made sure of it. Richard shall be reunited with his son soon,” Owen says with a wicked smile. Owen places his big hand on top of Logan’s belly as Owen began pouring power into him. Owen takes his time pouring power into Logan’s body. Logan silently screams in both pain and pleasure as the power slowly spreads through him. Days, weeks, or months of simmering in corrupting magic, all pass in a blur for Logan as he slowly succumbs to Owen’s corrupting power. In and out of consciousness Logan’s body slowly betrays him as his cock becomes painfully hard while it slowly grows and swells with Ogreish girth. Logan is not sure if he is awake or asleep, all he knows is that the voices telling him to submit are getting harder to resist. Sexual Thoughts of beautiful women slowly twist into big hairy men. As he begins moving his hips back and forth in a daze of sexual pleasure. As his swelling balls are demanding attention, and he decides to give it what it wants. No longer shackled by the altars’ magic, Logan grabs his huge fat hard cock and begins rubbing it. Waves of pleasure pass through him as he masturbates; as he squeezes his needy balls, he begins to leak out his humanity through his seed. As he continues his masturbation a huge cock appears before his head casting a shadow on. “F…Fu…. Fuck Ow F…Fu…Fuck me please,” Logan begs as slobber leaks from his lips his nearly vacant eyes looking at Owen. “Partake of my dick and offer your ass to me,” Owen says. Logan leaps upon Owen’s monstrous cock and begins licking at the tip of it. he closes his eyes as he savors the taste of Owen’s cock and the smell of his musk. His leaking cock twitches as he moves towards the shaft of the monster’s cock, at it is so big he cannot swallow it all. He Takes his jolly time as he slowly licks his way to the balls of the beast. One more minute Owen thinks to himself soon Logan will be ready, I can feel the power building up inside. “ooooooowww…...” Owen moans out loud interrupting his thoughts as Logan found the sweet spot while licking and sucking at his balls. Logan’s body begins to shake and tremble with a powerful need for a Big Cock in his ass. Owens’s sensing Logan’s hunger lifts him onto the altar with his Ass facing the heavens, as Owen begins licking it. A Moan quickly turns to a fuck! as Logan comes, shooting out more of his precious humanity through his big fat cock as his skin slowly turns more orange. Owen growls in annoyance and smacks Logan’s ass for coming too soon. Logan cries out in both pain and pleasure from the attack and cries out even louder when Owen stuffs his huge ogre size cock into Logan’s human virgin ass hole. Logan roars like a beast, his canines sharpen, as his ass is being destroyed by Owens’s monster of a cock. Owen starts moving his hips back and forth slowly picking up speed as time passes on. Each thrust from Owen slowly ravages Logan’s internal organs, the Ogreish magic keeping him alive throughout the process. With the roar, Owen came inside of Logan’s destroyed body, bones, muscles, and internal organs mending and changing. Owen took a breath letting the magic heal Logan’s changing body before resuming the fucking. Each re-fucking Logan’s body became bigger and stronger, skin darkening until it became tan-orange color, each timeless and less human cum came out of his orgasm. His body shakes with power as Owen gave one last thrust into Logan’s ass before coming one last time. Logan’s bodybuilder size body explodes with growth and muscles. As his brown hair slowly turns gray while spreading across his body as head hair falls off and his beard grows long. Arms and legs grow massive with huge muscles as they stretch out to compensate for his new Ogreish size. His cock grows into 2 feet long fuck monster as his big ass grows even more until they are like two basketballs trying to break free from his tree trunk size thighs. His waist widens and his belly grows big, round, and jolly muscle gut with white hair peppering it. His chest size quickly swelling and tell it like a barrel, his big hairy pecs grow even further until they are like to condense pillows with big plump nipples the are begging to be squeezed and suckled. Logan’s facial features change becoming more caveman-like as his eyebrow ridges became more pronounced and his eyebrows became thicker and hairier. His eyes turn gray glowing with an ephemeral glow as His nose grew rounder and a little bit redder. Getting up from the altar with his big baseball mitt size hands and slamming the ground with his big feet, he begins to flex his huge biceps. “Fuck Yeah!” Logan says while lightning starts flying around his human head-size biceps. “That’s the Fucking Power!” Logan felt too huge hands around his hairy boulder-like shoulders and looks around to see his master Owen behind him massaging his heavily muscular back. “That’s the spirit my battle mage. Now that all the Guardians are dead or corrupted, I am free to travel the Eons to spreading my gift and gaining more power,” Owen says. Logan turns his face around and smiles. “I am ready to serve you, master,” Logan says. The end of chapter 1 Epilogue A year later on a bright summer’s day two agents in black suits each having a different color tie, knock on a blue door. It is open by a huge man who is panting and sweating his huge hairy chest shines on his half-naked body. The smell of sex permeates the huge man. “Hello there. What can I help you with, Gentleman?” The huge man says. “We would like to ask a couple of questions of you,” one man in a black suit says whose tie is red. “May we come inside?” the other man asks, whose tie is blue. “Come on in,” the huge man says while opening the door wider for his guests to come through. All three men get comfortable in the living room of the huge man’s house. “I think the introduction is in order, you may call me Mr. Red,” the man with the red tie says. “You may also call me Mr. Blue,” the man with the blue tie says. “My name is Pete. I’m sorry for looking so disgruntled, I was just in the middle of some hard work,” The huge man says. Mr. Red and blue look at Pete through their sunglasses on the twin-looking faces. “I shall go first.” Mr. Red says. “You were living at Holmes top borough between…./…/… and …/…./…. date, right?” “Yeah, what of it,” Pete says? “Are you aware that the town was overrun by some sorcery,” Mr. red asked? Yeah, I heard the rumors,” Pete said “why do you ask? It has come to our attention that you move out the town the two weeks before the mysterious fog appeared.” Mr. Blue said. “Thank god, I was able to get out of there in time,” Pete says. “Indeed,” both Mr. Red and blue say in unison. Mr. blue takes something out of his pocket and speaks. “Look Pete’s I think you’re a nice guy, but I have to give you a C….” “Is there a problem Pete,” says the deep voice. A huge Ogreish cock moves in between Mr. red and blue, caring a powerful musk with it. Both men’s eyes widen underneath their sunglasses as both men start drooling as their cocks became erect. “Thanks for the help, at least I now have plausible deniability now,” Pete says. “No problem Pete. What are we going to do with these agents of the Wizards Council,” the ogre asks? “I don’t know. I guess we can hand them over to Owen. His hunger for spell-casters is quite deep,” says with a grin.
Muscle fog ogre’s gift Chapter 1, part 7 By Big-Zargo House Trap The blue sky was clear, and the sun light was shining upon the land of Holmes top borough dispelling the curse of fog that had ensnared it. In a neighborhood full of empty houses three men are making their way towards an empty looking house, hoping to hide from the ogres. With The fog gone the ogre are in high alert their patrols to be increased to discourage from trying to run out of Holmes top borough. Most of humans seek to leave the town heading towards the woods believing it to be their salvation, but Owen knows where the people are running to, and he has a surprise for them. The door opened slowly and quietly as three men enter the seemingly vacant house. sunlight was passing through the windows bringing light to the dim house revealing a living room and kitchen attached to it, in a twilight of light and shadows. It both smell stale and sweet and had a layer of dust everywhere. Martin was the first one to enter the house checking to see if it was clear; not being complacent like the groups last leader who led most of the men in his charge into becoming ogres. Martin was the skinniest of the group, his live pale skin and short blonde hair giving people the impression he had Nordic ancestry. Cluster was the second coming his bulky fat, short black curly hair and dark brown skin was a sharp contrast to martin, and finally there was Darian whose heavily build olive skin body pass through the door. Sweat had spilled all over his own skin body creating wet spots on his T shirt. Cluster quickly sat placing his fat ass onto the dust covered couch and remove his backpack placing it on the ground next to his leg for quick reach in case of an emergency, before yawning in exhaustion. “You shouldn’t get too comfortable Cluster; we rest here for an hour or two. The sun has cleared most of the fog from the town. We cannot let this opportunity go to waste. Most of the people who have been transformed into ogres are dumb and horny; they’ll soon move on, when they get bored or they begin to start fucking each other giving us the opportunity to pass through them,” Darian said. “I know Darian, it will just take us four more hours to reach the forest and another day in theory to reach the gate,” Cluster said with exhaustion tinting his voice. “Hey guys I found a glass of brandy and it hasn’t been opened,” Martin said with excitement. Both men turned around to see Martin holding the glass of brandy it’s golden amber colored content clear to see through its glass container. All three men had gathered into the kitchen next to the counter. Each man mouth had begun to moisten at the sight of the brandy. Darian quickly finds 3 empty cups in the kitchen cabinets. He places the surprisingly clean cups on the kitchen counter, while Martin opens the bottle of brandy. With a clicking sound coming from the glass bottle the smell of apple brandy permeates the air. The three men all close their eyes letting nostalgic memories pass through their heads as the sweet smell of the apple flavored alcohol permeates the air. Cluster eyebrows narrow for a moment before saying. “Our luck can’t be this good. Maybe we should not drink it,” he says with concern. “Don’t worry about it, Cluster. You’re just being paranoid. How would the dumb horny brutes be able to open the bottle with their big burly hands, let along be able to close without one of us noticing it.” Martin says with belief in his words. “Look Cluster, we do not have all day for you to decide if you’re going to have some brandy with us or not. This is a delicacy that should not go to waste,” Darian says. Martin begins filling the cups with Apple flavored brandy. Before anyone could drink Cluster says. “Martin if you believe that brandy is safe to drink then you should go first.” “I think I will,” Martin says with a smile. With that statement all three men say their cheers as they clink their cups together. Martin took the first sip when nothing happened the others begin drinking their glass. “Thank god,” Darian says with pleasure. Days of drinking water had made the taste of the apple brandy like nectar, like a gift from God. “Poor me another one,” Darian says. All 3 cups were refilled and emptied again as time passed eventually finishing off the apple brandy. Each of the three men had faces of contentment as they finished drinking the apple brandy. “It’s been so long since I have some brandy. I wish we had some ice to cool it down,” Darian said with longing for a cool drink. With their thirst satisfied they began checking and clearing out the rooms of the house for anything useful to them; They had suddenly found themselves back on the first floor, drinking apple brandy again. “Didn’t we already have some apple brandy,” Darian says, while looking confused. “I…I think we did not,” Martin says well looking confused. “Something is not right here, this seems disturbingly familiar,” Cluster says before eating an apple. “Where did you get the apple, Cluster,” Darian asked? With a nonchalant shrug, he points at a basket on one of the counters tops. This basket is filled with different types of fruits and berries like bananas, apples, blueberries, cherries, strawberries and pineapples. The Three men begin devouring the fruits in the basket like starving animals. As they did so their bellies start swelling out specially for Darian and Martin whose bellies became more pronounced. “I…I think something’s wrong. I’m still hungry and…and I want more,” Darian says while rubbing his belly. Suddenly they hear the back door opening and see a huge ogre making his way in. “Come young cubs your dinner is ready,” the mysterious ogre says. This huge ogre was wearing a white apron, had woodish brown skin covered in a peppering green hair, with long hair on his head and a short goats beard, green eyes and the usual Ogreish features like big round nose, strong square jaw, a pronounced eyebrow ridge on a cave man like face, big round nipples, a 9 feet to a 11 feet tall body, complemented with a wide body barrel chest, huge muscular limbs, with big feet and huge hands big enough to grab a whole man’s face and cover it. At first all three men had scared looks on their faces; there in front of them was an ogre. “What the Fu….” All three men said before their eyes came blank. There, Perception of the world changed for the three men. A clever illusion was placed on all three men. Gone was the living nightmare they were in, instead a nostalgic dream. It was if they are all kids again and their big strong daddy was going to protect them from the world. “Aren’t you guys hungry? we have grilled food in the back your,” the green haired ogre says. In a daze all three of them nods their heads in response and speaks “Yes, sir daddy” Each man walks into the backyard of the house and quickly sits down on the grass. The green haired ogre hands out plates full of fruits and vegetables to the three men. Unnoticed by the three men but known by the green haired ogre were two big-bellied ogres’ butt naked sleeping on the ground. With a yawn the two ogres began to wake up and get up. One was dark skinned with black curly hair while the other one was pale orange with red hair. Their big bellies jiggled as they got up. When they got up on their two big feet that is when their big bellies began to rumble, like deflating balloon their bellies began to recede, both ogres belching out air through their mouths as their bellies began to recede. When the black-haired ogre belly receded, it revealed that he had abs under his once big belly. While the red-haired ogre on the other hand had a muscle gut when his big belly receded. The ogres had the glazed look of those who were recently turned, as they stood there waiting for commands from the variance ogre with the green hair. “Good, you guys are awake. go into the basement and get Oz. We have three more people to turn,” the green haired ogre says. The two ogres quickly obey, heading into the house to finish their task. Green haired ogre smiles as is the three men have already started eating the food he gave them. Before the ogres very eyes the men belly begins spending and two out of the three were now rocking jelly bellies while the other one already big belly became more pronounced. “What’s going on here? Why do I feel so full and yeah I feel so hungry?” Cluster moans out. Looking at the clean plate the green haired ogre says. “That was fast. You really must be the pig of your group.” Cluster turns his head around and spots the green haired ogre. He tries to scream but what comes out is a moan of pleasure. “Don’t bother, it’s too late you’ve already had some of our food and now that you done with your first plate it’s now time for second,” the green haired ogre says with a grin. He quickly pulls out another plate full of exotic fruits and vegetables of the Ogreish variety from a ridiculously big box. It didn’t take long for the other two men to break out of their trans. All three trying to get up and run away only to find out that they cannot because their bodies will not get up from the ground. They can move their arms and they can move their legs, but they can’t let off the ground and neither can they crawl away. “They must be really hungry to eat your food so fast. Bacopa,” Oz says with smile. Oz was standing next to the sliding door with the two other ogres behind him. Oz had a white pale skin for an ogre, baby blue eyes that would make the men and women swoon, long curly pink hair with pink body hair peppering his body, a sweet-smelling body odor and the usual Ogreish features. “I wonder if they’ll be thirsty after they are done eating,” Oz asked with a smile. “I believe if there anything like last the two men they’ll be insatiable. I hope you’re up to the task milk maker,” Bacopa says with a smile. Oz’s face turns into a grimace as he says. “I’m tired of making milk.” He says while rubbing his huge pecs. “But don’t worry I found the way to make some more without milking myself dry. Bacopa hand me the two Hydro pills. There is a cool trick I want to show you.” With the confuse face Bacopa switched out plate he was holding for a big pill bottle. Oz made a full jester before saying. “Okay let me show you, my trick. As you know one of my powers are that I can make supernatural milk from my pecs, and I recently discovered that I could make other ogres do the same. I love humans and ogres sucking on my nipples, but I can’t do this all day, I eventually get tired, and my nipples become sore.” Oz turns around placing his hands on the pecs the two ogres behind him. He starts rubbing his hands over the two ogre’s pecs, both ogres starting moan as pink light makes contact. When the two ogres start becoming aroused, he stops and remove his hands from their pecs. “Now hand me the two pills,” Oz says. Bacopa quickly gave Oz the pills so that he can feed the two ogres then. Both mindless ogres swallowing the pills that Oz had gave them. “Now watch,” Oz said with a grin. Before their very eyes two erect ogre’s pecs begin expanding and swelling, both ogres moaning as the process was happening. The two ogre’s pecs had triple in size. “Damn that’s awesome did you give them a flavor,” Bacopa asked? “For this demonstration no, but we can try on the new three recruits for tomorrows entertainment,” Oz said with a grin. Each of the two variants ogres grabs a bunch of oversize cups and with the flick of each swollen nipples from the two mindless ogres, milk begin to lactate out of their nipples like soda coming out of a dispenser; placing each filled up cup back onto the bench. Now happy with the number of beverages they had the two ogres began grabbing a bunch of magical plates and placing food on it. “Are you guys preparing food without me how rude of you,” a voice says coming from the door of the backyard. “Nick,” both variants’ ogres yell out in excitement.” “What is Fucking adapt doing out here,” Bacopa asked? “Well, my job here is done. By midnight, all humans left in the town will transform into ogres, Like a silent nuclear explosion. By the time that wizard find out we’ve done it be too late he will have no more allies to turn to and if were even lucky still be caught by the spell’s radius, crippling him at worst and totally transforming at best. Who do we have here three more humans?” Nick says. Jack walked into the backyard. He had the usual Ogreish features in skin color. He had black hair shaved into a mohawk and a mutton chops that were connected to his mustache, Gorgeous Amber eyes, and had tattoos circling around his wrists and feet like shackles and he moved his body with swagger like he was owning the place. Jack looks at the two variants’ ogres and asks. “What are you guys planning?” “Well, we were going to place the food in front of them and just watch them eat and fat up before the change,” Bacopa says. “Magically infused food and drink are more energy-efficient for Lord Owen at this time,” Oz says. “Is that so,” Jack replied. “Interesting I know right. Now come closer and let me explain my plan. It’s going to make your mouth water. The three ogres quickly huddled up, has Oz explains the plan to them. The three conscious ogres begin huddling around the three humans, bringing plates of food and drinks. “Look at these pesky human clothes, let’s us remove these,” Oz says with a smile. Is ogres strips their human partners before laying there by his next to them, making humans look like small children to them while they were sitting lap, ass next to hard ogre cocks. The humans moan at the contact with the ogres. “You guys can make a show of fucking for us.” Bacopa says. With those words that to the standing ogres begin fucking. As the three men watch the two ogres start fucking, their cocks became hard as steel. Resisting the temptation to eat the curse Ogreish food was the hardest thing the humans have ever done. “We neeeedd to resiiists the ogres. Wwwee need to escape.” Darrian says. “I eat, I grow big and strong. I eat, I grow big and strong. I eat, I grow big and strong,” Martin says in between bites of food. In front of the two men’s eyes, Martin’s skinny body minus his new jelly belly that is now starting to grow. Each bite and each sip of his drink causing him to grow with fat starting with his belly. Within three minute the ones skinny twig became a round fat plump. When his plate became empty, still wanting more the magic plate refills itself, to fulfill its owner’s gluttonous desires. Three more times the two men watch this cycle, each time Martin became more faster each time hair grew on his fat body. Hair became more wilder and longer as his fat body grew body hair allover starting out as stubble than before long becoming carpet like. His fat clean-shaven chin slowly grew a bushy beard. The two men watching this scene have been slowly eating the Ogreish food and have been becoming fat as well. “This one is eager,” Jack says while playfully smacking Martin’s ass. Martin was now so fat he could not walk, was now ready for Jack’s big cock. “Are you ready to become an ogre, are you ready for my cock,” Jack asked Martin. “Me become ogre. Me want cock,” Martin says in a slow and dumb voice. first Jack starts rubbing Martin’s whole with his cock before plunging it in; causing moans to come from both human and ogre as their rough sex begin, backwards and forwards with each thrust causing Martin’s skin to start turning orange. Starting from his fat ass, the orange quickly spread across his body, turning semi smooth pinkish human skin into rough leathery orange colored ogre skin. Jack can feel the human taking his cock, so close to transcending into an ogre, that he can smell the Ogreish musk on him. With every thrust the human’s ass felt more firmer and tighter. Martin’s cock and balls having been grown twice its size and now beginning to finally seep the last of his human seed. A building pressure and his huge balls made him moan as he begins shaking. The fat all over Martin’s body begins deflating and is quickly replaces with muscle as he starts growing taller. His Shoulders grow out words as much he grew taller. His chest grew into the size of a barrel. His abs grew even with a layer of fat on his hairy stomach. Pecs growing so big that the fat nipples were pointing downwards. Arms and legs grew into the size of huge tree trunks huge hands and feet to go with it. Martin’s facial features quickly succumb to the Ogreish transformation, gaining their facial features in the process. With a final roar from Martin, he came shooting the last of his humanity onto the grass, but he still wants more. “Harder pounded harder,” the ogre Martin yelled out enjoy. Jack grabs Martin’s muscular back for a better grip, as he is obliging him by starting to pound the new ogre’s ass even harder. Darian’s eyes having begun watering at the sight of his friend’s transformation. looking towards his friend Cluster for strength to help resist his corruption; Only to discover his is being spit roasted by the one called Oz and the dark skin ogre with a black curly hair. His blank eyes over his ridiculously obese body that shock and shakes with an energy as the first and final sign, the point of no return as he become an ogre. Then shadow covers his sight the redhaired ogre with a large container filled with unknown liquid and a tube connected to the container. Darian’s mouth opens against his will as the redhead ogre places a tubelike straw next to his mouth. He begins slurping down the contents of the container as he rediscovers the taste of the cursed apple brandy. Each chug of the alcohol makes Darian’s resistance shrink and whether as his mind slowly succumbs to intoxication and pleasure. Eventually the container and plate of food becomes empty and yet he still wants more. Darian’s drooling mouth blank eyes and red blushing face shows off how helpless he is, especially with his now morbidly obese body lays on the grass ready for any ogre to come and stuff his cock into his hungry ass. Cluster roars as he orgasms shooting the last of his humanity. With his newly Ogreish body he gets up from the two ogres spit roasting him. He starts rubbing his newly sensitive nipples as milk leaks from them, as he watches Bacopa making his way towards the back of Darian, causing Cluster’s cock to re-hardening in anticipation to what is to come. With a lick to the back of his neck Bacopa spoke to him. “I hope you’re ready for it, big boy.” Darian spits out the tube and says drunkenly. “Fuck. Fuck you all. Fuck you monsters for taking my town. Fuck for stealing my friends and family humanity. Fuuuucckk,” Darian yells out as Bacopa’s plunges dick into his ass. A single thrust from Bacopa causing orange and hair to start spreading across Darian’s entire fat body. Bacopa takes his tantalizing time as he pounds Darian’s ass. The Ogreish food and drink making Darian belly turn and jiggle as it begins to react to the ogre’s seed. Some of the ogres like Cluster, Oz and the redhead ogre starts or had begun masturbating as they watch Darian start his transformation into an ogre while the rest continue fucking each other. The fat on Darian’s body starts melting away as fuel for his changing body. First his hard cock grows and doubles in size in length and circumference then his balls swell to the huge size of grapefruit. Then his fat on his belly is quickly eaten up by his growing abs, as his flab pecs firm up and swell with hard muscle over his big hairy stomach. His Biceps swell in sizes reaching the girth of huge bowling balls as thighs reach the size of tree trunks. Fingers growing as large as sausages, hands becoming the size of baseball mitts. Back muscles grew until they can be felt by Bacopa’s hands. Facial features shifting and turning as they became more Ogreish and parent giving him a caveman especially with his beard. With another thrust from Bacopa on to Darian’s Ogreish fat ass, he came and shot the last of his humanity. Darian felt so much pleasure as Bacopa kept pounding his Ogreish ass and tell Bacopa eventually came. When they were both done with their sex they got up, Darian wobbles a little bit as he does so, not used to his new body. Then he notices Cluster masturbating next to him. Darian makes his way towards Cluster and begins licking and sucking on Cluster’s nipples, tasting the milk that comes out. Cluster moans in pleasure liking the way that Darian is teasing his nipples. Then Martin grabs Cluster’s shoulder and give him a big sloppy kiss before they all three restarts having sex with each other. In a house across the street, an ogre in a room of his house, watches and masturbate at the sight of the orgy, with his torn-up clothes strewn across the floor while a changing man sits on his lap masturbating as well, clothes starting ripping and tearing at the scene of his growing body. “Once you’re done changing, I think we should join the party,” the ogre says with a smile at the changing man. Underneath the house of partying of ogres. In the basement strange symbols of magic glow, a femoral blue. On a mat on the floor of the basement laid two ogres in the act of sex from which they have been doing it for hours. These actions feeling the corrupting powers of the house trawling humans and spitting out ogres. As the ogre’s orgy of sex and destruction spread around the city the foggy guy starts turning into clouds as they to stir.
- transformation
- muscle growth
(and 6 more)
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dom/sub GEOFF and jim: wimpy noodle becomes a MUSCLE DOM -- Camp Avslapning Parts 1 - 5 NSFW
anonrockclimber posted a topic in Stories
GEOFF and jim: Camp Avslapning Part 1 June 2010 I’d been looking forward to this trip for a while. A bunch of my friends – several from work and a few others – and I were heading to the mountains for a week. We had rented a hike-in-only camp comprising five sleeping cabins (each slept two to four adults), a mess hall, a washroom building divided into two – for men and women – with toilet stalls and gang style showers, and a bunch of outdoor facilities including a sauna (everyone and every place had one here), a wood burning cedar hot tub, and a cold dunk. The place was billed as a rustic retreat where you can get away from it all. The camp warned that there was no cell signal and so our mobile devices would not connect with our data plans. This sounded PERFECT for me. Typically I (and most of my co-workers) worked 60 hour weeks; we felt like we were always on call and expected to be on our email constantly. But, we had just finished a huge deal and several of us were getting away to celebrate. What better way than to be off the grid for 8 days? I got out of town late. A few things came up at work on Friday morning and I was driving out at 5 (I intended to leave at noon) – typical. Fortunately, it was the middle of June and the days were long (albeit cool given how far north we lived). I got to the trail head at 730p and while it didn’t ever get pitch black up here – it did get dark and I had a 7 kilometer hike ahead of me and knew that I had to hoof it. Although it was a bit cool (10 degrees or so) I only had a long sleeve shirt from REI on and some hiking pants – my jacket was in the outer pocket of my backpack. I parked my car, got out and headed to the back to get my pack on and get going. I caught my reflection in the car window and – I have to confess – I liked what I saw. At 45, I had a lean athletic build that filled out my shirt nicely. You could see the mounds of my pecs through my shirt, my muscular shoulders capped my 16.5” arms which filled out the sleeves, and my broad shoulders tapered down to a tight 29” waist. You couldn’t see my legs because of my pants, but my ass was perky (I turned around to catch a glimpse) from my hip thrusts, deadlifts, and squats. AT 5-10 and 175 pounds I was an athletic middle aged man with a silver beard. And I relished the opportunity to show off my physical dominance over other men – whether it was at my box (its what we called our functional fitness gym), the gym where I lifted weights, or wrestling around in my gay wrestling league. I put my backpack on, took one final quick look at myself in the reflection (damn I’m a hot alpha) and headed to the trail. At the trail head was a sign 7K to Camp Avslapning. Attached to the sign was a note: Hey Jim, sorry you had to get a late start. As an FYI – you’ll be bunking with Geoff. See you when you get here. “Huh,” I thought, “I haven’t seen Geoff in 5 years. It’ll be good to catch up.” And with that I headed off. It was a challenging trail – even for me. But that didn’t stop my mind from wondering a bit. I was thinking back to the last time Geoff and I had hung out. He was Jane’s (my co-worker) younger brother. I had just moved here and Jane was hosting a welcome party for me at her flat. Geoff was visiting her from the US. He was 20 years old and in the middle of his engineering degree. He had just come out and I could tell he had a crush on me. He was tall, 6’3”, handsome face with a sharp jaw line, curly blond hair, but skinny. Sopping weight he weighed - at most – 150lbs. We chatted most of the night – we both got a little bit tipsy – and agreed to meet up a couple days later. We had brunch and I told him I liked to wrestle (was part of a wrestling league in University). He said that he always found it interesting and I invited him back to my place to roll around. I’m ashamed to admit that I took quite a bit of pleasure in wiping the floor with him. I know I walked the line – almost pushed it too far – his exclamations of agony let me know that I was effectively using my muscular body to inflict a bit of pain… and I may have held some holds just a bit longer than I should have; but, it was all in good fun and he assured me that he enjoyed himself. His semi-hardon confirmed that for me, too. We hung out quite a bit that summer, five years ago. We wrestled a lot – I dominated him, we had lunch and dinners together on the weekend, hiked in the mountains just outside of town, and went rock climbing quite a bit. I could see in his blue eyes that he was smitten for me. He’d ask me to flex my arms for him, for permission to rub his hands on my washboard abs, and would even request a pec bounce or two. I told him the price of admission was that he had to allow me to squeeze out a few wrestling submissions from his lips… he always agreed and I always took it right up to the line. I even taught him some safe words to let me know if I was approaching his limit or had crossed over (I only crossed over a couple of times). But, he was 20 years younger and was just a rail. I like my subs to have some meat on them – some ability to fight back. A sub that is tough to control is just more fun. I wonder how Geoff’s been. I may even wipe the cabin floor with him again. I smirked and headed off at a fast pace. Two and a half hours later I was hiking into camp. It was dusk and cool – maybe 5 degrees. In spite of this, I was sweaty and felt exhilarated. At the entrance to cap was a map with a note attached to it. Hey Jim, you’ll be with Geoff in Cabin 2. Figured with your love of fitness and activity, you’d appreciate the hike to it. Geoff is game, too. I looked at the map – Cabin 2 was way up the hill, isolated and out of the way. It was the furthest from any of the camp’s amenities. Probably a 10 minute walk from the nearest cabin and 15 from the showers. I walked into camp. It looked like everyone had headed to bed already. I was kinda surprised – I expected folks to be in the sauna or the hot tub. And I began my hike up to the Cabin. Cabin 2 was the only one with the light on. A few minutes later I was opening the door. I looked around – yup this is rustic. A concrete floor with a throw rug in the middle. And a single bunk bed. On the bottom bunk was what looked to be a bigger version of Geoff. He was spread out over the bed – it barely contained him – wearing a baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. He was reading a book. I saw him and thought “oh man the boy got fat, too bad.” On the top bunk he had spread out all of his stuff. Geoff looked up from his book a great big smile on his face. He saw me looking at the top bunk – with his stuff strewn all over it – and his smile took on a slightly different look. “JIM! Hey! It is so good to see you!” Geoff didn’t get up. “Geoff, wow man. Good to see you too! You’ve…… changed.” “Yeah, I’ve put on a bit of weight. Once I turned 21, I found it hard to keep the weight off… but what can you do?” “Yeah, well….. hey, there’s only one bunk bed in here. I thought all the cabins had two.” “Yeah” Geoff said, “we decided to move the other bunk that was in here down to Cabin 1 for Jane. She brought some friends with her and they all wanted to bunk together. I said you’d be game.” “Yeah sure.” I said, “Well, why don’t you help me move your stuff off the top bunk and we can catch up.” “I’ve got a better idea, Jim. Let’s wrestle for the top bunk. Whoever gets five submissions first can claim the top bunk.” “Well, I just hiked 7 K with a 20kilo pack on… but sure… it will probably be a bit more of a fair match that way.” Geoff just smiled. He stood up and removed his sweatshirt. My jaw dropped. What I had assumed to be a fat flabby body beneath that sweatshirt was the muscular body of a powerlifter. Only, Geoff had hardly any fat on him. I took in the sight – he was a gorilla. He had a thick powerful waist – probably 34” or so, but I could easily see his abs on his stomach as he breathed in and out. His pecs were massive – so much so that his nipples pointed down to the cold concrete floor. While I was taking in their sheer size, the left pec twitched – seemingly unbeknownst to Geoff. As it did so, ripples emerged just under his tight skin. He had veins running up and down his arms and shoulders and a couple across his pecs. His traps were like mounds sitting on either side of his massive neck. He bent over to remove his sweat pants. I got quick flash of his massive and muscular back. It was thick with mounds of muscle – powerful. When his sweat pants were removed, he revealed massive legs that were proportionate to the rest of his powerful body; he was wearing briefs that barely contained his glutes. His thighs were at least 30” of muscle, his calves bulged and dwarfed my upper arms. And, as with his upper body, hardly any fat was visible. It was all granite muscle. And across his entire body was a thick mound of body hair – almost fur. Geoffrey was a beast. This is going to be fun, I thought to myself. I loved to dominate muscle subs. And what stood before me was the epitome of muscle subs. Geoff saw that I was taking in his body with a greedy delight. He smiled. “You like what you see, now?” As he spoke he reached up and ran his right hand through his hair, his right bicep bulged as he did so (he wasn’t flexing). “Yeah Geoff, you’ve been working out!” “I have. I’m up to 260 pounds now. My arms were 22” when I measured them a couple months ago. But with my supplements they may be 22.5” by now.” He flexed his right bicep as he said this and it erupted in a mountain of muscle. He lowered his arm and bounced his pecs. He bounced them in sync and then one at a time. They were so hefty I could almost hear them as they lifted and dropped with each flex. And, striations beneath his chest hair appeared and disappeared with each contraction. He smiled. “Now, Jim, before we begin, remind me what were the safe words again?” I smiled, this is going to be fun – I LOVE pushing muscle subs to the limit and sometimes guiding them to just beyond. And from the stable of subs I’ve collected, they love it too. “Yellow when you’re at the limit but don’t want the scene to end. Red when the lines’ been crossed and we need stop.” “Ahh yes. That’s right. I’d forgotten how dull your safety words were. With my subs, I have a different set of words. Water for when you need a break but don’t want the scene to end and rock if I’ve taken you over the limit and you need the scene to end, immediately. I guess I should tell you, Jim - in the last five years, in addition to putting on mass, I’ve been training in martial arts. I just received my brown belt in Jujitsu fastest progression ever seen at my school. I’ve been looking forward to this for the past 5 years.” “Fuck” I thought. I had been in a wrestling league for years but never had any formal training. It was all erotic fun for me. The only times that I ever lost were to someone with formal training and the most humiliating losses were handed to me by blue and purple belts in jujitsu. Now, standing in front of me was massive bodybuilder/power lifter, someone with grappling training, and someone who had just announced that he was an alpha with a stable of subs of his own. What was even more frightening in that moment was all the recollections that came flooding back to me – times when I had used my athletic prowess to dominate a young skinny sub – and push him beyond his submission point – forced him to beg me to end a scene through cries of pain. I looked at him, his massive chest rising and falling with each breath, his powerful core showcasing a set of washboard abs, his quads, arms, and neck. I could see the strength in every fiber of his body and wondered if his claim of grappling training was true. If it was, I was about to have my ass handed to me. And given that we were in the cabin furthest from the rest of camp, no one was likely to hear my screams. His mouth was partially open - a look of hunger, like a snake about to eat its prey. He slowly licked his lips. Geoffrey raised his arms in a double bicep pose. Mountains of granite on both arms. And then into a most muscular pose. His face turned from a devilish grin into an aggressive show of dominance. “Ready for some pain old man?” I took in this muscular alpha with a look of aggressive, killer lust in his eyes. I noted that his briefs had filled and it looked like his cock was hard. A wet spot was forming on the front. Geoffrey was getting turned on by his show of dominance and we had not even begun. Fuck what was about to happen to me?- 16 replies
- 18
- muscle dom
- role-reversal
- (and 11 more)
Muscle fog ogre’s gift CH 1 part 5 By Big-Zargo Ogres Invade the Hospital This night would be a good night to look at the stars, but Owens fog covers the sky blanketing the moon and stars in its embrace. The fog seeks and spreads finding victims to propagate Owen’s influence, turning their victims into ogres. Fat, muscular, skinny, average, gay or straight, smart or dumb, healthy or not, any man caught by Owen’s fog will succumb to his will. These ogres under Owens control had been destroying buildings of Holmes top Borough so that Owens Palace could be made and that his domain could be secured. Any humans who survived the first night of Owens takeover who were unfortunate enough to encounter Owens ogres quickly succumb joining the orgy of sex and destruction as an ogre. It has been two weeks since Owen had captured Samuel and transformed him into an ogre, and it had been a bright idea to do so. Unbeknownst to him his ogres had been degrading losing their intelligence and their memories. If it hadn’t been for the ogre-fied Samuel all of his ogres would have been degraded and he would just have to start from scratch re-teaching them all. Having a bunch of dumb ogres would have been easy to control and made them more loyal to him. But it was important that they retain their intelligence; each of their perspectives would give his town variety. Samuel’s fix for the problem is both intelligent and temporary; for by storing the memories and intelligence of his ogres he is able to stop the degrade in select few of his lieutenant ogres or even slowing it down to a crawl in others, but this leads plenty of dumb ogres, who need management to stay out of trouble. In the biggest tent in the city of tents Lord Owen sits upon his big couch like chair towering with his orange muscular body looking down at a blonde-haired man, making this man look like a child. “You’re offering to me is sufficient to attain my audience. Now tell me human what do you seek.” Owen says, while his face is hidden by shadows making the human guesses emotions. “I’ve seen the power of your gift, the strength and size it gives to the recipient and I wish to have it for myself.” The man says with trepidation in his voice. Owen’s shadowed face tilts to the side a little as he replies. “If you just wanted strength you could easily have just walked into my fog and let the transformation take hold rather than sacrificing your two friends to the fog, to make contact me.” After giving his statement, Owen gave a pause to see the man’s response. “The man- “I want to be the biggest, strongest, and the most masculine ogre of them all. But most of all I want to keep being straight. I’ve seen what happens to those who fall under your influence, I have seen how the degrade over time. I’ve noticed that some of your ogres maintain their intelligence and most of their personality. I want your strength, the powers you can offer me, I want musk that can make women go crazy for me, the same way how your ogres are able to make men do so.” Owen gave the man a toothy smile before frowning and leaning forward towards the man. “I could simply lie to you, tell you to do my bidding before turning you into a very big and strong ogre. But for me to grant your wish you must accept the possibility that you might turn out like the rest of my ogres. There is a chance that you may be able to retain that aspect of your sexuality for yourself but that requires a strong will, especially if you’re going to become a specialized ogre; For the more power I bestow upon my ogres the less their original human personality remains. I am trying to say is when I turned you into an ogre, your humanity will be gone and most likely that part of you that cares for a woman’s touch is most likely going to be leaking out of your fat Ogreish cock.” The man- “I have two questions for you my… Lord, Great, Master... How do you want to be called Owen? Owen- “That’s three questions human. But I will oblige. It would be Lord, for the first one.” The man- “Is there some way to get I want without losing my sexuality, and why do all the people you transform into ogres become Gay? Owen- “well now I think there might be a way to keep some of it, but the best I can do is make you bisexual the most. To answer your other question. It’s because I desire it and/ it is also desirable side effect of me transforming people into ogres. I give the people that I transform into ogres some of my essence, like copying and pasting a file, which overwrites some of their natural life force. It would take a probably about a year for the effects to be permanent. Hmmm.. Now I think of it that might be one of the reasons why they are deteriorating. Did I satisfy your questions?” The man- “Yes Lord Owen. What is the task you would like me to do? Owen- “All you need to do is infiltrate a hospital. It somehow is protected from my magical gaze and have some form of magical runes preventing my ogres getting nearby. I needed you to look around figuring out how it’s defended and if possible, destroy those defenses.” With a ripple of noise two ogres enter the huge tent behind the man, but he did not notice them. The man- “That’s it? It will be on my Lord.” “Indeed. I just need to give you a few things for the job.” Owen says, with a mirth in his voice. Three weeks later Deep within the hospital of Holmes Top Borough in an ideal location in the dark and musty basement two man on working air pumps sucking up all of the mysterious muscle fog. This ideal spot in the basement allows the men to work without risk of succumbing to Owens power. Like the sea, Owens fog rises and falls making it the perfect place to experiment with the fog. At the daytime is safe to go down the fog surprisingly retreats into mist or even fades away entirely; but that night the fog rises leaving only one staircase and platform safe to inhabit. These men seek to use the magical fog’s healing properties on their patients. Prof. Semih Zeki was average size man with long curly brown hair, gray eyes, average nose, and weeks cheekbones from the country of Turkey. He had spent the last five years in the USA during research, before heading to Holmes Top Borough to visit a colleague of his, at this very hospital. While Gang Jian was born in America after his parents immigrated, and unlike Prof Zeki he was athletic with lean muscle tannish skin with amber eyes, and long black hair tied up in a ponytail. Like Prof. Zeki he was visiting this hospital because his girlfriend’s mom was in the hospital. On the night of the mysterious fog’s parents all females and young children vanished. The young man latched on to Prof. Zeki like a child to candy because of Zeki willingness to study this strange phenomenon, giving gang some form of stability and hope for his girlfriend as they both investigate the properties of this fog. Prof. Zeki was nervous as they were extracting the muscle fog into an air container. For the last week someone has been attempting to destroy the runes which were protect the hospital from the muscle fog and its victims. He knew he was playing a dangerous game with the muscle fog, but there are too many patients that are to hurt to leave the hospital. With Dr. Wyatt’s help the dosage of the fogs healing property has been found one more night of extracting fog and condensing it into liquid form and they’ll have enough to start healing all the patients. Prof. Zeki hated how loud the gas collector it always makes him nervous. was if it wasn’t for Dr. Wyatt giving them a heads up and the lower floors and basement being practically empty because of the muscle fog surrounding the floors they have made been caught by now. Without Oliver’s wards, talismans and runes around the hospital the ogres would have somehow squeezed inside the hospital and started infecting them all; but at the same time Oliver’s wards do not prevent infection by the muscle fog, only slow it down and reversing the process if there’s not too far gone. Prof. Zeki and Gang knew something was wrong the minute the gas collector stopped making noise. “I’m going to assume are Semih Zeki and Gang Jian you to are not down here breaking my wards. Because if you are, I’m going to have to kill you.” The man behind Prof. Zeki and gang said. Turning around both Zeki and Gang to see Oliver. (Oliver was a middle-aged man with light brown skin and average body type but with a height of 4 feet tall made him a short person. His piercing gray eyes often distracted people from his soft round face. His dirty worn clothes and unshaven black hair gave him a homeless man look.) Prof. Zeki -“No No No I’m not breaking your wards Oliver. I am just collecting the fog for my experiments I believe with the right dosage the fogs healing properties could be used to help. It would make it easier for us to escape if did not have to abandoned anyone, especially the patients.” Oliver gave Zeki a hard look before saying. “I believe you Prof. Zeki that you guys are not breaking my wards.” Prof. Zeki gave an audible sigh of relief at those words. “But this fog collecting must end. The creature called Owen can feel any creature who comes in contact with his fog. That is why had the head Dr. Benjamin Helpmin turn your proposal down. We don’t know how much influence Owen would have a person who was healed by his fog. A person’s whose hand was healed by it may find their own hand moving on against their own volition, or for worse a man who has brain damage might strongly turned traitor on us at a key moment dooming us all into slavery by the wicked creature. That is why I had the containers of fog destroyed.” Prof. Zeki face turns red for a second before his face falls in sadness as he hears Oliver’s words. Gang couldn’t believe how easily Prof. Zeki gave up. Prof. Zeki work was helping people, it had the potential to heal anyone everyone in the hospital. Prof. Zeki research might be able to figure out a way to bring all the women and children back. Prof. Zeki and he have made too many sacrificed to turn back now. Oliver- “I know you guys have been using the patients for your experiments. I am willing to forgive you because I understand that you are trying to understand Owen’s fog; A may not agree with your methods but have enough empathy to understand but I understand why you did it. If you help me find the one who was breaking my wards and give me all your research notes on the fog, I will protect you from Dr. Helpmin and chief Carrick they’ve known what you’ve done and are willing to kill you or exile you. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt bio have to put a magical binding upon you two as the insurance policy.” Oliver lifts his hand out as if he was going to greet the two men. “What this so-called magical binding,” Prof. Zeki asked? Oliver- “It’s like a magical promise only if you break it there would-be consequences.” The two men looked apprehensive at the thought of Oliver’s magical binding. Prof. Zeki gave a long exhausting sigh before saying. “All I want to do was help people. When I saw that one arm man transform into an ogre and his arm was fully restored. I thought that I could use the fog to heal people.” Prof. Zeki starts to cry as he continues to speak. “I got some of the first dosages wrong on the first couple of patients and the immediately transformed into ogres. I didn’t mean to turn some of them into ogres I didn’t need to turn Kenny into one of them.” Gang couldn’t believe it. Prof. Zeki a proud man was crying like a baby and confessing actions to Oliver. This behavior from Prof. Zeki was odd to Gang. Something was wrong but he couldn’t put his tongue on it. “Come you two grabs onto my hand and all will be forgiven.” Oliver says with compassion in his voice. Before Prof. Zeki’s hand could reach out towards Oliver, Gang stopped it. “How do you know of our experiments and what did you do with all the few people healed by the magical fog.” Gang with suspicion in his voice. “Because I told them.” Said the man coming behind Oliver. Both Prof. Zeki and Gang looked shocked at the site of Dr. Wyatt as he walked into the dim light. (Dr. Wyatt was a skinny man with a black curly hair, bland facial features with a slim mustache to break up the monotony, brown eyes that are surrounded by thick round glasses and dark brown skin that as dark as dark chocolate. He is currently wearing worn-out red button sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and his doctor’s shoes.) Dr. Wyatt’s face was pointed downwards in shame. Gang- “why Wyatt why?” With sadness in his voice. “Didn't you want to help your brother? we had collected enough to wake him up without turning them into an ogre.” Dr. Wyatt- “I’m sorry but chief Carrick caught me sneaking around the lower floors and I panicked when I saw him and ran; Sadly, for me, he was faster. He brought me to Oliver, and he gave me two choices tell him what I was doing down at the first floor or he would place a curse an upon me.” Something was wrong but Gang cannot put his finger on it. Prof. Zeki was giving up too easily, he had to knock him out just so he can get some sleep three days ago. Dr. Wyatt and himself had made plans just for this occasion, although he wasn’t a great liar, he was good of the subterfuge of half-truths. Something was definitely up with the situation. Looking around Gang at Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt he noticed that their body language was off; it was if they were drunk, the way their bodies moved side to side in a circular motion. Backing away Gang asked. “What have you done to them Oliver? What kind of spell had the cast upon them?” Oliver - “MMMM… You seem to have a natural resistance to magic or magic of own which is defending you against my charm. Sadly, for you, I have no time to break through your defenses or to test to see if you are capable of becoming a wizard or sorcerer. My spell to secure this location is surprisingly delicate. I can’t have you accidentally messing it up by be here, neither can I allow you to escape if Owen got his hands on you, we will be doomed.” Gang- “If I’m such a wrench in your plan what about the trader? With Owen’s help he could stop whatever you’re doing.” Oliver- “I doubt that. The trader is clearly human if he had an ounce of magical power, I would’ve sensed it. I’ve been scanning all week for any magic users in the area. When the trader began destroying my wards and runes, I found you, Dr. Wyatt and Prof. Zeki through my scanning. I cannot let you and your allies jeopardize the safety of the people of this hospital, with you and your reckless experiments with the muscle fog. By you being resistant to my charm spells you can cause great trouble to me and the protection of this hospital, because of that Gang, you must die for the greater good.” With those words Oliver pointed towards Gang's chest and with a flash, a fireball hit him pushing and flipping him off the edge of the platform. His body falls onto the ground making a big flat as it does so. Oliver would have loved to simply kill all three of them and be done with it, but he needed Prof. Zeki notes, and he promised the head Doctor and the chief that he would apprehend Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt for their judgment. Besides with the charm he put over them they’ll confess everything. This has been the second potential he had to kill, but it had to be done. With Gangs immunity to my charm spells and keen eye he would have found out, that I had control of the leadership of the hospital. even if you were to be executed the rumors, he would make would slow his plans down for evacuating the other potentials. Looking around he thought that this place would make a good excellent to store the other six potentials while they’re still in magical stasis on the second floor. With a wave of his hand, he compelled charmed Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt to follow him. The good news or bad news for Gang when he was pushed off the platform by Oliver’s fireball, he fell directly into Owens muscle fog. If Oliver knew how powerful the fogs healing was, he would’ve aimed for the face. As it stands the fog began to work overtime to repair Gang’s broken body. Unknowingly to Owen, Oliver or any of the other guardians, Gang’s bloodline of Magic was now awakening due to the residue of Oliver’s magic and Owens magical fog. The limbs that were broken because of his fall began to reassemble themselves. The hole in his chest began to fill in, as he began to regain consciousness. The mostly dormant magic in gang body began to awaken and grow, like a plant deprived the water its greedily soaked up the magical fog. Everything felt like it was on fire to Gang as his magic transformation began. With every breath from his chest Gangs body swells with might, his arms and legs growing in the rhythm with his healed heart. Every second Gangs body grew and grew with muscle and height quickly stretching out his of clothes. Boiling magical blood flow through his body feeding his grow of his muscular body. His cock quickly hardens as it becomes erect, causing him to moans out in pleasure. With sounds of tearing and popping the remains of his clothes quickly fall to the floor as Gangs transformation kicks into high gear. Gangs fine six pack grew into a muscle gut, his biceps grew into huge bowling balls, his thighs grew into muscular tree trunks. His feet and hands became huge pads and baseball mitts with black nail like claws. Like swelling balloons his balls grew into oranges and his hard cock swells into a thick 12-inch-long monster. Two small black horns, like round triangles grow out of Gang’s head. his teeth sharpen as his lower canine grow outwards turning into tusks. His jaw turns squarish, his nose becomes more blunter, as well as his facial features. His amber eyes begin to glow a supernatural yellow, as his brow ridge grows out giving him a demonic caveman look. Wild black hair starts growing on his thick barrel chest, and spreads all over his body covering his arms, legs, back and ass and leaving a nice treasure trail to his huge cock and balls. His face quickly follows, His eyebrows thickening, as grows a wild beard and mustache and has his already long hair grows even more longer and wilder. Finally, his skin turns blue with dark patches sprinkled in. The finalization of his of his transformation causes gang to roar in pleasure as he came, shooting out all of his humanity through his fat cock. Seeing the changes to his body rekindle his lust, that he felt earlier. His fat cock rehardens, as he sets up moving his body in a sitting position. Gang’s felt his mind hazy and conscious at the same time. Like a dream gang’s body moves on its own reaching his meaty hand towards his erect cock, with no conscious control of his mind. Lightning bolts of pleasure raced through his mind as starts to pleasure himself on his fuck-stick. “My god,” Gang thought, “this feels fucking good. My whole body feels like it is on fire and it makes me so fucking horny. I feel like I can run all day and still have enough energy to fuck all night. If this is how it feels to be one of Owens ogres, then it’s no curse. Faster, stronger and a libido I don’t know why we resisted.” After any other minute of masturbating Gang came again, shooting out his poet and thicker cum all over his big hairy body. “Fuck”, Gang mound out in pleasure. After his second orgasm Gang kept finding new ways to pleasure himself. For hours he kept playing with himself finding new ways to feed his lust. Pausing his pleasure after hearing a mysterious voice in his head. “HMMMM… Well, your different, but maybe I can help you. My name is Owen.” “Help?” Gang sniffed in annoyance. “I’m so fucking horny, I can barely think straight. I’m so fucking horny, I doubt I can even save Semih and John from Oliver.” Owen- “please tell me more.” And so, Gang did. Telling Owen his story and eventually telling him everything he knew. “I think I can help you Gang, with your predicament.” Owen said with a thought of a smile. Several hours later Oliver, Kendall the head Doctor of the hospital, and Carrick the chief of police in Holmes top Borough were all standing on the roof top of the hospital, waiting on the betrayer to be delivered to them. All three leaders, two prisoners, and four guards were waiting for the betrayer to be delivered both Kendall and Carrick were staring daggers at Prof. Zeki and Dr. Wyatt, Kendall with brownish gray eyes and Carrick with the green eyes. Both Kendall and Carrick contrast each other, Kendall with his average body, brown skin, black hair, and clean-shaven face, compared to Carrick’s round body, pale white skin, reddish-brown hair, and nice bushy mustache. Carrick- “I can’t believe we found for traders among us. You think that being transformed into a huge muscle horny caveman controlled by a vengeful supernatural entity would unite us together.” Kendall- “Sex crazed ogres or zombies the results are the same. Some will rise to the challenge while others will be found wanting.” Carrick- “I guess a zombie apocalypse would be worse because we would have to kill our loved ones if they became infected.” Kendall- “HMM… It’s hard to say which ones worse, on the one hand, a zombie infection that comes from virus, would be no leader, both male and females, adults and children can all become infected; and eventually the infected would die out, because of exposure from the elements and a lack of food and water. On the other hand, Owens infection is magical, and it has a leader to direct be infected and maintain victim’s health.” Carrick- “Yeah you’re right it’s pretty was hard to say which ones worse. By the way don’t you find it’s pretty strange that Owens infection only effect men?” Kendall- “Yeah, it’s pretty strange.” Oliver- “I believe it’s what gives it the most power. As a God, devil or demigod he gains its power through worship. These deprived acts of sex and destruction must be would feel it is. It must not be able to corrupt females or it’s simply too hard to do so. What puzzles me the most is the children? They should be the most easily to corrupt.” The insightful conversation that Oliver was having with, Kendall and Carrick ended as the trader was escorted onto the top of the roof of the hospital with them. The trader was sickly pale tan skin man, with blue eyes, that had a rabid tint to them, long filthy blond hair, triangle like face, a short scruffy beard and a lean and muscular body, as if he been starving for days. In short, the man looked like a rapid animal. The man was easily carried by the two guards escorting him. Oliver thought that he would be too weak to interrogate and maybe too dangerous to use spells on; But he and the men knew what they had to do. Oliver- “you do not need to be here Kendall; you can stay near to the door of the stairwell. One the guards will grab you, if your medical services are needed.” Kendall- “thank you for the concern, but this must be done. I’ll be near just in case you need me to keep him alive. Besides I can always leave the range of your silence spell.” With a wave of his will, he cast the spell of silence around them, so that the interrogation of the prison there may begin. A dome of light appeared surrounding all the men on the roof top before disappearing. On the ground level an ogre with a pair of magical binoculars had been watching. One of Owens plan has come to pass in it was now time for its execution. The trader’s work was done Owen now had a direct line to the hospital in fact several lines for which he could pump his muscle fog inside the building. With his will Owen began pumping his fog through the air vents of the hospital, while casting his own silent spells with the help of Gang. Gang began moving his big body throughout the hospital beginning with the basement to the first floor; casting silent spells as well as laying the fogs magic abilities to bending reality. Rather than destroying the building and bring along noise the fog had transmuted the properties to be like soft sturdy rubber, like if the hospital was a fun house. They are very few people guarding on the first floor, and because of that they were the first to succumb to Owens will. With a blast of a fog ball striking a guard in the middle of his chest. He quickly starts changing into a muscular ogre; muscles quickly grew destroying his close. His facial features changed and tell he resembled a brutish caveman. The intelligence in his eyes quickly fading, being replaced with dumb horniness, and with a silent roar, he came shooting out the rest of his humanity through his new fat Ogreish cock. The newly changed ogre quickly fell into line, following Gang in converting the humans in the hospital into ogres. One then two then three and eventually all ten guards on the first floor, fell into line as big 10 feet tall ogres, each peppered with wild hair all over their bodies, each with horniness clouding their minds, each radiating fog all over their bodies, each leaking erects foot long cock scheming out muscle fog as their Ogreish cum by making contact with the air, and each ready to spread Owen’s gift. With a psychic command of their master, they split up each quickly taking the stairs in the hospital. The people on the second floor knew something was wrong, as everything became silent all at once. Quickly barging in through the hallway of the second floor. The ogres ran towards guards first and then people, spreading Owen’s gift with one touch. Young adult or old man, fat or skinny, sickly or healthy, injured or well, and any between felt Owen’s blessing passing through their bodies. One by one the victims start to transform and like guards on the first floor before they quickly grow out their clothing. Their big meaty hairy pecs popping out of There barrel chest, as shirts pop off of their growing bodies. Hands grew into mitts as, biceps became huge as bowling balls, destroying any shirt sleeves if worn. As their big feet quickly destroy their human size shoes. Pants and shorts rapidly start tearing and exploding off of them, unable to handle the big solid hairy thighs of an ogre. Undergarments dropping off of huge chests and wide waists, revealing their foot-long hard cock, huge orange size balls and their big thick hairy ass. Before anyone human on the second floor had knew what was happening they were all roaring as they shot the last humanity. Owen’s blessing had reached the second floor turning all the humans into his ogres. Their skin had taken and turned into different shades of orange if their skins weren’t dark already. Like the guards on the first floor, their faces became more brutish, the hair on their had grown wild and their minds have gone blank being replaced with sexual desires. Some if not all of the fat on their bodies transferred when they became an ogre. most of doors which remained close and/or locked now opened, with the fog spilling out, as the occupants came out. Even those who hidden inside their rooms were not safe, even those who were asleep or injured were not safe from Owens blessing. The sexual energy was now ramping up with so many ogres nearby each other some of them even beginning masturbating while others began to hump each other. Within another mental thought the ogres began moving towards the third floor to spread Owen’s blessing. Oliver felt the disturbance as a man outside in a hurry, passing through his invisible barrier of silence to reach them. The guard- “the ogres have invaded the hospital and they have already claimed the first two floors. Oliver, we need your help to ward them off. The talismans you’ve given us all working, but there’s too many of them and they’re quickly spreading. I fear the people on the third floor may be lost. If you don’t hurry the fourth and fifth floors will be consumed by the ogre’s sexual rampage.” Carrick- “Fuck! If we don’t, at least repel these ogres from the second or third floor we will be trapped, at the top floors of this hospital.” Oliver- “Kendall, Matt and you guards stay up here, on the roof top where is safe and watch the prisoners. The rest of you follow me we need to stop the ogres before the corrupt this entire hospital. Oliver, Carrick and the rest of the guards made their way downstairs to the fourth floor. Before heading down Oliver had cast a silent beacon spell intended for the other guardian but one unknown to Samuel. By the time they got to the fourth floor they discover that the third was lost. Oliver discovers that the floors were being silenced to prevent any attempt of a mountable defense and to isolate them from each other. Quickly taking of the situation, Oliver had the stairwells quickly secure to prevent further spreading to the fourth and fifth floors. Once the fourth floor was secure Oliver asked, Carrick to go and check up on the fifth floor and secure it. With complete trust in Oliver’s wisdom, Carrick made his way to the fifth floor. He began the process of securing the fifth floor making sure that the people were calm and not panicking making sure that everyone has the talismans. These talismans made by Oliver are like crosses to a vampire for the ogres pushing them back and re-pal the effects of the fog on people. Sadly, the potency of these talismans had limits eventually they would run out of power, then the ogres could go on to grab you, and make you join their sausage party. “Carrick Sir, Dr. Horton he has vital information for you and Oliver. This information so important that’s for your and Oliver’s ears only.” Said the masked guard, whose bluish green eyes glimmer in the light. Getting a few more commands to the people and guards, carrack made his way to the roof top. Making his way through the stairs and opening the door, Carrick wondered what kind of info was so important that Kendall had to tell him in person. Carrick- “What is it that you….” Splat!! A blast of hot ogres cum had fell straight into Carrick’s mouth as he was talking. He stuttered for a second gagging on the ogres cum in his mouth nearly falling into the stairwell before reflexively swallowing and gaining his balance. The sight Kendall, the guards, Prof. Zeki Dr. Wyatt as ogres had stunned him and arouse him at the same time. Carrick’s face quickly paled of the relays what happened to him and his friends. But sadly, for him these were his last thoughts, as his mind became foggy with lust. His body quickly changed into a big hairy ogre quickly bursting through his clothing with his new 10 feet tall muscular orange colored body. His once average cock transformed into a fat foot long monster, before shooting all of his humanity. Carrick now a big hairy ogre felt the call of his master as well as the others. the guards on the fifth floor, quickly found out that the talismans no longer work, as the ogres came into contact. Within several minutes the people on the fifth floor quickly succumb to Owen’s gift, each roaring in primal ecstasy, as they shot the last of their humanity through their fat Ogreish cocks. People on the four floors, after hearing the roars coming from third and fifth floors begun to panic. “Gather to me and hold strong, I have one last idea.” Oliver said with command and confidence. Oliver knew that they were doomed. He knew they cannot escape. Maybe he could have escaped on his own leaving the people to their fate, but eventually he would be cornered, captured and corrupted into Owen’s slave. The outcome he cannot allow to happen neither would he abandon these people under his protection. He knew what must be done but could he do it? As the ogres came closer to the circle of people Oliver lifted his glowing red hands up into the sky and cast one last great spell. In an instant, him, and the people around him exploded. This explosion creating a shockwave that blasted the few ogres out of hospital and collapsing the third fourth and fifth floors into each other. Leaving the hospital of Holmes top borough practically destroyed. A few days later Owen was both frustrated and happy because one more Guardian was gone; but sadly, he was not able to corrupt losing a potential asset. Still the prices he got was well worth it and discoveries he made with magical potentials he found in the wreckage. Gave him one more chance to corrupt a guardian, the last Guardian he thought. Next time he would have to make sure the Guardian would not destroy himself or his potential recruits. It was a nightmare to save the potentials and my ogres from Oliver’s explosion luckily, we ogres are quite durable. Now I send Leo to do one last task for me prefer giving his reward. One the last bastion for the people I must conquer before this town is mine.